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أرابيكا:برنامج أرابيكا للتعليم/الجامعة الهاشمية/مشروع مليون مقالة/مقالات مقترحة
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اذهب إلى البحث
Title | Page ID | Namespace | Size (bytes) | Last change |
2collab | 16110281 | 0 | 1711 | 20190726165138 تم |
A Bibliography of the Science-Fantasy Novel | 17323525 | 0 | 2019 | 20191020130140 |
A Collation of Four Important Manuscripts of the Gospels | 23481555 | 0 | 2127 | 20190907052400 |
A Golden Anniversary Bibliography of Edgar Rice Burroughs | 17328652 | 0 | 2127 | 20191020130140 |
A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament | 23151132 | 0 | 21139 | 20191020130149 |
A Vedic Word Concordance | 17039720 | 0 | 5620 | 20191020113103 |
ABC-CLIO | 9074870 | 0 | 10627 | 20191016174928 |
ACM Guide to Computing Literature | 3294178 | 0 | 1443 | 20190726164823 |
ACS style | 4371098 | 0 | 2422 | 20190702075908 |
AFI Catalog of Feature Films | 21545370 | 0 | 3726 | 20191016175458 |
AGRICOLA | 24714940 | 0 | 4982 | 20191017095615 |
ALWD Guide to Legal Citation | 1019285 | 0 | 5087 | 20190911155237 |
ASA style | 3453719 | 0 | 3019 | 20190914071138 |
ATLASerials | 38802902 | 0 | 3066 | 20190914091953 |
Academic Search | 30436095 | 0 | 5213 | 20191016175845 |
Acts of Peter and the Twelve | 1864762 | 0 | 2038 | Rahaf Alassad |
Adam of Ross | 14602426 | 0 | 1481 | 20191016175213 |
Adolfo de Urquijo e Ibarra | 47644936 | 0 | 1028 | 20191016180558 |
Africa Bibliography | 23884273 | 0 | 2785 | 20190927140848 |
African Studies Abstracts Online | 23928799 | 0 | 1517 | 20190927140848 |
Agnieszka Biedrzycka | 44529961 | 0 | 5777 | 20191018172651 |
Air University Library Index to Military Periodicals | 24714469 | 0 | 4337 | 20190919125045 |
Ali Puli | 25367607 | 0 | 5010 | 20190924081112 |
Alisz Goriupp | 30196385 | 0 | 5648 | 20191016175839 |
Alma Dawson | 45224580 | 0 | 5743 | 20191016180504 |
Altbib | 1024349 | 0 | 841 | 20190720065139 |
American Geosciences Institute | 8825185 | 0 | 2963 | 20190911211316 |
American Theological Library Association | 879930 | 0 | 6620 | 20190929161504 |
Analytical Sciences Digital Library | 14159449 | 0 | 3056 | 20190907045533 |
Andrei Ivanovich Bogdanov | 10240883 | 0 | 6261 | 20191020141058 |
Andrei Orlov | 25492638 | 0 | 6381 | 20191016175645 |
Anna E. C. Simoni | 60792712 | 0 | 4235 | 20191016181219 |
Annio da Viterbo | 4111449 | 0 | 9527 | 20191020112428 |
Annotated bibliography | 3247362 | 0 | 10294 | 20191018162957 |
Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature | 39745359 | 0 | 4827 | 20190930001849 |
Anthropological Literature | 20976469 | 0 | 6488 | 20190930131731 |
an annotated bibliography and research guide | 13406419 | 0 | 3778 | 20191020183508 |
Antonio Bachiller y Morales | 56759322 | 0 | 1291 | 20191016181021 |
Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius | 1863264 | 0 | 15340 | 20191016174419 |
Apographa | 54184868 | 0 | 4088 | 20191001103344 |
Apostolus Christinopolitanus | 42017459 | 0 | 3860 | 20190907061445 |
Apparatus ad omnium gentium historiam | 25203671 | 0 | 3043 | 20191016175638 |
Applied Research in Patacriticism | 10033351 | 0 | 4481 | 20191009023741 |
Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts | 24840271 | 0 | 1532 | 20190731063153 |
Arachne | 5961110 | 0 | 8896 | 20191012133523 |
Aramaic New Testament | 915972 | 0 | 21231 | 20190929163728 |
Archetype | 54056663 | 0 | 1806 | 20190720084046 |
ArchiveGrid | 3512414 | 0 | 7708 | 20191014163000 |
Aristarchus of Samothrace | 770474 | 0 | 3487 | 20191020112145 |
Aron Freimann | 35624944 | 0 | 3579 | 20191016174346 |
Arts and Humanities Citation Index | 2209985 | 0 | 5611 | 20191016174444 |
Fabric | 47874418 | 0 | 775 | Rahaf Alassad |
Astrophysics Data System | 486527 | 0 | 28823 | 20191009005114 |
Atelier national de reproduction des thèses | 36840952 | 0 | 6660 | 20191011120605 |
Athanasios Asimakopulos | 23428808 | 0 | 24140 | 20191020113428 |
Atla Religion Database | 13595906 | 0 | 5241 | 20191005202905 |
Auction catalog | 414975 | 0 | 2879 | 20190601142342 |
Augsburg Book of Miracles | 59988910 | 0 | 9241 | 20190907070612 |
Australian Bibliographic Network | 44633637 | 0 | 9910 | 20191016180451 |
Authors Guild | 37514107 | 0 | 15280 | 20191017195151 |
BARTOC | 50624065 | 0 | 2882 | 20191004134757 |
BASE | 11253805 | 0 | 4195 | 20191012133524 |
BIBFRAME | 42890663 | 0 | 10634 | 20191016180408 |
BIOSIS Previews | 24170060 | 0 | 11761 | 20191008124931 |
Bad quarto | 7704651 | 0 | 16207 | 20191016174846 |
Barons' Letter of 1301 | 36729251 | 0 | 49967 | 20191015173625 |
Bay Area Reference Center | 50750152 | 0 | 8938 | 20191017030554 |
Beaumont and Fletcher folios | 10415261 | 0 | 23141 | 20191016175003 |
Ben Jonson folios | 9395552 | 0 | 8602 | 20190928192539 |
Bertha Porter | 51757582 | 0 | 2830 | 20191016180749 |
BibBase | 40594776 | 0 | 951 | 20190818203741 |
BibDesk | 12124323 | 0 | 25096 | 20191013092810 |
BibSonomy | 10092617 | 0 | 4113 | 20191012133523 |
Biber | 29792844 | 0 | 3418 | 20190907054020 |
Bible concordance | 17436096 | 0 | 13855 | 20191005050703 |
Bible translations into English | 411477 | 0 | 26855 | 20191016014345 |
BiblioPage.com | 5244061 | 0 | 997 | 20190720070158 |
Bibliographic Index | 33502745 | 0 | 2449 | 20190928060133 |
Bibliographic database | 4629929 | 0 | 4649 | 20190908041500 |
Bibliographic index | 25714369 | 0 | 2144 | 20191012161658 |
Bibliographical Society | 22279147 | 0 | 7907 | 20191016175517 |
Bibliographical Society of America | 24736541 | 0 | 3751 | 20191011194357 |
Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia | 44851909 | 0 | 7417 | 20191010191339 |
Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale | 59594180 | 0 | 2658 | 20190907070456 |
Bibliography of 18th–19th century Royal Naval history | 37267823 | 0 | 29202 | 20190919020922 |
Bibliography of Aeolian Research | 43345489 | 0 | 4797 | 20190907061824 |
Bibliography of Music Literature | 37541655 | 0 | 7955 | 20191020114106 |
Bibliography of early United States naval history | 37121379 | 0 | 192279 | 20191007231445 |
Bibliography of works on James Bond | 37153936 | 0 | 19995 | 20190915004242 |
Bibliography on Artemisia Gentileschi | 53460439 | 0 | 7927 | 20190907064507 |
Bibliophobia | 26877005 | 0 | 1619 | 20190907053320 |
Biblioscape | 14327053 | 0 | 3700 | 20191002094654 |
Biblioteca Virtual en Salud | 7676662 | 0 | 271 | 20190927233619 |
Bibliotek.dk | 1177498 | 0 | 857 | 20190720065201 |
Biblioteksentralen | 13249020 | 0 | 2081 | 20191007090731 |
Bibliotheca Norvegica | 31949626 | 0 | 8299 | 20191020113817 |
Bibliotheca universalis | 19378082 | 0 | 8752 | 20191016175409 |
BioOne | 24597850 | 0 | 3352 | 20190914075344 |
Biography Index | 33568149 | 0 | 1745 | 20190927140852 |
Biography and Genealogy Master Index | 30773056 | 0 | 1720 | 20190907054218 |
Biological Abstracts | 24169901 | 0 | 5878 | 20190927084606 |
BlackPast.org | 28051585 | 0 | 13900 | 20190919010334 |
Blanche Henrey | 58565838 | 0 | 772 | 20191016181119 |
Bodmer Library | 11132342 | 0 | 5546 | 20191020141101 |
BonPatron | 57477581 | 0 | 5077 | 20191015221047 |
Book Citation Index | 46862330 | 0 | 5275 | 20191016180535 |
Book Review Index | 16943452 | 0 | 3373 | 20190907050403 |
Book censorship | 34848597 | 0 | 22583 | 20191018161622 |
Book of Sothis | 17382713 | 0 | 2000 | 20190907050510 |
Bookends | 19928506 | 0 | 2606 | 20191014150322 |
British Humanities Index | 32178622 | 0 | 3054 | 20190907054616 |
British Nursing Index | 50375706 | 0 | 3515 | 20191002172835 |
Brokmerbrief | 42468907 | 0 | 3883 | 20191020141547 |
Buddhist Digital Resource Center | 53370344 | 0 | 10042 | 20191002210323 |
Bureau of Diplomatic Security bibliography | 35087377 | 0 | 8410 | 20190602184708 |
CAB Direct | 28077130 | 0 | 17261 | 20190927104212 |
CD-ROM encyclopedia | 52119222 | 0 | 1522 | 20191016180755 |
CINAHL | 13345289 | 0 | 3478 | 20191001005509 |
CRIStin | 49295099 | 0 | 8944 | 20191012133536 |
CSA | 8626223 | 0 | 40606 | 20190929145540 |
Cabell's blacklist | 57298042 | 0 | 3733 | 20190907065743 |
Caesar's Messiah | 50610706 | 0 | 25556 | 20191017084618 |
Cairo Codex | 28429607 | 0 | 482 | 20190720075647 |
Calendar | 38188634 | 0 | 5360 | 20190907060249 |
Camille Cazedessus Jr. | 9921237 | 0 | 5119 | 20190919123702 |
Canonical criticism | 24659645 | 0 | 11848 | 20190919004449 |
Carita Parahyangan | 15459626 | 0 | 3850 | 20191020113017 |
Carroll D. Osburn | 51743235 | 0 | 22361 | 20191016180749 |
Carte Manuscripts | 678387 | 0 | 1594 | 20191015171733 |
Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts | 47117498 | 0 | 6351 | 20160921155402 |
Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires Preserved in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum | 34317004 | 0 | 8248 | 20191020130159 |
Catalogue of Works in Refutation of Methodism | 26790289 | 0 | 7636 | 20191020130151 |
Catherine Reilly | 13573511 | 0 | 1619 | 20191016175146 |
Centiloquium | 4344741 | 0 | 6613 | 20190304012207 |
Central and Eastern European Online Library | 22860304 | 0 | 3506 | 20190812220701 |
Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International | 11763465 | 0 | 6754 | 20191009005241 |
Chaim Yosef David Azulai | 756611 | 0 | 16236 | 20191016174151 |
Charles Davies Sherborn | 32467920 | 0 | 7755 | 20191016174343 |
ChemInform | 58177742 | 0 | 3304 | 20190927140859 |
ChemXSeer | 16380678 | 0 | 3698 | 20190907050250 |
Chemical Abstracts Service | 585185 | 0 | 11122 | 20191007210153 |
Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Abstracts | 33383655 | 0 | 3193 | 20190907054921 |
Chiastic structure | 1551204 | 0 | 20221 | 20191010191105 |
Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy | 393642 | 0 | 10176 | 20190921171408 |
China Biographical Database | 50700186 | 0 | 9216 | 20190928094720 |
A New Manual | 42949807 | 0 | 20278 | 20191020130208 |
Chinese Science Citation Database | 47180611 | 0 | 836 | 20191016180545 |
Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index | 7872091 | 0 | 893 | 20190731063153 |
Christian interpolation | 49123438 | 0 | 2726 | 20190720083317 |
Circumpolar Health Bibliographic Database | 19793189 | 0 | 3578 | 20191006202256 |
Citation Style Language | 10018490 | 0 | 2914 | 20190818113227 |
Citation dynamics | 54083241 | 0 | 3736 | 20190907064704 |
Citation index | 423362 | 0 | 4782 | 20190604110818 |
Citavi | 30722781 | 0 | 12567 | 20190927132704 |
CiteProc | 18313576 | 0 | 3359 | 20191003220834 |
CiteSeerX | 158949 | 0 | 13055 | 20191016135521 |
CiteULike | 1678664 | 0 | 10695 | 20191013023047 |
Citebase | 3446851 | 0 | 2937 | 20190916104824 |
Claremont Profile Method | 24205368 | 0 | 17910 | 20191020113455 |
Clotilde de Surville | 1924540 | 0 | 2841 | 20191016174425 |
Code of Kalantiaw | 47840638 | 0 | 11187 | 20191020114634 |
Codex Cumanicus | 1595404 | 0 | 8399 | 20191015171929 |
Codex Petropolitanus | 2624317 | 0 | 1221 | 20190831224204 |
Codex Tchacos | 4651402 | 0 | 5418 | 20191010004445 |
Codex coemeterium | 37277640 | 0 | 994 | 20190720081301 |
CogPrints | 905735 | 0 | 2840 | 20190830155708 |
Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies | 3300050 | 0 | 3639 | 20190203015948 |
Collection of Swiss Law Sources | 31737665 | 0 | 3682 | 20190114091304 |
Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries | 9939677 | 0 | 4569 | 20191014093612 |
Colwiz | 40829883 | 0 | 12282 | 20190916224642 |
Comparison of reference management software | 9922495 | 0 | 50175 | 20190926043344 |
Comparison of research networking tools and research profiling systems | 34475131 | 0 | 67410 | 20191001101527 |
CompuMath Citation Index | 39417205 | 0 | 2757 | 20191003233617 |
Concordance | 2937111 | 0 | 8715 | 20190917003748 |
Concordancer | 1453340 | 0 | 1921 | 20190818180940 |
Conference Proceedings Citation Index | 47141591 | 0 | 1346 | 20191016180544 |
Conflation of Readings | 27334700 | 0 | 1707 | 20190831232105 |
Conjecture | 21480043 | 0 | 1325 | 20190304014313 |
Consortium of European Research Libraries | 51693328 | 0 | 8584 | 20191016180747 |
Copac | 1052701 | 0 | 4226 | 20191012133521 |
Copyright Catalog | 24496351 | 0 | 9119 | 20190930192542 |
Corpus Coranicum | 26119023 | 0 | 8602 | 20190602184544 |
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum | 289434 | 0 | 5131 | 20191020112105 |
Correspondence of Paul and Seneca | 1859382 | 0 | 3718 | 20191016174419 |
Court History of David | 855030 | 0 | 2569 | 20190913204344 |
Criterion of dissimilarity | 7134666 | 0 | 3173 | 20190827152535 |
Critical edition | 43408487 | 0 | 6251 | 20190705115336 |
Critici sacri | 31485180 | 0 | 11432 | 20191010191252 |
Crossed letter | 31312600 | 0 | 2195 | 20191014094659 |
Crux | 8077495 | 0 | 3295 | 20190826024151 |
Current Contents | 14161674 | 0 | 4036 | 20190907045533 |
Current Index to Statistics | 13958910 | 0 | 1490 | 20191008224446 |
DOGE | 25561744 | 0 | 1729 | 20191020113534 |
Dalpat Vilas | 8228639 | 0 | 16606 | 20191016174904 |
Daniel Papebroch | 12017754 | 0 | 6040 | 20191016174315 |
Darenet | 1868124 | 0 | 3129 | 20191013210747 |
Das deutsche Schrifttum über den Völkerbund | 59148851 | 0 | 2790 | 20191020130225 |
Dating the Bible | 264361 | 0 | 65107 | 20191011054945 |
David Greetham | 46420351 | 0 | 4038 | 20191016180525 |
Life and Faith in Ancient Times | 39212798 | 0 | 3966 | 20190928200049 |
Deaf Bibliography | 31253236 | 0 | 1357 | 20190731063153 |
Della mercatura e del mercante perfetto | 31302632 | 0 | 9642 | 20191020130155 |
Demodocus | 4264053 | 0 | 1459 | 20191020112436 |
Desmond Clarke | 32624821 | 0 | 1912 | 20191016175952 |
Dictionary and Glossary of the Koran | 39778022 | 0 | 1305 | 20190304015716 |
Dictionary of the Holy Quran | 39767040 | 0 | 1636 | 20191019015003 |
Dietary Supplements | 38260358 | 0 | 6252 | 20190908053051 |
Digital Library of Slovenia | 18579320 | 0 | 2989 | 20191016175344 |
Digital Scriptorium | 31332189 | 0 | 18811 | 20191015173431 |
Dissertation Abstracts | 33636832 | 0 | 5413 | 20190929145547 |
Divino afflante Spiritu | 4324277 | 0 | 6115 | 20191020154217 |
Donna Kossy | 2295889 | 0 | 31060 | 20191016174445 |
Douglas Crawford McMurtrie | 27333253 | 0 | 6133 | 20191016174337 |
Drexel 4180–4185 | 45507892 | 0 | 77970 | 20191010191343 |
Drexel 4257 | 36681813 | 0 | 66350 | 20191016234811 |
Drexel 5856 | 48972423 | 0 | 12894 | 20191010191357 |
E-Theses Online Service | 55739244 | 0 | 21418 | 20191016180942 |
E-rara.ch | 26576770 | 0 | 3226 | 20191016175711 |
E. A. Lowe Lectures | 53031111 | 0 | 6195 | 20191003134156 |
E. Millicent Sowerby | 41332633 | 0 | 4606 | 20191016180323 |
EASE Guidelines for Authors and Translators of Scientific Articles | 29302533 | 0 | 6259 | 20190930034127 |
EMBiology | 30699077 | 0 | 5261 | 20190907054203 |
EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset | 61953437 | 0 | 3847 | 20191003202310 |
ERIH PLUS | 46755940 | 0 | 3224 | 20190907062640 |
EconLit | 24379735 | 0 | 1793 | 20190907052644 |
Editio Critica Maior | 14262120 | 0 | 5420 | 20191005161647 |
Editio Octava Critica Maior | 32572189 | 0 | 8862 | 20190907054721 |
Edition | 609066 | 0 | 21388 | 20191015171727 |
Edition | 253661 | 0 | 11228 | 20190919103325 |
Editions des Saints Peres | 48516579 | 0 | 9184 | 20191004144959 |
Egg Collecting and Bird Life of Australia | 25088023 | 0 | 7367 | 20191020130151 |
Ei Compendex | 14018594 | 0 | 3507 | 20190924203220 |
Eighteenth Century Collections Online | 33083586 | 0 | 6752 | 20191011194357 |
Embase | 11038274 | 0 | 5886 | 20191006175023 |
Emerging Sources Citation Index | 49394017 | 0 | 3619 | 20191016180638 |
A Clark Ashton Smith Bibliography | 17438575 | 0 | 2002 | 20191020130140 |
EndNote | 6664689 | 0 | 28418 | 20191013011511 |
Energy Citations Database | 27749268 | 0 | 13429 | 20190930034717 |
Energy Science and Technology Database | 27884730 | 0 | 5140 | 20190929011852 |
Energy Technology Data Exchange | 27895488 | 0 | 8610 | 20191009024825 |
English Broadside Ballad Archive | 47508325 | 0 | 5115 | 20190304020146 |
English Short Title Catalogue | 10179938 | 0 | 2583 | 20191016174958 |
Ephraim Deinard | 8746936 | 0 | 12354 | 20191016174921 |
Epistle to the Alexandrians | 15041172 | 0 | 2964 | 20190907045815 |
Epitome | 85264 | 0 | 4086 | 20191020112038 |
Erland Munch-Petersen | 52186356 | 0 | 1897 | 20191016180757 |
Espacenet | 2384608 | 0 | 6087 | 20190929145538 |
Eureka | 2780837 | 0 | 922 | 20190720065555 |
An Exposition of the Apocalypse | 31619792 | 0 | 3431 | 20191002172805 |
Europe PubMed Central | 9384649 | 0 | 6364 | 20190907044009 |
European AIS Database | 9186789 | 0 | 1418 | 20190720071042 |
Euthalian Apparatus | 26940228 | 0 | 5550 | 20191020113609 |
Exemplar | 36923614 | 0 | 597 | 20190720081221 |
FLUIDEX | 40359099 | 0 | 3924 | 20190929173753 |
FRANCIS | 25561659 | 0 | 1292 | 20190731063153 |
False Folio | 7764309 | 0 | 8094 | 20191016174848 |
Fascism in Britain | 2588902 | 0 | 1333 | 20191020130117 |
Felix de Latassa | 50166081 | 0 | 4642 | 20190907063559 |
FiledBy | 24122995 | 0 | 2572 | 20191019191114 |
Film Superlist | 25875516 | 0 | 2219 | 20190720075124 |
FindArticles | 18486696 | 0 | 8176 | 20191012133525 |
Fonds Coislin | 18530457 | 0 | 5879 | 20191020141225 |
Font catalog | 32483430 | 0 | 1086 | 20191020113826 |
Food Science and Technology Abstracts | 8736654 | 0 | 3650 | 20191009005231 |
Form criticism | 1878793 | 0 | 6080 | 20190918223155 |
Fortsas hoax | 10168816 | 0 | 2581 | 20191016174958 |
Fragmentarium | 55317913 | 0 | 8996 | 20190907065010 |
Francis Tregian the Younger | 8893457 | 0 | 31029 | 20191016174924 |
François Nodot | 7665480 | 0 | 1373 | 20180817101005 |
Fredson Bowers | 26261614 | 0 | 7619 | 20191016174336 |
Friedrich Wagenfeld | 21697123 | 0 | 2539 | 20191016175501 |
Fundación Sant Lluc Evangelista | 20537571 | 0 | 1084 | 20190720073815 |
G. Thomas Tanselle | 43851107 | 0 | 13876 | 20191016174353 |
GENESIS | 2080317 | 0 | 959 | 20190720065405 |
GEOBASE | 29013335 | 0 | 5682 | 20191002082748 |
Gale | 3393736 | 0 | 7159 | 20191015172152 |
Genetic editing | 31485388 | 0 | 2739 | 20190929060127 |
Genetics Abstracts | 24878047 | 0 | 877 | 20190907052805 |
GeoRef | 11650157 | 0 | 4203 | 20190907044641 |
George Philip Philes | 25222195 | 0 | 1735 | 20191016175639 |
God and Sex | 31576946 | 0 | 6828 | 20191020130155 |
Gregory of Huntingdon | 29951266 | 0 | 1602 | 20191016175830 |
Guide to Nordic Bibliography | 52186529 | 0 | 1816 | 20190908053018 |
Guide to information sources | 33487458 | 0 | 3449 | 20191016180017 |
H. W. Wilson Company | 3080636 | 0 | 7914 | 20190920041813 |
HCI Bibliography | 12674753 | 0 | 3065 | 20190523104001 |
Handbook of Latin American Studies | 51321621 | 0 | 5041 | 20190907063913 |
Harold Herbert Williams | 33309779 | 0 | 2888 | 20191016174343 |
Harrison M. Hayford | 53206166 | 0 | 38619 | 20191010191417 |
Healthgrades | 33165192 | 0 | 24517 | 20191009104917 |
Heimann Joseph Michael | 7920117 | 0 | 2346 | 20191016174853 |
Heptateuch | 2838079 | 0 | 2685 | 20190908052948 |
Hessian Bibliography | 43394350 | 0 | 2307 | 20191020114450 |
Hexateuch | 517878 | 0 | 3187 | 20191010030731 |
HighWire Press | 5542744 | 0 | 5826 | 20190911211133 |
Hinman collator | 2679476 | 0 | 4119 | 20190922093550 |
Historias de la Conquista del Mayab | 9629684 | 0 | 1976 | 20191002021527 |
Historical books | 56721159 | 0 | 1719 | 20191016181020 |
Historical editions | 10912741 | 0 | 13332 | 20190304013132 |
Historical reliability of the Acts of the Apostles | 23918116 | 0 | 50855 | 20191008141223 |
Historicity of the Book of Mormon | 13779717 | 0 | 38398 | 20191010191204 |
History Cooperative | 29229494 | 0 | 1800 | 20190915234035 |
History of printing in East Asia | 7643744 | 0 | 36248 | 20191020112644 |
Holy Cross Sermons | 379318 | 0 | 5616 | 20191020112116 |
Homeric scholarship | 4076302 | 0 | 59231 | 20191020112425 |
An Annotated Bibliography | 41184459 | 0 | 13317 | 20191020130207 |
HubMed | 3302770 | 0 | 1395 | 20190907041436 |
Hyper Articles en Ligne | 16378988 | 0 | 4667 | 20191012133525 |
Hyperkino | 52462543 | 0 | 18265 | 20190923122642 |
ICMJE recommendations | 5348279 | 0 | 6563 | 20191002172718 |
IEEE Xplore | 24657816 | 0 | 2735 | 20191009005322 |
IEEE style | 12438526 | 0 | 2422 | 20190907044941 |
IKEA Catalogue | 5857847 | 0 | 14316 | 20191016012621 |
INSPIRE-HEP | 35717280 | 0 | 4900 | 20190907055520 |
ISO 2709 | 3358575 | 0 | 5200 | 20190929145538 |
ISO 690 | 1128564 | 0 | 8835 | 20191020140859 |
ISO-TimeML | 27205653 | 0 | 3367 | 20190907053406 |
Iberian Books | 52661784 | 0 | 6495 | 20191011194357 |
Ibid. | 190975 | 0 | 3345 | 20190907034542 |
IdeaList | 59667158 | 0 | 2538 | 20190923145210 |
Idem | 3270420 | 0 | 3595 | 20190907041424 |
Incunabula Short Title Catalogue | 11545876 | 0 | 7760 | 20191016175032 |
Index Copernicus | 28850115 | 0 | 2067 | 20191016175803 |
Index Islamicus | 25520470 | 0 | 1132 | 20191019153201 |
Index Medicus | 7494550 | 0 | 12273 | 20190907043412 |
Index Theologicus | 59596898 | 0 | 8035 | 20191009090056 |
Index of Middle English Verse | 31499649 | 0 | 1318 | 20190907054415 |
Index to Fantasy and Science Fiction in Munsey Publications | 17280318 | 0 | 2108 | 20191020130140 |
Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals | 13466750 | 0 | 1251 | 20190929145540 |
Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings | 27562810 | 0 | 2757 | 20190907053456 |
Indexing and abstracting service | 33514573 | 0 | 1921 | 20190203052707 |
Indian Citation Index | 35105625 | 0 | 3450 | 20191016180102 |
InfoTrac | 7560994 | 0 | 5277 | 20190907043427 |
Initiative for Open Citations | 53708683 | 0 | 10666 | 20191001125253 |
Inscriptiones Graecae | 13564103 | 0 | 12934 | 20191007202517 |
Inspec | 10591034 | 0 | 13009 | 20190929174254 |
Institute for New Testament Textual Research | 17493777 | 0 | 8766 | 20191020113117 |
Institute for Scientific Information | 1036854 | 0 | 7321 | 20190922172720 |
Institute of English Studies | 24182492 | 0 | 7049 | 20191009024624 |
International Association of Music Libraries | 40718884 | 0 | 11342 | 20191016180307 |
International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance | 59594442 | 0 | 3123 | 20190917150319 |
International Bibliography of Periodical Literature | 28534669 | 0 | 3143 | 20190929145545 |
International Catalogue of Scientific Literature | 24538831 | 0 | 5761 | 20190927140848 |
International Directory of Philosophy | 29708003 | 0 | 3897 | 20191016175825 |
International Medieval Bibliography | 33603700 | 0 | 9874 | 20190907054955 |
International Philosophical Bibliography | 47885111 | 0 | 1932 | 20191018234233 |
Interpolation | 2193441 | 0 | 3566 | 20190516121428 |
Interpreter's Bible series | 1949337 | 0 | 1392 | 20190918223213 |
Iolo Morganwg | 1051508 | 0 | 15832 | 20191016174231 |
Isaac Edward Kiev | 41815383 | 0 | 2063 | 20191016180338 |
Isidore Goldblum | 60428301 | 0 | 3546 | 20191020115035 |
Islamic World Science Citation Database | 24783829 | 0 | 1963 | 20191016175628 |
Ithaka Harbors | 38268412 | 0 | 11714 | 20191016135526 |
J. R. R. Tolkien | 57349944 | 0 | 2569 | 20191020130224 |
JAIRO | 48306484 | 0 | 1188 | 20190919211109 |
JabRef | 5195207 | 0 | 7004 | 20191013092737 |
Jack Firestein | 23576344 | 0 | 3127 | 20190914210713 |
James H. Charlesworth | 6845842 | 0 | 8514 | 20191016174306 |
Jean-Marc Lofficier | 3029793 | 0 | 45070 | 20191016174523 |
Jena Symphony | 9584949 | 0 | 6587 | 20190612041033 |
Jerome McGann | 7341954 | 0 | 5829 | 20191016174835 |
Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research | 7793672 | 0 | 20906 | 20190715192027 |
Jess Nevins | 2960682 | 0 | 6891 | 20191017161615 |
Jingjiao Documents | 2694179 | 0 | 11055 | 20191013083337 |
Joan Mari Torrealdai | 56153657 | 0 | 6470 | 20191018200204 |
Johann Albrecht Bengel | 477225 | 0 | 15274 | 20191020112125 |
Johann Jakob Griesbach | 180716 | 0 | 8281 | 20191016174204 |
John Bare | 42436774 | 0 | 3190 | 20190907061556 |
John J. Collins | 25480185 | 0 | 10136 | 20191016175644 |
Jointly Administered Knowledge Environment | 23610032 | 0 | 2924 | 20191002023024 |
Joseph Sabin | 43457506 | 0 | 9294 | 20191016174352 |
Joseph Zedner | 11450702 | 0 | 3246 | 20191016175028 |
Journal of Higher Criticism | 18903690 | 0 | 2560 | 20191014023953 |
Journal@rchive | 34638696 | 0 | 3612 | 20191016180050 |
JournalSeek | 26445743 | 0 | 1803 | 20190907053212 |
Julio de Urquijo e Ibarra | 46471566 | 0 | 67505 | 20191019145330 |
Jurn | 44825829 | 0 | 3613 | 20190203060703 |
Jyotiḥśāstra | 15621900 | 0 | 6553 | 20191020113021 |
Kajetonas Nezabitauskis | 58369491 | 0 | 9797 | 20191016181113 |
Karl Lachmann | 209332 | 0 | 6837 | 20191016174207 |
Katharine F. Pantzer | 60319005 | 0 | 3590 | 20191016181202 |
Kennisbank Filosofie Nederland | 220183 | 0 | 590 | 20190720065002 |
Key Word in Context | 41908 | 0 | 5844 | 20190924132626 |
Key of Solomon | 274197 | 0 | 9181 | 20191020112105 |
Klavierbüchlein für Wilhelm Friedemann Bach | 4724578 | 0 | 9979 | 20191017040857 |
KnightCite | 11572591 | 0 | 4262 | 20191002172742 |
Kokusho Sōmokuroku | 3163391 | 0 | 3127 | 20191020140931 |
Korea Citation Index | 9856472 | 0 | 497 | 20191016174949 |
L'Année philologique | 18696391 | 0 | 5535 | 20190907050900 |
Language of the New Testament | 32145865 | 0 | 13533 | 20191020113820 |
Latin American Bibliography | 20378765 | 0 | 8056 | 20190930211051 |
Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information | 4910782 | 0 | 5009 | 20191016174654 |
Latindex | 20378037 | 0 | 8240 | 20190930211051 |
Lectio brevior | 22716626 | 0 | 985 | 20190720074412 |
Legal bibliography | 34248904 | 0 | 2600 | 20191016180039 |
Legend of Saint Margaret | 11504003 | 0 | 3028 | 20191020112824 |
Leuven Database of Ancient Books | 32686306 | 0 | 1313 | 20191018234229 |
LexisNexis | 634370 | 0 | 35327 | 20191017025524 |
Libellus De Arte Coquinaria | 27527078 | 0 | 1765 | 20190603100206 |
Library Literature and Information Science | 33936876 | 0 | 2011 | 20190907055048 |
Library and Information Science Abstracts | 33628520 | 0 | 2456 | 20190129022124 |
Library and information scientist | 33494433 | 0 | 4762 | 20190706145633 |
Library | 33936753 | 0 | 978 | 20190626101939 |
Libro de los Epítomes | 60460026 | 0 | 5921 | 20191020115036 |
Linguistic Bibliography | 13923798 | 0 | 5416 | 20190907045454 |
Linguistic criticism | 5729302 | 0 | 3547 | 20190824032859 |
List of Hebrew Bible manuscripts | 28320052 | 0 | 15155 | 20191020074923 |
List of New Testament Latin manuscripts | 17881783 | 0 | 29028 | 20191020141216 |
List of academic databases and search engines | 1005923 | 0 | 62476 | 20190924200925 |
List of ancient Egyptian scribes | 20345946 | 0 | 9604 | 20191015173031 |
List of ancient Near Eastern scribes | 20494126 | 0 | 2025 | 20191015173033 |
List of codices | 19455395 | 0 | 3852 | 20191020064716 |
List of ecclesiastical abbreviations | 2724274 | 0 | 40310 | 20190918223505 |
List of illuminated manuscripts | 1290163 | 0 | 90905 | 20190801200743 |
List of international databases on individual student achievement tests | 39957824 | 0 | 11431 | 20190907060806 |
List of manuscripts | 473535 | 0 | 2748 | 20190315062447 |
List of most expensive books and manuscripts | 33508970 | 0 | 107016 | 20191020113853 |
List of works about the Dutch East India Company | 56849924 | 0 | 264195 | 20191016052403 |
Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde | 13392418 | 0 | 1023 | 20190720072044 |
Live Search Academic | 5032506 | 0 | 3985 | 20191009005210 |
Livre des Esperitz | 42236461 | 0 | 4841 | 20190818204200 |
Loc. cit. | 6114207 | 0 | 1734 | 20180228134113 |
Locationes mansorum desertorum | 18814908 | 0 | 1155 | 20190818192938 |
Lontara | 13642999 | 0 | 1743 | 20190907045411 |
Lot and his Daughters | 50584273 | 0 | 2282 | 20191020130217 |
Louise Noëlle Malclès | 34245302 | 0 | 4551 | 20191016180038 |
Loy McAfee | 60909123 | 0 | 5469 | 20191017192835 |
Ludwig Hain | 22304380 | 0 | 3219 | 20191016174330 |
43–44 | 26022294 | 0 | 13469 | 20191017184220 |
Lyell Lectures | 52674088 | 0 | 8360 | 20191013012337 |
Magical Treatise of Solomon | 42228755 | 0 | 6929 | 20191020114422 |
Maithili Karna Kayasthak Panjik Sarvekshan | 13286041 | 0 | 4954 | 20191020130138 |
Mantis database | 27419564 | 0 | 2069 | 20191004015053 |
Manuel da Costa | 4496418 | 0 | 2629 | 20191020112445 |
Margaret Bingham Stillwell | 60380789 | 0 | 3317 | 20191016181203 |
Mariage d'amour | 51326074 | 0 | 2892 | 20191018003514 |
Marusia Churai | 3034428 | 0 | 4674 | 20191016174524 |
Masonic manuscripts | 9869831 | 0 | 49357 | 20191016174949 |
Materials Science Citation Index | 27789063 | 0 | 3056 | 20191016175739 |
MathSciNet | 2580683 | 0 | 5686 | 20191008143024 |
2b–3 | 20999515 | 0 | 11785 | 20191017183405 |
Maya codices | 1480879 | 0 | 27954 | 20191018210840 |
McKenzie Lectures | 52684625 | 0 | 4323 | 20191011194357 |
Metabibliography | 33447383 | 0 | 2931 | 20191016180017 |
Metadata Authority Description Schema | 25686979 | 0 | 1225 | 20190907053013 |
Metadata Object Description Schema | 6712013 | 0 | 5186 | 20190907043110 |
Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts | 25047832 | 0 | 2539 | 20190907052834 |
Meyer Roest | 19952436 | 0 | 1419 | 20191016175418 |
Mimesis criticism | 35713040 | 0 | 18716 | 20191020114001 |
Mineralogical Abstracts | 38232442 | 0 | 2253 | 20190907060256 |
Modernist Journals Project | 9633161 | 0 | 3161 | 20190726165025 |
Mosiah priority | 37401164 | 0 | 16553 | 20191010191314 |
Mukkara Hatana | 8109575 | 0 | 4912 | 20191005130225 |
Munich Digitization Center | 31078199 | 0 | 1699 | 20191016175907 |
Musical hoax | 14740117 | 0 | 5723 | 20191006222623 |
Narrative criticism | 2786100 | 0 | 10755 | 20190921125051 |
National Agricultural Safety Database | 12732613 | 0 | 3758 | 20190907045059 |
National Mission for Manuscripts | 21488758 | 0 | 8498 | 20191002082730 |
National Science Digital Library | 224290 | 0 | 8613 | 20191016174035 |
National Social Science Documentation Centre | 15766725 | 0 | 11854 | 20190730033103 |
Nederlandse Centrale Catalogus | 52316503 | 0 | 4886 | 20191016180802 |
Neue Schütz-Ausgabe | 43294086 | 0 | 2419 | 20171018080106 |
New Bach Edition | 6110329 | 0 | 9610 | 20191020112546 |
New Testament people named John | 41618350 | 0 | 30348 | 20191020114355 |
NewsBank | 48024366 | 0 | 13529 | 20191015173944 |
Nuzi texts | 40625387 | 0 | 5661 | 20191013224759 |
OAIster | 3447357 | 0 | 3193 | 20190919211007 |
ONIX | 18950584 | 0 | 1814 | 20171129092547 |
ONIX for Books | 30008379 | 0 | 6826 | 20191015224156 |
Oera Linda Book | 1100845 | 0 | 13339 | 20191020140858 |
Official DC Index | 8872204 | 0 | 7043 | 20191020185849 |
Official Marvel Index | 12117406 | 0 | 40024 | 20191017000455 |
On Weights and Measures | 53552374 | 0 | 22056 | 20191016180836 |
On the Reliability of the Old Testament | 23748317 | 0 | 2870 | 20190907052456 |
Onomasticon | 32036020 | 0 | 6585 | 20191020113817 |
Op. cit. | 1448495 | 0 | 5340 | 20191020112226 |
Open J-Gate | 7132153 | 0 | 1695 | 20190720070641 |
Open Rev. | 46394359 | 0 | 4216 | 20191012133534 |
OpenCitations | 55910824 | 0 | 1448 | 20190919211126 |
OpenSIGLE | 24029908 | 0 | 11312 | 20190603100107 |
Ora Williams | 58566080 | 0 | 3086 | 20191016181119 |
Ossian | 22655 | 0 | 34965 | 20191019202814 |
Ostanes | 2281137 | 0 | 9190 | 20191020112312 |
OttoBib | 8508674 | 0 | 4645 | 20191019191511 |
Ovid Technologies | 7145951 | 0 | 4860 | 20191007154244 |
Oxford Forum | 6885104 | 0 | 3165 | 20190304012639 |
Oxyrhynchus Papyri | 11300498 | 0 | 50617 | 20191015172607 |
P. M. Handover | 58565962 | 0 | 1245 | 20191016181119 |
PANGAEA | 24810701 | 0 | 3599 | 20190907052755 |
PASCAL | 19633505 | 0 | 2258 | 20191002172754 |
POPLINE | 12582636 | 0 | 4482 | 20190603095741 |
Pact of Brunnen | 27576441 | 0 | 2493 | 20190621140139 |
Pahlavi Psalter | 9362260 | 0 | 2849 | 20190907044006 |
Panizzi Lectures | 48859841 | 0 | 4137 | 20191011194357 |
Papal diplomatics | 17821860 | 0 | 8410 | 20191017135723 |
Paperity | 56821883 | 0 | 1821 | 20190203063148 |
Paperpile | 43724626 | 0 | 3563 | 20190907061939 |
Papers | 15495925 | 0 | 8952 | 20190927050105 |
Parallel passage | 39035273 | 0 | 1720 | 20190907060511 |
Parallelomania | 37907950 | 0 | 4349 | 20190922233433 |
Parenthetical referencing | 2936723 | 0 | 26147 | 20190923131757 |
Pathfinder | 31423875 | 0 | 17906 | 20190918204913 |
Paul Maas | 42471186 | 0 | 3431 | 20191016174352 |
Peake's Commentary on the Bible | 8924014 | 0 | 2335 | 20190725005926 |
Performance Writing | 27460908 | 0 | 6242 | 20190930033358 |
Perpessicius | 7572478 | 0 | 83343 | 20191020141024 |
Petros Vassiliadis | 46903219 | 0 | 25232 | 20191016180536 |
PhilPapers | 22872337 | 0 | 3148 | 20191015204802 |
Philip Comfort | 60808369 | 0 | 3333 | 20191019021028 |
Philippine E-Journals | 25208638 | 0 | 23472 | 20190907052855 |
Philosopher's Information Center | 32842866 | 0 | 1876 | 20190907054802 |
Philosophy Documentation Center | 26282360 | 0 | 12359 | 20191009104858 |
Philosophy Research Index | 29888034 | 0 | 2979 | 20190907054025 |
Pinakes | 19391789 | 0 | 7612 | 20191020113223 |
Plaine & Easie Code | 54525278 | 0 | 974 | 20190709234458 |
Plica | 34908079 | 0 | 1052 | 20190907055322 |
Poetic Books | 57291503 | 0 | 1208 | 20191016181038 |
Polymer Library | 33304314 | 0 | 2155 | 20190930041937 |
Portolan chart | 5167318 | 0 | 20296 | 20191020140955 |
Post-Reformation Digital Library | 30920903 | 0 | 3299 | 20190930192020 |
Postcolonial theology | 55363494 | 0 | 14940 | 20191010191429 |
Prayer of the Apostle Paul | 5937695 | 0 | 1795 | 20190901164630 |
Printing and the Mind of Man | 1481306 | 0 | 2752 | 20190304011358 |
ProCite | 31277618 | 0 | 4377 | 20190930044457 |
ProQuest | 218672 | 0 | 27181 | 20191014105437 |
ProQuest Dialog | 2476424 | 0 | 3815 | 20191012133522 |
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses | 24670037 | 0 | 2722 | 20190907052731 |
Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism | 4885808 | 0 | 1271 | 20190720070113 |
Projekt Dyabola | 21818190 | 0 | 6606 | 20190928184924 |
Prophetic books | 3600342 | 0 | 1697 | 20191016174550 |
Prosopographia Imperii Romani | 48393672 | 0 | 3944 | 20191020114642 |
Proverbium | 25806642 | 0 | 4006 | 20190929174958 |
Pseudo-Abdias | 12845447 | 0 | 4468 | 20190907045124 |
Pseudo-Apuleius | 3853320 | 0 | 23778 | 20191020112418 |
Pseudo-Archimedes | 15930053 | 0 | 1664 | 20191016175242 |
Pseudo-Crato | 37624709 | 0 | 5194 | 20191010191315 |
Pseudo-John | 37631980 | 0 | 2230 | 20190907060105 |
Pseudo-Philo | 607301 | 0 | 13924 | 20191016174130 |
Pseudo-Simeon | 53511682 | 0 | 1071 | 20191016180836 |
PsycCRITIQUES | 24578245 | 0 | 2103 | 20190907052715 |
PsycINFO | 993223 | 0 | 6135 | 20190907035556 |
PsycLIT | 4601033 | 0 | 1919 | 20190907042140 |
Psychological Abstracts | 5652303 | 0 | 2582 | 20190907042621 |
Psychological biblical criticism | 2749924 | 0 | 8790 | 20190521012050 |
PubMed Central Canada | 23559523 | 0 | 3993 | 20190919211035 |
PubPsych | 40868610 | 0 | 4348 | 20190930045427 |
Pybliographer | 2435986 | 0 | 3384 | 20191013092721 |
Q+/Papias hypothesis | 37387345 | 0 | 13756 | 20191013012325 |
Qaida | 28058108 | 0 | 1245 | 20191020113645 |
Qiqqa | 27388002 | 0 | 5736 | 20191007205434 |
Qualis | 44508064 | 0 | 3329 | 20191020141606 |
Quest for the historical Jesus | 1603511 | 0 | 98518 | 20191019034420 |
Quranic Arabic Corpus | 25056605 | 0 | 6024 | 20191020113521 |
R. B. Freeman | 35939847 | 0 | 15662 | 20191016174347 |
R.R. Bowker | 6173504 | 0 | 9944 | 20191016174756 |
RELX | 420576 | 0 | 44376 | 20191010182736 |
RIS | 7835980 | 0 | 13130 | 20191013011511 |
Ramírez Codex | 4637141 | 0 | 2606 | 20191015172245 |
Rasmus Storm's Notebook | 33808143 | 0 | 1530 | 20190418092036 |
Raymond Toole Stott | 61411208 | 0 | 4203 | 20190907071036 |
ReadCube | 38077699 | 0 | 11304 | 20190928073205 |
Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature | 3129149 | 0 | 2050 | 20190911182136 |
Reaxys | 29914012 | 0 | 3636 | 20190924203220 |
Recension | 12242493 | 0 | 1185 | 20190720071630 |
Reception of Enoch in antiquity | 59530299 | 0 | 13570 | 20191015174157 |
Reclamans | 35530602 | 0 | 1526 | 20191010191307 |
RedLightGreen | 1633265 | 0 | 1727 | 20190720065302 |
Redalyc | 13916061 | 0 | 12871 | 20191009005248 |
Reed Tech | 41473544 | 0 | 7029 | 20191009104939 |
RefDB | 14102556 | 0 | 2919 | 20191009005248 |
RefME | 47700434 | 0 | 6557 | 20190907062954 |
RefWorks | 7839351 | 0 | 8659 | 20191002172736 |
Refbase | 7491858 | 0 | 2371 | 20190918230159 |
Refer | 4310897 | 0 | 7416 | 20191002172714 |
Reference Manager | 2769349 | 0 | 3696 | 20190818182030 |
Referencer | 18702340 | 0 | 2711 | 20190907050901 |
Religious and Theological Abstracts | 31899020 | 0 | 3861 | 20190907054527 |
Research Libraries Group | 2780801 | 0 | 4747 | 20191016174508 |
Revision | 26975630 | 0 | 4244 | 20190927191140 |
Richard Simon | 178257 | 0 | 19743 | 20191020140832 |
Ritual Decalogue | 1946424 | 0 | 30105 | 20191020112254 |
Robert Singerman | 7968952 | 0 | 3371 | 20191016174855 |
Roman Turovsky-Savchuk | 6574971 | 0 | 16964 | 20191016174809 |
Roman de la Rose Digital Library | 32487749 | 0 | 3852 | 20170209170254 |
Roman graffiti | 48457395 | 0 | 10051 | 20190907063145 |
Ronald Brunlees McKerrow | 24338534 | 0 | 6765 | 20191016174334 |
Rosalind Moss | 40836185 | 0 | 5418 | 20191016180311 |
Rubric | 2341068 | 0 | 7358 | 20191020112314 |
Russian Science Citation Index | 35108736 | 0 | 2608 | 20191016180103 |
Rylands Professor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis | 35022540 | 0 | 1315 | 20190907055343 |
SBL Greek New Testament | 32054305 | 0 | 2882 | 20190907054556 |
SCImago Journal Rank | 24429136 | 0 | 4978 | 20190907052652 |
SPIN bibliographic database | 28010203 | 0 | 5091 | 20190907053607 |
Sa Aking Mga Kabata | 24444669 | 0 | 16177 | 20191020113502 |
SafetyLit | 11998141 | 0 | 25999 | 20190923192059 |
Sammelband | 17191149 | 0 | 4744 | 20190926091718 |
Samuel A. Tannenbaum | 7815407 | 0 | 4183 | 20191016174308 |
Sandars Lectures | 52673644 | 0 | 11678 | 20191011194357 |
Sardica paschal table | 19124677 | 0 | 13158 | 20190203042226 |
Saul Berlin | 21079609 | 0 | 7483 | 20191016175445 |
Scholar's Aid | 16770547 | 0 | 2270 | 20190818192157 |
Schools Catalogue Information Service | 55656407 | 0 | 5283 | 20190907065110 |
Schøyen Collection | 19946174 | 0 | 4097 | 20191014094158 |
SciELO | 2700998 | 0 | 13057 | 20191009005148 |
SciRef | 37789074 | 0 | 1403 | 20190818203053 |
ScienceOpen | 48598824 | 0 | 10802 | 20191015041217 |
Scientific Information Database | 40601299 | 0 | 1332 | 20191009104937 |
Scirus | 2875100 | 0 | 3517 | 20191009005150 |
Scribal abbreviation | 1130951 | 0 | 32863 | 20191020112206 |
Secreta Mulierum | 60201657 | 0 | 6527 | 20190907070654 |
Semantic Scholar | 48455863 | 0 | 3895 | 20191016180615 |
Sente | 17564505 | 0 | 2137 | 20190818192438 |
Serbian Citation Index | 54718162 | 0 | 12086 | 20191020114852 |
Shabbethai Bass | 7823099 | 0 | 11232 | 20191016174850 |
Shahnamah-i-Chitral | 56450748 | 0 | 2037 | 20191020130223 |
Shakespeare's editors | 8224244 | 0 | 11266 | 20191010191151 |
Shapell Manuscript Foundation | 43244107 | 0 | 13907 | 20190911212759 |
Sheffield school | 44548625 | 0 | 1493 | 20190619032250 |
Short Title Catalogue Flanders | 50244482 | 0 | 5876 | 20190907063609 |
Short-title catalogue | 4972564 | 0 | 2739 | 20191011194357 |
Sigmund Ringeck | 858544 | 0 | 5621 | 20190713131615 |
Siku Quanshu Zongmu Tiyao | 33287311 | 0 | 2106 | 20191020175226 |
Sitz im Leben | 5148043 | 0 | 4880 | 20191016174706 |
SkELL | 48878990 | 0 | 8932 | 20191009184614 |
Slavonic Josephus | 13563744 | 0 | 10718 | 20191010191203 |
Smithsonian Research Online | 32384383 | 0 | 1073 | 20190726165450 |
Social Sciences Citation Index | 6853403 | 0 | 2982 | 20190907043152 |
Social edition | 42296855 | 0 | 2666 | 20190627223801 |
Socolar | 29264431 | 0 | 1993 | 20190731063153 |
Source | 29660037 | 0 | 3542 | 20190907054008 |
South Asia Union Catalogue | 23390052 | 0 | 2163 | 20190414074524 |
Spitzer manuscript | 56228113 | 0 | 5575 | 20190908053018 |
Standard manuscript format | 478970 | 0 | 8468 | 20190907035013 |
Stanford Physics Information Retrieval System | 3781784 | 0 | 5834 | 20190907041719 |
Stationers' Register | 3616748 | 0 | 5063 | 20191020130119 |
Stephen Brown | 18848250 | 0 | 5328 | 20191020113207 |
Stichometry | 2347994 | 0 | 18708 | 20190907040800 |
Stichometry of Nicephorus | 4607066 | 0 | 1178 | 20191016174641 |
Stuttgart Database of Scientific Illustrators 1450–1950 | 59565318 | 0 | 4176 | 20191016181144 |
Subversive Symmetry | 34377865 | 0 | 9478 | 20190913204350 |
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum | 9018259 | 0 | 5852 | 20191016174927 |
Supra | 2372658 | 0 | 1424 | 20190720065452 |
Synthetic Reaction Updates | 46180241 | 0 | 2685 | 20191002135245 |
System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe | 24030426 | 0 | 11349 | 20190304014547 |
Sándor Apponyi | 39500303 | 0 | 2169 | 20191016180241 |
TRIS online | 12730454 | 0 | 1227 | 20190907045059 |
Table-book | 9821273 | 0 | 1895 | 20190720071147 |
Targum Onkelos | 676362 | 0 | 22345 | 20191014170353 |
Taxonomic database | 23882737 | 0 | 5567 | 20190908053041 |
Technical Information Project | 3270226 | 0 | 654 | 20190720065720 |
Teena Rochfort-Smith | 37613813 | 0 | 7459 | 20191016180155 |
Term Catalogue | 3174485 | 0 | 21145 | 20191016174530 |
Text Creation Partnership | 5275250 | 0 | 13341 | 20191011194357 |
Text Encoding Initiative | 753916 | 0 | 18178 | 20191016174150 |
Textual Criticism and Qur’ān Manuscripts | 42839682 | 0 | 6366 | 20191020130208 |
Textual criticism of the New Testament | 38592442 | 0 | 15151 | 20190913204350 |
Textual scholarship | 41500402 | 0 | 7952 | 20191014153147 |
Textual tradition of The Tale of Genji | 55775678 | 0 | 5638 | 20191010191430 |
Textual variants in the Acts of the Apostles | 61198538 | 0 | 18954 | 20191020141736 |
Textual variants in the Epistle to the Colossians | 61199286 | 0 | 7708 | 20191020141736 |
Textual variants in the Epistle to the Romans | 61198650 | 0 | 12884 | 20191020141736 |
Textual variants in the First Epistle to Timothy | 61199040 | 0 | 10781 | 20191020141736 |
Textual variants in the First Epistle to the Corinthians | 61198813 | 0 | 13217 | 20191020141736 |
Textual variants in the Gospel of John | 61198109 | 0 | 17433 | 20191020141736 |
Textual variants in the Gospel of Luke | 61198050 | 0 | 20284 | 20191020141736 |
Textual variants in the Gospel of Mark | 61197620 | 0 | 17439 | 20191020141736 |
Textual variants in the Gospel of Matthew | 31436836 | 0 | 179254 | 20191020141425 |
Textual variants in the Second Epistle to Timothy | 61199188 | 0 | 7078 | 20191020141736 |
Textual variants in the Second Epistle to the Corinthians | 61198959 | 0 | 7689 | 20191020141736 |
The Book of Giants | 1858465 | 0 | 112802 | 20191016174419 |
The Checklist of Fantastic Literature | 17037018 | 0 | 3047 | 20191020130140 |
The Irish Filmography | 25480830 | 0 | 9146 | 20191020130151 |
The Literature of Australian Birds | 24746540 | 0 | 4586 | 20191020130150 |
The News Letter of the LXIVmos | 40554421 | 0 | 3823 | 20191016180303 |
The Origins of the Koran | 4195678 | 0 | 5548 | 20191007161123 |
The Shaker Quarterly | 50148381 | 0 | 5807 | 20190927140857 |
The Works of M. P. Shiel | 17160274 | 0 | 2494 | 20191020130140 |
The Zoological Record | 10395490 | 0 | 12018 | 20191004060647 |
Theatrum Pictorium | 51568951 | 0 | 98855 | 20191016180744 |
Theodore Besterman | 25231377 | 0 | 12116 | 20191016174335 |
Thirty Years of Arkham House | 8968986 | 0 | 2159 | 20191020130133 |
Thomas Kelly Cheyne | 180705 | 0 | 5894 | 20191016174204 |
Three-source hypothesis | 25301879 | 0 | 2471 | 20191010094037 |
TimeML | 27067225 | 0 | 7123 | 20190907053345 |
Tradition history | 2809225 | 0 | 2493 | 20190603090034 |
Travels in Norway | 31939848 | 0 | 1215 | 20191020113817 |
TreeBASE | 31395019 | 0 | 2993 | 20190907054358 |
Tropy | 58154213 | 0 | 5733 | 20191016181106 |
Trove | 27642864 | 0 | 34211 | 20191016175736 |
Twentieth Century New Testament | 25661927 | 0 | 2799 | 20190925202837 |
Two-gospel hypothesis | 26912942 | 0 | 16244 | 20191018150431 |
UK Educational Evidence Portal | 27011702 | 0 | 4710 | 20191017110218 |
The Alternate History List | 20303758 | 0 | 3227 | 20191019191956 |
Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff | 980134 | 0 | 14172 | 20191018042606 |
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory | 11089347 | 0 | 5577 | 20190929145540 |
United States National Agricultural Library | 1263741 | 0 | 17293 | 20191016174235 |
Universal Short Title Catalogue | 30969222 | 0 | 7600 | 20191011194357 |
Urtext | 58255307 | 0 | 1210 | 20190831235115 |
Urtext edition | 324994 | 0 | 9758 | 20190907034753 |
VD 16 | 29202820 | 0 | 1576 | 20191019114156 |
VD 17 | 9662089 | 0 | 1122 | 20191016174944 |
VET-Bib | 35925010 | 0 | 4577 | 20190907055559 |
VINITI | 27924229 | 0 | 5271 | 20191020113641 |
VINITI Database RAS | 27776100 | 0 | 12224 | 20190907053534 |
Vancouver system | 7217838 | 0 | 18681 | 20191016194917 |
Various authors | 37166084 | 0 | 917 | 20191002082805 |
Vascoda | 23885664 | 0 | 8456 | 20190827095358 |
Virtual Health Library | 4911401 | 0 | 4850 | 20190927233619 |
Volume | 21654229 | 0 | 2891 | 20191001031342 |
Voyant Tools | 52368113 | 0 | 5591 | 20190907064158 |
W. W. Greg | 1973545 | 0 | 5626 | 20191016174243 |
West | 4506473 | 0 | 9418 | 20191009005206 |
Weymouth New Testament | 9294142 | 0 | 2411 | 20190627190136 |
Wikindx | 20540932 | 0 | 2952 | 20190919002053 |
Wilbour Papyrus | 47586128 | 0 | 6369 | 20191016180557 |
Wiley | 537930 | 0 | 35132 | 20191019063732 |
Wilhelm Dittenberger | 34732268 | 0 | 5681 | 20191016174345 |
Will of Fernando Malang Balagtas | 54402236 | 0 | 8564 | 20190907064756 |
William Shaw Mason | 31420051 | 0 | 2493 | 20191016175917 |
William Swan Sonnenschein | 51192474 | 0 | 8742 | 20191016174357 |
William Zeitlin | 3531135 | 0 | 2184 | 20191010232738 |
Williams-Sonoma | 1089133 | 0 | 30207 | 20191015171833 |
Wiseman hypothesis | 11636453 | 0 | 12827 | 20191010191159 |
WizFolio | 28190241 | 0 | 8049 | 20191002011006 |
World Shakespeare Bibliography | 18633554 | 0 | 4168 | 20190907050837 |
Writing material | 13366106 | 0 | 7920 | 20191015172708 |
Yale Edition of the Complete Works of St. Thomas More | 28935347 | 0 | 3461 | 20190415024136 |
Zenodotus | 360231 | 0 | 5446 | 20191020112113 |
Zentralblatt MATH | 1701961 | 0 | 7369 | 20191014011525 |
Zurich Notebook | 54551313 | 0 | 340 | 20190818210612 |
Title | Page ID | Namespace | Size (bytes) | Last change |
13 Things That Don't Make Sense | 28253247 | 0 | 14098 | 20191020130153 |
2005–2019 definitions of the SI base units | 60816421 | 0 | 4974 | 20190924202317 |
4D vector | 50761824 | 0 | 4407 | 20190907063733 |
4GLS | 13709082 | 0 | 1331 | 20191003023317 |
A B Wood Medal | 11506718 | 0 | 1927 | 20190907044610 |
A-center | 59703859 | 0 | 1252 | 20190907070512 |
ADITYA | 27150875 | 0 | 1664 | 20191016012719 |
AIP Conference Proceedings | 32547449 | 0 | 3695 | 20190928004033 |
ANSI/ASA S1.1-2013 | 41950622 | 0 | 1387 | 20190914035303 |
AURIGA | 37965697 | 0 | 1515 | 20191014094940 |
Abdus Salam Award | 27751051 | 0 | 5473 | 20191014094533 |
Abraham–Minkowski controversy | 1190648 | 0 | 72806 | 20191012182843 |
Absorptance | 23471261 | 0 | 3487 | 20191015183833 |
Acoustic approximation | 8608584 | 0 | 690 | 20190720070938 |
Acoustic contrast factor | 8099272 | 0 | 1530 | 20190720070840 |
Acoustic dispersion | 26157481 | 0 | 2133 | 20190907053134 |
Acoustic holography | 3852404 | 0 | 1911 | 20190907041743 |
Acoustic impedance | 505946 | 0 | 18746 | 20191017091239 |
Acoustic radiation pressure | 8380737 | 0 | 2145 | 20191003002116 |
Acousto-electronics | 45021102 | 0 | 2135 | 20190720082711 |
Acousto-optic deflector | 11146921 | 0 | 1766 | 20190907044508 |
Action at a distance | 570922 | 0 | 19144 | 20191006232443 |
Action-angle coordinates | 5435566 | 0 | 8023 | 20190907042520 |
Active and passive transformation | 366436 | 0 | 7003 | 20190916170821 |
Active cavity radiometer | 7988703 | 0 | 667 | 20190907043549 |
Adiabatic invariant | 1440776 | 0 | 19071 | 20190912213214 |
Advanced Propulsion Physics Laboratory | 46736509 | 0 | 4914 | 20191015010229 |
Aeromechanics | 12019156 | 0 | 815 | 20190720071553 |
Aether drag hypothesis | 1686861 | 0 | 24670 | 20190913105632 |
Aggregate modulus | 31117483 | 0 | 961 | 20190720080135 |
Aggregation-induced emission | 46718276 | 0 | 3692 | 20191006144422 |
Aharonov–Casher effect | 33149795 | 0 | 5048 | 20190907054843 |
Air track | 3419576 | 0 | 2661 | 20190911035931 |
Aircraft specific energy | 12706857 | 0 | 2097 | 20190720071823 |
Akeno Giant Air Shower Array | 2046489 | 0 | 1595 | 20191007184545 |
Albert Einstein Archives | 48984989 | 0 | 10252 | 20191016180627 |
Alexander Hollaender Award in Biophysics | 28306553 | 0 | 2914 | 20190919211042 |
Alfredo di Braccio Award | 28047484 | 0 | 1777 | 20190720075551 |
Alternate-Phase Return-to-Zero | 13293216 | 0 | 1603 | 20190911092703 |
American Association of Physics Teachers | 8660513 | 0 | 3067 | 20191016174918 |
American Vacuum Society | 11875899 | 0 | 4114 | 20191016175051 |
Ampère Prize | 35409799 | 0 | 3500 | 20191019163339 |
An Experimental Enquiry Concerning the Source of the Heat which is Excited by Friction | 2239109 | 0 | 9750 | 20191016174444 |
Analog models of gravity | 7670122 | 0 | 1806 | 20190907043449 |
Andreev reflection | 6109333 | 0 | 8472 | 20190907042843 |
Angle of climb | 11760149 | 0 | 1575 | 20190720071522 |
Angular diameter distance | 3003448 | 0 | 4606 | 20190907041242 |
Annus Mirabilis papers | 2038941 | 0 | 28091 | 20191016174436 |
Ansatz | 1359360 | 0 | 4603 | 20190926091655 |
Antidynamo theorem | 32244084 | 0 | 1772 | 20190907054624 |
Antonio Longoria | 20640028 | 0 | 3642 | 20190911183414 |
Apergy | 4096064 | 0 | 2444 | 20190907091248 |
Arago spot | 44665 | 0 | 28580 | 20191010191021 |
Araki–Sucher correction | 55582147 | 0 | 3368 | 20190907065057 |
Archimedean point | 481678 | 0 | 2843 | 20190912051430 |
Arcminute Cosmology Bolometer Array Receiver | 11895589 | 0 | 922 | 20191014093711 |
Arctowski Medal | 28306556 | 0 | 6689 | 20190919211042 |
Arnold–Beltrami–Childress flow | 49088255 | 0 | 2581 | 20190918204915 |
Artificial gravity in fiction | 18420982 | 0 | 12745 | 20190808121730 |
Aryabhata Award | 56870352 | 0 | 7803 | 20191014095501 |
Asian Physics Olympiad | 22671917 | 0 | 9154 | 20191004193607 |
Asimina Arvanitaki | 59141451 | 0 | 4345 | 20190930114317 |
Askaryan radiation | 3522161 | 0 | 6302 | 20190907041549 |
Aspera European Astroparticle network | 11115532 | 0 | 3443 | 20190907044503 |
