
من أرابيكا، الموسوعة الحرة

هذه هي النسخة الحالية من هذه الصفحة، وقام بتعديلها عبود السكاف (نقاش | مساهمات) في 16:16، 2 أغسطس 2021 (Update token handling as per https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadget-PatrollCount.js). العنوان الحالي (URL) هو وصلة دائمة لهذه النسخة.

(فرق) → نسخة أقدم | نسخة حالية (فرق) | نسخة أحدث ← (فرق)
اذهب إلى التنقل اذهب إلى البحث

ملاحظة: بعد الحفظ، قد يلزمك إفراغ الكاش لرؤية التغييرات.

   Author: ZUO Haocheng [[User:zuohaocheng]]
   Email: Please feel free to email me via http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:EmailUser/Zuohaocheng
   电邮: 请通过 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:EmailUser/Zuohaocheng 给我发送电邮
   Date: 2011年11月21日, 星期一 (4年2个月10日前), 09:47 PM (UTC+8)
   用途: 显示当前未巡查的条目数量, 并链接到随机未巡查页面.
   Usage: Shows count of un-patrolled articles, and link to random one in them.

$(document).ready(function() {
    if (mw.config.get('wgAction') !== 'view') {

    var apiPrefix = '/w/api.php';
    var newPageMax = 50;

    var timeEvent;

    var writeCountNum = function(pages, plus) {
	var strCount = '';
	if (pages.length !== 0) {
	    var vNum = Math.round( Math.random() * (pages.length-1));
     	    var page = pages[vNum];
	    var link = '/wiki/' + page['title'] + '?redirect=no&rcid=' + page['rcid'];

	    strCount = pages.length.toString();

	    if (plus) {
		strCount += '+';
	    var title = page.title;
	    if (!page.confidence) {
		title += '" class="patrollListNotConfident';
	    strCount = '&thinsp;(<a id="unpatrollArticle" href="' + link + '" title="' + title + '">' + strCount + '</a>)';

	    ptPatrollLink.attr('href', '/wiki/Special:newpages?hidepatrolled=1');
	else {
	    ptPatrollLink.attr('href', '/wiki/Special:newpages?hidepatrolled=0');


	return page;

    var showAllUnbind = [];
    var showAll = false;
    var prepareList = function(pages, countMax) {
	var $list = $("#patrollTooltipList").empty();
	var addItem = function(istart, iend) {
	    for (var idx=istart; idx<iend; ++idx) {
		var page = pages[idx];
		var link = '/wiki/' + page.title + '?redirect=no&rcid=' + page.rcid;
		var shortTitle = page.title;
		if (shortTitle.length > 18) {
		    shortTitle = shortTitle.slice(0, 7) + '...';
		var item = $("<li></li>").html('<a href="' + link + '" title="' + page.title + '">' + shortTitle + '</a>').appendTo($list);
		if (!page.confidence) {

	var length = pages.length;
	if (length > countMax && !showAll) {
	    addItem(0, countMax);

	    var $showAll = $("#patrollListShowAll");
	    if ($showAll.length === 0) {
		$showAll = $("<div></div>", {
		    id: "patrollListShowAll",
		    "text-align": "left",
		    "font-weight": "bold",
		    "margin-bottom": "10px"
		}).append($("<a></a>", {
		    text: "أكثر...",
		    href: "#patrollListShowAll",
		    title: "عرض الكل حتى 50 صفحة"}));
	    else {
	    $showAll.click(function() {
		addItem(countMax, length);
		for (var idx = 0; idx< showAllUnbind.length; ++idx) {
		    showAllUnbind[idx].off("mouseover.autohide mouseout");
		showAll = true;
	else {
	    addItem(0, pages.length);

    var ttListShow = false;
    var generateList = function(pages) {
	if (ttListShow) {
	    prepareList(pages, 10);
	else {
	    var timer = null;
	    var $ptPatroll = $("#pt-patroll").off("mouseover mouseover.autohide mouseout");
	    $ptPatroll.mouseover(function() {
		if (timer) {
		timer = setTimeout(function() {
		    timer = null;
		    if (pages.length !== 0 && !ttListShow) {
			if (typeof($.fn.cvtooltip) === 'undefined') {

			prepareList(pages, 10);
			ttListShow = true;
			var ctt = $("#patrollTooltip").cvtooltip({
			    right: 60,
			    top: 45,
			    callback: function() {
				ttListShow = false;
				showAll = false;
				$ptPatroll.off("mouseover.autohide mouseout");

			var tipCloseTimer;
			var clearHideTimer = function() {
			    if (tipCloseTimer) {
				tipCloseTimer = null;

			ctt.body.on("mouseover.autohide", clearHideTimer);
			$ptPatroll.on("mouseover.autohide", clearHideTimer);

			var setHideTimer = function() {
			    if (!tipCloseTimer) {
				tipCloseTimer = setTimeout(ctt.hide, 1000);

			showAllUnbind = [ctt.body, $ptPatroll];
		}, 500);

