قالب:Infobox former country/doc

هذه هي النسخة الحالية من هذه الصفحة، وقام بتعديلها عبود السكاف (نقاش | مساهمات) في 17:56، 29 يونيو 2023 (بوت: إصلاح أخطاء فحص أرابيكا من 1 إلى 104). العنوان الحالي (URL) هو وصلة دائمة لهذه النسخة.

(فرق) → نسخة أقدم | نسخة حالية (فرق) | نسخة أحدث ← (فرق)


{{{year_start}}} – {{{year_end}}}
Infobox former country/doc
Infobox former country/doc
الشعار الوطني : {{{national_motto}}}
النشيد : {{{national_anthem}}}

عاصمة منفى {{{capital_exile}}}
نظام الحكم غير محدّد
لغات مشتركة {{{common_languages}}}
الديانة {{{religion}}}
{{{leader1}}} {{{year_leader1}}}
{{{leader2}}} {{{year_leader2}}}
{{{leader3}}} {{{year_leader3}}}
{{{leader4}}} {{{year_leader4}}}
{{{representative1}}} {{{year_representative1}}}
{{{representative2}}} {{{year_representative2}}}
{{{representative3}}} {{{year_representative3}}}
{{{representative4}}} {{{year_representative4}}}
{{{deputy1}}} {{{year_deputy1}}}
{{{deputy2}}} {{{year_deputy2}}}
{{{deputy3}}} {{{year_deputy3}}}
{{{deputy4}}} {{{year_deputy4}}}
السلطة التشريعية {{{legislature}}}
{{{event_pre}}} {{{date_pre}}}
{{{event_start}}} {{{date_start}}} {{{year_start}}}
{{{event1}}} {{{date_event1}}}
{{{event2}}} {{{date_event2}}}
{{{event3}}} {{{date_event3}}}
{{{event4}}} {{{date_event4}}}
{{{event5}}} {{{date_event5}}}
{{{event_end}}} {{{date_end}}} {{{year_end}}}
{{{event_post}}} {{{date_post}}}
بيانات أخرى
العملة {{{currency}}}

This template provides comparative information for countries which no longer exist.


  • Many variables concern generated categories. When categories are discussed below, it is referring to this list of currently supported categories.
  • This is a rather complicated template, and should be used with care to ensure functionality. Note that most fields are optional for the infobox to function correctly. If you are unsure about anything, just skip all the optional fields and ask a developer for help.
  • Anyone is welcome to use the infobox. But since it is still under construction, developers may make changes to your work. This is nothing personal. Normally this is for functionality reasons, sometimes it is to test new features of the infobox.
  • Some variables below may be marked as test variables. Use these with caution and remember that these variables may be changed or deleted without notice.
  • Certain historical entities may inspire heated debate among some people. Neutrality and sensitivity are required when implementing this infobox.
  • If you are unsure about the usage of this template, or you have any suggestions for modifications to the infobox, or if you want to know why a certain modification was made, please contact a developer or leave a comment at the talk page. Your comments and questions assist the developers in creating, improving and documenting infobox features. Your comments and questions assist the developers in creating, improving and documenting infobox features.

This infobox is a part of WikiProject Former countries.