Asymptotic safety in quantum gravity | 37596615 | 0 | 41866 | 20191015203715 |
Atom | 934169 | 0 | 2240 | 20191020130109 |
Atomic ratio | 7626743 | 0 | 2842 | 20190907043440 |
Atomichron | 17070368 | 0 | 1989 | 20191003120729 |
Available energy | 5489639 | 0 | 2179 | 20190720070232 |
Axilrod–Teller potential | 5455427 | 0 | 1401 | 20190907042525 |
B Reactor | 1831996 | 0 | 21964 | 20191017192644 |
BCFW recursion | 40607155 | 0 | 2309 | 20190913204344 |
Back scattering alignment | 2529967 | 0 | 1080 | 20190720065517 |
Back-reaction | 21743687 | 0 | 4378 | 20191002172800 |
Band emission | 6937695 | 0 | 702 | 20190720070618 |
Bare particle | 21743669 | 0 | 363 | 20190728092936 |
Barrett–Crane model | 1892519 | 0 | 2446 | 20190907040419 |
Batchelor Prize | 52508032 | 0 | 1329 | 20190907064222 |
Bayesian model of computational anatomy | 52657328 | 0 | 24508 | 20191014002101 |
Beard and Chuang model | 18483373 | 0 | 2355 | 20190720073241 |
Bennett's laws | 36750998 | 0 | 831 | 20190906191534 |
Bentley's paradox | 23774157 | 0 | 2031 | 20190907052501 |
Berendsen thermostat | 11628729 | 0 | 3228 | 20190907044636 |
Bethe–Feynman formula | 31808529 | 0 | 1245 | 20190907054513 |
Bethe–Salpeter equation | 10494269 | 0 | 10030 | 20190907044324 |
Beverly Clock | 2882938 | 0 | 3017 | 20191010234044 |
Bhāskara's wheel | 20951069 | 0 | 743 | 20190907051548 |
Bi-scalar tensor vector gravity | 28005582 | 0 | 1716 | 20190907053606 |
Bibliography of popular physics concepts | 34738898 | 0 | 6899 | 20190907055300 |
Biefeld–Brown effect | 184495 | 0 | 21785 | 20190914052314 |
Bifurcation diagram | 79173 | 0 | 3523 | 20190908122719 |
BigDFT | 34784308 | 0 | 4148 | 20191014210510 |
Bimoment | 33945372 | 0 | 2353 | 20190907055049 |
Biorheology | 61475631 | 0 | 349 | 20191016181238 |
Birks' law | 35475501 | 0 | 3824 | 20190918204913 |
Black hole bomb | 26779825 | 0 | 3175 | 20191009024747 |
Blackett effect | 13347757 | 0 | 2158 | 20190720072039 |
Blackhole | 42786109 | 0 | 8809 | 20191014095116 |
Blandford–Znajek process | 22324819 | 0 | 2827 | 20191014011526 |
Bogoliubov quasiparticle | 58636241 | 0 | 1630 | 20190919151413 |
Bogolyubov Prize | 20859406 | 0 | 1432 | 20191020141244 |
Bogolyubov Prize | 21855599 | 0 | 1245 | 20190720074150 |
Bogolyubov Prize for young scientists | 8901379 | 0 | 1908 | 20190619031953 |
Bollard pull | 13259181 | 0 | 7617 | 20190922203624 |
Boltzmann Medal | 5625508 | 0 | 2644 | 20190425173512 |
Boltzmann equation | 1026522 | 0 | 31012 | 20191020112200 |
Boltzmann's entropy formula | 9328562 | 0 | 8585 | 20191016181527 |
Bonnor beam | 2054980 | 0 | 3067 | 20190907040537 |
Born reciprocity | 37434162 | 0 | 6867 | 20190304015536 |
Boundary conformal field theory | 3720236 | 0 | 1620 | 20190720065827 |
Bowen ratio | 224300 | 0 | 3602 | 20190907034618 |
Bragg–Gray cavity theory | 4688460 | 0 | 2794 | 20190720070047 |
Brake force | 6462018 | 0 | 648 | 20190720070501 |
Branches of physics | 22688097 | 0 | 19538 | 20191015203736 |
Breath-figure self-assembly | 56312430 | 0 | 7044 | 20190907065339 |
Bregman Lagrangian | 51863718 | 0 | 701 | 20190907064042 |
Breit equation | 1989515 | 0 | 7805 | 20190907040505 |
Breit frame | 50226212 | 0 | 1817 | 20190907063607 |
Bremermann's limit | 1824836 | 0 | 5312 | 20190915004200 |
Brilliant Light Power | 452779 | 0 | 34857 | 20191014161158 |
Britney Spears' Guide to Semiconductor Physics | 22950086 | 0 | 1810 | 20190907052239 |
Brown-Rho scaling | 60412593 | 0 | 4776 | 20190907070741 |
Brownian ratchet | 432276 | 0 | 17369 | 20191015171714 |
Bruno Pontecorvo Prize | 58544943 | 0 | 17226 | 20191020174812 |
Bubble fusion | 42739 | 0 | 31153 | 20191016012607 |
Buckingham | 19821268 | 0 | 1797 | 20190907051226 |
Burns temperature | 14122543 | 0 | 1872 | 20190907045527 |
Bus bunching | 2543609 | 0 | 7525 | 20191001171904 |
Buttered toast phenomenon | 37970127 | 0 | 11880 | 20191007201620 |
Butterfly effect in popular culture | 18527212 | 0 | 5562 | 20190915092924 |
CAP-CRM Prize in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics | 54159288 | 0 | 2477 | 20190907064716 |
CESRA | 56659761 | 0 | 8437 | 20190911213514 |
CFD-DEM model | 16821478 | 0 | 2603 | 20190907050343 |
CLASS B1359+154 | 14708275 | 0 | 2071 | 20191013110853 |
CMBFAST | 3997493 | 0 | 877 | 20190907041827 |
CORSIKA | 12690339 | 0 | 3033 | 20190907045049 |
CRAC-II | 3378926 | 0 | 3096 | 20190720065734 |
CRYSIS | 5078344 | 0 | 1242 | 20190720070138 |
Caesium standard | 40858 | 0 | 4828 | 20191015171555 |
Calabi-Yau | 6137077 | 0 | 2065 | 20190907042853 |
Camelback potential | 55503653 | 0 | 3590 | 20190907065043 |
Canonical transformation | 514534 | 0 | 23430 | 20191010191046 |
Capacitor analogy | 3663289 | 0 | 2890 | 20190720065820 |
Capstan equation | 21265224 | 0 | 11705 | 20191019112025 |
Carcel | 22786710 | 0 | 1540 | 20190907052212 |
Carey mask | 23630641 | 0 | 2446 | 20190921002630 |
Carreau fluid | 2041081 | 0 | 1696 | 20190720065359 |
Cascading gauge theory | 3037964 | 0 | 734 | 20190720065644 |
Casimir pressure | 5129726 | 0 | 1385 | 20191015201756 |
Cauchy–Born rule | 4985628 | 0 | 2943 | 20190918204908 |
Cavity method | 4263491 | 0 | 2511 | 20190907041952 |
Ceiling level | 4932769 | 0 | 623 | 20190724110232 |
Celso Grebogi | 40721426 | 0 | 4426 | 20191018131532 |
Center of percussion | 2664158 | 0 | 6780 | 20190915213912 |
Chain fountain | 41651205 | 0 | 6575 | 20191015173806 |
Chandrasekhar's white dwarf equation | 54494255 | 0 | 3770 | 20190907064815 |
Chaos communications | 10218184 | 0 | 2941 | 20190627190742 |
Chaos game | 2572603 | 0 | 7674 | 20191009183022 |
Chaos machine | 51838760 | 0 | 2324 | 20190908053101 |
Chaos theory in organizational development | 6670070 | 0 | 3360 | 20191018131532 |
Chaos: Making a New Science | 7458308 | 0 | 3959 | 20191020130130 |
Chaotic bubble | 15594043 | 0 | 6461 | 20191008230809 |
Chaotic cryptology | 46405381 | 0 | 12803 | 20190918204915 |
Chaotic hysteresis | 15190840 | 0 | 5415 | 20190922022551 |
Chaotic mixing | 27399582 | 0 | 24303 | 20191015173302 |
Chaotic scattering | 33989641 | 0 | 13562 | 20190907055057 |
Chapman function | 2081987 | 0 | 1587 | 20190907040551 |
Characteristic admittance | 26220783 | 0 | 2076 | 20190907053145 |
Characteristic impedance | 40866 | 0 | 19402 | 20191018123625 |
Characteristic property | 24508639 | 0 | 1235 | 20191001220531 |
Charged-particle equilibrium | 22221404 | 0 | 505 | 20190720074255 |
Charles de Loys | 49460553 | 0 | 2818 | 20191016180639 |
Chirikov criterion | 13443170 | 0 | 2783 | 20190907045338 |
Chirp mass | 35733284 | 0 | 6669 | 20191006141239 |
Chronology protection conjecture | 645792 | 0 | 12893 | 20191006025618 |
Chrystal's equation | 54502546 | 0 | 2444 | 20190203062809 |
Classical fluid | 11716544 | 0 | 1914 | 20190920074913 |
Clausius–Mossotti relation | 826956 | 0 | 6284 | 20190907035409 |
Clockwork universe | 4297956 | 0 | 4251 | 20191014212516 |
Codex on the Flight of Birds | 16611762 | 0 | 19531 | 20191016175257 |
Coefficient of fractional parentage | 26288139 | 0 | 904 | 20190720075213 |
Coffee ring effect | 3697368 | 0 | 16125 | 20191015172204 |
Coherent potential approximation | 10013732 | 0 | 3005 | 20190907044157 |
Coherent spectroscopy | 4453831 | 0 | 1439 | 20190813024232 |
Coherent turbulent structure | 44059936 | 0 | 18313 | 20191006144421 |
Collision problem | 11857532 | 0 | 2169 | 20190907044721 |
Colloid vibration current | 13662027 | 0 | 2438 | 20190917140046 |
Communication physics | 5808518 | 0 | 750 | 20190824184819 |
Compact toroid | 29648687 | 0 | 2258 | 20190720075910 |
Complementary experiments | 872023 | 0 | 1455 | 20190927013946 |
Complexor | 2432190 | 0 | 1955 | 20191020140919 |
Composite Higgs models | 44182725 | 0 | 14717 | 20190831225257 |
Composite gravity | 3038539 | 0 | 1301 | 20190907041256 |
Computational anatomy | 48520204 | 0 | 121154 | 20190927213252 |
Comstock Prize in Physics | 28306557 | 0 | 4561 | 20190907053702 |
Conceptual physics | 11522564 | 0 | 4054 | 20190907044612 |
Condensation cloud | 26834979 | 0 | 3730 | 20190603100156 |
Conductance quantum | 3873342 | 0 | 4572 | 20191018154825 |
Configuration entropy | 15149776 | 0 | 3196 | 20190907045834 |
Configurational mechanics | 39230475 | 0 | 883 | 20190720081627 |
Confined liquid | 48596894 | 0 | 1219 | 20190831234337 |
Conformon | 53790076 | 0 | 2880 | 20190907064612 |
Constant-energy surface | 18152654 | 0 | 430 | 20190720073147 |
Constant-resistance network | 19454733 | 0 | 393 | 20181007114007 |
Constitutive equation | 1034699 | 0 | 39778 | 20191005085508 |
Constraint algebra | 5118041 | 0 | 1079 | 20190720070141 |
Constructor theory | 42840970 | 0 | 8570 | 20190907061706 |
Contact electrification | 857973 | 0 | 9182 | 20191011120024 |
Continuous slowing down approximation range | 27151346 | 0 | 1111 | 20190907053357 |
Contracted Bianchi identities | 57574496 | 0 | 2397 | 20191006114858 |
Contributors to the mathematical background for general relativity | 2422456 | 0 | 2216 | 20181214220619 |
Control of chaos | 9481277 | 0 | 5930 | 20191018131532 |
Convection–diffusion equation | 19662199 | 0 | 19619 | 20191014124045 |
Conventional superconductor | 51070 | 0 | 1802 | 20190915162031 |
Conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy | 36216090 | 0 | 2295 | 20190818202646 |
Cooper pair | 376845 | 0 | 9240 | 20191017205740 |
Core-excited shape resonance | 2166633 | 0 | 661 | 20190720065417 |
Corentin Louis Kervran | 309460 | 0 | 6936 | 20191016174046 |
Coriolis field | 2339562 | 0 | 5190 | 20190614230650 |
Corona poling | 8906641 | 0 | 991 | 20190720071010 |
Corrected fuel flow | 3109122 | 0 | 1666 | 20190922143235 |
Correlation dimension | 2075246 | 0 | 4790 | 20191009183022 |
Correlation integral | 4181556 | 0 | 1660 | 20190907041926 |
Correlation sum | 3977589 | 0 | 1493 | 20190907041820 |
Cosmic Anisotropy Polarization Mapper | 11895609 | 0 | 437 | 20191014093711 |
Coster–Kronig transition | 11483011 | 0 | 1049 | 20190907044605 |
Coulomb gap | 15464235 | 0 | 7943 | 20190908053036 |
Coupled-wave method | 22491755 | 0 | 248 | 20190720074333 |
Coupling | 950012 | 0 | 8907 | 20191020140554 |
Coupling constant | 681962 | 0 | 10593 | 20190831223549 |
Covariance group | 19260818 | 0 | 2850 | 20190304014106 |
Covariant formulation of classical electromagnetism | 4603176 | 0 | 22173 | 20190911211108 |
Creeping wave | 2635189 | 0 | 978 | 20190720065533 |
Crest and trough | 1565136 | 0 | 1179 | 20191012014156 |
Critical distance | 2760958 | 0 | 2574 | 20190911210922 |
Critical radius | 2331297 | 0 | 2141 | 20190907040753 |
Critical relative humidity | 7107008 | 0 | 2910 | 20190907043248 |
Criticism of the theory of relativity | 30694430 | 0 | 89047 | 20191004044904 |
Cross-recurrence quantification | 23238482 | 0 | 1454 | 20190907052327 |
Cryoelectronics | 233631 | 0 | 3563 | 20190907034627 |
Cryometer | 34890050 | 0 | 930 | 20190924141536 |
Cryophorus | 11282791 | 0 | 4620 | 20190907044532 |
Cryoscopic constant | 1811634 | 0 | 2279 | 20190907040337 |
Crystallinity | 2119658 | 0 | 2438 | 20190630111646 |
Cusec | 1782239 | 0 | 1275 | 20190512003954 |
Cuspy halo problem | 954231 | 0 | 7196 | 20190930140546 |
DGP model | 3791271 | 0 | 3665 | 20190907041722 |
Damping matrix | 30638875 | 0 | 1127 | 20190720080045 |
Dangerously irrelevant operator | 6844674 | 0 | 2254 | 20190907043150 |
Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument | 49411310 | 0 | 6637 | 20191014095306 |
Dark current | 19805906 | 0 | 1618 | 20190720073627 |
Dark matter in fiction | 3157505 | 0 | 15007 | 20191007002740 |
Dark radiation | 36177989 | 0 | 2005 | 20191020022641 |
Dark star | 2153281 | 0 | 9210 | 20191009023007 |
Darwin Lagrangian | 28365660 | 0 | 9412 | 20191017082421 |
Dasar | 10536559 | 0 | 444 | 20190720071304 |
De Motu Antiquiora | 41990453 | 0 | 5329 | 20191016180344 |
DeWitt notation | 1300778 | 0 | 1760 | 20190907035910 |
Dean drive | 866517 | 0 | 15320 | 20191019111921 |
Deconfinement | 1928399 | 0 | 1389 | 20191015144806 |
Deep-level trap | 1980733 | 0 | 1765 | 20190720065350 |
Defining equation | 32047552 | 0 | 31917 | 20190924202317 |
Degenerate Higher-Order Scalar-Tensor theories | 61043737 | 0 | 5106 | 20191006144422 |
Degree | 1195300 | 0 | 2791 | 20191015233703 |
Delta-v | 14454695 | 0 | 1480 | 20190720072255 |
Demidov Prize | 6905037 | 0 | 24715 | 20191020112619 |
Deutsche Physik | 730450 | 0 | 15738 | 20191020112143 |
Dexter electron transfer | 16569377 | 0 | 2822 | 20190907050307 |
Dicke effect | 26205878 | 0 | 1394 | 20190907053142 |
Dielectric breakdown model | 3140673 | 0 | 984 | 20190907041334 |
Diffeomorphometry | 55823152 | 0 | 22468 | 20191015050338 |
Diffraction formalism | 9825116 | 0 | 19154 | 20190926042053 |
Diffraction tomography | 24422329 | 0 | 435 | 20190720074826 |
Diffraction-limited storage ring | 57780625 | 0 | 2746 | 20190911134841 |
Diffuse field acoustic testing | 50333728 | 0 | 9278 | 20190907063619 |
Dijet event | 38635705 | 0 | 1865 | 20190907060405 |
Dioptrique | 41033577 | 0 | 5548 | 20190907061135 |
Dirac Medal | 237799 | 0 | 14023 | 20191008100303 |
Dirac equation in the algebra of physical space | 3042253 | 0 | 8592 | 20190907041257 |
Dirac membrane | 49885288 | 0 | 6406 | 20171230182250 |
Discrete optimized protein energy | 6987160 | 0 | 1897 | 20190907043221 |
Discrete spectrum | 976826 | 0 | 6664 | 20191007070623 |
Discrete symmetry | 1372580 | 0 | 1476 | 20190831223828 |
Dispersion relation | 853778 | 0 | 13803 | 20191010100625 |
Dispersive mass transfer | 1907770 | 0 | 1188 | 20190720065340 |
Dispersive medium | 51084847 | 0 | 626 | 20190907063829 |
Displacement | 859285 | 0 | 5543 | 20191019214901 |
Distribution function | 365876 | 0 | 3224 | 20190720065015 |
Doppler broadening | 2262154 | 0 | 6744 | 20190907040720 |
Dopplergraph | 9144140 | 0 | 1210 | 20190907043929 |
Double copy theory | 52850872 | 0 | 2093 | 20190907064316 |
Double scaling limit | 21743174 | 0 | 640 | 20190720074127 |
Dressed particle | 21743661 | 0 | 1217 | 20190907051839 |
Droplet cluster | 55742877 | 0 | 7094 | 20190907065132 |
Droplet vaporization | 31969872 | 0 | 16168 | 20190322070645 |
Dropping In Microgravity Environment | 32790050 | 0 | 3563 | 20190508071131 |
Dufour effect | 31149664 | 0 | 1065 | 20190907054321 |
Durability | 482602 | 0 | 4076 | 20190924110512 |
Dwarf galaxy problem | 954234 | 0 | 4914 | 20190930140546 |
Dynamic aperture | 11277734 | 0 | 944 | 20190720071421 |
Dynamic electrophoretic mobility | 13695352 | 0 | 519 | 20190720072124 |
Dynamic scaling | 52303418 | 0 | 8272 | 20190930124629 |
Dynamic scattering mode | 6772817 | 0 | 1854 | 20190720070551 |
Dynamical dimensional reduction | 53977963 | 0 | 6142 | 20191001011119 |
Dynamical horizon | 34992536 | 0 | 4599 | 20191010191305 |
Dynamical lifetime | 14848511 | 0 | 1017 | 20190907045740 |
Dynamics of Markovian particles | 5235137 | 0 | 1559 | 20190720070158 |
EMC effect | 25137682 | 0 | 11367 | 20190907052844 |
EPS Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Prize | 54547057 | 0 | 4604 | 20190907064822 |
Ebullioscopic constant | 6924337 | 0 | 2873 | 20190907043209 |
Echea | 16773331 | 0 | 5121 | 20190908053037 |
Eden growth model | 5207843 | 0 | 1642 | 20190907042421 |
Edge of chaos | 428932 | 0 | 9460 | 20191018131532 |
Edison Volta Prize | 37641022 | 0 | 3216 | 20191018054034 |
Effective dose | 33865389 | 0 | 14836 | 20190929000906 |
Effective radius | 8082019 | 0 | 1947 | 20190907043609 |
Einstein | 474245 | 0 | 1669 | 20191014162215 |
Einstein Papers Project | 8804177 | 0 | 21346 | 20190914021028 |
Einstein's Blackboard | 42492459 | 0 | 14243 | 20190907061606 |
Einstein–Cartan–Evans theory | 21155519 | 0 | 13143 | 20191010191222 |
Einstein–Hilbert action | 855776 | 0 | 16660 | 20191010191054 |
Einstein–Hopf drag | 15068567 | 0 | 1975 | 20190907045820 |
Einstein–Rosen metric | 35489153 | 0 | 719 | 20190907055440 |
Electric dipole transition | 25211625 | 0 | 2049 | 20190720074959 |
Electrical conductance | 60941 | 0 | 133 | 20191020184900 |
Electrical measurements | 23450129 | 0 | 2882 | 20190828161715 |
Electrically scanning microwave radiometer | 25412886 | 0 | 1420 | 20190907052921 |
Electrochemical noise | 4642577 | 0 | 4148 | 20190907042150 |
Electrogravitics | 3131342 | 0 | 11803 | 20190928053750 |
Electrolaser | 2077504 | 0 | 9278 | 20190919165831 |
Electromagnetic mass | 4769216 | 0 | 39802 | 20190909103318 |
Electromagnetic wave equation | 2924436 | 0 | 20814 | 20190907041210 |
Electromechanical coupling coefficient | 5081545 | 0 | 1199 | 20191003134611 |
Electron equivalent | 21884530 | 0 | 1590 | 20190907051911 |
Electron excitation | 516593 | 0 | 1368 | 20190907035043 |
Electron heat capacity | 51215300 | 0 | 17396 | 20191014202415 |
Electron magnetic circular dichroism | 34227089 | 0 | 5438 | 20190908053048 |
Electron-hole droplets | 38799183 | 0 | 1485 | 20190907060432 |
Electronic entropy | 47215278 | 0 | 13146 | 20190917050503 |
Elitzur's theorem | 31583410 | 0 | 1593 | 20190907054431 |
Elliott formula | 39383501 | 0 | 20919 | 20190907212752 |
Emden–Chandrasekhar equation | 54056040 | 0 | 6555 | 20190223211405 |
Emission theory | 894774 | 0 | 23554 | 20190923131539 |
Empty lattice approximation | 30185050 | 0 | 8281 | 20191015173403 |
Energy Catalyzer | 31170218 | 0 | 38171 | 20191010191252 |
Energy flux | 20825692 | 0 | 1232 | 20190907051523 |
Energy functional | 20560973 | 0 | 1479 | 20190720073818 |
Energy system | 52058583 | 0 | 26540 | 20191013153752 |
Energy well | 50791779 | 0 | 1501 | 20190627232609 |
Engineering diffraction | 17710184 | 0 | 715 | 20190720073056 |
Engineering science and mechanics | 6457764 | 0 | 4160 | 20190929012210 |
Enrico Fermi Award | 146276 | 0 | 3540 | 20191015171635 |
Enrico Fermi Prize | 4850065 | 0 | 8676 | 20191016174651 |
Ensemble average | 2063509 | 0 | 3331 | 20190818181457 |
Entropic uncertainty | 857780 | 0 | 13959 | 20190909135732 |
Environment | 22247762 | 0 | 1543 | 20190720074256 |
Epsilon-negative material | 36735604 | 0 | 382 | 20190720081200 |
Equation of State Calculations by Fast Computing Machines | 18381194 | 0 | 9473 | 20190929013907 |
Equivalence principle | 39228396 | 0 | 3626 | 20190508071143 |
Equivalent dumping coefficient | 9363637 | 0 | 1093 | 20190720071057 |
Ergodic hypothesis | 258980 | 0 | 5363 | 20191006144416 |
Etherington's reciprocity theorem | 47218591 | 0 | 3775 | 20181209110751 |
Euler equations | 396022 | 0 | 76497 | 20191019021310 |
Euler's differential equation | 24655281 | 0 | 775 | 20190203044846 |
European Low Gravity Research Association | 34844554 | 0 | 9710 | 20190911212252 |
European Solar Physics Division | 55912118 | 0 | 4537 | 20191007113201 |
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility | 1424678 | 0 | 7393 | 20191016174330 |
Evershed effect | 2656271 | 0 | 5548 | 20191015201702 |
Ewald–Oseen extinction theorem | 43667672 | 0 | 27593 | 20190925184651 |
Exact diagonalization | 61341798 | 0 | 9570 | 20190907071023 |
Excess property | 31832979 | 0 | 6935 | 20190907054517 |
Excitation function | 15524134 | 0 | 984 | 20190720072549 |
Exotic matter | 71478 | 0 | 12203 | 20191019202814 |
Extinction paradox | 41639290 | 0 | 2213 | 20190907061331 |
FLASH | 15727524 | 0 | 1799 | 20190907050038 |
FLUKA | 11157848 | 0 | 7628 | 20190907044511 |
Faraday balance | 30939788 | 0 | 1925 | 20190907054250 |
Farris effect | 51297098 | 0 | 1590 | 20190907063908 |
Fayet–Iliopoulos D-term | 19683347 | 0 | 938 | 20190720073615 |
Fazia | 14603289 | 0 | 1937 | 20190817161716 |
Feigenbaum function | 3123914 | 0 | 6913 | 20190918204908 |
Fermi acceleration | 3035156 | 0 | 5160 | 20190907041254 |
Fermi ball | 42642215 | 0 | 520 | 20190907061637 |
Fermi–Pasta–Ulam–Tsingou problem | 2864857 | 0 | 10462 | 20191018131532 |
Fiber derivative | 10605275 | 0 | 1000 | 20190720071310 |
Field effect | 35171726 | 0 | 7244 | 20190927235728 |
Field strength | 46599616 | 0 | 514 | 20190720082918 |
Fierz identity | 4370229 | 0 | 4596 | 20190907042026 |
Fine-tuning | 986051 | 0 | 4918 | 20190907035551 |
First Step to Nobel Prize in Physics | 5677430 | 0 | 4416 | 20190203023324 |
Fischler–Susskind mechanism | 23387994 | 0 | 1222 | 20190907052343 |
Flexural modulus | 12947946 | 0 | 2456 | 20190907045159 |
Flick | 36687166 | 0 | 2169 | 20190929041534 |
Flip angle | 26195367 | 0 | 348 | 20190720075207 |
Flotation of flexible objects | 41351364 | 0 | 19062 | 20190930064817 |
Fluctuation spectrum | 50533361 | 0 | 1903 | 20190907063653 |
Fluence response | 34122362 | 0 | 2773 | 20190907055117 |
Flyby anomaly | 5886692 | 0 | 18513 | 20191020121042 |
Fock matrix | 1300358 | 0 | 2776 | 20190907035908 |
Foot per second squared | 37498558 | 0 | 1209 | 20190914084551 |
For Want of a Nail | 15749202 | 0 | 22369 | 20190915092924 |
For all practical purposes | 1041756 | 0 | 1090 | 20190720065143 |
Force chain | 39871498 | 0 | 3005 | 20190907060750 |
Force field | 286106 | 0 | 9394 | 20191018003349 |
Foundational Questions Institute | 14275704 | 0 | 3342 | 20191015051804 |
Four-vector | 226424 | 0 | 43541 | 20191011185032 |
Fractal analysis | 18745015 | 0 | 33007 | 20191009183022 |
Fractional Schrödinger equation | 23404175 | 0 | 29289 | 20190918204911 |
Fractional quantum Hall effect | 1234368 | 0 | 14726 | 20190920203800 |
Fractional quantum mechanics | 20831467 | 0 | 11517 | 20191009024425 |
Fracton | 5087910 | 0 | 1749 | 20190907042348 |
Frank-van der Merwe growth | 59616019 | 0 | 2430 | 20190907070459 |
Fred Hoyle Medal and Prize | 54152370 | 0 | 1392 | 20190919211121 |
Fredkin finite nature hypothesis | 23724785 | 0 | 5480 | 20190907052453 |
Free neutron decay | 51503872 | 0 | 9770 | 20191007184551 |
Fresnel | 3200841 | 0 | 1005 | 20190720065709 |
Fresnel rhomb | 8323351 | 0 | 38424 | 20191016174906 |
Froissart–Stora equation | 38470594 | 0 | 2613 | 20190925213503 |
Front | 52907991 | 0 | 3979 | 20190907064326 |
Front velocity | 2200436 | 0 | 2813 | 20190907040651 |
Frustrated triangular lattice | 39625286 | 0 | 1463 | 20190720081710 |
Full spectral imaging | 13432264 | 0 | 1628 | 20190907045336 |
Gaisser–Hillas function | 10196392 | 0 | 2381 | 20190907044231 |
Galvanoluminescence | 1650455 | 0 | 440 | 20190720065304 |
Gapped Hamiltonian | 59833659 | 0 | 2228 | 20190926164518 |
Garshelis effect | 1545337 | 0 | 449 | 20190720065250 |
Gas composition | 12703710 | 0 | 2909 | 20190907045053 |
Gas thermometer | 7096097 | 0 | 2681 | 20190924143207 |
Gauge principle | 23122856 | 0 | 1651 | 20190907052305 |
Gauss's law for gravity | 16704344 | 0 | 14864 | 20191015202415 |
Gaussian broadening | 8211384 | 0 | 455 | 20190720070852 |
General covariant transformations | 39224451 | 0 | 5036 | 20191015050338 |
Generalized Lagrangian mean | 36873359 | 0 | 5081 | 20191010191311 |
Geopotential model | 30969474 | 0 | 25545 | 20191011120027 |
George Woodward Warder | 33214442 | 0 | 2832 | 20190930211400 |
Gibbons–Hawking ansatz | 35132005 | 0 | 1735 | 20191006144420 |
Ginzburg criterion | 26998219 | 0 | 3746 | 20190930040311 |
Giuseppe Occhialini Medal and Prize | 42098502 | 0 | 3059 | 20190930101841 |
Glass with embedded metal and sulfides | 2179144 | 0 | 1475 | 20191011111323 |
Glasser effect | 3810122 | 0 | 383 | 20190720065838 |
Glidant | 20490276 | 0 | 1255 | 20190907051427 |
Global mode | 46970664 | 0 | 2311 | 20190907062730 |
Global symmetry | 2258117 | 0 | 1383 | 20190813024230 |
Glueball | 845737 | 0 | 12958 | 20190907035417 |
Gluon condensate | 1966314 | 0 | 1554 | 20191015144526 |
Goddard problem | 26530540 | 0 | 543 | 20190721171930 |
Golay cell | 12282750 | 0 | 1775 | 20191006045702 |
Gordon decomposition | 47796972 | 0 | 10391 | 20190907063015 |
Graviquake | 54501175 | 0 | 760 | 20191006144422 |
Gravitational Wave International Committee | 28898035 | 0 | 8140 | 20190911212028 |
Gravitational biology | 8599335 | 0 | 7143 | 20190929075335 |
Gravitational coupling constant | 4664162 | 0 | 9118 | 20190919151410 |
Gravitational instability | 41975063 | 0 | 2783 | 20190907061437 |
Gravitational interaction of antimatter | 3404684 | 0 | 26920 | 20190907041509 |
Gravitational potential | 579026 | 0 | 18571 | 20191010191049 |
Gravitational shielding | 4434871 | 0 | 10247 | 20191002172714 |
Gravitationally-interacting massive particles | 57507652 | 0 | 4953 | 20190907065841 |
Gravity feed | 26108124 | 0 | 1110 | 20190720075158 |
Gravity of Mars | 55521195 | 0 | 52397 | 20191006133443 |
Gravity well | 2044779 | 0 | 8611 | 20191019202817 |
Grazing incidence diffraction | 4292841 | 0 | 1529 | 20190720065949 |
Green's function | 311001 | 0 | 34052 | 20191016174046 |
Green's function number | 36976910 | 0 | 11025 | 20190603100419 |
Gregori Aminoff Prize | 6932634 | 0 | 8942 | 20190919211016 |
Gregory–Laflamme instability | 21788835 | 0 | 2634 | 20190907051847 |
Greisen–Zatsepin–Kuzmin limit | 180236 | 0 | 18637 | 20191007184544 |
Ground pressure | 7966188 | 0 | 4065 | 20190912133614 |
Group actions in computational anatomy | 49342572 | 0 | 9437 | 20190907063412 |
Group field theory | 26254718 | 0 | 1620 | 20190818195822 |
Group velocity dispersion | 681625 | 0 | 7641 | 20190907035248 |
Günther Laukien Prize | 50381748 | 0 | 1999 | 20190907063627 |
H-theorem | 424440 | 0 | 30398 | 20191013130452 |
H. C. Ørsted Medal | 4475501 | 0 | 2252 | 20190720070016 |
HEPnet | 2783368 | 0 | 533 | 20190720065555 |
HITRAP | 5079742 | 0 | 869 | 20170323014801 |
Hafnium controversy | 6824269 | 0 | 16063 | 20190911220458 |
Haitinger Prize | 49048168 | 0 | 12983 | 20191016180628 |
Halpin–Tsai model | 5297589 | 0 | 1077 | 20190720070207 |
Hanle effect | 32236479 | 0 | 8878 | 20191017221717 |
Hannay angle | 6020635 | 0 | 2044 | 20190907042819 |
Harold Brown Award | 23584621 | 0 | 10660 | 20191001232607 |
Harold E. Puthoff | 2822381 | 0 | 13304 | 20191016174511 |
Hastatic order | 47524120 | 0 | 2167 | 20191006144421 |
Hayes similitude principle | 11551960 | 0 | 3485 | 20190907044619 |
Head shadow | 4112457 | 0 | 2486 | 20190907041901 |
Health Physics Society | 19164518 | 0 | 4772 | 20190907051056 |
Heat loss due to linear thermal bridging | 12123967 | 0 | 1896 | 20190922000531 |
Hector Medal | 22545239 | 0 | 10005 | 20191018010452 |
Heel effect | 42504282 | 0 | 4735 | 20190907061609 |
Heim theory | 1280758 | 0 | 6763 | 20191013222058 |
Heinz Maier-Leibnitz-Preis | 21422668 | 0 | 1839 | 20191016175455 |
Heisenberg cut | 37674773 | 0 | 3276 | 20190907060114 |
Heisenberg's entryway to matrix mechanics | 24009146 | 0 | 16230 | 20190919034030 |
Helical boundary conditions | 21563622 | 0 | 1024 | 20190720074054 |
Helium line ratio | 2923377 | 0 | 1045 | 20190907041210 |
Helix–coil transition model | 8914599 | 0 | 2204 | 20191017215234 |
Hemihelix | 42599642 | 0 | 1532 | 20190914140441 |
Henri Poincaré Prize | 4890712 | 0 | 2475 | 20190720070113 |
Hessdalen lights | 885054 | 0 | 17319 | 20191016194728 |
High Energy Physics Advisory Panel | 43070586 | 0 | 1177 | 20190907061733 |
High-temperature superconductivity | 101336 | 0 | 81118 | 20191009173837 |
Hilbert spectroscopy | 26527624 | 0 | 735 | 20190907053221 |
Hilbert's sixth problem | 639778 | 0 | 8139 | 20191016141230 |
History of Lorentz transformations | 7058047 | 0 | 380053 | 20191020112623 |
History of Maxwell's equations | 39304805 | 0 | 23048 | 20191011155526 |
History of classical mechanics | 3114255 | 0 | 14825 | 20190911211007 |
History of fluid mechanics | 2206712 | 0 | 39047 | 20191020112309 |
History of loop quantum gravity | 856680 | 0 | 12826 | 20190907035425 |
History of quantum field theory | 2078963 | 0 | 40967 | 20191010191111 |
History of spectroscopy | 35980148 | 0 | 29684 | 20191011120027 |
History of string theory | 6004113 | 0 | 33559 | 20190922054959 |
History of subatomic physics | 41555255 | 0 | 33093 | 20191010191330 |
History of superconductivity | 1929545 | 0 | 18248 | 20190907040436 |
History of the philosophy of field theory | 53768694 | 0 | 18657 | 20191018195846 |
History of variational principles in physics | 5586409 | 0 | 13375 | 20190907042602 |
Hole argument | 2680671 | 0 | 18300 | 20190907041035 |
Holeum | 31146000 | 0 | 7574 | 20190930140546 |
Holmium–magnesium–zinc quasicrystal | 49253469 | 0 | 853 | 20190902190552 |
Holtzman effect | 1367928 | 0 | 19061 | 20190930150034 |
Homeokinetics | 21348562 | 0 | 9268 | 20190907051717 |
Homologous temperature | 2585385 | 0 | 2227 | 20190907040949 |
Horologium Oscillatorium | 41078437 | 0 | 6701 | 20190907061146 |
Horror vacui | 23223531 | 0 | 9995 | 20190926091721 |
Hořava–Lifshitz gravity | 25163388 | 0 | 3448 | 20190907052848 |
Hořava–Witten domain wall | 1190955 | 0 | 761 | 20190818180716 |
Huber's equation | 11543936 | 0 | 1449 | 20190915000253 |
Hydrodynamic quantum analogs | 41358691 | 0 | 16379 | 20191001153758 |
Hypergravity | 31631838 | 0 | 10491 | 20190907054441 |
Hyperradiant Fresnel lens | 1412881 | 0 | 2940 | 20191015171914 |
Hypertime | 2851013 | 0 | 2032 | 20190627181218 |
Hypertriton | 26730261 | 0 | 1624 | 20190720075256 |
Hypotheses non fingo | 4795569 | 0 | 2382 | 20190917211732 |
Hypsochromic shift | 2110057 | 0 | 1661 | 20190720065408 |
I. I. Rabi Award | 43678078 | 0 | 2605 | 20190831234002 |
IEEE Heinrich Hertz Medal | 14028639 | 0 | 4813 | 20190818191125 |
ISO 31-13 | 6197880 | 0 | 349 | 20190825150022 |
ISO 31-2 | 3371541 | 0 | 708 | 20190825150021 |
ISO 31-3 | 3371466 | 0 | 2127 | 20190825150021 |
ISO 31-4 | 3371482 | 0 | 1601 | 20190825150021 |
ISO 31-5 | 3371491 | 0 | 1236 | 20190825150021 |
ISO 31-6 | 3371516 | 0 | 637 | 20190825150021 |
ISO 31-7 | 3371532 | 0 | 1880 | 20190825150021 |
ISO 31-9 | 6141463 | 0 | 668 | 20190825150022 |
ISO/IEC 80000 | 9007520 | 0 | 19222 | 20191007184546 |
IUPAC/IUPAP Joint Working Party | 36780225 | 0 | 1901 | 20191001231105 |
IYPT 2011 | 35203802 | 0 | 8555 | 20191020113943 |
Ideally hard superconductor | 7043844 | 0 | 1761 | 20190907043232 |
Identity channel | 33849734 | 0 | 622 | 20190907055033 |
Immittance | 6154036 | 0 | 1685 | 20190907042856 |
Impact parameter | 10686498 | 0 | 3389 | 20190720071317 |
Impedance pump | 25241870 | 0 | 1255 | 20190827193020 |
Independent electron approximation | 16086895 | 0 | 1622 | 20190813024234 |
Index of optics articles | 344933 | 0 | 10632 | 20190907034812 |
Index of physics articles | 38438395 | 0 | 2885 | 20190824184819 |
Index of radiation articles | 2349852 | 0 | 7608 | 20190405122353 |
Indian Physical Society | 27554817 | 0 | 1592 | 20190907053455 |
Inertia damper | 23586028 | 0 | 2212 | 20190720074606 |
Infinite derivative gravity | 51860534 | 0 | 15256 | 20190918204915 |
Inherent viscosity | 38532467 | 0 | 883 | 20190907060347 |
Instability | 548173 | 0 | 9222 | 20190907035107 |
Institute of Physics Edward Appleton Medal and Prize | 27195188 | 0 | 5861 | 20191014094515 |
Integral length scale | 48534652 | 0 | 1724 | 20191006144421 |
Intelligent falling | 2561693 | 0 | 4040 | 20190919075029 |
Interaction energy | 696911 | 0 | 2074 | 20191006192530 |
Interface | 3591456 | 0 | 2457 | 20191020072544 |
International Association of Mathematical Physics | 23897340 | 0 | 3362 | 20190911211838 |
International Association of Physics Students | 31166737 | 0 | 13712 | 20191016175910 |
International Centre for Theoretical Physics | 4194183 | 0 | 8260 | 20191017143143 |
International Conference of Physics Students | 21242503 | 0 | 7691 | 20190907051654 |
International Congress on Mathematical Physics | 23897905 | 0 | 1508 | 20190728190322 |
International Dennis Gabor Award | 26844507 | 0 | 4780 | 20190910005637 |
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering | 25606206 | 0 | 1682 | 20190927140848 |
International System of Quantities | 11559418 | 0 | 8276 | 20190907044621 |
International Young Physicists' Tournament | 7208965 | 0 | 31794 | 20191016012625 |
Intracule | 4477491 | 0 | 865 | 20190720070016 |
Intrinsic parity | 418697 | 0 | 2365 | 20190720065019 |
Introduction to gauge theory | 291912 | 0 | 30871 | 20190927151806 |
Introduction to the mathematics of general relativity | 6719257 | 0 | 26913 | 20191010191143 |
Invariant | 1126641 | 0 | 3136 | 20190907035724 |
Inverse scattering problem | 385661 | 0 | 1917 | 20191009173756 |
Ion drift meter | 16610108 | 0 | 1320 | 20190720072849 |
Ion transport number | 32239521 | 0 | 8676 | 20191019172355 |
Ionic conductivity | 13933421 | 0 | 3632 | 20191011210703 |
Ionometer | 20931669 | 0 | 2180 | 20190720073909 |
Ionospheric storm | 18116598 | 0 | 748 | 20190720073141 |
Ishimori equation | 16617601 | 0 | 3819 | 20191010191210 |
Isoenthalpic–isobaric ensemble | 14422554 | 0 | 1667 | 20190831230013 |
Isopotential map | 3971228 | 0 | 455 | 20190720065902 |
Isoscalar | 3559700 | 0 | 449 | 20190720065801 |
Isothermal–isobaric ensemble | 3521038 | 0 | 12132 | 20190907041549 |
Isotropic radiation | 1965987 | 0 | 454 | 20190720065348 |
Isovector | 3559710 | 0 | 493 | 20190720065801 |
Italian Physical Society | 25571532 | 0 | 3085 | 20191020141331 |
J. Robert Oppenheimer Memorial Prize | 45542526 | 0 | 7964 | 20191010191343 |
Jack Sarfatti | 2616800 | 0 | 7633 | 20191016174500 |
Jacqueline Priestman | 20738416 | 0 | 1292 | 20190907051509 |
Jacques Herbrand Prize | 54227932 | 0 | 3298 | 20190919211121 |
Jahn–Teller effect | 1964288 | 0 | 60778 | 20190907040455 |
James E. Faller | 12932718 | 0 | 1898 | 20191010232742 |
Janet Luhmann | 62014017 | 0 | 7911 | 20191017195536 |
Japan Society of Applied Physics | 10477545 | 0 | 3298 | 20191020141058 |
Jet | 8815697 | 0 | 1740 | 20190907043826 |
John Price Wetherill Medal | 46893659 | 0 | 11786 | 20191001211220 |
John Stewart Bell Prize | 43926107 | 0 | 4118 | 20190907062009 |
Johnsen–Rahbek effect | 14718234 | 0 | 978 | 20190720072336 |
Jolly balance | 2517513 | 0 | 1762 | 20190907040918 |
Jounce | 1723156 | 0 | 3699 | 20191008132903 |
K-Poincaré algebra | 18193964 | 0 | 1977 | 20190720073150 |
K-Poincaré group | 19618101 | 0 | 2702 | 20190720073608 |
KASCADE | 12690112 | 0 | 6482 | 20190914021340 |
Kadowaki–Woods ratio | 4059082 | 0 | 4162 | 20191015201731 |
Kantowski–Sachs metric | 35752296 | 0 | 1080 | 20190907055527 |
Kaonium | 2286731 | 0 | 904 | 20190907040732 |
Kaplan–Yorke map | 2053018 | 0 | 2364 | 20191018131532 |
Karatmeter | 5130190 | 0 | 2238 | 20190720070145 |
Karl Scheel Prize | 21019164 | 0 | 1222 | 20190203043047 |
Katharine Burr Blodgett Medal and Prize | 49985936 | 0 | 3903 | 20191016180656 |
Kelvin–Planck statement | 34632669 | 0 | 1063 | 20190928113537 |
Kilocalorie per mole | 1805832 | 0 | 2029 | 20190907040334 |
Kinetic scheme | 31717950 | 0 | 4310 | 20190907054458 |
Kinetic term | 717778 | 0 | 1089 | 20190720065059 |
Kirchhoff–Helmholtz integral | 56777468 | 0 | 2079 | 20190907065531 |
Klopsteg Memorial Award | 12710750 | 0 | 4255 | 20190907045054 |
Klung Wilhelmy Science Award | 8450954 | 0 | 9594 | 20191003175934 |
Knight shift | 1181004 | 0 | 3501 | 20190907035756 |
Knudsen force | 30047379 | 0 | 861 | 20190907054039 |
Knudsen gas | 1837480 | 0 | 1158 | 20190720065329 |
Kodama state | 22245489 | 0 | 2927 | 20190907052021 |
Koenig's manometric flame apparatus | 16646920 | 0 | 3905 | 20150322165446 |
Kohn effect | 7270813 | 0 | 493 | 20190720070659 |
Koide formula | 5993712 | 0 | 11861 | 20191017115446 |
Komar superpotential | 54556438 | 0 | 2664 | 20190907064823 |
Kondo effect | 357190 | 0 | 9489 | 20190907034822 |
Konishi anomaly | 8120897 | 0 | 1047 | 20190720070842 |
Koopman–von Neumann classical mechanics | 37704906 | 0 | 34691 | 20190927213252 |
Kopp's law | 7414275 | 0 | 2235 | 20190907043354 |
Kotcherlakota Rangadhama Rao Memorial Lecture Award | 24549009 | 0 | 3454 | 20191014094416 |
Kramers' law | 21508600 | 0 | 3045 | 20191019131503 |
Kramers–Heisenberg formula | 6363696 | 0 | 3540 | 20190907042952 |
Kratos MS 50 | 8379672 | 0 | 1050 | 20190720070910 |
Kurchatov Medal | 5082391 | 0 | 2147 | 20190901182438 |
Laboratory frame of reference | 31155027 | 0 | 728 | 20190720080138 |
Lagrangian coherent structure | 25077398 | 0 | 74245 | 20190924190710 |
Lamb–Mössbauer factor | 23183287 | 0 | 3042 | 20190907052316 |
Laminar–turbulent transition | 23163934 | 0 | 12046 | 20191015173127 |
Land speed | 13745586 | 0 | 669 | 20190720072131 |
Landau Gold Medal | 54285127 | 0 | 2002 | 20191020114843 |
Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation | 16568967 | 0 | 10332 | 20191010191210 |
Landau–Pomeranchuk–Migdal effect | 9386543 | 0 | 3208 | 20190907044010 |
Landolt–Börnstein | 6756239 | 0 | 5586 | 20190601142555 |
Langworthy Professor | 27293488 | 0 | 1172 | 20190720075421 |
Laplace limit | 12663171 | 0 | 1829 | 20190907045043 |
Large Volume Detector | 5778205 | 0 | 1724 | 20190907042657 |
Large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping | 49418115 | 0 | 49430 | 20191014101128 |
Laser accelerometer | 7359494 | 0 | 1578 | 20191009200752 |
Laser integration line | 13629642 | 0 | 2301 | 20191010191203 |
Laser printing of single nanoparticles | 42347710 | 0 | 3068 | 20190907061542 |
Laser-induced incandescence | 23970820 | 0 | 394 | 20190720074711 |
Lasing without inversion | 43593074 | 0 | 1854 | 20190923130443 |
Le Sage's theory of gravitation | 307258 | 0 | 83768 | 20191014092616 |
Leconte Prize | 25143962 | 0 | 10805 | 20191020113523 |
Ledinegg instability | 9335064 | 0 | 1307 | 20190720071055 |
Leggett inequality | 27478537 | 0 | 3749 | 20190907053444 |
Leibniz–Clarke correspondence | 9332507 | 0 | 5018 | 20190907044001 |
Lemaître coordinates | 13636040 | 0 | 4975 | 20190911211500 |
Lemaître–Tolman metric | 11521009 | 0 | 4246 | 20191006144419 |
Length measurement | 33904406 | 0 | 22098 | 20191015011745 |
Leontovich boundary condition | 59020460 | 0 | 2298 | 20190907070319 |
Les Houches Accords | 11488602 | 0 | 2731 | 20190907044607 |
Level-spacing distribution | 2685460 | 0 | 391 | 20190720065542 |
Lieben Prize | 9440365 | 0 | 5463 | 20190919193311 |
Light cone gauge | 17785628 | 0 | 1577 | 20190720073103 |
Light valve | 26459697 | 0 | 2243 | 20190720075231 |
Lilienfeld radiation | 40207460 | 0 | 1247 | 20190907060856 |
Linear response function | 8419626 | 0 | 5801 | 20190304012841 |
Liouville–Arnold theorem | 40071018 | 0 | 2416 | 20190907060828 |
Liouville–Bratu–Gelfand equation | 54061668 | 0 | 4467 | 20190405150530 |
Lippmann electrometer | 6316384 | 0 | 1315 | 20190720070445 |
Liquid marbles | 55665052 | 0 | 13965 | 20191019202841 |
Liquid slugging | 53646845 | 0 | 1101 | 20191016101649 |
Liquid whistle | 48541762 | 0 | 1315 | 20190911213042 |
Lise Meitner Distinguished Lecture | 50685386 | 0 | 1565 | 20190502064516 |
Lise Meitner Medal and Prize | 58249963 | 0 | 1312 | 20191016181109 |
List of Foucault pendulums | 7873607 | 0 | 46078 | 20191015172433 |
List of Fritz London Memorial Prizes | 27969151 | 0 | 2840 | 20190930153335 |
List of Proton Synchrotron experiments | 55188089 | 0 | 12463 | 20190910173846 |
List of Slovenian physicists | 796647 | 0 | 2138 | 20190601142351 |
List of accelerators in particle physics | 3343262 | 0 | 31729 | 20191017000616 |
List of dualities | 32869192 | 0 | 2873 | 20190721232116 |
List of electromagnetism equations | 37019370 | 0 | 25512 | 20190924202317 |
List of equations in classical mechanics | 6050 | 0 | 29910 | 20191010191014 |
List of equations in fluid mechanics | 37019524 | 0 | 8244 | 20190924202317 |
List of equations in gravitation | 37019679 | 0 | 12743 | 20190924202317 |
List of equations in nuclear and particle physics | 37019616 | 0 | 11654 | 20190924202317 |
List of equations in quantum mechanics | 37019384 | 0 | 21677 | 20190924202317 |
List of equations in wave theory | 37019651 | 0 | 22801 | 20190924202317 |
List of gravitational wave observations | 49438920 | 0 | 46393 | 20191015204336 |
List of heliophysics missions | 35987270 | 0 | 2956 | 20191016005336 |
List of important publications in physics | 768566 | 0 | 129806 | 20190920151416 |
List of letters used in mathematics and science | 150144 | 0 | 14158 | 20190826175314 |
List of mathematical physics journals | 34702137 | 0 | 945 | 20190301225054 |
List of minerals by optical properties | 30795591 | 0 | 1948 | 20190419053954 |
List of photonics equations | 37019597 | 0 | 23114 | 20190924202317 |
List of physical constants | 3932275 | 0 | 13471 | 20191007184546 |
List of physics concepts in primary and secondary education curricula | 36536147 | 0 | 5507 | 20191010191310 |
List of physics journals | 3648693 | 0 | 9891 | 20191020143710 |
List of physics mnemonics | 45417452 | 0 | 7414 | 20191004014120 |
List of plasma physicists | 1839391 | 0 | 5630 | 20190204005433 |
List of plasma physics articles | 33820413 | 0 | 24973 | 20191015203509 |
List of quantum-mechanical systems with analytical solutions | 9505941 | 0 | 4747 | 20190907044033 |
List of refractive indices | 391591 | 0 | 16096 | 20190920215759 |
List of relativistic equations | 147337 | 0 | 21794 | 20190524234056 |
List of scattering experiments | 53155398 | 0 | 1539 | 20190910173846 |
List of second moments of area | 8673754 | 0 | 7918 | 20191003083859 |
List of string theory topics | 660973 | 0 | 5329 | 20190726150129 |
List of synchrotron radiation facilities | 3522475 | 0 | 17734 | 20190919211007 |
List of textbooks in electromagnetism | 39323412 | 0 | 7715 | 20191015203809 |
List of textbooks on classical mechanics and quantum mechanics | 61276647 | 0 | 7552 | 20191015204938 |
List of theoretical physicists | 477316 | 0 | 27522 | 20191019202816 |
List of thermal conductivities | 9402865 | 0 | 131489 | 20190920223629 |
List of unsolved problems in astronomy | 57326415 | 0 | 18527 | 20191001235016 |
List of unusual units of measurement | 23685094 | 0 | 91937 | 20191020113437 |
Lists of physics equations | 9100987 | 0 | 1751 | 20180828211720 |
Little hierarchy problem | 3791224 | 0 | 1468 | 20190911220455 |
Living Reviews in Relativity | 22332888 | 0 | 2190 | 20190927140847 |
Localized surface plasmon | 38931518 | 0 | 4743 | 20190907060448 |
Lock Yue Chew | 43822421 | 0 | 4703 | 20191018131532 |
Long delayed echo | 2841557 | 0 | 12496 | 20190907041134 |
Long-slit spectroscopy | 32668725 | 0 | 4526 | 20190926091224 |
Lorentz scalar | 1911511 | 0 | 7935 | 20190907040427 |
Lorenz gauge condition | 1718317 | 0 | 10460 | 20190924004837 |
Louis Néel Medal | 40653237 | 0 | 1656 | 20190927212138 |
Ludwig Boltzmann Prize | 30726206 | 0 | 2089 | 20191019235820 |
Luigi G. Napolitano Award | 5639053 | 0 | 1944 | 20191009121743 |
Luminosity distance | 3166203 | 0 | 2819 | 20190907041344 |
Luminous energy | 2545824 | 0 | 1373 | 20191019152906 |
Lyman Laboratory of Physics | 53006469 | 0 | 1879 | 20191019205145 |
Lyman limit | 21761715 | 0 | 862 | 20190907051843 |
Lyman–Werner photons | 9843891 | 0 | 2178 | 20190907044130 |
M2-brane | 40030501 | 0 | 1887 | 20190818203610 |
M5-brane | 53072781 | 0 | 485 | 20190818210249 |
M82 X-2 | 44065248 | 0 | 6408 | 20191010191337 |
MARIACHI | 7425653 | 0 | 4502 | 20191003151607 |
MAX IV Laboratory | 18160937 | 0 | 6329 | 20190914022018 |
MIRACL | 578365 | 0 | 4247 | 20190926132136 |
Macron | 29002911 | 0 | 856 | 20190930201121 |
Macrosonics | 2209674 | 0 | 535 | 20190720065425 |
Magnetic braking | 24812601 | 0 | 7337 | 20190918204912 |
Magnetic dipole transition | 25211802 | 0 | 3876 | 20190907052855 |
Magnetic field viewing film | 5576639 | 0 | 1167 | 20191015172322 |
Magnetic form factor | 1531742 | 0 | 723 | 20190720065248 |
Magnetic hysteresis | 948580 | 0 | 7118 | 20190907035527 |
Magnetic isotope effect | 16135470 | 0 | 1386 | 20190907050221 |
Magnetogastrography | 15970289 | 0 | 614 | 20190818191937 |
Magnetorheological finishing | 3367341 | 0 | 1815 | 20190720065733 |
Magnetospheric eternally collapsing object | 6146346 | 0 | 10321 | 20191009023459 |
Majorana fermion | 4643400 | 0 | 30652 | 20191014093629 |
Malaysian Physics Institute | 36996694 | 0 | 3636 | 20191002134648 |
Malter effect | 11713313 | 0 | 1461 | 20190907044653 |
Manipulation of atoms by optical field | 15795860 | 0 | 1245 | 20190720072651 |
Many-body theory | 784621 | 0 | 1006 | 20190720065109 |
Margolus–Levitin theorem | 3390080 | 0 | 2224 | 20190907041505 |
Marie Curie-Sklodowska Medal and Prize | 58254869 | 0 | 1062 | 20191016181109 |
Mass attenuation coefficient | 13680698 | 0 | 7987 | 20191015183833 |
Mass flux | 11434205 | 0 | 8425 | 20190912100503 |
Mass formula | 1876520 | 0 | 1242 | 20190720065336 |
Mass in general relativity | 6513985 | 0 | 28091 | 20191019202821 |
Mass versus weight | 14476384 | 0 | 24467 | 20190926005526 |
Master equation | 840106 | 0 | 9922 | 20190907035414 |
Matrix representation of Maxwell's equations | 38469083 | 0 | 21617 | 20191006144420 |
Matter wave clock | 43174898 | 0 | 7505 | 20190203060152 |
Matteucci Medal | 7132137 | 0 | 3082 | 20190919211017 |
Matthiessen's ratio | 29801958 | 0 | 1413 | 20190907054020 |
Maximon | 15864430 | 0 | 1074 | 20190813024234 |
Maximum density | 6565890 | 0 | 1709 | 20190907043039 |
Maxwell's equations in curved spacetime | 4603217 | 0 | 31339 | 20191017105413 |
McLeod gauge | 1155556 | 0 | 3312 | 20191006045702 |
Mean field theory | 555768 | 0 | 15632 | 20190920092645 |
Mean free time | 1916509 | 0 | 665 | 20190720065341 |
Mean speed theorem | 30488626 | 0 | 4439 | 20190907054137 |
Measure | 11020610 | 0 | 1059 | 20190720071351 |
Measure problem | 44982654 | 0 | 15865 | 20191018021444 |
Measured quantity | 21897799 | 0 | 712 | 20191015202817 |
Mechanical equivalent of heat | 2239159 | 0 | 8144 | 20191014093021 |
Mechanically isolated system | 37898741 | 0 | 1569 | 20190907060152 |
Medard W. Welch Award | 17569127 | 0 | 9748 | 20190223182348 |
Medical physicist | 2827625 | 0 | 8820 | 20190917044407 |
Mediterranean Institute of Fundamental Physics | 35722587 | 0 | 11655 | 20191020114002 |
Membrane theory of shells | 43457615 | 0 | 1842 | 20190907061847 |
Meta-operator | 36235324 | 0 | 395 | 20190731104117 |
Metallizing | 1454099 | 0 | 6735 | 20190907040029 |
Meter water equivalent | 44012079 | 0 | 4509 | 20190930192821 |
Metric tensor | 195795 | 0 | 56812 | 20191010191032 |
Michigan Spin Physics Center | 38743125 | 0 | 2907 | 20190907060420 |
Microbarometer | 14417117 | 0 | 1082 | 20190720072250 |
Microfluidic cell culture | 50311973 | 0 | 23397 | 20190918204915 |
Microgravity University | 11352335 | 0 | 2837 | 20190812205102 |
Microplane model for constitutive laws of materials | 48851801 | 0 | 11305 | 20190322070702 |
Microstate continuum | 3080682 | 0 | 589 | 20190720065650 |
Microviscosity | 28775600 | 0 | 1968 | 20190720075721 |
Middle World | 12748155 | 0 | 2389 | 20190919211852 |
Midwestern Universities Research Association | 35026878 | 0 | 3700 | 20190910173846 |
Miguel Ángel Fernández Sanjuán | 33034198 | 0 | 8946 | 20191018131532 |
MinutePhysics | 36970075 | 0 | 7506 | 20191011231306 |
Mirror furnace | 18848251 | 0 | 504 | 20191015003431 |
Misalignment mechanism | 5434119 | 0 | 1453 | 20190907042520 |
Mixed dark matter | 10400397 | 0 | 2879 | 20190930140546 |
Mobile Anisotropy Telescope | 11895622 | 0 | 377 | 20191014093711 |
Model C stellarator | 48802680 | 0 | 2643 | 20190720083245 |
Model building | 3791131 | 0 | 3403 | 20190813024232 |
Modified pressure | 46664026 | 0 | 609 | 20190720082925 |
Modular invariance | 1372589 | 0 | 780 | 20190720065224 |
Modulation sphere | 8921792 | 0 | 1155 | 20190720071013 |
Molar heat capacity | 1410760 | 0 | 49326 | 20191015201630 |
Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure IV. Constants of Diatomic Molecules | 13182486 | 0 | 1518 | 20190801105322 |
Molecular chaos | 2960796 | 0 | 5399 | 20190907041224 |
Moment | 278366 | 0 | 12171 | 20191017144250 |
Monopole | 2415128 | 0 | 1468 | 20191006144417 |
Monster | 15301222 | 0 | 1394 | 20190907045859 |
Moore Center for Theoretical Cosmology and Physics | 42247367 | 0 | 986 | 20190907061525 |
Moss–Burstein effect | 31860373 | 0 | 2211 | 20190907054523 |
Motion-triggered contact insufficiency | 16160495 | 0 | 616 | 20190818192018 |
Mott criterion | 21162207 | 0 | 989 | 20190908120115 |
Mott–Bethe formula | 31703828 | 0 | 1522 | 20190907054456 |
Mu problem | 12807714 | 0 | 3421 | 20190907045115 |
Multichannel analyzer | 49966064 | 0 | 2564 | 20190907063530 |
Multiple-emitter transistor | 20959189 | 0 | 1893 | 20191012074239 |
Multiplet | 12416124 | 0 | 2322 | 20191006144419 |
Multiscale turbulence | 45507060 | 0 | 9659 | 20190918204915 |
Multiscroll attractor | 34760289 | 0 | 7828 | 20191018131532 |
Mutual coherence | 11364414 | 0 | 662 | 20190907044545 |
Mécanique analytique | 49067628 | 0 | 3991 | 20190907063328 |
N ray | 22037 | 0 | 13511 | 20190924081354 |
N-body choreography | 31254895 | 0 | 3115 | 20190907054338 |
N-body problem | 23859945 | 0 | 59699 | 20191020165949 |
N-vector model | 1165549 | 0 | 2230 | 20190907035748 |
NAMD | 306767 | 0 | 4026 | 20191015171659 |
Naga fireball | 878855 | 0 | 6638 | 20191020112151 |
Nahm equations | 10451852 | 0 | 5611 | 20190907044316 |
Nanoknife | 26616241 | 0 | 3780 | 20190928200946 |
Nanomagnet | 20480367 | 0 | 7242 | 20190929151322 |
Nanomechanical resonator | 50250122 | 0 | 2023 | 20190907063610 |
Narrow bipolar pulse | 2355524 | 0 | 1309 | 20190720065449 |
National Prize for Exact Sciences | 56024347 | 0 | 5388 | 20191020114919 |
National Society of Black Physicists | 18776384 | 0 | 3994 | 20191016175348 |
National Society of Hispanic Physicists | 11862091 | 0 | 4608 | 20190203033910 |
Navier–Stokes existence and smoothness | 6013654 | 0 | 16971 | 20190911211154 |
Negative frequency | 1092282 | 0 | 6774 | 20190927213252 |
Negative mass | 262606 | 0 | 36682 | 20191013091455 |
Negative refraction | 2219887 | 0 | 7232 | 20190918204907 |
Neoclassical transport | 57152266 | 0 | 2702 | 20190907065654 |
Neumann's law | 7931875 | 0 | 497 | 20190720070822 |
Neutron probe | 1826330 | 0 | 1772 | 20190907040344 |
Neutron-induced swelling | 2079223 | 0 | 681 | 20190720065405 |
Newman's energy machine | 1770009 | 0 | 8860 | 20190927021303 |
Newton's law of cooling | 81884 | 0 | 15944 | 20191010210848 |
Newton's theorem of revolving orbits | 12191272 | 0 | 70980 | 20191012013150 |
Newtonian dynamics | 642330 | 0 | 11861 | 20190930160512 |
Newtonian limit | 488419 | 0 | 1239 | 20191011120024 |
Newtonian motivations for general relativity | 3552615 | 0 | 19138 | 20191002101204 |
Newton–Wigner localization | 8117002 | 0 | 2250 | 20190907043618 |
Night Thoughts of a Classical Physicist | 29873865 | 0 | 12879 | 20191020130154 |
Nimrod | 16239927 | 0 | 1741 | 20190914021823 |
Nine | 2322902 | 0 | 3193 | 20190907040750 |
Nishina Memorial Prize | 24994666 | 0 | 3782 | 20191014094425 |
No-broadcast theorem | 6387477 | 0 | 2940 | 20190831224920 |
Node | 998070 | 0 | 8888 | 20190911210721 |
Noise floor | 795170 | 0 | 2717 | 20191016211124 |
Noise-equivalent flux density | 3265720 | 0 | 1444 | 20190907041423 |
