أرابيكا:فحص أرابيكا/ترجمة

هذه هي النسخة الحالية من هذه الصفحة، وقام بتعديلها عبود السكاف (نقاش | مساهمات) في 03:52، 2 يوليو 2023 (‏ بوت: إصلاح أخطاء فحص أرابيكا من 1 إلى 104). العنوان الحالي (URL) هو وصلة دائمة لهذه النسخة.

(فرق) → نسخة أقدم | نسخة حالية (فرق) | نسخة أحدث ← (فرق)
# metadata
 project=arwiki END
 category_001=[[تصنيف:صيانة أرابيكا]]
[[تصنيف:تهذيب أرابيكا]]
[[تصنيف:مشاريع أرابيكا]] END  #على سبيل المثال: [[تصنيف:Wikipedia]] 

# بدء النص

start_text_arwiki=<div style="float:left">[[ملف:Yes check.svg|left|55px|Check Wikipedia]]</div>
إن مشروع الويكي '''فحص أرابيكا''' سيساعد على صيانة وتنظيف نص أرابيكا وإيجاد بعض الأخطاء. يتم عمل مجموعة من الاختبارات للمقالات لإنتاج قوائم لكل خطأ. القوائم في هذه الصفحة يتم تحديثها يوميا.

قد يحتوي السكريبت على بعض الأخطاء وقد لا يكون كل خطأ مذكور على هذه الصفحة هو خطأ بالفعل.

# الوصف



# الأولويات

# Conventions for English Checkwiki"
# High priority: error corrupts or distorts the content posted in Article
# Medium priority: improving the encyclopedic content or readability of the article
# Low priority: improving maintenance or MOS fixes (metadata, HTML ...)
# -1  Uses default.  On other wikis, enwiki settings are the default 
#  0  Error deactivated 
#  1  Top priority
#  2  Middle priority
#  3  Lowest priority

 top_priority_script=Top priority END
 top_priority_arwiki=أولوية عالية END
 middle_priority_script=Middle priority END
 middle_priority_arwiki=أولوية متوسطة END
 lowest_priority_script=Lowest priority END
 lowest_priority_arwiki=أولوية منخفضة END


 error_001_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_001_head_arwiki=كلمة template أو قالب غير مفيدة داخل قالب END
 error_001_desc_arwiki=Article contains a template that includes the useless word "template:". Example: {{Template:reflist}}.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:TMg/autoFormatter">Auto-Formatter</a></li>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:AWB">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a></li>
</ul> END


 error_002_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_002_head_arwiki=مقالات فيها أخطاء &lt;br/&gt; END
 error_002_desc_arwiki=The article contains:
<li>&lt;br\&gt; (note the backslash)</li>
<li>&lt;\br&gt; (note the backslash)</li>
A &lt;br&gt; or &lt;br /&gt; tag (note the slash) are the only standard formats. See the <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/text-level-semantics.html#the-br-element">HTML Living Standard</a><br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:TMg/autoFormatter">autoFormatter</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:AUTOED">AutoEd</a>
</ul> END


 error_003_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_003_head_arwiki=لا يوجد قالب مراجع END
 error_003_desc_arwiki=The article contains one or more &lt;ref&gt; tags, but is missing a reference list tag ({{reflist}} or &lt;references /&gt;). For details see <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:References#Creating_the_list_of_References_or_Footnotes">list tag</a>.<br />
<br />
The script recognizes most redirects to {{reflist}} on <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:WhatLinksHere/Template:Reflist&hidelinks=1&hidetrans=1">Special:WhatLinksHere/Template:Reflist</a>.<br />
<br />
MediaWiki includes these articles into <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Pages_with_incorrect_ref_formatting">Category:Pages with incorrect ref formatting</a> and displays an error message on the page.<br />
<br />
Following tools can warn you if there is problem:<ul>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END

   ثبت المراجع
   ثبت المصادر
   قائمة مصادر
   Refs END


 error_004_prio_arwiki=2 END
 error_004_head_arwiki=عنصر نمط نص HTML &lt;a&gt; END
error_004_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_004_whitelist END
 error_004_desc_arwiki=Article contains HTML text style element &lt;a&gt;. [[:en:Wikipedia:WIKIMARKUP#External_links Wiki markup] should be used. END


 error_005_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_005_head_arwiki=تعليق بدون نهاية صحيحة END
error_005_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_005_whitelist END
 error_005_desc_arwiki=Comments, which start with "&lt;!--" need an ending "--&gt;". 
<br />
Following tools can warn you if there is problem:
<li><a href="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:TMg/autoFormatter">autoFormatter</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a></ul> END


 error_006_prio_arwiki=0 END
 error_006_head_arwiki=DEFAULTSORT بحروف خاصة END
error_006_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_006_whitelist END
 error_006_desc_arwiki=Don't use special letters in the DEFAULTSORT.
In most cases, <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/diacritic">diacritics</a> should generally be stripped, e.g.:
<li>à, ä, ã, æ, ă → a</li>
<li>ö → o, ü → u, ß → ss</li>
<li>in svwiki and fiwiki, ÅÄÖåäö are allowed</li>
<li>in cswiki, čďěňřšťžČĎŇŘŠŤŽ are allowed</li>
<li>in dewiki and nowiki, ÆØÅæøå are allowed
See <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:SORTKEY">Categorization#Sort_order</a> and <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:MCSTJR">Namesort</a>, for more details.<br />
<br />
Following tools can fix the majority of the problems:
<li><a href="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:TMg/autoFormatter">autoFormatter</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a></ul> END


 error_007_prio_arwiki=2 END
 error_007_head_arwiki=العنوان الأول بثلاثة رموز "=" END
 error_007_desc_arwiki=Checkwiki finds occurrences where the first headline starts with "=== XY ===" (creating a &lt;h3&gt; header). It should be "== XY ==" (a &lt;h2&gt; header).<br />
<br />
This causes organisational problems with section headings (See [[<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:MOSHEAD#Section_headings">WP:MOSHEAD</a>]]), as well as accessibility problems, especially with screen readers. (See [[<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:ACCESSIBILITY#Headings">WP:ACCESSIBILITY</a>]] and <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/G141.html"> Web Content Accessibility Guidelines</a>)<br />
<br />
Following tools can fix the majority of the problems:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a></ul> END


 error_008_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_008_head_arwiki=يجب أن ينتهي العنوان بـ"=" END
 error_008_desc_arwiki=A headline should end with an "=".<br />
<br />
Following tools can warn of the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a></ul> END


 error_009_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_009_head_arwiki=عدة تصنيفات في سطر واحد END
 error_009_desc_arwiki=There is more than one category on a single line. Write only one per line; it is easier to read.
<br />
Following tools can fix the majority of the problems:
<li><a href="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:TMg/autoFormatter">autoFormatter</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a></ul> END


 error_010_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_010_head_arwiki=أقواس مربعة بدون نهاية صحيحة END
error_010_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_010_whitelist END
 error_010_desc_arwiki=Different number of [[ and ]] brackets. If it is sourcecode then use &lt;source&gt; or &lt;code&gt;. <br />
<br />
Following tools can fix some of the problems:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
Following tools can warn of a problem:
<li><a href="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:TMg/autoFormatter">autoFormatter</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>  AWB has a feature "Highlight first unbalanced brackets if found" (in the Options menu) that moves the part of the page with the unmatched brackets to the lowest part of AWB's "edit box". This simplifies fixing them manually.
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_011_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_011_head_arwiki=كيانات HTML المسماة END
 error_011_desc_arwiki=The script found <code>&amp;auml;</code> or <code>&amp;ouml;</code> or <code>&amp;uuml;</code>, <code>&amp;szlig;</code> or other similar characters. Please use <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode">Unicode</a> characters (äüöÄÜÖßåÅ…). <br />
<br />
Full list: <span style="font-size:larger";>ä ö ü ß å … " − ‾ ¢ £ € § † ‘ ’ · • © ® ™ ¿ ¡ æ ç ñ â á à ↓ ↑ ↵ → ← ↔</span><br />
<br />Following tools can correct a majority of the problems:
<li><a href="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:TMg/autoFormatter">autoFormatter</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:AUTOED">AutoEd</a>
</ul> END


