تضامنًا مع حق الشعب الفلسطيني |
وحدة:ملعب/Mr. Ibrahem/cy
< وحدة:ملعب | Mr. Ibrahem
local p = {}
--local mw, fooA, foo3, fooC, foo1, fooB
local wiki, onwikidata
wiki = string.match(mw.site.server, "%a+")
if wiki == "www" then
wiki = "fr"
onwikidata = true
local available, translations = pcall(require, "Module:Cycling race/lang")
local available_list = available and type(translations.list) == "function"
local available_lang_priority = available == true and type(translations.lang_priority) == "table"
function flag(x, date)
local year,m,d
if date==nil then date = '+'..os.date('%Y-%m-%d') end
local flag1 = { -- Q..a current flag, Q..b, Q..c older flag. date: "+2016", "+2016-01-30", ..
Q29a={"{{رمز علم|ESP}}","+1982",""},
Q29b={"{{رمز علم|ESP|1977}}","+1977","+1981"},
Q30= "{{رمز علم|USA}}",
Q31= "{{رمز علم|BEL}}",
Q38a={"{{رمز علم|ITA}}","+1947",""},
Q38b={"{{رمز علم|ITA|1861}}","+1861","+1946"},
Q39="{{رمز علم|SUI}}",
Q55= "{{رمز علم|NED}}",
Q142="{{رمز علم|FRA}}",
Q145="{{رمز علم|GBR}}",
Q183a={"{{رمز علم|GER}}","+1949-05-23",""},
Q183b={"{{رمز علم|GER|1935}}","+1935","+1945"},
Q183c={"{{رمز علم|ألمانيا النازية|1933n}}","+1933","+1935"},
Q183d={"[[File:Flag of Germany (3-2 aspect ratio).svg|border|20px|GER]]","+1919","+1933"},
Q183e={"{{صورة علم|الإمبراطورية الألمانية}}","+1866","+1918"},
Q218a={"{{رمز علم|ROU}}","+1989-12-27",""},
Q218b={"{{رمز علم|ROU|1965}}","+1965","+1989-12-26"},
Q218c={"{{رمز علم|ROU|1952}}","+1952","+1965"},
Q218d={"{{رمز علم|ROU|1948}}","+1948","+1952"},
Q218e={"{{رمز علم|ROU}}","+1867-07-01","+1948"},
Q224a={"{{رمز علم|CRO}}","+1990-12-21",""},
Q224b={"{{رمز علم|CRO|1990}}","+1990-06-27","+1990-12-21"}
if flag1[x..'a']~=nil and date>=flag1[x..'a'][2] and flag1[x..'a'][3]=='' then return flag1[x..'a'][1] end
if flag1[x..'b']~=nil and date>=flag1[x..'b'][2] and date<=flag1[x..'b'][3] then return flag1[x..'b'][1] end
if flag1[x..'c']~=nil and date>=flag1[x..'c'][2] and date<=flag1[x..'c'][3] then return flag1[x..'c'][1] end
if flag1[x..'d']~=nil and date>=flag1[x..'d'][2] and date<=flag1[x..'d'][3] then return flag1[x..'d'][1] end
if flag1[x..'e']~=nil and date>=flag1[x..'e'][2] and date<=flag1[x..'e'][3] then return flag1[x..'e'][1] end
if flag1[x]~=nil then return flag1[x] end
local flag2 = { Q16={'Q80110','CAN'}, Q17={'Q43175','JPN'}, Q20={'Q83149','NOR'}, Q27={'Q82205','IRL'}, Q32={'Q133022','LUX'}, Q33={'Q47891','FIN'},
Q34={'Q81286','SWE'}, Q35={'Q60149','DEN'}, Q36={'Q42436','POL'}, Q37={'Q81477','LTU'}, Q39={'Q124020','SUI'}, Q77={'Q171103','URU'},
Q96={'Q122462','MEX'}, Q145={'Q83278','GBR'}, Q159={'Q16611','RUS'}, Q191={'Q81471','EST'}, Q211={'Q130449','LAT'}, Q212={'Q127974','UKR'},
Q213={'Q127155','CZE'}, Q214={'Q160861','SVK'}, Q232={'Q131650','KAZ'}, Q262={'Q83392','DZA'}, Q408={'Q81676','AUS'}, Q414={'Q130774','ARG'},
Q664={'Q160260','NZL'}, Q717={'Q165538','VEN'}, Q739={'Q160425','COL'} }
local xx
if flag1[x] ~= nil then return flag1[x] end
if flag2[x]~=nil then xx = x x = flag2[x] end -- transform x to new x
if type(x)=='table' and pcall(foo1,x[1]) then -- for transformed x
local entity=mw.wikibase.getEntity(x[1])
local a,b=pcall(fooA,'value',entity,'P18',1) -- P18 (image)
if a==true then
flag1[xx] = "{{صورة رمز علم|"..b.."|size=20px|alt="..x[2].."}}"
return "{{صورة رمز علم|"..b.."|size=20px|alt="..x[2].."}}"
if type(x)=='string' and pcall(foo1,x) then -- reading the flag data from untransformed items, e.g. Q29
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( x )
local flags = entity.claims["P41"]
local possible_flag = {}
local num = 1
if pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P41', 1) then
local v
for _, v in pairs(flags) do
if v.qualifiers then
if (not v.qualifiers["P580"] or v.qualifiers["P580"][1].datavalue.value.time <= date)
and (not v.qualifiers["P582"] or v.qualifiers["P582"][1].datavalue.value.time >= date)
then possible_flag[num]=v.mainsnak.datavalue.value num=num+1 end
else possible_flag[num]=v.mainsnak.datavalue.value num=num+1 end
local file="{{صورة رمز علم|"..possible_flag[1].."|size=20px"
local a2,b2=pcall(fooA,'value',entity,'P984',1) -- P984 (country code by the International Olympic Committee)
if a2==true then file=file.."|alt="..b2.."}}" else file=file.."}}" end
flag1[x] = file
return file
return " "
function references(entity, property, var1)
local ref1, ref2, ref2b, ref3, ref4 = "", " ", "", "", ""
local url, ref
local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()
local a, b
if onwikidata then lang = mw.getLanguage('fr') end
a, b = pcall(fooB, 'value', entity, property, var1, 1, 'P854', 1) -- url
if a == true then ref1 = b end
a, b = pcall(fooB, 'text', entity, property, var1, 1, 'P1476', 1) -- Originaltitel der webpage, "language": "fr"
if a == true then
ref2 = b
ref2b= entity.claims[property][var1].references[1].snaks['P1476'][1].datavalue.value.language or ''
if ref2b == wiki then ref2b = '' else ref2b = '(' .. ref2b .. ') ' end
a, b = pcall(fooB, 'time', entity, property, var1, 1, 'P577', 1) -- publication date
if a == true then
local _, _, year, m, d = string.find(b,"(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")
if d ~= '00' and m ~= '00' then
if wiki == "de" then ref3 = ', ' .. lang:formatDate( "j. F Y", b)
elseif wiki == "ar" then ref3 = ', ' .. lang:formatDate( "j F Y", b) .. '.'
elseif wiki == "en" then ref3 = ', ' .. lang:formatDate( "Y F, j", b) .. '.'
elseif wiki == "fr" then ref3 = ', ' .. lang:formatDate( "j F Y", b)
else ref3 = ', ' .. func_date (b, 'long') .. '.' --lang:formatDate( "j n Y", b) .. '.'