Noise-equivalent target | 3265837 | 0 | 489 | 20190720065720 |
Non-Gaussianity | 717826 | 0 | 1046 | 20190907035311 |
Non-perturbative | 1719992 | 0 | 2450 | 20190907040252 |
Nonadiabatic transition state theory | 51531969 | 0 | 2298 | 20190907064000 |
Nonequilibrium partition identity | 16384773 | 0 | 2082 | 20190720072830 |
Nonholonomic system | 554248 | 0 | 15851 | 20191019003142 |
Nonlinear Dynamics | 24550539 | 0 | 2232 | 20190927140848 |
Nonlinear X-wave | 8082812 | 0 | 3522 | 20190907043609 |
Nonlinear frictiophoresis | 57243717 | 0 | 17841 | 20190907065720 |
Nordström's theory of gravitation | 2447871 | 0 | 38041 | 20190907040849 |
Normal contact stiffness | 52160778 | 0 | 2426 | 20190906120935 |
Northwest Nuclear Consortium | 48583145 | 0 | 1288 | 20190907063205 |
Notch tensile strength | 53667030 | 0 | 697 | 20191016180841 |
Number density | 2127679 | 0 | 6370 | 20191015183833 |
Numerical sign problem | 17749634 | 0 | 14414 | 20190927124833 |
Numerical solution of the convection–diffusion equation | 41067402 | 0 | 7389 | 20190919151412 |
Numerical value equation | 62079637 | 0 | 895 | 20191020111318 |
Observer | 30246074 | 0 | 2008 | 20190625230316 |
Observer | 24731079 | 0 | 1000 | 20190603100121 |
Oersted Medal | 556651 | 0 | 4567 | 20190907035114 |
Okorokov effect | 6196217 | 0 | 787 | 20191020112551 |
Om Prakash Bhasin Award | 45023593 | 0 | 13316 | 20191014095156 |
On Physical Lines of Force | 29647188 | 0 | 7482 | 20191016132634 |
One-electron universe | 4295487 | 0 | 3882 | 20191014161210 |
Onsager reciprocal relations | 466164 | 0 | 15100 | 20190911210625 |
Optical force | 25654089 | 0 | 887 | 20190720075054 |
Optical properties of water and ice | 10586673 | 0 | 14010 | 20190907044339 |
Optogalvanic effect | 37820320 | 0 | 1744 | 20190907060137 |
Order operator | 3386142 | 0 | 1873 | 20190720065734 |
Orders of magnitude | 27032782 | 0 | 2577 | 20190923060838 |
Oreste Piro | 33191486 | 0 | 3375 | 20191016180010 |
Orientational glass | 29452338 | 0 | 661 | 20190720075843 |
Orthobaric density | 16671520 | 0 | 682 | 20190720072852 |
Orthogonal | 31276955 | 0 | 2643 | 20190907054340 |
Orthometric height | 3073134 | 0 | 2491 | 20191002143926 |
Os | 31152829 | 0 | 16350 | 20191013185157 |
Oscillon | 1416705 | 0 | 4867 | 20190907040008 |
Oskar Klein Memorial Lecture | 3417735 | 0 | 1746 | 20190825190143 |
Oxford Calculators | 4555383 | 0 | 10656 | 20191006141654 |
Oxford Electric Bell | 2159838 | 0 | 5851 | 20191003174600 |
P-wave modulus | 10434600 | 0 | 1040 | 20190818185635 |
P3M | 21737233 | 0 | 3150 | 20191004023501 |
PANDA experiment | 31254087 | 0 | 1855 | 20190907054338 |
POISK Centre | 12151434 | 0 | 3536 | 20191020141111 |
Painlevé conjecture | 43825561 | 0 | 6985 | 20190921160818 |
Pake doublet | 6507201 | 0 | 2422 | 20190805125140 |
Palatini identity | 40941916 | 0 | 1953 | 20190907061117 |
Parabola of safety | 26481832 | 0 | 1154 | 20190904132835 |
Parallel force system | 55121627 | 0 | 2024 | 20190907064936 |
Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel | 43069026 | 0 | 5662 | 20191002172829 |
Particle displacement | 565031 | 0 | 5808 | 20191017091239 |
Particle velocity | 505929 | 0 | 6834 | 20191017091239 |
Pasotron | 8662470 | 0 | 2271 | 20190813024232 |
Passive acoustics | 5194347 | 0 | 1169 | 20190818183447 |
Patch dynamics | 25897909 | 0 | 1206 | 20190918204912 |
Path integral formulation | 438476 | 0 | 85449 | 20191010191046 |
Patterson power cell | 8861618 | 0 | 9801 | 20190907043834 |
Pawsey Medal | 23381445 | 0 | 14504 | 20191011033832 |
Peierls bracket | 1191117 | 0 | 1284 | 20190720065204 |
Peixoto's theorem | 3949356 | 0 | 1063 | 20190720065859 |
Peres metric | 25369256 | 0 | 1183 | 20190907052914 |
Permeation | 4904656 | 0 | 14352 | 20191019111943 |
Perpendicular paramagnetic bond | 59478233 | 0 | 1413 | 20190930141859 |
Persistence length | 4026223 | 0 | 10572 | 20190907041835 |
Perturbation theory | 102140 | 0 | 14803 | 20190907034231 |
Peter Mark Memorial award | 19943360 | 0 | 2565 | 20191019202828 |
Phase conjugation | 34854733 | 0 | 2540 | 20191015173549 |
Phase distortion | 41510 | 0 | 1829 | 20190907034108 |
Phase offset modulation | 6729866 | 0 | 1130 | 20190720070542 |
Phase stretch transform | 48249441 | 0 | 10528 | 20190907063112 |
Phase switch | 5074961 | 0 | 820 | 20190720070138 |
Phosphoroscope | 17094147 | 0 | 1570 | 20191015172926 |
Phoswich detector | 4879503 | 0 | 2771 | 20190918061320 |
Photino | 509141 | 0 | 2628 | 20191020184947 |
Photo-Carnot engine | 15069829 | 0 | 3336 | 20190907045821 |
Photoinduced charge separation | 3370908 | 0 | 2631 | 20190720065733 |
Photoinduced phase transitions | 18353210 | 0 | 578 | 20190813024234 |
Photoionisation cross section | 12356622 | 0 | 1968 | 20190907044909 |
Photoluminescence excitation | 24914493 | 0 | 3808 | 20190907052812 |
Photomagneton | 1726921 | 0 | 1182 | 20190720065314 |
Photon counting | 39036556 | 0 | 5978 | 20191011005122 |
Photon diffusion | 2684175 | 0 | 1728 | 20190720065542 |
Photophoresis | 5389553 | 0 | 10670 | 20190907042509 |
Photothermal effect | 5021237 | 0 | 878 | 20190720070131 |
Physical Review Focus | 421326 | 0 | 1788 | 20190927140841 |
Physical Society of Japan | 1664274 | 0 | 1314 | 20191016174400 |
Physical Society of London | 3028372 | 0 | 5478 | 20190907041252 |
Physical change | 1701722 | 0 | 4373 | 20191014161203 |
Physical coefficient | 3880390 | 0 | 2801 | 20190909004837 |
Physical geodesy | 176813 | 0 | 11640 | 20190831223243 |
Physical information | 243627 | 0 | 14442 | 20190907233810 |
Physical metallurgy | 27146693 | 0 | 2806 | 20190609004949 |
Physical symbol system | 2685999 | 0 | 16996 | 20191015053306 |
Physical theories modified by general relativity | 12278602 | 0 | 8524 | 20190322070635 |
Physics Aptitude Test | 41573326 | 0 | 1188 | 20190907061321 |
Physics Instructional Resource Association | 26018522 | 0 | 2145 | 20190825235344 |
Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme | 1231526 | 0 | 2860 | 20190907035831 |
Physics and Star Wars | 311217 | 0 | 42253 | 20191015204618 |
Physics applications of asymptotically safe gravity | 39711379 | 0 | 9036 | 20190907060722 |
Physics of computation | 779338 | 0 | 1195 | 20190907035350 |
Physics of financial markets | 50069550 | 0 | 3421 | 20190926132038 |
Physics outreach | 43264630 | 0 | 27094 | 20190929145109 |
PhysicsOverflow | 53534175 | 0 | 9316 | 20191016135528 |
Physlet | 18067255 | 0 | 3889 | 20191007090204 |
Picture | 5527836 | 0 | 597 | 20190720070238 |
Piezoelectric coefficient | 20401836 | 0 | 689 | 20190720073801 |
Pinning points | 14453424 | 0 | 2947 | 20190623051616 |
Piola transformation | 37358308 | 0 | 1862 | 20190907060024 |
Piston effect | 19570879 | 0 | 9716 | 20190928013803 |
Planar array radar | 3077866 | 0 | 1105 | 20190907041310 |
Plane of polarization | 55054778 | 0 | 30914 | 20191016180923 |
Plexciton | 52748480 | 0 | 3631 | 20190907064257 |
Plumber's nightmare | 57253094 | 0 | 560 | 20190720084523 |
Pohlmeyer charge | 2871908 | 0 | 1045 | 20190720065610 |
Poincaré Seminars | 4891505 | 0 | 4730 | 20190908052951 |
Poincaré plot | 21437222 | 0 | 5795 | 20190907051731 |
Poisson bracket | 294340 | 0 | 18918 | 20190927213252 |
Polar metal | 50252496 | 0 | 10544 | 20190907063610 |
Polarizable vacuum | 3134466 | 0 | 14159 | 20190928022740 |
Polarization spectroscopy | 11133153 | 0 | 1101 | 20190720071404 |
Pole piece | 32290760 | 0 | 2283 | 20190720080328 |
Polynomial Wigner–Ville distribution | 45116986 | 0 | 6305 | 20190907062311 |
Pomeau–Manneville scenario | 33909868 | 0 | 886 | 20190907055042 |
Pomeranchuk Prize | 18433248 | 0 | 2835 | 20191014150702 |
Pomeranchuk cooling | 18932382 | 0 | 596 | 20190907050950 |
Pomeranchuk's theorem | 51517440 | 0 | 875 | 20190907063956 |
Ponderomotive energy | 8853472 | 0 | 2386 | 20190720071005 |
Pop | 47164052 | 0 | 3887 | 20190908165133 |
Pople notation | 15293846 | 0 | 1700 | 20190907045858 |
Potential gradient | 467428 | 0 | 8772 | 20190627174555 |
Potential magnetic field | 27634846 | 0 | 404 | 20190720075503 |
Potentiometric surface | 14220244 | 0 | 1528 | 20190907045542 |
Potsdam Denkschrift | 4243848 | 0 | 13870 | 20190709142732 |
Pouillet effect | 33316231 | 0 | 1664 | 20190907054910 |
Power bandwidth | 26088003 | 0 | 2052 | 20190930043133 |
Power density | 2207861 | 0 | 2038 | 20191003000514 |
Power history | 3577039 | 0 | 736 | 20190720065804 |
Prandtl–Glauert singularity | 226187 | 0 | 5119 | 20191006144416 |
Preferential concentration | 6804782 | 0 | 1703 | 20190907043139 |
Pressure experiment | 3232652 | 0 | 1678 | 20190720065714 |
Pressuron | 43431012 | 0 | 9866 | 20190911212804 |
Primary constraint | 916394 | 0 | 3819 | 20191010191054 |
Primordial isocurvature baryon model | 18930968 | 0 | 1684 | 20191012210615 |
Princeton Large Torus | 48754942 | 0 | 3573 | 20190720083241 |
Principle of covariance | 7251905 | 0 | 3173 | 20190614231107 |
Probability of occupation | 15996640 | 0 | 558 | 20190322070635 |
Production and Decay of Strange Particles | 4151671 | 0 | 4481 | 20191013185145 |
Professor of Natural Philosophy | 4870845 | 0 | 1515 | 20190907042250 |
Prompt gamma neutron activation analysis | 8943611 | 0 | 2037 | 20190720071015 |
Proof mass | 41565982 | 0 | 2034 | 20190907225437 |
Propagation constant | 41586 | 0 | 14297 | 20190911220435 |
Propagation loss | 56800205 | 0 | 407 | 20190720084430 |
Proper time | 494418 | 0 | 21628 | 20191010191046 |
Protein Local Optimization Program | 37572978 | 0 | 1843 | 20190907060057 |
Proton spin crisis | 36313540 | 0 | 6164 | 20190930182055 |
Pseudo Jahn–Teller effect | 52837586 | 0 | 40374 | 20190907064312 |
Pseudophysics | 2220700 | 0 | 1929 | 20191011233138 |
Psionics | 442294 | 0 | 18137 | 20191011233138 |
Pulse | 14828359 | 0 | 5247 | 20190930045849 |
Pulsed field gradient | 7949448 | 0 | 1934 | 20191015141727 |
Pyragas method | 57116400 | 0 | 1439 | 20190919211130 |
Pöschl–Teller potential | 24958775 | 0 | 3657 | 20190907052819 |
QED vacuum | 34317494 | 0 | 24341 | 20191015144411 |
QMAP | 11895648 | 0 | 2290 | 20191014093711 |
Quadrupole formula | 44190891 | 0 | 1378 | 20190907062101 |
Quaestiones quaedam philosophicae | 30865088 | 0 | 7875 | 20190917211732 |
Quality | 12115708 | 0 | 827 | 20190824184819 |
Quantity calculus | 21606306 | 0 | 3950 | 20190908221640 |
Quantized inertia | 58507641 | 0 | 19406 | 20190915122005 |
Quantum KZ equations | 25525656 | 0 | 1966 | 20190907052943 |
Quantum aesthetics | 6392399 | 0 | 1577 | 20190720070453 |
Quantum chaos | 313779 | 0 | 28064 | 20191018131532 |
Quantum chromodynamics binding energy | 22472780 | 0 | 4219 | 20190911042514 |
Quantum efficiency | 1162543 | 0 | 9373 | 20190907035745 |
Quantum ergodicity | 23855903 | 0 | 3233 | 20190907052514 |
Quantum hadrodynamics | 51231089 | 0 | 2421 | 20190907063856 |
Quantum instrument | 11158400 | 0 | 3212 | 20190831225540 |
Quantum non-equilibrium | 33357388 | 0 | 10162 | 20190907054917 |
Quantum potential | 8057418 | 0 | 58673 | 20191015050338 |
Quantum pseudo-telepathy | 20453649 | 0 | 17569 | 20190728060330 |
Quantum singularity | 4292514 | 0 | 5264 | 20190907042000 |
Quantum solid | 4759327 | 0 | 744 | 20190907042223 |
Quantum triviality | 22003136 | 0 | 13108 | 20190927213252 |
Quantum vacuum thruster | 38370599 | 0 | 44270 | 20191011195137 |
Quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring | 28675708 | 0 | 7842 | 20190907053745 |
Quasi-solid | 4449204 | 0 | 1374 | 20190831224546 |
Quintom scenario | 21321517 | 0 | 2494 | 20190907051710 |
Quiver diagram | 645203 | 0 | 921 | 20190818180136 |
R W B Stephens Medal | 31046448 | 0 | 1279 | 20190907054308 |
R-symmetry | 8120935 | 0 | 976 | 20190907043619 |
RAON | 57642278 | 0 | 15017 | 20191020114945 |
RF resonant cavity thruster | 6883009 | 0 | 79162 | 20191019114116 |
Radian per second | 4562902 | 0 | 2821 | 20191004134643 |
Radiant energy density | 35694445 | 0 | 2283 | 20191015183833 |
Radiant exitance | 3188240 | 0 | 4565 | 20191019011725 |
Radiant exposure | 32769826 | 0 | 2361 | 20191015183833 |
Radiation effect | 33373776 | 0 | 535 | 20191014094758 |
Radiation flux | 3909371 | 0 | 1218 | 20190907041800 |
Radiation trapping | 5764764 | 0 | 1001 | 20190907042653 |
Radiative Auger effect | 29330452 | 0 | 1428 | 20190907053919 |
Radiative flux | 20826274 | 0 | 3592 | 20191014191253 |
Radio noise source | 794959 | 0 | 443 | 20190720065110 |
Radio-frequency induction | 60994 | 0 | 2030 | 20190907034137 |
Radiophysics | 13664288 | 0 | 2319 | 20190720072121 |
Radioscope | 26408840 | 0 | 460 | 20190720075226 |
Radiosity | 11709182 | 0 | 9894 | 20191003000514 |
Raffaello Magiotti | 34287476 | 0 | 3097 | 20191016180041 |
Ramsauer–Townsend effect | 1494813 | 0 | 5378 | 20190907040050 |
Random cluster model | 60657382 | 0 | 5142 | 20191017001621 |
Ranga Yogeshwar | 61079808 | 0 | 6899 | 20191016181228 |
Rarita–Schwinger equation | 1531781 | 0 | 6533 | 20190919151409 |
Rate of heat flow | 2071466 | 0 | 3531 | 20190918223241 |
Rayleigh Medal | 11506132 | 0 | 3330 | 20191004071439 |
Rayleigh dissipation function | 40907142 | 0 | 1038 | 20190917061849 |
Reactionless drive | 4756732 | 0 | 12045 | 20190926095608 |
Rectilinear propagation | 1397700 | 0 | 1346 | 20190720065229 |
Recurrence plot | 546120 | 0 | 8426 | 20191016211223 |
Recurrence quantification analysis | 2201538 | 0 | 11560 | 20190911220449 |
Recycling antimatter | 42406424 | 0 | 2845 | 20190907061550 |
Refraction | 45093519 | 0 | 1479 | 20191015035738 |
Regenerative capacitor memory | 7436090 | 0 | 2677 | 20190907043359 |
Regularization | 2009062 | 0 | 19462 | 20190907040516 |
Rehbinder effect | 32046774 | 0 | 1617 | 20190907054556 |
Relation between Schrödinger's equation and the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics | 20487941 | 0 | 10581 | 20191010191220 |
Relational approach to quantum physics | 19882588 | 0 | 28252 | 20190907051245 |
Relationship between mathematics and physics | 42877569 | 0 | 18612 | 20190930055030 |
Relationship between string theory and quantum field theory | 5740174 | 0 | 6712 | 20190601142541 |
Relative angular momentum | 997253 | 0 | 1716 | 20191006144416 |
Relative locality | 36493499 | 0 | 2284 | 20190203053941 |
Relative velocity | 4946686 | 0 | 10296 | 20191020140952 |
Relative viscosity | 3782592 | 0 | 473 | 20190720065836 |
Relativistic Lagrangian mechanics | 37720636 | 0 | 25336 | 20191010191316 |
Relativistic chaos | 40159314 | 0 | 2384 | 20190911212548 |
Relativistic heat conduction | 20916902 | 0 | 19829 | 20191007032821 |
Relaxation | 1780263 | 0 | 9770 | 20190925172358 |
Remission | 5827181 | 0 | 1292 | 20191002173403 |
Renormalization | 291453 | 0 | 57202 | 20191007133536 |
Repulsive state | 35548904 | 0 | 1682 | 20190907055451 |
Residual property | 19625403 | 0 | 629 | 20190720073609 |
Resistive plate chamber | 54477794 | 0 | 1470 | 20190907064810 |
Resistive skin time | 13475776 | 0 | 496 | 20190720072055 |
Rest | 579929 | 0 | 3096 | 20190911060710 |
Reverse diffusion | 2684190 | 0 | 620 | 20190720065542 |
Reversible reference system propagation algorithm | 10708900 | 0 | 475 | 20190720071320 |
Revolving rivers | 44120129 | 0 | 4046 | 20190907062045 |
Riabouchinsky solid | 905140 | 0 | 1073 | 20190720065122 |
Richtmyer Memorial Award | 38188689 | 0 | 9658 | 20190907060249 |
Ridley–Watkins–Hilsum theory | 15544777 | 0 | 5162 | 20190907045953 |
Riemannian metric and Lie bracket in computational anatomy | 49400436 | 0 | 21681 | 20190927213252 |
Ritz ballistic theory | 32782978 | 0 | 9220 | 20190907054754 |
Robert A. Millikan award | 34373140 | 0 | 7585 | 20190627214049 |
Robinson oscillator | 4332129 | 0 | 2137 | 20191001013046 |
Robophysics | 58004420 | 0 | 1338 | 20191002080041 |
Rollin film | 2157145 | 0 | 4133 | 20190907040626 |
Romanian Master of Mathematics and Sciences | 28088480 | 0 | 3497 | 20190820010052 |
Rot-proof | 26249584 | 0 | 1290 | 20190624123231 |
Rotational Brownian motion | 20793410 | 0 | 2881 | 20190907051519 |
Rotational partition function | 31215952 | 0 | 8897 | 20190818201254 |
Rotatum | 37202680 | 0 | 1847 | 20190818202930 |
Route dependence | 2703885 | 0 | 4183 | 20190813024231 |
Rovibronic coupling | 5197381 | 0 | 803 | 20190828013005 |
Rubber science | 3334051 | 0 | 5604 | 20191013222058 |
Rubens' tube | 7649609 | 0 | 12136 | 20191015172428 |
Rumford Prize | 846152 | 0 | 23107 | 20191014092737 |
Russell Varian Prize | 56070044 | 0 | 9223 | 20190907065248 |
Rustproofing | 3813953 | 0 | 7993 | 20191016115711 |
Rutherford cable | 19232924 | 0 | 2191 | 20190907051104 |
Ruze's equation | 22630452 | 0 | 3144 | 20190907052143 |
Rydberg–Klein–Rees method | 37079339 | 0 | 386 | 20190806144707 |
S-knot | 7803747 | 0 | 762 | 20190907043518 |
SEPnet | 25722703 | 0 | 7832 | 20190907053020 |
SPARC | 57688085 | 0 | 950 | 20190907065908 |
SYZ conjecture | 17511256 | 0 | 2715 | 20190907050528 |
Sackler Prize | 6617299 | 0 | 5711 | 20191016102306 |
Saskatoon experiment | 11895640 | 0 | 550 | 20191014093711 |
Saturation velocity | 25225297 | 0 | 5703 | 20190907052859 |
Scale of temperature | 29184188 | 0 | 15339 | 20191003060914 |
Scherk–Schwarz mechanism | 857791 | 0 | 776 | 20190720065116 |
Schiehallion experiment | 20865567 | 0 | 31336 | 20191018000243 |
Schiller layer | 32960907 | 0 | 654 | 20190907054816 |
Schottky anomaly | 14369709 | 0 | 2603 | 20190720072246 |
Schottky effect | 2484577 | 0 | 4771 | 20190924120051 |
Schrödinger's Kitten | 10555115 | 0 | 2712 | 20191012025429 |
Schrödinger's cat in popular culture | 2986222 | 0 | 44400 | 20191020065250 |
Schwarzschild criterion | 14370049 | 0 | 2168 | 20190824183231 |
Searle's bar method | 25727818 | 0 | 1964 | 20190907053020 |
Second moment of area | 1736264 | 0 | 14995 | 20191015171941 |
Selective adsorption | 9250314 | 0 | 1346 | 20190907043944 |
Self-amplified spontaneous emission | 6683877 | 0 | 2845 | 20190907043100 |
Self-diffusion | 9544343 | 0 | 969 | 20190720071117 |
Self-focusing transducers | 4417714 | 0 | 1991 | 20190907042042 |
Self-gravitation | 41282376 | 0 | 9051 | 20191014035252 |
Self-organized criticality | 718855 | 0 | 23587 | 20190928144716 |
Self-organized criticality control | 39483851 | 0 | 6120 | 20190907060639 |
Self-oscillation | 474936 | 0 | 6739 | 20190907035010 |
Self-propulsion | 56310192 | 0 | 7900 | 20190918204916 |
Semiconductor Bloch equations | 39252459 | 0 | 17538 | 20190907060555 |
Sgoldstino | 3415348 | 0 | 1484 | 20190907041513 |
Shaft passer | 16022841 | 0 | 2167 | 20190907050200 |
Shake | 1387527 | 0 | 2284 | 20190926153131 |
Shape waves | 19849627 | 0 | 1276 | 20190908053039 |
Shear strength test | 22975967 | 0 | 327 | 20190720074445 |
Shell theorem | 2025989 | 0 | 27285 | 20191016204044 |
Shock diamond | 3601462 | 0 | 7511 | 20191015172200 |
Shock waves in astrophysics | 22703376 | 0 | 2858 | 20190816141616 |
Short supermultiplet | 29321988 | 0 | 1106 | 20190720075823 |
Shortcuts to adiabaticity | 59027149 | 0 | 6519 | 20191006144422 |
Shortwave radiation | 154581 | 0 | 3125 | 20190720064956 |
Shower-curtain effect | 401062 | 0 | 6658 | 20190907034859 |
Sigma model | 2641081 | 0 | 2160 | 20191010191120 |
Signal velocity | 2835834 | 0 | 3189 | 20190818182059 |
Signal-to-noise ratio | 19541286 | 0 | 2916 | 20191016211124 |
Silicon nanowire | 51167783 | 0 | 12572 | 20190907063843 |
Simon problems | 57577573 | 0 | 3654 | 20190907065851 |
Sine-Gordon equation | 306645 | 0 | 16689 | 20190911220439 |
Singing Sand Dunes | 60011618 | 0 | 1730 | 20190723202434 |
Singing sand | 184101 | 0 | 12721 | 20191016153058 |
Single particle extinction and scattering | 60899807 | 0 | 3166 | 20190907070907 |
Single-particle spectrum | 2471578 | 0 | 610 | 20190720065508 |
Singleton field | 3415509 | 0 | 390 | 20190720065739 |
Singularity | 52535241 | 0 | 9532 | 20191016001446 |
Sirius | 56151614 | 0 | 3509 | 20191014095454 |
Sisyphus effect | 23171647 | 0 | 658 | 20190907052316 |
Slew-induced distortion | 26089310 | 0 | 2133 | 20190930215250 |
Slip melting point | 5664906 | 0 | 960 | 20190720070256 |
Slosh baffle | 52975808 | 0 | 1436 | 20190907064338 |
Smith–Purcell effect | 1203150 | 0 | 991 | 20191016174301 |
Snowden | 37495763 | 0 | 534 | 20190720081324 |
Softening | 1130616 | 0 | 588 | 20190720065156 |
Solar Physics Division | 33342122 | 0 | 2010 | 20190907054914 |
Sommerfeld expansion | 21689094 | 0 | 8798 | 20191010191225 |
Sommerfeld identity | 3644058 | 0 | 2635 | 20190720065816 |
Sonochemical synthesis | 60830939 | 0 | 2255 | 20190928015133 |
Sonochemistry | 3173180 | 0 | 13250 | 20191016174530 |
Sound energy density | 1087590 | 0 | 2272 | 20191017091239 |
Sound exposure | 40030806 | 0 | 2624 | 20191017091239 |
Sound intensity | 496676 | 0 | 10793 | 20191017091239 |
Sound particle | 6784042 | 0 | 1431 | 20190907043135 |
Sound power | 497219 | 0 | 12669 | 20191017091239 |
Source field | 3526072 | 0 | 1164 | 20190720065755 |
Spatial dispersion | 48744418 | 0 | 9745 | 20190907063232 |
Spatial resolution | 667957 | 0 | 1066 | 20191007170722 |
Spatial scale | 474419 | 0 | 2264 | 20190630003428 |
Specific detectivity | 41727 | 0 | 5226 | 20190710134518 |
Specific kinetic energy | 3659079 | 0 | 720 | 20191003000514 |
Specific potential energy | 40523438 | 0 | 677 | 20191003000514 |
Specific properties | 5667513 | 0 | 2409 | 20190601142539 |
Specific quantity | 60034047 | 0 | 5055 | 20191016234141 |
Spectral bands | 3193851 | 0 | 1803 | 20190720065708 |
Spectral gap | 59429614 | 0 | 3847 | 20190907070425 |
Speed of gravity | 13478488 | 0 | 42233 | 20190907045343 |
Speed prior | 402703 | 0 | 1211 | 20190720065018 |
Spherical surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensor | 39594285 | 0 | 1442 | 20191006144421 |
Spherical wave transformation | 42475403 | 0 | 55880 | 20191020114429 |
Spider | 10623615 | 0 | 1953 | 20191014093634 |
Spin angular momentum of light | 33179436 | 0 | 5465 | 20190918204913 |
Spin gapless semiconductor | 51921147 | 0 | 4083 | 20190907064049 |
Spin geometry | 32013990 | 0 | 1312 | 20190907054549 |
Spin pumping | 5447381 | 0 | 3076 | 20190907042524 |
Spin spherical harmonics | 6750203 | 0 | 1563 | 20190907043125 |
Spin-polarized electron energy loss spectroscopy | 25359516 | 0 | 5030 | 20190907052912 |
Spinplasmonics | 11523749 | 0 | 3520 | 20191002233414 |
Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics | 43765436 | 0 | 6319 | 20190919211101 |
Spurion | 29329394 | 0 | 1786 | 20190720075824 |
State space | 9718351 | 0 | 1696 | 20191015214255 |
State-universal coupled cluster | 2674172 | 0 | 1276 | 20191006144417 |
Statistical ensemble | 59052 | 0 | 23576 | 20191015171600 |
Statistical field theory | 4686460 | 0 | 2812 | 20190917234128 |
Statistical fluctuations | 28084980 | 0 | 1901 | 20190720075554 |
Stern–Gerlach Medal | 17347472 | 0 | 2000 | 20190919211029 |
Stilb | 18195589 | 0 | 2855 | 20191019152906 |
Stochastic electrodynamics | 1569292 | 0 | 25211 | 20191020140906 |
Stochastic quantization | 38624698 | 0 | 3126 | 20190907060404 |
Stochastic roadmap simulation | 27005434 | 0 | 2582 | 20190918204912 |
Stochastic thermodynamics | 53031776 | 0 | 31840 | 20191010191417 |
Stoic physics | 23008428 | 0 | 27452 | 20191010191226 |
Stokes operators | 2132322 | 0 | 507 | 20190720065412 |
Stoletov curve | 22576960 | 0 | 1103 | 20190907052131 |
Stoletov's law | 22661771 | 0 | 1491 | 20190907052150 |
Stonyhurst disks | 24575247 | 0 | 835 | 20190720074847 |
Strain scanning | 10410181 | 0 | 1984 | 20190910173845 |
Strange matter | 20646400 | 0 | 6189 | 20191007012149 |
Strangelet | 20647505 | 0 | 25848 | 20190930104245 |
Strange–Rahman–Smith equation | 31921849 | 0 | 2654 | 20191006144420 |
Strasbourg Institute of Material Physics and Chemistry | 62015338 | 0 | 9395 | 20191020115126 |
Straw tracker | 2178434 | 0 | 849 | 20190813024230 |
Streaming vibration current | 13680444 | 0 | 1228 | 20190907045418 |
String background | 3241907 | 0 | 910 | 20190924214657 |
String phenomenology | 41067118 | 0 | 872 | 20190907061143 |
Strong CP problem | 986029 | 0 | 5546 | 20190911220445 |
Strong confinement limit | 28222173 | 0 | 693 | 20190930104626 |
Strong gravity | 31478651 | 0 | 2108 | 20190907054411 |
Structure function | 48407985 | 0 | 1943 | 20190720083202 |
Summing localization | 20619194 | 0 | 745 | 20190720073827 |
Super Bloch oscillations | 27173772 | 0 | 3747 | 20190908053043 |
Super-Poissonian distribution | 39484598 | 0 | 1285 | 20191014203231 |
Supercharge | 673356 | 0 | 1424 | 20190720065056 |
Superconducting steel | 27801351 | 0 | 2575 | 20191002172808 |
Superdeformation | 294514 | 0 | 2308 | 20190728161319 |
Superferromagnetism | 8638963 | 0 | 2372 | 20190818185020 |
Superfluid helium-4 | 27573 | 0 | 37849 | 20190927213252 |
Superoscillation | 23376006 | 0 | 6105 | 20190907052342 |
Superprism | 3401787 | 0 | 4265 | 20190924182807 |
Supersonic fracture | 2230778 | 0 | 3187 | 20190720065428 |
Superstatistics | 14793522 | 0 | 3782 | 20190927155808 |
Supersymmetric theory of stochastic dynamics | 53961341 | 0 | 60068 | 20190930163503 |
Surface core level shift | 1953498 | 0 | 1327 | 20190720065346 |
Surface force | 14467558 | 0 | 1576 | 20190720072256 |
Surface freezing | 3552981 | 0 | 1485 | 20190720065800 |
Surface growth | 60672870 | 0 | 1722 | 20190907070830 |
Surface stress | 21276538 | 0 | 14630 | 20191014105439 |
Sweet spot | 30719029 | 0 | 4781 | 20190907054207 |
Swiss Physical Society | 51690644 | 0 | 739 | 20191016180747 |
Synchro-Ciné | 53479644 | 0 | 8475 | 20190907064509 |
Synchronization of chaos | 10867794 | 0 | 9803 | 20191018131532 |
Synestia | 54248511 | 0 | 3703 | 20191002022336 |
System size expansion | 29803312 | 0 | 14594 | 20190907054020 |
System-specific impulse | 7162263 | 0 | 2805 | 20190203025657 |
Sznajd model | 44120932 | 0 | 6855 | 20190907062045 |
T-J model | 10477190 | 0 | 3126 | 20190919151410 |
T-symmetry | 151013 | 0 | 26007 | 20191019000633 |
TRACE | 40358669 | 0 | 1613 | 20191003104934 |
TRACER | 18428527 | 0 | 628 | 20190720073230 |
Tachyons in fiction | 6508460 | 0 | 18128 | 20190629151054 |
Target strength | 19980114 | 0 | 1829 | 20190907051308 |
Technology in Star Trek | 24583 | 0 | 5715 | 20191011220205 |
Teleparallelism | 903686 | 0 | 20089 | 20191006144416 |
Teleportation in fiction | 32582591 | 0 | 77907 | 20191019034250 |
Tendex line | 34508316 | 0 | 1482 | 20190907055223 |
Ternary fission | 32098871 | 0 | 6173 | 20191013153752 |
Terradynamics | 38899475 | 0 | 1007 | 20190907060442 |
Test theory | 2487416 | 0 | 1379 | 20190720065510 |
Teylers Instrument Room | 35646024 | 0 | 9858 | 20191015173600 |
The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis | 18801936 | 0 | 4174 | 20190907050924 |
The Collapse of Chaos | 13624853 | 0 | 2471 | 20191020130138 |
The Copernican Question | 41823957 | 0 | 6999 | 20191020130207 |
The Copernican Revolution | 13375871 | 0 | 6022 | 20191020130138 |
The Internet Pilot to Physics | 2884065 | 0 | 1391 | 20190720065612 |
The Monkey and the Hunter | 2234414 | 0 | 6327 | 20190720065430 |
The Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory | 40469808 | 0 | 6628 | 20191020151135 |
The Quantum Vacuum: An Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics | 54076100 | 0 | 3139 | 20191020130221 |
The World | 2139040 | 0 | 10351 | 20190907040618 |
Theoretical motivation for general relativity | 3710123 | 0 | 26741 | 20191002101204 |
There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom | 23680 | 0 | 18838 | 20190927204117 |
Thermal blooming | 10757785 | 0 | 1816 | 20190907044401 |
Thermal conductance quantum | 35756148 | 0 | 3300 | 20190919105112 |
Thermal effusivity | 9501745 | 0 | 2647 | 20191004010249 |
Thermal emittance | 15418290 | 0 | 1220 | 20190720072525 |
Thermal time hypothesis | 41356490 | 0 | 1319 | 20190603100512 |
Thermal time scale | 15192512 | 0 | 2744 | 20190918064828 |
Thermal transpiration | 41270450 | 0 | 2007 | 20190907061220 |
Thermal velocity | 3136883 | 0 | 2763 | 20190928164935 |
Thermally isolated system | 37898548 | 0 | 1972 | 20190907060152 |
Thermo-dielectric effect | 27656682 | 0 | 1637 | 20190924152752 |
Thermodynamic limit | 2262550 | 0 | 5665 | 20190907040720 |
Thermomass theory | 30598044 | 0 | 4453 | 20191006144420 |
Thomas–Fermi equation | 54484502 | 0 | 7222 | 20191004195632 |
Thouless energy | 2213992 | 0 | 1371 | 20190720065425 |
Three Physicists Prize | 50413340 | 0 | 4127 | 20191020114727 |
TianQin | 48817094 | 0 | 8366 | 20191014095257 |
Tidal circularization | 40220705 | 0 | 1231 | 20190908103029 |
Tidal tensor | 2711320 | 0 | 7320 | 20190912052923 |
Time domain electromagnetics | 41110491 | 0 | 2809 | 20190720081957 |
Time-variation of fundamental constants | 50519584 | 0 | 15837 | 20190910152538 |
Timeline of electromagnetism and classical optics | 58775 | 0 | 47708 | 20191014092502 |
Timeline of gravitational physics and relativity | 58785 | 0 | 17364 | 20190929182638 |
Timeline of quantum mechanics | 24084197 | 0 | 84957 | 20191010191233 |
Timestream | 1847690 | 0 | 20070 | 20190929205419 |
Timir Datta | 39198217 | 0 | 7718 | 20191016180233 |
Tipler cylinder | 661465 | 0 | 11410 | 20191002082632 |
Tipping point | 24107573 | 0 | 4024 | 20190703021618 |
Tom Van Flandern | 176349 | 0 | 24850 | 20191016174021 |
Tomassoni awards | 34653775 | 0 | 1772 | 20191003140425 |
Tomlinson model | 13007524 | 0 | 3909 | 20190907045211 |
Tonti diagram | 40705460 | 0 | 18150 | 20191019202837 |
Topological entropy in physics | 12545981 | 0 | 3615 | 20190927155214 |
Toroidal Fusion Core Experiment | 43492426 | 0 | 970 | 20190720082421 |
Total position spread | 42906061 | 0 | 13104 | 20191006144421 |
Tractor beam | 44434 | 0 | 38552 | 20191015050338 |
Transfer operator | 1346096 | 0 | 5587 | 20190907035931 |
Transfer-matrix method | 8964423 | 0 | 5495 | 20190907232958 |
Transfermium Wars | 66400 | 0 | 12298 | 20190929235936 |
Transient equilibrium | 17666127 | 0 | 3111 | 20190908232455 |
Transient friction loading | 20175428 | 0 | 1135 | 20190825185709 |
Transmission line measurement | 1744973 | 0 | 2198 | 20190911220448 |
Transmission loss | 45278585 | 0 | 8866 | 20191017091239 |
Treatise on Light | 46527701 | 0 | 2485 | 20191020114555 |
Treatise on Radioactivity | 50432307 | 0 | 1934 | 20191020114727 |
Tropospheric wave | 41823 | 0 | 627 | 20190720064946 |
Trouton's ratio | 1237388 | 0 | 547 | 20191011120025 |
Tug of war | 32624799 | 0 | 2874 | 20190907054728 |
Tunnel injection | 2973881 | 0 | 648 | 20190720065627 |
Turbidimetry | 35006277 | 0 | 1689 | 20190907055339 |
Turbophoresis | 6343295 | 0 | 1805 | 20190720070449 |
Turing pattern | 34882466 | 0 | 7801 | 20190907055319 |
Twisted sector | 3720344 | 0 | 1299 | 20190720065827 |
Twistor correspondence | 15890221 | 0 | 437 | 20190818191906 |
Twistor string theory | 39922495 | 0 | 2676 | 20190907060759 |
Two-body Dirac equations | 36054202 | 0 | 42623 | 20191012150216 |
Tyndall Medal | 31013910 | 0 | 1394 | 20190907054302 |
Type 0 string theory | 8261269 | 0 | 1442 | 20190720070858 |
U-bit | 41756904 | 0 | 2546 | 20190907061349 |
U-duality | 432624 | 0 | 973 | 20190818175840 |
UNESCO Niels Bohr Medal | 41335850 | 0 | 3620 | 20190907061234 |
Ukrainian Physicists' Tournament for University Students | 14320529 | 0 | 15647 | 20191020141135 |
Ultrawave | 3435215 | 0 | 1927 | 20190720065741 |
Unbounded system | 711799 | 0 | 295 | 20190720065059 |
Uncertainty exponent | 27585573 | 0 | 2071 | 20190907053501 |
Unidirectional coupling | 30906415 | 0 | 730 | 20190720080113 |
Unitarity | 10603568 | 0 | 4118 | 20190907044341 |
Unitarity gauge | 8120688 | 0 | 2374 | 20190908053029 |
United States Invitational Young Physicists Tournament | 36532984 | 0 | 16622 | 20191002142249 |
United States gravity control propulsion research | 19256144 | 0 | 40292 | 20190907051106 |
Universality class | 353890 | 0 | 5975 | 20190720065014 |
Unwin Radar | 22055741 | 0 | 3388 | 20191019024412 |
Upstream contamination | 44078902 | 0 | 4704 | 20190907062035 |
VASVIK Industrial Research Award | 44942272 | 0 | 29970 | 20191014095154 |
VNIR | 14010480 | 0 | 3367 | 20190925122402 |
Vacuum Rabi oscillation | 16265577 | 0 | 2518 | 20190907050237 |
Vague torus | 25381974 | 0 | 1497 | 20190922005421 |
Vaiśeṣika Sūtra | 8929369 | 0 | 20388 | 20191010191151 |
Vanishing Sun model | 43359283 | 0 | 443 | 20190720082401 |
Vapour pressure thermometer | 41383683 | 0 | 425 | 20190924141440 |
Variable structure system | 20879499 | 0 | 3883 | 20191009024426 |
Variational bicomplex | 23569508 | 0 | 2521 | 20191015050338 |
Vasiliev equations | 48922876 | 0 | 52654 | 20191001221325 |
Vector potential | 422936 | 0 | 2607 | 20191008120402 |
Vegard's law | 8981301 | 0 | 6967 | 20190907043858 |
Velocity overshoot | 16961399 | 0 | 2213 | 20190918204910 |
Vertical deflection | 938659 | 0 | 6243 | 20190919205456 |
Vibroscope | 38885073 | 0 | 3154 | 20191020114155 |
Virgocentric flow | 16399074 | 0 | 2320 | 20190907050251 |
Viscimetry | 12973053 | 0 | 1009 | 20190818190731 |
Viscous stress tensor | 37196385 | 0 | 17488 | 20190919151412 |
Visible-light photon counter | 13246245 | 0 | 934 | 20191006045702 |
Volta Prize | 16817373 | 0 | 9921 | 20190919211028 |
Volume | 22468364 | 0 | 14504 | 20191003010252 |
Volume operator | 12247661 | 0 | 1012 | 20190720071632 |
Volumetric flux | 20826071 | 0 | 1139 | 20190907051523 |
Von Foerster equation | 47211913 | 0 | 3910 | 20190930114357 |
Vortex state | 16796574 | 0 | 1423 | 20190907050339 |
Walter Boas Medal | 35786644 | 0 | 3552 | 20190907055534 |
Weak charge | 32153349 | 0 | 3401 | 20190907054611 |
Weak gravity conjecture | 49226157 | 0 | 1044 | 20190924154128 |
Wear | 8263012 | 0 | 1193 | 20190927140842 |
Weber bar | 5055541 | 0 | 4473 | 20190929145538 |
Werthamer–Helfand–Hohenberg theory | 17962061 | 0 | 2335 | 20190907050631 |
Wess–Zumino gauge | 8121089 | 0 | 591 | 20190720070842 |
Wet electrons | 1904617 | 0 | 1462 | 20190907040425 |
Weyl transformation | 1238173 | 0 | 3240 | 20190907035835 |
Weyl−Lewis−Papapetrou coordinates | 40910086 | 0 | 5524 | 20191006144421 |
Wheelbase | 892264 | 0 | 9035 | 20191003010024 |
Wigner Medal | 3463563 | 0 | 2841 | 20190927151844 |
Wigner effect | 1945275 | 0 | 5919 | 20190911220448 |
Wigner quasiprobability distribution | 1884336 | 0 | 32680 | 20191015174737 |
Wigner–Seitz radius | 12965053 | 0 | 2336 | 20190908115256 |
Wigner–Weyl transform | 4277086 | 0 | 19343 | 20191010191132 |
Williams spray equation | 53759905 | 0 | 8086 | 20190907064605 |
Wolff algorithm | 21888260 | 0 | 2078 | 20190918204911 |
Woodward effect | 6828605 | 0 | 93967 | 20190929145538 |
World Year of Physics 2005 | 580858 | 0 | 5194 | 20191015171724 |
World manifold | 39334096 | 0 | 9991 | 20191006144421 |
World tube | 33947300 | 0 | 2468 | 20190720080623 |
Worldsheet | 672758 | 0 | 1311 | 20190907035243 |
X-ray machine | 23617875 | 0 | 606 | 20190720074612 |
X-ray magnetic circular dichroism | 1932012 | 0 | 1547 | 20190927120830 |
X-wave | 8348516 | 0 | 2419 | 20190907043659 |
XMASS | 51495660 | 0 | 1757 | 20190930140546 |
Yang–Baxter equation | 3720810 | 0 | 8506 | 20190907230147 |
Yang–Mills existence and mass gap | 2393975 | 0 | 12207 | 20191010191116 |
Yang–Mills–Higgs equations | 25723035 | 0 | 1347 | 20190818195632 |
Ying-Cheng Lai | 42623157 | 0 | 3079 | 20191018131532 |
Young's interference experiment | 31999898 | 0 | 15102 | 20190929053442 |
Zero mode | 16437548 | 0 | 736 | 20190720072834 |
Zero-velocity surface | 15357060 | 0 | 5299 | 20190907045909 |
Zetatron | 7494165 | 0 | 1606 | 20190907043412 |
Zhejiang Institute of Modern Physics | 17824477 | 0 | 1744 | 20190818192528 |
Zonal and poloidal | 12687690 | 0 | 896 | 20190720071817 |
Über quantentheoretische Umdeutung kinematischer und mechanischer Beziehungen | 11095361 | 0 | 4803 | 20190907044459 |
Title | Page ID | Namespace | Size (bytes) | Last change |
Antigen retrieval | 25421323 | 0 | 2029 | 20191006144420 |
Bittern | 13464959 | 0 | 3903 | 20191016175143 |
Building block | 52050131 | 0 | 12488 | 20190908053101 |
C-glycosyl tryptophan | 47772755 | 0 | 468 | 20190907063010 |
C1 chemistry | 58076521 | 0 | 3470 | 20190907070025 |
Charged aerosol detector | 47856613 | 0 | 9152 | 20191012153306 |
Chemical biology | 1686272 | 0 | 92214 | 20191016174404 |
Chemical free | 25162865 | 0 | 2164 | 20191014181250 |
Chemical state | 5736171 | 0 | 7763 | 20190907042646 |
Cheminformatics toolkits | 40428285 | 0 | 7845 | 20190907060928 |
Chemophobia | 11960085 | 0 | 18594 | 20190920125112 |
Chemoproteomics | 48999251 | 0 | 2067 | 20191009025921 |
Chirgwin–Coulson weights | 59274182 | 0 | 27303 | 20190907070405 |
Chromogen | 48248326 | 0 | 1998 | 20190907063112 |
Chromotropism | 40045124 | 0 | 1186 | 20190908053011 |
Cieplak effect | 44558555 | 0 | 14105 | 20190527161138 |
Clandestine chemistry | 610329 | 0 | 27600 | 20191019120325 |
Colloidal probe technique | 37605500 | 0 | 15496 | 20190907060100 |
Compound Interest | 52625201 | 0 | 3347 | 20191012133537 |
Core–shell semiconductor nanocrystal | 33177861 | 0 | 37660 | 20191002071148 |
Crossover experiment | 40913419 | 0 | 29471 | 20190907061110 |
DePriester chart | 48623453 | 0 | 3019 | 20190907063210 |
Decay technique | 60575040 | 0 | 17085 | 20190911114918 |
Dehydrating agent | 15642090 | 0 | 205 | 20190831230229 |
Double layer forces | 37732235 | 0 | 24028 | 20190907060123 |
Electroconductive carbon black | 59891440 | 0 | 13517 | 20191001094545 |
Field effect | 56824574 | 0 | 13376 | 20190907065540 |
Gas-flushing | 40611538 | 0 | 323 | 20190720081856 |
Geometry index | 46644932 | 0 | 6553 | 20190907062621 |
Ioliomics | 53076456 | 0 | 8683 | 20190916173102 |
Jahn–Teller effect | 1964288 | 0 | 60778 | 20190907040455 |
Landolt–Börnstein | 6756239 | 0 | 5586 | 20190601142555 |
Liquid nitrogen wash | 52754183 | 0 | 7426 | 20190322070710 |
List of chemistry mnemonics | 34410870 | 0 | 34504 | 20191019202835 |
Magnetochemistry | 30897833 | 0 | 30091 | 20191016175902 |
Methane functionalization | 49072305 | 0 | 17920 | 20190927213252 |
Microfluidic cell culture | 50311973 | 0 | 23397 | 20190918204915 |
Mixed oxidant | 47305230 | 0 | 28795 | 20191006144422 |
Oilfield scale inhibition | 51937029 | 0 | 24813 | 20190911220511 |
Ortho effect | 60166827 | 0 | 8932 | 20191020181433 |
Particle aggregation | 4062960 | 0 | 21603 | 20190923175029 |
Particle deposition | 35696465 | 0 | 11783 | 20190523104204 |
Perpendicular paramagnetic bond | 59478233 | 0 | 1413 | 20190930141859 |
Phosphirenium ion | 55297477 | 0 | 10049 | 20190907065008 |
Photopharmacology | 51934343 | 0 | 2673 | 20190907064052 |
Pixel Imaging Mass Spectrometry camera | 56095710 | 0 | 1981 | 20190907065251 |
Predicted no-effect concentration | 46830895 | 0 | 8422 | 20191002034741 |
Pressure-induced hydration | 43939378 | 0 | 3360 | 20190322070657 |
Pseudo Jahn–Teller effect | 52837586 | 0 | 40374 | 20190907064312 |
Radioanalytical chemistry | 23568658 | 0 | 11598 | 20191009024548 |
Random sequential adsorption | 54537321 | 0 | 31901 | 20191017090700 |
Rayleigh fractionation | 49301338 | 0 | 2922 | 20190907063404 |
Registered Scientist | 44969338 | 0 | 2255 | 20191002135245 |
Scale | 45413683 | 0 | 6529 | 20190614232134 |
Sonochemistry | 3173180 | 0 | 13250 | 20191016174530 |
Strasbourg Institute of Material Physics and Chemistry | 62015338 | 0 | 9395 | 20191020115126 |
Structural chemistry | 52821408 | 0 | 1955 | 20191009232737 |
Superplasticizer | 2945180 | 0 | 4688 | 20190911220452 |
Systems chemistry | 55573246 | 0 | 5684 | 20190925144851 |
Timeline of plastic development | 48458437 | 0 | 7807 | 20190907063146 |
Triboluminescence | 60875 | 0 | 19884 | 20191015183833 |
Title | Page ID | Namespace | Size (bytes) | Last change |
100K Pathogen Genome Project | 38036756 | 0 | 4810 | 20191002200807 |
2 base encoding | 15791844 | 0 | 13302 | 20190918235330 |
293T | 51299313 | 0 | 3281 | 20191006144422 |
3-Arylpropiolonitriles | 54069873 | 0 | 5507 | 20191014165738 |
3D cell culturing by magnetic levitation | 36845407 | 0 | 19642 | 20190627215812 |
3DISCO | 57126929 | 0 | 22871 | 20190918211353 |
7-Chlorokynurenic acid | 41066963 | 0 | 6104 | 20191014165706 |
A Darwinian Left | 3890352 | 0 | 3407 | 20191020130120 |
A.O. Kovalevsky Medal | 37848409 | 0 | 5834 | 20191003132517 |
AP Biology | 4972643 | 0 | 5191 | 20191010024540 |
APC Family | 49159269 | 0 | 9557 | 20190923104116 |
ASCB Public Service Award | 5995916 | 0 | 1266 | 20190601142545 |
Abdus Salam Award | 27751051 | 0 | 5473 | 20191022200300 |
Acharius Medal | 24018183 | 0 | 3676 | 20190918150123 |
Acmella nana | 48493924 | 0 | 7357 | 20191020082243 |
Acquired neuroprotection | 51529492 | 0 | 3224 | 20190907063959 |
Actinobiology | 35965855 | 0 | 1259 | 20190907055609 |
Adelphogamy | 2406859 | 0 | 839 | 20190917104701 |
Adrenopause | 58345806 | 0 | 2900 | 20190907070113 |
Adventive species | 19867926 | 0 | 3992 | 20190720073648 |
Aggregate modulus | 31117483 | 0 | 961 | 20190720080135 |
Alexander Hollaender Award in Biophysics | 28306553 | 0 | 2914 | 20190919211042 |
Alfred I. Tauber | 13879742 | 0 | 7463 | 20191016175154 |
Allee effect | 1466225 | 0 | 28004 | 20191014092911 |
Alliance | 23887706 | 0 | 3698 | 20190908053041 |
Altered nuclear transfer | 22052485 | 0 | 570 | 20181006052957 |
Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative | 28353714 | 0 | 43573 | 20191015052430 |
Aminoallyl nucleotide | 7842233 | 0 | 13316 | 20190928023201 |
Amplicon | 914098 | 0 | 12162 | 20190911180052 |
Analog ear | 8504195 | 0 | 13002 | 20190926054710 |
Anecdotal cognitivism | 6793192 | 0 | 2535 | 20191003230315 |
Animal epithet | 50944285 | 0 | 16999 | 20190923115416 |
Animalia Paradoxa | 28734047 | 0 | 11476 | 20191021223124 |
Annual cycle | 164548 | 0 | 2448 | 20190720064957 |
Anthropophilia | 26537401 | 0 | 3630 | 20190928101358 |
Anti-protist | 56724680 | 0 | 1311 | 20190924153525 |
Antibiosis | 12017661 | 0 | 2929 | 20191002092117 |
Antibody-drug conjugate | 28646624 | 0 | 21631 | 20191002050626 |
Aporometridae | 60230246 | 0 | 2183 | 20191020082746 |
Archaeobiology | 20324690 | 0 | 6830 | 20190907051404 |
Archinephros | 58558772 | 0 | 970 | 20190907070158 |
Archon X Prize | 7329655 | 0 | 6717 | 20191014093454 |
Aristotle's Lagoon | 31569747 | 0 | 3137 | 20191006132246 |
Aristotle's biology | 48691513 | 0 | 56050 | 20191022195237 |
Arthropods in culture | 50985272 | 0 | 23928 | 20191002172836 |
Aseptic sampling | 24341223 | 0 | 3668 | 20190527231030 |
Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA | 8239144 | 0 | 18690 | 20191015102210 |
Associated reproductive pattern | 23428770 | 0 | 357 | 20190720074533 |
Astroecology | 21168829 | 0 | 25980 | 20191009024435 |
Autoconstructive evolution | 10207027 | 0 | 7929 | 20190918204909 |
Autotoky | 34133981 | 0 | 690 | 20190907055118 |
Autotoxicity | 2468049 | 0 | 4693 | 20190927020323 |
Auxesis | 24884394 | 0 | 1150 | 20190907052807 |
Avicide | 1365811 | 0 | 1691 | 20190720065224 |
Azurophilic granule | 1848140 | 0 | 2685 | 20191016174419 |
BEnd.3 | 57216163 | 0 | 1051 | 20190907065712 |
BIA Separations | 28843311 | 0 | 14728 | 20191009104906 |
Bacterial evolution | 57546599 | 0 | 292 | 20190831235039 |
Banana peel | 11979055 | 0 | 12233 | 20191015172626 |
Basic amino acid antiporter family | 49780593 | 0 | 3506 | 20190923113938 |
Basics of blue flower colouration | 55819873 | 0 | 14940 | 20190907065153 |
Basics of white flower colouration | 57374888 | 0 | 3382 | 20190907065820 |
A Search for a Natural History of Human Knowledge | 24065014 | 0 | 6322 | 20191020130149 |
Belt transect | 5044718 | 0 | 3021 | 20190907042338 |
Benjamin Franklin Award | 31016805 | 0 | 1962 | 20191014094653 |
Betaine transporter | 27492898 | 0 | 7063 | 20190923120758 |
Beverton Medal | 57458855 | 0 | 3443 | 20191014095510 |
Bibliography of biology | 33459185 | 0 | 34274 | 20191010191300 |
biology | 44707607 | 0 | 71306 | 20191016030855 |
Bicentenary Medal of the Linnean Society | 25895209 | 0 | 3131 | 20190919211040 |
Biconcave disc | 48444540 | 0 | 1774 | 20190907063142 |
BioBlitz | 1574457 | 0 | 59415 | 20191017085747 |
BioMotiv | 42576177 | 0 | 8958 | 20191009104941 |
Biocommunication | 8694335 | 0 | 5365 | 20190907210700 تم |
Biocontainment of genetically modified organisms | 8160680 | 0 | 37969 | 20190921115439 |
Biocybernetics | 3929318 | 0 | 3640 | 20190911052124 |
Biodilution | 29102236 | 0 | 5342 | 20190907053853 |
Biodistribution | 1840155 | 0 | 2987 | 20190907040352 |
Bioelectrospray | 22819973 | 0 | 6237 | 20190907052218 |
Biofact | 17970483 | 0 | 1698 | 20191016192038 |
Biofact | 17970466 | 0 | 10159 | 20190907050632 |
Biofacticity | 2645879 | 0 | 2740 | 20190907041016 |
Biogenic substance | 563239 | 0 | 1507 | 20190907035118 |
Biogeography of Deep-Water Chemosynthetic Ecosystems | 28105864 | 0 | 8157 | 20190911212011 |
Biological computation | 40861214 | 0 | 2277 | 20191017103955 |
Biological cost | 15769677 | 0 | 1093 | 20190918222319 |
Biological illustration | 42036843 | 0 | 8143 | Amer Jumah |
Biological imaging | 16692468 | 0 | 2060 | 20180126084528 |
Biological naturalism | 4290647 | 0 | 9478 | 20191017104541 |
Biological pollution | 30139689 | 0 | 7032 | 20190907054053 |
Biological process | 5652450 | 0 | 3480 | 20191021210520 |
Biological rules | 50550012 | 0 | 28232 | 20190927084626 |
Biological system | 5780599 | 0 | 9673 | 20191015220930 |
Biological systems engineering | 9579270 | 0 | 16047 | 20191017105553 |
Biology and Philosophy | 36864151 | 0 | 3517 | 20190927140853 |
Biomanufacturing | 35438992 | 0 | 5561 | 20190907055434 |
Biomaterial Surface Modifications | 39337116 | 0 | 21981 | 20191017111047 |
Biomics | 14812859 | 0 | 1363 | 20190818191419 |
Biomin | 46745932 | 0 | 9831 | 20191015132604 |
Biomolecular engineering | 11344743 | 0 | 47202 | 20190923141350 |
Bionta | 18913335 | 0 | 701 | 20190831230831 |
Biopunk | 955298 | 0 | 6765 | 20191013222058 |
Bioresilience | 58685900 | 0 | 5691 | 20190907070223 |
Biorheology | 20370486 | 0 | 1812 | 20190831231123 |
Biorheology | 61475631 | 0 | 349 | 20191016181238 |
Bioseparation of 1,3-propanediol | 20611922 | 0 | 8380 | 20190907051445 |
Bioship | 551450 | 0 | 4944 | 20190907035109 |
Biositemap | 14662101 | 0 | 6951 | 20190918204910 |
Biosolarization | 54247835 | 0 | 5007 | 20190916172629 |
Biotechnology Heritage Award | 41853232 | 0 | 11250 | 20191014095101 |
Biotechnology risk | 50033811 | 0 | 13910 | 20191017120227 |
Biotinylation | 909363 | 0 | 22414 | 20190907035501 |
Biotron | 54424157 | 0 | 7516 | 20191017120901 |
Bitopic protein | 57858574 | 0 | 3805 | 20190907065941 |
Bradyaerobic | 48757044 | 0 | 893 | 20190907063235 |
Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences | 38586943 | 0 | 15151 | 20191022104634 |
Bridged nucleic acid | 38260038 | 0 | 10567 | 20190907060302 |
Buffer P2 | 6611632 | 0 | 1006 | 20190907043050 |
Butterfly count | 43518148 | 0 | 13895 | 20190930175903 |
Bystander effect | 10546551 | 0 | 7208 | 20190927103735 |
C. W. Woodworth Award | 1661164 | 0 | 7679 | 20190907040220 |
CALUX | 42325019 | 0 | 2180 | 20190907061538 |
COLD-PCR | 26415811 | 0 | 12538 | 20190928182017 |
CRISPR-Display | 53354629 | 0 | 16286 | 20191011123311 |
Callus | 1009199 | 0 | 13461 | 20191019161429 |
Camera trap | 18966509 | 0 | 14692 | 20191015173006 |
Canadian Stem Cell Foundation | 23615662 | 0 | 6850 | 20190911211830 |
Capillary electrochromatography | 36890786 | 0 | 6744 | 20191009025326 |
Carlos J. Finlay Prize for Microbiology | 5550192 | 0 | 3608 | 20191014093329 |
Catabiosis | 7675689 | 0 | 1520 | 20190818184633 |
Cation diffusion facilitator | 35049854 | 0 | 13116 | 20190923122832 |
Cellular agriculture society | 59159271 | 0 | 4956 | 20191016205744 |
Cellularization | 1653007 | 0 | 8260 | 20190923081901 |
Census of Antarctic Marine Life | 21957291 | 0 | 3361 | 20190928085833 |
Census of Coral Reefs | 22022351 | 0 | 2820 | 20191018031633 |
Census of Diversity of Abyssal Marine Life | 21957226 | 0 | 2455 | 20190928085836 |
Census of Marine Life | 7391667 | 0 | 18797 | 20191019225940 |
Census of Marine Zooplankton | 22034606 | 0 | 1942 | 20190928085838 |
Cephalopod size | 8375147 | 0 | 371208 | 20191020141037 |
Chaperome | 51259558 | 0 | 5942 | 20190930124932 |
Chatt Lecture | 40939955 | 0 | 808 | 20190322070655 |
Chem-seq | 42057374 | 0 | 8611 | 20191006144421 |
Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Abstracts | 33383655 | 0 | 3193 | 20190907054921 |
Chemical biology | 1686272 | 0 | 92214 | 20191016174404 |
Chemoproteomics | 48999251 | 0 | 2067 | 20191009025921 |
Chemoton | 23298857 | 0 | 8279 | 20190919003744 |
Chromosome regions | 2101248 | 0 | 2677 | 20191015013438 |
Ciba-Drew Award | 33453143 | 0 | 2095 | 20191022111237 |
Circannual cycle | 54046997 | 0 | 7600 | 20190907064658 |
Circumscription | 19387586 | 0 | 1852 | 20190819071101 |
Circumscriptional name | 4721036 | 0 | 2459 | 20190203022117 |
CitMHS family | 49733889 | 0 | 6236 | 20190923124741 |
City Nature Challenge | 59689693 | 0 | 9047 | 20190920035214 |
Clarke Medal | 6273739 | 0 | 8306 | 20190927132030 |
Cline | 6781871 | 0 | 29071 | 20191009023530 |
Cloëtta Prize | 43739566 | 0 | 3656 | 20191016012816 |
Clumping | 660213 | 0 | 2049 | 20190907035234 |
Colonel Meow | 41797538 | 0 | 5585 | 20190911184300 |
Color marker | 19742557 | 0 | 2313 | 20190907051212 |
Colworth Medal | 29358074 | 0 | 19255 | 20191014094618 |
Comparison of DNA sequencing services | 50992773 | 0 | 13632 | 20191003221126 |
Compartmentalized ciliogenesis | 53452258 | 0 | 602 | 20190203062630 |
Compilospecies | 40470355 | 0 | 6470 | 20190920222128 |
Complex systems biology | 28564320 | 0 | 19813 | 20191021022949 |
Compositional domain | 35590090 | 0 | 19036 | 20191014105439 |
Comutagen | 26114068 | 0 | 2034 | 20190908053043 |
Connect | 27900884 | 0 | 9329 | 20191001221840 |
Conserved name | 5176156 | 0 | 11268 | 20190919140912 |
Construction costs | 60985069 | 0 | 9329 | 20190912145247 |
Consumer–resource interactions | 30274709 | 0 | 5349 | 20190907054114 |
Cophenetic | 10106544 | 0 | 1042 | 20190720071219 |
Copurification | 20752012 | 0 | 2902 | 20190908140836 |
Coral of life | 60823876 | 0 | 12922 | 20190907070854 |
Cormophyte | 25466113 | 0 | 685 | 20190720075029 |
Cormus | 48664569 | 0 | 601 | 20190203061647 |
Corneometry | 59790227 | 0 | 944 | 20190918115434 |
Corneous | 23671373 | 0 | 1370 | 20190720074627 |
Cranial evolutionary allometry | 58128377 | 0 | 2098 | 20190907070036 |
Cranial vault | 8474825 | 0 | 3130 | 20190809232731 |
Creation and evolution in public education | 1135075 | 0 | 57485 | 20191007105442 |
Critical distance | 38202223 | 0 | 1804 | 20190911052125 |
Crown eukaryotes | 1694221 | 0 | 8462 | 20190930212706 |
Crustose | 5229661 | 0 | 4875 | 20190907042428 |
Cryotank | 38657573 | 0 | 3059 | 20190907060407 |