 error_012_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_012_head_arwiki=قائمة عناصر HTML END
 error_012_desc_arwiki=Article contains a "&lt;ol&gt;", "&lt;ul&gt;" or "&lt;li&gt;". In most cases we can use simpler wiki markup in place of these HTML-like tags. END


 error_013_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_013_head_arwiki=معادلة رياضية بدون نهاية صحيحة END
 error_013_desc_arwiki=Found a "&lt;math&gt;" but no "&lt;/math&gt;".<br />
<br />
Following tools can warn of a problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_014_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_014_head_arwiki=Source بدون نهاية صحيحة END
error_014_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_014_whitelist END
 error_014_desc_arwiki=Found a "&lt;source ...&gt;" but no "&lt;/source&gt;".<br />
<br />
Following tools can warn of a problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_015_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_015_head_arwiki=كود بدون نهاية صحيحة END
error_015_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_015_whitelist END
 error_015_desc_arwiki=Found a "&lt;code&gt;" but no "&lt;/code&gt;".<br />
<br />
Following tools can warn of a problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_016_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_016_head_arwiki=مقالات فيها أحرف تحكم يونيكود END
 error_016_desc_arwiki=Find Unicode control characters <code>&amp;#xFEFF;</code> or <code>&amp;#x200E;</code> or <code>&amp;#x200B;</code>. This could be a problem inside an article.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:TMg/autoFormatter">autoFormatter</a> (some errors)
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:AUTOED">AutoEd</a>
</ul> END


 error_017_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_017_head_arwiki=تصنيف مكرر END
 error_017_desc_arwiki=In this article, a category is listed twice. Duplicate listing with different sortkeys don't work.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem if there is no difference in sortkeys :
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_018_prio_arwiki=0 END
 error_018_head_arwiki=الحرف الأول من التصنيف صغير END
 error_018_desc_arwiki=The first letter of the category is small. It should be a big letter. If a user would scan a dump and he use the category then he will be very happy if all categories begin with a big letter.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:TMg/autoFormatter">autoFormatter</a> (some errors)
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_019_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_019_head_arwiki=عناوين تبدأ برمز "=" واحد END
error_019_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_019_whitelist END
 error_019_desc_arwiki=The first headline start with "= XY =". It should be "== XY ==".<br />This causes organisational problems (See [[<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:MOSHEAD#Section_headings">WP:MOSHEAD</a>]]), as well as accessibility problems, especially with screen readers. (See [[<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:ACCESSIBILITY#Headings">WP:ACCESSIBILITY</a>]] and <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/G141.html"> Web Content Accessibility Guidelines</a>)<br />
<br />
Following tools can warn of the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_020_prio_arwiki=0 END
 error_020_head_arwiki=رمز الوفاة END
 error_020_desc_arwiki=The article had a <code>&amp;dagger;</code> and not †. This causes readability issues.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:TMg/autoFormatter">autoFormatter</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:AUTOED">AutoEd</a>
</ul> END


 error_021_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_021_head_arwiki=التصنيف باللغة الإنجليزية END
 error_021_desc_arwiki=It is ok for the MediaWiki software, but a new Wikipedian maybe have a problem with the English language.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:TMg/autoFormatter">autoFormatter</a>
Following tools can warn about the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_022_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_022_head_arwiki=تصنيف يحوي فراغ END
 error_022_desc_arwiki=The article had a category a space in front (for example: [[تصنيف:ABC]] or [[تصنيف: ABC]]). MediaWiki has no problem with this, but if you write a external parser this is only one of your problems. Please fix it.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:TMg/autoFormatter">autoFormatter</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_023_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_023_head_arwiki=nowiki بدون نهاية صحيحة END
 error_023_desc_arwiki=Found a "&lt;nowiki&gt;" but no "&lt;/nowiki&gt;".<br />
<br />
Following tools can warn of a problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_024_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_024_head_arwiki=Pre بدون نهاية صحيحة END
error_024_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_024_whitelist END
 error_024_desc_arwiki=Found a "&lt;pre&gt;" but no "&lt;/pre&gt;".<br />
<br />
Following tools can warn of a problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_025_prio_arwiki=2 END
 error_025_head_arwiki=تدرج العناوين END
error_025_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_025_whitelist END
 error_025_desc_arwiki=After a headline of level 1 (==), there should not be a headline of level 3 (====) (See [[<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:MOSHEAD#Section_headings">WP:MOSHEAD</a>]]).  This also causes accessibility problems, especially with screen readers. (See [[<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:ACCESSIBILITY#Headings">WP:ACCESSIBILITY</a>]] and <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/G141.html"> Web Content Accessibility Guidelines</a>)
<br />
Following tools can warn of a problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_026_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_026_head_arwiki=عنصر تنسيق نمط نص HTML &lt;b&gt; (نص عريض) END
error_026_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_026_whitelist END
 error_026_desc_arwiki=Article contains a &lt;b&gt;. In most cases we should use simpler wiki markups in place of these HTML-like tags.  See [[<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Markup">MOS:MARKUP</a>]]. <br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:AUTOED">AutoEd</a> (most cases)
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_027_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_027_head_arwiki=صيغة Unicode END
 error_027_desc_arwiki=Finds <code>&amp;#0000;</code> (decimal) or <code>&amp;#x0000;</code> (hexadecimal). It is difficult for average user to understand. Please use the <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode">Unicode</a> characters.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:TMg/autoFormatter">autoFormatter</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_028_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_028_head_arwiki=جدول بدون نهاية صحيحة END
 error_028_desc_arwiki=Found no end of the table. "|}" generally needs to be added. MediaWiki generally displays the table despite the missing end, but content below the table gets mixed into the table. Where an infobox is more suitable than the table, the article's talk page could be tagged with {{newinfobox}}.<br />
<br />
;Different markup for start and end : If wiki syntax "{|" is used to start the table, the end tag should be "|}".  There are cases were a template can end a table, such as {{fb end}}. This is perfectly fine to do.<br />
<br />
Following tools can warn of a problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_029_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_029_head_arwiki=معرض صور بدون نهاية صحيحة END
 error_029_desc_arwiki=Found a "&lt;gallery&gt;" but no "&lt;/gallery&gt;".<br />
<br />
Following tools can warn of a problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_030_prio_arwiki=0 END
 error_030_head_arwiki=صورة بدون وصف END
 error_030_desc_arwiki=The article has an image without a description. In order to provide good accessibility for everyone (e.g. blind people) a description for every image is needed. (See also <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/NOTE-WCAG20-TECHS-20081211/H37.html">W3C Techniques for WCAG 2.0</a>)
<br />
Following tools can warn of a problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_031_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_031_head_arwiki=عناصر جدول HTML END
error_031_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_031_whitelist END
 error_031_desc_arwiki=Article contains a "&lt;table&gt;", "&lt;td&gt;", "&lt;th&gt;" or "&lt;tr&gt;" tag. In most cases we can use simpler wiki markup in place of these HTML-like tags. Depending on the contents, HTML tables may be easier to read, for a comparison see <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Table#Comparison of table syntax>Comparison of table syntax</a>.<br />
<br />
AutoEd can help to fix some of these, although generally the new table syntax needs to be further refined.
<br />
Following tools can warn of a problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_032_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_032_head_arwiki=وصلة ثلاثية مكررة END
error_032_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_032_whitelist END
 error_032_desc_arwiki=Article contains a link like [[text|text2|text3]] (displays as <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/text">text2|text3</a>) or [[text||text3]] (displays as <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/text">|text3</a>)<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct or warn of the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a> (fixes and warns some cases)
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a> (fixes and warns some cases)
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:AUTOED">AutoEd</a> (warns some cases)
</ul> END