elseif d == '00' and m ~= '00' then
d = '01'
if wiki == "de" then ref3 = ', ' .. lang:formatDate( "F Y", year..'-'..m..'-'..d )
elseif wiki == "ar" then ref3 =', ' .. lang:formatDate( "F Y", year..'-'..m..'-'..d )..'.'
elseif wiki == "en" then ref3 =', ' .. lang:formatDate( "Y F", year..'-'..m..'-'..d )..'.'
elseif wiki == "fr" then ref3 =', ' .. lang:formatDate( "F Y", year..'-'..m..'-'..d )
else ref3 = ', ' .. lang:formatDate( "F Y", year..'-'..m..'-'..d )..'.'
else ref3 = year
a, b = pcall(fooB, 'time', entity, property, var1, 1, 'P813', 1) -- Retrieved
if a == true then
if wiki == "de" then ref4 = ", (abgerufen am " .. lang:formatDate( "j. F Y", b).. ')'
elseif wiki == "ar" then ref4 = " Retrieved " .. lang:formatDate( "j F Y", b) .. '.'
elseif wiki == "en" then ref4 = " Retrieved " .. lang:formatDate( "Y F, j", b) .. '.'
elseif wiki == "fr" then ref4 = " (consulté le " .. lang:formatDate( "j F Y", b) .. ')'
else ref4 = " Retrieved " .. func_date (b, 'long').. '.' --lang:formatDate( "j n Y", b) .. '.'
if ref1~='' then --and ref2~='' then
local _, start = string.find( ref1, '//' )
local ende, _ = string.find( ref1, '/', start + 1 )
local s = string.sub(ref1, start + 1, ende - 1)
local s2 = string.gsub(s, "www.", "")
if wiki == "fr" then
-- fr: "(en) « Lloyd Mondory ... EPO », sur velonews.competitor.com (consulté le 30 april 2016), 30 octobre 2015."
if ref2~=' ' then url= ', sur <span style="font-style:italic;">' .. s2 .. '</span>' else url='' end
ref = ref2b .. '« ['.. ref1.. ' '.. ref2.. '] »' .. url .. ref4 .. ref3 ..'.'
elseif wiki == "en" then
-- en: "Inflation ... recession", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, October 16, 2009. Retrieved 2010-01-21.
if ref2~=' ' then url= ', <span style="font-style:italic;">' .. s2 .. '</span>' else url='' end
ref = '"['.. ref1.. ' '.. ref2.. '"]'.. ref2b .. url .. ref3 .. ref4
elseif wiki == "de" then
if ref2~=' ' then url= ' In: <span style="font-style:italic;">' .. s2 .. '</span>' else url='' end
ref = '<span style="font-style:italic;">['.. ref1.. ' '.. ref2.. '.]</span> '.. url.. ref3 .. ref4 ..'.'
if ref2~=' ' then url= ' <span style="font-style:italic;">' .. s2 .. '</span>' else url='' end
ref = ref2b .. '['.. ref1.. ' '.. ref2.. '] ' .. url.. ref3 .. ref4
return ref or ''
else return ''
function black_list(wiki, Label)
-- List of Wikipedia articles with the same lemma as the non existing rider article. Those lemmas are printed as text "black" in the tables,
-- not "blue" or "red". This way there will be no false wikilinks at the WhatLinksHere entry. List should be updated maybe once a year.
local black_list = {}
if wiki=='de' then black_list={ ["Ryan Anderson"]=true, ["Chris Butler"]=true, ["Josef Černý"]=true, ["Brad Evans"]=true, ["Robert Fontaine"]=true,
["Carlos Giménez"]=true, ["George Harper"]=true, ["Mathias Jørgensen"]=true, ["Luis Lemus"]=true, ["David Lozano"]=true, ["Jan Maas"]=true,
["James McLaughlin"]=true, ["Nikolaj Michajlow"]=true, ["Antonio Molina"]=true, ["Ben O'Connor"]=true, ["Andrea Peron"]=true, ["Cristian Rodríguez"]=true,
["Nick Schultz"]=true, ["Adam Stachowiak"]=true, ["Michel Vermote"]=true, ["Johannes Weber"]=true, ["Martin Weiss"]=true, ["Christopher Williams"]=true,
["Samuel Williams"]=true, ["Peter Williams"]=true, ['Stephen Williams']=true, ["Michael Woods"]=true, ["Michael Wright"] = true, ["Edoardo Zardini"]=true,
["Georg Zimmermann"]=true } end
if wiki=='en' then black_list={ ["Tiago da Silva"]=true, ["Jan Maas"]=true, ["Alexander Meier"]=true, ["James McLaughlin"]=true, ["Andrea Nencini"]=true,
["Johannes Weber"]=true } end
if wiki=='fr' then black_list={['Pierre Barbier']=true, ['Jessica Cutler']=true, ['Fernanda da Silva']=true, ['Guillaume Delvaux']=true, ['Willy De Waele']=true,
['Jules Dubois']=true, ['Jean Dupont']=true, ['Robert Fontaine']=true, ['René Fournier']=true, ['Pierre Gauthier']=true, ['Marc Goossens']=true,
['Claude Guyot']=true, ['Amy Hill']=true, ['Liang Hongyu']=true, ['Marcus Johansson']=true, ['Mathias Jørgensen']=true, ['José Mendoza']=true,
['Daniel Müller']=true, ['Henri Parmentier']=true, ['Jean Raynal']=true, ['Pascal Robert']=true, ['Jean-Yves Roy']=true, ['Michael Shermer']=true,
['Juris Silovs']=true, ['Jacques Simon']=true, ['Guy Thomas']=true, ['Ryan Thomas']=true, ['Hans Vonk']=true, ['Jan Wijnants']=true } end
return black_list[Label]
function WPlink(Qnumber, ...)