  1. Almost all fields are optional, some fields are more optional than others. It is not expected that you fill in every single field that is shown here.
  2. Some fields are hidden but necessary for infobox functionality. Not all fields are displayed here.
  3. Some fields place the article into certain categories: see list of supported categories.
  4. Area (in km2) and population statistics must be given without spaces, commas or other code.
  5. Keep event text as short as possible—ideally only 1 line in length.
  6. For many entries, the infobox has been implemented by one of the main developers. Other users are welcome to implement the infobox themselves, but developers might make modifications later on—largely for functionality reasons.
  7. If you are unsure about the usage of this template, or if you want to know why a certain modification was made, let us know via the template talk page. Your comments and questions assist the developers in creating, improving and documenting infobox features.
{{ص.م بلد سابق
|native_name            = <!-- Name in a modern syntax of native language(s). Leave blank if name is only in English. 
                                Separate with line breaks<br/> If language uses Latin characters, place name(s) in italics. -->
|conventional_long_name = <!-- Full name in English -->
|common_name            = <!-- Name to be used in constructing links and category names; not for display-->
|continent              = <!-- Generates categories of the type "Former countries in Europe" -->
|region                 = <!-- Reserved for generating categories on subregions of continents -->
|country                = <!-- The country to which this historic entity belongs today -->
|era                    = <!-- Use: "Napoleonic Wars", "Cold War", etc. -->
|status                 = <!-- Status: see Category list on template page -->
|status_text            = <!-- A free text to describe status at the top of the infobox. Use sparingly. -->
|empire                 = <!-- The empire or country to which the entity was in a state of dependency -->
|government_type        = <!-- To generate categories: "Monarchy", "Republic", etc. to generate categories -->
<!-- Rise and fall, events, years and dates -->
<!-- only fill in the start/end event entry if a specific article exists. Don't just say "abolition" or "declaration"-->
|event_start            = <!-- Default: "Established" -->
|date_start             = <!-- Optional: Date of establishment, in format 1 January (no year) -->
|year_start             = <!-- Year of establishment -->
|event_end              = <!-- Default: "Disestablished" -->
|date_end               = <!-- Optional: Date of disestablishment, in format 1 January (no year) -->
|year_end               = <!-- Year of disestablishment -->
|year_exile_start       = <!-- Year of start of exile (if dealing with exiled government - status="Exile") -->
|year_exile_end         = <!-- Year of end of exile (leave blank if still in exile) -->
|event1                 = <!-- Optional: other events between "start" and "end" -->
|date_event1            = 
|event2                 = 
|date_event2            = 
|event3                 = 
|date_event3            = 
|event4                 = 
|date_event4            = 
|event5                 = 
|date_event5            = 
|event_pre              = <!-- Optional: A crucial event that took place before "event_start"-->
|date_pre               = 
|event_post             = <!-- Optional: A crucial event that took place after "event_end"-->
|date_post              = 
<!-- Flag navigation: Preceding and succeeding entities p1 to p5 and s1 to s5 -->
|p1                     = <!-- Name of the article for preceding entity, numbered 1-5 -->
|flag_p1                = <!-- Default: "Flag of {{{p1}}}.svg" (size 30) -->
|image_p1               = <!-- Use: [[Image:Sin escudo.svg|20px|Image missing]] -->
|p2                     = 
|flag_p2                = 
|p3                     = 
|flag_p3                = 
|p4                     = 
|flag_p4                = 
|p5                     = 
|flag_p5                = 
|s1                     = <!-- Name of the article for succeeding entity, numbered 1-5 -->