Crypsis | 2895512 | 0 | 12863 | 20191015172116 |
Cunninghamella elegans | 31144433 | 0 | 31135 | 20191020081726 |
Cyclomorphosis | 53959022 | 0 | 917 | 20190907064643 |
Cyclopean image | 1690245 | 0 | 2955 | 20190828123939 |
Cytometry | 26682769 | 0 | 15289 | 20191015173246 |
D. L. Serventy Medal | 6341667 | 0 | 2598 | 20190920200801 |
DEPT | 39150695 | 0 | 11954 | 20190907060535 |
DNA-encoded chemical library | 22810768 | 0 | 38586 | 20190907052216 |
DNA‐templated organic synthesis | 59953471 | 0 | 1845 | 20190708084115 |
DRIP-seq | 45461558 | 0 | 16375 | 20190907062411 |
Daniel Giraud Elliot Medal | 28306572 | 0 | 7516 | 20190818200504 |
Darwin Medal | 586699 | 0 | 15096 | 20190915194646 |
Darwin–Wallace Medal | 18493701 | 0 | 4035 | 20191010162637 |
Davydov soliton | 8491596 | 0 | 12556 | 20190929082020 |
Dawkins vs. Gould | 18244814 | 0 | 53768 | 20191020130142 |
DeLano Award for Computational Biosciences | 45159528 | 0 | 2547 | 20191014095158 |
Deep biosphere | 61218171 | 0 | 41199 | 20191015000024 |
Degeneracy | 27419285 | 0 | 21257 | 20190928063703 |
Degree Day Unit | 48893100 | 0 | 1528 | 20190720083254 |
Demidov Prize | 6905037 | 0 | 24715 | 20191020112619 |
Depensation | 4139830 | 0 | 2608 | 20190907041911 |
Developmental homeostasis | 35708672 | 0 | 17428 | 20191003181702 |
Developmental systems theory | 8355930 | 0 | 14801 | 20190918230626 |
Dexiothetism | 27522256 | 0 | 1385 | 20190907053450 |
Diflubenzuron | 30458850 | 0 | 6033 | 20191014165648 |
Diploidization | 54069375 | 0 | 10844 | 20190627234246 |
Directed differentiation | 44305878 | 0 | 15407 | 20190923141350 |
Discovery District | 13097619 | 0 | 12228 | 20191019131830 |
Disease in fiction | 57999053 | 0 | 7223 | 20191020114952 |
Dissection | 611229 | 0 | 48332 | 20191020112136 |
Dorsal nexus | 39207238 | 0 | 10322 | 20190907060545 |
Duocarmycin | 33334030 | 0 | 14920 | 20190928230350 |
Durophagy | 17344084 | 0 | 19713 | 20190907050504 |
E-SCREEN | 52019270 | 0 | 15480 | 20190907064103 |
E.B. Wilson Medal | 5979468 | 0 | 2354 | 20190919211014 |
ECI Prize | 15883200 | 0 | 3603 | 20190918164913 |
EMBO Gold Medal | 44866140 | 0 | 9510 | 20191014095152 |
EMBO Membership | 51331174 | 0 | 5491 | 20191016102025 |
Eadie–Hofstee diagram | 544919 | 0 | 4092 | 20191006144416 |
Earliest known life forms | 53365898 | 0 | 32075 | 20191022150229 |
Early Career Life Scientist Award | 5979904 | 0 | 1423 | 20191019222958 |
EcoRI | 49256303 | 0 | 5687 | 20190923165859 |
Ecological collapse | 5021160 | 0 | 16976 | 20190908053025 |
Ecological facilitation | 4329538 | 0 | 17549 | 20190831224531 |
Ecological land classification | 196971 | 0 | 10113 | 20190907034549 |
Ecosystem engineer | 827837 | 0 | 18252 | 20190918204906 |
Ecosystem model | 8035060 | 0 | 23004 | 20190918230500 |
Edge effects | 69440 | 0 | 11821 | 20190909054915 |
Edinburgh BioQuarter | 29698161 | 0 | 6346 | 20191009024925 |
Edward Novitski Prize | 34210481 | 0 | 1581 | 20190919211047 |
Edwin Grant Conklin Medal | 15364984 | 0 | 2981 | 20191001181547 |
Effective half-life | 1728145 | 0 | 2615 | 20190720065314 |
Effector | 542725 | 0 | 4090 | 20190907035104 |
Eftilagimod alpha | 46557481 | 0 | 35980 | 20190929092852 |
Eidonomy | 23017175 | 0 | 911 | 20190920200159 |
Electrochromatography | 9505399 | 0 | 3095 | 20191009023724 |
Electrolithoautotroph | 49223016 | 0 | 1668 | 20190918222446 |
Electrophoretic mobility shift assay | 3973930 | 0 | 9637 | 20191009023247 |
Elliott Sober | 3349265 | 0 | 13227 | 20191016174541 |
Embryo drawing | 10273 | 0 | 30058 | 20191004192138 |
Emendation | 30733816 | 0 | 1530 | 20190907054211 |
Eminent Ecologist Award | 16042559 | 0 | 5498 | 20190918195753 |
Empire | 42428120 | 0 | 625 | 20190907061554 |
Enadenotucirev | 48845429 | 0 | 3692 | 20191002172834 |
Encapsulin | 19364849 | 0 | 1205 | 20190907051124 |
Encapsulin nanocompartment | 48483838 | 0 | 5256 | 20190920093212 |
Entrainment | 14949505 | 0 | 7123 | 20191019003210 |
Eocyte hypothesis | 37237272 | 0 | 15228 | 20191020081905 |
Epibiont | 14858764 | 0 | 3309 | 20190907045742 |
Epic of evolution | 7731295 | 0 | 32253 | 20191015201922 |
Erzherzog Rainer-Medaille | 15105531 | 0 | 637 | 20190601142722 |
Evolution | 6947256 | 0 | 5400 | 20191022164055 |
Evolution in fiction | 57977652 | 0 | 7492 | 20190920054404 |
Evolution of molecular chaperones | 52846723 | 0 | 9557 | 20190907064315 |
Evolutionary ideas of the Renaissance and Enlightenment | 15551070 | 0 | 11743 | 20190918235232 |
Evolutionism | 9670 | 0 | 9928 | 20191015201526 |
Evolve | 19163660 | 0 | 3674 | 20190919214558 |
Exogenote | 3979064 | 0 | 1283 | 20190907041821 |
Exopheromone | 11135347 | 0 | 894 | 20190720071404 |
Experimental biology | 41442761 | 0 | 1844 | 20190911173342 |
Experimental factor ontology | 42402409 | 0 | 5868 | 20190907061549 |
Exploitative interactions | 58504640 | 0 | 3162 | 20190907070145 |
Exposome | 38255399 | 0 | 15804 | 20191011120028 |
Extended evolutionary synthesis | 47971685 | 0 | 35903 | 20191009025901 |
Extremophiles in biotechnology | 59675902 | 0 | 16488 | 20190907070509 |
Extremotroph | 35689039 | 0 | 2475 | 20191020114001 |
FAM63B | 50349553 | 0 | 16306 | 20190907063620 |
FASEB Excellence in Science Award | 8140829 | 0 | 4104 | 20190907043622 |
FI6 | 32574888 | 0 | 7377 | 20190907054721 |
FMRFamide in Biomphalaria glabrata | 46840954 | 0 | 7142 | 20191006144422 |
FSBI Medal | 45616726 | 0 | 6420 | 20191014095206 |
FSTAT | 14310137 | 0 | 710 | 20180411141206 |
Facultative | 24100660 | 0 | 1622 | 20190529114702 |
Fast-scan cyclic voltammetry | 41163070 | 0 | 10482 | 20191007184550 |
FasterCures | 34634187 | 0 | 9398 | 20191001110735 |
Fastest animals | 34570233 | 0 | 48319 | 20191022174749 |
Fecundity selection | 46692161 | 0 | 13143 | 20191017022128 |
Feminist biology | 46439815 | 0 | 7365 | 20191019174518 |
Fetal pig | 1459978 | 0 | 20346 | 20191001121301 |
Field cancerization | 34969847 | 0 | 18437 | 20190907055333 |
Fisherian runaway | 515152 | 0 | 15893 | 20191009022603 |
Fisheries-induced evolution | 58476264 | 0 | 21313 | 20191015141043 |
Flavr Savr | 293676 | 0 | 7674 | 20190907034721 |
Floc | 57805865 | 0 | 3062 | 20191016181052 |
Florey Medal | 9907284 | 0 | 3863 | 20190919211020 |
FlowFET | 53307338 | 0 | 8333 | 20191006160653 |
Fluctuation spectrum | 50533361 | 0 | 1903 | 20190907063653 |
Fluctuation-enhanced sensing | 31675102 | 0 | 4707 | 20190907054449 |
Fluorenol | 20082432 | 0 | 4990 | 20191014165638 |
Fluorescent glucose biosensor | 29221300 | 0 | 55394 | 20191013012321 |
Flux | 36911458 | 0 | 2551 | 20190907055907 |
Folate targeting | 24801892 | 0 | 24473 | 20190907052753 |
Foregut fermentation | 29566848 | 0 | 807 | 20190907053951 |
Form classification | 10761675 | 0 | 8741 | 20190907044403 |
Formate-nitrite transporter | 35038842 | 0 | 8078 | 20190923171150 |
Fragment-based lead discovery | 18526787 | 0 | 10625 | 20190907050814 |
Function-spacer-lipid Kode construct | 35823031 | 0 | 41760 | 20190930170925 |
GRE Biology Test | 42839190 | 0 | 5859 | 20190907061706 |
Gene electrotransfer | 26245162 | 0 | 74 | 20191020054952 |
Genetically encoded voltage indicator | 53995681 | 0 | 21759 | 20191020032600 |
Genoeconomics | 43102134 | 0 | 2520 | 20191003215046 |
Genome Project-Write | 50708946 | 0 | 6553 | 20190922184850 |
Genotyping by sequencing | 50591385 | 0 | 6298 | 20191004055437 |
Gerard Verschuuren | 22453344 | 0 | 25430 | 20191016175522 |
Germ plasm | 1275119 | 0 | 7423 | 20191002073346 |
Get | 19288064 | 0 | 789 | 20190720073535 |
Gilbert Morgan Smith Medal | 28306565 | 0 | 4131 | 20190930014503 |
Glacial relict | 60951772 | 0 | 2300 | 20190907070914 |
Global Census of Marine Life on Seamounts | 22023966 | 0 | 5357 | 20190929071027 |
Globoid | 41678745 | 0 | 2208 | 20190907061335 |
Glossary of beekeeping | 2464296 | 0 | 3418 | 20190902141313 |
Glossary of invasion biology terms | 3353280 | 0 | 30713 | 20190907111351 |
Glycobiology | 216956 | 0 | 11668 | 20190907034610 |
Gnotobiosis | 2458018 | 0 | 2721 | 20190907040854 |
Golden Eurydice Award | 23861549 | 0 | 1447 | 20190907052514 |
Goodwin model | 27490882 | 0 | 938 | 20190720075447 |
Gracility | 34058358 | 0 | 4207 | 20190918130351 |
Gradsect | 42192153 | 0 | 11587 | 20190627223726 |
Grand Prix Charles-Leopold Mayer | 19112140 | 0 | 3569 | 20190919204251 |
Gravity-assisted microdissection | 36457035 | 0 | 1506 | 20190614232000 |
Great Elephant Census | 51485577 | 0 | 5567 | 20190907063948 |
Grinder | 9384730 | 0 | 19191 | 20191016082103 |
Ground substance | 3646668 | 0 | 3630 | 20190921194803 |
Growing Up in the Universe | 11080148 | 0 | 25852 | 20191020141101 |
H+ | 49921046 | 0 | 13659 | 20190923175939 |
H. H. Bloomer Award | 31135217 | 0 | 3088 | 20191003040753 |
HAAAP family | 49219918 | 0 | 3519 | 20190923175941 |
HT-29 | 56270111 | 0 | 3848 | 20190907065332 |
HUMARA assay | 50274456 | 0 | 5384 | 20190907063611 |
Haplotype block | 59797213 | 0 | 5430 | 20190907070535 |
Hapter | 53743634 | 0 | 448 | 20190720084021 |
Heterogamy | 162736 | 0 | 3863 | 20190907170141 |
Heterotrophic nutrition | 13355943 | 0 | 2239 | 20190930190408 |
High Resolution Melt | 21003747 | 0 | 18413 | 20190918204911 |
High-performance Integrated Virtual Environment | 43858552 | 0 | 12151 | 20191007172348 |
Hindgut fermentation | 33807629 | 0 | 11016 | 20191001054322 |
Histolysis | 18571333 | 0 | 1457 | 20191020113156 |
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences | 58535464 | 0 | 2633 | 20190927140859 |
History of agricultural science | 1676383 | 0 | 9574 | 20191015191101 |
History of artificial life | 7754370 | 0 | 16197 | 20190907043506 |
History of cell membrane theory | 21400587 | 0 | 20727 | 20190907051725 |
History of dendrobatid frogkeeping | 4162518 | 0 | 2451 | 20180215194630 |
History of model organisms | 8238114 | 0 | 12706 | 20190818184853 |
History of plant systematics | 4016139 | 0 | 9864 | 20191017131325 |
History of polymerase chain reaction | 16899853 | 0 | 23297 | 20190807113557 |
History of research on Caenorhabditis elegans | 22983943 | 0 | 6857 | 20190927155856 |
Homogamy | 35646178 | 0 | 6782 | 20191015142814 |
Homoplasy | 56750304 | 0 | 16280 | 20190914220934 |
Host–pathogen interaction | 36135797 | 0 | 13249 | 20190924215504 |
Human interactions with fungi | 51103519 | 0 | 31945 | 20190930130058 |
Human uses of bats | 59344116 | 0 | 6445 | 20191002125905 |
Human uses of mammals | 50897216 | 0 | 30094 | 20191019035315 |
Human uses of plants | 50872423 | 0 | 32767 | 20190923161815 |
Human uses of reptiles | 50935359 | 0 | 50346 | 20190923161819 |
Human waste | 1101623 | 0 | 5818 | 20191021015430 |
Humboldtian science | 8243937 | 0 | 18781 | 20190423221333 |
Hybrid incompatibility | 59627310 | 0 | 15352 | 20191004062842 |
Hyderabad Pharma City | 56930559 | 0 | 2540 | 20191020113454 |
Hydrocholeretic | 20761697 | 0 | 1494 | 20190907051512 |
Hydrosis | 12983320 | 0 | 644 | 20190907045206 |
Hygroreception | 57651406 | 0 | 1472 | 20190907065902 |
Hyperactivation | 1152003 | 0 | 3888 | 20190907035740 |
Hypothalamic–pituitary–prolactin axis | 54711018 | 0 | 2697 | 20190907064847 |
Hypothalamic–pituitary–somatotropic axis | 54710618 | 0 | 3965 | 20191006143716 |
Hypothetical list of biota | 9146657 | 0 | 2007 | 20190907043929 |
I-CreI | 8142925 | 0 | 10767 | 20190907043623 |
IFA Tulln | 33966019 | 0 | 8047 | 20190701132519 |
ION LMD | 36555728 | 0 | 3016 | 20190907055754 |
ISCB Innovator Award | 53068752 | 0 | 3701 | 20191014095411 |
Ichnotaxon | 5685431 | 0 | 3368 | 20190907042629 |
Idiobiology | 49926523 | 0 | 601 | 20190907063526 |
Imaging biomarker | 26450590 | 0 | 12170 | 20191021233826 |
Imbibition | 2785135 | 0 | 3130 | 20190907041112 |
Immune Therapy Holdings | 42277447 | 0 | 6135 | 20191009104940 |
Immunome | 50326547 | 0 | 1022 | 20190907063618 |
In situ bioremediation | 52966974 | 0 | 14108 | 20191021184307 |
In vitro compartmentalization | 15991162 | 0 | 14824 | 20191012171245 |
In vitro models for calcification | 49727521 | 0 | 12852 | 20190907063506 |
Inclusive fitness in humans | 50797822 | 0 | 31721 | 20191008211857 |
Index of anatomy articles | 220090 | 0 | 55975 | 20191021181044 |
Index of biology articles | 223876 | 0 | 19044 | 20190831223304 |
Index of biotechnology articles | 4797745 | 0 | 4097 | 20191009023335 |
Index of genetics articles | 1612722 | 0 | 33197 | 20191020112236 |
Index of molecular biology articles | 1374663 | 0 | 12824 | 20190813024230 |
Induced-charge electrokinetics | 44353369 | 0 | 7403 | 20191015050338 |
Infectious tolerance | 54976874 | 0 | 10902 | 20190907064922 |
Informative site | 15806009 | 0 | 1238 | 20190720072655 |
Infraspecific name | 2783668 | 0 | 12712 | 20191010191121 |
Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology | 43544874 | 0 | 816 | 20190601143041 |
Inter University Center for Bioscience | 59735154 | 0 | 2484 | 20190907070519 |
International Biological Program | 8756520 | 0 | 3817 | 20190919211019 |
International Biology Olympiad | 694919 | 0 | 4023 | 20191022080445 |
International Census of Marine Microbes | 22022775 | 0 | 2650 | 20190907051941 |
International Phytogeographic Excursion | 13922392 | 0 | 11260 | 20190328145512 |
International Prize for Biology | 3428418 | 0 | 7818 | 20191014093150 |
Interspecific competition | 6920233 | 0 | 19422 | 20190911220458 |
Intraguild predation | 31099545 | 0 | 16066 | 20190922190233 |
Intraspecific competition | 2717816 | 0 | 21987 | 20190922190253 |
Intrinsic Noise Analyzer | 36430984 | 0 | 3900 | 20190918204913 |
Inundative application | 1759251 | 0 | 1119 | 20190907040310 |
Inverted repeat | 65132 | 0 | 32528 | 20190918204904 |
Iodine in biology | 23747793 | 0 | 37341 | 20191018083736 |
Ion semiconductor sequencing | 30965725 | 0 | 13905 | 20191022154850 |
Ipomoea trifida | 61254351 | 0 | 2326 | 20191020082800 |
Iranian Biology Olympiad | 23670631 | 0 | 7470 | 20190930082515 |
Irene Manton Prize | 47372733 | 0 | 2787 | 20191004152733 |
Isochore | 10705831 | 0 | 29649 | 20190918204909 |
Isothermal microcalorimetry | 35215882 | 0 | 83074 | 20190918204913 |
Isotricha | 40867477 | 0 | 1044 | 20191020082618 |
James R. Griesemer | 16681497 | 0 | 1203 | 20190923001813 |
Jane Maienschein | 30157254 | 0 | 6146 | 20191016175838 |
John Maynard Smith Prize | 627413 | 0 | 2673 | 20190919150703 |
Jordan Nguyen | 50627903 | 0 | 7597 | 20191020095529 |
Joseph Henry Woodger | 25226433 | 0 | 6956 | 20191016175640 |
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering | 56753715 | 0 | 4377 | 20190927140859 |
Junkyard tornado | 5730634 | 0 | 9266 | 20191015162311 |
K. Radway Allen Award | 61329044 | 0 | 4871 | 20190907071019 |
Kappa organism | 23045450 | 0 | 3631 | 20190907052255 |
Keith R. Porter Lecture | 5979487 | 0 | 1880 | 20190920095340 |
Kempe Award for Distinguished Ecologists | 16163264 | 0 | 2897 | 20190924120740 |
Kettering Prize | 4075010 | 0 | 3342 | 20190924130435 |
Kew Rule | 40547081 | 0 | 5948 | 20190930092755 |
Kihara Memorial Foundation Academic Award | 41763929 | 0 | 2795 | 20191020141541 |
Kim Sterelny | 18675139 | 0 | 5499 | 20191016175346 |
Kinetic proofreading | 13653300 | 0 | 12422 | 20191014121149 |
Kistler Prize | 3586398 | 0 | 3000 | 20190414073652 |
Klepton | 36587327 | 0 | 8017 | 20191018082607 |
Kodecyte | 24135147 | 0 | 23256 | 20190918204912 |
Komen Brinker Award for Scientific Distinction | 8412445 | 0 | 5501 | 20191003021831 |
Korean Biology Olympiad | 57019357 | 0 | 468 | 20190907065625 |
Kristin Shrader-Frechette | 34286457 | 0 | 5180 | 20191016180041 |
Kyoto Prize in Basic Sciences | 44092279 | 0 | 17025 | 20191022080619 |
LT50 | 43449310 | 0 | 1152 | 20190907061846 |
Landscape limnology | 23515723 | 0 | 7307 | 20190831231625 |
Langendorff heart | 27111253 | 0 | 3430 | 20191018030125 |
Lanthanide probes | 44991261 | 0 | 19820 | 20191009025804 |
Larry Sandler Memorial Award | 8848462 | 0 | 4582 | 20190831225302 |
Late Elongated Hypocotyl | 58405077 | 0 | 5473 | 20190907070120 |
Leconte Prize | 25143962 | 0 | 10867 | 20191021023513 |
Lee–Boot effect | 6828719 | 0 | 2811 | 20190924161927 |
Leidy Award | 46413680 | 0 | 3421 | 20190907062541 |
Leopold Griffuel Prize | 8412577 | 0 | 5362 | 20191003124348 |
Leucandra villosa | 58451840 | 0 | 1293 | 20191020082720 |
LiMETER | 47907122 | 0 | 6300 | 20190907063032 |
Lichenology | 172384 | 0 | 30664 | 20191016174020 |
Lieben Prize | 9440365 | 0 | 5463 | 20191022065854 |
Life List | 21049997 | 0 | 769 | 20190907051617 |
Limostatin | 46192330 | 0 | 1505 | 20190907062459 |
Lindley Darden | 12819686 | 0 | 3361 | 20191016175121 |
Linnean Medal | 1844123 | 0 | 8611 | 20191006204456 |
Linnean Tercentenary Medal | 31093358 | 0 | 1748 | 20191006204456 |
Lipidology | 37988325 | 0 | 3576 | 20191010191317 |
List of A1 genes | 20207005 | 0 | 5233 | 20190419215806 |
List of Anseriformes by population | 37895120 | 0 | 63591 | 20190920230400 |
List of Apodiformes by population | 37895228 | 0 | 52882 | 20190920230412 |
List of BioBlitzes in New Zealand | 59614211 | 0 | 6555 | 20191016212242 |
List of Charadriiformes by population | 37895380 | 0 | 122884 | 20191002113136 |
List of Ciconiiformes by population | 37899152 | 0 | 41125 | 20191002183316 |
List of Columbiformes by population | 37899283 | 0 | 60629 | 20191010213457 |
List of Coraciiformes by population | 37924503 | 0 | 24682 | 20190920232616 |
List of Cuculiformes by population | 37924611 | 0 | 12802 | 20190919021241 |
List of Falconiformes by population | 37924766 | 0 | 104209 | 20190920233807 |
List of Galliformes by population | 37933612 | 0 | 76104 | 20190920234200 |
List of Gaviiformes by population | 37924849 | 0 | 3788 | 20190919021241 |
List of Gruiformes by population | 37933727 | 0 | 70634 | 20190920234745 |
List of Passeriformes by population | 49554785 | 0 | 3593 | 20190919030632 |
List of Pelecaniformes by population | 37968799 | 0 | 29044 | 20191002183435 |
List of Phoenicopteriformes by population | 37934093 | 0 | 5123 | 20190921005026 |
List of Piciformes by population | 37968870 | 0 | 33680 | 20190921005032 |
List of Podicipediformes by population | 37968947 | 0 | 9628 | 20191002183438 |
List of Procellariiformes by population | 37969019 | 0 | 77762 | 20191002183452 |
List of Psittaciformes by population | 37969104 | 0 | 86018 | 20191002183455 |
List of Sphenisciformes by population | 37934124 | 0 | 19467 | 20190921011243 |
List of Struthioniformes by population | 38000679 | 0 | 5603 | 20190919021304 |
List of Tinamiformes by population | 38000555 | 0 | 7757 | 20191002183602 |
List of Trogoniformes by population | 38000528 | 0 | 7980 | 20191004013501 |
List of anatomical isthmi | 2452242 | 0 | 1328 | 20170817034044 |
List of animals that produce silk | 42981259 | 0 | 3748 | 20190908053053 |
List of awards in bioinformatics and computational biology | 39000848 | 0 | 1313 | 20190108140204 |
List of biodiversity databases | 6331838 | 0 | 11149 | 20191021183143 |
List of biogeographical puzzles | 35277745 | 0 | 834 | 20190907055415 |
List of biologists | 59018 | 0 | 76963 | 20190929174702 |
List of biology websites | 18201005 | 0 | 4945 | 20181221211606 |
List of birds by flight heights | 42022293 | 0 | 5519 | 20190930191448 |
List of birds by population | 37900505 | 0 | 44694 | 20190920141527 |
List of camouflage methods | 38486257 | 0 | 26692 | 20191014143331 |
List of carnivorans by population | 37894892 | 0 | 52015 | 20191015030320 |
List of chordate orders | 309910 | 0 | 14550 | 20190918222517 |
List of disabled human pseudogenes | 27580988 | 0 | 2056 | 20190907053500 |
List of distinct cell types in the adult human body | 466315 | 0 | 13549 | 20191021022814 |
List of examples of convergent evolution | 19643233 | 0 | 117849 | 20191014161232 |
List of fellows of the AACR Academy | 52316950 | 0 | 8536 | 20191004012425 |
List of genetic genealogy topics | 6153690 | 0 | 1966 | 20191009023500 |
List of genetically modified crops | 49435114 | 0 | 33155 | 20191018230238 |
List of geneticists | 1532897 | 0 | 64790 | 20190809154141 |
List of habitats of principal importance in Wales | 53261437 | 0 | 9019 | 20190907064428 |
List of herbaria | 18012286 | 0 | 45393 | 20190919211029 |
List of herbaria in Europe | 18032715 | 0 | 34214 | 20191004124819 |
List of herbaria in North America | 18027464 | 0 | 112229 | 20190907050639 |
List of homing endonuclease cutting sites | 26080977 | 0 | 36445 | 20191012153753 |
List of human blood components | 466401 | 0 | 26076 | 20190921134710 |
List of human transcription factors | 56855846 | 0 | 382799 | 20190907065547 |
List of institutes and centers of the National Institutes of Health | 40688661 | 0 | 27122 | 20191004161306 |
List of marine ecoregions | 13366494 | 0 | 9587 | 20191015172708 |
List of model organisms | 45270286 | 0 | 36390 | 20190930040306 |
List of neuroscience databases | 25829369 | 0 | 26122 | 20191016180438 |
List of obsolete taxa | 17052728 | 0 | 4538 | 20190907050419 |
List of oldest fathers | 55330174 | 0 | 26102 | 20190928214831 |
List of participants in the Evolving Genes and Proteins symposium | 11309231 | 0 | 29046 | 20190914021221 |
List of popular science books on evolution | 816785 | 0 | 7284 | 20190228204256 |
List of population genetics projects | 42444749 | 0 | 3759 | 20191009025659 |
List of primates by population | 37894720 | 0 | 45722 | 20190919021230 |
List of recombinant proteins | 3016399 | 0 | 20115 | 20190911220454 |
List of red seaweeds of South Africa | 39215084 | 0 | 178460 | 20191021160837 |
A | 27456094 | 0 | 78171 | 20190907053442 |
Ba–Bc | 27456286 | 0 | 37102 | 20190907053442 |
Bd–Bp | 27460882 | 0 | 24743 | 20190907053442 |
Bsa–Bso | 27460930 | 0 | 35488 | 20190907053442 |
Bsp–Bss | 27456459 | 0 | 33328 | 20190907053442 |
Bst–Bv | 27456863 | 0 | 36969 | 20190907053442 |
C–D | 27460950 | 0 | 27651 | 20190907053442 |
E–F | 27460957 | 0 | 36245 | 20190907053442 |
G–K | 27459241 | 0 | 31908 | 20190908214838 |
L–N | 27457008 | 0 | 38240 | 20190907053442 |
O–R | 27458835 | 0 | 42160 | 20190907053442 |
S | 27456923 | 0 | 41132 | 20190907053442 |
T–Z | 27458759 | 0 | 27270 | 20190907053442 |
List of scattering experiments | 53155398 | 0 | 1539 | 20190910173846 |
List of seaweeds and marine flowering plants of Australia | 41777152 | 0 | 66949 | 20190907061353 |
List of seaweeds of South Africa | 26077876 | 0 | 86058 | 20191020152613 |
List of seaweeds of the Cape Peninsula and False Bay | 35704471 | 0 | 159727 | 20191020171142 |
List of sequenced algae genomes | 57880587 | 0 | 37525 | 20190930120233 |
List of sequenced animal genomes | 35917093 | 0 | 260130 | 20191016052202 |
List of sequenced archaeal genomes | 8815086 | 0 | 82641 | 20190907043826 |
List of sequenced bacterial genomes | 11664498 | 0 | 193349 | 20191021234513 |
List of sequenced eukaryotic genomes | 6938627 | 0 | 25181 | 20190918204909 |
List of sequenced fungi genomes | 33346197 | 0 | 86032 | 20190928110435 |
List of sequenced plant genomes | 33362511 | 0 | 156862 | 20191017123951 |
List of sequenced plastomes | 18667488 | 0 | 97530 | 20190921034608 |
List of sequenced protist genomes | 35929255 | 0 | 52387 | 20191022043038 |
List of systems biology conferences | 22770838 | 0 | 6044 | 20190727035001 |
List of taxa with candidatus status | 56209785 | 0 | 48691 | 20191020214951 |
List of the verified shortest people | 14229697 | 0 | 29408 | 20191022080435 |
List of unsolved problems in biology | 26167757 | 0 | 14973 | 20190924053704 |
List of youngest birth fathers | 55001258 | 0 | 9279 | 20191021160131 |
List of youngest birth mothers | 11311613 | 0 | 110038 | 20191022155451 |
Lists of mammals by population | 37663214 | 0 | 3016 | 20190919021118 |
Lists of organisms by population | 37486008 | 0 | 17874 | 20190925085933 |
Lists of sequenced genomes | 39868995 | 0 | 545 | 20190508021538 |
Live crown | 6743196 | 0 | 518 | 20190918225703 |
Living systems | 16554664 | 0 | 16361 | 20191009024216 |
Localization of organelle proteins by isotope method tagging | 1697378 | 0 | 387 | 20190720065310 |
Locus suicide recombination | 58582887 | 0 | 1605 | 20190907070202 |
Lorquin Entomological Society | 50238405 | 0 | 11650 | 20190930181557 |
Luca Turin | 3782801 | 0 | 23583 | 20191016174558 |
Luffariella | 61349029 | 0 | 2162 | 20191020082802 |
Luminex Corporation | 31845142 | 0 | 6563 | 20191017000318 |
Lurie Prize in Biomedical Sciences | 47526175 | 0 | 1362 | 20190927225725 |
MACPF | 12936761 | 0 | 21112 | 20190923233549 |
MAGESTIC | 58742475 | 0 | 2545 | 20190831235135 |
MALBAC | 38610814 | 0 | 14488 | 20190923070523 |
MBC Paper of the Year | 5995583 | 0 | 1832 | 20190919205125 |
Macrocyst | 20723111 | 0 | 1281 | 20190907051506 |
Magnesium in biology | 378938 | 0 | 81018 | 20191022150018 |
Magnetoreception | 1506351 | 0 | 59038 | 20191014212414 |
Maintenance of an organism | 5635862 | 0 | 1064 | 20190809011807 |
Marc Ereshefsky | 44330251 | 0 | 1908 | 20191016180444 |
March of Dimes Prize in Developmental Biology | 27203428 | 0 | 3021 | 20191014094516 |
Marcus Hartog | 20516033 | 0 | 4314 | 20191016174329 |
Marjory Stephenson Prize | 23211725 | 0 | 4167 | 20191014094327 |
Marsh Ecology Award | 15866384 | 0 | 1454 | 20190627194452 |
Mary Soper Pope Memorial Award | 52703212 | 0 | 2792 | 20171015030111 |
Massry Prize | 38814758 | 0 | 6084 | 20191020155427 |
Master of biological sciences | 24260834 | 0 | 1144 | 20190919153719 |
MatC family | 49780148 | 0 | 4022 | 20190924055649 |
Matriphagy | 52318777 | 0 | 30398 | 20190921215837 |
Max Delbruck Prize | 23461908 | 0 | 3420 | 20190919211035 |
Maxwell Finland Award | 10290732 | 0 | 2042 | 20191008100305 |
Mechanism | 10013115 | 0 | 6019 | 20191020045056 |
Medical Devices Park | 57044077 | 0 | 1905 | 20191018122259 |
Meganuclease | 27720533 | 0 | 19559 | 20190919010145 |
Membrane biology | 4954001 | 0 | 1616 | 20190907042313 |
Membrane stabilizing effect | 15995335 | 0 | 1423 | 20190907050155 |
Membranome | 19268700 | 0 | 1583 | 20190907051108 |
Memeplex | 9405089 | 0 | 2461 | 20191009224037 |
Menace reflex | 27653952 | 0 | 3864 | 20190907053513 |
Merodiploid | 50529615 | 0 | 2120 | 20190907063653 |
Merton Bernfield Memorial Award | 5995835 | 0 | 1488 | 20190919205518 |
Mesowear | 25863044 | 0 | 6729 | 20190817215044 |
Metabolite pool | 12416395 | 0 | 1807 | 20190907044929 |
Metakaryota | 37294302 | 0 | 944 | 20191020081906 |
Metaproteomics | 22298108 | 0 | 6846 | 20190922184850 |
Methuselah Foundation | 18215958 | 0 | 27651 | 20191022164108 |
Methyl green | 51066217 | 0 | 4034 | 20191014165736 |
Meyenburg Prize | 27209704 | 0 | 3009 | 20190919211042 |
Michael Marder | 41324071 | 0 | 7711 | 20191016180323 |
Michelson Prize and Grants in Reproductive Biology | 30170669 | 0 | 2950 | 20191005174209 |
Microbead | 43318261 | 0 | 5724 | 20190614232115 |
Microbial rhodopsin | 48050134 | 0 | 30880 | 20190924080744 |
Microcosm | 19348382 | 0 | 2532 | 20190907051121 |
Microraft | 38939487 | 0 | 2879 | 20190907060450 |
Minigene | 42318629 | 0 | 20567 | 20190907061538 |
Miroslav Zei Award | 35759507 | 0 | 2419 | 20191020114003 |
Mitochondrial fusion | 39288495 | 0 | 19847 | 20191001084448 |
Modularity | 4122426 | 0 | 6602 | 20190918224019 |
A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid | 2661507 | 0 | 18892 | 20191016174501 |
Molecular risk assessment | 16081433 | 0 | 561 | 20190720072801 |
Molecular-weight size marker | 6563587 | 0 | 41540 | 20190907043039 |
Molluscivore | 6848750 | 0 | 13967 | 20190929174858 |
Molluscs in culture | 50977473 | 0 | 35522 | 20190926170222 |
Monad to Man | 56329140 | 0 | 7795 | 20191020130223 |
Monarch Watch | 58679595 | 0 | 7251 | 20191014235656 |
Monoclonal | 1022111 | 0 | 1821 | 20190907035615 |
Monogastric | 1207755 | 0 | 3817 | 20191013035846 |
Monolysocardiolipin | 41706080 | 0 | 1481 | 20190907061341 |
proton antiporter-1 | 49810360 | 0 | 9866 | 20190924080957 |
proton antiporter-3 | 49813299 | 0 | 8226 | 20190924081002 |
Morpholino | 1078762 | 0 | 36545 | 20190907035653 |
Morphome | 14961800 | 0 | 1203 | 20190919211026 |
Mucrocetin | 56080225 | 0 | 1210 | 20190924081020 |
Muscle arms | 6949113 | 0 | 905 | 20190720070619 |
Mutanome | 61393318 | 0 | 15818 | 20191008152225 |
Mutation breeding | 31552410 | 0 | 32577 | 20190917171502 |
Mycobiota | 40239247 | 0 | 8675 | 20191011184457 |
Myelopoiesis | 20588935 | 0 | 2252 | 20190818193622 |
Myung Kyungjae | 61343122 | 0 | 12996 | 20191020115058 |
N-philes | 33799190 | 0 | 906 | 20190907055022 |
NAS Award in Molecular Biology | 28306559 | 0 | 12735 | 20191005164620 |
NAS Award in the Neurosciences | 28306592 | 0 | 3438 | 20190907053702 |
NK-92 | 39124671 | 0 | 7432 | 20190907060530 |
Nanobacterium | 380890 | 0 | 16913 | 20190926091643 |
Natalism | 1732164 | 0 | 11899 | 20190928185329 |
National Institute of Biotechnology | 42589894 | 0 | 3361 | 20191021174619 |
National Prize for Natural Sciences | 56024674 | 0 | 5463 | 20191020114919 |
Natural Theology or Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity | 42572964 | 0 | 29061 | 20191020130208 |
Natural design | 6126807 | 0 | 3175 | 20190907042849 |
Natural resistance-associated macrophage protein | 49293529 | 0 | 7237 | 20190924181908 |
Nature study | 3657318 | 0 | 14107 | 20190907041636 |
Nb.BbvCI | 37959176 | 0 | 712 | 20190907060205 |
Negligible senescence | 23003393 | 0 | 13304 | 20191021124220 |
Neuromechanics | 40610658 | 0 | 24928 | 20190908053011 |
Neutron-velocity selector | 25617958 | 0 | 1648 | 20190907053003 |
NhaA family | 49781126 | 0 | 9173 | 20190924182043 |
NhaB family | 49781138 | 0 | 3779 | 20190924182048 |
NhaC family | 49781596 | 0 | 6463 | 20190924182052 |
NhaD family | 49781600 | 0 | 6146 | 20190924182055 |
NhaE family | 49781605 | 0 | 3589 | 20190924182102 |
NicO transporters | 49601697 | 0 | 4965 | 20190924182109 |
Nicking enzyme | 23048210 | 0 | 3565 | 20190907052255 |
Nicotinamide ribonucleoside uptake transporters | 49292515 | 0 | 12196 | 20190924182145 |
Nigel Scrutton | 51877724 | 0 | 14069 | 20191016180751 |
No-analog | 25652972 | 0 | 3768 | 20190907053008 |
Nomen novum | 7308831 | 0 | 7556 | 20190907043331 |
Normalized Difference Red Edge Index | 52801011 | 0 | 1016 | 20190720083851 |
Notocrinidae | 60293895 | 0 | 2146 | 20191020082747 |
Novartis Medal and Prize | 58351058 | 0 | 18573 | 20191016181113 |
Nucleobase cation symporter-1 | 27493016 | 0 | 8517 | 20190924182600 |
Nucleobase cation symporter-2 | 35039952 | 0 | 8616 | 20190924182608 |
Nucleus incertus | 34543558 | 0 | 3295 | 20190930211423 |
Nylon-eating bacteria | 7195477 | 0 | 7923 | 20191020082133 |
Obligate | 7286489 | 0 | 1365 | 20190529113642 |
Occlusion effect | 14429491 | 0 | 2100 | 20190907045615 |
Ohno's law | 18962436 | 0 | 3844 | 20190304014036 |
Oncogenomics | 7737653 | 0 | 66091 | 20191012190901 |
Oncolytic adenovirus | 39032553 | 0 | 29249 | 20190923100946 |
Oncolytic herpes virus | 38975888 | 0 | 17213 | 20191020081934 |
Oncomatryx | 41756826 | 0 | 16417 | 20190907061349 |
Oospore | 7383487 | 0 | 1142 | 20190907043347 |
Optoelectrowetting | 44524545 | 0 | 8671 | 20190818204740 |
Orchestrated objective reduction | 712245 | 0 | 50826 | 20191010191053 |
Organ-on-a-chip | 33980770 | 0 | 57404 | 20190907055056 |
Organic memory | 48222458 | 0 | 3805 | 20190304020203 |
Organography | 21360243 | 0 | 2563 | 20191020113316 |
Orlando D. Schärer | 61388678 | 0 | 13927 | 20190930122653 |
Ormdl sphingolipid biosynthesis regulator 3 | 53427212 | 0 | 9067 | 20191015230638 |
Osmotic shock | 5386941 | 0 | 4588 | 20190907042508 |
Osteoware | 48579655 | 0 | 13729 | 20190907063205 |
Ouchterlony double immunodiffusion | 4948339 | 0 | 8585 | 20190907042311 |
Out of autoclave composite manufacturing | 30031381 | 0 | 10839 | 20190907054038 |
Outline of ants | 349661 | 0 | 3138 | 20191009022529 |
Outline of biochemistry | 3209677 | 0 | 8236 | 20191009023148 |
Outline of biology | 4493 | 0 | 27782 | 20191009022330 |
Overabundant species | 60621630 | 0 | 22155 | 20191014150244 |
Ovitrap | 7190097 | 0 | 2634 | 20190907043306 |
Oxford Dictionary of Biology | 54850522 | 0 | 3203 | 20191020130222 |
P-Aminobenzoyl-glutamate transporter | 49633163 | 0 | 7571 | 20190924183353 |
PHI-base | 8721272 | 0 | 10288 | 20191018014713 |
PI curve | 33548640 | 0 | 6727 | 20190918222403 |
PRI disease resistant apple breeding program | 44772528 | 0 | 2500 | 20190907160150 |
PVSRIPO | 46275516 | 0 | 3450 | 20191020082205 |
Pacific Biological Laboratories | 12701758 | 0 | 6674 | 20191017192700 |
Pacific Ocean Shelf Tracking Project | 8939340 | 0 | 4488 | 20191002033113 |
Palivizumab | 6609299 | 0 | 7538 | 20191014165625 |
Pantropical | 2756802 | 0 | 2651 | 20190907041100 |
ParaSurf | 42428163 | 0 | 2141 | 20190907061554 |
Parable of the Sunfish | 36506774 | 0 | 28042 | 20190907055745 |
Paratype | 6867017 | 0 | 5120 | 20191018024012 |
Parson-naturalist | 15812196 | 0 | 4289 | 20191019112013 |
Patch dynamics | 11589621 | 0 | 8124 | 20190907044630 |
Pathatrix | 13621696 | 0 | 5029 | 20190627193119 |
Peptide amphiphile | 28333458 | 0 | 6864 | 20190907053707 |
Peptide microarray | 35260696 | 0 | 20476 | 20191011212545 |
Peptidoglycolipid addressing protein | 49557494 | 0 | 3342 | 20190924202536 |
Peptone water | 52167095 | 0 | 719 | 20190720083745 |
Perceptual trap | 31536987 | 0 | 5163 | 20190617134729 |
Perennation | 41710955 | 0 | 1160 | 20191013061739 |
Perennibranchiate | 20997946 | 0 | 1137 | 20190815084208 |
Permissiveness | 7381751 | 0 | 2000 | 20190907043347 |
Peter Godfrey-Smith | 19833886 | 0 | 5323 | 20190907051231 |
Peter J. Bowler | 4040410 | 0 | 8119 | 20191022074259 |
Phage group | 11064134 | 0 | 21911 | 20191009023812 |
Pharming | 1749134 | 0 | 51650 | 20190926164504 |
Phenetics | 23963 | 0 | 7630 | 20191020112029 |
Phenomics | 4062934 | 0 | 5719 | 20190907041847 |
Phi Sigma | 15758021 | 0 | 1975 | 20191004200501 |
Philip Kitcher | 2672927 | 0 | 14197 | 20191016174501 |
Phosphoproteomics | 8715575 | 0 | 13080 | 20190907043807 |
Photocyte | 7097494 | 0 | 2710 | 20190907043245 |
Photomutagenic | 54366888 | 0 | 814 | 20191011125949 |
Phototaxis | 21392957 | 0 | 16325 | 20191015173054 |
Photothermal ratio | 60962435 | 0 | 4914 | 20190907070914 |
Phycomin | 3433217 | 0 | 821 | 20190907041518 |
Phycotechnology | 51388795 | 0 | 3720 | 20191006144422 |
Phylogenetic inertia | 49516442 | 0 | 7824 | 20190907063438 |
Phylotype | 52518175 | 0 | 1048 | 20190907064224 |
Physiologus | 31364 | 0 | 18989 | 20191021223121 |
Phytogeomorphology | 39984881 | 0 | 6370 | 20190203055209 |
Phytotechnology | 33533216 | 0 | 8298 | 20191020113901 |
Pinch-induced behavioral inhibition | 44961465 | 0 | 1340 | 20190928115939 |
Pitar dione | 31427054 | 0 | 7198 | 20191020082445 |
Place theory | 533206 | 0 | 4797 | 20190907035058 |
Plant epithet | 51158262 | 0 | 12895 | 20191017050105 |
Plant litter | 26137572 | 0 | 24563 | 20191015173234 |
Plasmid preparation | 3682580 | 0 | 5499 | 20190907041645 |
Plasmonic lens | 39950774 | 0 | 5789 | 20190918204914 |
Polychotomy | 6173781 | 0 | 1363 | 20190619031932 |
Postglacial vegetation | 38051839 | 0 | 12348 | 20190907060226 |
Postnaturalism | 9499590 | 0 | 13249 | 20190907044032 |
Potassium spatial buffering | 20445291 | 0 | 14917 | 20190803040808 |
Pre-integration complex | 16832751 | 0 | 2683 | 20191013060213 |
Prebiotic score | 6395328 | 0 | 5802 | 20191002034736 |
Precambrian rabbit | 19919849 | 0 | 14892 | 20190907051259 |
Preformationism | 12934176 | 0 | 16619 | 20191010191752 |
Primer dimer | 25008405 | 0 | 12167 | 20191020112646 |
Probabilistic prognosis | 19191080 | 0 | 1852 | 20190627200320 |
Proceptive phase | 4566442 | 0 | 2797 | 20190929145538 |
Process | 4746766 | 0 | 5483 | 20191014154809 |
Prosection | 18421030 | 0 | 10795 | 20190908053038 |
Protein leverage hypothesis | 60792062 | 0 | 2206 | 20190907070848 |
Protein production | 167540 | 0 | 24552 | 20191022081605 |
Proteolysis targeting chimera | 50532084 | 0 | 6455 | 20190907063653 |
Proteomyxa | 4012709 | 0 | 1152 | 20190907041832 |
Protistology | 9247603 | 0 | 8659 | 20191014093553 |
Psammon | 41655528 | 0 | 1226 | 20190907061334 |
Pseudoplankton | 12891586 | 0 | 1079 | 20190907045140 |
Pulse vaccination strategy | 42863440 | 0 | 3079 | 20191015173828 |
Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis | 2669197 | 0 | 4675 | 20191009023103 |
Purple Earth hypothesis | 11147646 | 0 | 4774 | 20190907044508 |
Purpureocillium lilacinum | 33691299 | 0 | 18971 | 20191020082504 |
Pursuit predation | 48264022 | 0 | 30986 | 20190907063115 |
Pyrrolizidine alkaloid sequestration | 25381180 | 0 | 11890 | 20190908053043 |
Quantitative biology | 38710316 | 0 | 1533 | 20190907060416 |
Quantum Aspects of Life | 18404729 | 0 | 5461 | 20191020130142 |
Quinarian system | 4635563 | 0 | 5041 | 20190907042147 |
REG1 | 29404652 | 0 | 564 | 20190907053927 |
RNA Tie Club | 26415816 | 0 | 6550 | 20190907154007 |
RNase H-dependent PCR | 55764851 | 0 | 4206 | 20190907065139 |
Rabbit hybridoma | 32793668 | 0 | 10654 | 20190907054757 |
Radar ornithology | 58516071 | 0 | 3820 | 20191011172650 |
Radial immunodiffusion | 11759876 | 0 | 12759 | 20191002173717 |
Radioimmunoprecipitation assay buffer | 17908459 | 0 | 2767 | 20190907050622 |
Range fractionation | 1148992 | 0 | 1002 | 20190907035738 |
Rare-cutter enzyme | 14570400 | 0 | 1476 | 20190929151643 |
Rational design | 31462586 | 0 | 2019 | 20191020193210 |
Recombinase Polymerase Amplification | 40427167 | 0 | 14169 | 20190907060928 |
Recruitment | 26196283 | 0 | 1162 | 20190818195812 |
RedToL | 28080823 | 0 | 4134 | 20180723140418 |
Redi Award | 39155957 | 0 | 4743 | 20190920101739 |
Registry of World Record Size Shells | 42551231 | 0 | 46480 | 20191020141549 |
Regulating factors | 4615920 | 0 | 1942 | 20190907042142 |
Relative apparent synapomorphy analysis | 31611166 | 0 | 1760 | 20190907054437 |
Relative rate test | 40553716 | 0 | 9460 | 20190907060951 |
Relict | 1098086 | 0 | 3811 | 20190907035703 |
Renkonen similarity index | 35898747 | 0 | 839 | 20190720080950 |
Replicate | 40861730 | 0 | 1494 | 20190907061057 |
Representative sequences | 936059 | 0 | 2003 | 20190907035519 |
Resorption | 8210612 | 0 | 952 | 20190907043634 |
Resource | 32649239 | 0 | 2442 | 20191009025058 |
Rheotaxis | 1449913 | 0 | 4425 | 20191016034223 |
Richard Lounsbery Award | 8147900 | 0 | 11071 | 20190919211018 |
Rimose | 44339334 | 0 | 1148 | 20190529115822 |
Robert Arp | 29203454 | 0 | 47009 | 20191016175811 |
Robert H. MacArthur Award | 16008610 | 0 | 5734 | 20190907050157 |
Robert L. Noble Prize | 1838263 | 0 | 2080 | 20190907040351 |
Roberta Millstein | 42782975 | 0 | 7789 | 20190922154746 |
Robosquirrel | 38503554 | 0 | 29572 | 20191009025426 |
Robustness | 27206499 | 0 | 1134 | 20190720075408 |
Rodenticide | 991169 | 0 | 24645 | 20191014060335 |
Royal Society Africa Prize | 17058796 | 0 | 3552 | 20190907050420 |
Runt | 13185451 | 0 | 6071 | 20191003173131 |
Ruth Millikan | 2015850 | 0 | 7584 | 20191016174434 |
SAT Subject Test in Biology E/M | 18322812 | 0 | 3405 | 20190907050726 |
SEA-PHAGES | 57077190 | 0 | 10509 | 20191016105746 |
SMiLE-Seq | 53367602 | 0 | 10416 | 20190919032216 |
SNP genotyping | 9007251 | 0 | 37044 | 20190907043902 |
SOS chromotest | 35008525 | 0 | 6855 | 20190907055340 |
Sackett self-selection circus | 12908866 | 0 | 985 | 20190907045147 |
Salamanders in folklore | 11175690 | 0 | 20314 | 20191021223123 |
Sampson | 5572696 | 0 | 889 | 20190911224034 |
Sca-1 | 45520395 | 0 | 2051 | 20191021103650 |
Scaffolding | 40323377 | 0 | 10853 | 20190907060912 |
Schauenberg's index | 57057365 | 0 | 1670 | 20191004165544 |
Schleiden Medal | 46646467 | 0 | 1599 | 20190907062622 |
Sclerobiont | 31756786 | 0 | 1793 | 20191015173439 |
Scotobiology | 9468040 | 0 | 6783 | 20190926182150 |
Scramble competition | 31396894 | 0 | 10665 | 20190918204913 |
Sea snot | 24673328 | 0 | 4083 | 20190907052731 |
Searle Scholars Program | 14385972 | 0 | 2735 | 20190907045610 |
Selman A. Waksman Award in Microbiology | 28306611 | 0 | 6374 | 20190919211042 |
SensUs | 49032506 | 0 | 11006 | 20190830132451 |
Sensing of phage-triggered ion cascades | 31675018 | 0 | 5376 | 20190907054449 |
Sentinel cell | 41069142 | 0 | 1716 | 20190907061143 |
Septate | 8271812 | 0 | 716 | 20190907043646 |
Sequence graph | 49861393 | 0 | 3591 | 20191016122911 |
SequenceBase | 40379477 | 0 | 6001 | 20191020141526 |
Sewall Wright Award | 23168152 | 0 | 5071 | 20191014094325 |
Sex reversal | 38053611 | 0 | 2889 | 20191003103410 |
Sexing | 11345653 | 0 | 1227 | 20190925032133 |
Shadow life | 21567720 | 0 | 2603 | 20191011120026 |
Shell grit | 10328644 | 0 | 1277 | 20190907044254 |
Shridhar Chillal | 4798166 | 0 | 2904 | 20191016174650 |
Side population | 7178651 | 0 | 3158 | 20191006144419 |
Simband | 42889989 | 0 | 1724 | 20191022164140 |
Single cell sequencing | 42067613 | 0 | 40979 | 20190930160633 |
Single-cell transcriptomics | 53576321 | 0 | 25145 | 20190907064526 |
Sir Hans Krebs Medal | 44744577 | 0 | 6069 | 20190907062222 |
Site-specific recombination | 10095073 | 0 | 18953 | 20190930091834 |
Size-asymmetric competition | 51525633 | 0 | 10352 | 20190503222743 |
Skeletochronology | 9330285 | 0 | 1030 | 20190907044000 |
Slowest animals | 34650191 | 0 | 3082 | 20191013031003 |
Smallest organisms | 6576473 | 0 | 32656 | 20191018043039 |
Smash and Grab | 53942957 | 0 | 959 | 20190907064639 |
Social Bonding and Nurture Kinship | 43868891 | 0 | 30220 | 20191020130210 |
Society for the Study of Evolution | 3645417 | 0 | 3565 | 20190907041633 |
Sociome | 52307847 | 0 | 3744 | 20190322070709 |
Soil seed bank | 4695949 | 0 | 11307 | 20190912192326 |
Solid phase sequencing | 55123599 | 0 | 1108 | 20180829080646 |
Somatic fusion | 20727645 | 0 | 10410 | 20191019202828 |
Somatopause | 58345902 | 0 | 1307 | 20190907070113 |
Soredium | 14617718 | 0 | 1853 | 20190907045648 |
Sotio | 48541646 | 0 | 3502 | 20190907063201 |
Spatial transcriptomics | 57313623 | 0 | 5222 | 20190907065748 |
Specialty drugs in the United States | 48172434 | 0 | 82227 | 20190930095808 |
Sperm precedence | 45335171 | 0 | 769 | 20190720082745 |
Split networks | 36356112 | 0 | 1795 | 20191006144420 |
Split-intein circular ligation of peptides and proteins | 47656176 | 0 | 3327 | 20191013054947 |
Spondylo-meta-epiphyseal dysplasia | 35594200 | 0 | 2734 | 20191014094848 |
Spontaneous absolute asymmetric synthesis | 33329683 | 0 | 1507 | 20190907054912 |
Stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture | 6006708 | 0 | 10573 | 20190907042816 |
Stain | 4884616 | 0 | 4834 | 20191021014933 |
Stenochoria | 24630261 | 0 | 1354 | 20190322070639 |
Stodtmeister cell | 51336603 | 0 | 484 | 20190907063918 |
Storage organ | 1414572 | 0 | 7267 | 20191017164949 |
Strep-tag | 22810498 | 0 | 7756 | 20190907052216 |
Streptamer | 22977267 | 0 | 4588 | 20190827114633 |
Stretch receptor | 7188290 | 0 | 1003 | 20190731030413 |
Strimvelis | 50035369 | 0 | 6757 | 20191017141555 |
Stromagen | 54021693 | 0 | 1855 | 20190907064652 |
Structuralism | 6914308 | 0 | 23871 | 20191009023540 |
Stylisin | 40735500 | 0 | 657 | 20190907061023 |
Subvariety | 393574 | 0 | 882 | 20190818175802 |
Suctorial | 21469177 | 0 | 2744 | 20190930105147 |
Sulfide intrusion | 49158055 | 0 | 2537 | 20190908053059 |
Sulphide Indole Motility medium | 52506202 | 0 | 1544 | 20190907064222 |
Surface tension biomimetics | 52520385 | 0 | 11625 | 20190929154759 |
Susan Finsen | 36177809 | 0 | 2249 | 20191017232637 |
Susan Oyama | 26013084 | 0 | 2591 | 20191016175658 |
Svenska Spindlar | 28676576 | 0 | 15766 | 20191020113703 |
Sylvatic | 2191056 | 0 | 1229 | 20190907040646 |
Symbiosis in fiction | 57990980 | 0 | 3797 | 20190907070006 |
Synbiotics | 6396920 | 0 | 7035 | 20191014194409 |
Synchronous coefficient of drag alteration | 50177303 | 0 | 14117 | 20190907063601 |
Synthetic catalytic scavenger | 1026984 | 0 | 1283 | 20190907035619 |
Synthetic mycoides | 27419972 | 0 | 1002 | 20190907053435 |
Systematic Census of Australian Plants | 10300128 | 0 | 3653 | 20190907044248 |
TCMTB | 56533153 | 0 | 4454 | 20191014165740 |
TK cell therapy | 39782989 | 0 | 3709 | 20191006144421 |
TSUP family | 49033936 | 0 | 4972 | 20190929153552 |
Table of neurotransmitter actions in the ANS | 44292016 | 0 | 10837 | 20190911220510 |
Tac-Promoter | 49172614 | 0 | 6617 | 20190907063342 |
Tachyaerobic | 48756720 | 0 | 1072 | 20190907063235 |
Tactoid | 51179574 | 0 | 2113 | 20190907063845 |
Talimogene laherparepvec | 38686504 | 0 | 14594 | 20191014165657 |
Tasmanian coniferous shrubbery | 53570951 | 0 | 10232 | 20191014235144 |
Taxome | 1418911 | 0 | 3498 | 20191022092222 |
Taxonomy of Drosera | 4766792 | 0 | 8748 | 20190831224619 |
Teleology in biology | 51188560 | 0 | 34991 | 20190926073651 |
Telescoping generations | 18182366 | 0 | 1251 | 20190907050707 |
Tellurium ion resistance | 49557171 | 0 | 6502 | 20190929153705 |
Temporin | 31828910 | 0 | 2295 | 20190907054516 |
Tension zone | 28120387 | 0 | 1530 | 20190720075557 |
Thanatocoenosis | 29552335 | 0 | 731 | 20191012214944 |
The Ancestor's Tale | 957529 | 0 | 63706 | 20191020130109 |
The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis | 18801936 | 0 | 4174 | 20190907050924 |
The Complete Works of Charles Darwin Online | 12327097 | 0 | 4248 | 20190414074108 |
The Growth of Biological Thought | 889944 | 0 | 1355 | 20190907035447 |
The Phenomenon of Man | 15357916 | 0 | 10237 | 20191020130139 |
The Seven Pillars of Life | 18789195 | 0 | 4668 | 20190523104032 |
Thermal grill illusion | 9463641 | 0 | 2668 | 20190907044025 |
Thermolabile | 1405654 | 0 | 2662 | 20190924200909 |
Third-generation sequencing | 53363521 | 0 | 33937 | 20191015043526 |
Thousand-year Rose | 42274823 | 0 | 19060 | 20191015173817 |
Thrifty phenotype | 1740374 | 0 | 7283 | 20190929194429 |
Tim Lewens | 28460239 | 0 | 6783 | 20191016175756 |
Time-lapse microscopy | 23716097 | 0 | 16082 | 20190930133317 |
Tokogeny | 44057611 | 0 | 789 | 20190907062030 |
Tornaria | 39478635 | 0 | 1296 | 20190907060637 |
Trabecular cartilage | 40624269 | 0 | 5302 | 20190930211540 |
Trace fossil classification | 5962524 | 0 | 12743 | 20191011062449 |
Trail-Crisp Award | 47372849 | 0 | 1729 | 20190907061303 |
Trajectory inference | 59006692 | 0 | 16061 | 20190907070317 |
Trans-Golgi network vesicle protein 23 A | 52974301 | 0 | 9224 | 20190907064338 |
Transcellular transport | 28734201 | 0 | 2827 | 20190907053754 |
Transcription activator-like effector nuclease | 31001884 | 0 | 26513 | 20190907054301 |
Transfer DNA binary system | 12139197 | 0 | 4897 | 20190907044813 |
Transformed cladistics | 42959802 | 0 | 12790 | 20190907061717 |
Transovarial transmission | 12929900 | 0 | 2267 | 20190930141101 |
Transposon silencing | 37879288 | 0 | 6896 | 20190907060148 |
Transstadial transmission | 35291570 | 0 | 3909 | 20190907055416 |
Tree-Puzzle | 9804129 | 0 | 1051 | 20190907044124 |
Trichoderma asperellum | 57956800 | 0 | 1412 | 20191020082714 |
Trichoderma hamatum | 58734840 | 0 | 1490 | 20191020082722 |
Trichoderma stromaticum | 58734908 | 0 | 1536 | 20191020082722 |
Triploid block | 44055899 | 0 | 1212 | 20190907062030 |
Troglomorphism | 40977953 | 0 | 2196 | 20191014070738 |
Trogloxene | 10407886 | 0 | 2546 | 20190930141913 |
Tropical vegetation | 38797174 | 0 | 7010 | 20191016003309 |
Turing pattern | 34882466 | 0 | 7801 | 20190907055319 |
Turnip crinkle virus (TCV) hairpin H4 | 38392431 | 0 | 1430 | 20191010182842 |
Type II sensory fiber | 11078164 | 0 | 5938 | 20190907044456 |
UCI School of Biological Sciences | 15919867 | 0 | 3963 | 20191015172854 |
UKM Medical Molecular Biology Institute | 58234137 | 0 | 3114 | 20191017182017 |
UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea International Prize for Research in the Life Sciences | 52130688 | 0 | 1304 | 20190630170749 |
UNESCO/Institut Pasteur Medal | 6121064 | 0 | 2259 | 20191014093358 |
Ultramicrotomy | 3239238 | 0 | 4436 | 20190916182915 |
Ultrasonic hearing | 4995290 | 0 | 3539 | 20191011120026 |
Umbilical ring | 34640808 | 0 | 2956 | 20191016180050 |
Unconventional protein secretion | 38523023 | 0 | 2972 | 20190907060346 |
Underwater camouflage | 27558974 | 0 | 21854 | 20191014143331 |
Use of beta-adrenergic agonists livestock | 50533059 | 0 | 5313 | 20190907063653 |
Vagal escape | 21748884 | 0 | 1035 | 20190907051841 |
Vagrancy | 2452933 | 0 | 5427 | 20190923020308 |
Valerie G. Hardcastle | 40071830 | 0 | 5447 | 20190911212545 |
Vectors in gene therapy | 34217148 | 0 | 34334 | 20190926042054 |
Villogorgia rubra | 59587773 | 0 | 908 | 20191020082738 |
Viral eukaryogenesis | 4009213 | 0 | 12215 | 20190907041831 |
ViroCap | 47973429 | 0 | 1747 | 20190517135312 |
Virtual microscope | 240693 | 0 | 1117 | 20190907034634 |
Virucide | 16963757 | 0 | 1339 | 20190907050406 |
Vital heat | 5307055 | 0 | 7378 | 20190907042447 |
Voice break | 41020238 | 0 | 653 | 20190731012858 |
WICB Junior and Senior Awards | 5979589 | 0 | 4072 | 20191019222958 |
Waddington Medal | 41573640 | 0 | 2037 | 20190627223307 |
Warren Alpert Foundation Prize | 36421538 | 0 | 14884 | 20191022080605 |
Web-based taxonomy | 9365268 | 0 | 1682 | 20190907044006 |
Wetware | 23402198 | 0 | 1243 | 20190907052345 |
What Is Life? | 2334511 | 0 | 15912 | 20191020140918 |
Whitley Awards | 11407813 | 0 | 6053 | 20191021075227 |
Whorl | 29004985 | 0 | 551 | 20190720075754 |
WiCell | 2347765 | 0 | 4721 | 20191021174618 |
Wildlife biologist | 5419732 | 0 | 4229 | 20190907042516 |
Wiley Prize | 21368349 | 0 | 8508 | 20190919121551 |
William B. Coley Award | 10163422 | 0 | 7745 | 20190919211020 |
William Bate Hardy Prize | 35849534 | 0 | 5239 | 20190907055543 |
William C. Rose Award | 21853656 | 0 | 2245 | 20190907051906 |
William C. Wimsatt | 12618370 | 0 | 10439 | 20191016175115 |
Woeseian revolution | 44432370 | 0 | 3699 | 20191018192013 |
Wonderful life theory | 35936877 | 0 | 8161 | 20190927060515 |
Xenohormesis | 13745014 | 0 | 1456 | 20190907045428 |
Xerophile | 18952199 | 0 | 1926 | 20190925170846 |
Z-value | 3398718 | 0 | 3766 | 20190911064852 |
ZMapp | 43478312 | 0 | 23110 | 20191009025726 |
Zynteglo | 45389775 | 0 | 5098 | 20191009151834 |
علوم الأرض
Title | Page ID | Namespace | Size (bytes) | Last change |
26th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union | 50961537 | 0 | 2602 | 20191020114737 |
3D fold evolution | 51688291 | 0 | 37617 | 20190925095629 |
AAG Gold Medal | 21014437 | 0 | 1286 | 20191008160530 |
AAPG Bulletin | 33486274 | 0 | 1707 | 20190929145547 |
Aber Dinlle Fault | 28836636 | 0 | 1747 | 20190907053812 |
Aberconway Medal | 6705698 | 0 | 2589 | 20191001005644 |
Accretion | 13167630 | 0 | 835 | 20191014205404 |
Accretionary complex | 51310137 | 0 | 831 | 20190916083656 |
Acme zone | 16969298 | 0 | 842 | 20190928005915 |
Adams–Williamson equation | 28974704 | 0 | 4783 | 20190927213252 |