local link=''
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( Qnumber )
local Sitelink = entity:getSitelink() -- link to WParticle
local Sitelink2 = Sitelink
local Label = entity:getLabel('ar') or ''
local Label_fr = entity:getLabel( 'fr' ) or ''
local a, b
local official_name = ""
if arg[1] == nil then
if pcall(foo1, Qnumber) then
if Sitelink ~= nil then
if wiki=="en" then --delete string ", ..." from e.g. "Unley, South Australia"
if Sitelink~=nil then
local i, _ = mw.ustring.find(Sitelink, ",")
if i ~= nil then Sitelink2 = mw.ustring.sub(Sitelink, 1, i-1) end
link = "[[" .. Sitelink .. "|" .. mw.text.trim(mw.ustring.gsub(Sitelink2, "%b()", "")..' ') .. "]]"
if wiki == "de" then -- ru riders get label as alias, to shorten the name
local a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P27', 1)
if a == true and (b==159 or b==184 or b==212 or b==232) then link = "[[" .. Sitelink .. "|" .. Label .. "]]" end
elseif Label ~= '' then
if wiki == 'ar' then
local title = mw.title.new(Label)
if title and title.exists
then link = Label
else link = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'Ill-WD2', args = {id=Qnumber,target='en',label=Label } }--"[[" .. Label.. "]]"
if black_list(wiki, Label) == true then
link = Label -- function black_list: articles that are printed as text, not wikilinks
else -- detect if there is a different local article with the same name
local title = mw.title.new(Label)
if title and title.exists then link = Label else link = "[[" .. Label.. "]]" end
else link = Label end
else return "unknown ID in function WPlink" end
if link == '' then
link = entity:getLabel('fr') or entity:getLabel('en') or entity:getLabel('de') or ''
if wiki == "ar" then link = entity:getLabel('ar') or entity:getLabel('en') or entity:getLabel('fr') or entity:getLabel('de') or '' end
if link ~= '' then link = mw.ustring.gsub(link, "%b()", "")
else link = "(label missing)" end
end -- if arg[1] == nil
if arg[1] == 'team' then -- add '(team of the winner)'
a, b = timeStartEnd(Qnumber, 'P1448', 'text', arg[2]) --officialName(entity)
local a1, b1 = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P361', 1)
if a1== true then
local a2, b2 = timeStartEnd('Q'..b1, 'P1448', 'text', arg[2])
if a2== true then a = a2 b = b2 end
entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( 'Q'..b1 )
Sitelink2 = entity:getSitelink() -- link to WParticle
if a == true then official_name = b end
if available_lang_priority == false then
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'text', entity, 'P1448', 2) -- test if more then two official names
if a == true then
a, b = timeStartEnd(Qnumber, 'P1448', 'text', arg[2]) --officialName(entity)
if a == true then official_name = b end
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'text', entity, 'P1448', 1)
if a == true then official_name = b end
if Sitelink ~= nil then
if official_name == nil then
link = "[[".. Sitelink.. "|".. mw.text.trim(mw.ustring.gsub(Sitelink,"%b()","").. ' ') .. "]]"
if wiki=="en" then --delete string ", ..." from e.g. "Unley, South Australia"
local i, _ = mw.ustring.find(Sitelink, ",")
if i ~= nil then Sitelink = mw.ustring.sub(Sitelink, 1, i-1) end
link = link .. '[['.. Sitelink.. "|".. official_name.. ']]'
if link == '' and Sitelink2 ~= nil then -- code goes from season item to team item
if official_name == nil or official_name == '' then
link = "[[".. Sitelink2.. "|".. mw.text.trim(mw.ustring.gsub(Sitelink2,"%b()","").. ' ') .. "]]"
if wiki=="en" then --delete string ", ..." from e.g. "Unley, South Australia"
local i, _ = mw.ustring.find(Sitelink2, ",")
if i ~= nil then Sitelink2 = mw.ustring.sub(Sitelink2, 1, i-1) end
link = link .. '[['.. Sitelink2.."|".. official_name.. ']]'
if Sitelink == nil and Sitelink2 == nil then
if official_name ~='' then link = official_name else link = entity:getLabel('ar') end
if link == nil then link = "(label missing)" end
-- mw.log('Sitelink=', Sitelink, 'Sitelink2=', Sitelink2, 'official_name=', official_name)
end -- end arg[1]
if arg[1] == 'pure' then
if pcall(foo1, Qnumber) then
if wiki == "en" then --delete string ", ..." from e.g. "Unley, South Australia"
if Sitelink~=nil then
local i, _ = mw.ustring.find(Sitelink, ",")
if i ~= nil then Sitelink2 = mw.ustring.sub(Sitelink, 1, i-1) end
if Sitelink ~= nil then link = "[[" .. Sitelink .. "|" .. mw.text.trim(mw.ustring.gsub(Sitelink2, "%b()", "")..' ') .. "]]"
elseif wiki == 'ar' then
local title = mw.title.new(Label)
if title and title.exists
then link = Label
else link = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'Ill-WD2', args = {id=Qnumber,target='en',label=Label } }--"[[" .. Label.. "]]"
else link = mw.ustring.gsub(Label, "^(%a)", function (x) return mw.ustring.upper(x) end)
if arg[1] == 'race' then -- for infobox "Competitions"
local a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P31', 1)
if a == true and b == 1137352 then
local entity_race = mw.wikibase.getEntity( 'Q' .. b )
local Label_race = entity_race:getLabel('ar') or ''
local Sitelink_race = entity_race:getSitelink() or ''
if Label_race ~= '' and Sitelink ~= nil then link = '[[' .. Sitelink .. '|' .. Label_race .. ']]'
elseif Sitelink ~= nil then link = '[[' .. Sitelink .. ']]'
else if Sitelink_race ~= '' then link = '[[' .. Sitelink_race ..'|' .. mw.text.trim(mw.ustring.gsub(Sitelink_race, "%b()", "") .. ' ') .. ']]'
else link = Label_race or Label end
if onwikidata == true then link = '[['..entity:getSitelink( 'frwiki')..'|'..entity_race:getLabel('fr')..']]' end
else if Sitelink ~= nil then link = "[[".. Sitelink.. "]]" else link = Label end
if arg[1] == "Q22348500" then -- add weblink from item "Q22348500" if available
local Sitelink_claas = mw.wikibase.getEntity( 'Q22348500' ):getSitelink()
if pcall(foo1, Qnumber) then --Sitelink_claas
if Sitelink == nil then
if Sitelink_claas ~= nil then link = "[[" .. Sitelink_claas .. "|" .. Label .. "]]"
elseif entity:getLabel( 'ar' )~=nil then link = entity:getLabel( 'ar' )
elseif entity:getLabel( 'fr' )~=nil then link = entity:getLabel( 'fr' )
elseif entity:getLabel( 'en' )~=nil then link = entity:getLabel( 'en' )
elseif entity:getLabel( 'de' )~=nil then link = entity:getLabel( 'de' )
else link = Label
return link
function national_team(riderID, startOfSeason, entity, property, k)
-- property: statement where the rider is the value
-- k: loop
local national_team, team, nationality, teamID
-- national team for U23 or older riders
if pcall(function()
local i,j, s
for _, v in pairs(entity.claims[property][k].qualifiers['P54']) do -- for property 'member of sports team'
teamID = 'Q'.. v.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] break
national_team = mw.wikibase.getEntity( teamID )
-- calculate s for national team item
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', national_team, 'P31', 1) -- test if country
if a == true and b == 20738667 then -- Q20738667 = national cycling team U23
if wiki == 'fr' then s = ' espoirs' else s = ' U23' end
if wiki == 'mk' then s = ' под 23 години' end
if wiki == 'ar' then s = ' تحت 23' end
elseif a == true and (b == 1194951 or b == 23726798) then s = '' end
-- Q1194951 = national sports team, Q23726798 = national cycling team
a, b = timeStartEnd(riderID, "P27", 'numeric-id', startOfSeason)
if a == true then
local nation = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b )
nationality = nation:getLabel('ar') or nation:getLabel('en') .. ' (en)'
if national_team:getSitelink() == nil then
team = nationality.. s
team = "[[".. national_team:getSitelink().. "|".. nationality.. s.. ']]'
a, b = timeStartEnd(riderID, "P17", 'numeric-id', startOfSeason)
if a == true then --team = 'abc'.. b --riderID
local nation = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b )
nationality = nation:getLabel('ar') or nation:getLabel('en') .. ' (en)'
if national_team:getSitelink() == nil then
team = nationality.. s
team = "[[".. national_team:getSitelink().. "|".. nationality.. s.. ']]'
end) then
--standard team
a, b = timeStartEnd(riderID, 'P54', 'numeric-id', startOfSeason)
if a == true then
national_team = mw.wikibase.getEntity( 'Q'..b )
-- g.team[rank] = national_team:getLabel('ar') or g.country[rank].. s
