انفجار خط أنابيب المكسيك 2019

في 18 يناير 2019 ، انفجر خط أنابيب نقل الوقود في بلدة تلاويليلبان في ولاية هيدالغو. أسفر الانفجار عن مقتل ما لا يقل عن 79 شخصًا وإصابة أكثر من 66 آخرين. السلطات المكسيكية ألقت اللوم على لصوص الوقود الذين استغلوا خط الأنابيب بشكل غير قانوني.

انفجار خط أنابيب المكسيك 2019
المكان تلاويليلبان، ولاية هيدالغو، المكسيك
التاريخ 18 January 2019
السبب الانفجار الغباري, caused by illegal tapping into the pipeline
الإحداثيات 20°07′03″N 99°13′10″W / 20.11750°N 99.21944°W / 20.11750; -99.21944
الوفيات 79[1]
الإصابات 66[1]


 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Street_map_with_marks
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Street_map_with_marks
 // Template translation is in https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data:Original/Template:Graphs.tab
 "version": 2,"lang": "ar", "width":200, "height": 220, "padding": 0,
   // These signals allow us to quickly move the map within the image, e.g. to leave space for the legend

{"name":"legendWidth", "init": {"expr": "0"} },

   {"name":"legendHeight", "init": {"expr": "height"} },
   {"name":"imgWidth", "init": {"expr": "width-legendWidth"} },
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   {"name":"showMiniMap", "init": {"expr": "0"} },
 "data": [
     "name": "data",

// Otherwise use the first unnamed argument for source values

     "values": [   

{ "lat": 20.129722,

    "lon": -99.228611, 
    "img": "wikirawupload:https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/10/Mapscaleline.svg/120px-Mapscaleline.svg.png", 
    "width": 50, 
    "height": 8, 
    "offsetX": 24, 
    "offsetY": 100, 
    "textAlign": "right", 
    "textDx": 22, 
    "textDy": -2, 
    "textColor": "grey", 
    "textFont": "Tahoma", 
    "textFontSize": 9, 
    "text":  "75km" }

, { "lat": 20.129722, "lon": -99.228611, "img": "wikirawupload:https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0c/Red_pog.svg/10px-Red_pog.svg.png", "height": 10, "width": 10, "text": "Tlahuelilpan", "textAlign": "left", "textBaseline": "middle", "textDx": 7, "textDy": 0+1, "textFontSize": 10


     "transform": [
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         "lon": "lon", "lat": "lat"
       { "type": "formula", "field":"layout_x", "expr": "datum.layout_x + (datum.offsetX || 0)" },
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       { "type": "formula", "field":"color", "expr": "datum.color || '#c33'" },
       { "type": "formula", "field":"textColor", "expr": "datum.textColor || datum.color" },
       { "type": "formula", "field":"strokeColor", "expr": "datum.strokeColor || '#ffe7e6'" }
     // Hack: single value data source for drawing/hiding images and other non-series elements
     "name": "dummyData",
     "values": [{}]