 error_033_prio_arwiki=0 END
 error_033_head_arwiki=عنصر نمط نص HTML &lt;u&gt; END
 error_033_desc_arwiki=Article contains a &lt;u&gt;. In most cases we can use simpler wiki markups in place of these HTML-like tags. AWB doesn't fix this.
<br />
Following tools can warn of a problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_034_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_034_head_arwiki=عنصر برمجة قالب END
error_034_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_034_whitelist END
 error_034_desc_arwiki=Article contains a "#if:" or "#ifeq:" or "#switch:" or "#tag:" or "{{NAMESPACE}}" or "{{SITENAME}}" or "{{PAGENAME}}" or "{{FULLPAGENAME}}" or "{{{1}}}" (Parameter).<br />
<br />
This is may be due to many different reasons:
<li>templates or infoboxes being substituted rather than transcluded (e.g. external links templates). Please restore the original infobox.
<li>copy-paste creations of de-facto new infobox types. Please try to correct ''all'' affected pages, not just the ones on the list by actually creating a proper infobox in template space and then transcluding it.
<li>attempted tweaking of the text of templates - particularly commonly stub templates. Please replace with more general / worse fitting ones as they do properly categorise things, or suggest a new stub type.
<li>sometimes this caused when someone tries to use templates with three curly braces "{" instead of two, e.g. {{{Reflist}}} instead of {{Reflist}}
<br />
Following tools can warn of a problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_035_prio_arwiki=0 END
 error_035_head_arwiki=معرض يحوي صور بدون وصف END
 error_035_desc_arwiki=Article contains a gallery without image descriptions. END


 error_036_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_036_head_arwiki=تحويلة غير صحيحة END
 error_036_desc_arwiki=Article contains something like "#تحويل = [[Target page]]". The equal sign is not correct. Correct is "#تحويل [[Target page]]". This also detect syntax such as:<br />
<br />
 #تحويل<br />
 [[Somepage]]<br />
<br />
(note the carriage return). Although this syntax functions, it is not recommended.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct or warn of the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a> (fixes and warns some cases)
</ul> END


 error_037_prio_arwiki=0 END
 error_037_head_arwiki=DEFAULTSORT مفقود للعناوين بحروف خاصة END
error_037_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_037_whitelist END
 error_037_desc_arwiki=The title has a special letter and in the article there is no {{DEFAULTSORT:}}.<br />
{{lifetime}} is not recognized by the script. Redirects are also listed if the redirect contains a category. See <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:SORTKEY">Categorization#Sort_order</a> and <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:MCSTJR">Namesort</a>, for more details.<br />
<br />
Following tools can fix most of a problems:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_038_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_038_head_arwiki=عنصر تنسيق HTML &lt;i&gt; (نص مائل) END
error_038_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_038_whitelist END
 error_038_desc_arwiki=Article contains a &lt;i&gt;. In most cases should can use simpler wiki markups in place of these HTML-like tags. See [[<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Markup">MOS:MARKUP</a>]]. It is ''not safe'' for bots to do this because oftentimes these tags span multiple lines, which can cause problems if they are changed incorrectly.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct or warn of the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a> (fixes and warns some cases)
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:AUTOED">AutoEd</a> (warns some cases)
</ul> END


 error_039_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_039_head_arwiki=عنصر تنسيق HTML &lt;p&gt; END
error_039_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_039_whitelist END
 error_039_desc_arwiki=Article contains a &lt;p&gt;. In most cases we should use simpler wiki markups in place of these HTML-like tags. See [[<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Markup">MOS:MARKUP</a>]]. <br />
<br />
Due to a <a href="https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6200">Wikimedia bug</a> &lt;p&gt; tags have to be used in &lt;blockquote&gt; and various {{quote}} templates. END


 error_040_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_040_head_arwiki=عنصر تنسيق HTML &lt;font&gt; END
error_040_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_040_whitelist END
 error_040_desc_arwiki=Article contains a &lt;font&gt;. In most cases we should use simpler wiki markups in place of these HTML-like tags. The &lt;font&gt; tag has all been <a href="http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_font.asp">depreciated from HTML5.</a><br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:TMg/autoFormatter">autoFormatter</a></a>
</ul> END


 error_041_prio_arwiki=0 END
 error_041_head_arwiki=عنصر تنسيق HTML &lt;big&gt; END
 error_041_desc_arwiki=Article contains a &lt;big&gt;. In most cases we can use simpler wiki markups in place of these HTML-like tags. END


 error_042_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_042_head_arwiki=عنصر تنسيق HTML &lt;strike&gt; END
 error_042_desc_arwiki=Article contains a &lt;strike&gt;.  This has been depreciated and &lt;s&gt; should be used.  
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a> 
</ul> END


 error_043_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_043_head_arwiki=قالب بدون نهاية صحيحة END
error_043_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_043_whitelist END
 error_043_desc_arwiki=Found a template with "{{", but no corresponding "}}".<br />
;To do: Generally, a set of closing <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bracket#Braces">braces</a> ("}}") need to be added in or after the string displayed below. Sometimes the opening braces can be removed all together.<br />
As templates break quite visibly when opening or closing braces are missing, frequently the broken templates listed below are citation templates.<br />
<br />
Following tools can warn of a problem:
<li><a href="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:TMg/autoFormatter">autoFormatter</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a> (can fix some cases)
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_044_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_044_head_arwiki=عناوين بخط عريض END
 error_044_desc_arwiki=The headline is bold "== '''XY''' ==". It should be "== XY ==". Headlines are already bold.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:AUTOED">AutoEd</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_045_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_045_head_arwiki=وصلة لغة مكررة END
 error_045_desc_arwiki=Article contains duplicate interwiki links to another language. You can remove both of them if they are a duplicate of those present in Wikidata. See <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Interlanguage_links">Help:Interlanguage links</a>.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:AWB">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a> (can fix some cases)</li>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a></li>
</ul> END


 error_046_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_046_head_arwiki=أقواس مربعة بدون بداية صحيحة END
error_046_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_046_whitelist END
 error_046_desc_arwiki=Different number of [[ and ]] brackets. If it is sourcecode then use &lt;source&gt; or &lt;code&gt;.<br />
<br />
Generally, a bracket needs to be added or removed in the string displayed below.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a> (can fix some cases, give a warning for all cases)
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_047_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_047_head_arwiki=قالب بدون بداية صحيحة END
error_047_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_047_whitelist END
 error_047_desc_arwiki=Found a template with "}}", but no corresponding "{{".<br />
<br />
;To do: Generally, one or two opening <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bracket#Braces">braces</a> ("{") need to be added in or before the string displayed below. Sometimes the opening braces ("{{") can be removed all together. <br />
As templates break quite visibly when opening or closing braces are missing, frequently the broken templates listed below are citation templates.<br />
<br />
Following tools can warm of a problem:
<li><a href="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:TMg/autoFormatter">autoFormatter</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a> (can fix some cases)
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_048_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_048_head_arwiki=وصلة إلى العنوان ضمن النص END
error_048_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_048_whitelist END
 error_048_desc_arwiki=Found a link to the title inside the text. In the lead section of the article, please change this [[Title]] into '''Title''' (see also <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Check Wikipedia#Title in text">Title in text</a>). However, do not make this change inside image maps, because doing so will cause errors. <br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:AUTOED">AutoEd</a>
</ul> END
 error_048_imagemap_arwiki=true END