team = WPlink('Q'..b, 'team', startOfSeason)
-- guest team
if teamID ~= nil then team = WPlink(teamID, 'team') end
return team
function timeStartEnd(Qid, property, mode, timeofrace)
-- mode = 'numeric-id', property = 'P54', Qid = 'Q123'
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity(Qid)
local a, b = pcall(fooA, mode, entity, property, 1)
local starttime, endtime
local available_lang_priority = available_lang_priority
if a == true then
local timeStartEnd = {}
local num = 1
local v
for _, v in pairs(entity.claims[property]) do
if pcall(function () local test = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value[mode] end) then -- test if not 'unnown value'
if pcall(function () starttime = v.qualifiers["P580"][1].datavalue.value.time end) then
starttime = v.qualifiers["P580"][1].datavalue.value.time
local _,_,year,m,d = string.find(starttime,"(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")
if m == '00' and d == '00' then starttime = '+'..year..'-01-01T00:00:00Z' end
if pcall(function () endtime = v.qualifiers["P582"][1].datavalue.value.time end) then
endtime = v.qualifiers["P582"][1].datavalue.value.time
local _,_,year,m,d = string.find(endtime,"(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")
if m == '00' and d == '00' then endtime = '+'..year..'-12-31T00:00:00Z' end
if m == '01' and d == '01' then endtime = '+'..year..'-12-31T00:00:00Z' end
if v.qualifiers then
if (not v.qualifiers["P580"] or starttime <= timeofrace)
(not v.qualifiers["P582"] or endtime >= timeofrace)
if available_lang_priority == true and property == "P1448" then
local test = false
pcall(function () if type( v.qualifiers["P1448"])=='table' then test=true end end)
if test == false then
timeStartEnd[num] = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value[mode]
local lang_module, lang_WD
local language= ''
local zaehler
for i,j in ipairs(translations.lang_priority) do
lang_module = j
for number in pairs(v.qualifiers["P1448"]) do
lang_WD = v.qualifiers["P1448"][number].datavalue.value.language
if lang_WD == lang_module then zaehler = number break end
end -- for number in pairs
if lang_WD == lang_module then language = lang_WD break end
end -- for i,j
if language~='' then -- a WD translation matching translations.lang_priority exist
local t = v.qualifiers["P1448"][zaehler].datavalue.value.text
timeStartEnd[num] = t
else timeStartEnd[num] = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value[mode]-- no matching between lang module and "official name" qualifier
end -- if language~=''
end -- test if official name qualifier exist
else timeStartEnd[num] = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value[mode]
end -- if property == "P1448"
num = num + 1
timeStartEnd[num] = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value[mode]
num = num + 1
return a, timeStartEnd[1]
else return false, '' end
function func_date (date, mode)
-- local date = '+2016-05-20'
-- local mode = 'small'
local function standard(datum)
if mode=='long' then return mw.language.getContentLanguage():formatDate("j F Y", datum) end
if mode=='small' then return mw.language.getContentLanguage():formatDate("j M", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return mw.language.getContentLanguage():formatDate("j", datum) end
local function ar(datum)
local lang = mw.getLanguage('ar')
if mode=='long' then return mw.getLanguage('ar'):formatDate("d F Y", datum) end
if mode=='small' then return mw.getLanguage('ar'):formatDate("d F", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return mw.getLanguage('ar'):formatDate("d", datum) end
local function br(datum)
local lang = mw.getLanguage('br')
if mode=='long' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum ) .." a viz ".. lang:formatDate("F Y", datum) end
if mode=='small' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum ) .." a viz ".. lang:formatDate("M", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum ) end
local function ca(datum, language)
local lang = mw.getLanguage(language)
if mode=='long' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum) .." de ".. lang:formatDate("F", datum) .." de ".. lang:formatDate("Y", datum) end
if mode=='small' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum) .." de ".. lang:formatDate("M", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum) end
local function cs(datum)
local lang = mw.getLanguage('cs')
if mode=='long' then return lang:formatDate("j. xg Y", datum) end
if mode=='small' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum) ..". xg ".. lang:formatDate("M", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum) end
local function de(datum, language)
if mode=='long' then return mw.getLanguage(language):formatDate("j. F Y", datum) end
if mode=='small' then return mw.getLanguage(language):formatDate("j. M", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return mw.getLanguage(language):formatDate("j.", datum) end
local function eo(datum)
local lang = mw.getLanguage('eo')
if mode=='long' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum) .."-a de ".. lang:formatDate("F Y", datum) end
if mode=='small' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum) .."-a de ".. lang:formatDate("M", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum) end
local function en(datum)
if mode=='long' then return mw.getLanguage('en'):formatDate("F d, Y", datum) end
if mode=='small' then return mw.getLanguage('en'):formatDate("M d", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return mw.getLanguage('en'):formatDate("d", datum) end
local function eu(datum)
local lang = mw.getLanguage('eu')
if mode=='long' then return lang:formatDate( "Y", datum) ..".eko ".. lang:formatDate("F", datum) .."k ".. lang:formatDate("j", datum) end
if mode=='small' then return lang:formatDate( "M", datum) .."k ".. lang:formatDate("j", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum) end
local function fi(datum) -- may be different
if mode=='long' then return mw.ustring.gsub(mw.getLanguage('fi'):formatDate("j. F Y", date), "%a+", "%0ta") end
if mode=='small' then return mw.getLanguage('fi'):formatDate("j. M", date) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return mw.getLanguage('fi'):formatDate("j.", date) end
local function hu(datum)
local lang = mw.getLanguage('hu')
if mode=='long' then return lang:formatDate( "Y", datum) ..". ".. lang:formatDate("F", datum) .." ".. lang:formatDate("j", datum)..". " end
if mode=='small' then return lang:formatDate( "M", datum) ..". ".. lang:formatDate("j", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum) end
local function ja(datum)
if mode=='long' then return mw.getLanguage('ja'):formatDate("Y年m月d日", datum) end
if mode=='small' then return mw.getLanguage('ja'):formatDate("m月d日", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return mw.getLanguage('ja'):formatDate("d日", datum) end
local function lv(datum)
local lang = mw.getLanguage('lv')
if mode=='long' then return lang:formatDate("Y.", datum) .." gada ".. lang:formatDate("j. F", datum) end
if mode=='small' then return lang:formatDate("j. M", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return lang:formatDate("j.", datum) end
local function pl(datum)
local lang = mw.getLanguage('pl')
local date_pl = {"stycznia", "lutego", "marca", "kwietnia", "maja", "czerwca", "lipca", "sierpnia", "września", "października", "listopada", "grudnia"}
if mode=='long' then return lang:formatDate("j ", datum) .. date_pl[tonumber(lang:formatDate("n", datum))] .. lang:formatDate(" Y", datum) end
if mode=='small' then return lang:formatDate("j M", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum) end
local x = {['']=standard(date), ['ar']=ar(date), ['br']=br(date), ['ca']=ca(date,'ca'), ['cs']=cs(date), ['da']=de(date,'da'), ['de']=de(date,'de'), ['en']=en(date), ['eo']=eo(date),
['es']=ca(date,'es'), ['eu']=eu(date), ['fi']=fi(date), ['fo']=de(date,'fo'), ['hu']=hu(date), ['ja']=ja(date), ['lv']=lv(date), ['no']=de(date,'no'), ['pl']=pl(date)}
return x[wiki] or x['']
function infobox_translate(x)
-- This function permits to translate fields of the infobox, take the line below, give a Wikipedia (ex : mk), and translate all fields. By default, English values are taken.