|flag_s1                = <!-- Default: "Flag of {{{s1}}}.svg" (size 30) -->
|image_s1               = <!-- Use: [[Image:Sin escudo.svg|20px|Image missing]] -->
|s2                     = 
|flag_s2                = 
|s3                     = 
|flag_s3                = 
|s4                     = 
|flag_s4                = 
|s5                     = 
|flag_s5                = 
|image_flag             = <!-- Default: Flag of {{{common_name}}}.svg -->
|flag_alt               = <!-- Alt text for flag -->
|image_flag2            = <!-- Second flag -->
|flag_alt2              = <!-- Alt text for second flag -->
|flag                   = <!-- Link target under flag image. Default: Flag of {{{common_name}}} -->
|flag2                  = <!-- Link target under flag2 image. Default: Flag of {{{common_name}}} -->
|flag_type              = <!-- Displayed text for link under flag. Default "Flag" -->
|flag2_type             = <!-- Displayed text for link under flag2. Default "Flag" -->
|image_coat             = <!-- Default: Coat of arms of {{{common_name}}}.svg -->
|coat_size               = <!-- Size of coat of arms -->
|coat_alt               = <!-- Alt text for coat of arms -->
|symbol                 = <!-- Link target under symbol image. Default: Coat of arms of {{{common_name}}} -->
|symbol_type            = <!-- Displayed text for link under symbol. Default "Coat of arms" -->
|image_map              = 
|image_map_alt          = 
|image_map_caption      = 
|image_map2             = <!-- If second map is needed - does not appear by default -->
|image_map2_alt         = 
|image_map2_caption     = 
|capital                = 
|capital_exile          = <!-- If status="Exile" -->
|latd= |latm= |latNS= |longd= |longm= |longEW= 
|national_motto         = 
|national_anthem        = 
|common_languages       = 
|religion               = 
|demonym                = 
|currency               = 
<!-- Titles and names of the first and last leaders and their deputies -->
|leader1                = <!-- Name of king or president -->
|leader2                = 
|leader3                = 
|leader4                = 
|year_leader1           = <!-- Years served -->
|year_leader2           = 
|year_leader3           = 
|year_leader4           = 
|title_leader           = <!-- Default: "King" for monarchy, otherwise "President"-->
|representative1        = <!-- Name of representative of head of state (e.g. colonial governor) -->
|representative2        = 
|representative3        = 
|representative4        = 
|year_representative1   = <!-- Years served -->
|year_representative2   = 
|year_representative3   = 
|year_representative4   = 
|title_representative   = <!-- Default: "Governor"-->
|deputy1                = <!-- Name of prime minister -->
|deputy2                = 
|deputy3                = 
|deputy4                = 
|year_deputy1           = <!-- Years served -->
|year_deputy2           = 
|year_deputy3           = 
|year_deputy4           = 
|title_deputy           = <!-- Default: "Prime minister" -->
<!-- Legislature -->
|legislature            = <!-- Name of legislature -->
|house1                 = <!-- Name of first chamber -->
|type_house1            = <!-- Default: "Upper house"-->
|house2                 = <!-- Name of second chamber -->
|type_house2            = <!-- Default: "Lower house"-->
<!-- Area and population of a given year -->
|stat_year1             = <!-- year of the statistic, specify either area, population or both -->
|stat_area1             = <!-- area in square kílometres (w/o commas or spaces), area in square miles is calculated -->
|stat_pop1              = <!-- population (w/o commas or spaces), population density is calculated if area is also given -->
|stat_year2             = 
|stat_area2             = 
|stat_pop2              = 
|stat_year3             = 
|stat_area3             = 
|stat_pop3              = 
|stat_year4             = 
|stat_area4             = 
|stat_pop4              = 
|stat_year5             = 
|stat_area5             = 
|stat_pop5              = 
|footnote_a             = <!-- Accepts wikilinks -->
|footnote_b             = <!-- Accepts wikilinks -->
|footnote_h             = <!-- Accepts wikilinks -->
|footnotes              = <!-- Accepts wikilinks -->