 error_049_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_049_head_arwiki=عنوان ذو تنسيق HTML END
error_049_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_049_whitelist END
 error_049_desc_arwiki=Found a headline with HTML markup, e.g. &lt;h2&gt;Headline&lt;/h2&gt; in the text. Please use wikisyntax == Headline ==. See [[<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Moshead#Section_headings">WP:MOSHEAD</a>]].  If it is sourcecode then use &lt;source&gt; or &lt;code&gt; <br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:AUTOED">AutoEd</a>
</ul> END


 error_050_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_050_head_arwiki=شرطة en أو شرطة em END
 error_050_desc_arwiki=The article had a dash using HTML syntax. Instead of writing out <tt>&amp;ndash;</tt>, the Unicode character – should be used, and the written-out <tt>&amp;mdash;</tt> should be replaced with —. AutoEd will replace these. END


 error_051_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_051_head_arwiki=وصلة لغات قبل آخر عنوان END
 error_051_desc_arwiki=The article had in the text a interwiki before the last headline. Interwikis should written at the end of the article.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a> (warn)
</ul> END


 error_052_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_052_head_arwiki=تصنيف قبل آخر عنوان END
 error_052_desc_arwiki=Categories are placed before the last section header. Category should be placed at the end of the article before the interwikis. See [[<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Category">WP:CATEGORY</a]] This can be a sign that the article is somewhat mixed up (e.g. substituted navigation templates).<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a> (warn)
</ul> END


 error_053_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_053_head_arwiki=وصلة لغات قبل آخر تصنيف END
 error_053_desc_arwiki=The article had in the text a interwiki before the last category. Interwikis should be written at the end of the article after the categories. See [[<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Category">WP:CATEGORY</a>]] This can be a sign that the article is somewhat mixed up (e.g. substituted navigation templates).<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a> (warn)
</ul> END


 error_054_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_054_head_arwiki=انقطاع في القائمة END
error_054_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_054_whitelist END
 error_054_desc_arwiki=The article had a list, where one line had a break (&lt;br /&gt;) at the end of the line.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:TMg/autoFormatter">autoFormatter</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:AUTOED">AutoEd</a>
</ul> END


 error_055_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_055_head_arwiki=عنصر تنسيق نمط HTML &lt;small&gt; (نص صغير) مكرر END
 error_055_desc_arwiki=Article contains double &lt;small&gt;&lt;small&gt; tags. In the most case we don't need this double tag. This causes problems with people who have trouble reading small print.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct or warn of the problem:
<li><a href="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:TMg/autoFormatter">autoFormatter</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a> (warn only)
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a> (warn only)
</ul> END


 error_056_prio_arwiki=0 END
 error_056_head_arwiki=سهم على شكل فن ASCII END
 error_056_desc_arwiki=The article had an arrow like "&lt;--" or "--&gt;" or "&lt;==" or "==&gt;". Write better this arrow with the Unicode "←" or "→" or "⇐" or "⇒". See <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrow (symbol)">Arrow (symbol)</a>. If it is sourcecode then use &lt;source&gt; or &lt;code&gt;. Also you can use &lt;math&gt; for mathematical formula.
<br />
Following tools can correct or warn of the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a> (warn only)
</ul> END


 error_057_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_057_head_arwiki=عناوين تحوي نقطتين END
 error_057_desc_arwiki=One headline in this article end with a colon "== Headline : ==". This colon can be deleted.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:TMg/autoFormatter">autoFormatter</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:AUTOED">AutoEd</a>
</ul> END


 error_058_prio_arwiki=0 END
 error_058_head_arwiki=عنوان بأحرف كبيرة فقط END
 error_058_desc_arwiki=One headline in this article has only capitalization "== HEADLINE IS BIG ==" (See [[<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Moshead#Section_headings">WP:MOSHEAD</a>]]).  Also, this headline has to have more than 10 letters, so a normal abbreviation like "== UNO ==" is not a problem.<br />
<br />
The cleanup tag for this is {{capitalization}}. The report lists a few false positives, such as titles of works.
<br />
Following tools can correct or warn of the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_059_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_059_head_arwiki=قيمة في القالب تنتهي بانقطاع END
 error_059_desc_arwiki=At the end of a value in a template is a break. (For example: {{Template|name=Mr. King&lt;br/&gt;}}) This break should be inside the template but not in the value and you can delete this break. AutoEd can fix these.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct some of the problems:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:AUTOED">AutoEd</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_060_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_060_head_arwiki=مدخل قالب به مشكلة END
error_060_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_060_whitelist END
 error_060_desc_arwiki=In the parameter of a template the script found an unusual letter ([|]:*) which could be a problem. Sample: {{Template| parameter_1=100 | [[parameter]]_2=200 }}).<br /> END


 error_061_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_061_head_arwiki=مرجع قبل علامة الترقيم END
error_061_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_061_whitelist END
 error_061_desc_arwiki=The script found a punctuation after the reference. For example: "&lt;/ref&gt;." - The punctuation should stand before the references. See [[<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:REFPUNC#Punctuation_and_footnotes">WP:REFPUNC</a>]].<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problems:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_062_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_062_head_arwiki=URL بدون http:// END
error_062_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_062_whitelist END
 error_062_desc_arwiki=A URL was found that contained no http://.  Example:  [en.wikipedia.org Wikipedia] END


 error_063_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_063_head_arwiki=عنصر صياغة HTML &lt;small&gt; (نص صغير) في ref, sub أو sup END
 error_063_desc_arwiki=Article contains the tag &lt;small&gt; in a &lt;ref&gt; or &lt;sub&gt; or &lt;sup&gt; tag. Inside these tags we don't need a small text because the tag output is smaller than the standard.  This causes problems with people who have trouble reading small print.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:TMg/autoFormatter">autoFormatter</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
</ul> END


 error_064_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_064_head_arwiki=وصلة تساوي نص الوصلة END
error_064_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_064_whitelist END
 error_064_desc_arwiki=A piped link has identical text before and after the pipe. AWB and AutoEd can usually fix these. MediaWiki displays [[link|link]] as [[link]].<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:TMg/autoFormatter">autoFormatter</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:AUTOED">AutoEd</a>
</ul> END


 error_065_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_065_head_arwiki=وصف صورة ينتهي بانقطاع END
error_065_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_065_whitelist END
 error_065_desc_arwiki=The script found in this article at the end of an image description the tag &lt;br /&gt;. You can delete this manual break.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:AUTOED">AutoEd</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_066_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_066_head_arwiki=وصف صورة مع &lt;small&gt; كاملة END
 error_066_desc_arwiki=The script found in the description of an image the &lt;small&gt;. The description is already set to 94% in the stylesheet. This causes problems with people who have trouble reading small print.  This tag can be deleted.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_067_prio_arwiki=0 END
 error_067_head_arwiki=مرجع بعد علامات الترقيم (انظر 61 بدلا منه) END
 error_067_desc_arwiki=The script found the reference after a punctuation. For example: ".&lt;ref&gt;" - The punctuation should stand after the references. END


 error_068_prio_arwiki=0 END
 error_068_head_arwiki=وصلة إلى لغة أخرى END
 error_068_desc_arwiki=The script found a link to another language, for example [[:is:Link]] in this article (not an interwiki-link). In many languages, this direct link inside the article not allowed (for example in plwiki).<br />
<br />
See also: <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Village pump (policy)#Attribution/GDFL and translations (and sourcing)">Wikipedia:Village pump (policy)#Attribution/GDFL and translations (and sourcing)</a> END