Adoudounian | 57780058 | 0 | 2502 | 20190907065925 |
Albany Museum | 20092916 | 0 | 4026 | 20191018102920 |
Albrecht-Penck-Medaille | 56110793 | 0 | 1894 | 20190523104427 |
Alcove | 58842605 | 0 | 1273 | 20191010021555 |
Alexander Pushkin | 50961831 | 0 | 2604 | 20191020114737 |
Algoman orogeny | 26416344 | 0 | 30618 | 20190911105428 |
Allochem | 3865060 | 0 | 1495 | 20190720065847 |
Allochthon | 1374870 | 0 | 2411 | 20190907035947 |
Alston Block | 26255432 | 0 | 1231 | 20190720075212 |
Amazon Basin | 48701676 | 0 | 4031 | 20191010234705 |
Ambrose Medal | 7473509 | 0 | 1976 | 20191009144441 |
American Quaternary Association | 13522849 | 0 | 2466 | 20191017045957 |
Amguid crater | 779866 | 0 | 2732 | 20191015171751 |
Ancestral Thames | 4421843 | 0 | 5962 | 20190928024012 |
Andean Geology | 23921065 | 0 | 2452 | 20191022164116 |
Andersons Cove Formation | 54097315 | 0 | 830 | 20190922131011 |
Annaheim meteorite | 28987418 | 0 | 1687 | 20190930211258 |
Annals of the Former World | 16267127 | 0 | 2578 | 20191020130139 |
Anorogenic magmatism | 51530149 | 0 | 1080 | 20191009061030 |
Antarctic continental shelf | 2529211 | 0 | 987 | 20190720065516 |
Anteclise | 2391570 | 0 | 1714 | 20190908052947 |
Anthropic rock | 8584125 | 0 | 4491 | 20190907043741 |
Appalachia | 29029581 | 0 | 70060 | 20191019023124 |
Aquatic succession | 32718122 | 0 | 542 | 20190720080409 |
Aqueous geochemistry | 43790336 | 0 | 1515 | 20190907061951 |
Arauz Formation | 55587486 | 0 | 1473 | 20191010221445 |
Arctic Alaska-Chukotka terrane | 57940553 | 0 | 5028 | 20191010191439 |
Arctic Lowlands | 6130928 | 0 | 1690 | 20191009023459 |
Arendalsfeltet | 36147097 | 0 | 1245 | 20190829041100 |
Arizona Geological Survey | 8276189 | 0 | 5343 | 20190911211259 |
Arthur L. Day Medal | 9165871 | 0 | 3107 | 20190925193750 |
Arthur L. Day Prize and Lectureship | 10227029 | 0 | 4679 | 20190923132011 |
Ash Hollow Formation | 43248028 | 0 | 2025 | 20191015204000 |
Askrigg Block | 26255448 | 0 | 998 | 20190720075212 |
Asperity | 58905969 | 0 | 1170 | 20190907070258 |
Assise | 2895307 | 0 | 822 | 20190907041157 |
Association of Applied Geochemists | 21421387 | 0 | 5893 | 20190912135402 |
Atlantic Shield | 48824840 | 0 | 1301 | 20190919030345 |
Austin Glen Member | 43439296 | 0 | 1468 | 20190907210752 |
Australian Fossil and Mineral Museum | 30860916 | 0 | 4955 | 20191018102938 |
Authigenesis | 9004520 | 0 | 3234 | 20191021213116 |
Autochthon | 36795154 | 0 | 2205 | 20191020141504 |
Avulsion | 20494183 | 0 | 9156 | 20191014205404 |
Azerbaijan Society of Petroleum Geologists | 48591812 | 0 | 1140 | 20191004134704 |
BP Structure | 779903 | 0 | 1430 | 20191013124959 |
Backshore | 28994544 | 0 | 791 | 20190831232302 |
Baer–Babinet law | 11705835 | 0 | 3346 | 20190907044652 |
Baissa | 4703468 | 0 | 1971 | 20180125131212 |
Bala Fault | 28836751 | 0 | 1909 | 20190912031925 |
Bancroft Award | 2002552 | 0 | 2128 | 20190907040513 |
Bandung Geological Museum | 47571335 | 0 | 1919 | 20190706044951 |
Bangweulu Block | 2224836 | 0 | 2357 | 20190907040702 |
Barlow Memorial Medal | 10304463 | 0 | 2329 | 20191009184542 |
Basement high | 54168371 | 0 | 711 | 20190831234801 |
Bay de Verde Formation | 54097327 | 0 | 805 | 20190922131011 |
Baykonurian glaciation | 52212788 | 0 | 1847 | 20190907210827 |
Beach ridge | 4654699 | 0 | 3083 | 20191014205404 |
Beacon Limestone Formation | 56783343 | 0 | 1338 | 20190907065532 |
Bear Valley Strip Mine | 26995550 | 0 | 2822 | 20191015173255 |
Beddgelert Fault | 28836779 | 0 | 908 | 20190907053812 |
Bediasite | 3779103 | 0 | 1650 | 20190720065835 |
Beebe Hydrothermal Vent Field | 43422367 | 0 | 5051 | 20191004135549 |
Beijing Anomaly | 9853191 | 0 | 4295 | 20190907044130 |
Belgian marble | 11045543 | 0 | 1685 | 20190720071354 |
Bell Island Group | 54097168 | 0 | 923 | 20190922131011 |
Benton Fault | 28836782 | 0 | 1623 | 20190907053812 |
Bergschrund | 1820562 | 0 | 3066 | 20191009022943 |
Berw Fault | 28836785 | 0 | 1595 | 20190907053812 |
Betic corridor | 24815566 | 0 | 3912 | 20190907052756 |
Bian River | 29427366 | 0 | 490 | 20191020113724 |
Big Head Formation | 54097333 | 0 | 1238 | 20190922131011 |
Bigsby Medal | 6731688 | 0 | 3625 | 20190930235200 |
Billion years | 1947920 | 0 | 2493 | 20190907040446 |
Bindstone | 56286907 | 0 | 3806 | 20190930094304 |
Biobío-Aluminé Fault Zone | 57862192 | 0 | 1290 | 20190907065942 |
Biogenic substance | 563239 | 0 | 1507 | 20190907035118 |
Black River | 13144534 | 0 | 4734 | 20191015172702 |
Blackhead Formation | 54059750 | 0 | 1310 | 20191018072936 |
Bleb | 32221625 | 0 | 672 | 20190720080321 |
Blithfield meteorite | 29684100 | 0 | 1755 | 20190930211303 |
Blockfield | 28668231 | 0 | 7252 | 20190907053744 |
Bojite | 38785523 | 0 | 1417 | 20190907060429 |
Booming Ice Chasm | 37893194 | 0 | 2967 | 20191011120719 |
Boreas | 15586403 | 0 | 1775 | 20190927140845 |
Boring Billion | 26127259 | 0 | 50654 | 20190928181455 |
Bottlebrush | 39452320 | 0 | 479 | 20190720081650 |
Bowers Basebed | 37105058 | 0 | 1022 | 20190907055939 |
Bradford Clay | 3155370 | 0 | 1732 | 20191011120026 |
Brazilian Journal of Geology | 49123152 | 0 | 2411 | 20191022074640 |
Bringelly Shale | 36804196 | 0 | 1586 | 20190907055847 |
Brittle–ductile transition zone | 6944639 | 0 | 2876 | 20191016005841 |
Bronnant Fault | 28836805 | 0 | 1720 | 20191003130732 |
Bryneglwys Fault | 28836822 | 0 | 534 | 20190720075729 |
Buchberger Leite | 56981459 | 0 | 3577 | 20191015174138 |
Bucureștioara River | 7106530 | 0 | 1072 | 20190601142601 |
Bull Arm Formation | 54097351 | 0 | 2004 | 20190922131011 |
Bura Tamori | 54963580 | 0 | 8438 | 20190915064751 |
Buried rupture earthquake | 58914925 | 0 | 3279 | 20190907070259 |
Buried valley | 23155009 | 0 | 8927 | 20190907052311 |
Bushwick Inlet Park | 40655833 | 0 | 38059 | 20191019170119 |
Bytham River | 977173 | 0 | 3385 | 20190914015924 |
Cachet Fault | 53800765 | 0 | 1403 | 20190907064614 |
Canfield ocean | 32661167 | 0 | 2950 | 20190907054736 |
Career Achievement Award | 43089791 | 0 | 1537 | 20191009184750 |
Carlsberg Fault zone | 57300099 | 0 | 2236 | 20190907065743 |
Carmel Head Thrust | 28836851 | 0 | 826 | 20190907053812 |
Cashel Lookout Formation | 54097356 | 0 | 872 | 20190922131011 |
Cave of Dogs | 46181027 | 0 | 6115 | 20191015173915 |
Cave of Reveillon | 26388214 | 0 | 995 | 20191011120719 |
Cave popcorn | 1510909 | 0 | 3925 | 20191015171922 |
Cefn-cerig road | 5786826 | 0 | 1368 | 20190917203748 |
Ceibwr Bay Fault | 28836864 | 0 | 1855 | 20190907053812 |
Cementation | 16969883 | 0 | 3920 | 20190831230458 |
Center for Earthquake Studies | 38213645 | 0 | 5977 | 20191003074337 |
Central Geological Service | 50934862 | 0 | 8870 | 20190928090159 |
Cerro Aspero Batholith | 57143118 | 0 | 2896 | 20191020114939 |
Cerro Colorado Formation | 58320670 | 0 | 1833 | 20191017135558 |
Cerro Toro | 18697277 | 0 | 2288 | 20191010165623 |
Channel River | 14568173 | 0 | 496 | 20190720072313 |
Chaos Canyon | 6658175 | 0 | 897 | 20190914020805 |
Chaos de Montpellier-le-Vieux | 32954910 | 0 | 1396 | 20190919014054 |
Charles Skinner | 50414502 | 0 | 1621 | 20191015131152 |
Chiayi Municipal Museum | 41113407 | 0 | 4021 | 20191018102951 |
Chicxulub impactor | 38528812 | 0 | 7190 | 20191022135146 |
Chikyū | 3745506 | 0 | 13468 | 20191015172206 |
Cirque du Bout du Monde | 42922698 | 0 | 305 | 20190720082310 |
Cirque stairway | 47523070 | 0 | 1271 | 20190831234253 |
Citcom | 12666778 | 0 | 7277 | 20191002113851 |
Claerwen Fault | 28836876 | 0 | 1792 | 20190907053812 |
Clarke Medal | 6273739 | 0 | 8306 | 20190927132030 |
Classification of non-silicate minerals | 30177048 | 0 | 105346 | 20191004173452 |
Classification of silicate minerals | 30197190 | 0 | 55828 | 20191004173452 |
Clastic wedge | 5523804 | 0 | 1821 | 20190720070238 |
Clay dog | 33073181 | 0 | 1331 | 20190907054837 |
Coastal Batholith of Peru | 51448511 | 0 | 1830 | 20191020114748 |
Coastal Batholith of central Chile | 49050847 | 0 | 3589 | 20190907063326 |
Coastal Cliff of northern Chile | 51075083 | 0 | 2528 | 20191020114739 |
Cohocksink Creek | 4706855 | 0 | 5236 | 20190918153453 |
Cohoquinoque Creek | 23986150 | 0 | 8800 | 20190914022858 |
Coihaique Group | 47197139 | 0 | 3363 | 20191015204234 |
Colangüil Batholith | 51477128 | 0 | 3266 | 20190907063947 |
Collage | 48215783 | 0 | 454 | 20190720083146 |
Colluvium-filled bedrock hollow | 20395477 | 0 | 1253 | 20190720073800 |
Color index | 53561288 | 0 | 1195 | 20190720083959 |
Colorado School of Mines Geology Museum | 24787415 | 0 | 2600 | 20191018102927 |
Comley limestone | 29119228 | 0 | 1473 | 20190907053855 |
Commission for the Management and Application of Geoscience Information | 23101990 | 0 | 4767 | 20191009104849 |
Complex | 51294229 | 0 | 512 | 20190720083621 |
Compression | 6286819 | 0 | 1081 | 20190720070442 |
Congo Canyon | 49795172 | 0 | 4806 | 20190928052414 |
Connecting Slough | 34404520 | 0 | 993 | 20190818202203 |
Conrad discontinuity | 16082692 | 0 | 2757 | 20190907050214 |
Continent-ocean boundary | 17022531 | 0 | 2131 | 20190919140937 |
Copaline | 2627408 | 0 | 854 | 20190907041007 |
Coralline rock | 2998903 | 0 | 630 | 20190829194510 |
Cordillera Blanca Batholith | 51448990 | 0 | 1069 | 20191020114748 |
Core–mantle boundary | 1431559 | 0 | 8263 | 20190907040017 |
Core–mantle differentiation | 59585179 | 0 | 10955 | 20191015084346 |
Crackle breccia | 36458036 | 0 | 707 | 20190907055735 |
Cratonic sequence | 3622421 | 0 | 3594 | 20191019182859 |
Crown Hill Formation | 54051064 | 0 | 2102 | 20190907064659 |
Crust | 145700 | 0 | 11052 | 20191016174013 |
Cryoseism | 7541598 | 0 | 15181 | 20190923153002 |
Cryosuction | 27554979 | 0 | 2418 | 20190926160535 |
Cryptoexplosion | 1221087 | 0 | 2296 | 20191002062905 |
Crystal mush | 59336303 | 0 | 11913 | 20191021213117 |
Cuckold Formation | 54059729 | 0 | 1044 | 20190720084046 |
Culham Inlet | 22439543 | 0 | 4817 | 20190928111152 |
Cumbrian Coast Group | 34575952 | 0 | 2075 | 20190907055234 |
Cupola | 56652660 | 0 | 1169 | 20190907065501 |
Cuspate foreland | 9189674 | 0 | 16755 | 20191014205404 |
Cwm Llwyd Fault | 28836923 | 0 | 1407 | 20190907053812 |
Cwm Pennant Fault | 28836924 | 0 | 881 | 20190907053812 |
Dana Medal | 38344732 | 0 | 1500 | 20191009185321 |
Danube Gorge | 57494718 | 0 | 8739 | 20191020114944 |
De Natura Fossilium | 22454273 | 0 | 1766 | 20191016175522 |
Deep crustal hot zone | 56078430 | 0 | 7335 | 20191004074650 |
Deep hot zone | 56078342 | 0 | 86 | 20191004074652 |
Deep water cycle | 59586681 | 0 | 32549 | 20191010191447 |
Deformation bands | 25473531 | 0 | 2257 | 20190928201727 |
Delaware Mineralogical Society | 21116142 | 0 | 2502 | 20190911211730 |
Denudation | 949526 | 0 | 4635 | 20190907035528 |
Denudation chronology | 55789228 | 0 | 687 | 20190907065146 |
Depocenter | 56983545 | 0 | 1357 | 20190925095503 |
Depth conversion | 1536286 | 0 | 1623 | 20190720065249 |
Der Alte Schwede | 44879146 | 0 | 1024 | 20191015173902 |
Dersios sinkhole | 5274070 | 0 | 1706 | 20191011120718 |
Detunatele | 47231050 | 0 | 1161 | 20190720083021 |
Diabasbrottet Quarry | 5775549 | 0 | 2029 | 20190918103328 |
Diachronism | 15525935 | 0 | 2366 | 20190907045950 |
Diamicton | 1888138 | 0 | 1875 | 20190720065337 |
Diapir | 1748525 | 0 | 5723 | 20191020063408 |
Dichroscope | 24604356 | 0 | 1386 | 20190907052720 |
Diffusion chronometry | 52326524 | 0 | 526 | 20190907064153 |
Digital outcrop model | 34813253 | 0 | 16315 | 20191013222752 |
Discrete debris accumulation | 35273565 | 0 | 3040 | 20190304015403 |
Dock Creek | 41769166 | 0 | 5605 | 20191010191331 |
Dolomitization | 31538258 | 0 | 3551 | 20191010191252 |
Domeyko Fault | 48602317 | 0 | 2204 | 20191020114645 |
Donat Fault | 43520690 | 0 | 1396 | 20191020114453 |
Doushantuo type preservation | 18229389 | 0 | 1378 | 20190907210825 |
Downcutting | 4895120 | 0 | 3342 | 20190831224632 |
Dradenau | 33077056 | 0 | 2823 | 20191014094750 |
Drakonjina špilja | 26214641 | 0 | 1724 | 20190720075209 |
Dream Bank | 55634814 | 0 | 666 | 20190720084243 |
Dreikanter | 3662844 | 0 | 4139 | 20191018150754 |
Dry quicksand | 1258983 | 0 | 3316 | 20190916050955 |
Ductility | 31557892 | 0 | 12464 | 20191006074251 |
Dufek Intrusion | 59880911 | 0 | 1859 | 20190929145553 |
Dynamic recrystallization | 3069483 | 0 | 4726 | 20190429171706 |
E. R. Ward Neale Medal | 7474329 | 0 | 2147 | 20191009185649 |
Early Palaeozoic Icehouse | 28929736 | 0 | 2326 | 20190907053828 |
Earth Story | 35293762 | 0 | 2720 | 20191021094125 |
Earth System Dynamics | 51385313 | 0 | 2774 | 20191001183009 |
Earth and Man National Museum | 5452991 | 0 | 2620 | 20191020112518 |
Earth forest | 53771690 | 0 | 1220 | 20190907064608 |
Earth physical characteristics tables | 16842841 | 0 | 2409 | 20190601142734 |
Earth pigment | 561873 | 0 | 1398 | 20190907035117 |
Earth's critical zone | 11360081 | 0 | 5375 | 20190907044544 |
Earth: The Power of the Planet | 25388002 | 0 | 4604 | 20191020232448 |
Earthscope | 3463982 | 0 | 33874 | 20191004172748 |
Echelon cracks | 37940531 | 0 | 1020 | 20190720081412 |
Eckfelder Maar | 49626053 | 0 | 1376 | 20190831234424 |
Eilat stone | 20845760 | 0 | 765 | 20191015173039 |
Elqui-Limarí Batholith | 49050360 | 0 | 2769 | 20191001051443 |
En echelon veins | 19750198 | 0 | 1494 | 20190907051215 |
EnABLE software | 22959415 | 0 | 3199 | 20190808041011 |
Enclave | 57128488 | 0 | 828 | 20190907065649 |
Enhydro agate | 24233854 | 0 | 3036 | 20190907052621 |
Epiphreatic zone | 39259307 | 0 | 740 | 20190909171241 |
Episodes | 529843 | 0 | 2510 | 20190927140841 |
Eridanos | 2605246 | 0 | 5371 | 20190907040957 |
Erygmascope | 1156141 | 0 | 1997 | 20190720065159 |
Estavelle | 25277031 | 0 | 700 | 20190907052907 |
Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design | 24503316 | 0 | 3912 | 20191002214205 |
European Association of Geochemistry | 27381378 | 0 | 1708 | 20190603100204 |
Evolution of Hawaiian volcanoes | 1044338 | 0 | 19941 | 20191018161909 |
Exfoliating granite | 52785926 | 0 | 7737 | 20190907064303 |
Exhumation | 47135247 | 0 | 1687 | 20190831234230 |
FOSI | 40349397 | 0 | 1917 | 20190911212554 |
Faculty of Earth Sciences | 4534842 | 0 | 1521 | 20190910230917 |
Fault breccia | 13618937 | 0 | 2467 | 20190926091715 |
Fault gouge | 16215818 | 0 | 2111 | 20190925034825 |
Fenambosy Chevron | 7951313 | 0 | 2329 | 20190914020939 |
Ferguson landslide | 41613635 | 0 | 5518 | 20191010191330 |
Fine Gold Intrusive Suite | 59548780 | 0 | 2587 | 20190907070446 |
First appearance datum | 2262370 | 0 | 1002 | 20190720065434 |
Fissility | 6181420 | 0 | 3082 | 20190907042906 |
Flame structure | 25976019 | 0 | 2669 | 20190907053105 |
Flaser bed | 17176656 | 0 | 1849 | 20190907050436 |
Fold and thrust belt | 17463956 | 0 | 6640 | 20190907050521 |
Forebulge | 13263438 | 0 | 3132 | 20190901010402 |
Foreset bed | 9889298 | 0 | 1161 | 20190907044136 |
Formation fluid | 27191921 | 0 | 737 | 20190720075406 |
Fossil hash | 29742984 | 0 | 1108 | 20190720075923 |
Foundered strata | 25946936 | 0 | 1469 | 20190720075136 |
Fried Egg structure | 25666690 | 0 | 3969 | 20191022150710 |
Frostwork | 3898328 | 0 | 2315 | 20190720065852 |
G. K. Gilbert Award | 9863707 | 0 | 2576 | 20191009190015 |
G. K. Warren Prize | 18766141 | 0 | 3927 | 20190920170158 |
GEOVIA | 50760704 | 0 | 1041 | 20190907063733 |
GSI3D | 7667352 | 0 | 39610 | 20191003211209 |
Gallic epoch | 26004548 | 0 | 663 | 20190720075145 |
Galula Formation | 57863872 | 0 | 8940 | 20190912234210 |
Gaskiers glaciation | 41689933 | 0 | 1998 | 20190907061337 |
Gastre Fault | 22002887 | 0 | 1741 | 20190818194221 |
Gauss-Matuyama reversal | 6982510 | 0 | 1178 | 20190720070623 |
Gelifluction | 1815506 | 0 | 1497 | 20190818181253 |
GeoModeller | 10553982 | 0 | 4476 | 20190726165001 |
GeoRef | 11650157 | 0 | 4203 | 20191022164100 |
GeoSciML | 9962479 | 0 | 3141 | 20190720071200 |
Geoarchaeology | 1149904 | 0 | 12298 | 20191015171844 |
Geode | 428937 | 0 | 6560 | 20191015171713 |
Geofísica Internacional | 48671388 | 0 | 3259 | 20190927140856 |
Geografiska Annaler | 24765769 | 0 | 2583 | 20191020170818 |
Geohazard | 16191394 | 0 | 4509 | 20190919182341 |
Geoheritage | 44208525 | 0 | 7058 | 20191020141603 |
Geologic modelling | 869876 | 0 | 19633 | 20191004023851 |
Geologic overpressure | 37039369 | 0 | 1524 | 20190917190223 |
Geologic timeline of Western North America | 14107878 | 0 | 3160 | 20190627193354 |
Geological Conservation Review | 6397354 | 0 | 5467 | 20190917171150 |
Geological Curators' Group | 45311845 | 0 | 3632 | 20191011232757 |
Geological Journal | 55051596 | 0 | 1099 | 20190927140858 |
Geological Magazine | 14387933 | 0 | 1633 | 20190927140845 |
Geological Museum | 49329750 | 0 | 2635 | 20191018103009 |
Geological Museum and Art Gallery | 51357227 | 0 | 4361 | 20191018103011 |
Geological Museum of Budapest | 6763857 | 0 | 1271 | 20190917170830 |
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 56092354 | 0 | 2103 | 20191022164157 |
Geological Society of India | 12514678 | 0 | 2677 | 20190904011910 |
Geological Society of South Africa | 12202886 | 0 | 1082 | 20190831225708 |
Geological Strength Index | 25165206 | 0 | 1435 | 20190830190309 |
Geological Survey of Ireland | 5783216 | 0 | 2500 | 20191020112534 |
Geological history of oxygen | 24377796 | 0 | 12017 | 20191015220817 |
Geologists' Association | 30159784 | 0 | 1291 | 20190917171450 |
Geology | 5314004 | 0 | 2582 | 20191004165607 |
Geology Museum | 10934629 | 0 | 1236 | 20191020141100 |
Geology Today | 15131512 | 0 | 3536 | 20190927140845 |
Geology applications of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy | 52309618 | 0 | 27139 | 20190929060642 |
Geology of Africa | 60104192 | 0 | 249 | 20190808093001 |
Geology of Canada | 16024718 | 0 | 3379 | 20191001171036 |
Geology of Great Britain | 520744 | 0 | 31011 | 20191015171720 |
Geology of Kosovo | 58929633 | 0 | 764 | 20191015174152 |
Geology of North America | 35094002 | 0 | 32770 | 20191015203542 |
Geology of Suffolk | 39904966 | 0 | 2667 | 20191014143525 |
Geology of Tyne and Wear | 40807225 | 0 | 4067 | 20190907061045 |
Geology of the Palestinian territories | 58942635 | 0 | 1199 | 20190907070304 |
Geon | 3219640 | 0 | 3380 | 20191003134302 |
Geopark | 898161 | 0 | 5687 | 20191016174213 |
Geophotography | 39471453 | 0 | 13874 | 20190930162616 |
Georgia Depression | 1852664 | 0 | 2898 | 20190922050753 |
Geoscientist In Training | 50587348 | 0 | 2472 | 20191004111505 |
Geosphere | 387243 | 0 | 3744 | 20191019024412 |
Geotope | 11517267 | 0 | 1671 | 20191016175030 |
Glacial River Warren | 11030419 | 0 | 14275 | 20190921153404 |
GlobaLogix | 24342564 | 0 | 5314 | 20191001225739 |
Gloppedalsura | 54011162 | 0 | 1246 | 20190907064649 |
Glossary of meteoritics | 38085936 | 0 | 18274 | 20190907060234 |
Golconda Thrust | 59471846 | 0 | 3543 | 20190907070434 |
Gondwana Research | 44935768 | 0 | 827 | 20190927140856 |
Grain flow | 39934592 | 0 | 1987 | 20190720081745 |
Grand Coulee | 868944 | 0 | 15172 | 20191017192710 |
Gravity spreading | 42383853 | 0 | 6838 | 20190919023349 |
Great Lakes tectonic zone | 26691464 | 0 | 35491 | 20190927103157 |
Great Tehuelche Paleolake | 58500706 | 0 | 2625 | 20190907070144 |
Green Canyon | 17426234 | 0 | 11241 | 20190921183025 |
Gregory Natural Bridge | 44372448 | 0 | 576 | 20190818204718 |
Grus | 25122739 | 0 | 1643 | 20190929004339 |
Gustav Steinmann Medal | 45432507 | 0 | 3158 | 20191003220447 |
Hallandian-Danopolonian event | 50850380 | 0 | 1563 | 20190907063747 |
Halothermal circulation | 22784944 | 0 | 1659 | 20191009024527 |
Handbook of Australian Soils | 28121639 | 0 | 1056 | 20190907053627 |
Hans Stille Medal | 45431852 | 0 | 3470 | 20190523104303 |
Harbour Main Group | 54097182 | 0 | 880 | 20190922131011 |
Harcourt Group | 54092694 | 0 | 1083 | 20190922131011 |
Hausmannite | 2072435 | 0 | 3521 | 20191017012359 |
Hawaiian Trough | 3664699 | 0 | 3104 | 20190907041639 |
Hayden Memorial Geological Award | 46431891 | 0 | 2555 | 20190907062543 |
Head | 6729727 | 0 | 2325 | 20190910080655 |
Helicon | 28892851 | 0 | 1745 | 20190720075740 |
Hey's Mineral Index | 59683501 | 0 | 1175 | 20191016181148 |
Hilt's law | 30697737 | 0 | 783 | 20190720080052 |
Hogland Series | 47573299 | 0 | 2205 | 20191020114627 |
Hopi Buttes volcanic field | 11045360 | 0 | 4210 | 20191015172602 |
Horst | 496021 | 0 | 3766 | 20191010191046 |
Houtermans Award | 34317728 | 0 | 1647 | 20191008160647 |
How the Earth Was Made | 24186335 | 0 | 21306 | 20191022164116 |
Howard's Rock | 45302840 | 0 | 5127 | 20191006043207 |
Hudson Seaway | 3236678 | 0 | 1261 | 20190911021920 |
Hydraulic action | 2818161 | 0 | 4496 | 20191016135041 |
Hydrocarbon indicator | 41784423 | 0 | 1849 | 20190907061355 |
Hypatia | 47297119 | 0 | 4194 | 20190917213336 |
Hypercane | 426729 | 0 | 7430 | 20191014181022 |
Hyperconcentrated flow | 37396309 | 0 | 1452 | 20190720081314 |
Hypogene | 36757278 | 0 | 2723 | 20190907055839 |
Härjapea | 24460279 | 0 | 2300 | 20191020113502 |
IRAP RMS Suite | 22031832 | 0 | 7341 | 20190907051942 |
Igneous differentiation | 3864143 | 0 | 16620 | 20190907041746 |
Impact Field Studies Group | 24013482 | 0 | 4714 | 20191002062905 |
Incompatible element | 1948939 | 0 | 2530 | 20191006144416 |
Index of geology articles | 533133 | 0 | 3903 | 20190818180008 |
Indian Shield | 7624069 | 0 | 1144 | 20190720070742 |
Infratrappean Beds | 57187597 | 0 | 1093 | 20190907065704 |
Ingta Formation | 43664862 | 0 | 3887 | 20190907061928 |
Inner core super-rotation | 59601438 | 0 | 20463 | 20190907070456 |
Innermost inner core | 59611916 | 0 | 3220 | 20191018180525 |
Insheim Geothermal Power Station | 54726298 | 0 | 2311 | 20191019144443 |
Institute of Materials | 4554151 | 0 | 16358 | 20190922172947 |
Institution of Mining and Metallurgy | 4554207 | 0 | 1226 | 20190907042125 |
Interference ripples | 33904947 | 0 | 1107 | 20191006144420 |
International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment | 22912834 | 0 | 25426 | 20191022084614 |
International Association of GeoChemistry | 8976994 | 0 | 6328 | 20190911211318 |
International Association of Geoanalysts | 40789564 | 0 | 9080 | 20191022164139 |
International Association of Hydrological Sciences | 18300036 | 0 | 8631 | 20190922175728 |
International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior | 4978343 | 0 | 5061 | 20191022164050 |
International Commission on the History of Geological Sciences | 28658679 | 0 | 7220 | 20191016182236 |
International Continental Scientific Drilling Program | 1858976 | 0 | 9191 | 20190922180206 |
International Geoscience Programme | 10958224 | 0 | 2392 | 20190911211358 |
International Permafrost Association | 5737502 | 0 | 16881 | 20191019202820 |
International Union for Quaternary Research | 6982876 | 0 | 8176 | 20191022080506 |
Intra-arc basin | 51253915 | 0 | 1067 | 20190831234532 |
Intraclasts | 31420766 | 0 | 2621 | 20190907054401 |
Intrusive Suite of Buena Vista Crest | 59556665 | 0 | 2695 | 20190908053109 |
Intrusive Suite of Sonora Pass | 59611883 | 0 | 2932 | 20190907070459 |
Intrusive Suite of Yosemite Valley | 59569409 | 0 | 1666 | 20190907070450 |
Intrusive suite | 53606930 | 0 | 1497 | 20191015174110 |
Iridium anomaly | 8010045 | 0 | 3733 | 20190907043554 |
Iron–nickel alloy | 5863006 | 0 | 5184 | 20190907042732 |
Isopach map | 22665032 | 0 | 2572 | 20190926091720 |
J. Tuzo Wilson Medal | 9427953 | 0 | 1986 | 20190907044018 |
James Creek | 45680758 | 0 | 2382 | 20190907062444 |
James Mitchell Geology Museum | 46817319 | 0 | 6935 | 20191020114605 |
Jaramillo normal event | 28482468 | 0 | 620 | 20190907053726 |
Jaramillo reversal | 12804696 | 0 | 2283 | 20190907045115 |
Jasper conglomerate | 3028152 | 0 | 4831 | 20191014203058 |
Ji River | 33285169 | 0 | 12144 | 20191020175226 |
Jiang River | 33285260 | 0 | 1073 | 20191022165022 |
John Ball | 60527191 | 0 | 1912 | 20190907070805 |
John Renton | 20789644 | 0 | 4313 | 20191016175438 |
John Wesley Powell Award | 24435667 | 0 | 9786 | 20190907052652 |
Joint | 3893437 | 0 | 21718 | 20191015172213 |
Journal of African Earth Sciences | 47792900 | 0 | 1244 | 20191017220305 |
Journal of Iberian Geology | 48736005 | 0 | 1530 | 20190927140856 |
Journal of Petroleum Geology | 59215441 | 0 | 2423 | 20190927140859 |
Journal of Petrology | 41503141 | 0 | 2566 | 20190927140854 |
Journal of Quaternary Science | 10421576 | 0 | 1382 | 20190927140843 |
Journal of South American Earth Sciences | 39289449 | 0 | 2042 | 20190927140854 |
Journal of Structural Geology | 42476125 | 0 | 1562 | 20190927140854 |
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research | 24707323 | 0 | 2159 | 20191014180544 |
K-U ratio | 60956303 | 0 | 11437 | 20190907070914 |
Kaigas | 36951734 | 0 | 1147 | 20191015040308 |
Karelides | 411623 | 0 | 1000 | 20190818175820 |
Karst fenster | 15899225 | 0 | 2261 | 20191022022301 |
Kattendijk Sands | 34368243 | 0 | 2743 | 20190907055157 |
Kaveri Crater | 59802901 | 0 | 4429 | 20191008051221 |
Keck Geology Consortium | 21325760 | 0 | 1526 | 20190918115052 |
Kekerengu Fault | 52273414 | 0 | 2723 | 20190907064144 |
Kenai Group | 32642234 | 0 | 1074 | 20190907054730 |
Kentucky Geological Survey | 6854196 | 0 | 572 | 20190928200841 |
Keuper marl | 9285795 | 0 | 1337 | 20190720071050 |
Keweenawite | 39909316 | 0 | 2101 | 20190720081742 |
Key bed | 5748229 | 0 | 1703 | 20190720070310 |
Keystone | 16474288 | 0 | 1311 | 20190817154433 |
Khatt Atui | 56492468 | 0 | 4887 | 20191014095457 |
Kirk Bryan Award | 29196948 | 0 | 3501 | 20190919011300 |
Klippe | 3476624 | 0 | 1522 | 20191001180645 |
Koffiefontein mine | 8478743 | 0 | 11562 | 20191014033754 |
Kola Alkaline Province | 54578497 | 0 | 4285 | 20191013145359 |
Kukri Peneplain | 51053056 | 0 | 1047 | 20191013160206 |
Kyr | 5904871 | 0 | 1123 | 20190720070343 |
Lake Lawrence erratic | 46788332 | 0 | 2505 | 20191015173920 |
Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory | 2358436 | 0 | 18394 | 20190914020205 |
Lanalhue Fault | 26659131 | 0 | 2712 | 20190720075250 |
Landslides vs. Rock strength | 31440196 | 0 | 8130 | 20190907054405 |
Lapworth Medal | 33386436 | 0 | 1621 | 20190927201113 |
Large low-shear-velocity provinces | 39541633 | 0 | 10574 | 20190925193750 |
Latin American Journal of Sedimentology and Basin Analysis | 48789601 | 0 | 1600 | 20190927140856 |
Laurentian River System | 1414558 | 0 | 5846 | 20190924203834 |
Lavanttal Fault | 43520520 | 0 | 1746 | 20191020114453 |
Lead | 4342343 | 0 | 1202 | 20190907042017 |
Leadhills Supergroup | 47345849 | 0 | 1154 | 20191003223436 |
Lehmann discontinuity | 3066768 | 0 | 4248 | 20190924213125 |
Lherz Massif | 50618789 | 0 | 1128 | 20190907063711 |
Lichen stromatolite | 44234093 | 0 | 1305 | 20190907062108 |
Limnic eruption | 1953160 | 0 | 17584 | 20191021211527 |
Linear seismic inversion | 39291986 | 0 | 25110 | 20190907060603 |
Lioz | 59572951 | 0 | 2896 | 20191020115016 |
Liquefied flow | 39940829 | 0 | 1887 | 20190720081746 |
List of Apollo lunar sample displays | 38001195 | 0 | 17802 | 20191002082806 |
List of Global Boundary Stratotype Sections and Points | 5767893 | 0 | 82034 | 20191013225115 |
List of National Geological Monuments in India | 54118461 | 0 | 9532 | 20191020114838 |
List of Penrose Medal winners | 2754742 | 0 | 4523 | 20191009205616 |
List of fault zones | 35806777 | 0 | 16449 | 20190907055536 |
List of flood basalt provinces | 43514962 | 0 | 36963 | 20190921134203 |
List of fossil sites | 2866717 | 0 | 73707 | 20191022075959 |
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Angola | 43548872 | 0 | 6647 | 20191015204022 |
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Antarctica | 58462670 | 0 | 36426 | 20191015204825 |
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Bolivia | 60166980 | 0 | 59737 | 20191015204914 |
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Botswana | 43539773 | 0 | 1676 | 20191015204021 |
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Cameroon | 43539690 | 0 | 4529 | 20191015204021 |
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Cape Verde | 58326714 | 0 | 1828 | 20191015204821 |
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Central America | 43334032 | 0 | 32646 | 20191015204011 |
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Djibouti | 58361999 | 0 | 3825 | 20191015204822 |
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Ecuador | 59921240 | 0 | 17504 | 20191015204912 |
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Eritrea | 43767078 | 0 | 3196 | 20191015204038 |
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Ethiopia | 43572330 | 0 | 12697 | 20191015204031 |
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Guyana | 58409529 | 0 | 1489 | 20191015204823 |
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in the Democratic Republic of the Congo | 43549030 | 0 | 7615 | 20191015204022 |
List of fracture zones | 26613027 | 0 | 17188 | 20190907053235 |
List of free geology software | 24659879 | 0 | 11906 | 20191009024637 |
List of geochronologic names | 19400397 | 0 | 77348 | 20191013012317 |
List of geological phenomena | 65663 | 0 | 2296 | 20190526004419 |
List of greenstone belts | 29816208 | 0 | 2646 | 20190930111948 |
List of ice cores | 53700592 | 0 | 83443 | 20190927203924 |
List of important publications in geology | 815092 | 0 | 34683 | 20191010191054 |
List of karst areas | 32038148 | 0 | 20888 | 20191020113817 |
List of landforms | 296543 | 0 | 27634 | 20191022141050 |
List of landslides | 27996219 | 0 | 70646 | 20191021213116 |
List of large volcanic eruptions | 26652406 | 0 | 37335 | 20191002172807 |
List of large volume volcanic eruptions in the Basin and Range Province | 26777763 | 0 | 58726 | 20190921025410 |
List of largest volcanic eruptions | 28287537 | 0 | 54344 | 20191018205410 |
List of longest mountain chains on Earth | 31260502 | 0 | 7241 | 20191022080451 |
List of meteorite minerals | 36259166 | 0 | 4520 | 20190907055700 |
List of mineralogists | 513290 | 0 | 21106 | 20191010191046 |
List of minerals | 1224501 | 0 | 46048 | 20191015171858 |
List of minerals by optical properties | 30795591 | 0 | 1948 | 20190419053954 |
List of minerals named after people | 8320362 | 0 | 47303 | 20191022113957 |
List of natural history museums | 1301543 | 0 | 62688 | 20191020140902 |
List of ophiolites | 31488256 | 0 | 7520 | 20190907054413 |
List of orogenies | 25944292 | 0 | 13362 | 20191019034109 |
List of paleontologists | 40389962 | 0 | 46298 | 20191022163025 |
List of places with columnar jointed volcanics | 27473409 | 0 | 20392 | 20191020113627 |
List of rock textures | 3478239 | 0 | 3670 | 20190831224356 |
List of rock types | 284289 | 0 | 13767 | 20191022140841 |
List of rocks and stones | 58946628 | 0 | 2552 | 20190907070305 |
List of sandstones | 31645223 | 0 | 12732 | 20191015173437 |
List of sea stacks | 47356330 | 0 | 4781 | 20190907062847 |
List of seismic faults in Mexico | 45512171 | 0 | 1019 | 20190720082806 |
List of shields and cratons | 8052689 | 0 | 5387 | 20190930155936 |
List of sinkholes | 50781388 | 0 | 13461 | 20190918222451 |
List of supercontinents | 2112786 | 0 | 7328 | 20191015021747 |
List of types of amber | 10654313 | 0 | 2134 | 20191012201821 |
List of types of limestone | 16964856 | 0 | 6663 | 20191021002952 |
List of types of marble | 33429243 | 0 | 6290 | 20191015173518 |
Lithalsa | 28924376 | 0 | 1344 | 20190926160550 |
Lithos | 54654308 | 0 | 1039 | 20191014035119 |
Lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary | 45241275 | 0 | 12997 | 20190907062329 |
Lithospheric drip | 22972392 | 0 | 2143 | 20190907052242 |
Lithospheric flexure | 35175245 | 0 | 2433 | 20191013055614 |
Lithospheric mantle | 54191143 | 0 | 1829 | 20190907064720 |
Lithotope | 1588581 | 0 | 393 | 20190720065255 |
Ljusdal Batholith | 56329866 | 0 | 1345 | 20190921195031 |
Lode | 626023 | 0 | 5401 | 20190922154442 |
Logan Medal | 7473273 | 0 | 2690 | 20190907043408 |
Longanus | 2332117 | 0 | 1344 | 20190720065445 |
Lopolith | 9137006 | 0 | 1505 | 20190831225322 |
Lord Howe Seamount Chain | 12194268 | 0 | 4300 | 20190914021317 |
Louis Néel Medal | 40653237 | 0 | 1656 | 20190927212138 |
Love Cove Group | 54097196 | 0 | 1437 | 20190922131011 |
Low-velocity zone | 26275470 | 0 | 8269 | 20190929170458 |
Lowe sequence | 39864737 | 0 | 5538 | 20190907060750 |
Lower oceanic crust | 56039253 | 0 | 11807 | 20191021213117 |
Lycus | 4787675 | 0 | 940 | 20191020112456 |
Lycus | 4787921 | 0 | 399 | 20191020112456 |
Lycus | 4788831 | 0 | 749 | 20191020112456 |
Lyell Medal | 5802995 | 0 | 7168 | 20191022071119 |
Læså Formation | 52899662 | 0 | 2141 | 20190726164812 |
Līva | 32901991 | 0 | 10553 | 20191020113842 |
MN zonation | 27959084 | 0 | 2659 | 20190907053558 |
Mae Chan Fault | 31057472 | 0 | 3082 | 20191003044405 |
Magma ocean | 51138349 | 0 | 4288 | 20190907063837 |
Magmatic foliation | 53580439 | 0 | 1346 | 20190720084002 |
Magmatism | 6236849 | 0 | 9504 | 20191010060655 |
Malagasy orogeny | 24959029 | 0 | 2694 | 20191010191235 |
Mammutmuseum Niederweningen | 48418529 | 0 | 6896 | 20191020141631 |
Mantle | 1079866 | 0 | 6979 | 20191016174244 |
Maptek | 26377830 | 0 | 12293 | 20191009104858 |
Marañón fold and thrust belt | 51651154 | 0 | 4492 | 20191020114753 |
Marine Isotope Stage 13 | 46321926 | 0 | 2455 | 20190907062524 |
Marine and Petroleum Geology | 52158722 | 0 | 3124 | 20190928161232 |
Marine band | 16217120 | 0 | 817 | 20190720072814 |
Marine transgression | 2811075 | 0 | 3711 | 20191018223629 |
Mary Clark Thompson Medal | 28306586 | 0 | 3858 | 20190907053702 |
Marystown Group | 54092503 | 0 | 2663 | 20190922131011 |
Mass wasting | 972457 | 0 | 8475 | 20191021213116 |
Maturity | 3356530 | 0 | 1697 | 20190720065732 |
Maturity | 22408256 | 0 | 1940 | 20190907052052 |
Mayon Planetarium and Science Park | 51364114 | 0 | 3773 | 20191018103011 |
Mazuku | 5238080 | 0 | 4314 | 20191021211529 |
Mediterranean Bauxite Province | 32439059 | 0 | 3353 | 20190504013325 |
Mediterranean Ridge | 6960061 | 0 | 1684 | 20190907043218 |
Medvednica Fault Zone | 43517192 | 0 | 1242 | 20190907061858 |
Melanocratic mineral | 53452581 | 0 | 429 | 20190720083947 |
Melanosome | 5562753 | 0 | 913 | 20190720070242 |
Mensa | 11678934 | 0 | 1547 | 20190918222252 |
Mesoplates | 11107751 | 0 | 13060 | 20190614231345 |
Mesosphere | 7732600 | 0 | 3051 | 20190929104741 |
Messinian erosional crisis | 25837478 | 0 | 5016 | 20190907053039 |
Messinian evaporite | 2665000 | 0 | 846 | 20190907041025 |
Messinian salinity crisis | 1870896 | 0 | 54943 | 20191014092947 |
Metaliferi Mountains | 47231204 | 0 | 1288 | 20191020114620 |
Metallogeny | 6285648 | 0 | 1375 | 20190720070442 |
Metallurgical coal | 55385689 | 0 | 4428 | 20191005101421 |
Metasomatism | 1129953 | 0 | 11151 | 20191017090149 |
Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts | 25047832 | 0 | 2539 | 20190907052834 |
Methods of pluton emplacement | 31537416 | 0 | 8965 | 20190907054422 |
Mezen Basin | 48036401 | 0 | 1747 | 20190907063048 |
Microbialite | 59109175 | 0 | 3844 | 20191007130009 |
Microlites | 59852418 | 0 | 2195 | 20190803084708 |
Mikro Profitis Ilias | 57148344 | 0 | 1656 | 20190907065653 |
Military geology | 60557698 | 0 | 14714 | 20191017180043 |
Millers River | 28490481 | 0 | 10207 | 20191018102935 |
Minchinbury Sandstone | 37427195 | 0 | 3434 | 20190908053050 |
Mineral resource estimation | 48827902 | 0 | 20477 | 20190907063246 |
Mineralogical Society-Schlumberger Award | 40111764 | 0 | 143 | 20191004141807 |
Minerals Yearbook | 16732549 | 0 | 893 | 20190831230440 |
Minetta Creek | 36317684 | 0 | 29414 | 20191015173615 |
Miogeocline | 28964081 | 0 | 2668 | 20190720075749 |
Mocha-Villarrica Fault Zone | 57856318 | 0 | 2123 | 20190907065941 |
Mohawkite | 39476791 | 0 | 3040 | 20190907060636 |
Morro Solar Group | 48955269 | 0 | 5162 | 20191020114656 |
Morón Fault System | 48670129 | 0 | 1543 | 20191020114646 |
Mount Aka | 18899092 | 0 | 3189 | 20191010165624 |
Mount Iō | 21019145 | 0 | 3118 | 20191020141246 |
Mount Simon Sandstone | 43663325 | 0 | 3056 | 20191013012334 |
Move | 49998466 | 0 | 1511 | 20190907063536 |
Muddy Creek | 5035857 | 0 | 3048 | 20191015172301 |
Multi-component gas analyzer system | 51682055 | 0 | 3087 | 20190924101030 |
Multi-ringed basin | 50058036 | 0 | 7800 | 20191018104140 |
Multilayered mapping of the Cap-Vert peninsula | 23118780 | 0 | 6213 | 20190228220218 |
Murchison Medal | 5755842 | 0 | 6988 | 20191001000601 |
Museum Daniel Cargnin | 21018008 | 0 | 2164 | 20191020141246 |
Museum of Geology | 49983042 | 0 | 5996 | 20191018103009 |
Musgravetown Group | 54093637 | 0 | 2038 | 20190922131011 |
Nabalia | 13434444 | 0 | 1765 | 20190329104609 |
Nain Province | 27721731 | 0 | 11318 | 20190930171453 |
Namibian drumlins | 59859995 | 0 | 1081 | 20191017202359 |
Narrabeen group | 23810107 | 0 | 2414 | 20190720074644 |
National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics | 18441501 | 0 | 4583 | 20191008182315 |
National Geomagnetism Program | 1879284 | 0 | 309 | 20190720065336 |
Natural Bridges National Monument | 293870 | 0 | 10759 | 20191015171658 |
Neaethus | 4442104 | 0 | 522 | 20190907042050 |
Negative Volcano | 26019985 | 0 | 407 | 20190720075146 |
Nepal Geological Society | 51330906 | 0 | 1437 | 20190907063916 |
New York Mineralogical Club | 31565841 | 0 | 1546 | 20190907054429 |
Newer Volcanics Province | 10674144 | 0 | 3627 | 20190914021154 |
Niagara Cave | 60774329 | 0 | 4182 | 20191011120721 |
Niger Delta Basin | 447445 | 0 | 10941 | 20190928185214 |
Nimbahera stone | 27896224 | 0 | 911 | 20190720075529 |
Nojima Fault | 16059617 | 0 | 736 | 20190914021812 |
North Atlantic Craton | 57747454 | 0 | 7351 | 20191010191437 |
North Gaulton Castle | 52803822 | 0 | 925 | 20190907064305 |
Nostromo Chasma | 47422224 | 0 | 777 | 20191015173936 |
Numerical modeling | 55222888 | 0 | 79160 | 20191021213117 |
Numicus | 4350282 | 0 | 1080 | 20191007164010 |
Obduction | 145823 | 0 | 10590 | 20191008002551 |
Oblique foliation | 29376218 | 0 | 6326 | 20190624134629 |
Oceanisation | 55146723 | 0 | 700 | 20190203062905 |
Offshore | 11712344 | 0 | 937 | 20190720071516 |
Offshore survey | 11251777 | 0 | 270 | 20190720071418 |
Olistostrome | 6292451 | 0 | 1429 | 20190831224911 |
On a Piece of Chalk | 46955256 | 0 | 3075 | 20191020130211 |
Onlap | 15709627 | 0 | 447 | 20190720072627 |
Ontarian River | 769100 | 0 | 989 | 20190601142350 |
Opening of the North Atlantic Ocean | 37297196 | 0 | 8073 | 20190907060011 |
Ore genesis | 3425287 | 0 | 29525 | 20191011123802 |
Ore shoot | 17709742 | 0 | 1395 | 20190907050556 |
Oslo Graben | 2870736 | 0 | 3184 | 20190910170134 |
Ottó Herman Museum | 1725050 | 0 | 3033 | 20191020140909 |
Ouachita geosyncline | 27179864 | 0 | 964 | 20191011115515 |
Outline of geology | 14343000 | 0 | 8565 | 20191022135216 |
Outline of plate tectonics | 22544195 | 0 | 13960 | 20191022190835 |
Overburden pressure | 146153 | 0 | 2231 | 20191021213116 |
Overprinting | 47838562 | 0 | 788 | 20190601143102 |
Overstep | 42363850 | 0 | 676 | 20190720082213 |
Pacific Cordillera | 3097643 | 0 | 2045 | 20190720065653 |
Palanga Amber Museum | 10122255 | 0 | 10462 | 20191020112755 |
Paleosurface | 51895292 | 0 | 4120 | 20190930183240 |
Paludal | 11477401 | 0 | 302 | 20190720071448 |
Panguipulli Formation | 52995485 | 0 | 2294 | 20191020114817 |
Paramoudra | 22310055 | 0 | 2589 | 20191015173112 |
Paranapanema block | 49131003 | 0 | 3085 | 20191010191359 |
Parent rock | 2472927 | 0 | 798 | 20190720065508 |
Peak ring | 52315675 | 0 | 4337 | 20191002055339 |
Pelite | 2480676 | 0 | 5452 | 20191017185656 |
Peloid | 22424179 | 0 | 1269 | 20190720074319 |
Pencil cleavage | 38581503 | 0 | 835 | 20190907060354 |
Pennsylvania Geological Survey | 12987683 | 0 | 1774 | 20190720071933 |
Penrose Gold Medal | 35821031 | 0 | 3078 | 20190907055539 |
Periadriatic Seam | 4439045 | 0 | 3300 | 20190921040932 |
Petrel | 10725227 | 0 | 5132 | 20191019202824 |
Petrogenetic grid | 60073783 | 0 | 6133 | 20190907070627 |
Petuntse | 186138 | 0 | 2935 | 20190720064959 |
Pfahl | 56812702 | 0 | 7250 | 20191020131912 |
Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology | 12830378 | 0 | 6975 | 20191020112903 |
Phreatic | 1796977 | 0 | 3535 | 20191016071442 |
Phyllic alteration | 42525154 | 0 | 3329 | 20191021213117 |
Physiographic province | 16971044 | 0 | 2280 | 20190925201337 |
Piggyback basin | 40439983 | 0 | 2291 | 20190924210040 |
Planation surface | 47246847 | 0 | 3446 | 20191006195513 |
Plate reconstruction | 26302177 | 0 | 33302 | 20191002132450 |
Pockmark | 18773514 | 0 | 1943 | 20190831230806 |
Point counting | 57837450 | 0 | 1483 | 20190907065936 |
Polar forests of the Cretaceous | 37882012 | 0 | 16492 | 20190907060149 |
Polarized light microscopy | 27425975 | 0 | 4738 | 20190930041648 |
Portland Bowers Roach | 37355773 | 0 | 1315 | 20190907060024 |
Portland Grove Whitbed | 37355826 | 0 | 799 | 20190907060024 |
Portland Jordans Roach | 37356160 | 0 | 532 | 20190720081309 |
Portuguese Speleological Society | 22593531 | 0 | 786 | 20190720074356 |
Potentiometric surface | 14220244 | 0 | 1528 | 20190907045542 |
Pounamu | 61835523 | 0 | 16662 | 20191020115117 |
Pozzo del Merro | 44132469 | 0 | 1978 | 20191016040046 |
Precambrian Research | 43524074 | 0 | 1084 | 20190929145550 |
Predator trap | 4994694 | 0 | 1175 | 20190313075324 |
Preliminary reference Earth model | 38084580 | 0 | 2832 | 20190907060234 |
Pressure solution | 14160969 | 0 | 3952 | 20190918204910 |
Prestwich Medal | 6704853 | 0 | 3209 | 20191010101834 |
Primary rock | 51813885 | 0 | 4524 | 20190608212620 |
Primocryst | 53443624 | 0 | 594 | 20190720083946 |
Proglacial river | 48047392 | 0 | 1072 | 20190907063050 |
Progradation | 20776529 | 0 | 1626 | 20191019195546 |
Project Mohole | 3278857 | 0 | 34809 | 20191016174537 |
Promine | 35347157 | 0 | 7288 | 20190910045937 |
Propantes | 7693501 | 0 | 1929 | 20190720070750 |
Propylitic alteration | 29635208 | 0 | 915 | 20190907054003 |
Provenance | 44007076 | 0 | 52716 | 20190908053054 |
Pulpí Geode | 42966127 | 0 | 1400 | 20191018144742 |
Pyrometamorphism | 49634458 | 0 | 2681 | 20190720083400 |
Quaternary Geochronology | 24376818 | 0 | 1316 | 20190927140848 |
Quaternary International | 31033328 | 0 | 2113 | 20190927140850 |
Quaternary Research | 31585431 | 0 | 1636 | 20191022164127 |
Quaternary Science Reviews | 44537460 | 0 | 1549 | 20191015173857 |
Quseir Formation | 57862936 | 0 | 3895 | 20190907065942 |
R. J. W. Douglas Medal | 8952845 | 0 | 2157 | 20190709233147 |
RadExPro seismic software | 30970489 | 0 | 1412 | 20191002035649 |
Rain-out model | 15448809 | 0 | 2448 | 20190914064706 |
Rajlich's hypothesis | 52964974 | 0 | 11302 | 20190907064336 |
Rat Creek | 44069472 | 0 | 4847 | 20191003201834 |
Red River Fault | 31384371 | 0 | 1614 | 20191020113805 |
Redox gradient | 27499917 | 0 | 926 | 20190720075447 |
Reef knoll | 3337617 | 0 | 3275 | 20190907041449 |
Regional geology | 39009834 | 0 | 7002 | 20190907060507 |
Reinhardt Adolfo Fuck | 57840294 | 0 | 2363 | 20191016181052 |
Relative sea level | 57436987 | 0 | 1467 | 20190907065830 |
Relict | 1098086 | 0 | 3811 | 20190907035703 |
Relict | 48043351 | 0 | 4169 | 20190907063049 |
Remote sensing | 55514078 | 0 | 58175 | 20191014095446 |
Reservoir modeling | 25169288 | 0 | 16064 | 20191021213116 |
Retrogradation | 654355 | 0 | 1302 | 20191019195546 |
Reusch Medal | 31674300 | 0 | 1238 | 20191020113813 |
Reusch's Moraine | 54141696 | 0 | 5620 | 20191005110110 |
Reuverian | 2445329 | 0 | 448 | 20190720065504 |
Reverse weathering | 52794196 | 0 | 19667 | 20190907064303 |
Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry | 38869930 | 0 | 1396 | 20190927140854 |
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas | 41714677 | 0 | 3362 | 20190927140854 |
Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina | 31089766 | 0 | 1550 | 20190927140850 |
Rheid | 1679356 | 0 | 2552 | 20190926091659 |
Rip-up clasts | 39793013 | 0 | 1323 | 20190720081730 |
Rise of the Continents | 42123437 | 0 | 4437 | 20191022164140 |
River Solent | 43090367 | 0 | 2149 | 20190907061734 |
River Styles Framework | 59969032 | 0 | 11502 | 20191016004759 |
River channel migration | 22204585 | 0 | 4452 | 20190907052014 |
River rejuvenation | 2299076 | 0 | 6501 | 20190907040738 |
Rocas Verdes ophiolites | 59517171 | 0 | 2367 | 20191020115016 |
Rock mass classification | 1597180 | 0 | 9142 | 20190907040145 |
Rockwatch | 37003370 | 0 | 1422 | 20190917171544 |
Roebling Medal | 11703135 | 0 | 3910 | 20190927115814 |
Ronda peridotite | 50616217 | 0 | 1068 | 20190907063710 |
Rosgen Stream Classification | 57352318 | 0 | 6067 | 20190318201007 |
Rovuma Plate | 50477739 | 0 | 444 | 20190831234454 |
Rum layered intrusion | 55990492 | 0 | 1885 | 20190907065233 |
Rupes | 11678916 | 0 | 1412 | 20191002172742 |
Russian Journal of Earth Sciences | 55894663 | 0 | 1154 | 20190927140859 |
Ryukyu arc | 34189478 | 0 | 1471 | 20191020141445 |
S.M. Naqvi Gold Medal | 41782611 | 0 | 1226 | 20190927060740 |
SEG-Y | 6092968 | 0 | 4325 | 20190917220616 |
SGS Genesis | 48536309 | 0 | 7558 | 20190907063201 |
Sagaing Fault | 31383898 | 0 | 2224 | 20190930073057 |
Saint David's Buried Gorge | 32820098 | 0 | 3488 | 20190930194859 |
Salt tectonics | 7884988 | 0 | 8859 | 20191016174852 |
Salt tide | 4186476 | 0 | 1055 | 20190825100534 |
San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth | 1041084 | 0 | 7404 | 20190928233527 |
Sand geyser | 24281365 | 0 | 4731 | 20191016005505 |
Sand sheet | 30175069 | 0 | 487 | 20190720080002 |
Sand wave | 54399746 | 0 | 1868 | 20191014095436 |
Sandfall | 34809430 | 0 | 4573 | 20190614231939 |
Sandplain | 30568215 | 0 | 1334 | 20190720080041 |
Sandwich Fault Zone | 26153135 | 0 | 2199 | 20190907053134 |
Santa Maria River Fault | 30983989 | 0 | 1187 | 20190907054259 |
Santa Marta crater | 50641384 | 0 | 2215 | 20191017135253 |
Santa Ynez Fault | 31057650 | 0 | 922 | 20190818201226 |
Schiehallion experiment | 20865567 | 0 | 31336 | 20191018000243 |
Science Innovation Award | 34821783 | 0 | 2620 | 20191008160523 |
Sectility | 1474649 | 0 | 1055 | 20191010152439 |
Sector collapse | 58881140 | 0 | 3045 | 20190907070255 |
Sediment transport | 7999492 | 0 | 54348 | 20191022190048 |
Sedimentary organic matter | 3226147 | 0 | 806 | 20190720065713 |
Seismic inversion | 21495178 | 0 | 22532 | 20191009024449 |
Seismogenic layer | 7400741 | 0 | 2752 | 20191016005841 |
Selwyn G. Blaylock Medal | 12978306 | 0 | 3105 | 20190907045204 |
Sequence | 6286608 | 0 | 1598 | 20190907042934 |
Sericitic alteration | 29635228 | 0 | 656 | 20191021213116 |
Shear | 3476955 | 0 | 9531 | 20190917084017 |
Shields parameter | 25486644 | 0 | 3024 | 20190930085045 |
Shiva Hypothesis | 6242575 | 0 | 3884 | 20191021031353 |
Shonkin Sag | 26899210 | 0 | 8275 | 20190909183503 |
Shoo Fly Complex | 60540690 | 0 | 620 | 20190907070809 |
Shoreline Fault | 30984201 | 0 | 1227 | 20190818201213 |
Sidney Powers Memorial Award | 35836247 | 0 | 2794 | 20190907055541 |
Siegenian | 17131803 | 0 | 728 | 20190907050429 |
Signal Hill Group | 54093500 | 0 | 1787 | 20190922131011 |
Sillar | 1499550 | 0 | 2390 | 20191022025217 |
Sima | 4880653 | 0 | 1796 | 20190926091707 |
Size Strength classification | 1597212 | 0 | 1197 | 20190720065257 |
Skredkommissionen | 56699213 | 0 | 820 | 20190907065513 |
Slab window | 25008042 | 0 | 5955 | 20190930092548 |
Sliding criterion | 31300435 | 0 | 14561 | 20190907054344 |
Smoking Hills | 14471697 | 0 | 4769 | 20190929142340 |
Society for Sedimentary Geology | 9935540 | 0 | 2611 | 20190720071158 |
Society of Economic Geologists | 1173332 | 0 | 3964 | 20191009104749 |
Solid earth | 43936526 | 0 | 1547 | 20190907062011 |
Southern California Earthquake Center | 706929 | 0 | 7645 | 20190927172926 |
Speleogen | 30865432 | 0 | 2235 | 20190907054237 |
Speleoseismite | 13315749 | 0 | 1067 | 20190720072034 |
Spheroidal weathering | 319445 | 0 | 7568 | 20190907034747 |
Spring horizon | 31314192 | 0 | 554 | 20190720080153 |
Stage | 23213003 | 0 | 746 | 20190720074510 |
Stanley Glacier | 28809147 | 0 | 1566 | 20190928060800 |
Stanley Miller Medal | 47040246 | 0 | 1959 | 20190907062743 |
Stein | 21010649 | 0 | 411 | 20190720073928 |
Steno Medal | 52140154 | 0 | 2913 | 20190907064124 |
Stephen Hui Geological Museum | 31339564 | 0 | 1291 | 20191015173431 |
Stone Wall | 21323543 | 0 | 1080 | 20190921060453 |
Stone industry | 48566641 | 0 | 2219 | 20191003215046 |
Stratigraphic section | 10630377 | 0 | 373 | 20190720071312 |
Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation | 33805625 | 0 | 1499 | 20191022164130 |
Stratotype | 24242250 | 0 | 883 | 20190911211846 |
Striene | 3238212 | 0 | 984 | 20190907041413 |
Sub-Paleogene surface | 58690039 | 0 | 2091 | 20190907070225 |
Subbasin | 40372241 | 0 | 1662 | 20190720081833 |
Subcrop | 60160726 | 0 | 1552 | 20190907070646 |
Subglacial channel | 21507189 | 0 | 3082 | 20190829053323 |
Submersion | 13167602 | 0 | 1985 | 20191014205404 |
Sue Tyler Friedman Medal | 6734942 | 0 | 2545 | 20191007151028 |
Suffosion | 30955828 | 0 | 1997 | 20190907054253 |
Sukku Fault | 55695855 | 0 | 419 | 20190720084248 |
Sulcus | 30496655 | 0 | 529 | 20190720080029 |
Sunsás orogeny | 48847945 | 0 | 1762 | 20190907063250 |
Surface rupture | 58826853 | 0 | 9629 | 20190908053108 |
Survex | 13407724 | 0 | 4628 | 20191013092822 |
Sykia | 21825130 | 0 | 1387 | 20191020113338 |
Syneclise | 2391553 | 0 | 2496 | 20190908052947 |
TITAN2D | 12481749 | 0 | 11802 | 20190726165008 |
Taitao ophiolite | 59487040 | 0 | 2398 | 20191020115015 |
Tamanrasset River | 58992220 | 0 | 7849 | 20191009030219 |
TaskForceMajella | 30441468 | 0 | 57452 | 20191020141417 |
Tea table | 181899 | 0 | 1515 | 20191015233459 |
Teays River | 557648 | 0 | 19912 | 20190926091647 |
Tectonic burial | 35902402 | 0 | 1076 | 20190907055558 |
Tectonic evolution of Patagonia | 52999526 | 0 | 33421 | 20191010191417 |
Teilzone | 16969411 | 0 | 2198 | 20190929224850 |
Tejas sequence | 5723930 | 0 | 1342 | 20190720070307 |
Tellus B | 20176704 | 0 | 2535 | 20190927140846 |
Tensiometer | 33238388 | 0 | 2366 | 20190905190415 |
Tension | 29663881 | 0 | 3155 | 20190603145453 |
Tensleep Sandstone | 42228413 | 0 | 3041 | 20191012113643 |
Tepetate | 18454996 | 0 | 1390 | 20190907050757 |
Teri | 45388637 | 0 | 2537 | 20190908053055 |
Termination | 47734301 | 0 | 2990 | 20190831234310 |
Terra Nova | 48559939 | 0 | 884 | 20190927140856 |
Terracette | 4232812 | 0 | 2117 | 20191003105115 |
The Creator | 1837640 | 0 | 3081 | 20191020112247 |
The Etches Collection | 52952271 | 0 | 4577 | 20191018103012 |
The Geochemist's Workbench | 34351618 | 0 | 14849 | 20191022164131 |
