تضامنًا مع حق الشعب الفلسطيني |
وحدة:ملعب/Mr. Ibrahem/cey
< وحدة:ملعب | Mr. Ibrahem
توثيق الوحدة[أنشئ] [محو الاختزان][استخدامات] [قوالب]
local p = {}
function p.new_classification(frame, s)
local country = true
local showgap = false
if wiki == 'da' then country = false end -- those wikis do not want to show the country column as standard
if wiki == 'es' then country = false end -- those wikis do not want to show the country column as standard
local s = s
local h = {
rider={1, "", "", "", '', ""}, -- rank, rider ID, riderGender, nationality ID, flag ID, team ID
jersey={""}, -- lots of jerseyID
value={'', '', '', ''} -- points, time, time_gap, speed
local available_list = available_list
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( s.item )
--[=[ It is possible to give the classification tables in the article commands to change the standard behaviour. They could look like this:
{{Cycling race/teamsclassificationbytime|Q18574623|newline=false|country=true}}
{{Cycling race/teamsclassificationbytime|Q18574623|country= false|newline=false}}
{{Cycling race/teamsclassificationbypoints|Q18574623|newline =true|country=true}}
{{Cycling race/teamsclassificationbypoints|Q18574623|newline= true}}
{{Cycling race/teamsclassificationbypoints|Q18574623|newline = false|country=false}}
{{Cycling race/teamsclassificationbytime|Q18574623|newline=true|country=true}}
One additional parameter is "newline" with the values "true" or "false". "newline" says, if there is a line brake after the table. Standard is
no line break after the tables stageclassification and teamtimetrialclassification.
The second parameter is "country" with the values "true" or "false". "country" tells the module to print the country column or not.
Most wikis have as standard to print the country columns, some wikis prefer as standard not to show the country column. A few lines above,
the command "if wiki == 'da' then country = false end" tells that daWiki do not want to see the country colums as standard. You can add your wiki
here in, if you do not want to see them as standard. With the new parameter editors are able to tell the module in the article what to do.
local function jersey(h)
local jersey
local jersey_name
local jersey_string = ' '
jerseys = {
['Q24257871'] = {file = 'Jersey yellow.svg',
name_ar = 'قميص أصفر لمتصدر الترتيب العام',
name_fr = 'maillot jaune de leader du classement général',
name_ru = 'жёлтая майка лидера генеральной классификации'
['Q24645209'] = {file = 'Jersey green.svg',
name_ar = 'قميص أخضر لمتصدر ترتيب النقاط',
name_fr = 'maillot vert de leader du classement par points',
name_ca = 'mallot verd del líder de la classificació per punts',
name_ru = 'зелёная майка лидера очковой классификации'
['Q24645383'] = {file = 'Jersey white.svg',
name_ar = 'قميص أبيض لمتصدر ترتيب الشباب',
name_fr = 'maillot blanc de leader du classement du meilleur jeune',
name_ru = 'белая майка лидера молодёжной классификации',
name_de = 'weißes Trikot des Führenden der Nachwuchswertung'
if type(h) == 'table' and h[1] ~= '' then mw.log(h[1])
for i,k in ipairs(h) do
if jerseys[h[i]] ~= nil then mw.log('>')
jersey = 'File:'.. jerseys[h[i]].file
local name
name = 'name_'..wiki
jersey_name = jerseys[h[i]][name] or jerseys[h[i]]['name_en'] or jerseys[h[i]]['name_fr'] or ''
if jersey_name~='' then jersey_string = jersey_string .. '[['..jersey..'|20px|'..jersey_name..']]'
else jersey_string = jersey_string .. '[['..jersey..'|20px]]'
local entity_jersey = mw.wikibase.getEntity(h[i])
jersey = 'File:'.. entity_jersey.claims['P18'][1].mainsnak.datavalue.value
jersey_name = entity_jersey:getLabel('ar') or entity_jersey:getLabel( 'en' ) or entity_jersey:getLabel( 'fr' ) or ''
if jersey_name~='' then jersey_string = jersey_string .. '[['..jersey..'|20px|'..jersey_name..']]'
