مارك فاريل (بالإنجليزية: Mark Farrell)‏ هو سياسي أمريكي، ولد في 15 مارس 1974 في الولايات المتحدة.[1][2][3] حزبياً، نشط في الحزب الديمقراطي. وقد انتخب (23 يناير 2018 – ).

مارك فاريل
معلومات شخصية


  1. ^ Schwenke، Karen (5 أكتوبر 2017). "Wie Kiel und San Francisco zusammenkamen" So mancher reibt sich noch die Augen und fragt: Wieso ist eigentlich ausgerechnet Kiel die Partnerstadt von San Francisco geworden? Dahinter verbirgt sich keine politische, sondern eine ganz private Geschichte. Und die beginnt im Jahr 1965.. Kieler Nachrichten. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2019-06-16. Out of sheer love of adventure and against the wishes of her father, the 23-year-old farmer's daughter Lena Ewoldt traveled from the provost in 1965 to America by ship. Actually, she wanted to work for only a few months in the USA after graduating from the home economics school in Kiel. Today she is 75 and still lives in San Francisco. Because of course she has remained because of love: In order to earn money, she hired at an airline as a stewardess and got to know the young Air Force pilot and later lawyer John Farrell. The two married. In 1974, her only child Mark was born. Four decades later, her son, as city councilor of San Francisco, partnered with Kiel. Lena indirectly provided for that to happen: "It has always been like staying at a hostel in our home," says Mark Farrell (43). "My mum always had visitors from Germany and in the summer we were in the provost." There on the farm of the family Mark spent as a child weeks and months together with his numerous cousins. For the only child, they were like siblings. He has the closest relationship to Thomas Ewoldt. The Kiel business consultant and the Californian politician visit each other regularly. A few years ago, there were the first considerations on how the two cities could connect professionally beyond the private sector. {{استشهاد ويب}}: الوسيط غير صالح |script-title=: بادئة مفقودة (مساعدة)
  2. ^ "Neue Partner: Kiel und San Francisco" Es geht auch um Wirtschaftsinteressen und globale Probleme wie den Klimawandel.. Lübecker Nachrichten. 22 سبتمبر 2017. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2018-08-15. .two cousins gave the impetus - the Kiel management consultant Thomas Ewoldt and Mark Farrell, a city commissioner in San Francisco. Farrell's mother is from the region of Probstei near Kiel. The stewardess emigrated decades ago and lives in San Francisco. {{استشهاد ويب}}: الوسيط غير صالح |script-title=: بادئة مفقودة (مساعدة)
  3. ^ "Mark E Farrell, Born 03/15/1974 in California". CaliforniaBirthIndex.org. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2018-01-25.