 error_069_prio_arwiki=2 END
 error_069_head_arwiki=صيغة ISBN خاطئة END
error_069_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_069_whitelist END
 error_069_desc_arwiki=The script found a problem with ISBN syntax. A normal ISBN looks like ISBN 3-8001-6191-5 or ISBN 0-911266-16-X or ISBN 978-0-911266-16-0. Allowed are numbers, space, "-" and "X"/"x". Without space and "-" only 10 or 13 characters. Please don't write ISBN-10: or ISBN-13. (See [[<a href:"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:ISBN">WP:ISBN</a>]])<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:AUTOED">AutoEd</a>
</ul> END


 error_070_prio_arwiki=2 END
 error_070_head_arwiki=طول ISBN خاطيء END
error_070_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_070_whitelist END
 error_070_desc_arwiki=The script checked the ISBN and found it not containing 10 or 13 characters. ISBN should have 10 or 13 characters. END


 error_071_prio_arwiki=2 END
 error_071_head_arwiki=موضع ISBN خاطيء لX END
error_071_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_071_whitelist END
 error_071_desc_arwiki=The script checked the <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISBN">ISBNs</a> and found an ISBN where the character "X" is not at position 10. The character X is allowed only at position 10 and it represents a <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checksum">checksum</a> of 10. Also see [[<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Articles_with_invalid_ISBNs">Category:Articles with invalid ISBNs</a>]]. END


 error_072_prio_arwiki=2 END
 error_072_head_arwiki=ISBN checksum خاطيء في ISBN-10 END
 error_072_desc_arwiki=The script checked the ISBN and found a problem with the checksum in the ISBN-10. Also see [[<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Articles_with_invalid_ISBNs">Category:Articles with invalid ISBNs</a>]]. END


 error_073_prio_arwiki=2 END
 error_073_head_arwiki=ISBN checksum خاطيء في ISBN-13 END
 error_073_desc_arwiki=The script checked the ISBN and found a problem with the checksum in the ISBN-13. Also see [[<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Articles_with_invalid_ISBNs">Category:Articles with invalid ISBNs</a>]]. END


 error_074_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_074_head_arwiki=وصلة بدون هدف END
 error_074_desc_arwiki=The script found a link with no target, for example [[|linktext]].<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:AUTOED">AutoEd</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_075_prio_arwiki=0 END
 error_075_head_arwiki=قائمة ذات مسافة بادئة END
 error_075_desc_arwiki=The article had a list, where one line is indent (:* text). A list doesn't need an indent with ":". Use more "*" to indent the list. END


 error_076_prio_arwiki=2 END
 error_076_head_arwiki=وصلة بدون فراغ END
error_076_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_076_whitelist END
 error_076_desc_arwiki=The script found a link with "%20" for space [[Link%20Link|Linktext]]. Please replace this %20 with a space. This can also be caused by some external links being surrounded by double brackets. END


 error_077_prio_arwiki=0 END
 error_077_head_arwiki=وصف صورة مع &lt;small&gt; جزئي END
 error_077_desc_arwiki=The script found in the description of an image the &lt;small&gt; tag. The description is already set to 94% in the stylesheet. This causes problems with people who have trouble reading small print. This tag can be deleted. END


 error_078_prio_arwiki=2 END
 error_078_head_arwiki=قالب مراجع مكرر END
 error_078_desc_arwiki=The script found in the article two &lt;references ...&gt;. In some cases, one can be deleted. In other cases, it may need to be changed to &lt;ref&gt;. END
   reflist(?![^}]*group) END


 error_079_prio_arwiki=-2 END
 error_079_head_arwiki=وصلة خارجية بدون وصف END
 error_079_desc_arwiki=The script found in the article an external link without description (for example: [http://www.wikipedia.org]). Please insert a description to this link like [http://www.wikipedia.org Wikipedia]. END


 error_080_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_080_head_arwiki=وصلة خارجية مكسورة END
 error_080_desc_arwiki=The script found in the article an external link with a line break in the description. This can be due to a missing square bracket at the end of an external link, or a break in the title value in a citation parameter. This is a problem for the MediaWiki parser. Please delete the line break.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a> (most, but not all cases)
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


error_081_prio_arwiki=2 END
 error_081_bot_arwiki=true END
 error_081_head_arwiki=تكرار المراجع END
 error_081_desc_arwiki=The script found two identical ref tags. Please use the format &lt;ref name="foo"&gt;Book ABC&lt;/ref&gt; for the first instance of the reference and the following times &lt;ref name="foo"&nbsp;/&gt;.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a></li>
</ul> END


 error_082_prio_arwiki=0 END
 error_082_head_arwiki=وصلة لمشروع ويكي آخر END
 error_082_desc_arwiki= END


 error_083_prio_arwiki=2 END
 error_083_head_arwiki=العنوان الأول بثلاثة رموز "=" ويليه عنوان باثنين END
 error_083_desc_arwiki=The first heading starts with "=== XY ===", but it should be "== XY ==" (See [[<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:MOSHEAD">WP:MOSHEAD</a>]]). This also causes accessibility problems, especially with screen readers. (See [[<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:ACCESSIBILITY#Headings">WP:ACCESSIBILITY</a>]] and <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/G141.html"> Web Content Accessibility Guidelines</a>)<br />
<br />
As there are also level "==" headings later in the article, only some levels need to be adjusted.
<br />
For articles without any level "==" headings, <a href="checkwiki.cgi?project=enwiki&view=only&id=7">see check 7</a>
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a></li>
</ul> END


 error_084_prio_arwiki=0 END
 error_084_head_arwiki=مقطع بدون محتوى END
 error_084_desc_arwiki=There is a section between two headlines without content.<br />
 Add a {{Empty section}} template<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a> (most, but not all cases)
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_085_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_085_head_arwiki=وسوم كود قالب بدون محتوى END
error_085_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_085_whitelist END
 error_085_desc_arwiki=The script found a tag without content or a line break like &lt;noinclude&gt;&lt;/noinclude&gt;. This tag can be deleted. END


 error_086_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_086_head_arwiki=وصلة خارجية ضمن قوسين END
 error_086_desc_arwiki=The script found a link with two brackets to external source such as [[http://www.wikipedia.org Wikipedia]]. External links only need one bracket. For example: [http://www.wikipedia.org Wikipedia].<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:TMg/autoFormatter">autoFormatter</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_087_prio_arwiki=0 END
 error_087_head_arwiki=كيانات HTML المسماة بدون فاصلة منقوطة END
 error_087_desc_arwiki=Find named entities (like <tt>&amp;auml;</tt>) in the text without the semicolon.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_088_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_088_head_arwiki=DEFAULTSORT مع فراغ عند الموضع الأول END
 error_088_desc_arwiki=The script found a DEFAULTSORT with a blank at first position like {{DEFAULTSORT: Doe, John}}.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:TMg/autoFormatter">autoFormatter</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Awb">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a>
</ul> END


 error_089_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_089_head_arwiki=DEFAULTSORT بدون فراغ بعد الفاصلة END
 error_089_desc_arwiki=The script found a DEFAULTSORT without a space after the comma {{DEFAULTSORT:DuBois,Lewis}}. The causes the article to be sorted as the first DuBois article. END


 error_090_prio_arwiki=2 END
 error_090_head_arwiki=وصلة داخلية مكتوبة كوصلة خارجية END
error_090_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_090_whitelist END
 error_090_desc_arwiki=The script finds an external link that should be replaced with a wikilink.  An example would be on enwiki [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Wall Larry Wall] should be written as [[Larry Wall]]. Script also finds references that use Wikipedia as a source.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:TMg/autoFormatter">Auto-Formatter</a></li>
</ul> END
   Cite journal|url|title END
   Oldid|page|oldid|label END
   History|1|2 END


