إرنست غرينغر هو وصحفي وسياسي فرنسي، ولد في 20 أبريل 1844 في في فرنسا، وتوفي في 21 مايو 1914 في باريس في فرنسا.[1] انتخب .

إرنست غرينغر
معلومات شخصية


  1. ^ Blanqui's antisemitism was confined to occasional asides about 'shylocks' and did not amount to a developed ideological programme; it was typical of the sort of prejudice that was quite general at the time. Tridon, however, had written a book, Le Molochime juif: Études critiques et philosophiques (1884), which was published 13 years after his death and became one of the classics of French antisemitism. Drumont himself claimed to have been influenced by Tridon.