// Legend only works if showLegend and colorScaleField are set

 "marks": [
     "type": "image",
     "from": {
       "data": "dummyData",
       "transform": [
         { "type": "formula", "field":"url", "expr": "'mapsnapshot:///?width='+imgWidth+'&height='+imgHeight+'&zoom='+imgZoom+'&lat='+imgLat+'&lon='+imgLon" }
     "properties": {
       "enter": {
         "url": {"field": "url"},
         "xc": {"signal": "imgXC"}, "yc": {"signal": "imgYC"},
         "width": {"signal": "imgWidth"}, "height": {"signal": "imgHeight"}
     // Places an image of a given name and size at the [lan,lon] location
     "type": "image",
     "from": {
       "data": "data",
       "transform": [
         { "type": "filter", "test": "datum.img" },
         { "type": "formula", "field":"iconWidth", "expr": "datum.width || 0" },
         { "type": "formula", "field":"iconHeight", "expr": "datum.height || 0" },
         { "type": "formula", "field":"img",
           "expr": "if(!test(/^[a-z]+:\\/\\//, datum.img), 'wikifile:///'+datum.img, datum.img)" },
         // Ensure that either width or height parameter is passed to wikifile:// request
         { "type": "formula", "field":"img",
           "expr": "if((datum.iconWidth || datum.iconHeight) && !test(/[?&](width|height)=\\d/, datum.img),if(datum.iconWidth,datum.img+'?width='+datum.iconWidth,datum.img+'?height='+datum.iconHeight), datum.img)" },
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         "url": {"field": "img"},
         "xc": {"field": "layout_x"}, "yc": {"field": "layout_y"},
         "width": {"field": "iconWidth"}, "height": {"field": "iconHeight"}
     // Draw marks of a given color, shape, and size at the [lan,lon] location
     "type": "symbol",
     "from": {
       "data": "data",
       "transform": [{ "type": "filter", "test": "!datum.img" }]
     "properties": {
       "enter": {
         "x": {"field": "layout_x"},
         "y": {"field": "layout_y"},
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         "fill": { "field": "color" },
         "size": {"field": "size"},
         "shape": {"field": "shape"},
         "stroke": {"field": "strokeColor"}
     // Draw text with the given color and size at the [lan,lon] location
     // See https://github.com/vega/vega/wiki/Marks#text for all parameter description (prepend "text" and capitalize them)
     "type": "text",
     "from": {
       "data": "data",
       "transform": [
         { "type": "filter", "test": "datum.text" },
         // Figure out if this is an LTR or RTL page. For LTR, show label to the right of the icon, left-aligned. For RTL, reverse.
         { "type": "formula", "field":"isLTR", "expr": "'‏' == '\\u200E'" },
         // If these values are not defined ("undefined" is not allowed, so test for truthiness and not 0)
         { "type": "formula", "field":"textDx", "expr": "if(!datum.textDx && datum.textDx != 0, if(datum.isLTR,8,-8), datum.textDx)" },
         { "type": "formula", "field":"textAlign", "expr": "if(!datum.textAlign, if(datum.isLTR,'left','right'), datum.textAlign)" },
         { "type": "formula", "field":"textBaseline", "expr": "datum.textBaseline || 'middle'" }
     "properties": {
       "enter": {
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         "fontSize": {"field": "textFontSize"},
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         "fontStyle": {"field": "textFontStyle"}
     // Draw a low-zoom locator map frame
     "type": "rect",
     "from": {
       "data": "dummyData",
       "transform": [
         { "type": "filter", "test": "showMiniMap" }
     "properties": {
       "enter": {
         "xc": {"signal": "picXC"}, "yc": {"signal": "picYC"},
         "width": {"signal": "picWidth", "offset":2}, "height": {"signal": "picHeight"},
         "stroke": {"value":"#fff"},"strokeWidth": {"value":6},
     // Draw a low-zoom locator map by using a premade world map image
     "type": "image",
     "from": {
       "data": "dummyData",
       "transform": [
         { "type": "filter", "test": "showMiniMap" },
         { "type": "formula", "field":"url", "expr": "1" }
     "properties": {
       "enter": {
         "url": {"value": "wikirawupload:"},
         "xc": {"signal": "picXC"}, "yc": {"signal": "picYC"},
         "width": {"signal": "picWidth"}, "height": {"signal": "picHeight"}
     // Draw a zoom-out mark at the [lan,lon] location
     "type": "symbol",
     "from": {
       "data": "dummyData",
       "transform": [
         { "type": "filter", "test": "showMiniMap" },
         { "type": "formula", "field":"lat", "expr": "imgLat" },
         { "type": "formula", "field":"lon", "expr": "imgLon" },
           "type": "geo",
           "projection": "equirectangular",
           "scale": {"expr": "180/2/PI"},
           "translate": [{"expr": "picXC"}, {"expr": "picYC"}],
           "center": [{"expr": "0"}, {"expr": "0"}],
           "lon": "lon", "lat": "lat"
     "properties": {
       "enter": {
         "x": {"field": "layout_x"}, "y": {"field": "layout_y"},
         "fill": {"value": "#c33"},
         "stroke": {"value": "#ffe7e6"},
         "size": {"value": 40}

} </graph>


  1. ^ أ ب "Tlahuelilpan, día 3: Van 79 muertos por explosión en ducto de Pemex en Hidalgo". Milenio (بالإسبانية). 20 Jan 2019. Archived from the original on 2019-04-26.