-- "POINTS", "MOUNTAINS", "SPRINTS", "YOUTH", "COMBATIVITY", "COMBINATION", "TEAM", "Picture", "Caption", "Map", "Special 1", "Special 2", "Documentation",
local l10nDef = { }
l10nDef["ar"] = {"تفاصيل السباق", "سلسلة", "منافسة", "مسابقات", "مراحل", "التاريخ", "التواريخ", "المسافات", "البلد", "البلدان",
"نقطة البداية", "نقطة النهاية", "الفرق", "عدد المتسابقين في البداية", "عدد المتسابقين في النهاية", "متوسط السرعة", "الكلفة", "المنصة", "الفائز", "الثاني",
"الثالث", "حسب النقاط", "تسلق الجبل", "سباقات السرعة", "أفضل شاب", "تصنيف القتال", "مجموعة", "الفريق", "صورة", "تعليق", "خريطة", "مميز 1", "مميز 2", "توثيق", "سباقات السرعة", "انتظام", "نقاط الفريق", "فوجا بيناريلو", "أزوري دي إيطاليا"}
l10nDef["en"] = {"Race details", "Course", "Competition", "Competitions", "Stages", "Date", "Dates", "Distance", "Country", "Countries",
"Journey origin", "Journey destination", "Teams", "Starting riders", "Arriving riders", "Average speed", "Cost", "Palmares", "Winner", "Second",
"Third", "Points", "Mountains", "Sprints", "Youth", "Combativity", "Combination", "Team", "Picture", "Caption", "Map", "Special 1", "Special 2",
"Documentation", "Intermediate sprints", "Regularidad", "Team points", "Fuga Pinarello", "Azzurri d'Italia"}
local l10n = l10nDef[wiki]
if not l10n then l10n = l10nDef["en"] end -- default
return l10n[x]
function p.winnertable(frame)
local t = {is_a="", class="", stage="", starttime="", endtime="", time="", date="", dates="", length="", length_unit="",
startplace="", endplace="", nr_teams="", nr_participants_start="", nr_participants_end="", speed="", speed_unit="", cost="", cost_unit="",
first="", first_team="", second="", second_team="", third="", third_team="", winner_point="", winner_point_team="", winner_mountain="", winner_mountain_team="",
winner_sprint="", winner_sprint_team="", winner_young="", winner_young_team="", winner_fighting="", winner_fighting_team="", winner_combination="",
winner_combination_team="", winner_metas_volantes="", winner_metas_volantes_team="", winner_regularity="", winner_regularity_team="",
winner_fuga_pinarello="", winner_fuga_pinarello_team="", winner_azzurri_ditalia="", winner_azzurri_ditalia_team="", winner_team="",
winner_team_points="", previous="", next=""}
local ref = {stage="", starttime="", endtime="", time="", date="", dates="", length="", nr_participants_start="", nr_participants_end="",
speed="", speed_unit="", cost="", first="", second="", third="", winner_point="", winner_mountain="", winner_sprint="", winner_young="",
winner_fighting="", winner_metas_volantes="", winner_regularity="", winner_combination="", winner_fuga_pinarello="", winner_azzurri_ditalia="",
winner_team="", winner_team_points=""}
local tt = {icon="", picture="", caption="", name="", nr="", map="" }
local ttt = {tour={}, country={}}
local tttt = {special_1a="", special_1b="", special_2a="", special_2b=""}
local entity = ""
local y, m, d = "", "", ""
local y2, m2, d2 = "", "", ""
local a, b, c, k, num, i
local entityId = frame.args[1]
local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()
local wiki = string.match(mw.site.server, "%a+")
local results = false
local a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2
local timeofrace
if type( entityId ) ~= 'string' then error( 'parameter must be a string') end
if not entityId:match( 'Q%d+' ) then error ( 'parameter must be a valid Wikidata item (ex: Q42)' ) end
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( entityId )
local localFrame
if string.match(frame:getParent():getTitle(), '%P+') == mw.site.namespaces.Template.name
then localFrame = frame:getParent() else localFrame = frame end
if localFrame.args[infobox_translate(29)] then tt.picture = localFrame.args[infobox_translate(29)] end
if localFrame.args[infobox_translate(30)] then tt.caption = localFrame.args[infobox_translate(30)] end
if localFrame.args[infobox_translate(31)] then tt.map = localFrame.args[infobox_translate(31)] end
if entity:getLabel('ar') ~= nil then tt.name = entity:getLabel('ar')
if entity:getLabel( 'fr' ) ~= nil then tt.name = entity:getLabel( 'fr' ).. " (fr)"
else tt.name = "Wikidata doesn´t know" end
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P641', 1)
if a == true then -- icon for road bicycle racing, Q3609 (road bicycle racing)
if b == 3609 then tt.icon = " [[File:Cycling (road) pictogram.svg|35px]]" end
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'value', entity, 'P18', 1)
if a == true and tt.picture == "" then
local v
tt.picture = b
if pcall(foo3, entity, "P18", 1, "P2096", 1) then
for _, v in pairs(entity.claims["P18"]) do
for num=1,#v.qualifiers["P2096"] do
if v.qualifiers["P2096"][num].datavalue.value.language == lang:getCode() then
tt.caption = v.qualifiers["P2096"][num].datavalue.value.text end
-- For FR Wiki and Wikidata, exception that permit to display 1er, 2e... for the edition number ;
-- for RU Wiki, -й is written after the value of P393
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'value', entity, 'P393', 1)
if a == true and tt.nr == "" then
tt.nr = b .. ". "
if wiki == "fr" or wiki == "www" then
if b == 1 then tt.nr = "1<sup>re</sup> " else tt.nr = b .."<sup>e</sup> " end end
if wiki == "nl" then tt.nr = b .."e " end
if wiki == "ru" then tt.nr = b .."-й " end
if wiki == "eo" then tt.nr = b .."-a " end
if wiki == "cs" then tt.nr = b ..". " end
if wiki == "hu" then tt.nr = b .."-ik " end
-- Class of a cycling race. Class is: 1.UWT, 2.UWT, 1.HC, ... add new classes, no problem
local class = { "Q22231106", "Q22231107", "Q22231108", "Q22231109", "Q22231110", "Q22231111", "Q22231112",
"Q22231113", "Q22231114", "Q22231115", "Q22231116", "Q22231117", "Q22231118", "Q22231119", "Q23015458", "Q23005601", "Q23005603" }
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P31', 1) -- first value for P31
c, d = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P31', 2) -- second value for P31
if a == true and c == true then -- for two values
for i=1,#class do -- #class = number of elements in class
if "Q"..b == class[i] then t.class = "c"..b t.is_a = "Q"..d break end
if "Q"..d == class[i] then t.class = "c"..d t.is_a = "Q"..b break end
else -- if there is only one value, assume it is not a class
if a == true or c == true then t.is_a = "Q"..b end
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P361', 1) -- Competition of the cycling race : UCI World Tour 2016, UCI Europe Tour 2016...