The Great Devonian Controversy | 960678 | 0 | 1732 | 20190720065130 |
The Journal of Geology | 11981417 | 0 | 1130 | 20191022164101 |
The Murchison Fund | 8334000 | 0 | 5602 | 20191001011304 |
The Mystery of the Sphinx | 37348967 | 0 | 6953 | 20191018222206 |
Therion | 39214845 | 0 | 10814 | 20190929183300 |
Tholus | 11678940 | 0 | 5654 | 20190926092743 |
Thorarinsson Medal | 1737742 | 0 | 2239 | 20190929193532 |
Three Pagodas Fault | 34003452 | 0 | 2537 | 20190818202052 |
Tiber Creek | 4853739 | 0 | 10493 | 20191014093259 |
Tidal scour | 4647646 | 0 | 5482 | 20190907042152 |
Tierra del Fuego Igneous and Metamorphic Complex | 51418382 | 0 | 2744 | 20190907063937 |
Tilt test | 31151610 | 0 | 4162 | 20190907054321 |
Timeline of glaciation | 1008844 | 0 | 39721 | 20191015220817 |
Timeline of paleontology | 236706 | 0 | 14284 | 20190907034631 |
Timeline of the development of tectonophysics | 36717223 | 0 | 84015 | 20191019202836 |
Timeline of the development of tectonophysics | 28064738 | 0 | 85933 | 20191019202832 |
Timeline of the geologic history of the United States | 6816191 | 0 | 3840 | 20191004185457 |
Timeline of volcanism on Earth | 25957874 | 0 | 78111 | 20191021213030 |
Tinaja | 28997060 | 0 | 2203 | 20190907053840 |
Tintina Fault | 24486371 | 0 | 930 | 20190818195215 |
Tired mountain syndrome | 55624933 | 0 | 3574 | 20190907065104 |
Titan2d-mod | 52527003 | 0 | 1662 | 20190203062439 |
Titanium in zircon geothermometry | 44390772 | 0 | 20217 | 20190907062135 |
Titanomagnetite | 49854401 | 0 | 827 | 20190907063519 |
Topostratigraphy | 54752643 | 0 | 2445 | 20191020114853 |
Toreva block | 6584823 | 0 | 1608 | 20190907043043 |
Traction | 39774994 | 0 | 1745 | 20190720081728 |
Travel to the Earth's center | 8307722 | 0 | 8182 | 20191016212257 |
Traverse Gap | 11023628 | 0 | 17218 | 20191022012654 |
Trezona Formation | 44203538 | 0 | 1074 | 20190907062103 |
Truncated upland | 49505197 | 0 | 4876 | 20191020114711 |
Tuhua Orogeny | 58170004 | 0 | 1716 | 20190907070044 |
Tungsten ore | 2323064 | 0 | 724 | 20190907040750 |
Tuolumne Intrusive Suite | 56615597 | 0 | 2645 | 20190907065452 |
Type locality | 5030515 | 0 | 7875 | 20190910110151 |
Ucayali Peneplain | 47270456 | 0 | 1334 | 20190907062829 |
Ukrainian Shield | 6253634 | 0 | 933 | 20191016174759 |
Ukureyskaya Formation | 45358785 | 0 | 2408 | 20190907062352 |
University of Edinburgh School of GeoSciences | 29398133 | 0 | 5281 | 20191009024917 |
Upper mantle body | 50617072 | 0 | 3914 | 20190908053017 |
Upward continuation | 2449023 | 0 | 861 | 20190720065505 |
Urey Medal | 11680464 | 0 | 2614 | 20191010155350 |
Urstrom | 29156982 | 0 | 1169 | 20190720075809 |
Usk Inlier | 29480795 | 0 | 1279 | 20190818200822 |
Uzboy | 19495902 | 0 | 5899 | 20190907051141 |
Vaalbara | 6101870 | 0 | 21651 | 20191015220817 |
Valeriano Fault System | 51510824 | 0 | 804 | 20191020114749 |
Vaupés Arch | 36817758 | 0 | 1354 | 20190720081209 |
Vegetation and slope stability | 17191332 | 0 | 16437 | 20190918132003 |
Verd antique | 23475962 | 0 | 3430 | 20190831231622 |
Verneshot | 673711 | 0 | 5124 | 20191019111919 |
Vetlesen Prize | 21712373 | 0 | 4020 | 20190907051829 |
Vine–Matthews–Morley hypothesis | 17728011 | 0 | 8458 | 20191009024253 |
Visual MODFLOW | 9241978 | 0 | 3956 | 20191016135524 |
Volcanic hazards | 26593829 | 0 | 12225 | 20190917155138 |
Volcanic sublimate | 41801986 | 0 | 685 | 20190720082113 |
Volgo–Uralia | 47936381 | 0 | 1142 | 20190907063037 |
Vug | 501040 | 0 | 3726 | 20190926091646 |
W. W. Hutchison Medal | 7473327 | 0 | 3051 | 20190929040136 |
Wabana Group | 54097190 | 0 | 902 | 20190922131011 |
Waconda Spring | 7716530 | 0 | 11708 | 20190914020922 |
Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology | 43188437 | 0 | 6897 | 20190907061757 |
Waulsortian mudmound | 48127400 | 0 | 2616 | 20191010191350 |
Wave pounding | 8017643 | 0 | 3962 | 20190907043555 |
Weaubleau egg | 26508900 | 0 | 489 | 20190907053219 |
West Andaman Fault | 57936181 | 0 | 1255 | 20190907065957 |
Western Ethiopian Shield | 7624036 | 0 | 856 | 20190907043440 |
Westmorland Geological Society | 6915490 | 0 | 803 | 20190917171155 |
White Sea Rift System | 47584929 | 0 | 3037 | 20190907062929 |
Whitedamp | 5030851 | 0 | 877 | 20191014164152 |
William H. Twenhofel Medal | 9939522 | 0 | 2472 | 20190924182805 |
William Smith Medal | 5803114 | 0 | 2239 | 20191001004710 |
Wilson cycle | 2113849 | 0 | 1941 | 20190907040606 |
Window | 5412244 | 0 | 2251 | 20190720070223 |
Wingohocking Creek | 4605909 | 0 | 6793 | 20191015201746 |
Woodwardian Professor of Geology | 374497 | 0 | 1896 | 20190907034836 |
Xiaomen Geology Gallery | 55283134 | 0 | 4525 | 20191018103014 |
Yanjiahe Formation | 43603037 | 0 | 1170 | 20190907061914 |
Yonaguni Monument | 3740942 | 0 | 10539 | 20191015172206 |
Young's Cove Group | 54092337 | 0 | 1566 | 20190928203325 |
Yves Fortier Earth Science Journalism Award | 7473720 | 0 | 2537 | 20190907043408 |
ZOOMQ3D | 12887592 | 0 | 11754 | 20171225064307 |
Zhongwei-Tongxin fault | 46711680 | 0 | 1161 | 20190907062632 |
Title | Page ID | Namespace | Size (bytes) | Last change |
17β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase III deficiency | 10346182 | 0 | 13574 | 20191014093625 |
45,X/46,XY mosaicism | 41791329 | 0 | 8536 | 20191014095100 تم |
46,XX testicular disorders of sex development | 1260575 | 0 | 5739 | 20191014092528 |
46,XX/46,XY | 35193356 | 0 | 7739 | 20191014092507 |
5α-Reductase deficiency | 36202 | 0 | 10884 | 20191014092456 |
AFIB Technology | 46239037 | 0 | 9167 | 20190907062507 |
AIM-HIGH trial | 58163277 | 0 | 1969 | 20190918222522 |
AKTIP | 58548643 | 0 | 8899 | 20191009105017 |
Aasandha | 34807342 | 0 | 1535 | محجوز |
Abrasion collar | 54418352 | 0 | 8575 | 20191003114917 تم |
Academy of Medicine of Malaysia | 41659674 | 0 | 3365 | 20190911212651 تم |
Académie nationale de chirurgie | 57386591 | 0 | 1041 | 20190720084559 |
Accidental death and dismemberment insurance | 290356 | 0 | 5456 | تم20190916175119 |
Accreditation Commission of Colleges of Medicine | 23932533 | 0 | 2579 | 20190906112750 |
Acholia | 38892935 | 0 | 1903 | 20191014095000 |
Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy | 3708773 | 0 | 2434 | 20190907041655 |
Acoustoelastography | 44088995 | 0 | 1435 | 20191008225029 |
Active placebo | 25653086 | 0 | 2409 | 20190907053008 |
Acute rehabilitation unit | 50625434 | 0 | 1191 | 20191009025950 |
Adherence | 4116856 | 0 | 48347 | 20191019100316 تم |
Adiadochokinesia | 35416871 | 0 | 698 | 20190907055432 |
Admission note | 12237479 | 0 | 9935 | 20190927025430 |
Adrenergic storm | 18462506 | 0 | 11488 | 20190907050758 |
Adverse outcome pathway | 43473088 | 0 | 8561 | 20190911011924 |
Alcohol intolerance | 51845690 | 0 | 3027 | Šarah Šă |
Alice Dreger | 39338078 | 0 | 22211 | 20191016180236 |
All of Us | 47770094 | 0 | 10606 | 20191014162407 |
AllTrials | 40896593 | 0 | 22124 | 20191014165622 |
Allopathic medicine | 381552 | 0 | 14761 | 20191005230442 |
Allow natural death | 31725255 | 0 | 2618 | 20190907054459 |
Alternative medicine degrees | 20640917 | 0 | 1345 | 20190924234451 |
Ambulatory | 1325388 | 0 | 2692 | 20191020112217 |
Ambulatory Patient Group | 254190 | 0 | 988 | 20190907034648 |
Ambulatory glucose profile | 46300558 | 0 | 16639 | 20190616133006 |
Anatomical model | 62075767 | 0 | 1999 | 20191018141400 |
Androgen-induced hermaphroditism | 14609350 | 0 | 727 | 20191014092855 |
Anginal equivalent | 31101674 | 0 | 1278 | 20191014094654 |
Angiosome | 53598094 | 0 | 802 | 20190907064531 |
Ankle problems | 60749881 | 0 | 11774 | Rawan Salah |
Anne Fausto-Sterling | 159526 | 0 | 19511 | 20191018043933 |
Anthropomaximology | 55092696 | 0 | 1469 | 20190907064933 |
Anti-DNase B | 50802919 | 0 | 3900 | 20190918222451 |
Antibody barcoding | 50072830 | 0 | 1698 | 20190907063548 |
Antigen retrieval | 25421323 | 0 | 2029 | 20191006144420 |
Appropriate use criteria | 42896682 | 0 | 5951 | 20191001162504 |
Arab Health | 33972172 | 0 | 2182 | حنين الزيادي |
Arrested development | 8241941 | 0 | 3065 | 20190907043640 |
Arthropod bites and stings | 27090911 | 0 | 4126 | 20191014094514 |
Asynergy | 13090840 | 0 | 694 | 20190917151622 |
Augmented reality-assisted surgery | 45395430 | 0 | 5105 | 20191006094534 |
Autoagglutination | 9121494 | 0 | 2627 | 20190907043924 |
Autoamputation | 25541788 | 0 | 5587 | 20191014163307 |
Ava | 60728179 | 0 | 4574 | 20191015171410 |
Awareness contexts | 61202092 | 0 | 2966 | 20190927234419 |
BEMER therapy | 60220116 | 0 | 2440 | 20191021201403 |
BODE index | 23553618 | 0 | 3099 | 20190907052412 |
Bachelor of Veterinary Science | 15638499 | 0 | 4038 | 20190907050019 |
Balance billing | 34143449 | 0 | 12641 | 20191015081929 |
Ballard Maturational Assessment | 12232145 | 0 | 7938 | 20191018093911 |
Bar code medication administration | 22418887 | 0 | 5799 | إيمان العوراني |
Barbara O'Neill | 25396160 | 0 | 16327 | 20191021173330 |
Barrett v. Rosenthal | 1984230 | 0 | 15320 | 20191019011542 |
Baseline | 9799957 | 0 | 1347 | 20180816162633 |
Bifid penis | 30674774 | 0 | 2757 | 20191016220433 |
Bigfoot Biomedical | 50061320 | 0 | 5981 | 20190919192320 |
Biliary microlithiasis | 42039753 | 0 | 2017 | Farah Alabed |
Biliary pseudolithiasis | 45064147 | 0 | 2020 | 20191018174056 |
Biliary sludge | 45063599 | 0 | 5125 | 20191014095156 |
Biodemography of human longevity | 4140679 | 0 | 4409 | 20190907041911 |
Biostratinomy | 6917263 | 0 | 2857 | 20190828203334 |
Biotelemetry | 4352339 | 0 | 2593 | 20190907042020 |
Biotrauma | 22050868 | 0 | 1392 | 20190907051946 |
Birk-Barel syndrome | 55933047 | 0 | 1860 | 20191014095452 |
Black Report | 4308449 | 0 | 5695 | 20190907042006 |
Bleb | 32221629 | 0 | 2593 | 20190923162235 |
Blood plasma fractionation | 20620479 | 0 | 9390 | 20190518162459 |
Blood-Spinal Cord Barrier | 60968714 | 0 | 808 | 20190907070915 |
Blue Cross Canada | 26696955 | 0 | 2217 | 20191009104859 |
Body broker | 55621601 | 0 | 3945 | 20190907065103 |
Body donation | 3251004 | 0 | 16426 | 20191019190535 |
Body image | 31621992 | 0 | 2976 | 20190907054440 |
Brainstem death | 26700042 | 0 | 17931 | 20190828203334 |
Breathwork | 3020119 | 0 | 4369 | 20191021074409 |
CEASE therapy | 57896735 | 0 | 11799 | 20191005124836 |
Cadillac insurance plan | 24698962 | 0 | 8511 | 20191017134321 |
Caduceus as a symbol of medicine | 27355965 | 0 | 25996 | 20191017100515 |
Cancer insurance | 36113645 | 0 | 10293 | 20191019202836 |
Cand.med.vet. | 41288994 | 0 | 1340 | 20191020114338 |
Capitation | 23804755 | 0 | 8436 | 20190907111352 |
Carctol | 40703649 | 0 | 3210 | 20191011233138 |
Cardiogeriatrics | 19913508 | 0 | 1605 | 20190614231547 |
Carphologia | 13788471 | 0 | 1631 | 20191020112930 |
Case presentation | 2294680 | 0 | 1123 | 20190720065439 |
Case report | 4585729 | 0 | 13549 | 20191021233826 |
Catabiosis | 7675689 | 0 | 1520 | 20190818184633 |
Cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder | 33956685 | 0 | 24592 | 20191011131904 |
Causes of Parkinson's disease | 37486537 | 0 | 25419 | 20191006144420 |
Center of excellence | 34725695 | 0 | 9668 | 20191015173545 |
Cerebellar degeneration | 58596972 | 0 | 22456 | 20191014095523 |
Cervical dislocation | 12230544 | 0 | 2764 | 20191020032817 |
Cervical thymic cyst | 60455775 | 0 | 1462 | 20190907070751 |
Chaperone | 15515793 | 0 | 976 | 20191019100859 |
Cheesewiring | 20330217 | 0 | 9762 | 20190907051405 |
Chicago Medical Society | 58186869 | 0 | 657 | Malak Zghoul |
Choosing Healthplans All Together | 13503544 | 0 | 9008 | 20191019202824 |
Choosing Wisely | 37329385 | 0 | 33021 | 20190918222410 |
Chronic care management | 14441062 | 0 | 14489 | 20190926163756 |
Cidex | 37653371 | 0 | 1381 | 20190907060109 |
Cinematography in healthcare | 41833790 | 0 | 16055 | 20190907061405 |
Cinemeducation | 27113499 | 0 | 3617 | 20190907053352 |
Clade X | 58031439 | 0 | 1359 | 20190907070015 |
Classificatie van verrichtingen | 31886842 | 0 | 1154 | 20190907054525 |
Clinical audit | 2061705 | 0 | 21596 | 20191019101430 |
Clinical ecology | 2521514 | 0 | 9080 | 20190907040919 |
Clinical epidemiology | 28189627 | 0 | 3253 | 20190907053639 |
Clinical formulation | 21856285 | 0 | 21068 | 20190908143600 |
Clinical research center | 29189116 | 0 | 1489 | 20190203050816 |
Clinical supervision | 5050985 | 0 | 12683 | 20191003010426 |
Clinomorphism | 1386741 | 0 | 6964 | 20190907035952 |
Cloacal exstrophy | 645165 | 0 | 2073 | 20191015172941 |
Cluttering | 1648223 | 0 | 10170 | 20191016174358 |
Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument | 59285105 | 0 | 1379 | 20190907070406 |
Cohn process | 8116008 | 0 | 15917 | 20191008103948 |
Coital incontinence | 28476152 | 0 | 1738 | 20191016153417 |
Collaborative Care | 24889591 | 0 | 1416 | 20190720074922 |
Collagen gel contraction assay | 25432258 | 0 | 509 | 20190720075022 |
Combined drug intoxication | 10293733 | 0 | 18872 | 20191010035523 |
Common Veterinary Entry Document | 33010087 | 0 | 2927 | 20190907054827 |
Community rating | 20929487 | 0 | 5794 | 20190907051544 |
Community-based clinical trial | 9914334 | 0 | 2017 | 20190907044141 |
Comprehensive Health Assessment Program | 26888324 | 0 | 1849 | 20190720075317 |
Comprehensive medication management | 59887712 | 0 | 4366 | 20190907070558 |
Computational epidemiology | 2720244 | 0 | 2275 | 20190720065547 |
Computerized physician order entry | 2021968 | 0 | 22462 | 20191002172703 |
Condom-associated erection problem | 55544852 | 0 | 1333 | 20190907065051 |
Conflict and Catastrophe Medicine | 44327960 | 0 | 2006 | 20191009025751 |
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 11β-hydroxylase deficiency | 715882 | 0 | 9148 | 20191014093146 |
Conscious breathing | 8237419 | 0 | 6011 | 20190907043638 |
Consecutive case series | 14467434 | 0 | 1032 | 20190720072256 |
Consensual response | 21923110 | 0 | 722 | 20190813024235 |
Conservation medicine | 1453457 | 0 | 6296 | 20190907040029 |
Constant visual observation | 3578388 | 0 | 1058 | 20190720065804 |
Copayment | 2151313 | 0 | 8361 | 20190907111350 |
Corpulence index | 16745263 | 0 | 6008 | 20191003230057 |
Cosmesis | 2740703 | 0 | 1761 | 20190614230723 |
Cost sharing | 33367356 | 0 | 2237 | 20190907054919 |
Counterstimulation | 14232335 | 0 | 874 | 20190627193439 |
Course | 3283625 | 0 | 2817 | 20190907041429 |
Craniosacral therapy | 557994 | 0 | 17948 | 20191022050406 |
Craving | 23183621 | 0 | 2179 | 20190907052316 |
Crisis actor | 49515166 | 0 | 8443 | 20191015174007 |
Critical illness insurance | 3417428 | 0 | 13107 | 20190917073208 |
Cross education | 2765274 | 0 | 1235 | 20190907041104 |
Cultural competency training | 18964621 | 0 | 13941 | 20191017233902 |
Culture conversion | 43839332 | 0 | 1814 | 20190907062000 |
Curative care | 25229846 | 0 | 671 | 20190720075002 |
Cyprus Medical Association | 58457923 | 0 | 1155 | 20190907070134 |
Cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase deficiency | 58344698 | 0 | 2628 | 20191014093214 |
Cytochrome b5 deficiency | 58344495 | 0 | 2691 | 20191014093200 |
DISCERN | 56771693 | 0 | 1998 | 20190916062705 |
Data monitoring committee | 5513972 | 0 | 5482 | 20191021233826 |
Dawn phenomenon | 15624812 | 0 | 1711 | 20191002212558 |
Dead on arrival | 541223 | 0 | 4006 | 20190828203334 |
Dead space | 274165 | 0 | 13870 | 20191019111909 |
Death Risk Rankings | 24162452 | 0 | 6710 | 20191020215111 |
Death by misadventure | 29538184 | 0 | 1251 | 20190907053948 |
Decision aids | 24934154 | 0 | 8285 | 20190907052816 |
Decolonization | 60421497 | 0 | 1948 | 20190930212100 |
Defense blood standard system | 1839836 | 0 | 982 | 20190907040352 |
Defined contribution health benefits | 42510212 | 0 | 3099 | 20190907061610 |
Delayed pressure urticaria | 21625730 | 0 | 1355 | 20191006144420 |
Dental discount plan | 45029198 | 0 | 1278 | 20190907062300 |
Dental insurance | 6111114 | 0 | 4387 | 20190918224854 |
Dentomandibular sensorimotor dysfunction | 38097792 | 0 | 12476 | 20190907060236 |
Depression | 4906497 | 0 | 860 | Walaa Nawafleh |
Dexter Leung | 59636609 | 0 | 4325 | 20190907070503 |
Dextroscope | 44969812 | 0 | 36634 | 20190907062249 |
Diadochokinesia | 35417932 | 0 | 3194 | 20190908053008 |
Diagnosis | 18507525 | 0 | 1949 | 20191004181919 |
Diagnosis-related group | 195972 | 0 | 22142 | 20190918103654 |
Diagnostically Acceptable Irreversible Compression | 49278516 | 0 | 1350 | 20190907063403 |
Diastasis | 7655149 | 0 | 808 | 20190907043446 |
Digital autopsy | 48750373 | 0 | 15415 | 20191009025915 |
Diplophonia | 48913115 | 0 | 1857 | 20190923144155 |
Disease informatics | 6428331 | 0 | 812 | 20190907043006 |
Disease registry | 18137793 | 0 | 16946 | 20191019100404 |
Disease surveillance | 5015982 | 0 | 11783 | 20191009023346 |
Disposal of human corpses | 1839443 | 0 | 23454 | 20191011141613 |
Divaricate | 31461966 | 0 | 1344 | 20190907054410 |
Division of Select Agents and Toxins | 53631366 | 0 | 1997 | 20190907064540 |
Doctor in a cell | 42283768 | 0 | 8242 | 20190203055917 |
Doctor's visit | 25477045 | 0 | 5574 | 20190907111352 |
Doctor’s Chamber of Macedonia | 59855770 | 0 | 1213 | 20190928095412 |
Dokumeds | 26264509 | 0 | 2749 | 20191009104858 |
Domestic medicine | 24909807 | 0 | 14464 | 20191020141324 |
Dorn method | 6653275 | 0 | 1238 | 20191008225759 |
Drop attack | 4864508 | 0 | 3836 | 20190907042248 |
Ductopenia | 17249533 | 0 | 812 | 20191011005307 |
Dutch hypothesis | 37650311 | 0 | 4889 | 20190907060109 |
Dyscopia | 24487860 | 0 | 6943 | 20191003034814 |
Dysdiadochokinesia | 2697098 | 0 | 5288 | 20191014093056 |
Dysthanasia | 7361571 | 0 | 3731 | 20190907043342 |
E-Lybra | 42551011 | 0 | 1776 | 20190907061619 |
E-patient | 7742604 | 0 | 11647 | 20190921193957 |
ESKAPE | 53736045 | 0 | 11636 | 20190907064559 |
Ebullism | 4505547 | 0 | 6060 | 20191018025505 |
Economic credentialing | 6279991 | 0 | 1669 | 20180411111312 |
Education in personalized medicine | 39506967 | 0 | 9954 | 20190907060643 |
Efficiency of food conversion | 18977457 | 0 | 1807 | 20190918222328 |
Egersis | 44492311 | 0 | 2206 | 20190907062145 |
Egyptian Medical Syndicate | 56630459 | 0 | 833 | 20190907065455 |
Elective | 35906833 | 0 | 6068 | 20190907055558 |
Electronic prescribing | 19686742 | 0 | 36489 | 20191017224032 |
Electronic remittance advice | 2964718 | 0 | 1440 | 20191003215045 |
Electronic visit verification | 46246520 | 0 | 9380 | 20191019015252 |
Elsimar M. Coutinho | 17006856 | 0 | 11825 | 20191016175307 |
Emblems of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement | 2620616 | 0 | 44860 | 20191019211457 |
Emergency care instructor | 56297415 | 0 | 2536 | Haneen Issam Yousef |
Emergency medical responder levels by U.S. state | 16621258 | 0 | 36196 | 20191013154454 |
Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences 2nd Edition | 58615785 | 0 | 1597 | 20190907070210 |
End organ damage | 6865056 | 0 | 1853 | Elham Khaled |
Endogenous agonist | 23568790 | 0 | 1485 | 20191015053507 |
Endoluminal capsule monitoring | 3378687 | 0 | 1926 | 20190720065734 |
Endotype | 25994889 | 0 | 4743 | 20191012162248 |
Engel classification | 24299930 | 0 | 8183 | 20190929012104 |
Entero | 24511340 | 0 | 425 | 20190720074839 |
Entero-oxyntin | 37888144 | 0 | 567 | 20190720081405 |
Entropy monitoring | 3782905 | 0 | 3798 | 20190907041719 |
Environmental medicine | 2521593 | 0 | 5446 | 20190919224622 |
Epiphenomenon | 59604 | 0 | 9251 | 20190907034135 |
Equianalgesic | 20392928 | 0 | 19925 | 20191010191220 |
Esophageal pH monitoring | 24204300 | 0 | 10616 | 20190930211147 |
Ethan Lindenberger | 60151601 | 0 | 6439 | 20191015090520 |
Euro health consumer index | 34902186 | 0 | 16795 | 20191022080601 |
European Society for Emergency Medicine | 45462576 | 0 | 5536 | 20190911212912 |
Excavation | 23234274 | 0 | 450 | 20190720074513 |
Extracorporeal | 1198261 | 0 | 3034 | 20191016092928 |
Extravasation | 14422550 | 0 | 5302 | 20190228213740 |
FDA Special Protocol Assessment | 12327567 | 0 | 1908 | 20191019202824 |
FRAX | 31733943 | 0 | 3585 | 20190930184357 |
Faith healing | 11627 | 0 | 79518 | 20191016173947 |
Family Constellations | 5257925 | 0 | 11109 | 20191005231433 |
Fasting spittle | 37910936 | 0 | 1919 | 20191010191317 |
Fat | 36995719 | 0 | 7287 | 20191016222301 |
Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund | 39698413 | 0 | 1691 | 20191020114224 |
Federative International Committee on Anatomical Terminology | 24731064 | 0 | 3220 | 20190907052740 |
Felicia Cosman | 60416487 | 0 | 3124 | 20191016181205 |
Femtech | 53365733 | 0 | 11154 | 20191022074329 |
Ferroptosis | 40537197 | 0 | 14645 | 20190907060949 |
Field Hygiene and Sanitation | 19335228 | 0 | 1711 | 20190720073540 |
Fins Medical University | 61038369 | 0 | 3984 | 20190907070929 |
Fissure of the nipple | 4377168 | 0 | 2065 | 20191014093242 |
Fixing Sex | 41461151 | 0 | 7057 | 20191020130207 |
Folk epidemiology of autism | 26629519 | 0 | 9372 | 20190907053237 |
Forensic entomological decomposition | 16410744 | 0 | 20425 | 20191011120026 |
Forrest Yoga | 33685498 | 0 | 9570 | 20191022072440 |
Fred Bang | 60661526 | 0 | 1069 | 20191016181216 |
Frequency specific microcurrent | 8592108 | 0 | 9727 | 20191015092500 |
Fulminant | 3867355 | 0 | 3975 | 20190926091705 |
Functional Capacity Index | 33255504 | 0 | 2156 | 20190907054901 |
Functional disorder | 23504904 | 0 | 2067 | 20190907052405 |
Functional symptom | 6122082 | 0 | 6878 | 20190907042847 |
Further research is needed | 55408192 | 0 | 10391 | 20190928050157 |
Galileo's Middle Finger | 47287685 | 0 | 10920 | 20191020130212 |
Gastric electrical stimulation | 30167906 | 0 | 3930 | 20190930211308 |
Genetic diagnosis of intersex | 54444880 | 0 | 17691 | 20191017233937 |
Genetic significant dose | 49118961 | 0 | 979 | 20190907063337 |
Georgetown University Complementary and Alternative Medicine Program | 31610677 | 0 | 7567 | 20191005230442 |
Georgiann Davis | 41518601 | 0 | 16666 | 20191016180328 |
Gerovital | 851386 | 0 | 6190 | 20191002172627 |
Giant pelvis | 41160473 | 0 | 1625 | 20190720082005 |
Global Health Initiatives | 26082350 | 0 | 28562 | 20191019202831 |
Glucose paradox | 59105192 | 0 | 2595 | 20190907070336 |
Goal attainment scaling | 41397509 | 0 | 6800 | 20190907061245 |
Gompertz–Makeham law of mortality | 4185921 | 0 | 6376 | 20191001154223 |
Gonochorism | 1522987 | 0 | 2736 | 20190918223028 |
Goop | 54491165 | 0 | 60251 | 20191009105009 |
Grand rounds | 10371792 | 0 | 5679 | 20191010191156 |
Granny dumping | 53050024 | 0 | 5225 | 20190907064351 |
Grapefruit–drug interactions | 4387617 | 0 | 56641 | 20191019202820 |
Grinberg Method | 36228151 | 0 | 11880 | 20190907055653 |
Group medical practice in the United States | 17863991 | 0 | 1903 | 20190907050616 |
Gua sha | 422199 | 0 | 4849 | 20191020175210 |
Guaranteed issue | 30441159 | 0 | 1598 | 20190907054132 |
Guardian Alarm | 15705329 | 0 | 5055 | 20191017115822 |
Guided imagery | 23525212 | 0 | 75653 | 20191013155747 |
Gulkand | 13534230 | 0 | 1510 | 20191009023955 |
Harveian Society of London | 57187582 | 0 | 7341 | 20191014220640 |
Head-twitch response | 38234603 | 0 | 3432 | 20190924045838 |
Health Insurance Organisation | 58457952 | 0 | 1667 | 20190907070134 |
Health Sciences Descriptors | 14499993 | 0 | 3268 | 20190203035925 |
Health advocacy | 7323614 | 0 | 25109 | 20191002172734 |
Health care efficiency | 54194626 | 0 | 10275 | 20190908051620 |
Health cash plan | 49521089 | 0 | 1516 | 20190907063438 |
Health for All Project Albania | 59930410 | 0 | 9502 | 20191021025524 |
Health information-seeking behaviour | 55187777 | 0 | 1768 | 20190907064948 |
Health insurance premium index | 35764840 | 0 | 2126 | 20190627214947 |
Health record trust | 13952556 | 0 | 4466 | 20190907111352 |
Health risks from dead bodies | 1346128 | 0 | 9202 | 20190927155813 |
Health technology assessment | 22406877 | 0 | 6120 | 20191022124832 |
Health-on-Line | 25857603 | 0 | 885 | 20160704155631 |
Healthcare engineering | 49105793 | 0 | 21285 | 20191019202839 |
Healthcare error proliferation model | 19560460 | 0 | 9982 | 20191012173137 |
Healthcare proxy | 9541887 | 0 | 12067 | 20190930050709 |
Healthcare scientist | 31950375 | 0 | 3936 | 20191019101013 |
Healthy development measurement tool | 13915509 | 0 | 14082 | 20191003022314 |
Heart nanotechnology | 33661741 | 0 | 19311 | 20191006140056 |
Heino Meyer-Bahlburg | 18351158 | 0 | 8203 | 20191016175338 |
Hermaphrodites with Attitude | 40634960 | 0 | 9225 | 20191017233922 |
Herpes simplex research | 35349626 | 0 | 66383 | 20191014210047 |
Hickam's dictum | 5269417 | 0 | 4840 | 20190614230947 |
Hinaishin | 56057194 | 0 | 1298 | 20190907065246 |
Hippocrates Prize for Poetry and Medicine | 30462587 | 0 | 5015 | 20191022164124 |
History of alternative medicine | 627246 | 0 | 100439 | 20191010191050 |
History of intersex surgery | 928084 | 0 | 47311 | 20191017233833 |
Holistic nursing | 33958440 | 0 | 8904 | 20191013131202 |
Homicidal ideation | 16920273 | 0 | 13222 | 20191014094044 |
Hospital Insurance and Diagnostic Services Act | 37915503 | 0 | 13778 | 20191022040758 |
Hospital-acquired condition | 25144948 | 0 | 5893 | 20191014044158 |
Hospitalism | 5340471 | 0 | 1687 | 20190907042457 |
Host factor | 10134014 | 0 | 1154 | 20190720071223 |
Hot nose sign | 52502735 | 0 | 930 | 20190907064221 |
Human equivalent | 18641776 | 0 | 3662 | 20190918222327 |
Human placentophagy | 33966580 | 0 | 26188 | 20191002082759 |
Humanimal Trust | 59409979 | 0 | 6313 | 20190917014203 |
Huntington's Disease Outreach Project for Education at Stanford | 23495775 | 0 | 2362 | 20191011221407 |
Hyperkatifeia | 28047321 | 0 | 1184 | 20190907053615 |
ICECI | 18823914 | 0 | 1016 | 20190720073356 |
INR self-monitoring | 28858211 | 0 | 8619 | 20190907053817 |
IPulse Medical | 58408335 | 0 | 4509 | 20191009105017 |
ISO 13485 | 6410435 | 0 | 10262 | 20190918155131 |
ISO 14971 | 24479606 | 0 | 6534 | 20190907052659 |
ISS ECLSS | 25850552 | 0 | 17033 | 20191019202831 |
Idiosyncratic drug reaction | 7907309 | 0 | 3407 | 20191014093511 |
Iknife | 43377867 | 0 | 15206 | 20190907061831 |
Illinois Health Benefits Exchange | 41096286 | 0 | 2922 | 20190930073454 |
Imaging biomarker | 26450590 | 0 | 12170 | 20191021233826 |
Immune dysregulation | 6865131 | 0 | 805 | 20190720070608 |
Impedance–pH monitoring | 23229922 | 0 | 2688 | 20190907052325 |
Implementability | 53911068 | 0 | 1132 | 20190907064636 |
In absentia health care | 4072714 | 0 | 18651 | 20191020112425 |
In silico clinical trials | 46232572 | 0 | 13811 | 20190907062506 |
In silico medicine | 39351494 | 0 | 7487 | 20190907060615 |
In vivo bioreactor | 41989305 | 0 | 6054 | 20191006144421 |
Inborn errors of steroid metabolism | 35934978 | 0 | 7599 | 20191014094049 |
Incidental medical findings | 5598826 | 0 | 7745 | 20190907042605 |
Index of HIV/AIDS-related articles | 1364854 | 0 | 23643 | 20190821063529 |
Index of oncology articles | 1120426 | 0 | 70166 | 20190916184637 |
India Cholagogue | 60735327 | 0 | 3373 | 20191003190743 |
Instruments used in general surgery | 4758015 | 0 | 16928 | 20191021112252 |
Integrated care | 25043987 | 0 | 7453 | 20190907052833 |
Integrated pulmonary index | 24760321 | 0 | 6115 | 20190720034621 |
Intelligent laser speckle classification | 45657902 | 0 | 4358 | 20190907062440 |
Interactive patient care | 26768296 | 0 | 4788 | 20190907053300 |
International Association of Medical Colleges | 26690647 | 0 | 7355 | 20190911211935 |
International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation | 11235672 | 0 | 10321 | 20190911211406 |
International medical graduate | 8740088 | 0 | 15804 | 20191010191151 |
Intertriginous | 15153354 | 0 | 921 | 20190907045835 |
Interventional magnetic resonance imaging | 8895547 | 0 | 4021 | 20190713135524 |
Interventionism | 1958802 | 0 | 2690 | 20190722165022 |
Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring | 2539375 | 0 | 9592 | 20190907040928 |
Intrusive research | 59642284 | 0 | 3641 | 20191016212431 |
Invalidity Insurance | 4190446 | 0 | 1586 | 20190720065934 |
Invalidity Insurance | 4190354 | 0 | 1549 | 20190720065934 |
Involution | 19157294 | 0 | 2975 | 20190907051055 |
Irreversible electroporation | 40142982 | 0 | 39131 | 20191020054957 |
Ischemic compression | 31463459 | 0 | 976 | 20190720080207 |
Isolated 17,20-lyase deficiency | 35934236 | 0 | 10750 | 20191014094031 |
Isotopes in medicine | 39090181 | 0 | 793 | 20190907060522 |
J. P. Kuiper | 47166218 | 0 | 1516 | 20190720083015 |
Jehovah's Witnesses and blood transfusions | 3261530 | 0 | 66751 | 20191017115743 |
John Money | 285544 | 0 | 26654 | 20191021180437 |
John Templeton Foundation | 59706264 | 0 | 57310 | 20191022164159 |
Kanagaratnam Shanmugaratnam | 58045241 | 0 | 3288 | 20191016181100 |
Katrina Karkazis | 41589664 | 0 | 24330 | 20191016180331 |
Kissing contusion | 29462281 | 0 | 646 | 20190907053937 |
Kombucha | 264062 | 0 | 33041 | 20191014105437 |
LabTV | 46868324 | 0 | 6401 | 20191009104953 |
Laboratory developed test | 36217354 | 0 | 4829 | 20190907055651 |
Landscape epidemiology | 5939070 | 0 | 2338 | 20190818183841 |
Left without being seen | 20771501 | 0 | 1392 | 20190907051515 |
Length of stay | 217635 | 0 | 4777 | 20191008144356 |
Leydig cell hypoplasia | 36053724 | 0 | 12483 | 20191014093620 |
Lifestyle medicine | 17189447 | 0 | 3764 | 20191005102904 |
Lightwood's law | 55726255 | 0 | 1469 | 20190907065129 |
Lipoid congenital adrenal hyperplasia | 711932 | 0 | 19231 | 20191014093633 |
List of -ectomies | 1134909 | 0 | 11724 | 20190718140352 |
List of Dwarfism media depictions | 22671755 | 0 | 13129 | 20190907052152 |
List of GlaxoSmithKline products | 38815844 | 0 | 9096 | 20191019105609 |
List of Indian Medical Service officers | 57483064 | 0 | 9764 | 20191015150405 |
List of Legionnaires' disease outbreaks | 38894374 | 0 | 51727 | 20191020024613 |
List of acupuncture points | 11005395 | 0 | 71530 | 20191020112812 |
List of anatomy mnemonics | 58609793 | 0 | 24580 | 20191011042641 |
List of antibiotic-resistant bacteria | 55868631 | 0 | 29531 | 20191015174128 |
List of antimicrobial peptides in the female reproductive tract | 50951887 | 0 | 1890 | 20190907063805 |
List of biogerontologists | 48429002 | 0 | 1676 | 20190907063138 |
List of biological development disorders | 50727426 | 0 | 5354 | 20190831234503 |
List of cardiology mnemonics | 58609836 | 0 | 11325 | 20190913175618 |
List of centers and institutes at the Perelman School of Medicine | 33562655 | 0 | 7088 | 20191021144533 |
List of complications of pregnancy | 54043830 | 0 | 8650 | 20191022154050 |
List of contaminated cell lines | 3983382 | 0 | 46537 | 20191002172713 |
List of cutaneous neoplasms associated with systemic syndromes | 36962623 | 0 | 3882 | 20190907055917 |
List of diagnoses from House | 49778301 | 0 | 16565 | 20191003184216 |
List of digital therapeutics companies | 52245688 | 0 | 13383 | 20191015053022 |
List of disorders included in newborn screening programs | 36732637 | 0 | 7405 | 20191019202836 |
List of forms of alternative medicine | 288156 | 0 | 6444 | 20191014072038 |
List of hematologic conditions | 30623481 | 0 | 69627 | 20190907054154 |
List of instruments used in otorhinolaryngology | 17545325 | 0 | 13106 | 20190821101619 |
List of kampo herbs | 9179093 | 0 | 21296 | 20191020141045 |
List of macronutrients | 5925110 | 0 | 4699 | 20190924114601 |
List of medical mnemonics | 40780391 | 0 | 45016 | 20191020001407 |
List of medical organizations | 2965208 | 0 | 5361 | 20191020154549 |
List of medical professionals who died during the SARS outbreak | 38563792 | 0 | 11140 | 20191002001649 |
List of medical roots | 8611983 | 0 | 108284 | 20191020112711 |
List of medical tests | 59495518 | 0 | 3624 | 20190907070439 |
List of medical textbooks | 43402636 | 0 | 13888 | 20191002082819 |
List of medical triads | 37780521 | 0 | 9424 | 20190917153643 |
List of microbiologists | 47747598 | 0 | 11318 | 20190916012501 |
List of micronutrients | 5925183 | 0 | 1760 | 20190603095425 |
List of mites associated with cutaneous reactions | 37002880 | 0 | 4052 | 20190914001505 |
List of orthotopic procedures | 37688324 | 0 | 1203 | 20190907060116 |
List of pathology mnemonics | 58609951 | 0 | 6428 | 20190913183158 |
List of patient-reported quality of life surveys | 40985409 | 0 | 74429 | 20190921032101 |
List of pharmaceutical laboratories by year of foundation | 56833474 | 0 | 3176 | 20190720084431 |
List of physiologists | 39198918 | 0 | 3188 | 20190831233428 |
List of plants used in Cherokee ethnobotany | 46738646 | 0 | 15984 | 20190921033035 |
List of questionable diagnostic tests | 46821559 | 0 | 3786 | 20191015101212 |
List of researchers on intersex | 51706798 | 0 | 5837 | 20191017233933 |
List of soft contact lens materials | 34659850 | 0 | 17939 | 20190911220508 |
List of syndromes | 55848061 | 0 | 42796 | 20191018125604 |
List of syphilis cases | 32124842 | 0 | 7959 | 20191012132524 |
List of therapies | 29790 | 0 | 7923 | 20190618213932 |
List of unproven and disproven cancer treatments | 40370421 | 0 | 105148 | 20191017042328 |
List of unsolved problems in medicine | 48846633 | 0 | 5238 | 20190907063250 |
List of vaccine topics | 2114227 | 0 | 26205 | 20190918223249 |
List of verrucous carcinoma subtypes | 36961844 | 0 | 2688 | 20190907055917 |
List of xanthoma variants associated with hyperlipoproteinemia subtypes | 36978429 | 0 | 2729 | 20190907055920 |
Lists of pharmaceutical industry topics | 43720735 | 0 | 1634 | 20191009025734 |
Literature-based discovery | 31149053 | 0 | 3324 | 20190907054321 |
Local blood flow regulation | 41043446 | 0 | 1071 | 20190720081944 |
Localized disease | 8430609 | 0 | 1413 | 20190203030706 |
Long-term care insurance | 1160191 | 0 | 18765 | 20191018005731 |
Lymphatic pump | 3527056 | 0 | 1772 | 20190907041552 |
MHealth | 18254411 | 0 | 60375 | 20191003084317 |
Macroshock | 21586578 | 0 | 2636 | 20191019202828 |
Male infertility crisis | 58712505 | 0 | 5132 | 20190907070229 |
Managed care | 1183870 | 0 | 34781 | 20191019100459 |
Manitoba Blue Cross | 51239405 | 0 | 2445 | 20191009105002 |
Manner of death | 35925226 | 0 | 11063 | 20190921111119 |
Maria New | 40287433 | 0 | 14854 | 20191016180258 |
Mass effect | 7952520 | 0 | 2686 | 20190907043544 |
Maternal somatic support after brain death | 41907939 | 0 | 23041 | 20191008213427 |
Maximum medical improvement | 20196558 | 0 | 1320 | 20190720073740 |
Medical Science Educator | 52498717 | 0 | 2140 | 20190927140858 |
Medical Technology Group | 41214581 | 0 | 20557 | 20191003101254 |
Medical biology | 29120311 | 0 | 4384 | 20190912084438 |
Medical care ratio | 3057007 | 0 | 1177 | 20190720065648 |
Medical case management | 5875638 | 0 | 2078 | 20191019101509 |
Medical certificate | 25452964 | 0 | 12306 | 20191011154751 |
Medical college | 3847226 | 0 | 4146 | 20190518215925 |
Medical consensus | 1244082 | 0 | 3675 | 20191019100503 |
Medical escort | 21959823 | 0 | 5103 | 20191019202828 |
Medical explanations of bewitchment | 14175082 | 0 | 16302 | 20190614231401 |
Medical fiction | 18754247 | 0 | 1020 | 20190919001054 |
Medical humanities | 1574427 | 0 | 11253 | 20190926040552 |
Medical oddity | 1848321 | 0 | 1204 | 20190720065330 |
Medical paternalism | 47158660 | 0 | 11001 | 20191015102708 |
Medical reversal | 61025103 | 0 | 4700 | 20190907070928 |
Medical simulation | 20489338 | 0 | 68145 | 20190926040638 |
Medical slang | 1370590 | 0 | 8070 | 20190926040643 |
Medical state | 30864674 | 0 | 6773 | Rahaf Alassad |
Medical technology assessment | 25292015 | 0 | 5975 | 20190602184534 |
Medically indigent adult | 58149215 | 0 | 5676 | 20191014183419 |
Medication Administration Record | 2843232 | 0 | 2357 | 20190907041134 |
Medicinal jar | 25829992 | 0 | 1500 | 20190720075117 |
Medicine chest | 26632326 | 0 | 2338 | 20191015173245 |
Medicus curat | 60468654 | 0 | 2206 | 20191020115036 |
Merck Veterinary Manual | 4276018 | 0 | 1307 | 20190905214928 |
Metacresol purple | 54697349 | 0 | 3583 | 20191014165738 |
Microextrusion | 32546455 | 0 | 8488 | 20190907054716 |
Micromort | 13028883 | 0 | 18797 | 20190922194553 |
Micropenis | 19636928 | 0 | 8772 | 20191014161232 |
Milieu intérieur | 20542082 | 0 | 21563 | 20191014205831 |
Millard criteria | 56149189 | 0 | 2280 | 20190907065306 |
Mindfulness-based stress reduction | 27987730 | 0 | 16598 | 20190918023707 |
Mind–body interventions | 749112 | 0 | 25787 | 20191005230442 |
Minnesota Protocol | 54301585 | 0 | 19622 | 20190203062752 |
Miracle Mineral Supplement | 25572706 | 0 | 35430 | 20191016174016 |
Molecular Vision | 24983029 | 0 | 1102 | 20190927140848 |
Molecular xenomonitoring | 60105285 | 0 | 1542 | 20190907070635 |
Mongolian idiocy | 4623607 | 0 | 8091 | 20191021084407 |
Monitored Emergency Use of Unregistered and Investigational Interventions | 57515942 | 0 | 2802 | 20191009030200 |
Monitoring | 32808114 | 0 | 19517 | 20191014094737 |
Monitoring in clinical trials | 2221252 | 0 | 7216 | 20190907040701 |
Morgan Holmes | 41498269 | 0 | 13600 | 20191016180327 |
Morning report | 5150208 | 0 | 1074 | 20190720070147 |
Motor planning | 54434451 | 0 | 1679 | 20190907064802 |
Multiple of the median | 14019863 | 0 | 3050 | 20191005180912 |
Multiple sex partners | 52648714 | 0 | 12448 | 20191007002850 |
Multiplexed point-of-care testing | 53950360 | 0 | 10436 | 20190907064642 |
NPU terminology | 45300012 | 0 | 13340 | 20190915184520 |
Nano-scaffold | 21880823 | 0 | 8658 | 20190930171903 |
Narcology | 57005398 | 0 | 5065 | 20191020114937 |
National Biosurveillance Strategy | 46862281 | 0 | 3321 | 20190818205135 |
National Health Insurance | 30257192 | 0 | 20977 | 20191020141416 |
National Health Insurance Authority | 59066542 | 0 | 807 | 20190907070327 |
National Hospital Insurance Fund | 37763278 | 0 | 2719 | 20191009104928 |
National Hospital Organization Okayama Medical Center | 59490920 | 0 | 1353 | 20191015184943 |
Native American ethnobotany | 38068881 | 0 | 55775 | 20191004074500 |
Natural Standard | 24426070 | 0 | 4042 | 20191019100517 |
Natural history of disease | 11761108 | 0 | 1826 | 20191012095900 |
Navajo ethnobotany | 38403582 | 0 | 13070 | 20190907060327 |
Necroptosis | 37431639 | 0 | 12619 | 20191002172818 |
Neglected tropical disease research and development | 30916247 | 0 | 40813 | 20191019202833 |
Neighbourhood Midwives | 59836770 | 0 | 2106 | 20190907070545 |
Neo-Hippocratism | 58157868 | 0 | 1435 | 20190908053020 |
Neovascularization | 4117653 | 0 | 3048 | 20190907041905 |
Neural therapy | 7314746 | 0 | 6165 | Hiba Ghuniem |
Neuroangiogenesis | 47979524 | 0 | 9414 | 20190907063044 |
Neurocristopathy | 30246839 | 0 | 5471 | 20190907230031 |
Neuromuscular monitoring | 35120341 | 0 | 13711 | 20190930190938 |
Neuromusculoskeletal medicine | 53537042 | 0 | 1118 | 20191020150842 |
Never events | 13581818 | 0 | 8877 | 20191014043905 |
New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange | 41096344 | 0 | 2143 | 20191022164139 |
New York Medical Journal | 59041538 | 0 | 635 | 20190907070323 |
Nipple pigmentation | 61040456 | 0 | 1058 | 20191011141036 |
Nocturnist | 8785909 | 0 | 736 | 20190720070958 |
Nose-blowing | 48925128 | 0 | 5426 | 20191017194048 |
Not Otherwise Specified | 28182922 | 0 | 2963 | 20190814225216 |
Nothing by mouth | 2597613 | 0 | 5348 | 20190908052948 |
ORPHEUS | 18348660 | 0 | 8066 | 20190304013935 |
Occult science in medicine | 57749341 | 0 | 22268 | 20191015104947 |
Ocular prosthesis | 8302636 | 0 | 41940 | 20191020192712 |
Old person smell | 25617725 | 0 | 4255 | 20191001162432 |
One Health | 31155073 | 0 | 9675 | 20190923101309 |
Ontario Blue Cross | 61151483 | 0 | 4310 | 20190925151226 |
Ontario Health Insurance Plan | 334687 | 0 | 8835 | 20190926091642 |
Open Referral | 43246025 | 0 | 6059 | 20190907061805 |
OpenGALEN | 2340359 | 0 | 6733 | 20190907040758 |
Opioid induced endocrinopathy | 60061521 | 0 | 6172 | 20190907070626 |
Opioid rotation | 53435894 | 0 | 9412 | 20190907064500 |
Option grid | 40504763 | 0 | 8298 | 20190907060942 |
Options counseling | 41732652 | 0 | 851 | 20190720082102 |
Orchidometer | 223988 | 0 | 2722 | 20191017233830 |
Orphan patient | 5392045 | 0 | 4061 | 20190927155823 |
Orthomolecular medicine | 327995 | 0 | 69463 | 20191005230442 |
Osteometric points | 13533990 | 0 | 1381 | 20190720072106 |
Osteopathy | 74591 | 0 | 72150 | 20191021020039 |
Outcome measure | 61626386 | 0 | 4549 | 20191021233826 |
Outline of clinical research | 19645563 | 0 | 13404 | 20190913162543 |
Outline of health | 7646602 | 0 | 6879 | 20191009023614 |
Outline of medicine | 14471564 | 0 | 18990 | 20191009024024 |
Overdiagnosis | 3338719 | 0 | 26674 | 20190923123258 |
Overseas Student Health Cover | 39906307 | 0 | 3543 | 20190907060756 |
PET radiotracer | 48914877 | 0 | 3684 | 20191019122255 |
PICO process | 27395258 | 0 | 2963 | 20190907053430 |
Palsy | 2027666 | 0 | 2699 | 20191004181915 |
Pancrinol | 60574129 | 0 | 758 | 20191015204919 |
Pangamic acid | 13859391 | 0 | 7955 | 20190908142253 |
Pap-Ion Magnetic Inductor | 24191755 | 0 | 3994 | 20191001013046 |
Paracelsianism | 3049487 | 0 | 3060 | 20191020112347 |
Parthanatos | 48712402 | 0 | 20683 | 20190512022454 |
Past medical history | 25280869 | 0 | 7358 | 20190917233828 |
Pathogen reduction using riboflavin and UV light | 29967429 | 0 | 9220 | 20190913092751 |
Patient Activation Measure | 37778652 | 0 | 14324 | 20190907060130 |
Patient safety organization | 5928345 | 0 | 54122 | 20191020112538 |
Patient-centered outcomes | 29697910 | 0 | 10312 | 20190908053044 |
Patient-initiated violence | 51013265 | 0 | 10428 | 20190924052221 |
Pay for performance | 3160607 | 0 | 31279 | 20191019100537 |
Pelvic massage | 59041435 | 0 | 1176 | 20190907070323 |
Perineodynia | 7335184 | 0 | 832 | 20190907043336 |
Periodic breathing | 27525305 | 0 | 2587 | 20190907053450 |
Permissive hypotension | 30775715 | 0 | 15435 | 20190918204912 |
Persin | 8915378 | 0 | 5681 | 20191014165626 |
Person-centered care | 50685288 | 0 | 9175 | 20191019180316 |
Personal medicine | 14416163 | 0 | 5399 | 20190927155839 |
Phall-O-Meter | 50220411 | 0 | 7500 | 20191017233931 |
Pharmacological dissection | 60627903 | 0 | 1031 | 20190720085016 |
Phenotype | 48519234 | 0 | 2440 | 20191012080111 |
Philippine Health Insurance Corporation | 32321766 | 0 | 23619 | 20191009104915 |
Philosophy of healthcare | 15475369 | 0 | 31498 | 20191022100301 |
Phoniatrics | 24256 | 0 | 1870 | 20191016173952 |
Phospholipidosis | 3392303 | 0 | 2218 | 20190907041506 |
Photoplethysmogram | 684716 | 0 | 13586 | 20190907035250 |
Physical disorder | 8766832 | 0 | 1282 | 20190813024232 |
Physical mapping | 60323851 | 0 | 12832 | 20190907070721 |
Physician engagement | 46629562 | 0 | 2337 | 20190930035556 |
Physicians' assistant | 58835668 | 0 | 2071 | 20191019101141 |
Physiological functional capacity | 53683812 | 0 | 1184 | 20190919032318 |
Pilon fracture | 42345751 | 0 | 5642 | 20191021235721 |
Point of care | 33658868 | 0 | 21500 | 20190928022308 |
Point of care medical information summary | 44301349 | 0 | 1055 | 20190907062121 |
Polish Society of Nephrology | 57476595 | 0 | 5444 | 20190907065835 |
Poly-MVA | 6685906 | 0 | 2752 | 20190907043100 |
Porcine zona pellucida | 2056625 | 0 | 2070 | 20190928025806 |
Post-transplant survival measure | 57852274 | 0 | 1675 | 20191009030204 |
Posterior cortex | 60526221 | 0 | 1783 | 20190929005300 |
Posthumous sperm retrieval | 11998077 | 0 | 11933 | 20190930042949 |
Postmortem caloricity | 47320071 | 0 | 3810 | 20190926164518 |
Postpartum confinement | 49886610 | 0 | 21370 | 20191022154050 |
Prader scale | 39155261 | 0 | 7427 | 20191017233920 |
Prandial | 11319000 | 0 | 3178 | 20190614231257 |
Pre-hospital emergency medicine | 46994895 | 0 | 5966 | Noor Ghanem |
Prescription analytics | 31920888 | 0 | 1545 | 20190907054531 |
Prescriptive analytics | 35757264 | 0 | 21934 | 20190916062224 |
Presentation | 13276785 | 0 | 1962 | 20190907045310 |
Prevention paradox | 10052718 | 0 | 2530 | 20190926105153 |
Primary spine practitioner | 41684442 | 0 | 6916 | 20190908222845 |
Proarrhythmia | 1723198 | 0 | 2498 | 20190907040253 |
Problem-based learning | 362386 | 0 | 67185 | 20190930130223 |
Proceduralist | 55882601 | 0 | 688 | 20191019101153 |
Procidentia | 37287623 | 0 | 580 | 20190619040817 |
Prodromus | 41751262 | 0 | 1382 | 20190907061348 |
Progestin-induced virilization | 2762783 | 0 | 19685 | 20191014093922 |
Progress note | 15413745 | 0 | 4538 | 20190907045919 |
Progress testing | 35032562 | 0 | 15542 | 20190814131938 |
Progression-free survival | 15897243 | 0 | 4668 | 20191002172749 |
Prokarin | 1661175 | 0 | 1286 | 20190923084136 |
Protein nitrogen unit | 5923267 | 0 | 1538 | 20191001013046 |
Protocol system | 39357486 | 0 | 2432 | 20191019100547 |
Proximodistal trend | 7350848 | 0 | 756 | 20190907043340 |
Pseudohermaphroditism | 10324327 | 0 | 21931 | 20191015090311 |
Pseudovaginal perineoscrotal hypospadias | 975417 | 0 | 4411 | 20191014093849 |
Public opinion and activism in the Terri Schiavo case | 2127512 | 0 | 16694 | 20190928045632 |
Pull-through procedure | 61015736 | 0 | 4853 | 20191015155452 |
Quack Miranda warning | 38119804 | 0 | 1494 | 20190414074941 |
Quality of life | 22140663 | 0 | 25288 | 20190907052002 |
Quantum healing | 10300787 | 0 | 5322 | 20191015092452 |
Quaternary prevention | 30427095 | 0 | 4311 | 20191019100602 |
Quigley scale | 50219916 | 0 | 5760 | 20191017233931 |
Radiation Exposure Monitoring | 36275381 | 0 | 8863 | 20190907055702 |
Radionics | 13540478 | 0 | 23585 | 20191011233138 |
Rajveer Purohit | 60472861 | 0 | 14118 | 20191017233943 |
Rapacuronium bromide | 4850554 | 0 | 3738 | 20191014165624 |
Rapid antigen test | 44425759 | 0 | 3019 | 20190907062138 |
Rapid growing mycobacterium | 22041422 | 0 | 1863 | 20190907051945 |
Rapid strep test | 15932910 | 0 | 9547 | 20190907050144 |
Real-time MRI | 28687367 | 0 | 9215 | 20190930053915 |
Rebirthing | 530027 | 0 | 2319 | 20191005231433 |
Referral | 25221932 | 0 | 1931 | 20191016221122 |
Regional Forum on Environment and Health in Southeast and East Asian Countries | 27392434 | 0 | 9209 | 20190312134751 |
Regulation of alternative medicine | 38225516 | 0 | 15735 | 20190928081249 |
Religion and health | 34157464 | 0 | 35725 | 20190918204913 |
Religious views on organ donation | 23753384 | 0 | 24857 | 20190928082253 |
Remote patient monitoring | 33537087 | 0 | 15712 | 20191003221827 |
Reproductive technology | 106029 | 0 | 9684 | 20190907034238 |
Residual chemical shift anisotropy | 8088302 | 0 | 2658 | 20190927150414 |
Response rate | 50645065 | 0 | 1063 | 20190907063714 |
Responsible drug use | 40513485 | 0 | 21091 | 20191016225828 |
Rhetoric of health and medicine | 41669573 | 0 | 41040 | 20190928090344 |
Right atrial pressure | 20995276 | 0 | 2098 | 20190907051602 |
Right-to-left shunt | 3806302 | 0 | 5645 | 20190907041727 |
Risk adjusted mortality rate | 33470882 | 0 | 2216 | 20190907054934 |
Risk equalization | 15336425 | 0 | 7445 | 20190714030520 |
Risk of mortality | 15360831 | 0 | 1172 | 20190812164726 |
Risky sexual behavior | 53548365 | 0 | 6634 | 20191019233009 |
Robert Michael Forde | 61187255 | 0 | 9745 | 20190919124517 |
Robotic magnetic navigation | 57893865 | 0 | 3898 | 20190907065950 |
Rope worms | 59555366 | 0 | 4524 | 20191005230442 |
Rosen Method Bodywork | 23451032 | 0 | 2603 | 20190907052354 |
SOAP note | 1699424 | 0 | 16377 | 20191004135025 |
Safety monitoring | 2234530 | 0 | 196 | 20190908161049 |
Schottenstein Prize in Cardiovascular Sciences | 58125770 | 0 | 1543 | 20191016181104 |
Screen time | 36807596 | 0 | 18438 | 20191018100533 |
Sealedenvelope.com | 60977471 | 0 | 897 | 20190907070916 |
Seasilver | 22393240 | 0 | 2640 | 20191011233138 |
Seasoning | 18373301 | 0 | 3059 | 20190907230635 |
Second opinion | 20265583 | 0 | 5500 | 20190907051355 |
Secondary malignant neoplasm | 2954264 | 0 | 1118 | 20191014093115 |
Secretomotor | 8297364 | 0 | 836 | 20191007224138 |
Seed cycling | 60519276 | 0 | 7797 | 20190907070805 |
Segmental arterial mediolysis | 61777066 | 0 | 1512 | 20190925140642 |
Seminars in Perinatology | 50340026 | 0 | 1858 | 20190927140857 |
Sequela | 1744456 | 0 | 3948 | 20190926091659 |
Serkal syndrome | 38078517 | 0 | 2579 | 20191016110329 |
Sever's disease | 3104526 | 0 | 6501 | 20191014194317 |
Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire | 22152956 | 0 | 2788 | 20191003104021 |
Severity of illness | 15360748 | 0 | 2176 | 20190907045910 |
Sexing the Body | 41469307 | 0 | 9243 | 20191020130207 |
Sham surgery | 22659508 | 0 | 7170 | 20190907052150 |
Shared decision-making in medicine | 23453327 | 0 | 79139 | 20191014105439 |
Shiatsu | 207348 | 0 | 12114 | 20191020175209 |
Shit Life Syndrome | 60419783 | 0 | 4293 | 20191010160228 |
Shoulder injury related to vaccine administration | 60785472 | 0 | 4045 | 20191022195904 |
Shunamitism | 16796699 | 0 | 1173 | 20190720072908 |
Significant event audit | 61158285 | 0 | 16435 | 20191019101517 |
Silk-glove sign | 58247628 | 0 | 1624 | 20190907070057 |
Simple clinical colitis activity index | 50631177 | 0 | 2595 | 20191016180713 |
Simultanagnosia | 1616390 | 0 | 22869 | 20190918204907 |
Single Best Answer | 45716919 | 0 | 1502 | 20190907062453 |
Skull bossing | 34510760 | 0 | 3214 | 20190907055223 |
Slips and capture | 46402098 | 0 | 8411 | 20190930215303 |
Smallwood Report | 45339203 | 0 | 3014 | 20190907062347 |
SmarTeach | 41277205 | 0 | 2338 | 20191012133532 |
Social Responsiveness Scale | 52668957 | 0 | 2799 | 20191016230454 |
Social franchising | 22806368 | 0 | 22866 | 20191021025524 |
Social history | 22359101 | 0 | 1247 | 20190929003247 |
Social prescribing | 53673180 | 0 | 5793 | 20191005104043 |
Social-emotional agnosia | 34008216 | 0 | 10404 | 20190825144045 |
Socialized medicine | 59111 | 0 | 86999 | 20191018191106 |
Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior | 12242081 | 0 | 2483 | 20190108151536 |
Sophrology | 37933443 | 0 | 1904 | 20191008180450 |
Sopor | 652949 | 0 | 1531 | 20191019202816 |
Spagyric | 9990022 | 0 | 5921 | 20191011120026 |
Spinal cord injury research | 48644210 | 0 | 29125 | 20191010191353 |
Spinnbarkeit | 1980780 | 0 | 2398 | 20190907040502 |
Spontaneous breathing trial | 22499030 | 0 | 1711 | 20190603100038 |
Sports physical examination | 50302573 | 0 | 1769 | 20190907063616 |
Star of Life | 1218281 | 0 | 6160 | 20191015171858 |
Stenochoria | 24630261 | 0 | 1354 | 20190322070639 |
Step therapy | 18234877 | 0 | 3360 | 20191019100618 |
Steven G Arless | 55606827 | 0 | 5606 | 20191015162543 |
Stop-loss insurance | 7725383 | 0 | 2551 | 20190720070755 |
Stress in medical students | 39337193 | 0 | 18528 | 20190907060613 |
Structural competency | 56983984 | 0 | 2151 | 20191019202841 |
