
من أرابيكا، الموسوعة الحرة

هذه هي النسخة الحالية من هذه الصفحة، وقام بتعديلها عبود السكاف (نقاش | مساهمات) في 05:04، 1 يوليو 2023 (بوت: إصلاح أخطاء فحص أرابيكا من 1 إلى 104). العنوان الحالي (URL) هو وصلة دائمة لهذه النسخة.

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اذهب إلى التنقل اذهب إلى البحث

This template converts a date to one of the standard date formats used on the English Wikipedia. This template is probably best used internally in other templates.


This template takes up to two parameters, both of which are optional:

{{date|<date to be formatted>|<date formatting style>}}

  • <date to be formatted> is an (optional) date to be formatted.
    If no date is specified, the template emits the current date.
    For example, {{التاريخ}} produces 13 أكتوبر 2024.
    If a date is provided, but is not recognized as one, the text is just returned as is. Most dates will however be recognized as such, including all the formats typically used on Wikipedia. Numerous variations thereof are also supported, including abbreviated or lower case month names; genitive "st", "nd", "rd", "th"; extraneous white space; missing comma etc.
    • Some dates are converted even if they are not real dates, and some dates are not converted even though they are real dates. See known issues below.
    • Only dates within the range 1 يناير 1000 and 31 ديسمبر 9999 are supported. Dates with two digit dates will have unexpected results. Other dates outside the range 1000–9999 will be treated as if the second parameter were "none".
  • <date formatting style> controls the date format in which the result is to be emitted. Recognized values for the second parameter are:
    • none applies no formatting whatsoever
    • dmy gives d mmmm yyyy (eg 25 ديسمبر 2011). This is the default format.
    • mdy gives mmmm d, yyyy (eg ديسمبر 25, 2011)
    • ymd gives yyyy mmmm dd (eg 2011 ديسمبر 25)
    • iso gives an ISO 8601 style yyyy-mm-dd (eg 2011-12-25)
    If a date to be formatted is provided but no style is specified, the template emits a date in "d month yyyy" format, as it appears (for example) on discussion pages. When no date is specified, then the current date is emitted with no year, either in "d month" format for formatting style dmy, or in "month d" format for formatting styles mdy, ymd and iso.
    • Although these are the four formats supported by MediaWiki's date autoformatting mechanism, only dmy/ldmy and mdy/lmdy are in accordance with the English language Wikipedia's Manual of Style. The use of iso/liso (ISO 8601) format within article prose is expressly discouraged by the Manual of Style; this format should only be used in tables or lists.
    • In each case, the result is exactly the same as what would be emitted by MediaWiki's date autoformatting mechanism.
      However, dates are not manipulated by MediaWiki's date autoformatting mechanism even when linked. This permits dates to have a consistent appearance regardless of whether they are linked or not.



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