مثال من مقالة الإمبراطورية الألمانية:

الإمبراطورية الألمانية
Deutsches Reich
1871 – 1918
Infobox former country/doc
Infobox former country/doc
Infobox former country/doc
Infobox former country/doc
Imperial Coat of arms
الشعار الوطني : Gott mit uns
"God with us"
النشيد : (none official)
"Heil dir im Siegerkranz" (Imperial)
"أغنية الألمان" (popular)
"Die Wacht am Rhein" (Unofficial)
Territory of the German Empire in 1914, prior to الحرب العالمية الأولى

نظام الحكم Constitutional monarchy
لغات مشتركة Official language:
لغة ألمانية
Unofficial minority languages:
Danish, لغة فرنسية, لغة بولندية, فريزية سيترلاند, لغة بروسية قديمة, Lithuanian
Colonial languages: Bantu, Oshiwambo, لغة أفريقانية, لغة سواحلية,
(African Colonies) Chinese,
(Tsingtao & Jiaozhou bay)
لغات بابوا, (German New Guinea)
لغة ساموية
(German Samoa)
الديانة لوثرية~60%
الكنيسة الرومانية الكاثوليكية~40%
أباطرة ألمانيا
فيلهلم الأول 1871–1888
Frederick III 1888
Wilhelm II 1888–1918
قائمة مستشاري ألمانيا
أوتو فون بسمارك (first) 1871–1890
فريدريش إيبرت (last) 8–9 Nov 1918
السلطة التشريعية الرايخستاغ
الفترة التاريخية إمبريالية جديدة/الحرب العالمية الأولى
حركة توحيد ألمانيا 18 يناير 1871
ثورة نوفمبر 9 نوفمبر 1918
Formal abdication 28 نوفمبر 1918
1910 540٬857٫54 كم² (208٬826 ميل²)
1871 41٬058٬792 نسمة
1890 49٬428٬470 نسمة
1910 64٬925٬993 نسمة
     الكثافة: 120 /كم²  (310٫9 /ميل²)
بيانات أخرى
العملة فيرنز تالر, South German gulden, Bremen thaler, Hamburg mark, فرنك فرنسي
(until 1873, together)
Goldmark (1873–1914)
Papiermark (after 1914)

