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This template adds a box to the right of the page, which includes a link to display map data – either from data stored in GeoJSON format on Commons, or from line/polygon features in OpenStreetMap.


{{Mapbox}} is heavily based on قالب:Maplink. As a result, usage of the two templates is very similar.

Basic usage

Type Code Notes Example
Data page on Commons {{mapbox|from=}} specify .map data page in from=, excluding the Data prefix
Line of a border or a linear feature from OSM {{mapbox|type=line|id=}} id= only required if the Wikidata item isn't linked to the current page
Shape from OSM {{mapbox|type=shape|id=}} id= only required if the Wikidata item isn't linked to the current page
Inverted shape from OSM {{mapbox|type=shape-inverse|id=}} id= only required if the Wikidata item isn't linked to the current page

Full parameter set – data page


Full parameter set – OSM features



Type of data. Valid values are:
line – a geoline feature from OSM (e.g. a road)
shape – a geoshape feature from OSM (e.g. a state or province)
shape-inverse – a geomask feature from OSM (the inverse of a geoshape - allows an unobstructed view of the map beneath)
data – a geoJSON data page on Commons (parameter is optional in this case)
(or ids)
Wikidata id (Q-number) that the OSM feature is tagged with. Separate multiple ids with a comma. Defaults to the current page's Wikidata id (if |from= not set).
The JSON (.map) file from Commons to display (excluding the Data: prefix)
Title of the feature (for features from OSM), displayed when the feature is clicked on; default is the page title
Description of the feature (for features from OSM), displayed when the feature is clicked on; optional
Text to display for the link; default is "View map"
Set this to yes to change the link text from centre-aligned to left-aligned
Zoom level, from 1 to 18 (larger numbers zoom in further); will be automatically determined if not set

Things this template can't do

While Mapbox and the similar قالب:Maplink attempt to make simple maps easier to insert into a page, قالب:Mapbox raw data uses exactly the same data format for the map itself as the standard <maplink> function. Here are the things Mapbox can't do:

  • Use GeoJSON data directly
  • Use a combination of data sources together (direct GeoJSON, external data from Wikimedia Commons and external data from OpenStreetMap)
  • Directly style data (data from Commons will inherit the styling specified in the .map page)
  • Include multiple pieces of external data from Wikimedia Commons
  • Use Wikidata queries to obtain information for the map
  • Include multiple links within the one box
  • Include non-linked explanatory text at the top of the box

Use قالب:Mapbox raw data if you need to do any of these things.

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