		$ptPatroll.mouseout(function() {
		    if (timer) {
			timer = null;

    var missingPage = {};
    var checkMissing = function(pages, plus) {
	var missingQuery = [];
	for (var idx=0; idx<pages.length; ++idx) {
	    var title = pages[idx].title;
	    if (typeof(title) === 'undefined') {

	    var isMissing = missingPage[title];
	    if (typeof(isMissing) === 'undefined') {
	    else if (isMissing) {
		pages.splice(idx, 1);

	if (missingQuery.length !== 0) {
	    var pagesStr = missingQuery.join('|');
	    var checkMissingURI = apiPrefix + '?action=query&format=xml&prop=info';
	    $.post(checkMissingURI, {titles: pagesStr}, function(result) {
		var regenerate = false;
		$(result).find("pages page").each(function() {
		    var isMissing = (typeof($(this).attr('missing')) !== 'undefined');
		    var title = $(this).attr('title');
		    missingPage[title] = isMissing;
		    if (isMissing) {
			for (var idx=0; idx<pages.length; ++idx) {
			    if (pages[idx].title === title) {
				pages.splice(idx, 1);

			if (title === $("#unpatrollArticle").attr("title")) {
			    regenerate = true;

		if (regenerate) {
		    writeCountNum(pages, plus);

    var addPatrollLink = (function() {
	var checked = false;
	var addlink = function(page) {
	    var $patrollinks = $("<a></a>", {
		href: ("/w/index.php?title=" + encodeURIComponent(page.title) + "&rcid=" + encodeURIComponent(page.rcid)),
		text: "علم بالمراجعة"
	    var $divPatrolllink = $("<div></div>", {
		'class': 'patrollink'

	    var markAsPatrol = function (e) {
		var data = {
		    rcid: page.rcid,
		    token: page.rctoken
		var uri = apiPrefix + '?format=xml&action=patrol';
		$patrollinks.text('وصلات مراجعة...');
		$patrollinks = $patrollinks.parent();
		$.post(uri, data, function( data, status, request ) {
		    //window.data = [data, status, request]; // DEBUG
		    if ( status == 'success' ) {
			$patrollinks.html('<span style="color:green">علمت بالمراجعة</span>');// MediaWiki:Markedaspatrolled
			if (typeof kAjaxPatrolLinks_closeafter !== 'undefined' && kAjaxPatrolLinks_closeafter == true){
			    // Firefox 2+ doesn't allow closing normal windows. If we're still here, open up the selfclosing page.
			    window.open("http://toolserver.org/~krinkle/close.html", "_self");
		    } else {
			$patrollinks.html('<span style="color:red">لم تعلم بالمراجعة</span>');// MediaWiki:Markedaspatrollederror

	return (function(pages) {
	    if (!checked && ($("div.patrollink").length === 0)) {
		var pageName = mediaWiki.config.get('wgPageName');
		for (var idx=0; idx<pages.length; ++idx) {
		    var page = pages[idx];
		    if (page.title === pageName) {
		checked = true;

    var updateUnpatrolled = function() {
	var d = new Date();
	var requestid = d.getTime();
	var newPages = apiPrefix + '?action=query&format=xml&list=recentchanges&rctype=new&rcnamespace=0&rcshow=!redirect|!patrolled&meta=tokens&type=patrol&rcprop=title|ids|user|tags';

	$.get(newPages, {rclimit: newPageMax, requestid: requestid}, function(result){
	    var pages = [];
	    var jqResult = $(result);
	    jqResult.find("rc").each(function() {
		var $self = $(this);
		var confidence = (typeof($self.attr('anon')) === 'undefined') && ($self.find('tag').length == 0);
		var t = {'title': $self.attr('title'),
			 'rcid': $self.attr('rcid'),
			 'rctoken': jqResult.find('tokens').attr('patroltoken'),
			 'confidence': confidence};


	    var plus = (jqResult.find('query-continue').length !== 0);
	    if (pages.length !== 0) {
		checkMissing(pages, plus);
	    writeCountNum(pages, plus);
    setInterval(updateUnpatrolled, 10000);

