
من أرابيكا، الموسوعة الحرة

هذه هي النسخة الحالية من هذه الصفحة، وقام بتعديلها عبود السكاف (نقاش | مساهمات) في 05:48، 26 يناير 2016 (أنشأ الصفحة ب'//مستعمل في الأصل $(function () { //Constants var QUERY = 1, ACTION = 2, SPECIAL = 3; //Version var version = "0.94.4 Hydra"; //Holds all the modul...'). العنوان الحالي (URL) هو وصلة دائمة لهذه النسخة.

(فرق) → نسخة أقدم | نسخة حالية (فرق) | نسخة أحدث ← (فرق)
اذهب إلى التنقل اذهب إلى البحث

ملاحظة: بعد الحفظ، قد يلزمك إفراغ الكاش لرؤية التغييرات.

//مستعمل في الأصل
$(function () {

	var QUERY = 1, ACTION = 2, SPECIAL = 3;

	var version = "0.94.4 Hydra";

	//Holds all the modules
	var modules = {};


	//This is called once, by the Flash variable at the bottom of this script
	//we could technically do everything in the Flash_main class
	//but I prefer to have new instances for each new request
	//we also process version calls in here because version is a static variable
	//and making a new module just for that would waste a bunch of unnecessary memory
	var Flash_main = function () {
		this.go = function (module) { 
			return (module === 'version' ? version : new door(module));

	//door is the class that actually executes the request
	//The reason that we cant do the code in Flash_main is because if we executed the queries
	//there then all the requests would go through one instance of the class because the Flash_main
	//object is only created once. Instead, in Flash_main, all we do is create a new door from which
	//all the code is executed, so there is a new instance of the door class for each request
	var door = function (module) {
		module = (module === 'delete' ? 'del' : module);
		this.token = '';
		this.module = module;
		this.reqType = modules[module].reqType;
		this.params = {};
		this.callback = function () {};
		this.failure = function () {};


	/* Logs stuff */
	var log = (window.console && function () {
		var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
		return window.console.log.apply(window.console, args);
	}) || $.noop;

	/* Does ajax call to API */
	var ajax = function (type, url, token, cb, onfail, extraInfo) {
		var realcb;

		type = type.toLowerCase();
		extraInfo = extraInfo || {};
		onfail = onfail || function () {};

		if (type === "get") {
			realcb = token;
		} else if (type === "post") {
			realcb =  cb;

			if (token !== false) {
				extraInfo.token = token;

			url: mw.util.wikiScript('api')+url+'&format=json',
			type: type.toUpperCase(),
			dataType: 'json',
			data: extraInfo
		}).done(function (data) {
		}).fail(function (data) {

	/* Checks for most modern type of storage */
	var storageCheck = function (sStorage) {
		var ret;

		sStorage = sStorage || false;

		if (sStorage) {
			if (typeof sessionStorage !== "undefined") {
				ret = 'sessionStorage';
			} else if (typeof globalStorage !== "undefined") {
				ret = 'globalStorage';
			} else {
				ret = false;
		} else {
			if (typeof localStorage !== "undefined") {
				ret = 'localStorage';
			} else if (typeof globalStorage !== "undefined") {
				ret = 'globalStorage';
			} else {
				ret = 'cookie';

		return ret;

	/* Start Token calls */

	/* This gets all tokens that are accessible from ?action=tokens */
	var getToken = function(module, targ, url, callback, failure, extra) {
		log("Module:", module);

		module = module.toLowerCase();
		module = module === 'del' ? 'delete' : module;
		module = module === 'preferences' ? 'options' : module;

		// verification
		if (module.match(/(rollback|userrights|undelete)/)) specialToken(module, targ, url, callback, failure, extra);
		if (!module.match(/(edit|delete|protect|move|block|options|unblock|email|import|watch)/)) return false;
		// go
		var tURL = '?action=tokens&type='+module;
		ajax("get", tURL, function (data) {
			var token = data.tokens[module+"token"];
			ajax("post", url, token, callback, failure, extra);

	/* This gets tokens not accessible from ?action=tokens */
	var specialToken = function(module, targ, url, callback, failure, extra) {
		var token;
		extra = extra || {};

