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An Error has occured retrieving Wikidata item for infobox PREB‏ (Prolactin regulatory element binding) هوَ بروتين يُشَفر بواسطة جين PREB في الإنسان.[1][2][3]


الأهمية السريرية


  1. ^ Fliss MS، Hinkle PM، Bancroft C (مايو 1999). "Expression cloning and characterization of PREB (prolactin regulatory element binding), a novel WD motif DNA-binding protein with a capacity to regulate prolactin promoter activity". Mol Endocrinol. ج. 13 ع. 4: 644–657. DOI:10.1210/me.13.4.644. PMID:10194769.
  2. ^ Edgar AJ (يوليو 2003). "The gene structure and expression of human ABHD1: overlapping polyadenylation signal sequence with Sec12". BMC Genomics. ج. 4: 18. DOI:10.1186/1471-2164-4-18. PMC:156608. PMID:12735795.
  3. ^ "Entrez Gene: PREB prolactin regulatory element binding". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2010-12-05.

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