المعلومات عن «ملف:"The Elephant Clock", Folio from a Book of the Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices by al-Jazari MET DP234075.jpg»

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عرض العنوانملف:"The Elephant Clock", Folio from a Book of the Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices by al-Jazari MET DP234075.jpg
تحويلة إلىملف:"The Elephant Clock", Folio from a Book of the Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices by al-Jazari MET DP234075.jpg (معلومات)
مفتاح الترتيب الافتراضي"The Elephant Clock", Folio from a Book of the Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices by al-Jazari MET DP234075.jpg
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صورة الصفحة"The Elephant Clock", Folio from a Book of the Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices by al-Jazari MET DP234075.jpg

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