		// verify
		if (module.match(/(rollback|undelete|userrights)/i) === null) return false;
		switch (module) {
			case 'rollback':
				var rbtURL = '?action=query&prop=revisions&rvtoken=rollback&indexpageids=1&titles='+targ;
				ajax('get', rbtURL, function (data) {
					token = data.query.pages[data.query.pageids[0]].revisions[0].rollbacktoken;
					ajax("post", url, token, callback, failure, extra);
			case 'undelete':
				var detURL = '?action=query&list=deletedrevs&titles='+targ+'&drprop=token';
				ajax('get', detURL, function (data) {
					token = data.query.deletedrevs[0].token;
					ajax("post", url, token, callback, failure, extra);
			case 'userrights':
				var urURL = '?action=query&list=users&ustoken=userrights&indexpageids=1&ucusers='+targ;
				ajax('get', urURL, function (data) {
					token = data.query.users[0].userrightstoken;
					ajax("post", url, token, callback, failure, extra);
				token = false;


	/* Load arguments */
	door.prototype.load = function (params) {
		this.params = params;
		return this;

	/* Load success callback */
	door.prototype.wait = function (cb) {
		var checkedCB = (typeof cb !== "undefined" && typeof cb === "function") ? cb : function () {};
		this.callback = checkedCB;
		return this;

	/* Load callback */
	door.prototype.fail = function (cb) {
		var checkedCB = (typeof cb !== "undefined" && typeof cb === "function") ? cb : function () {};
		this.failure = checkedCB;
		return this;

	/* Runs query/action */
	door.prototype.run = function () {
		var targ = typeof this.params.targ !== "undefined" ? this.params.targ : '',
			rlmodule = this.module === 'delete' ? 'del' : this.module;

		if (this.reqType === ACTION) {
			modules[rlmodule].run(this.params, rlmodule, this.callback, this.failure, targ);
		} else if (this.reqType === QUERY || this.reqType === SPECIAL) {
			modules[this.module].run(this.params, this.callback, this.failure);

	/*** MODULES BEGIN ***/

	/* Start Action modules */
	modules.edit = {
		reqType: ACTION,
		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {
			var minor = 'notminor=true', 
				twhere = 'text',
				command = params.command || '',
				extra = {};

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;
			if (typeof params.isMinor !== "undefined" && params.isMinor === true) minor = 'minor=true';
			if (typeof params.where !== "undefined" && (params.where === "appendtext" || params.where ===  "prependtext")) twhere = params.where;
			var eURL = '?action=edit&title='+params.targ+'&summary='+params.summary+'&'+minor+command;
			extra[twhere] = params.text;
			getToken(module, targ,  eURL, callback, failure, extra);

	modules.rollback = {
		reqType: ACTION,
		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {
			var rbURL = '?action=rollback&title='+params.targ+'&user='+params.user,
				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;
			if (typeof params.summary !== "undefined" && params.summary !== false) rbURL += '&summary=' + params.summary;
			rbURL += command;

			getToken(module, targ, rbURL, callback, failure);

	modules.del = {
		reqType: ACTION,
		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {
			var deURL = '?action=delete&title='+params.targ+'&reason='+params.summary,
				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;
			deURL += command;

			getToken(module, targ, deURL, callback, failure);

	modules.protect = {
		reqType: ACTION,
		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {
			var cascade = '',
				exp = 'never',
				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;
			if (typeof params.cascading !== "undefined" && params.cascading === true) cascade = "&cascade";
			if (typeof params.expiry !== "undefined" && params.expiry !== false) exp = params.expiry;
			var prURL = '?action=protect&title='+params.targ+'&protections='+params.level+cascade+'&expiry='+exp+'&reason='+params.summary+command;
			getToken(module, targ, prURL, callback, failure);

	modules.move = {
		reqType: ACTION,
		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {
			// params
			var talk = '', 
				sub = '',
				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;
			if (typeof params.mTalk !== "undefined" && params.mTalk === true) talk = '&movetalk';
			if (typeof params.mSub !== "undefined" && params.mSub === true) sub = '&movesubpages';
			var mURL = '?action=move&from='+params.targ+'&to='+params.to+'&reason='+params.summary+sub+talk+command;
			getToken(module, targ, mURL, callback, failure);

	modules.userrights = {
		reqType: ACTION,
		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {
			// params
			var add = '',
				rm = '',
				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;
			if (typeof params.adds !== "undefined" && params.adds !== false) add = '&add='+params.adds;
			if (typeof params.remove !== "undefined" && params.remove !== false) rm = '&remove'+params.remove;
			var urURL = '?action=userrights&user='+params.targ+add+rm+'&reason='+params.summary+command;
			getToken(module, targ, urURL, callback, failure);