 error_091_prio_arwiki=2 END
 error_091_head_arwiki=وصلة داخلية إلى لغة أخرى مكتوبة كوصلة خارجية END
error_091_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_091_whitelist END
 error_091_desc_arwiki=The script finds an external link that should be replaced with a interwiki link.  An example would be on enwiki [http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Wall Larry Wall] should be written as [[:fr:Larry Wall]]. Script also finds references that use Wikipedia as a source.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:TMg/autoFormatter">Auto-Formatter</a></li>
</ul> END


 error_092_prio_arwiki=0 END
 error_092_head_arwiki=عنوان مكرر END
 error_092_desc_arwiki=The script found two headlines with the same title. Consider renaming the one or merging the sections. END


 error_093_prio_arwiki=2 END
 error_093_head_arwiki=وصلة خارجية مع http:// مزدوجة END
 error_093_desc_arwiki=The script found an external link that contains [http://http:// ...]. <br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:AWB">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
</ul> END


 error_094_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_094_head_arwiki=وسوم مراجع بدون مطابقة صحيحة END
 error_094_desc_arwiki=The script found references tags that didn't have the correct end and beginning tags. <br />
<br />
Following tools can warn you if there is problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:AWB">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
</ul> END


 error_095_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_095_head_arwiki=توقيع محرر أو وصلة لنطاق المستخدم END
 error_095_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_095_whitelist END
 error_095_desc_arwiki=An editor's signature or a link to User space was found. (See [[<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:UPYES#What_may_I_have_on_my_user_page.3F">WP:User Pages</a> and [[<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:SIGNHERE#When_signatures_should_and_should_not_be_used">WP Signatures</a>) END


 error_096_prio_arwiki=2 END
 error_096_head_arwiki=جدول المحتويات بعد العنوان الأول END
 error_096_desc_arwiki=TOC should be placed at the end of the lead section of the text, before the first section heading. Users of screen readers do not expect any text between the TOC and the first heading. See [[أرابيكا:TOC]]. END
   TOC hidden
   TOC left
   TOC middle
   TOC right
   TOCright END


 error_097_prio_arwiki=2 END
 error_097_head_arwiki=يوجد محتوى بعد TOC وقبل العنوان الأول END
 error_097_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_097_whitelist END
 error_097_desc_arwiki=Screen readers don't process material the comes between the Table of Contents and first heading. See [[أرابيكا:TOC]]. END
   TOC hidden
   TOC left
   TOC middle
   TOC right
   TOCright END


 error_098_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_098_head_arwiki=وسم Subscript بدون نهاية صحيحة END
error_098_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_098_whitelist END
 error_098_desc_arwiki=Subscripts, which starts with a "&lt;sub&gt;" tag needs an ending "&lt;/sub&gt;" tag. 
<br />
Following tools can warn you if there is problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a></ul> END


 error_099_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_099_head_arwiki=وسم Superscript بدون نهاية صحيحة END
 error_099_desc_arwiki=Superscripts, which starts with a "&lt;sup&gt;" tag needs an ending "&lt;/sup&gt;" tag.
<br />
Following tools can warn you if there is problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a></ul> END


 error_100_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_100_head_arwiki=وسم قائمة (&lt;ol&gt;, &lt;ul&gt; or &lt;li&gt;) بدون مطابقة صحيحة END
error_100_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_100_whitelist END
 error_100_desc_arwiki=The script found list tags that didn't have the correct end or beginning tags. <br />
<br />
Following tools can warn you if there is problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a></ul> END


 error_101_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_101_head_arwiki=رقم ترتيبي تم العثور عليه داخل وسوم &lt;sup&gt; END
error_101_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_101_whitelist END
 error_101_desc_arwiki=Ordinal numbers should be in regular text, not inside &lt;sup&gt; tags <br />
<br />
Following tools can warn you if there is problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WPCleaner">WPCleaner</a></ul> END


 error_102_prio_arwiki=2 END
 error_102_head_arwiki=PMID بصيغة غير صحيحة END
 error_102_desc_arwiki=The script found a problem with PMID syntax. A normal PMID looks like PMID&nbsp;4957203. (See [[<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:PMID">WP:PMID</a>]])<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:AWB">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
</ul> END


 error_103_prio_arwiki=2 END
 error_103_head_arwiki=كلمة Pipe السحرية داخل وصلة ويكي END
 error_103_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_103_whitelist END
 error_103_desc_arwiki=The script found the <a href="https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Magic_words#Other">magicword</a> {{!}} inside a wikilink.<br />
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:AWB">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a>
</ul> END


 error_104_prio_arwiki=2 END
 error_104_head_arwiki=علامات اقتباس غير متوازنة في اسم المرجع END
 error_104_desc_arwiki=The script found unbalanced quotes in a reference tag. For example &lt;ref name="ref 1&gt;
<br />
Following tools can correct the problem:
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:AWB">AutoWikiBrowser (AWB)</a></li>
</ul> END


 error_105_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_105_head_arwiki=العنوان ينبغي أن يبدأ ب"=" END
 error_105_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_105_whitelist END
 error_105_desc_arwiki=A heading should begin with a "=". END


 error_106_prio_arwiki=2 END
 error_106_head_arwiki=ISSN بصيغة غير صحيحة END
 error_106_desc_arwiki=The script found a problem with ISSN syntax. A normal ISSN looks like ISSN 3895-2372 or 3957-957X. There must be a - between the numbers (don't use dashes). END


 error_107_prio_arwiki=2 END
 error_107_head_arwiki=ISSN بطول خاطيء END
 error_107_desc_arwiki=The script checked the ISSN and found it not containing 8 characters. ISSN should have 8 characters. END


 error_108_prio_arwiki=2 END
 error_108_head_arwiki=ISSN بchecksum خاطيء END
 error_108_desc_arwiki=The script checked the ISSN and found a problem with the checksum in the ISSN. Also see [[<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Articles_with_invalid_ISSNs">Category:Articles with invalid ISSNs</a>]]. END


 error_109_prio_arwiki=1 END
 error_109_head_arwiki=خطأ وسم Include END
 error_109_desc_arwiki=The script found a problem with opening or closing tags for &lt;includeonly&gt;, &lt;onlyinclude&gt; or &lt;noinclude&gt; tags. END


 error_110_prio_arwiki=0 END
 error_110_head_arwiki=وسم Include تم العثور عليه END
 error_110_desc_arwiki=The script found a &lt;includeonly&gt;, &lt;onlyinclude&gt; or &lt;noinclude&gt; tags. END


 error_111_prio_arwiki=0 END
 error_111_head_arwiki=مرجع بعد آخر قائمة مراجع END
 error_111_desc_arwiki=The script found a &lt;ref&gt; tag after the last &lt;references&gt; tag or reference template. END
   reference list
   list of botanists by author abbreviation footer
   Airline codes page/bottom END


 error_112_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_112_head_arwiki=سمات css غير صالحة أو مهملة END
 error_112_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_112_whitelist END
 error_112_desc_arwiki=The script found bad or deprecated css atributes END


 error_113_prio_arwiki=3 END
 error_113_head_arwiki=انقطاع أو خطأ &lt;br&gt; في وصلة الويكي END
 error_113_desc_arwiki=The script found a line break inside a wikilink or a &lt;br&gt; tag at the end of a wikilink. END


 error_501_prio_arwiki=0 END
 error_501_head_arwiki=تدقيق إملائي END
 error_501_desc_arwiki=Proposals for fixing spelling and typography based on <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:AutoWikiBrowser/Typos">suggestions</a>. END 
 error_501_bot_arwiki=true END