الاتحاد الألماني الشمالي
مملكة بافاريا
مملكة فورتمبيرغ
Grand Duchy of Baden
Grand Duchy of Hesse
Weimar Republic
Republic of Alsace-Lorraine
Free City of Danzig
Second Polish Republic
Klaipėda Region
Saar (League of Nations)
Hlučín Region
Northern Schleswig

اليوم جزء من  ألمانيا
 جمهورية التشيك
Area and population not including colonial possessions
Area source:[1] Population source:[2]

{{ص.م بلد سابق
|native_name     = ''Deutsches Reich''
|conventional_long_name = German Empire
|common_name     = Germany
|continent       = Europe
|region          = 
|country         = Germany
|status          = Empire
|era             = [[إمبريالية جديدة]]/[[الحرب العالمية الأولى|WWI]]
|date_start      = 18 January
|year_start      = 1871
|event_start     = [[حركة توحيد ألمانيا]]
|date_end        = 9 November
|year_end        = 1918
|event_end       = [[ثورة نوفمبر]]
|date_post       = 28 November 1918
|event_post      = Formal abdication
|p1      = North German Confederation
|flag_p1 = Flag of the German Empire.svg
|p2      = Kingdom of Bavaria
|flag_p2 = Flag of Bavaria (striped).svg
|p3      = Kingdom of Württemberg
|flag_p3 = Flagge Königreich Württemberg.svg
|p4      = Grand Duchy of Baden
|flag_p4 = Flagge Großherzogtum Baden (1871-1891).svg
|p5      = Grand Duchy of Hesse
|flag_p5 = Flagge_Großherzogtum_Hessen_ohne_Wappen.svg
|p6      = Alsace-Lorraine
|flag_p6 = Flag of France.svg
|s1 = Weimar Republic
|s2 = Republic of Alsace-Lorraine
|s3 = Free City of Danzig
|s4 = Second Polish Republic
|s5 = Klaipėda Region
|s6 = Saar (League of Nations)
|s7 = Hlučín Region
|s8 = South Jutland County{{!}}Northern Schleswig
|s9 = Eupen-Malmedy
|flag_s1 = Flag of Germany (3-2 aspect ratio).svg
|flag_s2 = Flag of the Republic of Alsace-Lorraine.svg
|flag_s3 = Gdansk flag.svg
|flag_s4 = Flag of Poland.svg
|flag_s5 = Flag of Lithuania 1918-1940.svg
|flag_s6 = Flag of Saar 1920-1935.svg
|flag_s7 = Flag of Bohemia.svg
|flag_s8 = Flag of Denmark.svg
|flag_s9 = Flag of Belgium.svg
|image_flag = Flag of the German Empire.svg
|flag_alt   = Horizontal tricolor (black, white, red)
|flag       = Flag of Germany#North German Confederation and the German Empire
|image_coat = Wappen Deutsches Reich - Reichsadler 1889.png
|symbol_type = Imperial Coat of arms
|coat_alt   = Shield containing a black, one-headed, rightward-looking eagle with red beak, tongue and claws. On its breast is a shield with another eagle. Over its head is an imperial crown with two crossing ribbons.
|image_map  = German Empire, Wilhelminian third version.svg
|image_map_alt     = Located in north central Europe, containing modern Germany plus much of modern Poland
|image_map_caption = Territory of the German Empire in 1914, prior to [[الحرب العالمية الأولى]]
|national_motto    = ''[[Gott mit uns]]''<br /><small>"God with us"<small>
|national_anthem  = ''(none official)''<br />"[[Heil dir im Siegerkranz]]" (Imperial)<br />"[[أغنية الألمان]]" (popular)<br />"[[Die Wacht am Rhein]]" (Unofficial)
|capital           = Berlin
|latd=52 |latm=31 |latNS=N |longd=13 |longm=24 |longEW=E
|common_languages  = Official language:<br />[[لغة ألمانية]]<br />Unofficial minority languages:<br />[[لغة دنماركية|Danish]], [[لغة فرنسية]], [[لغة بولندية]], [[فريزية سيترلاند]], [[لغة بروسية قديمة]], [[لغة ليتوانية|Lithuanian]]<br />Colonial languages: [[لغات البانتو|Bantu]], [[Oshiwambo]], [[لغة أفريقانية]], [[لغة سواحلية]],<br />(African Colonies) [[لغة صينية|Chinese]],<br />(Tsingtao & Jiaozhou bay)<br />[[لغات بابوا]], (German New Guinea)<br />[[لغة ساموية]]<br />(German Samoa)
|government_type   = Constitutional monarchy
|title_leader = [[أباطرة ألمانيا]]
|leader1      = [[فيلهلم الأول]]
|year_leader1 = 1871–1888
|leader2      = [[فريدرش الثالث|Frederick III]]
|year_leader2 = 1888
|leader3      = [[فيلهلم الثاني|Wilhelm II]]
|year_leader3 = 1888–1918
|title_deputy = [[قائمة مستشاري ألمانيا]]
|deputy1      = [[أوتو فون بسمارك]] (first)
|year_deputy1 = 1871–1890
|deputy2      = [[فريدريش إيبرت]] (last)
|year_deputy2 = 8–9 Nov 1918
|legislature  = [[الرايخستاغ (الإمبراطورية الألمانية)|الرايخستاغ]]
|house1       = [[مجلس الرايخ (ألمانيا)|مجلس الرايخ]]
|type_house1  = State council
|stat_year1   = 1871
|religion     = [[لوثرية]]~60%<br />[[الكنيسة الرومانية الكاثوليكية]]~40%
|stat_pop1    = 41058792
|stat_year2   = 1890
|stat_pop2    = 49428470
|stat_year4   = 1910
|stat_pop4    = 64925993
|stat_area4   = 540857.54
|currency     = [[فيرنز تالر]], [[South German gulden]], [[Bremen thaler]], [[Hamburg mark]], [[فرنك فرنسي]]<br /><small>(until 1873, together)</small><br />[[مارك ذهبي|Goldmark]] <small>(1873–1914)</small><br />[[بابيرمارك|Papiermark]] <small>(after 1914)</small>
|footnotes    = Area and population not including colonial possessions <br />Area source:<ref name="gem1900">{{استشهاد ويب|title=German Empire: administrative subdivision and municipalities, 1900 to 1910 |url=http://www.gemeindeverzeichnis.de/gem1900/gem1900.htm?gem1900_2.htm |language=German |accessdate=2007-04-25}}</ref> Population source:<ref name="pop1871">{{استشهاد ويب|title=Population statistics of the German Empire, 1871 |url=http://www.deutsche-schutzgebiete.de/einwohner.htm |language=German |accessdate=2007-04-25}}</ref>
|today        = {{علم|ألمانيا}}<br />{{علم|جمهورية التشيك}}<br />{{علم|الدنمارك}}<br />{{علم|بولندا}}<br />{{علم|روسيا}}<br />{{علم|فرنسا}}<br />{{علم|ليتوانيا}}
  1. ^ "German Empire: administrative subdivision and municipalities, 1900 to 1910" (بالألمانية). Retrieved 2007-04-25.
  2. ^ "Population statistics of the German Empire, 1871" (بالألمانية). Retrieved 2007-04-25.