	modules.block = {
		reqType: ACTION,
		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {
			var expiry = 'never',
				nemail = '',
				ablock = '',
				atalk = '',
				ncreate = '',
				anononly = '',
				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;
			if (typeof params.expire !== "undefined" && params.expire !== false) expiry = params.expire;
			if (typeof params.noemail !== "undefined" && params.noemail === true) nemail = '&noemail';
			if (typeof params.autoblock !== "undefined" && params.autoblock === true) ablock = '&autoblock';
			if (typeof params.allowtalk !== "undefined" && params.allowtalk === true) atalk = '&allowusertalk';
			if (typeof params.nocreate !== "undefined" && params.nocreate === true) ncreate = '&nocreate';
			if (typeof params.onlyanon !== "undefined" && params.onlyanon === true) anononly = '&anononly';
			var blURL = '?action=block&user='+params.targ+'&expiry='+expiry+'&reason='+params.summary+nemail+ablock+atalk+ncreate+anononly+command;
			getToken(module, targ, blURL, callback, failure);

	modules.email = {
		reqType: ACTION,
		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {
			var emURL = '?action=emailuser&target='+params.targ+'&subject='+params.subject,
				command = params.command || '',
				extra = {};

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;
			if (typeof params.ccme !== "undefined" && params.ccme === true) emURL += '&ccme';
			emURL += command;
			extra.text = params.text;
			getToken(module, targ, emURL, callback, failure, extra);

	modules.unblock = {
		reqType: ACTION,
		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {
			var ubURL = '?action=unblock&user='+params.user+'&reason='+params.summary,
				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;
			ubURL += command;

			getToken(module, targ, ubURL, callback, failure);

	modules.undelete = {
		reqType: ACTION,
		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {
			var timestamp = '',
				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;
			if (typeof params.timestamps !== "undefined" && params.timestamps !== false) timestamp = '&timestamps='+params.timestamps;
			var udURL = '?action=undelete&title='+params.targ+'&reason='+params.summary+timestamp+command;
			getToken(module, targ, udURL, callback, failure);

	modules.preferences = {
		reqType: ACTION,
		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {
			var reset = '',
				keyValue = '',
				change = '',
				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;
			if (typeof params.reset !== "undefined") {
				if (params.reset === true) reset = '&reset';
				else reset = '&resetkinds=' + params.reset;
			if (typeof params.change !== "undefined") change = '&change='+params.change;
			if (typeof params.key !== "undefined" && typeof params.value !== "undefined") keyValue = '&optionname='+params.key+'&optionvalue='+params.value;
			var opURL = '?action=options'+reset+keyValue+change+command;
			getToken(module, targ, opURL, callback, failure);

	modules.purge = {
		reqType: ACTION,
		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {
			var pURL = '?action=purge&titles='+ params.titles,
				command = params.command || '';

			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;
			pURL += command;

			getToken(module, targ, pURL, callback, failure);

	modules.watch = {
		reqType: ACTION,
		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {
			var wURL = '?action=watch&title='+ params.targ,
				command = params.command || '';

			if (params.unwatch !== "undefined" && params.unwatch === true) wURL += '&unwatch';
			if (command !== '') command = '&' + command;
			wURL += command;

			getToken(module, targ, wURL, callback, failure);

	modules.unwatch = {
		reqType: ACTION,
		run: function (params, module, callback, failure, targ) {
			params.unwatch = true;
			modules.watch.run(params, 'watch', callback, failure, targ);

	modules.login = {
		reqType: ACTION,
		run: function (params) {
			//For script developers- Flash doesn't allow for a callback argument on this 
			ajax("post", '?action=login&lgname='+params.username+'&lgpassword='+params.password, false, function (data) {
				ajax("post", '?action=login&lgtoken='+data.login.token+'&lgname='+params.username+'&lgpassword='+params.password, false, document.location.reload());

	modules.logout = {
		reqType: ACTION,
		run: function (params, module, callback, failure) {
			ajax("post", '?action=logout', false, callback, failure);

	/* Start Special Modules */

	//Store data
	modules.storage = {
		reqType: SPECIAL,
		run: function (params, callback) {
			var type, sStorage = params.sessionOnly || false, goodModes = ['get', 'set', 'remove'], res;

			type = storageCheck(sStorage);

			if ($.inArray(params.mode, goodModes) <= -1) {

			if (type === 'localStorage' || type === 'sessionStorage') {
				res = window[type][params.mode + 'Item'](params.key, params.value);
				callback(res || true);
			} else if (type === 'globalStorage') {
				res = window.globalStorage[window.location.hostname][params.mode + 'Item'](params.key, params.value);
				callback(res || true);
			} else if (type === 'cookie') {
				//Cookie stuff is from quirksmode
				if (params.mode === 'set') {
					var expires;