Suckers | 26334002 | 0 | 3721 | 20191020130151 |
Sudomotor | 13198299 | 0 | 1125 | 20191007224138 |
Sungazing | 3887850 | 0 | 4159 | 20190930105804 |
Surgical smoke | 51311306 | 0 | 6034 | 20190908053100 |
Surrogate decision-maker | 27070098 | 0 | 22451 | 20190924175506 |
Surrogate endpoint | 1180539 | 0 | 8996 | 20191021233826 |
Sweat lodge | 75660 | 0 | 21556 | 20191016163203 |
Synthetic-aperture magnetometry | 16257756 | 0 | 702 | 20190720072820 |
Systems medicine | 38526066 | 0 | 8302 | 20191014194421 |
TIME-ITEM | 11004277 | 0 | 5108 | 20190907044445 |
Table of muscles of the human body/End | 41203338 | 0 | 901 | 20190907061206 |
Tactical emergency medical services | 42748863 | 0 | 1396 | 20190907061653 |
Tallstick | 39094034 | 0 | 1793 | 20190203054909 |
Tar water | 26774096 | 0 | 5325 | 20190925123518 |
Tardive | 50431823 | 0 | 1017 | 20190720083458 |
Target Malaria | 60027450 | 0 | 1969 | 20190907070618 |
Teach-back method | 43148573 | 0 | 4143 | 20190203060148 |
Teaching hospital | 485700 | 0 | 4184 | 20191022100301 |
Terminal cleaning | 12293209 | 0 | 1910 | 20190930210820 |
Terminal drop hypothesis | 48317905 | 0 | 813 | 20190907063123 |
Terminal illness insurance | 3427497 | 0 | 1259 | 20190603095215 |
Terminal lucidity | 47885671 | 0 | 2419 | 20190907063030 |
Terminology of alternative medicine | 60606212 | 0 | 59073 | 20191016181213 |
Terrain theory | 31627145 | 0 | 1205 | 20190907054441 |
Terre Haute prison experiments | 50822456 | 0 | 2255 | 20191010175608 |
Test article | 59687407 | 0 | 2378 | 20190831235247 |
Testicular microlithiasis | 4693638 | 0 | 4411 | 20191014093253 |
Tetanic fade | 60037184 | 0 | 429 | 20190907070621 |
Thanatology | 589422 | 0 | 20180 | 20191014092659 |
The Contagiousness of Puerperal Fever | 43124335 | 0 | 6626 | 20191004060136 |
The Louis and Artur Lucian Award in Cardiovascular Diseases | 58204058 | 0 | 5101 | 20191016181107 |
Therapeutic drug monitoring | 739219 | 0 | 4914 | 20190905125409 |
Thermal amplitude | 59967822 | 0 | 1905 | 20190907070610 |
Third-party reproduction | 1611358 | 0 | 6107 | 20190818181102 |
Thrombin–antithrombin complex | 54728087 | 0 | 2537 | 20190907064851 |
Thrombogenicity | 8306712 | 0 | 2765 | 20190907043650 |
Tick infestation | 21793112 | 0 | 2245 | 20191022183105 |
Time of occurrence | 1491186 | 0 | 1622 | 20190929202537 |
Tinnitus retraining therapy | 1686266 | 0 | 15500 | 20190930210413 |
Tissue gas | 2798421 | 0 | 638 | 20190720065559 |
Tissue remodeling | 50302833 | 0 | 4258 | 20190907063616 |
Tomato effect | 44410141 | 0 | 2417 | 20190907062136 |
Tovertafel | 61666588 | 0 | 5887 | 20190929233801 |
Toxicovigilance | 59485605 | 0 | 1798 | 20191005154905 |
Trade Control and Expert System | 21918942 | 0 | 21064 | 20191019202828 |
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library | 4791701 | 0 | 12115 | 20191016174650 |
Trager approach | 6362556 | 0 | 3467 | 20190907042952 |
Translational Research | 44848466 | 0 | 6172 | 20191009005418 |
Trauma-sensitive yoga | 58520592 | 0 | 22775 | 20191022072440 |
Trigenics | 42886385 | 0 | 4248 | 20191015044020 |
Turkish Medical Association | 39595205 | 0 | 2927 | 20191020114220 |
Turmeric juice | 47332375 | 0 | 8501 | 20190919025653 |
Ubhejane | 45556191 | 0 | 4874 | 20190907062430 |
Ulomoides dermestoides | 52165036 | 0 | 3772 | 20191020082336 |
Undervirilization | 1531018 | 0 | 571 | 20190730190718 |
Undiagnosed Diseases Network | 45224286 | 0 | 3830 | 20191002183420 |
Universal health care | 570661 | 0 | 38280 | 20191021025524 |
Ureterovaginal fistula | 52487892 | 0 | 6507 | 20191022154050 |
Urophagia | 1881547 | 0 | 4393 | 20190907040413 |
Utilization management | 5875254 | 0 | 20747 | 20191014200240 |
VA conduction | 21802980 | 0 | 1314 | 20190907051848 |
VIP medicine | 51610649 | 0 | 10638 | 20190907064010 |
Vaginal steaming | 53434415 | 0 | 9136 | 20191007024249 |
Value-Based Insurance Design | 49603651 | 0 | 22372 | 20190907063450 |
Value-based health care | 61430610 | 0 | 3264 | 20191011194519 |
Vasomotor | 3184127 | 0 | 3798 | 20190907041351 |
VeNom Coding Group | 23104148 | 0 | 6239 | 20190708055618 |
VetBact | 41997351 | 0 | 3578 | 20190713153015 |
Veterinary Drugs Directorate | 61233629 | 0 | 4117 | 20190907071000 |
Veterinary equivalency | 23607890 | 0 | 1246 | 20190126070653 |
Veterinary immunology | 43104215 | 0 | 564 | 20190720082327 |
Vibroejaculation | 40268736 | 0 | 1488 | 20190907060906 |
Violet ray | 1350462 | 0 | 6432 | 20190919221742 |
Viparita Karani | 8933822 | 0 | 5204 | 20191022072440 |
Visitor health insurance | 39666137 | 0 | 3485 | 20190907111352 |
Waiting in healthcare | 46427235 | 0 | 4633 | 20191008144522 |
Watchful waiting | 3329031 | 0 | 7241 | 20190930210520 |
Weekend effect | 43382004 | 0 | 177759 | 20191022100301 |
White coat ceremony | 1385467 | 0 | 11090 | 20190907035951 |
WikiVet | 26699353 | 0 | 5521 | 20191012133528 |
Withdrawal time | 13436654 | 0 | 1735 | 20190929145540 |
Wobenzym | 16453812 | 0 | 2120 | 20190907050257 |
Women's health movement in the United States | 57987795 | 0 | 59537 | 20191014134422 |
World Federation for Medical Education | 53775951 | 0 | 9980 | 20191018213410 |
World Veterinary Year 2011 | 26932524 | 0 | 3983 | 20190928021516 |
Yoga as therapy | 3127300 | 0 | 31518 | 20191022072440 |
York Medical Society | 60840784 | 0 | 7981 | 20191014095547 |
Young blood transfusion | 57337910 | 0 | 11032 | 20191006061040 |
Zebra | 2294938 | 0 | 7045 | 20191022164457 |
Zion Tse | 61115208 | 0 | 3223 | 20190922131650 |
Zuni ethnobotany | 38464926 | 0 | 31870 | 20190907060336 |
Zymotic disease | 58552 | 0 | 3739 | 20190907034133 |
تشريح جرايز
Title | Page ID | Namespace | Size (bytes) | Last change |
Acoustic tubercle | 25250432 | 0 | 2059 | 20191019134401 |
Acromioclavicular ligament | 5877280 | 0 | 1548 | 20191016174742 |
Adductor hallucis muscle | 3042955 | 0 | 2734 | 20191016174524 |
Aditus to mastoid antrum | 6165180 | 0 | 1627 | 20191016174756 |
Alar ligament | 2968017 | 0 | 3733 | 20191020113328 |
Ampullary cupula | 4679294 | 0 | 4163 | 20191016174645 |
Anal fascia | 4787228 | 0 | 1902 | 20191013092736 |
Angioblast | 4710814 | 0 | 1321 | 20191013092735 |
Anterior atlantoaxial ligament | 8691190 | 0 | 1226 | 20191020113328 |
Anterior atlantooccipital membrane | 8691262 | 0 | 1611 | 20191016174918 |
Anterior cardinal vein | 4770493 | 0 | 1324 | 20191016174649 |
Anterior commissure | 4346396 | 0 | 9156 | 20191021181044 |
Anterior corticospinal tract | 5134197 | 0 | 4155 | 20191016174705 |
Anterior external arcuate fibers | 5195111 | 0 | 2444 | 20191013092737 |
Anterior grey column | 4911607 | 0 | 2724 | 20191019031607 |
Anterior intermuscular septum of leg | 15337896 | 0 | 1301 | 20191016175227 |
Anterior interventricular sulcus | 5349833 | 0 | 1573 | 20191016174713 |
Anterior ligament of elbow | 5974800 | 0 | 1605 | 20191013092742 |
Anterior median fissure of spinal cord | 4911291 | 0 | 1396 | 20191019112454 |
Anterior nasal spine | 4885668 | 0 | 3212 | 20191016174653 |
Anterior sternoclavicular ligament | 5878644 | 0 | 1300 | 20191016174742 |
Anterior talocalcaneal ligament | 4367153 | 0 | 1080 | 20191013092733 |
Anterior talofibular ligament | 7013707 | 0 | 1859 | 20191016184648 |
Anterior tibiofibular ligament | 5520689 | 0 | 1562 | 20191016174722 |
Anterior triangle of the neck | 4782754 | 0 | 3378 | 20191019120007 |
Antitragicus | 6165253 | 0 | 2752 | 20191016174756 |
Aortic arches | 4041297 | 0 | 8560 | 20191016174608 |
Aorticorenal ganglion | 5156938 | 0 | 1899 | 20191016174707 |
Apical ligament of dens | 6985191 | 0 | 1738 | 20191020113328 |
Aponeurosis of the abdominal external oblique muscle | 7893012 | 0 | 2839 | 20191013092801 |
Arcuate popliteal ligament | 9129713 | 0 | 1115 | 20191016174929 |
Articular capsule of the humerus | 15494316 | 0 | 3668 | 20191011115421 |
Articular disk of sternoclavicular articulation | 15494880 | 0 | 1246 | 20191020113328 |
Articular disk of the temporomandibular joint | 9453896 | 0 | 3324 | 20191016174938 |
Articular processes | 5287090 | 0 | 3171 | 20191016174711 |
Articularis cubiti muscle | 4477587 | 0 | 1155 | 20191016174636 |
Articularis genus muscle | 3935990 | 0 | 3529 | 20191017210452 |
Articulation of head of rib | 6177296 | 0 | 1317 | 20191020113328 |
Ascending limb of loop of Henle | 8115555 | 0 | 5351 | 20191013092801 |
Atlanto-occipital joint | 5032480 | 0 | 1908 | 20191016174701 |
Bare area of the liver | 7858425 | 0 | 2136 | 20191013092801 |
Base of lung | 7243867 | 0 | 1559 | 20191016174834 |
Basilar part of occipital bone | 4615435 | 0 | 2730 | 20191016174642 |
Basilar part of pons | 10847468 | 0 | 1777 | 20191019134401 |
Basilar sulcus | 24719876 | 0 | 1309 | 20191019134401 |
Basivertebral veins | 7136809 | 0 | 1647 | 20191016174828 |
Bicipital aponeurosis | 5390013 | 0 | 2368 | 20191016174714 |
Biventer lobule | 17100523 | 0 | 1159 | 20191016175309 |
Body of pubic bone | 14223968 | 0 | 1940 | 20191016175205 |
Brachial fascia | 6127999 | 0 | 1440 | 20191016174754 |
Bronchomediastinal lymph trunk | 12796058 | 0 | 1400 | 20191019142343 |
Buccinator lymph node | 9717562 | 0 | 1144 | 20191013092804 |
Buccopharyngeal fascia | 9329912 | 0 | 1657 | 20191016174935 |
Buccopharyngeal membrane | 5071309 | 0 | 1148 | 20191013092737 |
Bulboid corpuscle | 5299412 | 0 | 2066 | 20191013092738 |
Bulbus cordis | 4332825 | 0 | 2720 | 20191013092733 |
Calcaneocuboid joint | 5877044 | 0 | 2063 | 20191016174742 |
Calcaneofibular ligament | 4367414 | 0 | 1942 | 20191016174628 |
Calcar avis | 8476787 | 0 | 4764 | 20191016174912 |
Canine tooth | 203106 | 0 | 6957 | 20191016174029 |
Capsule of hip joint | 8905209 | 0 | 3060 | 20191013092803 |
Cardiac branches of the vagus nerve | 46329948 | 0 | 2108 | 20191021181044 |
Carotid triangle | 6075618 | 0 | 3486 | 20191016174752 |
Carpometacarpal joint | 3561039 | 0 | 18450 | 20191016174548 |
Cavernous nerve plexus | 4516483 | 0 | 1923 | 20191016174639 |
Central lobule | 17100791 | 0 | 1630 | 20191019145050 |
Central lymph nodes | 8661837 | 0 | 1617 | 20191013092802 |
Central tendon of diaphragm | 5350070 | 0 | 2371 | 20191016174713 |
Centrum semiovale | 10847336 | 0 | 1750 | 20191013092807 |
Cerebellar hemisphere | 17030290 | 0 | 2681 | 20191015172924 |
Cerebellar tonsil | 8552934 | 0 | 3337 | 20191016174915 |
Cerebrospinal fibers | 5299909 | 0 | 2024 | 20191019134401 |
Cervical branch of the facial nerve | 6142083 | 0 | 1789 | 20191021181044 |
Cervical enlargement | 7036347 | 0 | 1205 | 20191016174826 |
Cloaca | 8087820 | 0 | 3677 | 20191016174859 |
Cloacal membrane | 5025307 | 0 | 1970 | 20191016174700 |
Cochlear nucleus | 4301708 | 0 | 16892 | 20191021181044 |
Collateral eminence | 8476821 | 0 | 1376 | 20191016174912 |
Collateral fissure | 8476856 | 0 | 1611 | 20191016174912 |
Common cardinal veins | 4770503 | 0 | 1784 | 20191013092736 |
Common flexor sheath of hand | 15291135 | 0 | 2412 | 20191011115415 |
Common palmar digital nerves of median nerve | 6016860 | 0 | 2353 | 20191019232233 |
Common palmar digital nerves of ulnar nerve | 15442998 | 0 | 1329 | 20191016175230 |
Condyloid process | 4379266 | 0 | 3719 | 20191016174629 |
Coracoacromial ligament | 5877449 | 0 | 1963 | 20191016174742 |
Coracohumeral ligament | 5877540 | 0 | 1383 | 20191016174742 |
Corona of glans penis | 14540546 | 0 | 1374 | 20191016175211 |
Coronary ligament | 7625392 | 0 | 2918 | 20191013092800 |
Coronary ligament of the knee | 9888934 | 0 | 2666 | 20191016174949 |
Coronoid process of the mandible | 8567064 | 0 | 3764 | 20191016174915 |
Corpus spongiosum penis | 476591 | 0 | 3631 | 20191016174113 |
Corpuscles of Herbst | 5172640 | 0 | 2109 | 20191013092737 |
Corrugator cutis ani muscle | 3042618 | 0 | 1297 | 20191013092727 |
Corrugator supercilii muscle | 2283663 | 0 | 2413 | 20191016174445 |
Costotransverse joint | 9773080 | 0 | 1993 | 20191020113328 |
Costovertebral joints | 6177381 | 0 | 1702 | 20191020113328 |
Craniopharyngeal canal | 5634330 | 0 | 955 | 20191013092739 |
Cremasteric fascia | 7772221 | 0 | 1412 | 20191013092800 |
Cribriform fascia | 7904406 | 0 | 1924 | 20191016174852 |
Crura of superficial inguinal ring | 7895093 | 0 | 1628 | 20191013092801 |
Crus of diaphragm | 6919820 | 0 | 2520 | 20191013092758 |
Crus of penis | 8003700 | 0 | 1510 | 20191016174856 |
Cuboideonavicular joint | 5876938 | 0 | 1688 | 20191013092740 |
Culmen | 17199659 | 0 | 1202 | 20191020045044 |
Cumulus oophorus | 8191115 | 0 | 4040 | 20191013092801 |
Cuneonavicular joint | 5876910 | 0 | 1731 | 20191016174742 |
Cutaneous branch of the obturator nerve | 9127501 | 0 | 1371 | 20191020045116 |
Deep branch of radial nerve | 4633509 | 0 | 4335 | 20191020051118 |
Deep branch of ulnar nerve | 8908060 | 0 | 2141 | 20191020050914 |
Deep cervical fascia | 4782792 | 0 | 5782 | 20191013092736 |
Deep fascia of leg | 13629122 | 0 | 2359 | 20191016175148 |
Deep peroneal nerve | 3408987 | 0 | 5770 | 20191016174544 |
Deep petrosal nerve | 4864848 | 0 | 1784 | 20191019013313 |
Deep temporal nerves | 4488850 | 0 | 1446 | 20191016174637 |
Deep transverse metacarpal ligament | 5876813 | 0 | 1904 | 20191016174742 |
Deltoid ligament | 6985789 | 0 | 2341 | 20191016174826 |
Deltopectoral lymph nodes | 8661161 | 0 | 1055 | 20191013092802 |
Descending limb of loop of Henle | 8115535 | 0 | 3228 | 20191013092801 |
Diagonal band of Broca | 5121282 | 0 | 2908 | 20191021181044 |
Dilator naris muscle | 3951660 | 0 | 1505 | 20191013092732 |
Distal radioulnar articulation | 5392116 | 0 | 4730 | 20191016174714 |
Dorsal branch of ulnar nerve | 6016459 | 0 | 1633 | 20191020053942 |
Dorsal carpometacarpal ligaments | 9199403 | 0 | 1176 | 20191016174932 |
Dorsal interossei of the foot | 3042776 | 0 | 4753 | 20191020082808 |
Dorsal interossei of the hand | 3936864 | 0 | 10131 | 20191016174603 |
Dorsal tarsometatarsal ligaments | 15209852 | 0 | 1108 | 20191016175225 |
Ductuli aberrantes | 8004761 | 0 | 1063 | 20191013092801 |
Emboliform nucleus | 10822638 | 0 | 3334 | 20191016175014 |
Endolymphatic duct | 5534082 | 0 | 1342 | 20191016174723 |
Endolymphatic sac | 5534864 | 0 | 2199 | 20191016174723 |
Eparterial bronchus | 7244146 | 0 | 1708 | 20191016174834 |
Epitrochleoanconeus muscle | 48028648 | 0 | 7642 | 20191009005425 |
Esophageal plexus | 6989133 | 0 | 2707 | 20191020095151 |
Excretory duct of seminal gland | 8044790 | 0 | 1535 | 20191019081507 |
External iliac lymph nodes | 5175657 | 0 | 2400 | 20191013092737 |
External jugular vein | 1516229 | 0 | 4586 | 20191016174342 |
External spermatic fascia | 7772268 | 0 | 1379 | 20191013092800 |
External vertebral venous plexuses | 7136804 | 0 | 1423 | 20191016174828 |
Extraperitoneal fat | 14608643 | 0 | 1630 | 20191013092825 |
Extrinsic extensor muscles of the hand | 34209127 | 0 | 13512 | 20191010191302 |
Facial lymph nodes | 15765472 | 0 | 1142 | 20190930210919 |
Falciform ligament | 4348923 | 0 | 3505 | 20191016174626 |
Fascia lata | 4110796 | 0 | 7803 | 20191016174610 |
Fascia of Camper | 5006431 | 0 | 2546 | 20191013092737 |
Fascia of Colles | 4787370 | 0 | 2657 | 20191020103546 |
Fascia of Scarpa | 5006430 | 0 | 4596 | 20191020103547 |
Fastigial nucleus | 2486859 | 0 | 3906 | 20191016174454 |
Femoral canal | 4954824 | 0 | 2628 | 20191016174656 |
Femoral sheath | 5174941 | 0 | 3014 | 20191013092737 |
Fibular collateral ligament | 4902532 | 0 | 5819 | 20191016174654 |
Fifth metatarsal bone | 8594454 | 0 | 9052 | 20191015172454 |
Filum terminale | 1642706 | 0 | 4244 | 20191016174357 |
Fimbriated fold of tongue | 5312289 | 0 | 1709 | 20191013092738 |
First metatarsal bone | 8594466 | 0 | 5060 | 20191015172454 |
Flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle | 3936752 | 0 | 1619 | 20191013092732 |
Flexor hallucis brevis muscle | 3042962 | 0 | 3228 | 20191016174524 |
Flexor retinaculum of foot | 5344040 | 0 | 1924 | 20191020103548 |
Flexor retinaculum of the hand | 3996438 | 0 | 6054 | 20191016174605 |
Fold of left vena cava | 4771445 | 0 | 1161 | 20191016174649 |
Folium vermis | 17100690 | 0 | 1226 | 20191020103548 |
Foramen rotundum | 3988821 | 0 | 3151 | 20191016174605 |
Foramen singulare | 4953446 | 0 | 1423 | 20191016174656 |
Fourth metatarsal bone | 8594458 | 0 | 5263 | 20191015172454 |
Frontopontine fibers | 5299964 | 0 | 2298 | 20191019134401 |
Ganglion cell layer | 6579743 | 0 | 1394 | 20191016174809 |
Ganglion impar | 4947683 | 0 | 2584 | 20191016174656 |
Gastric lymph nodes | 14391333 | 0 | 1560 | 20191013092825 |
Gastric mucosa | 8235380 | 0 | 5505 | 20191016174905 |
Gastric pits | 8135815 | 0 | 2763 | 20191016174901 |
General somatic afferent fibers | 7304569 | 0 | 1549 | 20191013092800 |
General visceral efferent fibers | 4712300 | 0 | 1816 | 20191013092735 |
Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve | 7904079 | 0 | 2524 | 20191020103802 |
Germinal epithelium | 8190565 | 0 | 2611 | 20191013092801 |
Germinal epithelium | 8190798 | 0 | 1628 | 20191013092801 |
Glenohumeral ligaments | 5877571 | 0 | 5085 | 20191016174742 |
Glenoid labrum | 5877603 | 0 | 4266 | 20191016174742 |
Glenoid tubercles | 40582535 | 0 | 2690 | 20191016180304 |
Globose nucleus | 2486071 | 0 | 1197 | 20191016174454 |
Golgi tendon organ | 47211117 | 0 | 9731 | 20191017135136 |
Gray ramus communicans | 4711462 | 0 | 4096 | 20191016174647 |
Great auricular nerve | 293759 | 0 | 2520 | 20191016174043 |
Greater palatine foramen | 4535271 | 0 | 2337 | 20191016174640 |
Greater palatine nerve | 6166215 | 0 | 2118 | 20191016174756 |
Groove for transverse sinus | 32454857 | 0 | 1825 | 20191016175947 |
Helicis major | 6165387 | 0 | 2819 | 20191016174756 |
Helicis minor | 6165385 | 0 | 2921 | 20191016174756 |
Hepatic plexus | 6905583 | 0 | 1492 | 20191016174824 |
Hiatus for greater petrosal nerve | 4886553 | 0 | 1033 | 20191016174653 |
Horizontal fissure of cerebellum | 4346810 | 0 | 1126 | 20191016174626 |
Horizontal plate of palatine bone | 4885240 | 0 | 2253 | 20191016174653 |
Humeroradial joint | 8849113 | 0 | 5728 | 20191016174923 |
Humeroulnar joint | 8849119 | 0 | 3271 | 20191016174923 |
Hypoglossal trigone | 10824077 | 0 | 1231 | 20191016175014 |
Ileocecal fold | 7994927 | 0 | 1410 | 20191016174856 |
Ileocolic lymph nodes | 14521766 | 0 | 1504 | 20191013092825 |
Iliac colon | 8064424 | 0 | 1175 | 20191013092801 |
Iliac crest | 5000184 | 0 | 5362 | 20191016174658 |
Iliac tuberosity | 5518912 | 0 | 1407 | 20191016174722 |
Iliohypogastric nerve | 3956127 | 0 | 3682 | 20191016174604 |
Iliolumbar ligament | 5518286 | 0 | 2954 | 20191020113328 |
Iliopubic eminence | 4981868 | 0 | 1356 | 20191013092737 |
Iliopubic tract | 5175187 | 0 | 1491 | 20191016174708 |
Iliotibial tract | 4226156 | 0 | 6374 | 20191016174618 |
Incisive canals | 4534742 | 0 | 1246 | 20191016174640 |
Indusium griseum | 5279981 | 0 | 2301 | 20191021181044 |
Inferior cerebellar peduncle | 2486062 | 0 | 3785 | 20191016174454 |
Inferior cerebral veins | 4614106 | 0 | 1274 | 20191016174642 |
Inferior costal facet | 7040322 | 0 | 998 | 20191013092758 |
Inferior extensor retinaculum of foot | 4901937 | 0 | 2042 | 20191020110232 |
Inferior ganglion of vagus nerve | 5068111 | 0 | 1573 | 20191021181044 |
Inferior gluteal nerve | 3934834 | 0 | 16268 | 20191016174603 |
Inferior hypogastric plexus | 6577014 | 0 | 3423 | 20191013092749 |
Inferior medullary velum | 10684289 | 0 | 1463 | 20191013092807 |
Inferior mesenteric ganglion | 5157072 | 0 | 1114 | 20191016174707 |
Inferior olivary nucleus | 1543695 | 0 | 10949 | 20191016174346 |
Inferior ophthalmic vein | 4479949 | 0 | 1208 | 20191016174636 |
Inferior orbital fissure | 4380890 | 0 | 2622 | 20191020024748 |
Inferior parietal lobule | 4335624 | 0 | 5833 | 20191016174625 |
Inferior petrosal sinus | 3892293 | 0 | 1616 | 20191016174602 |
Inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle | 3101574 | 0 | 4250 | 20191016174528 |
Inferior pubic ramus | 7025702 | 0 | 2007 | 20191016174826 |
Inferior sagittal sinus | 3892284 | 0 | 1679 | 20191016174602 |
Inferior thyroid veins | 4479873 | 0 | 1829 | 20191016174636 |
Inferior tibiofibular joint | 5520280 | 0 | 2174 | 20191016174722 |
Inferior transverse ligament of the tibiofibular syndesmosis | 5521808 | 0 | 1464 | 20191013092738 |
Infrapatellar branch of saphenous nerve | 15334378 | 0 | 1887 | 20191020111552 |
Infraspinous fascia | 6127918 | 0 | 909 | 20191016174754 |
Infratemporal crest | 4886238 | 0 | 1412 | 20191016174653 |
Infratrochlear nerve | 4488888 | 0 | 1716 | 20191016174637 |
Infundibulum | 4909504 | 0 | 1345 | 20191016174654 |
Intercarpal joints | 5878486 | 0 | 5576 | 20191013092741 |
Intercavernous sinuses | 4469765 | 0 | 1079 | 20191013092735 |
Interchondral articulations | 6177578 | 0 | 1420 | 20191020113328 |
Interclavicular ligament | 5878689 | 0 | 1181 | 20191016174742 |
Intercostal lymph nodes | 13521530 | 0 | 1362 | 20191013092823 |
Intercostobrachial nerve | 4490116 | 0 | 2385 | 20191020113920 |
Intercrural fibres of superficial inguinal ring | 6867701 | 0 | 1904 | 20191016174821 |
Intercuneiform joints | 5878296 | 0 | 1820 | 20191016174742 |
Interfoveolar ligament | 4001824 | 0 | 1169 | 20191016174605 |
Interlobular arteries | 8107253 | 0 | 2210 | 20191016174859 |
Intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve | 8915217 | 0 | 1483 | 20191016174924 |
Intermetatarsal joints | 5878164 | 0 | 1979 | 20191016174742 |
Internal carotid plexus | 4517912 | 0 | 2414 | 20191016174639 |
Internal cerebral veins | 5616946 | 0 | 1456 | 20191020114309 |
Internal iliac lymph nodes | 8021275 | 0 | 2144 | 20191013092801 |
Internal spermatic fascia | 7772433 | 0 | 1348 | 20191013092800 |
Internal urethral sphincter | 14099084 | 0 | 5471 | 20191020121409 |
Internal vertebral venous plexuses | 7136807 | 0 | 2331 | 20191016174828 |
Interosseous membrane of leg | 7054506 | 0 | 2593 | 20191016174827 |
Interosseous talocalcaneal ligament | 4366927 | 0 | 1435 | 20191016174628 |
Interphalangeal joints of the hand | 4134222 | 0 | 9007 | 20191016174611 |
Interspinales muscles | 2283884 | 0 | 1732 | 20191016174445 |
Interspinous ligament | 6176548 | 0 | 2392 | 20191020113328 |
Interthalamic adhesion | 3654409 | 0 | 3650 | 20191019134401 |
Intertransversarii | 2283913 | 0 | 2892 | 20191016174445 |
Intertransverse ligament | 6176626 | 0 | 1725 | 20191020113328 |
Intertubercular plane | 4890630 | 0 | 1525 | 20191016174653 |
Intervertebral foramen | 5335253 | 0 | 3403 | 20191016174713 |
Intra-articular ligament of head of rib | 7331342 | 0 | 1490 | 20191020113328 |
Intrapulmonary nodes | 27856977 | 0 | 1713 | 20190930211245 |
Investing layer of deep cervical fascia | 8674149 | 0 | 4269 | 20191020121834 |
Ischial tuberosity | 4787682 | 0 | 3985 | 20191016174650 |
Ischiopubic ramus | 7944997 | 0 | 1294 | 20191016174853 |
Isthmus of cingulate gyrus | 25077721 | 0 | 1134 | 20191016175636 |
Jugular lymph trunk | 9532076 | 0 | 1097 | 20191016174941 |
Labial glands | 8769414 | 0 | 1504 | 20191016174921 |
Labioscrotal swelling | 4851445 | 0 | 2140 | 20191016174651 |
Lacrimal sac | 4816434 | 0 | 2560 | 20191016174650 |
Lagena | 5534162 | 0 | 1239 | 20191013092738 |
Lamina affixa | 13936469 | 0 | 2655 | 20191019134401 |
Lamina terminalis | 4513113 | 0 | 3474 | 20191022114607 |
Lateral aperture | 4815734 | 0 | 1946 | 20191020085649 |
Lateral collateral ligament of ankle joint | 6985840 | 0 | 1390 | 20191020124218 |
Lateral corticospinal tract | 5134196 | 0 | 4835 | 20191016174705 |
Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm | 4193954 | 0 | 2747 | 20191020131506 |
Lateral funiculus | 4911497 | 0 | 1253 | 20191016174654 |
Lateral grey column | 4942572 | 0 | 17267 | 20191016174656 |
Lateral meniscus | 4134482 | 0 | 4827 | 20191016174611 |
Lateral occipital sulcus | 10823454 | 0 | 1373 | 20191015092053 |
Lateral palpebral raphe | 8727303 | 0 | 930 | 20191013092803 |
Lateral parts of occipital bone | 4615436 | 0 | 4399 | 20191016174642 |
Lateral pectoral nerve | 4490601 | 0 | 5234 | 20191016174637 |
Lateral plantar nerve | 4785196 | 0 | 2058 | 20191016174650 |
Lateral plate mesoderm | 4781874 | 0 | 4723 | 20191016174650 |
Lateral sural cutaneous nerve | 8987785 | 0 | 1313 | 20191016174926 |
Lateral talocalcaneal ligament | 4367174 | 0 | 1068 | 20191016174628 |
Lateral vestibular nucleus | 4953536 | 0 | 3152 | 20191016174656 |
Left triangular ligament | 7866401 | 0 | 1239 | 20191016174851 |
Lens placode | 13192944 | 0 | 1342 | 20191016175133 |
Lesser occipital nerve | 293750 | 0 | 2276 | 20191016174043 |
Lesser palatine foramina | 4535322 | 0 | 1012 | 20191016174640 |
Lesser petrosal nerve | 4684651 | 0 | 3832 | 20191021181044 |
Lesser sciatic notch | 5967603 | 0 | 1387 | 20191016174748 |
Levator muscle of thyroid gland | 5023498 | 0 | 1041 | 20191016174700 |
Levator veli palatini | 3101292 | 0 | 2299 | 20191016174528 |
Levatores costarum muscles | 2283849 | 0 | 1930 | 20191016174445 |
Lingual septum | 5312225 | 0 | 1077 | 20191013092738 |
List of related male and female reproductive organs | 1434492 | 0 | 8530 | 20191013092716 |
Lobules of testis | 7774010 | 0 | 2842 | 20191013092800 |
Long plantar ligament | 4901811 | 0 | 1677 | 20191016174653 |
Longus capitis muscle | 3042457 | 0 | 2212 | 20191016174524 |
Lower subscapular nerve | 4489689 | 0 | 1196 | 20191013160020 |
Lumbar enlargement | 7036343 | 0 | 1289 | 20191016174826 |
Lumbar lymph trunk | 8078701 | 0 | 1191 | 20191016174859 |
Lumboinguinal nerve | 5175087 | 0 | 2403 | 20191020140526 |
Lumbricals of the foot | 3042981 | 0 | 2366 | 20191016174524 |
Lung bud | 8599468 | 0 | 6383 | 20191016174916 |
Macula of saccule | 11599917 | 0 | 2924 | 20191016175039 |
Macula of utricle | 11599879 | 0 | 2600 | 20191016175039 |
Major duodenal papilla | 7881284 | 0 | 3325 | 20191016174851 |
Major sublingual duct | 8297574 | 0 | 1147 | 20191016174906 |
Mandibular canal | 4507310 | 0 | 2663 | 20191016174639 |
Mandibular prominence | 15748404 | 0 | 1317 | 20191016175238 |
Marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve | 5336067 | 0 | 3214 | 20191021181044 |
Masseteric fascia | 4942053 | 0 | 971 | 20191016174656 |
Mastoid cells | 5396593 | 0 | 1658 | 20191016174715 |
Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm | 4194031 | 0 | 3278 | 20191019014207 |
Medial dorsal cutaneous nerve | 8915219 | 0 | 1163 | 20191016174924 |
Medial eminence of floor of fourth ventricle | 9326262 | 0 | 1871 | 20191019134401 |
Medial frontal gyrus | 24941113 | 0 | 1642 | 20191016175632 |
Medial meniscus | 4134469 | 0 | 7831 | 20191016174611 |
Medial palpebral ligament | 5170566 | 0 | 1328 | 20191016174708 |
Medial pectoral nerve | 3142455 | 0 | 1935 | 20191016174529 |
Medial plantar nerve | 4785120 | 0 | 3626 | 20191016174650 |
Medial pterygoid nerve | 4755077 | 0 | 2040 | 20191016174648 |
Medial sural cutaneous nerve | 8987788 | 0 | 973 | 20191016174926 |
Medial vestibular nucleus | 11208765 | 0 | 1685 | 20191016175023 |
Mediastinum testis | 7772709 | 0 | 2268 | 20191013092800 |
Medullary pyramids | 7112718 | 0 | 5968 | 20191016174828 |
Medullary striae of fourth ventricle | 5240220 | 0 | 1115 | 20191019134401 |
Membrana granulosa | 8191297 | 0 | 1440 | 20191013092801 |
Membranous urethra | 7186305 | 0 | 2319 | 20191013092759 |
Meningeal branch of the mandibular nerve | 4517037 | 0 | 1353 | 20191020152019 |
Mesocolic lymph nodes | 14521764 | 0 | 1045 | 20191013092825 |
Mesorchium | 7773723 | 0 | 1127 | 20191013092800 |
Metacarpophalangeal joint | 3371951 | 0 | 3851 | 20191016174541 |
Midcarpal joint | 8676629 | 0 | 4008 | 20191016174918 |
Middle cerebellar peduncle | 5241375 | 0 | 3325 | 20191019134401 |
Middle cerebral veins | 24928635 | 0 | 2001 | 20190930211156 |
Middle meningeal nerve | 4852058 | 0 | 1007 | 20191020155508 |
Middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle | 3101573 | 0 | 4574 | 20191016174528 |
Mucous membrane of the soft palate | 5407581 | 0 | 1176 | 20191013092738 |
Mucous sheaths of the tendons around the ankle | 24648251 | 0 | 2257 | 20190930211154 |
Mucous sheaths on back of wrist | 24648344 | 0 | 1938 | 20190930211154 |
Multifidus muscle | 3042513 | 0 | 5440 | 20191016174524 |
Muscular branches of the radial nerve | 4633541 | 0 | 1631 | 20191020160248 |
Muscular triangle | 6075624 | 0 | 2482 | 20191016174752 |
Myelin incisure | 7090187 | 0 | 2391 | 20191016174828 |
Mylohyoid line | 4049079 | 0 | 1331 | 20191016174608 |
Nasal meatus | 38137710 | 0 | 3172 | 20190930211508 |
Nerve of pterygoid canal | 4864922 | 0 | 2669 | 20191016174652 |
Nerve to quadratus femoris | 5508309 | 0 | 1291 | 20191016174721 |
Neural groove | 4917453 | 0 | 3609 | 20191016174655 |
Neural plate | 1507044 | 0 | 17910 | 20191016174342 |
Neurenteric canal | 43795828 | 0 | 1152 | 20190930211626 |
Neuroectoderm | 5615268 | 0 | 2553 | 20191016174726 |
Nucleus basalis | 30015554 | 0 | 10706 | 20191021181044 |
Oblique muscle of auricle | 6165383 | 0 | 1370 | 20191016174756 |
Oblique popliteal ligament | 5878595 | 0 | 1886 | 20191016174742 |
Oblique ridges of scapula | 40411941 | 0 | 1832 | 20191015173745 |
Obliquus capitis inferior muscle | 1416734 | 0 | 2513 | 20191016174329 |
Obliquus capitis superior muscle | 1416735 | 0 | 2284 | 20191016174329 |
Obturator internus nerve | 5508188 | 0 | 1516 | 20191016174721 |
Obturator membrane | 4923704 | 0 | 1331 | 20191020113328 |
Occipital lymph nodes | 8492804 | 0 | 1713 | 20191020112709 |
Occipital triangle | 6076560 | 0 | 1708 | 20191013092743 |
Occipital vein | 4604852 | 0 | 1767 | 20191016174641 |
Occipitalis muscle | 2561968 | 0 | 2267 | 20191016174456 |
Occipitofrontal fasciculus | 5269230 | 0 | 2522 | 20191016174710 |
Olivocerebellar tract | 5260648 | 0 | 1332 | 20191016174710 |
Olivospinal tract | 5240935 | 0 | 1005 | 20191020164003 |
Omental foramen | 16973233 | 0 | 2818 | 20191020113101 |
Optic stalk | 4919320 | 0 | 2053 | 20191016174655 |
Orbital fascia | 6165965 | 0 | 2014 | 20191013092745 |
Orbital process of palatine bone | 4885184 | 0 | 2155 | 20191016174653 |
Osseous spiral lamina | 5534741 | 0 | 1671 | 20191016174723 |
Ossification center | 6175955 | 0 | 3187 | 20191016174756 |
Otic pit | 8571643 | 0 | 1003 | 20191016174915 |
Outer nuclear layer | 6579469 | 0 | 2198 | 20191016174809 |
Outer plexiform layer | 6579347 | 0 | 1475 | 20191016174809 |
Oval window | 100095 | 0 | 2174 | 20191016174008 |
Ovarian cortex | 55848598 | 0 | 1711 | 20191015154325 |
Palatine aponeurosis | 4041157 | 0 | 1585 | 20191016174608 |
Palatopharyngeal arch | 5407252 | 0 | 1259 | 20191016174715 |
Palatopharyngeus muscle | 3101544 | 0 | 3527 | 20191016174528 |
Palatovaginal canal | 4865616 | 0 | 2117 | 20191016174652 |
Palmar aponeurosis | 3996523 | 0 | 2991 | 20191016174605 |
Palmar branch of the median nerve | 6017094 | 0 | 1874 | 20191013092742 |
Palmar branch of ulnar nerve | 6016027 | 0 | 2251 | 20191021140057 |
Palmar carpometacarpal ligaments | 9199412 | 0 | 1476 | 20191016174932 |
Palmar radiocarpal ligament | 5877777 | 0 | 2021 | 20191016174742 |
Palmar radioulnar ligament | 9108429 | 0 | 1001 | 20191013092804 |
Pancreatic bud | 8109643 | 0 | 3124 | 20191013092801 |
Papillary duct | 1369579 | 0 | 5665 | 20191021213116 |
Paradidymis | 8004839 | 0 | 1294 | 20191013092801 |
Paramedian reticular nucleus | 9101312 | 0 | 2417 | 20191019134401 |
Pararectal fossa | 7964165 | 0 | 1210 | 20191016174855 |
Pararenal fat | 7131026 | 0 | 1133 | 20191016174828 |
Parasternal lymph nodes | 13302256 | 0 | 2298 | 20191016175137 |
Paravertebral ganglia | 13028328 | 0 | 1518 | 20191013092814 |
Paravesical fossa | 7965051 | 0 | 1136 | 20191016174855 |
Parieto-occipital sulcus | 4249497 | 0 | 6060 | 20191016174620 |
Patellar network | 9125379 | 0 | 4713 | 20191016174929 |
Pectoral axillary lymph nodes | 8661943 | 0 | 1620 | 20191013092802 |
Pelvic brim | 4796910 | 0 | 1609 | 20191013092736 |
Pelvic fascia | 7902994 | 0 | 3363 | 20191016174852 |
Perforating cutaneous nerve | 3958939 | 0 | 1708 | 20191016174604 |
Pericardial sinus | 4506081 | 0 | 1645 | 20191016174639 |
Perineal branches of posterior femoral cutaneous nerve | 8347685 | 0 | 1424 | 20191021142946 |
Perineal membrane | 6983406 | 0 | 3613 | 20191016174826 |
Perineal raphe | 6098286 | 0 | 2277 | 20191016174753 |
Permanent teeth | 3212406 | 0 | 3737 | 20191021214356 |
Peroneal retinacula | 4901898 | 0 | 1344 | 20191013092737 |
Petro-occipital fissure | 4735425 | 0 | 1279 | 20191016174647 |
Petrosquamous suture | 4673624 | 0 | 1868 | 20191016174645 |
Petrotympanic fissure | 4886342 | 0 | 3023 | 20191016174653 |
Petrous part of the temporal bone | 4614550 | 0 | 12363 | 20191020161018 |
Pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve | 5395446 | 0 | 2151 | 20191021181044 |
Pharyngeal branches of glossopharyngeal nerve | 8586532 | 0 | 937 | 20191021181044 |
Pharyngobasilar fascia | 9458079 | 0 | 1947 | 20191016174938 |
Phrenic plexus | 6905885 | 0 | 1051 | 20191013092758 |
Piriformis fascia | 7902937 | 0 | 1019 | 20191016174852 |
Pisohamate ligament | 5391229 | 0 | 976 | 20191016174714 |
Plantar arch | 6684786 | 0 | 1270 | 20191016174812 |
Plantar calcaneocuboid ligament | 5877887 | 0 | 1552 | 20191016174742 |
Plantar calcaneonavicular ligament | 5877928 | 0 | 2536 | 20191016174742 |
Plantar interossei muscles | 3042969 | 0 | 3134 | 20191020084126 |
Plantar metatarsal veins | 9149911 | 0 | 1024 | 20191016174930 |
Plantar tarsometatarsal ligaments | 15209854 | 0 | 965 | 20191016175225 |
Plantar venous arch | 8233195 | 0 | 1209 | 20191016174904 |
Popliteal lymph nodes | 8633756 | 0 | 2464 | 20191013092802 |
Posterior atlantoaxial ligament | 8691186 | 0 | 1087 | 20191020113328 |
Posterior atlantooccipital membrane | 8691267 | 0 | 2574 | 20191016174918 |
Posterior auricular nerve | 5336264 | 0 | 1787 | 20191021181044 |
Posterior auricular vein | 4604821 | 0 | 1107 | 20191016174641 |
Posterior branch of coccygeal nerve | 12944959 | 0 | 872 | 20191013092814 |
Posterior branches of cervical nerves | 12945323 | 0 | 4522 | 20191013092814 |
Posterior branches of sacral nerves | 8886722 | 0 | 1088 | 20191013092803 |
Posterior branches of the lumbar nerves | 12945085 | 0 | 1168 | 20191013092814 |
Posterior branches of thoracic nerves | 12944873 | 0 | 2437 | 20191013092813 |
Posterior cardinal vein | 31850239 | 0 | 1738 | 20191016175930 |
Posterior commissure | 4935266 | 0 | 1748 | 20191021181044 |
Posterior cutaneous nerve of arm | 5151928 | 0 | 1537 | 20191016174706 |
Posterior cutaneous nerve of forearm | 5151926 | 0 | 2159 | 20191021154037 |
Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh | 3934742 | 0 | 3040 | 20191017205821 |
Posterior intermuscular septum of leg | 15337892 | 0 | 1206 | 20191016175227 |
Posterior interventricular sulcus | 5478142 | 0 | 1054 | 20191016174720 |
Posterior lacrimal crest | 4886610 | 0 | 1591 | 20191016174653 |
Posterior ligament of elbow | 5974795 | 0 | 1572 | 20191013092742 |
Posterior longitudinal ligament | 5873238 | 0 | 2899 | 20191020113328 |
Posterior median sulcus of medulla oblongata | 10820943 | 0 | 1745 | 20191016175014 |
Posterior nasal spine | 4885732 | 0 | 1388 | 20191016174653 |
Posterior perforated substance | 5260344 | 0 | 1601 | 20191019134401 |
Posterior sacrococcygeal ligament | 5873617 | 0 | 3116 | 20191020113328 |
Posterior spinal veins | 13432928 | 0 | 1025 | 20191016175142 |
Posterior sternoclavicular ligament | 4680967 | 0 | 989 | 20191016174645 |
Posterior superior alveolar nerve | 4864746 | 0 | 2375 | 20191016174652 |
Posterior talofibular ligament | 7013705 | 0 | 1025 | 20191016174826 |
Posterior tibiofibular ligament | 5521945 | 0 | 1154 | 20191016174722 |
Posterior triangle of the neck | 4250021 | 0 | 2957 | 20191016174620 |
Posterolateral tract | 5240815 | 0 | 3731 | 20191016174710 |
Preauricular deep parotid lymph nodes | 9532087 | 0 | 2200 | 20191013092804 |
Pretracheal fascia | 8674265 | 0 | 2656 | 20191016174918 |
Prevertebral fascia | 8673960 | 0 | 3742 | 20191016174918 |
Primary fissure of cerebellum | 17199494 | 0 | 1578 | 20191016175311 |
Primary interatrial foramen | 5477961 | 0 | 2834 | 20191016174720 |
Primitive atrium | 4928704 | 0 | 2698 | 20191013092737 |
Primitive ventricle | 4928703 | 0 | 1992 | 20191016174656 |
Prominence of facial canal | 4631451 | 0 | 1012 | 20191016174642 |
Promontory of tympanic cavity | 8614777 | 0 | 1240 | 20191019045839 |
Proper fasciculi | 47890613 | 0 | 2432 | 20191007224138 |
Proper palmar digital nerves of median nerve | 6016792 | 0 | 2802 | 20191016174750 |
Proper palmar digital nerves of ulnar nerve | 15442995 | 0 | 1325 | 20191016175230 |
Prostatic plexus | 6906194 | 0 | 1399 | 20191016174824 |
Prostatic sinus | 4506863 | 0 | 1058 | 20191016174639 |
Proximal radioulnar articulation | 5392113 | 0 | 1038 | 20191016174714 |
Pterygomaxillary fissure | 4518351 | 0 | 1398 | 20191016174639 |
Pterygopalatine nerves | 4852099 | 0 | 2056 | 20191016174651 |
Pudendal venous plexus | 12842593 | 0 | 917 | 20191013092813 |
Pulmonary branches of vagus nerve | 4711721 | 0 | 1547 | 20191021181044 |
Pyramidal eminence | 6142362 | 0 | 1225 | 20191016174755 |
Pyramidal process of palatine bone | 4885214 | 0 | 2064 | 20191016174653 |
Quadrangular space | 8772042 | 0 | 3554 | 20191013092803 |
Radial collateral ligament of wrist joint | 13146078 | 0 | 1453 | 20191016175131 |
Radiate ligament of head of rib | 6177496 | 0 | 1844 | 20191020113328 |
Radiation-induced lumbar plexopathy | 57052173 | 0 | 24599 | 20190930212011 |
Recto-vesical pouch | 7994182 | 0 | 1759 | 20191016174856 |
Rectus capitis anterior muscle | 3042466 | 0 | 2359 | 20191016174524 |
Rectus capitis lateralis muscle | 3042470 | 0 | 2026 | 20191016174524 |
Rectus capitis posterior major muscle | 3042548 | 0 | 2955 | 20191016174524 |
Rectus capitis posterior minor muscle | 3042552 | 0 | 4092 | 20191016174524 |
Rectus femoris muscle | 3042890 | 0 | 6660 | 20191020112347 |
Rectus sheath | 7741213 | 0 | 3788 | 20191016174847 |
Red pulp | 5010912 | 0 | 8473 | 20191013092737 |
Renal plexus | 4490033 | 0 | 2332 | 20191016174637 |
Retinal pigment epithelium | 5307111 | 0 | 8436 | 20191019055025 |
Retropharyngeal space | 4533774 | 0 | 2971 | 20191016174640 |
Rhinal sulcus | 5277935 | 0 | 1131 | 20191016174711 |
Right atrioventricular orifice | 5479223 | 0 | 1069 | 20191016174720 |
Right lymphatic duct | 5011689 | 0 | 2785 | 20191016174659 |
Roof of fourth ventricle | 24911533 | 0 | 996 | 20191021044556 |
Root of penis | 14422946 | 0 | 1776 | 20191016175207 |
Root of the lung | 7145034 | 0 | 3338 | 20191013092759 |
Round window | 4111905 | 0 | 5557 | 20191016174610 |
Sacrococcygeal symphysis | 5522195 | 0 | 5910 | 20191020113328 |
Sacrovertebral angle | 8031750 | 0 | 981 | 20191013092801 |
Salivatory nuclei | 14004872 | 0 | 5423 | 20191021181044 |
Saphenous nerve | 6975037 | 0 | 5281 | 20191016174825 |
Scrotal septum | 45547726 | 0 | 3506 | 20191015173911 |
Second metatarsal bone | 8594465 | 0 | 6992 | 20191015172454 |
Semispinalis muscles | 3042533 | 0 | 3268 | 20191016174524 |
Sensory decussation | 8475854 | 0 | 2760 | 20191013092802 |
Septa of testis | 7911978 | 0 | 1987 | 20191016174853 |
Septum intermedium | 4786259 | 0 | 811 | 20191013092736 |
Septum of the penis | 14423564 | 0 | 1306 | 20191019082804 |
Septum spurium | 5478033 | 0 | 918 | 20191013092738 |
Serratus posterior inferior muscle | 3042572 | 0 | 3344 | 20191016174524 |
Serratus posterior superior muscle | 3042573 | 0 | 3403 | 20191016174524 |
Short ciliary nerves | 4784052 | 0 | 2852 | 20191016174650 |
Solitary lymphatic nodule | 6070432 | 0 | 1859 | 20191016174752 |
Somatopleuric mesenchyme | 5154790 | 0 | 2265 | 20191016174707 |
Sphenoidal conchae | 4380000 | 0 | 1957 | 20191016174629 |
Sphenoidal emissary foramen | 4652041 | 0 | 6318 | 20191016174644 |
Sphenoidal process of palatine bone | 4885171 | 0 | 1885 | 20191016174653 |
Sphenoparietal sinus | 8682386 | 0 | 1264 | 20191016174918 |
Sphenoparietal suture | 4673169 | 0 | 1575 | 20191016174645 |
Sphenopetrosal fissure | 4673261 | 0 | 1007 | 20191013092735 |
Spina vestibuli | 5478251 | 0 | 802 | 20191013092738 |
Spinal veins | 7136811 | 0 | 1547 | 20191016174828 |
Spine of sphenoid bone | 4886082 | 0 | 1635 | 20191016174653 |
Spinotectal tract | 5241043 | 0 | 1691 | 20191019134401 |
Spinothalamic tract | 603063 | 0 | 11351 | 20191020085716 |
Spiral ganglion | 5036465 | 0 | 4107 | 20191019032047 |
Spiral ligament | 8616453 | 0 | 1089 | 20191016174917 |
Splenic lymph nodes | 14391282 | 0 | 1488 | 20191013092825 |
Splenius capitis muscle | 3042538 | 0 | 3591 | 20191016174524 |
Splenius cervicis muscle | 3042544 | 0 | 2547 | 20191016174524 |
Spongy urethra | 7186292 | 0 | 2633 | 20191016174831 |
Squamous part of temporal bone | 4614542 | 0 | 5869 | 20191016174642 |
Sternocostal joints | 5408626 | 0 | 1028 | 20191020113328 |
Stomodeum | 4782087 | 0 | 2723 | 20191016174650 |
Straight sinus | 3892227 | 0 | 2459 | 20191020112419 |
Stratum lucidum of hippocampus | 6546126 | 0 | 6049 | 20191013092748 |
Stria vascularis of cochlear duct | 5534484 | 0 | 2027 | 20191016174723 |
Stroma of iris | 7118828 | 0 | 1468 | 20191016174828 |
Stylohyoid branch of facial nerve | 6142710 | 0 | 883 | 20191021181044 |
Stylohyoid ligament | 4018805 | 0 | 1498 | 20191016174607 |
Stylohyoid muscle | 2283764 | 0 | 2798 | 20191016174445 |
Stylomandibular ligament | 4029813 | 0 | 1693 | 20191016174607 |
Stylopharyngeus muscle | 3101682 | 0 | 2727 | 20191016174528 |
Subarcuate fossa | 4734296 | 0 | 2588 | 20191016174647 |
Subcallosal area | 5280090 | 0 | 2218 | 20191016174711 |
Subcallosal gyrus | 5279907 | 0 | 1147 | 20191016174711 |
Subclavian lymph trunk | 15094084 | 0 | 1068 | 20191016175223 |
Subclavian triangle | 6076559 | 0 | 3528 | 20191016174752 |
Subcostal nerve | 5005810 | 0 | 1878 | 20191016174659 |
Subcostalis muscle | 3042581 | 0 | 970 | 20191016174524 |
Subcutaneous tissue of penis | 14423302 | 0 | 1830 | 20191016175207 |
Subcutaneous tissue of perineum | 14520740 | 0 | 1594 | 20191016175211 |
Sublingual nucleus | 5260729 | 0 | 864 | 20191013092738 |
Submandibular duct | 4533381 | 0 | 2368 | 20191016174640 |
Submandibular lymph nodes | 9717877 | 0 | 2608 | 20191013092804 |
Submandibular triangle | 6075611 | 0 | 3636 | 20191016174752 |
Submental triangle | 6075598 | 0 | 2078 | 20191016174752 |
Submucous plexus | 5120707 | 0 | 2518 | 20191016174704 |
Suboccipital triangle | 5286864 | 0 | 3012 | 20191015172310 |
Subscapular axillary lymph nodes | 8661996 | 0 | 1429 | 20191013092802 |
Subscapularis muscle | 3042696 | 0 | 10920 | 20191016174524 |
Substantia gelatinosa of Rolando | 4934919 | 0 | 3363 | 20191016174656 |
Substantia innominata | 5036200 | 0 | 3051 | 20191016174701 |
Subtalar joint | 3940496 | 0 | 5382 | 20191016174604 |
Sulcus limitans | 5309883 | 0 | 1327 | 20191019134401 |
Superficial branch of lateral plantar nerve | 15335954 | 0 | 1158 | 20191016175227 |
Superficial branch of radial nerve | 4633521 | 0 | 3075 | 20191016174642 |
Superficial branch of ulnar nerve | 8908064 | 0 | 1406 | 20191016174924 |
Superficial temporal vein | 4604730 | 0 | 2580 | 20191016174641 |
Superior cerebellar peduncle | 5241330 | 0 | 4444 | 20191019134401 |
Superior cervical ganglion | 4527469 | 0 | 15738 | 20191016174640 |
Superior cistern | 11070779 | 0 | 1210 | 20191016175021 |
Superior costal facet | 7040327 | 0 | 1655 | 20191013092758 |
Superior diaphragmatic lymph nodes | 27857047 | 0 | 1771 | 20190930211245 |
Superior extensor retinaculum of foot | 8168246 | 0 | 1423 | 20191016174902 |
Superior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm | 8009013 | 0 | 1983 | 20191013092801 |
Superior ganglion of vagus nerve | 4620825 | 0 | 1290 | 20191021181044 |
Superior hypogastric plexus | 4714610 | 0 | 2894 | 20191016174647 |
Superior laryngeal nerve | 4488765 | 0 | 7664 | 20191021181044 |
Superior lateral cutaneous nerve of arm | 5151779 | 0 | 1598 | 20191016174706 |
Superior medullary velum | 5274201 | 0 | 2319 | 20191019134401 |
Superior mesenteric ganglion | 5157118 | 0 | 1512 | 20191016174707 |
Superior mesenteric plexus | 5157115 | 0 | 1689 | 20191016174707 |
Superior olivary complex | 4302005 | 0 | 25141 | 20191019134401 |
Superior parietal lobule | 4335526 | 0 | 4091 | 20191016174625 |
Superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle | 3101575 | 0 | 3942 | 20191016174528 |
Superior pubic ramus | 7025637 | 0 | 5291 | 20191016174826 |
Superior tibiofibular joint | 5520283 | 0 | 2847 | 20191013092738 |
Superior vestibular nucleus | 4953625 | 0 | 956 | 20191019134401 |
Suprachoroid lamina | 6598646 | 0 | 1105 | 20191016174810 |
Supraclavicular lymph nodes | 9716849 | 0 | 6106 | 20191013092804 |
Supraclavicular nerves | 4527644 | 0 | 2809 | 20191016174640 |
Supraorbital vein | 4604671 | 0 | 1620 | 20191016174641 |
Suprascapular nerve | 1497350 | 0 | 3337 | 20191016174340 |
Supratrochlear lymph nodes | 8662340 | 0 | 2185 | 20191013092802 |
Supratrochlear nerve | 4279602 | 0 | 2575 | 20191016174622 |
Supravaginal portion of cervix | 8291931 | 0 | 2000 | 20191013092801 |
Sural nerve | 4210791 | 0 | 8268 | 20191018152616 |
Suspensory ligament of ovary | 4764203 | 0 | 3720 | 20191016174649 |
Taenia of fourth ventricle | 6460928 | 0 | 2945 | 20191013092746 |
Tectorial membrane of atlanto-axial joint | 5873436 | 0 | 1440 | 20191020113328 |
Temporal branches of the facial nerve | 6141902 | 0 | 2080 | 20191021181044 |
Temporomandibular ligament | 4029744 | 0 | 1336 | 20191016174607 |
Temporopontine fibers | 5300020 | 0 | 1904 | 20191019134401 |
Tendinous arch of pelvic fascia | 4924762 | 0 | 1419 | 20191016174655 |
Tensor veli palatini muscle | 3101692 | 0 | 3229 | 20191016174528 |
Terminal sulcus | 5312067 | 0 | 1075 | 20191016174712 |
Third metatarsal bone | 8594461 | 0 | 4956 | 20191015172454 |
Thoracodorsal nerve | 3149805 | 0 | 2448 | 20191016174529 |
Thoracoepigastric vein | 7625459 | 0 | 2219 | 20191013092800 |
Thoracolumbar fascia | 4017279 | 0 | 2661 | 20191016174606 |
Trabeculae of corpora cavernosa of penis | 8003465 | 0 | 1772 | 20191016174856 |
Trabeculae of corpus spongiosum of penis | 8003462 | 0 | 1104 | 20191016174856 |
Trabeculae of spleen | 8105167 | 0 | 1116 | 20191013092801 |
Tracheobronchial lymph nodes | 7252941 | 0 | 2154 | 20191013092759 |
Tragicus | 6165290 | 0 | 2114 | 20191016174756 |
Transverse Ligament of the Palmar Aponeurosis | 9128012 | 0 | 1159 | 20191016174929 |
Transverse folds of rectum | 7451826 | 0 | 2877 | 20191016174838 |
Transverse humeral ligament | 5877635 | 0 | 1252 | 20191016174742 |
Transverse metatarsal ligament | 5876772 | 0 | 981 | 20191016174742 |
Transverse muscle of auricle | 6165384 | 0 | 2586 | 20191016174756 |
Transverse occipital sulcus | 24921067 | 0 | 1036 | 20191016175631 |
Transverse tarsal joint | 8711075 | 0 | 1646 | 20191016174920 |
Transversus thoracis muscle | 2338453 | 0 | 2602 | 20191016174448 |
Triangles of the neck | 4242264 | 0 | 2646 | 20191014145839 |
Triangular fibrocartilage | 6985504 | 0 | 21778 | 20191013092758 |
Triangular space | 8887680 | 0 | 3843 | 20191013092803 |
Trigeminal cave | 4864979 | 0 | 1793 | 20191016174652 |
Trigeminal ganglion | 4518103 | 0 | 4865 | 20191021181044 |
Truncus arteriosus | 6811116 | 0 | 5039 | 20191020171713 |
Tuber cinereum | 4513202 | 0 | 3690 | 20191019134401 |
Tuber of vermis | 17100459 | 0 | 940 | 20191007224138 |
Tubuli seminiferi recti | 7772794 | 0 | 1932 | 20191013092800 |
Tunica externa | 8134101 | 0 | 2069 | 20191016174901 |
Tunica vaginalis | 4765461 | 0 | 4644 | 20191013092736 |
Tympanic plexus | 8614627 | 0 | 1434 | 20191021181044 |
Ulnar carpal collateral ligament | 11802918 | 0 | 1016 | 20191013092810 |
Ulnar collateral ligament of elbow joint | 1724891 | 0 | 4399 | 20191016174408 |
Umbilical folds | 7994461 | 0 | 1184 | 20191013092801 |
Uncinate process of pancreas | 6938498 | 0 | 3617 | 20191016174825 |
Urethral sphincters | 14098910 | 0 | 4264 | 20191013092825 |
Urorectal septum | 14115861 | 0 | 1858 | 20191016175201 |
Uterovaginal plexus | 6906121 | 0 | 1120 | 20191016174824 |
Vagal trigone | 8551565 | 0 | 1326 | 20191016174915 |
Vaginal fornix | 7962791 | 0 | 2556 | 20191016174855 |
Vaginal support structures | 56481472 | 0 | 15266 | 20191016181010 |
Vallecula of cerebellum | 15753289 | 0 | 1054 | 20191016175238 |
Ventral cochlear nucleus | 11290240 | 0 | 6024 | 20191019134401 |
Ventral supraoptic decussation | 5259233 | 0 | 1150 | 20191019134401 |
Vesical nervous plexus | 6906244 | 0 | 1104 | 20191016174824 |
Vesico-uterine pouch | 7964475 | 0 | 2245 | 20191016174855 |
Vestibular aqueduct | 5534409 | 0 | 2441 | 20191016174723 |
Vestibular nerve | 3121839 | 0 | 6786 | 20191021181044 |
Vestibular nuclei | 4302331 | 0 | 3747 | 20191021181044 |
Vincula tendina | 5390216 | 0 | 2875 | 20191013092738 |
Vitelline circulation | 4770181 | 0 | 1447 | 20191013092736 |
White pulp | 5010792 | 0 | 4429 | 20191013092737 |
White ramus communicans | 4711461 | 0 | 3512 | 20191016174647 |
Wing of ilium | 4798905 | 0 | 6789 | 20191016174650 |
Zona orbicularis | 5391559 | 0 | 2895 | 20191016174714 |
Zonule of Zinn | 3872608 | 0 | 4834 | 20191016174602 |
Zygomatic process | 5170739 | 0 | 6726 | 20191015172305 |
Title | Page ID | Namespace | Size (bytes) | Last change |
10–20 system | 9427254 | 0 | 11346 | 20191021031546 |
12-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid | 24796896 | 0 | 65255 | 20191014165645 |
4-Androstene-3,6,17-trione | 5048486 | 0 | 7547 | 20191014165624 |
4-Hydroxytestosterone | 10951718 | 0 | 2957 | 20191014165628 |
5-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid | 14713923 | 0 | 48047 | 20191014165632 |
5-Oxo-eicosatetraenoic acid | 47891463 | 0 | 30925 | 20191014165729 |
6-Hydroxymelatonin | 47156736 | 0 | 3587 | 20191015005509 |
AANAT | 39938812 | 0 | 1567 | 20191016082832 |
ANNINE-6plus | 23903285 | 0 | 3007 | 20191014165643 |
Absorption | 8127859 | 0 | 21738 | 20190917094810 |
Absorption of water | 31293986 | 0 | 6016 | 20191007104414 |
Acid ash hypothesis | 55098697 | 0 | 8062 | 20191001103720 |
Acid growth | 9600102 | 0 | 2459 | 20190907044051 |
Acid-sensing ion channel | 25327696 | 0 | 20857 | 20191013114842 |
Acid–base homeostasis | 8412074 | 0 | 23019 | 20191014122127 |
Acquired characteristic | 23251776 | 0 | 44769 | 20191010191228 |
Actigraphy | 3832875 | 0 | 17023 | 20191011234036 |
Action potential pulse | 53877635 | 0 | 4999 | 20191013200355 |
Activation-synthesis hypothesis | 30875305 | 0 | 20340 | 20190907054240 |
Active zone | 31153340 | 0 | 22724 | 20191016175909 |
Acute muscle soreness | 6074785 | 0 | 2052 | 20191016190336 |
Adaptation | 554130 | 0 | 45062 | 20191021062511 |
Adequate stimulus | 569522 | 0 | 10801 | 20190907035123 |
Adrian Thomas | 55692158 | 0 | 10349 | 20191016180939 |
Advanced sleep phase disorder | 231017 | 0 | 21607 | 20191014092559 |