 error_518_prio_arwiki=0 END
 error_518_head_arwiki=وسوم &lt;nowiki&gt; في النطاق الرئيسي END
 error_518_desc_arwiki=&lt;nowiki&gt; tags are often not needed in main namespace. END 
# error_518_bot_arwiki=true END
 error_518_apostrophe_template_arwiki=' END
 error_518_asterisk_template_arwiki=asterisk END


error_521_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_521_head_arwiki=صياغة التاريخ في القوالب END
error_521_desc_arwiki=Date format in templates END
error_521_bot_arwiki=true END
  citation|date|d MMM yyy|d–d MMM yyy|MMM d, yyy|MMM d–d, yyy|yyy-MM-dd|MMM yyy|MMM–MMM yyy|yyy|yyy–yyy|d MMM – d MMM yyyy
  citation|accessdate|d MMM yyy|MMM d, yyy|yyy-MM-dd|MMM yyy|yyy
  citation|archivedate|d MMM yyy|MMM d, yyy|yyy-MM-dd|MMM yyy|yyy
  citation|publication-date|d MMM yyy|d–d MMM yyy|MMM d, yyy|MMM d–d, yyy|yyy-MM-dd|MMM yyy|MMM–MMM yyy|yyy|yyy–yyy
  cite book|date|d MMM yyy|d–d MMM yyy|MMM d, yyy|MMM d–d, yyy|yyy-MM-dd|MMM yyy|MMM–MMM yyy|yyy|yyy–yyy|d MMM – d MMM yyyy
  cite book|accessdate|d MMM yyy|MMM d, yyy|yyy-MM-dd|MMM yyy|yyy
  cite book|archivedate|d MMM yyy|MMM d, yyy|yyy-MM-dd|MMM yyy|yyy
  cite book|publication-date|d MMM yyy|d–d MMM yyy|MMM d, yyy|MMM d–d, yyy|yyy-MM-dd|MMM yyy|MMM–MMM yyy|yyy|yyy–yyy
  cite book|year|yyy|yyy–yyy
  cite document|date|d MMM yyy|d–d MMM yyy|MMM d, yyy|MMM d–d, yyy|yyy-MM-dd|MMM yyy|MMM–MMM yyy|MMM yyy – MMM yyy|yyy|yyy–yyy|d MMM – d MMM yyyy
  cite document|accessdate|d MMM yyy|MMM d, yyy|yyy-MM-dd|MMM yyy|yyy
  cite document|archivedate|d MMM yyy|MMM d, yyy|yyy-MM-dd|MMM yyy|yyy
  cite document|publication-date|d MMM yyy|d–d MMM yyy|MMM d, yyy|MMM d–d, yyy|yyy-MM-dd|MMM yyy|MMM–MMM yyy|yyy|yyy–yyy
  cite document|year|yyy|yyy–yyy
  cite journal|date|d MMM yyy|d–d MMM yyy|MMM d, yyy|MMM d–d, yyy|yyy-MM-dd|MMM yyy|MMM–MMM yyy|MMM yyy – MMM yyy|yyy|yyy–yyy|d MMM – d MMM yyyy|'n.d.'|{{date}}
  cite journal|accessdate|d MMM yyy|MMM d, yyy|yyy-MM-dd|MMM yyy|yyy|{{date}}
  cite journal|archivedate|d MMM yyy|MMM d, yyy|yyy-MM-dd|MMM yyy|yyy|{{date}}
  cite journal|publication-date|d MMM yyy|d–d MMM yyy|MMM d, yyy|MMM d–d, yyy|yyy-MM-dd|MMM yyy|MMM–MMM yyy|yyy|yyy–yyy
  cite journal|year|yyy|yyy–yyy
  cite news|date|d MMM yyy|d–d MMM yyy|MMM d, yyy|MMM d–d, yyy|yyy-MM-dd|MMM yyy|MMM–MMM yyy|yyy|yyy–yyy|d MMM – d MMM yyyy|{{date}}
  cite news|accessdate|d MMM yyy|MMM d, yyy|yyy-MM-dd|MMM yyy|yyy|{{date}}
  cite news|archivedate|d MMM yyy|MMM d, yyy|yyy-MM-dd|MMM yyy|yyy|{{date}}
  cite news|publication-date|d MMM yyy|d–d MMM yyy|MMM d, yyy|MMM d–d, yyy|yyy-MM-dd|MMM yyy|MMM–MMM yyy|yyy|yyy–yyy
  cite news|year|yyy|yyy–yyy
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  Infobox song|Released||d MMM yyy|MMM d, yyy|MMM yyy|yyy|{{Start date}}
  Persondata|DATE OF BIRTH|d MMM yyy|MMM d, yyy|MMM yyy|yyy-MM-dd|yyy|c. yyy
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  Winter END


error_522_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_522_head_arwiki=عنوان فارغ END
error_522_desc_arwiki=An empty title (like <code><nowiki>== &lt;nowiki /&gt; ==</nowiki></code>) has been detected. END
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error_523_prio_arwiki=0 END
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error_524_prio_arwiki=3 END
error_524_head_arwiki=مدخلات مكررة في استدعاءات القوالب END
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#error_524_bot_arwiki=true END


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error_526_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_526_head_arwiki=وصلة تاريخ غير صحيحة END
error_526_desc_arwiki=Incorrect link to a date, like [[1985|2005]] END
#error_526_bot_arwiki=true END


error_527_prio_arwiki=3 END
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error_527_bot_arwiki=true END
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error_528_prio_arwiki=0 END
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# error_528_bot_arwiki=true END


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error_529_desc_arwiki=ISBN magic links will be removed from MW END
# error_529_bot_arwiki=true END


error_530_prio_arwiki=0 END
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error_530_desc_arwiki=RFC magic links will be removed from MW END
# error_530_bot_arwiki=true END


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error_532_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_532_head_arwiki=وسم نهاية مفقود END
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# error_532_bot_arwiki=true END
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error_533_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_533_head_arwiki=هروب بنقاط رأسية متعددة END
error_533_desc_arwiki=A link has been created with a multi colon escape like <tt>[[:Test|Test]]</tt>. END
error_533_link_arwiki=Special:LintErrors/multi-colon-escape END
error_533_bot_arwiki=true END


error_534_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_534_head_arwiki=خيارات صورة غير صحيحة END
error_534_desc_arwiki=An image has been created with a bogus option. END
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error_534_bot_arwiki=true END


error_535_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_535_head_arwiki=Tidy bug affecting font tags wrapping links END
error_535_desc_arwiki=Tidy bug affecting font tags wrapping links. END
error_535_link_arwiki=Special:LintErrors/tidy-font-bug END
error_535_bot_arwiki=true END


error_536_prio_arwiki=0 END
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error_536_bot_arwiki=true END


error_537_prio_arwiki=0 END
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error_538_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_538_head_arwiki=حروف فراغات بعد العنوان END
error_538_desc_arwiki=Whitespace characters after heading. END
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error_538_bot_arwiki=true END


error_539_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_539_head_arwiki=وسوم متداخلة بشكل غير صحيح END
error_539_desc_arwiki=Misnested tags. END
error_539_link_arwiki=Special:LintErrors/misnested-tag END
error_539_bot_arwiki=true END


error_540_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_540_head_arwiki=Missing end bold/italic END
error_540_desc_arwiki=Missing end bold/italic. END
error_540_link_arwiki=Special:LintErrors/missing-end-tag END
error_540_bot_arwiki=true END


error_541_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_541_head_arwiki=وسم مستغنى عنه END
error_541_desc_arwiki=Obsolete tag. END
error_541_link_arwiki=Special:LintErrors/obsolete-tag END
# error_541_bot_arwiki=true END


error_542_prio_arwiki=0 END
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error_542_bot_arwiki=true END


