أرابيكا:United States dictionary transcription

من أرابيكا، الموسوعة الحرة
اذهب إلى التنقل اذهب إلى البحث

هذه الطريقة هي طريقة نسخ صوتي تستخدم في القواميس الأمريكية للفظ الكلمات في اللغة الإنكليزية، ومن أمثلة هذه القواميس:

الجدول التوضيحي

نسخ القواميس الأمريكية
حروف العلة الأمثلة التلفظ  IPA 
ă bad, lad, parry băd, lăd, păr′·ē æ
ā bay, base, bare bā, bās, bār eɪ (ɛər)[1]
â spa, balm, bard spâ, bâm, bârd ɑː (ɑr)
ĕ bed, berry bĕd, bĕr′·ē ɛ
ē bee, bead, beer bē, bēd, bēr iː (ɪər)
ə about, enter ə·bowt′, ĕn′·tər ə
ı () roses rōs′·ɪz[2] ɨ
ĭ bid, mirror bĭd, mĭr′·ər ɪ
ī bye, bide, bite, fire bī, bīd, bīt, fīr
ŏ pod, porridge pŏd, pŏr′·ıj[3] ɒ
ô paw, bought, born pô, bôt, bôrn[3] ɔː (ɔr)
ō Poe, abode, bore pō, ə·bōd′, bōr oʊ (ɔər)
ŏŏ put, foot pŏŏt, fŏŏt ʊ
ōō boo, boot, food bōō, bōōt, fōōd
oor boor boor[4] (ʊər)
oy boy, poise boy, poyz ɔɪ
ow pow, power pow, pow′·ər
ŭ bud, hurry bŭd, hŭr′·ē ʌ
ū pew, cue, pure pū, kū, pūr juː (jʊər)
ûr fur, bird fûr, bûrd ɜːr
أصوات علة غير إنكليزية الأمثلة التلفظ  IPA 
ȧ casa (Spanish) kȧ′·sȧ a
é clé (French) klé e
ö danke schön (German) dâng′·kə shön ø
ü jus (French) zhü y
vin blanc (French) vĕⁿ′ blâⁿ′   ̃
- Hawaii (Hawaiian) hə·wī′·-ē ʔ
الأصوات الصحيحة الأمثلة التلفظ  IPA 
ch chat chăt
dh that, mother dhăt, mŭdh′·ər ð
g get gĕt ɡ
hw which hwĭch ʍ~hw
j joy, gin joy, jĭn
kh loch lŏkh x
ng singer sĭng′·ər ŋ
ngg finger fĭng′·gər ŋɡ
s sad, city săd, sĭt′·ē s
sh shed shĕd ʃ
th thin, moth thĭn, mŏth θ
y yet yĕt j
z zed, pose zĕd, pōz z
zh vision, beige vĭzh′·ən, bāzh ʒ
- uh-oh ŭ-′·ō ʔ
التشديد الأمثلة التلفظ  IPA 
a′ pronunciation prə·nŭn′·sē·ā′·shən[5] ˌa~ˈa
battleship băt′·əl·shĭp[6]


  1. ^ When using the IPA for English, Wikipedia transcribes long vowels and diphthongs differently before /r/ than elsewhere.
  2. ^ Properly "", but this is not supported by all browsers. Some people pronounce it like ə, others something like ĭ.
  3. ^ أ ب In many dialects, when ŏ and ô are not followed by r, they are pronounced like â. This does not need to be transcribed separately, as it is automatic.
  4. ^ The vowels ōō and ŏŏ are not distinguished before r, so the diacritic can be omitted.
  5. ^ Many dictionaries mark the syllable nun with secondary stress. However, the difference is in prosody, not part of the word, and disappears when the word is embedded in a longer utterance.
  6. ^ Some dictionaries mark the syllable ship for secondary stress. This is not necessary, and here would be confused with true stress.