Afterhyperpolarization | 14252918 | 0 | 3846 | 20190714115529 |
Aggregate modulus | 31117483 | 0 | 961 | 20190720080135 |
Agraphesthesia | 25220472 | 0 | 3144 | 20161006223434 |
Air flow ball | 29644598 | 0 | 976 | 20190720075910 |
Ali Mobasheri | 37321094 | 0 | 3478 | 20191016180151 |
Alison Heather | 58424284 | 0 | 5626 | 20191016181116 |
All-or-none law | 8369300 | 0 | 6268 | 20190926042053 |
Allergic inflammation | 6862956 | 0 | 5524 | 20190908144714 |
Allostasis | 4948308 | 0 | 11248 | 20191010191136 |
Allow natural death | 31725255 | 0 | 2618 | 20190907054459 |
Alveolar gas equation | 9185674 | 0 | 3849 | 20191001002211 |
Alveolar–arterial gradient | 11201354 | 0 | 7112 | 20190907044518 |
American Physiological Society | 21896456 | 0 | 12498 | 20190926012509 |
American Society of Biomechanics | 54568128 | 0 | 9302 | 20190911171641 |
Amplitude integrated electroencephalography | 49895047 | 0 | 3981 | 20190907184806 |
Animal tooth development | 3435458 | 0 | 8152 | 20190911214726 |
Anode break excitation | 38287615 | 0 | 1610 | 20190907060306 |
Anthesis | 5942223 | 0 | 1902 | 20191016174745 |
Anti-Hebbian learning | 14756009 | 0 | 5270 | 20190818191406 |
Anticor | 3740763 | 0 | 1712 | 20190907041706 |
Antidromic | 4343044 | 0 | 993 | 20191007224140 |
Antitranspirant | 718507 | 0 | 1578 | 20190815092226 |
Apical dominance | 209825 | 0 | 7572 | 20190907034603 |
Aquatic feeding mechanisms | 28103715 | 0 | 14011 | 20190908053043 |
Aralkylamine N-acetyltransferase | 9578853 | 0 | 25616 | 20190923110206 |
ArcLight | 52728309 | 0 | 868 | 20190907064255 |
Arcuate nucleus | 3691284 | 0 | 1858 | 20191019125148 |
Arteriovenous oxygen difference | 31638472 | 0 | 7825 | 20191002161438 |
Arthropod exoskeleton | 18457721 | 0 | 11761 | 20191002161442 |
Artificial cerebrospinal fluid | 53621281 | 0 | 1176 | 20191007224140 |
Ascent of sap | 3808422 | 0 | 4951 | 20190911091307 |
Asker Jeukendrup | 32567001 | 0 | 7641 | 20191016175951 |
Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback | 16838344 | 0 | 17741 | 20191005033153 |
Autapse | 38946837 | 0 | 17438 | 20190907060452 |
Automated patch clamp | 37688150 | 0 | 18350 | 20190918204914 |
Autumn leaf color | 7454563 | 0 | 26159 | 20191016174838 |
Auxesis | 24884394 | 0 | 1150 | 20190907052807 |
Avishag Zahavi | 6957120 | 0 | 2204 | 20191020112620 |
Awareness contexts | 61202092 | 0 | 2966 | 20190927234419 |
Axonal transport | 2957025 | 0 | 20728 | 20191011095243 |
BK channel | 463847 | 0 | 31331 | 20190922120628 |
Bacterial circadian rhythm | 22398456 | 0 | 31256 | 20190907052050 |
Ball and chain inactivation | 46226557 | 0 | 21489 | 20190908134103 |
Baroreflex | 1174240 | 0 | 12645 | 20190907035752 |
Basal electrical rhythm | 16735999 | 0 | 8252 | 20190907050330 |
Basics of blue flower colouration | 55819873 | 0 | 14940 | 20190907065153 |
Basics of white flower colouration | 57374888 | 0 | 3382 | 20190907065820 |
Bathmotropic | 17194102 | 0 | 7852 | 20190907050439 |
Behavioural responses to stress | 55261687 | 0 | 11370 | 20191010191428 |
Bell–Magendie law | 29559877 | 0 | 10033 | 20190915173213 |
Beltian body | 17822734 | 0 | 2299 | 20190927080252 |
Beneficial acclimation hypothesis | 19633010 | 0 | 9050 | 20190907051200 |
Biased Competition Theory | 35982062 | 0 | 22441 | 20190907055610 |
Bidomain model | 23470492 | 0 | 15607 | 20190927213252 |
Bioamplifier | 13358716 | 0 | 16474 | 20190907045322 |
Biochemistry of body odor | 58552243 | 0 | 11036 | 20190907070157 |
Biodemography of human longevity | 4140679 | 0 | 4409 | 20190907041911 |
Bioelectrogenesis | 28267142 | 0 | 10355 | 20190907053656 |
Biofluid dynamics | 52242569 | 0 | 18864 | 20190904205423 |
Biology of trust | 55490095 | 0 | 7121 | 20190907065040 |
Biomass allocation | 61082237 | 0 | 11864 | 20190907070936 |
Biomechanics of sprint running | 33989922 | 0 | 15080 | 20191019202835 |
Biomineralising polychaete | 37039467 | 0 | 4010 | 20190907055930 |
Biopac student lab | 22905049 | 0 | 7313 | 20190414074515 |
Biosequestration | 24603722 | 0 | 43997 | 20191017115324 |
Biostratinomy | 6917263 | 0 | 2857 | 20190828203334 |
Blood–testis barrier | 2396039 | 0 | 5249 | 20191013092721 |
Body broker | 55621601 | 0 | 3945 | 20190907065103 |
Body donation | 3251004 | 0 | 16426 | 20191019190535 |
Body transfer illusion | 27414898 | 0 | 11595 | 20190424034500 |
Bohr equation | 16807445 | 0 | 5009 | 20190911114915 |
Bone exercise monitor | 5477219 | 0 | 2018 | 20190228210433 |
Bone remodeling period | 31056963 | 0 | 5123 | 20190304015107 |
Bradyspory | 23520318 | 0 | 476 | 20190720074550 |
Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature Profiling | 53466077 | 0 | 7674 | 20191015221138 |
Brain Imaging Data Structure | 56507383 | 0 | 4885 | 20191009005442 |
Brain-body interaction | 58042394 | 0 | 7042 | 20190907070018 |
Brainstem death | 26700042 | 0 | 17931 | 20190828203334 |
Brainsway | 38200330 | 0 | 9285 | 20191020114129 |
Brazilian Society of Physiology | 12824909 | 0 | 2117 | 20190915031709 |
Bristol stool scale | 3407240 | 0 | 34704 | 20191014161208 |
Bruce protocol | 16359715 | 0 | 7507 | 20190907050247 |
Bursting | 4360231 | 0 | 22181 | 20190927103129 |
Cable theory | 6299994 | 0 | 15058 | 20190930162308 |
Calcium channel | 1513441 | 0 | 8185 | 20190907040059 |
Calcium metabolism | 419952 | 0 | 29502 | 20191020210913 |
Canadian Society for Biomechanics | 11726660 | 0 | 1175 | 20160113234405 |
Canopy conductance | 41647880 | 0 | 1691 | 20191003215927 |
Cardiac Electrophysiology Society | 44764043 | 0 | 639 | 20190907062224 |
Cardiac reserve | 41327903 | 0 | 1891 | 20191002082909 |
Cardiac transient outward potassium current | 27037063 | 0 | 5696 | 20190907053341 |
Carphologia | 13788471 | 0 | 1631 | 20191020112930 |
Catabiosis | 7675689 | 0 | 1520 | 20190818184633 |
Center of pressure | 35252470 | 0 | 4247 | 20190907055412 |
Central chemoreceptors | 9044845 | 0 | 3400 | 20190907043911 |
Central governor | 20731515 | 0 | 15457 | 20190907051508 |
Central nervous system fatigue | 41120920 | 0 | 27897 | 20190907061153 |
Central pattern generator | 2645238 | 0 | 53117 | 20191012185802 |
Channelome | 23442246 | 0 | 4995 | 20190907052352 |
Channelosome | 28926720 | 0 | 873 | 20190907053827 |
Charles Antzelevitch | 50045759 | 0 | 5112 | 20191016180658 |
Chemoaffinity hypothesis | 25626686 | 0 | 3535 | 20190927163950 |
Chemoreceptor trigger zone | 1487780 | 0 | 17662 | 20191006105121 |
Chemotaxis assay | 7265847 | 0 | 9600 | 20191014090101 |
Cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway | 11509270 | 0 | 5279 | 20190907044610 |
Cholinesterase inhibitor | 23275770 | 0 | 5359 | 20191021224551 |
Chronaxie | 5233392 | 0 | 18692 | 20190907042429 |
Chronobiotic | 33476811 | 0 | 2055 | 20190907054935 |
Chronotherapy | 699090 | 0 | 5492 | 20190930210313 |
Chronotype | 14016472 | 0 | 26414 | 20191019175209 |
Circasemidian rhythm | 25162180 | 0 | 6701 | 20180619094853 |
Clasp-knife response | 11090613 | 0 | 3043 | 20191001101238 |
Climacteric | 22890665 | 0 | 2037 | 20190907052230 |
Clinical Neurophysiology | 43033444 | 0 | 3882 | 20191020141555 |
Clinical electrophysiology | 21461679 | 0 | 6176 | 20190907051737 |
Clinical physiology | 40351046 | 0 | 5188 | 20190907060916 |
Closing capacity | 12828135 | 0 | 1934 | 20191005184826 |
Collagen gel contraction assay | 25432258 | 0 | 509 | 20190720075022 |
Combat endurance | 26423397 | 0 | 3859 | 20191019202831 |
Combined drug intoxication | 10293733 | 0 | 18872 | 20191010035523 |
Cometabolism | 2999211 | 0 | 7514 | 20190907041241 |
Common raven physiology | 41156402 | 0 | 33437 | 20190907061200 |
Commutation | 5129781 | 0 | 1739 | 20191007224140 |
Comparative physiology | 9435784 | 0 | 14615 | 20190918204909 |
Compartmentalization of decay in trees | 3841372 | 0 | 6016 | 20190918223914 |
Compensatory conductance | 58037802 | 0 | 1551 | 20190907070017 |
Complete glucose breakdown | 3965931 | 0 | 4106 | 20191015013737 |
Compliance | 1072223 | 0 | 9214 | 20190915001942 |
Compound muscle action potential | 30221341 | 0 | 1540 | 20190907054104 |
Constant routine protocol | 56650758 | 0 | 6187 | 20190907065500 |
Constitution type | 13532213 | 0 | 704 | 20191004181918 |
Control of ventilation | 529870 | 0 | 12499 | 20190907035056 |
Copigmentation | 31048192 | 0 | 3187 | 20190818201225 |
Copulation | 53409225 | 0 | 25123 | 20191002172839 |
Core | 7974163 | 0 | 6708 | 20190907043548 |
Corneometry | 59790227 | 0 | 944 | 20190918115434 |
Coronary perfusion pressure | 25578630 | 0 | 1427 | 20190907052957 |
Cortex | 1884746 | 0 | 1924 | 20190907040415 |
Cortical cooling | 25259743 | 0 | 24105 | 20180203141306 |
Corticomuscular coherence | 47713738 | 0 | 5064 | 20190907062957 |
Cough center | 13647847 | 0 | 3380 | 20190203035447 |
Countercurrent exchange | 171317 | 0 | 38586 | 20191022165103 |
Crenation | 2142202 | 0 | 3222 | 20190907040619 |
Critical thermal maximum | 20096923 | 0 | 790 | 20190720073727 |
Crop coefficient | 13885392 | 0 | 2614 | 20190907045449 |
Crown sprouting | 14656069 | 0 | 2836 | 20190907045656 |
Cryptochrome | 1972565 | 0 | 43452 | 20191016202409 |
Cushing reflex | 1149178 | 0 | 27907 | 20191011161747 |
Cutan | 6033433 | 0 | 2643 | 20190907042824 |
Cyclic alternating pattern | 1677606 | 0 | 5285 | 20190923092443 |
Cyclomorphosis | 53959022 | 0 | 917 | 20190907064643 |
Cytorrhysis | 1597688 | 0 | 7212 | 20190907040146 |
DORN1 | 42890548 | 0 | 4003 | 20190907061711 |
Daisyworld | 216410 | 0 | 16254 | 20190917125638 |
Dale's principle | 1939870 | 0 | 7934 | 20191011103719 |
Dark therapy | 6997434 | 0 | 3474 | 20191014105438 |
David Eisner | 53914793 | 0 | 11902 | 20191016180849 |
Davis's law | 8007886 | 0 | 8904 | 20190907043553 |
Dawn simulation | 7074545 | 0 | 5427 | 20190928195422 |
Dead space | 274165 | 0 | 13870 | 20191019111909 |
Death Risk Rankings | 24162452 | 0 | 6710 | Hadeel Khatib |
Deconditioning | 14471804 | 0 | 1533 | 20190907045623 |
Demetrius of Apamea | 5879608 | 0 | 695 | 20190907042737 |
Dendritic spike | 20512936 | 0 | 22830 | 20190907051429 |
Deployment cost–benefit selection in physiology | 20693354 | 0 | 15044 | 20190916170128 |
Depolarization-induced suppression of inhibition | 3515701 | 0 | 12940 | 20190907041547 |
Depolarizing prepulse | 25260082 | 0 | 14883 | 20190907052904 |
Dermal equivalent | 25432204 | 0 | 1154 | 20190907052924 |
Destarch | 20710642 | 0 | 1494 | 20190907051504 |
Developmental plasticity | 25253854 | 0 | 19804 | 20190907052903 |
Diapause | 1221281 | 0 | 20976 | 20191001164511 |
Diaphragmatic excursion | 12101606 | 0 | 1492 | 20190907044806 |
Diffusing capacity | 195745 | 0 | 22624 | 20190927213252 |
Digital autopsy | 48750373 | 0 | 15415 | 20191009025915 |
Direct DNA damage | 15755697 | 0 | 4695 | 20191022161821 |
Disposal of human corpses | 1839443 | 0 | 23454 | 20191011141613 |
Diving reflex | 446596 | 0 | 23976 | 20191019174047 |
Dog odor | 6281707 | 0 | 7740 | 20191022130154 |
Donal T. Manahan | 31919054 | 0 | 5626 | 20191016175933 |
Doubletime | 39066649 | 0 | 25406 | 20191003234950 |
Dromotropic | 8280950 | 0 | 3287 | 20191001013140 |
Drosophila circadian rhythm | 56144090 | 0 | 25915 | 20190907065304 |
Drought tolerance | 12382101 | 0 | 16827 | 20191013235842 |
Druse | 20845190 | 0 | 6105 | 20190927162645 |
Duodenal cytochrome B | 6552064 | 0 | 4403 | 20191015192637 |
Dynamic compression of the airways | 48171773 | 0 | 2226 | 20190907063103 |
Dynamic similarity | 31425048 | 0 | 7833 | 20191019202833 |
Dysthanasia | 7361571 | 0 | 3731 | 20190907043342 |
E/A ratio | 25700707 | 0 | 7046 | 20190907053016 |
EConnectome | 29529359 | 0 | 2001 | 20190731153517 |
Ear-EEG | 51424676 | 0 | 23196 | 20191005074810 |
Early long-term potentiation | 57426950 | 0 | 15811 | 20190908053106 |
Ecomechanics | 24305647 | 0 | 954 | 20190907052634 |
Ecophysiology | 7173874 | 0 | 27569 | 20191020112629 |
Effects of blue light technology | 49667222 | 0 | 17068 | 20191011120028 |
Effects of high altitude on humans | 9091093 | 0 | 27406 | 20190925163614 |
Elastic mechanisms in animals | 37841887 | 0 | 12805 | 20191018070939 |
Elastic recoil | 8754658 | 0 | 2000 | 20190818185048 |
Electrical impedance myography | 23802163 | 0 | 19772 | 20190929003614 |
Electro-olfactography | 48030765 | 0 | 2974 | 20190930211741 |
Electrocorticography | 3779468 | 0 | 29421 | 20191021182346 |
Electrodiagnostic medicine | 45120819 | 0 | 9936 | 20190930211650 |
Electromyoneurography | 38887220 | 0 | 14407 | 20190908053051 |
Electroneurogram | 13734690 | 0 | 1554 | 20180411120932 |
Electrooculography | 2478738 | 0 | 5240 | 20190930210449 |
Electrophysiological techniques for clinical diagnosis | 36564148 | 0 | 21377 | 20191006144420 |
Electrophysiology study | 24415706 | 0 | 10878 | 20191002180912 |
Electroreception | 1166387 | 0 | 23079 | 20191015171849 |
Electrotonic potential | 1267442 | 0 | 9906 | 20191010191102 |
Electrotropism | 31882496 | 0 | 5332 | 20190907054525 |
Elicitor | 34609653 | 0 | 5236 | 20191004055431 |
Enamelin | 1890776 | 0 | 13351 | 20191016062051 |
Enantiostasis | 5253609 | 0 | 6176 | 20191020112514 |
Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences 2nd Edition | 58615785 | 0 | 1597 | 20190907070210 |
End-diastolic volume | 598633 | 0 | 1296 | 20190907035146 |
End-plate potential | 1128901 | 0 | 21236 | 20190919095009 |
End-systolic volume | 598638 | 0 | 1765 | 20190907035146 |
Endogenous agonist | 23568790 | 0 | 1485 | 20191015053507 |
Enteric fermentation | 3420838 | 0 | 8600 | 20190919223219 |
Entrainment | 9931105 | 0 | 5944 | 20190907044144 |
Epicuticular wax | 5923994 | 0 | 8334 | 20190907042750 |
Epithelial sodium channel | 5872395 | 0 | 21045 | 20190917063142 |
Epoxide hydrolase 3 | 50374225 | 0 | 9306 | 20191016014108 |
Epoxydocosapentaenoic acid | 49599350 | 0 | 15811 | 20190907063450 |
Epoxyeicosatetraenoic acid | 49854427 | 0 | 23021 | 20190907063519 |
Epoxyeicosatrienoic acid | 4367754 | 0 | 49243 | 20190914074530 |
Equinalysis | 14892880 | 0 | 2605 | 20190907045751 |
Erasmus Darwin Barlow | 8673558 | 0 | 7545 | 20191016174918 |
Ergogenic use of anabolic steroids | 20922487 | 0 | 34398 | 20190919234728 |
Etiolation | 6959283 | 0 | 4645 | 20190926091710 |
Etioplast | 3200976 | 0 | 1466 | 20190907041357 |
European Calcium Society | 22625701 | 0 | 4875 | 20191016193821 |
European Data Format | 4498317 | 0 | 2621 | 20190907042108 |
Eurytherm | 17322938 | 0 | 25246 | 20191013174716 |
Event-related potential | 614230 | 0 | 23202 | 20190907035159 |
Evoked field | 2329530 | 0 | 4295 | 20190203014456 |
Evolution of molecular chaperones | 52846723 | 0 | 9557 | 20190907064315 |
Evolutionary physiology | 9527920 | 0 | 17440 | 20190929222350 |
Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption | 1552348 | 0 | 14248 | 20190907040119 |
Excitatory postsynaptic potential | 465526 | 0 | 8716 | 20191015083426 |
Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews | 49643524 | 0 | 2526 | 20190927140857 |
Exercise and music | 28570924 | 0 | 6515 | 20190907053732 |
Exercise intolerance | 1644698 | 0 | 13534 | 20191014092928 |
Exercise physiology | 395477 | 0 | 61303 | 20191014092636 |
Exercise-associated hyponatremia | 41565521 | 0 | 17097 | 20191014095057 |
Exercise-associated muscle cramps | 38712998 | 0 | 4574 | 20190907060417 |
Exercise-induced collapse | 22039839 | 0 | 3743 | 20190929023902 |
Exercise-induced nausea | 2566171 | 0 | 2812 | 20190920060519 |
Exertional rhabdomyolysis | 42057779 | 0 | 14472 | 20191014095104 |
Exfoliation | 8136768 | 0 | 1370 | 20190720070844 |
Exponential integrate-and-fire | 39207553 | 0 | 940 | 20191007224140 |
Extraction ratio | 14947251 | 0 | 1568 | 20191014122127 |
F wave | 10842 | 0 | 3058 | 20191002004352 |
FEV1/FVC ratio | 20537076 | 0 | 4443 | 20190907051433 |
Facial electromyography | 22887002 | 0 | 10499 | 20190907052230 |
Fan effect | 42574375 | 0 | 4288 | 20190918204914 |
Fascia training | 47390498 | 0 | 4727 | 20190907062854 |
Fast Analog Computing with Emergent Transient States | 8950688 | 0 | 1713 | 20180725100420 |
Ferroptosis | 40537197 | 0 | 14645 | 20190907060949 |
Filtered esophageal left heart electrogram | 42645152 | 0 | 13072 | 20190304015918 |
Filtration coefficient | 52696999 | 0 | 1679 | 20190918222501 |
Filtration fraction | 10621792 | 0 | 1287 | 20191014122127 |
FitzHugh–Nagumo model | 9105867 | 0 | 4136 | 20191014111923 |
Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing with Sensory Testing | 43046128 | 0 | 11526 | 20170612174559 |
Flower differentiation | 4550216 | 0 | 632 | 20190601142518 |
Flower induction | 4549998 | 0 | 733 | 20191019202820 |
Flowering Locus C | 21746104 | 0 | 3469 | 20190907051840 |
Focused impedance measurement | 14154981 | 0 | 4367 | 20190907045532 |
Foramen of Panizza | 2486993 | 0 | 2420 | 20190907040904 |
Force platform | 14664386 | 0 | 8292 | 20190907045658 |
Forensic biomechanics | 48562710 | 0 | 5261 | 20191016122303 |
Forensic entomological decomposition | 16410744 | 0 | 20425 | 20191011120026 |
Fossorial | 3072173 | 0 | 10113 | 20190907041307 |
Frederick William Pavy | 1527189 | 0 | 3912 | 20191016174344 |
Free water clearance | 4360126 | 0 | 3480 | 20190228205939 |
Free-running sleep | 10971 | 0 | 7214 | 20190907034016 |
Freediving blackout | 3849909 | 0 | 60528 | 20191019111940 |
Freezing tolerance | 44706193 | 0 | 6081 | 20190907062215 |
Frequency | 39055192 | 0 | 36687 | 20190907060514 |
Frog hearing and communication | 14713486 | 0 | 9759 | 20190916042538 |
Frost crack | 24078726 | 0 | 7507 | 20191015173149 |
Fulminant | 3867355 | 0 | 3975 | 20190926091705 |
Functional Ensemble of Temperament | 50161687 | 0 | 18303 | 20191009181014 |
Functional cerebral distance | 35680357 | 0 | 2801 | 20190907055515 |
Functional movement | 7971912 | 0 | 2280 | 20180416170546 |
Functional residual capacity | 5371973 | 0 | 3719 | 20190930220253 |
Functional selectivity | 1811292 | 0 | 11778 | 20191015053507 |
Fusicoccin | 7128429 | 0 | 5389 | 20191014165625 |
Fåhræus effect | 31579327 | 0 | 6074 | 20191014165119 |
G protein-gated ion channel | 2020589 | 0 | 30379 | 20190920165633 |
G. Taru Sharma | 56102616 | 0 | 14723 | 20191016180956 |
GLIC | 41768703 | 0 | 3010 | 20190907061351 |
Gastric mucosal restitution | 15610977 | 0 | 954 | 20190907050016 |
Gastroileal reflex | 46460011 | 0 | 945 | 20190907062548 |
Gastrointestinal physiology | 8282777 | 0 | 15980 | 20190921023805 |
Gating | 23965432 | 0 | 15314 | 20191016210725 |
General physical preparedness | 5568077 | 0 | 2174 | 20190907042556 |
Genetically encoded voltage indicator | 53995681 | 0 | 21759 | 20191020032600 |
George Gulliver | 31173636 | 0 | 3981 | 20191016175910 |
George Henry Lewes | 213978 | 0 | 16279 | 20191016174207 |
Giant retinal ganglion cells | 1516120 | 0 | 2239 | 20190818181013 |
Golgi tendon organ | 47211117 | 0 | 9731 | 20191017135136 |
Gompertz–Makeham law of mortality | 4185921 | 0 | 6376 | 20191001154223 |
Graded potential | 563188 | 0 | 3879 | 20191010191049 |
Grasshopper | 1021764 | 0 | 67558 | 20191021185530 |
Grip strength | 2016515 | 0 | 17722 | 20191012093542 |
Group A nerve fiber | 39407870 | 0 | 7664 | 20191007224138 |
Gum | 47863630 | 0 | 1648 | 20190929081827 |
HCN channel | 14972851 | 0 | 12717 | 20190907045803 |
Haemodynamic response | 971305 | 0 | 24731 | 20190924073001 |
Hair ice | 26125779 | 0 | 4822 | 20191017060919 |
Hair plexus | 25463817 | 0 | 1151 | 20191007224138 |
Hairy root culture | 23161109 | 0 | 4849 | 20190907052312 |
Hallerian physiology | 7246953 | 0 | 994 | 20190825185602 |
Healing of periapical lesions | 12739077 | 0 | 23844 | 20190908053032 |
Health risks from dead bodies | 1346128 | 0 | 9202 | 20190927155813 |
Hemodynamics of the aorta | 59175459 | 0 | 15317 | 20190907070350 |
Hemoglobinometer | 30961716 | 0 | 1473 | 20190907054254 |
Henri Dutrochet | 1171161 | 0 | 5292 | 20191016174256 |
Hepoxilin | 8749261 | 0 | 32298 | 20191014165626 |
Hering–Breuer reflex | 7378480 | 0 | 5015 | 20190907043346 |
Hermann Rahn | 26545418 | 0 | 2242 | 20191016175710 |
Heterostasis | 44089226 | 0 | 2242 | 20190203060436 |
High-altitude adaptation in humans | 39127332 | 0 | 47388 | 20191001145943 |
Hill's muscle model | 1578822 | 0 | 6154 | 20190907040135 |
Hille equation | 31562980 | 0 | 1482 | 20190907054428 |
Hindmarsh–Rose model | 18004542 | 0 | 3304 | 20190907050636 |
Hitting mechanics | 41730913 | 0 | 6561 | 20190907061345 |
Homeorhesis | 1256970 | 0 | 1717 | 20191016115854 |
Homoiohydry | 37521969 | 0 | 1690 | 20190720081327 |
Hot nose sign | 52502735 | 0 | 930 | 20190907064221 |
Hugo Kronecker | 4454188 | 0 | 2604 | 20191022080500 |
Human skeletal changes due to bipedalism | 16731978 | 0 | 14326 | 20191015220725 |
Human waste | 1101623 | 0 | 5818 | 20191021015430 |
Hydraulic redistribution | 19950193 | 0 | 14557 | 20191012162758 |
Hydroid | 2321869 | 0 | 1732 | 20190907040749 |
Hydrosis | 12983320 | 0 | 644 | 20190907045206 |
Hydrostatic skeleton | 533618 | 0 | 10295 | 20190913145819 |
Hyperchlorhydria | 2066479 | 0 | 1576 | 20190907040542 |
Hypersensitive response | 8894652 | 0 | 6299 | 20191004004650 |
Hypnopompic | 10836019 | 0 | 2717 | 20190923092443 |
Hypoventilation training | 41621156 | 0 | 12277 | 20190907061328 |
Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction | 2151243 | 0 | 8062 | 20190907040624 |
Hysteresivity | 2906103 | 0 | 8940 | 20191001170728 |
Hysterical strength | 6731253 | 0 | 11403 | 20191017155842 |
I Measure U | 47053170 | 0 | 2756 | 20191009104954 |
IK channel | 45054901 | 0 | 2456 | 20191006144422 |
Iatromathematicians | 20375066 | 0 | 5312 | 20190907051412 |
Idioblast | 27994257 | 0 | 1760 | 20190907053605 |
Imagined speech | 32607746 | 0 | 9626 | 20191008083657 |
Implantable myoelectric sensors | 57528271 | 0 | 3184 | 20191014183519 |
In vitro spermatogenesis | 58527266 | 0 | 11368 | 20190907070150 |
Indirect calorimetry | 46487800 | 0 | 9934 | 20191018035400 |
Indole-3-acetic acid | 2027822 | 0 | 18312 | 20191016174435 |
Induced ovulation | 43806093 | 0 | 22504 | 20190918204914 |
Inflammatory reflex | 30238101 | 0 | 3349 | 20190907054107 |
Inosculation | 605870 | 0 | 7399 | 20191015171726 |
Inotrope | 651185 | 0 | 7389 | 20191018141601 |
Inter-ictal spiking | 10549991 | 0 | 826 | 20190720071305 |
Intermuscular coherence | 47793259 | 0 | 5850 | 20190907063013 |
International Society of Biomechanics | 43135272 | 0 | 12056 | 20190911212755 |
International Union of Physiological Sciences | 46601107 | 0 | 3586 | 20191016180528 |
Interoception | 54842715 | 0 | 64442 | 20191020162752 |
Interventionism | 1958802 | 0 | 2690 | 20190722165022 |
Intrapleural pressure | 35688715 | 0 | 2868 | 20191021052321 |
Involution | 19157294 | 0 | 2975 | 20190907051055 |
Iodine in biology | 23747793 | 0 | 37341 | 20191018083736 |
Ionotropic effect | 13985707 | 0 | 1571 | 20161115025612 |
Irregular sleep–wake rhythm | 29087992 | 0 | 10808 | 20191015205353 |
Isotonic contraction | 9673106 | 0 | 4620 | 20191013133234 |
Isovolumetric contraction | 26988093 | 0 | 2726 | 20190902044614 |
Isovolumic relaxation time | 26862250 | 0 | 1537 | 20150706172355 |
Jan Jakuš | 41374193 | 0 | 3694 | 20191016180324 |
Jeffry B. Skiba | 28281207 | 0 | 2858 | 20190907053659 |
John B. West | 26545006 | 0 | 5112 | 20191022035524 |
John Berry Haycraft | 31630622 | 0 | 4792 | 20190907054441 |
Journal of Applied Biomechanics | 24159994 | 0 | 2398 | 20190928150759 |
Juxtacapillary receptors | 13117458 | 0 | 2883 | 20190907045233 |
K-complex | 1937038 | 0 | 11764 | 20190923092443 |
KaiA | 46355979 | 0 | 24126 | 20190907062530 |
KaiB | 53725157 | 0 | 23233 | 20190907064556 |
KaiC | 39103747 | 0 | 27545 | 20190907060526 |
Kaliuresis | 5504804 | 0 | 1171 | 20190926091708 |
Karl U. Smith | 33590154 | 0 | 5475 | 20191016180019 |
Kettlebell swing | 58355851 | 0 | 5789 | 20190907070115 |
Key determinants of gait | 53881439 | 0 | 10419 | 20191011120028 |
Kim Barrett | 55522412 | 0 | 1124 | 20191016180936 |
Kinaesthetics | 35502619 | 0 | 14522 | 20191015025233 |
Kinesiogenomics | 20726074 | 0 | 3505 | 20191014105439 |
Kinin–kallikrein system | 1100050 | 0 | 6454 | 20190907035705 |
Kiss-and-run fusion | 33987599 | 0 | 19105 | 20190907055056 |
Kohnstamm's phenomenon | 2859213 | 0 | 3086 | 20190907041141 |
Kokko and Rector Model | 6108624 | 0 | 1898 | 20190907042843 |
L-type calcium channel | 9773358 | 0 | 6181 | 20190927040039 |
Lactate threshold | 3472397 | 0 | 9535 | 20191020192800 |
Lancelot Hogben | 3094260 | 0 | 28798 | 20191016174251 |
Large scale brain networks | 47511015 | 0 | 12751 | 20190930113657 |
Lark | 23670760 | 0 | 8671 | 20191005165647 |
Late Elongated Hypocotyl | 58405077 | 0 | 5473 | 20190907070120 |
Lateral inhibition | 4455796 | 0 | 17499 | 20190908052951 |
Leaf expansion | 50772189 | 0 | 4681 | 20190908053100 |
Leaf gap | 21451108 | 0 | 1089 | 20190907051733 |
Leaf sensor | 8977541 | 0 | 6998 | 20191009023703 |
Leanne Redman | 58096799 | 0 | 3535 | 20191016181102 |
Length constant | 3971101 | 0 | 3448 | 20190922040032 |
Leptoid | 6237174 | 0 | 1364 | 20190907042921 |
Light effects on circadian rhythm | 14470771 | 0 | 26202 | 20190907045622 |
Light in school buildings | 25968369 | 0 | 5930 | 20190524225504 |
Light-harvesting complexes of green plants | 2932386 | 0 | 4093 | 20190907041214 |
Light-oxygen-voltage-sensing domain | 39900181 | 0 | 10288 | 20190907060754 |
Limitations of animal running speed | 35669001 | 0 | 8659 | 20190831232917 |
Limits of stability | 53869832 | 0 | 11246 | 20191019202840 |
Lina Stern | 636048 | 0 | 9638 | 20191020140849 |
Lines of non-extension | 43637988 | 0 | 2958 | 20190930152201 |
Lippmann electrometer | 6316384 | 0 | 1315 | 20190720070445 |
List of biofluid mechanics research groups | 49694477 | 0 | 10107 | 20191019202839 |
List of blindness effects | 35671225 | 0 | 1134 | 20191011080033 |
List of human endocrine organs and actions | 55823225 | 0 | 27224 | 20191010155455 |
List of movements of the human body | 41894825 | 0 | 15217 | 20191021152853 |
List of physiologists | 39198918 | 0 | 3188 | 20190831233428 |
Living Human Project | 19041370 | 0 | 2689 | 20190228215117 |
Local field potential | 5447374 | 0 | 8513 | 20190907042524 |
Local sleep | 40076748 | 0 | 3274 | 20190907060829 |
Locomotor effects of shoes | 26867450 | 0 | 17388 | 20190907053319 |
Long-term depression | 487921 | 0 | 41796 | 20190922155651 |
Lordosis behavior | 1069504 | 0 | 10334 | 20191004054341 |
Low-threshold spikes | 14883994 | 0 | 16770 | 20191004194753 |
Luebering–Rapoport pathway | 47679400 | 0 | 1786 | 20190929145551 |
Lung compliance | 9165727 | 0 | 7000 | 20190907043932 |
Lusitropy | 12531331 | 0 | 2765 | 20190818190459 |
Lymph hearts | 12750368 | 0 | 4122 | 20190907045103 |
Lysimeter | 4558840 | 0 | 4483 | 20190907042127 |
M current | 33553340 | 0 | 3317 | 20190907054947 |
MALINTENT | 19454609 | 0 | 1985 | 20190907051137 |
Magnesium in biology | 378938 | 0 | 81018 | 20191022150018 |
Magnesium transporter | 3474896 | 0 | 92921 | 20190918204908 |
Magnetotactic bacteria | 3382387 | 0 | 32737 | 20191020112359 |
Maintenance respiration | 24302076 | 0 | 3471 | 20190203044718 |
Marine biogenic calcification | 55617041 | 0 | 16587 | 20191015102232 |
Massry Prize | 38814758 | 0 | 6084 | 20191020155427 |
Maternal somatic support after brain death | 41907939 | 0 | 23041 | 20191008213427 |
Maurício Rocha e Silva | 1343919 | 0 | 6414 | 20191016174318 |
Mechanics of Oscar Pistorius's running blades | 37074140 | 0 | 27829 | 20191016042805 |
Mechanism of autism | 60104682 | 0 | 33882 | 20190930184111 |
Mechanome | 5937599 | 0 | 3950 | 20190907042754 |
Medullary ischemic reflex | 22628137 | 0 | 955 | 20180601041040 |
Melanopsin | 1110766 | 0 | 35037 | 20191016035239 |
Membrane stabilizing effect | 15995335 | 0 | 1423 | 20190907050155 |
Menstruation | 33100194 | 0 | 16076 | 20190926054509 |
Mercury swivel commutator | 7986027 | 0 | 2647 | 20190601142606 |
Metabolic equivalent of task | 1846075 | 0 | 14838 | 20191010191108 |
Metabolic window | 20023618 | 0 | 2193 | 20190907051317 |
Metaplasticity | 5064345 | 0 | 26200 | 20190929201227 |
Michalina Stefanowska | 60792336 | 0 | 5955 | 20191016181219 |
Microelectrode array | 20511935 | 0 | 30387 | 20190930153403 |
Micromort | 13028883 | 0 | 18797 | 20190922194553 |
Microneurography | 7360700 | 0 | 33248 | 20190907043342 |
Micropore particle technology | 59516003 | 0 | 6437 | 20191002065123 |
Microvasculature remodeling | 3415304 | 0 | 1003 | 20190720065739 |
Microwave auditory effect | 57331 | 0 | 17250 | 20191014161155 |
Milieu intérieur | 20542082 | 0 | 21563 | 20191014205831 |
Mineral absorption | 4322582 | 0 | 1592 | Ula Yousef |
Mineralized tissues | 25249955 | 0 | 37324 | 20190908053042 |
Minnesota Protocol | 54301585 | 0 | 19622 | 20190203062752 |
Moens–Korteweg equation | 34171909 | 0 | 2925 | 20190918204913 |
Mohamed Trebak | 61076424 | 0 | 1341 | 20191010232759 |
Moisture stress | 3727062 | 0 | 5673 | 20190907041700 |
Monodomain model | 37793177 | 0 | 2431 | 20190907060133 |
Morningness–eveningness questionnaire | 34905928 | 0 | 5965 | 20190908053048 |
Movement assessment | 45417893 | 0 | 10596 | 20190815201218 |
Mu wave | 4833512 | 0 | 26595 | 20190908053024 |
Multiscale Electrophysiology Format | 24417538 | 0 | 2740 | 20190907052651 |
Munc-18 | 26078507 | 0 | 6887 | 20190930165039 |
Munich Chronotype Questionnaire | 39118834 | 0 | 1637 | 20190907060529 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor | 743435 | 0 | 27191 | 20190911220445 |
Muscle memory | 31389849 | 0 | 8958 | 20191006144420 |
Muscular hydrostat | 1492498 | 0 | 13899 | 20190907040049 |
Muzafer Mujić | 60912037 | 0 | 5222 | 20191016181223 |
Myocardial contractility | 2974574 | 0 | 6454 | 20190907041230 |
Myogenic mechanism | 7571557 | 0 | 8037 | 20190907043429 |
Myogenic tone | 46979786 | 0 | 712 | 20190907062732 |
Myograph | 31726668 | 0 | 2066 | 20190907054500 |
Myokine | 34368888 | 0 | 38587 | 20191006174521 |
Myrmecotrophy | 22437570 | 0 | 1469 | 20190203043811 |
N-Acetylserotonin | 11395125 | 0 | 12448 | 20191015005509 |
N-type calcium channel | 9773357 | 0 | 24448 | 20190907044120 |
Nanobiomechanics | 30737379 | 0 | 4847 | 20190930171906 |
Natriuresis | 2076485 | 0 | 2391 | 20191014122127 |
Nav1.4 | 7011299 | 0 | 14508 | 20191016112552 |
Necroptosis | 37431639 | 0 | 12619 | 20191002172818 |
Nektarios Tavernarakis | 47757905 | 0 | 33243 | 20191016180602 |
Nerve conduction velocity | 3844545 | 0 | 22932 | 20190923131504 |
Net acid excretion | 4361465 | 0 | 1497 | 20191002032103 |
Neural accommodation | 39719252 | 0 | 7283 | 20191002015349 |
Neural control of limb stiffness | 41119082 | 0 | 20136 | 20190907061153 |
Neural facilitation | 5637355 | 0 | 14996 | 20190908203016 |
Neural substrate of locomotor central pattern generators in mammals | 35669566 | 0 | 11454 | 20190203053550 |
Neural top–down control of physiology | 20677316 | 0 | 34672 | 20190907051459 |
Neuro biomechanics | 49292146 | 0 | 5686 | 20160717082109 |
Neuroangiogenesis | 47979524 | 0 | 9414 | 20190907063044 |
Neurobiological effects of physical exercise | 34760961 | 0 | 171672 | 20191019131901 |
Neuroepigenetics | 51304858 | 0 | 28030 | 20190930114844 |
Neuromodulation | 40651435 | 0 | 45686 | 20190930211541 |
Neuronal galvanotropism | 2416913 | 0 | 3059 | 20190627180828 |
Neuronal tuning | 2920040 | 0 | 8296 | 20190925173156 |
Neurophysiological Biomarker Toolbox | 40033936 | 0 | 8537 | 20190919022310 |
Neurosteroid | 2404301 | 0 | 38844 | 20191010155411 |
Neutral body posture | 46822555 | 0 | 2593 | 20190907062651 |
Nitrogen assimilation | 958117 | 0 | 14685 | 20190918222201 |
Nocturnal bottleneck | 44497219 | 0 | 9206 | 20190907062146 |
Nod factor | 1030916 | 0 | 4469 | 20190907035621 |
Nonsynaptic plasticity | 21445461 | 0 | 44853 | 20191002172759 |
Nonvolatile acid | 529082 | 0 | 2149 | 20190907035054 |
Novelty detection | 12656117 | 0 | 2834 | 20190930184948 |
Nucleomorph | 333981 | 0 | 10321 | 20191003041400 |
Nyctinasty | 14596562 | 0 | 9120 | 20191014093853 |
Occupational therapy in the management of seasonal affective disorder | 39618698 | 0 | 35283 | 20190920141051 |
Oh Uhtaek | 42443777 | 0 | 6642 | 20190922163416 |
Ole Paulsen | 43353193 | 0 | 1321 | 20190907061826 |
Olfactometer | 21805170 | 0 | 4384 | 20191015173103 |
Olfactory tubercle | 4126252 | 0 | 32556 | 20191020163405 |
Ombrophobe | 24113078 | 0 | 1121 | 20170719012607 |
Omega hydroxy acid | 22218484 | 0 | 4520 | 20190907052016 |
OpenSim | 15121214 | 0 | 4174 | 20190907045829 |
Optocollic reflex | 34996920 | 0 | 952 | 20190907055337 |
Optokinetic drum | 33692363 | 0 | 2273 | 20190818202003 |
Orthodromic | 4343095 | 0 | 975 | 20191007224140 |
Osmoconformer | 1956667 | 0 | 5687 | 20190907040449 |
Osmostat | 10717514 | 0 | 829 | 20191007224138 |
Osteoporotic Virtual Physiological Human | 19635845 | 0 | 2745 | 20190627200525 |
Otto Hutter | 47373828 | 0 | 4357 | 20191016180550 |
Outline of physiology | 50995209 | 0 | 3255 | 20191009025955 |
Ovarian drilling | 28236488 | 0 | 15641 | 20190930211252 |
Overhand throwing motion | 30627895 | 0 | 7392 | 20190930023412 |
Overtraining | 1228380 | 0 | 13807 | 20190911220446 |
Overwintering | 6916598 | 0 | 5319 | 20190907043208 |
Oxygen equivalent | 33673568 | 0 | 1976 | 20190818202001 |
Oxygen–hemoglobin dissociation curve | 3551251 | 0 | 22382 | 20191021031842 |
P-type ATPase | 14655680 | 0 | 43687 | 20191022183725 |
P-type calcium channel | 9773355 | 0 | 23088 | 20191006144419 |
PAH clearance | 14947424 | 0 | 1854 | 20191014122127 |
PER3 | 13530817 | 0 | 11751 | 20191016202410 |
PGO waves | 20518706 | 0 | 17065 | 20190923092443 |
Paolo Mantegazza | 644258 | 0 | 8211 | 20191016174223 |
Parthanatos | 48712402 | 0 | 20683 | 20190512022454 |
Passive electrolocation in fish | 34001992 | 0 | 25470 | 20190913123734 |
Pathoclisis | 38018798 | 0 | 2491 | 20191007224140 |
Pathology of multiple sclerosis | 45372101 | 0 | 142655 | 20191010204046 |
Pathophysiology | 41064779 | 0 | 2231 | 20190927140854 |
Pathophysiology of HIV/AIDS | 35949206 | 0 | 13791 | 20190911220509 |
Pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis | 4930095 | 0 | 74257 | 20191002172716 |
Pathophysiology of spider bites | 45399329 | 0 | 28721 | 20190928005205 |
Patria Hume | 58239717 | 0 | 8679 | 20191016181108 |
Paul Langerhans | 1533226 | 0 | 8595 | 20191016174345 |
Peak bone mass | 46737123 | 0 | 1889 | 20190915002542 |
Peak power output | 46979531 | 0 | 1102 | 20190907062732 |
Pearl body | 42100607 | 0 | 6623 | 20190907061500 |
Pedobarography | 17007136 | 0 | 14110 | 20191014190401 |
Pellets | 32903055 | 0 | 3432 | 20190304015227 |
Peristimulus time histogram | 7737301 | 0 | 3158 | 20190921194253 |
Phase precession | 56414357 | 0 | 11142 | 20191003051413 |
Phi complex | 11963403 | 0 | 4133 | 20190203034026 |
Phloem loading | 52344344 | 0 | 5904 | 20191002162448 |
Phonometer | 45223566 | 0 | 606 | 20190907062324 |
Phonomyography | 9829336 | 0 | 6264 | 20190907044129 |
Photoprotection | 4970131 | 0 | 17586 | 20191014022520 |
Photoreceptor protein | 10094209 | 0 | 5008 | 20190907044215 |
Photorespiration | 492043 | 0 | 24272 | 20191016174116 |
Photosynthesis system | 29747342 | 0 | 22292 | 20190911220507 |
Photosynthetic capacity | 28243573 | 0 | 1955 | 20190720075614 |
Phototropin | 1972580 | 0 | 3990 | 20191022181037 |
Physical literacy | 33761202 | 0 | 11758 | 20190907055017 |
Physiological cross-sectional area | 28789452 | 0 | 7522 | 20190818200616 |
Physiological functional capacity | 53683812 | 0 | 1184 | 20190919032318 |
Physiological movement | 40005238 | 0 | 1184 | 20190627222140 |
Physiology of dinosaurs | 6040372 | 0 | 111955 | 20191012172907 |
Physiology of marathons | 57276769 | 0 | 26157 | 20191017001410 |
Phytofluene | 3949630 | 0 | 4099 | 20191014165623 |
Phytolith | 2225215 | 0 | 37450 | 20190925201353 |
Pit | 32624519 | 0 | 5780 | 20191015173459 |
Plant Proteome Database | 2004504 | 0 | 920 | 20190203013930 |
Plant bioacoustics | 50798411 | 0 | 11112 | 20190907063741 |
Plant communication | 53754650 | 0 | 14966 | 20191014191027 |
Plant cuticle | 6022689 | 0 | 8991 | 20191017060749 |
Plant growth analysis | 61125010 | 0 | 16739 | 20190929190224 |
Plant root exudates | 57090582 | 0 | 4756 | 20191011171316 |
Plant secondary metabolism | 31336624 | 0 | 24141 | 20191013055338 |
Plant secretory tissue | 42790711 | 0 | 6076 | 20190912034234 |
Plant senescence | 1572831 | 0 | 14625 | 20190907040132 |
Plant stem cell | 20639545 | 0 | 12407 | 20191015202739 |
Plant stress measurement | 32010826 | 0 | 31647 | 20190916030800 |
Plant-induced systemic resistance | 52166375 | 0 | 9655 | 20190907064128 |
Plasma renin activity | 15841922 | 0 | 8048 | 20191014122127 |
Plateau potentials | 11204439 | 0 | 4054 | 20191007224140 |
Poikilohydry | 13937733 | 0 | 2050 | 20190720072153 |
Point shooting | 1382388 | 0 | 35766 | 20190928022336 |
Polar membrane | 7838839 | 0 | 2293 | 20190907043521 |
Pollen tube | 325963 | 0 | 51325 | 20191015201555 |
Population spike | 8886367 | 0 | 1039 | 20190601142615 |
Posthumous sperm retrieval | 11998077 | 0 | 11933 | 20190930042949 |
Postmortem caloricity | 47320071 | 0 | 3810 | 20190926164518 |
Postoperative wounds | 49338973 | 0 | 6740 | 20190907063411 |
Postprandial somnolence | 17931940 | 0 | 15041 | 20191018195818 |
Potometer | 250019 | 0 | 4738 | 20190907034644 |
Pre-Bötzinger complex | 9045995 | 0 | 31003 | 20191017061904 |
Precordial concordance | 58687359 | 0 | 1638 | 20190907070223 |
Preferential motor reinnervation | 41171716 | 0 | 19126 | 20190907061202 |
Premovement neuronal activity | 6989597 | 0 | 27049 | 20190907043221 |
Preoperational anxiety | 25441349 | 0 | 11949 | 20190930120005 |
Pressure flow hypothesis | 16273092 | 0 | 9039 | 20190907050238 |
Pressure overload | 42507057 | 0 | 2706 | 20190907061610 |
Pressure reactivity index | 57639286 | 0 | 4832 | 20190907184806 |
Pro-oxidant | 11103166 | 0 | 8188 | 20190907044501 |
Prolonged sine | 6014991 | 0 | 2531 | 20190304012520 |
Proteinase inhibitors in plants | 57575944 | 0 | 5042 | 20190907065851 |
Proteolipid | 61309152 | 0 | 6328 | 20190909050209 |
Protochlorophyllide | 21133787 | 0 | 7716 | 20190907051630 |
Pseudo-response regulator | 53767303 | 0 | 14693 | 20190907064607 |
Psychology | 2999180 | 0 | 1442 | 20190720065636 |
Pulmocutaneous circulation | 16820387 | 0 | 758 | 20190720072912 |
Pulmonary gas pressures | 9092221 | 0 | 3125 | 20191009074906 |
Pulmonary stretch receptors | 9045754 | 0 | 773 | 20190818185152 |
Pyrogenic flowering | 26230760 | 0 | 1398 | 20190907053146 |
Pyrophyte | 4126613 | 0 | 3545 | 20191015172225 |
Q-type calcium channel | 9773352 | 0 | 964 | 20190829182141 |
Quantal neurotransmitter release | 45702632 | 0 | 8073 | 20190907062450 |
R-type calcium channel | 9773350 | 0 | 10370 | 20190907044120 |
REM rebound | 25559802 | 0 | 5178 | 20190907052952 |
Radioiodinated serum albumin | 14137721 | 0 | 1627 | 20191006144419 |
Ramification | 8208376 | 0 | 2410 | 20190720070851 |
Raphide | 3963434 | 0 | 8498 | 20191012135745 |
Rapid plant movement | 1606245 | 0 | 9454 | 20190907040150 |
Rashid Massumi | 29996496 | 0 | 9611 | 20190930211306 |
Rate pressure product | 30983398 | 0 | 1408 | 20190720080121 |
Receptor potential | 563387 | 0 | 3182 | 20190907035118 |
Reciprocal innervation | 1558275 | 0 | 2610 | 20190907040123 |
Reentry | 30326435 | 0 | 1814 | 20191007224138 |
Refractory period | 20411897 | 0 | 1038 | 20191011193844 |
Relative growth rate | 28256863 | 0 | 3326 | 20190907053653 |
Renal blood flow | 4412410 | 0 | 5479 | 20191014122127 |
Renal chloride reabsorption | 14907329 | 0 | 3361 | 20191014122127 |
Renal glucose reabsorption | 14919064 | 0 | 4814 | 20191014122127 |
Renal oligopeptide reabsorption | 14919326 | 0 | 1926 | 20191014122127 |
Renal protein reabsorption | 14919390 | 0 | 1680 | 20191014122127 |
Renal sodium reabsorption | 14786716 | 0 | 5741 | 20191014122127 |
Renal urea handling | 14918907 | 0 | 3599 | 20191014122127 |
Repetitive visual stimulus | 35299914 | 0 | 2789 | 20191012094014 |
Resin canal | 36539588 | 0 | 2700 | 20191015035852 |
Respiratory minute volume | 9038490 | 0 | 4481 | 20191019202823 |
Response to sneezing | 25135785 | 0 | 24274 | 20191017194758 |
Resprouter | 26926253 | 0 | 1143 | 20190908053043 |
Resurrection plant | 2477817 | 0 | 3575 | 20191022011019 |
Retinohypothalamic tract | 9090258 | 0 | 6363 | 20191019134401 |
Retrograde signaling | 1240097 | 0 | 12198 | 20190907035836 |
Right atrial pressure | 20995276 | 0 | 2098 | 20190907051602 |
Risk adjusted mortality rate | 33470882 | 0 | 2216 | 20190907054934 |
Root effect | 29564800 | 0 | 3338 | 20190907053950 |
Rostral ventrolateral medulla | 14112385 | 0 | 2263 | 20190907045526 |
Rotating locomotion in living systems | 19995454 | 0 | 59530 | 20191009024403 |
Rule of 80's | 44329798 | 0 | 2217 | 20190322070657 |
Running economy | 10301769 | 0 | 5331 | 20190928212758 |
Russeting | 55377540 | 0 | 2706 | 20190907065020 |
SK channel | 7704373 | 0 | 22095 | 20190907043455 |
Saltatory conduction | 259529 | 0 | 6278 | 20190924024137 |
Sauropod neck posture | 42860543 | 0 | 13539 | 20190921004034 |
Scar free healing | 51778319 | 0 | 26615 | 20191006144422 |
Scholander pressure bomb | 22221716 | 0 | 6078 | 20190907052017 |
Seasoning | 18373301 | 0 | 3059 | 20190907230635 |
Second wind | 11504627 | 0 | 5965 | 20190924162436 |
Second wind | 33384768 | 0 | 8028 | 20190923092443 |
Selective reabsorption | 7412198 | 0 | 2713 | 20190907152317 |
SensoMotoric Instruments | 42381107 | 0 | 15521 | 20191014095108 |
Sensorimotor rhythm | 1808607 | 0 | 7172 | 20190927151500 |
Sensory gating | 3619450 | 0 | 6980 | 20190712023634 |
Sensory neuroscience | 3975854 | 0 | 6562 | 20190907041819 |
Serape effect | 38726329 | 0 | 4362 | 20190907060419 |
Serotiny | 3126072 | 0 | 12560 | 20190918204908 |
Shade avoidance | 1970288 | 0 | 12537 | 20190907040457 |
Shade tolerance | 5132315 | 0 | 10599 | 20191007203930 |
Sharp waves and ripples | 41119587 | 0 | 17741 | 20191016082222 |
Shift plan | 41648302 | 0 | 60330 | 20190930085057 |
Shift work | 1051985 | 0 | 44047 | 20191013042232 |
Shunting | 3430179 | 0 | 979 | 20190619031906 |
Shunting inhibition | 16900389 | 0 | 4112 | 20190930090219 |
Single-unit recording | 3581220 | 0 | 29124 | 20190923082750 |
Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie | 1850766 | 0 | 8882 | 20191016174241 |
Skin equivalent | 25432283 | 0 | 616 | 20190907052924 |
Skin repair | 2751119 | 0 | 3109 | 20190818182025 |
Skin temperature | 60684067 | 0 | 28192 | 20191014193457 |
Sleep and breathing | 7466120 | 0 | 9940 | 20191019202822 |
Sleep and emotions | 53265936 | 0 | 17949 | 20191016225813 |
Sleep cycle | 566614 | 0 | 11985 | 20190929171307 |
Sleep diary | 12778504 | 0 | 5521 | 20190907045110 |
Sleep in fish | 43384469 | 0 | 18263 | 20190907061832 |
Sleep in non-human animals | 14990054 | 0 | 53494 | 20191015172743 |
Sleep inertia | 1130302 | 0 | 9034 | 20191020162907 |
Sleep spindle | 1937077 | 0 | 12646 | 20190923092443 |
Sleep state misperception | 28278287 | 0 | 17090 | 20191014094549 |
Slice preparation | 29765867 | 0 | 3721 | 20190924203316 |
Slow afterhyperpolarization | 15816881 | 0 | 1918 | 20190203040633 |
Slow-wave sleep | 2708147 | 0 | 28225 | 20190923092443 |
Sniffing | 38575751 | 0 | 30625 | 20191006154707 |
Society for Mathematical Biology | 23498666 | 0 | 7994 | 20191009024544 |
Society for Research on Biological Rhythms | 53732108 | 0 | 25392 | 20191003055059 |
Society of General Physiologists | 34865132 | 0 | 4652 | 20191001191014 |
Sociophysiology | 12009633 | 0 | 12513 | 20190927155836 |
Solitary tract | 5260835 | 0 | 3437 | 20191020112514 |
Solvent drag | 14918835 | 0 | 964 | 20191014122127 |
Somatics | 40447133 | 0 | 27398 | 20191018190208 |
Spatial disorientation | 888928 | 0 | 12721 | 20191022053109 |
Specific physical preparedness | 5568051 | 0 | 1039 | 20190720070243 |
Specific ventilation | 39201747 | 0 | 1293 | 20190627221542 |
Spectro-temporal receptive field | 3996062 | 0 | 3534 | 20191007224140 |
Sphygmograph | 7976609 | 0 | 2107 | 20190926091711 |
Spike directivity | 31241835 | 0 | 1261 | 20190203051740 |
Spike potential | 33034264 | 0 | 1241 | 20190203052503 |
Spike sorting | 3442072 | 0 | 3610 | 20191002164553 |
Sports biomechanics | 22702381 | 0 | 4959 | 20191002135633 |
Starling equation | 1020980 | 0 | 11884 | 20190907035615 |
Startle Evoked Movement | 53821188 | 0 | 5053 | 20190907064618 |
Steel trap | 44021287 | 0 | 4907 | 20190907062025 |
Stereopsis recovery | 40018674 | 0 | 39616 | 20191010191324 |
Stomatal conductance | 32086016 | 0 | 10716 | 20190911220508 |
Stretch shortening cycle | 3821220 | 0 | 3483 | 20190908053022 |
Stromule | 2661326 | 0 | 6841 | 20190925141509 |
Subthreshold membrane potential oscillations | 14728230 | 0 | 11628 | 20191010130040 |
Sucrose gap | 2267418 | 0 | 13881 | 20190919211002 |
Sulfur assimilation | 4914941 | 0 | 18179 | 20190918222231 |
Surface wave detection by animals | 34000456 | 0 | 27074 | 20191002044156 |
Surface-area-to-volume ratio | 7282499 | 0 | 12935 | 20190925135705 |
Surfactant protein B | 11369321 | 0 | 16035 | 20191016102550 |
Surgical stress | 42128108 | 0 | 19690 | 20190907061506 |
Symmorphosis | 59627302 | 0 | 9717 | 20190916220007 |
Synaptic gating | 9916386 | 0 | 24705 | 20190918204909 |
Synaptotropic hypothesis | 7375514 | 0 | 9530 | 20190907043345 |
Synthetic ion channels | 31562046 | 0 | 30285 | 20190918204913 |
Systemic acquired resistance | 4025205 | 0 | 4434 | 20190917114125 |
TNP-ATP | 48309405 | 0 | 15966 | 20190907063122 |
Table of permselectivity for different substances | 14704878 | 0 | 1372 | 20191014122127 |
Tachyspory | 57882535 | 0 | 1148 | 20190907065947 |
Tannosome | 40596183 | 0 | 2280 | 20190907060956 |
Tensiomyography | 15621577 | 0 | 15901 | 20191009183013 |
Terminal lucidity | 47885671 | 0 | 2419 | 20190907063030 |
Tetrode | 13021461 | 0 | 1280 | 20190720071939 |
Thanatology | 589422 | 0 | 20180 | 20191014092659 |
The Lightning Process | 17101980 | 0 | 18145 | 20191010191212 |
The Principles of Exercise Therapy | 57381748 | 0 | 3593 | 20191020130224 |
The leans | 34002651 | 0 | 4254 | 20190907055059 |
Theca | 1728973 | 0 | 3734 | 20190906110250 |
Thermal neutral zone | 22256076 | 0 | 8068 | 20191014195310 |
Theta wave | 3071594 | 0 | 31358 | 20191022085121 |
Thigmomorphogenesis | 3389736 | 0 | 2923 | 20190907041505 |
Thigmonasty | 4620852 | 0 | 8725 | 20190930131259 |
Threshold potential | 598586 | 0 | 21159 | 20191010191049 |
Throwing | 41405384 | 0 | 5729 | 20191014095054 |
Tidal volume | 300460 | 0 | 3923 | 20190907034728 |
Time of occurrence | 1491186 | 0 | 1622 | 20190929202537 |
Tinetti test | 36736693 | 0 | 2708 | 20190907055833 |
Tissue gas | 2798421 | 0 | 638 | Rahaf Alasad |
Tissue stress | 22493560 | 0 | 11833 | 20191013162018 |
Titratable acid | 8205584 | 0 | 880 | 20190907043631 |
Toe pressure | 55503485 | 0 | 2622 | 20190818210753 |
Tonotopy | 1222458 | 0 | 29280 | 20191015171858 |
Topophysis | 44745153 | 0 | 2898 | 20190907062222 |
Torkel Weis-Fogh | 5390315 | 0 | 13901 | 20191016174714 |
Torulene | 30136148 | 0 | 2085 | 20191014165648 |
Tracheid | 463645 | 0 | 3186 | 20190912034234 |
Training masks | 51235563 | 0 | 5889 | 20190907063857 |
Transcranial direct-current stimulation | 5004685 | 0 | 44185 | 20190930210606 |
Transcranial random noise stimulation | 53839151 | 0 | 6099 | 20190930211927 |
Transcription translation feedback loop | 60444275 | 0 | 22622 | 20190907070748 |
Transepidermal water loss | 3607606 | 0 | 5430 | 20190918115530 |
Transpiration stream | 4024861 | 0 | 3445 | 20191014205926 |
Transpulmonary pressure | 10684277 | 0 | 2492 | 20190907044355 |
Transudate | 2971442 | 0 | 2849 | 20190928152109 |
Trigger zone | 56498997 | 0 | 3770 | 20190907065427 |
Trimorphism | 1377160 | 0 | 1663 | 20190813024230 |
Triose phosphate translocator | 20083580 | 0 | 1273 | 20190918222330 |
Tubuloglomerular feedback | 5436642 | 0 | 21298 | 20191014122127 |
Tuft cell | 49867763 | 0 | 7643 | 20190907063521 |
Two-point discrimination | 15559508 | 0 | 26637 | 20190918204910 |
Unifacial cambium | 6411472 | 0 | 1860 | 20160629183114 |
Upper airway resistance syndrome | 844271 | 0 | 9586 | 20191014092736 |
Urea transporter | 14715989 | 0 | 6118 | 20190923203702 |
Urine flow rate | 22615568 | 0 | 2619 | 20191014122127 |
Urine sodium | 22615596 | 0 | 2167 | 20191014122127 |
Urticating hair | 808256 | 0 | 15978 | 20191009080106 |
VO2 max | 968834 | 0 | 26040 | 20190919161735 |
VVO2max | 19970230 | 0 | 3644 | 20190919220803 |
Vacuolar pathway | 23558090 | 0 | 615 | 20190601142832 |
Vagal tone | 9889145 | 0 | 24043 | 20191011142533 |
Vagovagal reflex | 5600636 | 0 | 3622 | 20191016174725 |
Variation potential | 50771688 | 0 | 4364 | 20190322070706 |
Vascular bundle | 2956278 | 0 | 3200 | 20191016174519 |
Vascular recruitment | 30404751 | 0 | 4916 | 20190203051408 |
Vasculogenesis | 2329749 | 0 | 3647 | 20190907040752 |
Vegetative phase change | 36060550 | 0 | 3279 | 20190907055627 |
Ventilation perfusion mismatch | 43015453 | 0 | 5391 | 20191019202837 |
Ventilatory threshold | 44605563 | 0 | 5663 | 20191019202837 |
Ventrolateral medulla | 60309107 | 0 | 2548 | 20191007224138 |
Virtual Physiological Human | 4580454 | 0 | 12015 | 20190907042133 |
Vision for perception and vision for action | 6989876 | 0 | 5801 | 20190907043221 |
Voltage-gated calcium channel | 1610581 | 0 | 28126 | 20190907040151 |
Voltage-gated ion channel | 1258079 | 0 | 20829 | 20190907195008 |
Voltage-gated potassium channel | 6959429 | 0 | 16780 | 20190907043218 |
Voltage-gated potassium channel database | 31420943 | 0 | 1226 | 20190907054401 |
Volume overload | 21417425 | 0 | 4157 | 20190908210637 |
Vulpian–Heidenhain–Sherrington phenomenon | 12983405 | 0 | 963 | 20190720071933 |
White Collar-1 | 46357939 | 0 | 18492 | 20190907062530 |
Wiggers diagram | 7188999 | 0 | 3109 | 20190907043306 |
William Seifriz | 51609460 | 0 | 12224 | 20191016180746 |
Wilson–Cowan model | 14116393 | 0 | 17253 | 20191006144419 |
Wingate test | 31125032 | 0 | 15677 | 20190907054317 |
Womersley number | 6129627 | 0 | 8069 | 20190908053026 |
Work loop | 28548075 | 0 | 23420 | 20190907053729 |
Work of breathing | 47755416 | 0 | 10684 | 20191019112109 |
Wound assessment | 54398615 | 0 | 12378 | 20190907064756 |
Wound healing assay | 48851576 | 0 | 11119 | 20190907063251 |
Wrinkle test | 31159144 | 0 | 1492 | 20190907054324 |
Xenia | 35542982 | 0 | 3851 | 20190916071514 |
Xenotransfusion | 41003061 | 0 | 8817 | 20190907061131 |
Young–Laplace equation | 9122581 | 0 | 15873 | 20190926091711 |
Yuan-Cheng Fung | 649976 | 0 | 8103 | 20191016174223 |
Zeitgeber | 2525075 | 0 | 16440 | 20190907040922 |
Zones of the lung | 9090541 | 0 | 5246 | 20190907043919 |