if a == true then --ttt.tour = "Q" .. b end
local i, v
for i, v in pairs(entity.claims["P361"]) do
ttt.tour[i] = "T" .. v.mainsnak.datavalue.value["numeric-id"]
if t.stage == "" then
if pcall(function() -- This function count the number of value for P527 to determine the number of stages
t.stage = entity.claims["P527"]
) then else t.stage = "" end
a1, b1, c1 = pcall(fooA, 'time', entity, 'P580', 1)
if a1 == true and t.starttime == "" then i = 1
while a1 == true and c1 == 'deprecated' do
i = i + 1
a1, b1, c1 = pcall(fooA, 'time', entity, 'P580', i)
--b1 = "+2015-07-04T00:00:00Z"
_, _, y, m, d = string.find(b1, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")
a2, b2, c2 = pcall(fooA, 'time', entity, 'P582', 1)
if a2 == true and t.endtime == "" then i = 1
while a2 == true and c2 == 'deprecated' do
i = i + 1
a2, b2, c2 = pcall(fooA, 'time', entity, 'P582', i)
--b2 = "+2015-07-05T00:00:00Z"
_, _, y2, m2, d2 = string.find(b2, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")
if a1 == true and t.starttime == "" then
if y ~= y2 then t.starttime = lang:formatDate( "j F Y", b1 )
elseif m ~= m2 then t.starttime = lang:formatDate( "j F", b1 )
else t.starttime = lang:formatDate( "j", b1 )
if wiki == "ar" then
if y ~= y2 then t.starttime = lang:formatDate( "d F Y", b1 )
elseif m ~= m2 then t.starttime = lang:formatDate( "d F", b1 )
else t.starttime = lang:formatDate( "d F", b1 )
end end
if wiki == "en" then
if y ~= y2 then t.starttime = lang:formatDate( "F d, Y", b1 )
elseif m ~= m2 then t.starttime = lang:formatDate( "F d", b1 )
else t.starttime = lang:formatDate( "F d", b1 )
end end
end -- if a1
if a2 == true and t.endtime == "" then
t.endtime = lang:formatDate( "j F Y", b2 )
timeofrace = b2
if wiki == "ar" then
if y ~= y2 then t.endtime = lang:formatDate( "d F Y", b2 )
elseif m ~= m2 then t.endtime = lang:formatDate( "d F Y", b2 )
else t.endtime = lang:formatDate( "d، Y", b2 )
end end
if wiki == "en" then
if y ~= y2 then t.endtime = lang:formatDate( "F d, Y", b2 )
elseif m ~= m2 then t.endtime = lang:formatDate( "F d, Y", b2 )
else t.endtime = lang:formatDate( "d, Y", b2 )
end end
end -- if a2
-- This function give a format to dates when P585 (date) is used in a single day race
a1, b1, c1 = pcall(fooA, 'time', entity, 'P585', 1)
if a1 == true and t.time == "" then i = 1
while a1 == true and c1 == 'deprecated' do
i = i + 1
a1, b1, c1 = pcall(fooA, 'time', entity, 'P585', i)
t.time = func_date (b1, 'long')
timeofrace = b1
-- This function permits to display an unity (the kilometer) for a distance, with exceptions for macedionan, russian and japanese
-- that have other symbols
a1, b1, c1 = pcall(fooA, 'amount', entity, 'P3157', 1)
if a1 == true and t.length == "" then i = 1
while a1 == true and c1 == 'deprecated' do
i = i + 1
a1, b1, c1 = pcall(fooA, 'amount', entity, 'P3157', i)
t.length = b1
a1, b1, _ = pcall(fooA, 'unit', entity, 'P3157', 1)
if b1 == "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q828224" then
t.length_unit = 'km'
if wiki == "ar" then t.length_unit = 'كم' end
a1, b1, c1 = pcall(fooA, 'amount', entity, 'P2043', 1)
if a1 == true and t.length == "" then i = 1
while a1 == true and c1 == 'deprecated' do
i = i + 1
a1, b1, c1 = pcall(fooA, 'amount', entity, 'P2043', i)
t.length = b1
a1, b1, _ = pcall(fooA, 'unit', entity, 'P2043', 1)
if b1 == "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q828224" then
t.length_unit = 'km'
if wiki == "ar" then t.length_unit = 'كم' end
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P17', 1) -- This function gives countries where the race take place
if a == true then --and ttt.country == "" then ttt.country = "Q" .. b end
local i, v
for i, v in pairs(entity.claims["P17"]) do
ttt.country[i] = "C" .. v.mainsnak.datavalue.value["numeric-id"]
-- Function that give the starting place of a race
a1, b1, c1 = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P1427', 1)
if a1 == true and t.startplace == "" then i = 1
while a1 == true and c1 == 'deprecated' do
i = i + 1
a1, b1, c1 = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P1427', i)
t.startplace = "Q" .. b1
-- Function that give the finishing place of a race
a1, b1, c1 = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P1444', 1)
if a1 == true and t.endplace == "" then i = 1
while a1 == true and c1 == 'deprecated' do
i = i + 1
a1, b1, c1 = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P1444', i)
t.endplace = "Q" .. b1
-- This function counts the number of value for P1923 (participating teams) and give the number of team that participate at the race
if pcall(function()
t.nr_teams = entity.claims["P1923"]
) then else t.nr_teams = "" end
-- Function that give the number of cyclists at the beginning and at the finishing of a race
a1, b1, c1 = pcall(fooA, 'amount', entity, 'P1132', 1)
if a1 == true and t.nr_participants_start == "" and t.nr_participants_end == "" then i = 1
while a1 == true and c1 == 'deprecated' do
i = i + 1
a1, b1, c1 = pcall(fooA, 'amount', entity, 'P1132', i)
local v
for _, v in pairs(entity.claims["P1132"]) do
if pcall(function()
if v.qualifiers["P276"][1].datavalue.value["numeric-id"] == 529711 then
t.nr_participants_start = string.gsub(v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.amount, "+", "") end
) then else t.nr_participants_start = "" end
if pcall(function()
if v.qualifiers["P276"][1].datavalue.value["numeric-id"] == 12769393 then
t.nr_participants_end = string.gsub(v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.amount, "+", "") end
) then else t.nr_participants_end = "" end
end -- for
end -- if a1
-- This function permits to display an unity (the kilometer per hour) for an average speed, with exceptions for macedionan, russian and japanese
-- that have other symbols
a1, b1, c1 = pcall(fooA, 'amount', entity, 'P2052', 1)
if a1 == true and t.speed == "" then i = 1
while a1 == true and c1 == 'deprecated' do
i = i + 1
a1, b1, c1 = pcall(fooA, 'amount', entity, 'P2052', i)
t.speed = b1
a1, b1 = pcall(fooA, 'unit', entity, 'P2052', 1)
if b1 == "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q180154" then
t.speed_unit = 'km/h'
if wiki == "ar" then t.speed_unit = 'كم/س' end
end -- if a1
-- This function permits to display an unity for the cost of a cycling race
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'amount', entity, 'P2130', 1)
if a == true and t.cost == "" then
t.cost = b
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'unit', entity, 'P2130', 1)
if b == "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q4916" then t.cost_unit = '€' end
if b == "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q4917" then t.cost_unit = '$' end
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'value', entity, 'P242', 1) -- locator map image
if a == true and tt.map == "" then tt.map = b end
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P155', 1)
if a == true and t.previous == "" then t.previous = "Q"..b end
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P156', 1)
if a == true and t.next == "" then t.next = "Q"..b end
local note, qual, id, id_team
-- By entering a value just below, the Wikipedia added will have Wikidata logos associated with cyclists in the infobox
if wiki == "www" or wiki == "mk" or wiki == "ja" or wiki == "ru" then note = 'q'
elseif wiki == "www" then note = 'م'
else note = 'f' end
note = 'f'
-- By entering a value just below, the Wikipedia added will show the team of the winner
if pcall(foo3, entity, "P1346", 1, "P642", 1) then
local k, v, vv
for k, v in pairs(entity.claims["P1346"]) do
id_team = ''
--id_team = 't26973671'
a, b = pcall(fooC, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P1346', k, 'P54', 1)
if a == true then id_team = 't'..b end
if pcall(function() id=v.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] end) then else id=nil end -- id = rider id
if id ~= nil then
--timeofrace = "+2016-03-00T00:00:00Z"
-- function timeStartEnd finds the team of the rider at the time (timeofrace) of the race
if id_team == '' and timeofrace ~= nil and timeofrace ~= '' then
a, b = timeStartEnd('Q'..id, 'P54', 'numeric-id', timeofrace)
if a == true and b ~= nil then id_team = 't' .. b end
-- pcall(function() id=v.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] end) -- rider ID
-- looks into race item if the winner has a P54 statement for beeng a member of a national team
for _, vv in pairs(entity.claims["P1346"][k].qualifiers['P54']) do
id_team = '2t'.. ' ('.. national_team( 'Q'..id, timeofrace, entity, 'P1346', k).. ')'
-- looks into race item if the winner has a P642 statement for showing the type of winner (points, mountain, ..)