					if (typeof params.days !== undefined) {
						var date = new Date();
						date.setTime(date.getTime() + (params.days*24*60*60*1000));
						expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString();
					} else {
						expires = "";
					document.cookie = params.key + "=" + params.value + expires + "; path=/";
				} else if (params.mode === 'get') {
					var nameEQ = params.name + "=", ca = document.cookie.split(';');
					for(var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
						var c = ca[i];
						while (c.charAt(0) === ' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length);
						if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) === 0) {
							callback(c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length));
				} else if (params.mode !== 'remove') {
					var expires, date = new Date();
					expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();

					document.cookie = params.key + "=" + params.value + expires + "; path=/";
			} else {

			if (params.server !== "undefined" && params.server === true) {
				modules.preferences({key: params.key, value: params.value}, 'preferences', function (res) {
				}, function () {});

	/* Start Query Modules */
	modules.exists = {
		reqType: QUERY,
		run: function (params, callback, failure) {
			ajax("get", '?action=query&prop=info&indexpageids=1&titles='+params.targ, function (data) {
				if (data.query.pages[data.query.pageids].missing === '') callback(false);
				else callback(true);
			}, failure);

	modules.getCreator = {
		reqType: QUERY,
		run: function (params, callback, failure) {
			modules.exists.run({targ: params.targ}, function (data) {
				if (data === false) {
				} else {
					ajax("get", '?action=query&prop=revisions&indexpageids=1&titles='+params.targ+'&rvlimit=1&rvprop=user&rvdir=newer', function (data) {
						var creator = data.query.pages[data.query.pageids[0]].revisions[0].user;
			}, failure);

	modules.getUserContribs = {
		reqType: QUERY,
		run: function (params, callback, failure) {
			ajax("get", '?action=query&list=usercontribs&uclimit='+params.number+'&ucuser='+params.user+'&ucprop=ids|title|flags|timestamp|comment', callback, failure);

	modules.getUserGroups = {
		reqType: QUERY,
		run: function (params, callback, failure) {
			if (params.user === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
				if (typeof params.group !== "undefined") {
					callback(($.inArray(params.group, mw.config.get('wgUserGroups')) !== -1));
				} else {
			} else {
				ajax("get", '?action=query&list=users&usprop=groups&ususers=' + encodeURIComponent(params.user), function (data) {
					if (typeof params.group !== "undefined") {
						callback(($.inArray(params.group, data.query.users[0].groups) !== -1));
					} else {
				}, failure);

	modules.getPage = {
		reqType: QUERY,
		run: function (params, callback, failure) {
			// verification
			params.revisions = params.revisions || 1;
			if (params.revisions > 500) params.revisions = 500;
			if (typeof params.properties === "undefined") params.properties = 'user|content|ids|timestamp|comment';
			// go
			ajax("get", '?action=query&prop=revisions&titles='+params.targ+'&rvprop='+params.properties+'&rvlimit='+params.revisions+'&indexpageids=1', function (data) {
				if (data.query.pageids[0] === "-1") { 
				} else {
					var info = data.query.pages[data.query.pageids[0]], 
					res = {
						title: info.title
					for (var i = 0; i < info.revisions.length; i++) { // for each revision
						res[i] = {};

						// get user
						if (params.properties.match(/user/i) !== null) {
							res[i].user = info.revisions[i].user;

						// get content
						if (params.properties.match(/content/i) !== null) {
							res[i].content = info.revisions[i]['*'];

						// get timestamp
						if (params.properties.match(/timestamp/i) !== null) {
							res[i].timestamp = info.revisions[i].timestamp;

						// get summary
						if (params.properties.match(/comment/i) !== null) {
							res[i].summary = info.revisions[i].comment;

						// get size
						if (params.properties.match(/size/i) !== null) {
							res[i].size = info.revisions[i].size;

						// get ids
						if (params.properties.match(/ids/i) !== null) {
							res[i].ids = {
								revid: info.revisions[i].revid,
								parentid: info.revisions[i].parentid
			}, failure);

	//Meta query. Accepts a url and spits out the output
	modules.question = {
		reqType: QUERY,
		run: function (params, callback, failure) {
			ajax("get", params, callback, failure);

	/*** RUN CODE ***/

	//init is the only instance of Flash_main
	//Then Flash becaomes the go function for init
	//When Flash is called it executes the code in Flash_main.prototype.go,
	//which creates a new door as explained earlier in the code
	var init = new Flash_main();
	window.Flash = init.go;

	log('loaded version ' + version);