    //在"监视列表"右边加入"صفحات جديدة"以便巡查
    var ptPatrollLink = $('<a></a>', {
	'href': "/wiki/Special:newpages?hidepatrolled=1",
	'title': 'لم تراجع بعد', 
	'text': 'صفحات جديدة'
    $("body div#mw-head #p-personal ul li#pt-watchlist").after($('<li></li>', {
	'id': 'pt-patroll'
    }).append(ptPatrollLink).append($('<span></span>', {
	'id': "not-patrolled-count"

var loadCvtooltip = function() {
    $("body").append($("<div></div>", {
	id: "patrollTooltip",
	style: "display: none;"
	"font-size": "0.75em",
	"margin-left": "5em"
    }).append($("<ul></ul>", {
	id: "patrollTooltipList"

     * JQuery.cvtooltip.js
     * http://www.chinavalue.net
     * J.Wang
     * http://0417.cnblogs.ocm
     * 2010.11.17

    (function($) {
	$.fn.cvtooltip = function(options) {
            var self = $(this);
            var defaults = {
		panel: "body",      //该参数是加载气泡提示的容器,值不同可能会导致计算的位置不同,默认为添加至body容器
		selector: "",       //用于计算定位的控件
		width: 0,         //气泡提示宽度,完全手动设置
		right: 0,            //距离panel参数的左边距
		top: 0,             //距离panel参数的上边距
		delay: -1,          //延迟关闭,单位毫秒,值为0时表示立刻关闭
		speed: 600,         //关闭时的效果,淡出速度
		close: true,        //是否显示关闭按钮
		callback: function() {
                    $.noop();       //点击关闭后的事件
            var param = $.extend({}, defaults, options || {});
            var controlID = self.attr("ID");
	    var cvToolTipCssBtm = 'position: absolute; border-color: transparent transparent #F9E98E transparent; border-style: dashed dashed solid dashed; border-width: 12px 12px 12px 12px; width: 0; overflow: hidden; left:100px; top:-24px;';
	    var cvToolTipCssTop = 'position: absolute; border-color: transparent transparent #FBF7AA transparent; border-style: dashed dashed solid dashed; border-width: 12px 12px 12px 12px; width: 0; overflow: hidden; left:100px; top:-19px;';
	    var cvToolTipCss = 'z-index:99998; display:none; position: absolute; border: 3px solid #F9E98E; background-color: #FBF7AA; line-height:14px; border-radius: 10px; left:' + param.right + 'px; top:' + param.top + 'px;';
	    if (param.width !== 0) {
		cvToolTipCss += 'width: ' + param.width + 'px;';
            var cvTipsElement = '';
            cvTipsElement += '<div id="' + controlID + 'Body" class="cvToolTip" style="' + cvToolTipCss + '">';
            cvTipsElement += '<span style="' + cvToolTipCssBtm + '"></span><span style="' + cvToolTipCssTop + '"></span>';
            cvTipsElement += '<span id="' + controlID + 'Content" style="float:right;"></span>';
		cvTipsElement += '<a id="' + controlID + 'Close" style="display:none;"><span style="float:left; font-family:verdana; position: absolute; top:1px; left:5px; font-size:12px; cursor:pointer;">x</span></a>';

            cvTipsElement += '</div>';

            if ($("#" + controlID + "Body").length == 0) {


            var cttBody = $("#" + controlID + "Body");
            var cttContent = $("#" + controlID + "Content");
            var cttClose = $("#" + controlID + "Close");

            var ctt = {   
		body: cttBody,

		content: function() {
                    return self;
		position: function() {
                    var p = $(param.selector).position();
                    cttBody.css({top: p.top + param.top,
				 right: p.right + param.right});
		hide: function() {                
                    cttContent.slideUp(param.speed, function(){

		timer: null,

		show: function() {
		    var timer;
                    if (cttContent.html() == "") {
			cttContent.append(ctt.content()).css("height",cttContent[0].scrollHeight + 'px').hide().slideDown(param.speed, function() {
			    cttContent.css("height", "");
                    if(param.selector != ""){
                    if (param.delay >= 0) {
			timer = setTimeout(ctt.hide, param.delay);

	    return ctt;