for _, vv in pairs(entity.claims["P1346"][k].qualifiers['P642']) do
if id~=nil and qual~=nil and v.rank~='deprecated' then
if qual == 20882667 and t.first=="" then t.first=note..id t.first_team=id_team ref.first=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 20882668 and t.second=="" then t.second=note..id t.second_team=id_team ref.second=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 20882669 and t.third=="" then t.third=note..id t.third_team=id_team ref.third=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 20883007 and t.winner_point=="" then t.winner_point=note..id t.winner_point_team=id_team ref.winner_point=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 20883212 and t.winner_mountain=="" then t.winner_mountain=note..id t.winner_mountain_team=id_team ref.winner_mountain=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 20883328 and t.winner_sprint=="" then t.winner_sprint=note..id t.winner_sprint_team=id_team ref.winner_sprint=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 20883139 and t.winner_young=="" then t.winner_young=note..id t.winner_young_team=id_team ref.winner_young=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 20893983 and t.winner_fighting=="" then t.winner_fighting=note..id t.winner_fighting_team=id_team ref.winner_fighting=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 27067359 and t.winner_metas_volantes=="" then t.winner_metas_volantes=note..id t.winner_metas_volantes_team=id_team ref.winner_metas_volantes=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 27067170 and t.winner_regularity=="" then t.winner_regularity=note..id t.winner_regularity_team=id_team ref.winner_regularity=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 20893979 and t.winner_combination=="" then t.winner_combination=note..id t.winner_combination_team=id_team ref.winner_combination=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 27907715 and t.winner_fuga_pinarello=="" then t.winner_fuga_pinarello=note..id t.winner_fuga_pinarello_team=id_team ref.winner_fuga_pinarello=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 27907747 and t.winner_azzurri_ditalia=="" then t.winner_azzurri_ditalia=note..id t.winner_azzurri_ditalia_team=id_team ref.winner_azzurri_ditalia=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 20882921 and t.winner_team == "" then
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', mw.wikibase.getEntity( 'Q'..id ), 'P31', 1)
if a == true and (b == 20738667 or b == 23726798) then -- test if 'national cycling team U23' or 'national cycling team'
t.winner_team = '2t' .." "..national_team( 'Q'..id, timeofrace, entity, 'P1346', k)
t.winner_team = note .. id ref.winner_team=references(entity,"P1346",k) results = true
if qual == 27104269 and t.winner_team_points == "" then t.winner_team_points = note .. id ref.winner_team_points=references(entity,"P1346",k) results = true end
end -- for
end -- end if pcall
-- code for references
local list = {} -- list[1][1] = value from ref.first, list [1][2] = 'first'
local k
for k in pairs(ref) do
if ref[k]~='' then table.insert(list, {ref[k], k}) end
local w, ww
num = #list
for w=num,1,-1 do
for ww=1,w do
if w ~= ww then
if list[w][1] == list[ww][1] then list[w][1] = frame:extensionTag{name='ref', args={name=entityId..ww}} break end
else list[w][1] = frame:extensionTag{name='ref', content=list[w][1], args={name=entityId..ww}} end
for i=1,num do
ref[ list[i][2] ] = list[i][1] --list[num+1-i][1]
-- transform Q/q-number into flag / WPlink / WDlink
local k
local team = true
local wd = " [[File:Wikidata-logo S.svg|24px|link=d:"
for k in pairs(ttt) do -- "^C" ttt.country, "^T" ttt.tour
if ttt[k][1]~=nil and string.find(ttt[k][1], "^C") then for i=1,#ttt[k] do ttt[k][i] = string.gsub(ttt[k][i], "C", "Q") ttt[k][i] = flag(ttt[k][i], timeofrace).." ".. WPlink( ttt[k][i] ) end end
if ttt[k][1]~=nil and string.find(ttt[k][1], "^T") then for i=1,#ttt[k] do ttt[k][i] = string.gsub(ttt[k][i], "T", "Q") ttt[k][i] = WPlink( ttt[k][i], 'race') end end
for k in pairs(t) do
if type(t[k]) == string then
if string.find(t[k], "^Q") then --t[k], k = startplace, endplace, ... find variables with an item as value
if pcall(foo1, t[k]) then t[k] = WPlink( t[k] ) end
if string.find(t[k], "^q") then -- find variables with an item as value (in section Résultats)
t[k] = mw.ustring.upper( t[k] )
--look into P27 (country of citizenship) to get the Qnumber of that country
a, b = timeStartEnd(t[k], "P27", 'numeric-id', timeofrace)
if a == true and pcall(foo1, t[k]) then t[k] = flag('Q'..b, timeofrace).." "..WPlink( t[k] )..ref[k]..wd..t[k].."]]"