error_543_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_543_head_arwiki=Pipe في وصلة خارجية END
error_543_desc_arwiki=Pipe in external link. END
# error_543_link_arwiki= END
error_543_bot_arwiki=true END


error_544_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_544_head_arwiki=قالب نهاية مفقود في زوج END
error_544_desc_arwiki=A template working as a pair has no end template. END 
# error_544_link_arwiki= END
# error_544_bot_arwiki=true END
# error_544_pair_templates_arwiki= END


error_545_prio_arwiki=3 END
error_545_head_arwiki=قالب بمدخل مستغنى عنه END
error_545_desc_arwiki=Template with deprecated parameter. END 
# error_545_link_arwiki= END
error_545_bot_arwiki=true END
  Track listings with deprecated parameters END
  Soundtrack|writing_credits|Module:Track listing determines this automatically
  Soundtrack|lyrics_credits|Module:Track listing determines this automatically
  Soundtrack|music_creditsc|Module:Track listing determines this automatically
  Tlist|writing_credits|Module:Track listing determines this automatically
  Tlist|lyrics_credits|Module:Track listing determines this automatically
  Tlist|music_creditsc|Module:Track listing determines this automatically
  Track|writing_credits|Module:Track listing determines this automatically
  Track|lyrics_credits|Module:Track listing determines this automatically
  Track|music_creditsc|Module:Track listing determines this automatically
  Track list|writing_credits|Module:Track listing determines this automatically
  Track list|lyrics_credits|Module:Track listing determines this automatically
  Track list|music_creditsc|Module:Track listing determines this automatically
  Track listing|writing_credits|Module:Track listing determines this automatically
  Track listing|lyrics_credits|Module:Track listing determines this automatically
  Track listing|music_creditsc|Module:Track listing determines this automatically
  Tracklist|writing_credits|Module:Track listing determines this automatically
  Tracklist|lyrics_credits|Module:Track listing determines this automatically
  Tracklist|music_creditsc|Module:Track listing determines this automatically
  Tracklisting|writing_credits|Module:Track listing determines this automatically
  Tracklisting|lyrics_credits|Module:Track listing determines this automatically
  Tracklisting|music_creditsc|Module:Track listing determines this automatically END


error_546_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_546_head_arwiki=مقال بدون تصنيفات END
error_546_desc_arwiki=Article without categories. END 
# error_546_link_arwiki= END
# error_546_bot_arwiki=true END


error_547_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_547_head_arwiki=عنصر قائمة فارغ END
error_547_desc_arwiki=Empty list item (like <code>*</code>). END 
# error_547_link_arwiki= END
# error_547_bot_arwiki=true END


error_548_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_548_head_arwiki=علامات ترقيم في وصلة END
error_548_whitelistpage_arwiki=Wikipedia:WikiProject_Check_Wikipedia/Error_548_whitelist END
error_548_desc_arwiki=Punctuation in link (like <code>[[target|text,]]</code>). END 
# error_548_link_arwiki= END
# error_548_bot_arwiki=true END
  Comma (punctuation)
  Left parenthesis
  Serial comma END


error_549_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_549_head_arwiki=وصلة مفصولة END
error_549_desc_arwiki=A link is split (like <code>[[target|te]][[target|xt]]</code>). END 
# error_549_link_arwiki= END
# error_549_bot_arwiki=true END


error_550_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_550_head_arwiki=وصلة بدون نص END
error_550_desc_arwiki=A link is without text (like <code> [[target|]]</code> or <code>[[target|&lt;nowiki/&gt;]]</code>). END 
# error_550_link_arwiki= END
# error_550_bot_arwiki=true END

error_551_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_551_head_arwiki=سطر فارغ END
error_551_desc_arwiki=A line is empty (like <code>''&lt;nowiki/&gt;</code>). END 
# error_551_link_arwiki= END
# error_551_bot_arwiki=true END

error_552_prio_arwiki=3 END
error_552_head_arwiki=قالب ينتهي ب}}} END
error_552_desc_arwiki=A template is ending with <code>}}}</code> instead of <code>}}</code>. END 
# error_552_link_arwiki= END
error_552_bot_arwiki=true END

error_553_prio_arwiki=3 END
error_553_head_arwiki=وسوم &lt;nowiki&gt; END
error_553_desc_arwiki=A &lt;nowiki&gt; tag is just after an internal link. END 
# error_553_link_arwiki= END
error_553_bot_arwiki=true END
  s END

error_554_prio_arwiki=3 END
error_554_head_arwiki=وسوم &lt;nowiki&gt; END
error_554_desc_arwiki=A &lt;nowiki&gt; tag is in a &lt;gallery&gt; tag. END 
# error_554_link_arwiki= END
error_554_bot_arwiki=true END

error_555_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_555_head_arwiki=وسوم &lt;nowiki&gt; END
error_555_desc_arwiki=A &lt;nowiki&gt; tag is in the text. END 
# error_555_link_arwiki= END
# error_555_bot_arwiki=true END

error_556_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_556_head_arwiki=وصلة خارجية END
error_556_desc_arwiki=External link in the text of the article. END 
# error_556_link_arwiki= END
# error_556_bot_arwiki=true END
error_556_titles_arwiki= END
error_556_templates_arwiki= END

error_557_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_557_head_arwiki=فراغ مفقود قبل وصلة END
error_557_desc_arwiki=A link est just after the preceding text. END 
# error_557_link_arwiki= END
# error_557_bot_arwiki=true END

error_558_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_558_head_arwiki=Duplicated reference END
error_558_desc_arwiki=The same reference is used several times in the same group of references. END 
# error_558_link_arwiki= END
# error_558_bot_arwiki=true END

error_559_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_559_head_arwiki=Separator between ref tags END
error_559_desc_arwiki=An incorrect separator is used between consecutive ref tags. END 
# error_559_link_arwiki= END
# error_559_bot_arwiki=true END

error_560_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_560_head_arwiki=Duplicated attribute END
error_560_desc_arwiki=A tag has a duplicated attribute (like a ref tag with 2 group attributes). END 
# error_560_link_arwiki= END
# error_560_bot_arwiki=true END

error_561_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_561_head_arwiki=Redirect with the target as text END
error_561_desc_arwiki=An internal link [[redirect|target]] is using a redirect while displaying the target as text. END 
# error_561_link_arwiki= END
# error_561_bot_arwiki=true END

error_562_prio_arwiki=3 END
error_562_head_arwiki=&lt;nowiki&gt; tags END
error_562_desc_arwiki=Consecutive &lt;nowiki&gt; tags. END 
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# error_562_bot_arwiki=true END

error_563_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_563_head_arwiki=Unused parameters END
error_563_desc_arwiki=Template parameters are empty and not used. END 
# error_563_link_arwiki= END
# error_563_bot_arwiki=true END

error_564_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_564_head_arwiki=Unknown parameters END
error_564_desc_arwiki=Template parameters are unknown. END 
# error_564_link_arwiki= END
# error_564_bot_arwiki=true END

error_565_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_565_head_arwiki=&lt;nowiki&gt; tags END
error_565_desc_arwiki=&lt;nowiki&gt; tags between bold/italic formatting. END 
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error_566_prio_arwiki=0 END
error_566_head_arwiki=&lt;abbr&gt; tags END
error_566_desc_arwiki=&lt;abbr&gt; tags should be replaced by templates for abbreviations. END 
# error_566_link_arwiki= END
# error_566_bot_arwiki=true END
  abbr|1|2|<!-- Meaning -->
  tooltip|1|2|<!-- Meaning -->
  Abbreviation templates
  Military abbreviation templates
  Time and date abbreviation templates

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error_567_head_arwiki=Non-numeric formatnum arguments END
error_567_desc_arwiki=Formatnum with non-numeric arguments. END 
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# error_567_bot_arwiki=true END