--look into P17 (country) to get the Qnumber of that country
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', mw.wikibase.getEntity( t[k] ), 'P17', 1)
if a == true and pcall(foo1, t[k]) then t[k] = flag("Q"..b, timeofrace).." "..WPlink( t[k] )..ref[k]..wd..t[k].."]]" end
if string.find(t[k], "^f") then -- no WDitem, frWP
t[k] = string.gsub(t[k], "f", "Q")
--look into P27 (country of citizenship) to get the Qnumber of that country
a, b = timeStartEnd(t[k], "P27", 'numeric-id', timeofrace)
if a == true and pcall(foo1, t[k]) then t[k] = flag('Q'..b, timeofrace).." "..WPlink( t[k] )..ref[k]
--look into P17 (country) to get the Qnumber of that country
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', mw.wikibase.getEntity( t[k] ), 'P17', 1)
if a == true and pcall(foo1, t[k]) then t[k] = flag("Q"..b, timeofrace).." "..WPlink( t[k], 'team', timeofrace )..ref[k] else t[k] = WPlink( t[k], 'team', timeofrace )..ref[k] end
if string.find(t[k], "^c") then -- find "class"-items, first asci = "c"
t[k] = string.gsub(t[k], "c", "Q")
if pcall(foo1, t[k]) then t[k] = WPlink( t[k], "Q22348500" ) end
if string.find(t[k], "^t") then
t[k] = string.gsub(t[k], "t", "Q")
--timeofrace = "+2008-04-09T00:00:00Z"
if pcall(foo1, t[k]) then t[k] = " (" .. WPlink( t[k], 'team', timeofrace ) .. ")" end
if string.find(t[k], "^2t") then t[k] = string.gsub(t[k], "2t", "") end
--local nl =" "
-- local tooltip = infobox_bottom(2) .. nl .. mw.text.encode( property(1) .. ' (P393)' ) .. nl .. mw.text.encode( property(2) ..' (P17)')
if t.length ~= "" then
t.length, _ = string.gsub(t.length, "[+]", "") -- delets "+" sign from t.length
t.length = lang:formatNum(tonumber(t.length)) -- formats t.length in the way it is done in the local Wiki
if wiki == 'fo' then t.length = string.gsub(t.length, "%.", ",") end
if t.speed ~= "" then
t.speed, _ = string.gsub(t.speed, "[+]", "")
t.speed = lang:formatNum(tonumber(t.speed))
if wiki == 'fo' then t.speed = string.gsub(t.speed, "%.", ",") end
if t.cost ~= "" then
t.cost, _ = string.gsub(t.cost, "[+]", "")
t.cost = lang:formatNum(tonumber(t.cost))
if wiki == 'fo' then t.cost = string.gsub(t.cost, "%.", ",") end
local span1, span2 = "<span style='color:#3366CC'>◀ </span>", "<span style='color:#3366CC'> ▶</span>"
local k = t.previous
local i, _ = string.find(k, "|")
local j, _ = string.find(k, "]")
if i ~= nil and j ~= nil then
t.previous = string.sub(k, 1, i) .. span1 .. (string.match(string.sub(k, i+1, j-1), "%d%d%d%d") or '') .. string.sub(k, j)
if string.find(k, "%d%d%d%d") == nil then t.previous = '' else t.previous = string.sub(k, string.find(k, "%d%d%d%d")) end
if t.previous ~= "" then t.previous = span1 .. t.previous end
k = t.next
i, _ = string.find(k, "|")
j, _ = string.find(k, "]")
if i ~= nil and j ~= nil then
t.next = string.sub(k, 1, i) .. (string.match(string.sub(k, i+1, j-1), "%d%d%d%d") or '') .. span2 .. string.sub(k,j)
if string.find(k, "%d%d%d%d") == nil then t.next = "" else t.next = string.sub(k, string.find(k, "%d%d%d%d")) end
if t.next ~= "" then t.next = t.next .. span2 end
tt.caption = string.gsub(tt.caption, "{{(%w+)}}", function (n) return frame:expandTemplate{ title = n } end)
-- for overwriting Wikidata content with data in Wikipedia articles. numbers are from function infobox_translate
local z = {stage=5, date=6, dates=7, length=8, startplace=11, endplace=12, nr_teams=13, nr_participants_start=14, nr_participants_end=15,
speed=16, cost=17, first=19, second=20, third=21, winner_point=22, winner_mountain=23, winner_sprint=24, winner_young=25, winner_fighting=26,
winner_combination=27, winner_team=28, winner_team_points=37, winner_metas_volantes=35, winner_regularity=36, winner_fuga_pinarello=38,
tab = "{| class='wikitable' cellpadding='4' cellspacing='0'; style='border:1px solid rgb(200,200,200);" --float:rgiht;
tab = tab .. "margin:0 0 0.5em 0.5em; background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255); color:black; padding:5px; ; "--clear:left
tab = tab .. "text-align:right; font-size:95%; line-height:1.6em;'\n"
--if results then tab = tab.."|- \n| colspan='2' style='border-bottom:5px solid white; background-color:#FFDF80; text-align:center' | '''"..infobox_translate(18).."'''\n" end
if results then tab = tab.."|+ '''"..infobox_translate(18).."'''\n" end
tab = tab.."|- \n! '''الترتيب'''!! الفائز \n"
-- defines a factorial function
if t.first ~= "" then
tab = tab .. "|- \n| '''" .. infobox_translate(19) .. "'''||" .. t.first .. "\n"
if t.second ~= "" then
tab = tab .. "|- \n| '''" .. infobox_translate(20) .. "'''||" .. t.second .. "\n"
if t.third ~= "" then
tab = tab .. "|- \n| '''" .. infobox_translate(21) .. "'''||" .. t.third .. "\n"
if t.winner_point ~= "" then
tab = tab .. "|- \n| '''" .. infobox_translate(22) .. "'''||" .. t.winner_point .. "\n"
if t.winner_mountain ~= "" then
tab = tab .. "|- \n| '''" .. infobox_translate(23) .. "'''||" .. t.winner_mountain .. "\n"
if t.winner_sprint ~= "" then
tab = tab .. "|- \n| '''" .. infobox_translate(24) .. "'''||" .. t.winner_sprint .. "\n"
if t.winner_young ~= "" then
tab = tab .. "|- \n| '''" .. infobox_translate(25) .. "'''||" .. t.winner_young .. "\n"
if t.winner_fighting ~= "" then
tab = tab .. "|- \n| '''" .. infobox_translate(26) .. "'''||" .. t.winner_fighting .. "\n"
if t.winner_metas_volantes ~= "" then
tab = tab .. "|- \n| '''" .. infobox_translate(35) .. "'''||" .. t.winner_metas_volantes .. "\n"
if t.winner_regularity ~= "" then
tab = tab .. "|- \n| '''" .. infobox_translate(36) .. "'''||" .. t.winner_regularity .. "\n"
if t.winner_fuga_pinarello ~= "" then
tab = tab .. "|- \n| '''" .. infobox_translate(38) .. "'''||" .. t.winner_fuga_pinarello .. "\n"
if t.winner_azzurri_ditalia ~= "" then
tab = tab .. "|- \n| '''" .. infobox_translate(39) .. "'''||" .. t.winner_azzurri_ditalia .. "\n"
if t.winner_combination ~= "" then
tab = tab .. "|- \n| '''" .. infobox_translate(27) .. "'''||" .. t.winner_combination .. "\n"
if t.winner_team ~= "" then
tab = tab .. "|- \n| '''" .. infobox_translate(28) .. "'''||" .. t.winner_team .. "\n"
if t.winner_team_points ~= "" then
tab = tab .. "|- \n| '''" .. infobox_translate(37) .. "'''||" .. t.winner_team_points .. "\n"
--tab = tab.."<tr><td style='text-align:right'>"..t.previous.."</td><td style='text-align:left'>" .. t.next .. "\n"
--tab = tab.."|- \n| "..t.previous.."</td><td style='text-align:right'>" .. t.next .. "\n"
local s = "d:Wikidata:WikiProject Cycling/Documentation/infobox"
--tab = tab .. "|- \n| colspan='2' style='text-align:left; border-top:0px solid #FFDF80; font-size:75%' | " .. "[[" .. s .. "|" .. infobox_translate(34) .. "]] [[File:Wikidata-logo S.svg|24px|link=d:".. frame.args[1] .. "]]" --infobox_bottom(1)
tab= tab.."\n|}"
return tab
return p