else jersey_string = jersey_string .. '[['..jersey..'|20px]]'
return jersey_string
else return ''
end -- function end
local startOfSeason = '' --'+2016-01-01T00:00:00Z'
pcall(function() startOfSeason = entity.claims["P580"][1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.time end)
if startOfSeason == '' then
if pcall(function() startOfSeason = entity.claims["P585"][1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.time end) then
local Sitelink = entity:getSitelink(wiki .. 'wiki') or entity:getSitelink('enwiki') or entity:getSitelink('frwiki') or entity:getSitelink('dewiki') or ''
if Sitelink == '' then return '> Wikidata is missing data about the start time (P580) and end time (P582) of the season'
else startOfSeason = '+'..string.match(Sitelink, '%d%d%d%d' ) ..'-01-01T00:00:00Z'
local v = ''
local plus = ''
local localFrame
if string.match(frame:getParent():getTitle(), '%P+') == mw.site.namespaces.Template.name
then localFrame = frame:getParent() else localFrame = frame end
if localFrame.args[1] ~= nil then localFrame.args[1] = string.gsub(localFrame.args[1], "%c", "") end
if localFrame.args.country ~= nil then -- switch country column on or off in the article
if localFrame.args.country == 'true' then country = true end
if localFrame.args.country == 'false' then country = false end
local tableStyle, tableNewline
if localFrame.args.newline == 'false' then -- parameter newline in WP article is 'false'
tableStyle = "float:right; margin-right:0.5em;"-- border:1px solid rgb(200,200,200)"
tableNewline = ''
if localFrame.args.newline == 'true' then -- parameter newline in WP article is 'true'
tableStyle = ""--border:1px solid rgb(200,200,200)"
tableNewline = 'left'--'<br style="clear:left;">' -- clear:left
if localFrame.args.newline == nil then -- no second parameter, compatible to the old code
if s.property == 'P2417' then --stageclassification
tableStyle = "float:right; margin-right:0.5em;"-- border:1px solid rgb(200,200,200)"
tableNewline = ''
tableStyle = ""--"border:1px solid rgb(200,200,200)"
tableNewline = 'left'--'<br style="clear:left;">' -- everything else -- clear:left
local tableHeader2_size = table.getn(s.header_2)
-- '{{بداية نتيجة سباق ركوب الدراجات|style='.. tableStyle.. '\n'..
--local tableStart = '{| border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"\n! colspan="'.. tostring(tableHeader2_size + 1) .. '"'..
local tableStart = '{{بداية نتيجة سباق ركوب الدراجات|style='.. tableStyle.. '|colspan='.. tostring(tableHeader2_size + 1) .. ''
-- .. ' style="padding:2px 2px; text-align:center; background-color:#FFDF80" | '
if s.team_classification == true or s.property == 'P3497' then
tableStart = tableStart .. '|teams=t'
if s.header_2[5] ~= 6 then -- for table teamtimetrialclassification, dont adds speed
tableStart = tableStart .. '|speed=f'
--if (s.header_2[4] ~=4) or (s.property ~= 'P3497') or (s.header_2[4] ~= 5) then -- dont adds gap
--tableStart = tableStart .. '|gap=f'
if s.property == 'P3494' or s.property == 'P3496' -- points
then tableStart = tableStart .. '|points=t'
local tableHeader1 = '|title=' ..
--..'<span style="float:right">[[File:Wikidata-logo S.svg|24px|link=d:'
--..s.item.. '#'.. s.property..']]</span>'
s.header_function (wiki, s.header_1) ..
'|d='.. s.item .. '|property='.. s.property ..
local tableHeader2 = '|-\n'
for i,k in ipairs(s.header_2) do
if i==1 then tableHeader2 = tableHeader2.. '! colspan="2" nowrap style="text-align:center;padding:2px 2px"|'.. s.header_function (wiki, k) end
if i==2 and available_list==true and country == true then tableHeader2 = tableHeader2.. '\n! nowrap style="text-align:center;padding:2px 2px"|'.. s.header_function (wiki, k) end
if i>=3 then
if i ~= tableHeader2_size then tableHeader2 = tableHeader2.. '\n! nowrap style="text-align:center;padding:2px 2px"|'.. s.header_function (wiki, k).. '\n'
else tableHeader2 = tableHeader2..'\n! nowrap style="text-align:center;padding:2px 2px"|'.. s.header_function (wiki, k) .. '\n'
tableHeader2 = tableHeader2 .. '\n'
local tableBody = ''
local t_Body = {}
local bg_color=""
local nr_jersey
for l, m in pairs(entity.claims[s.property]) do -- look into all statements
--if m.mainsnak["snaktype"] == 'value' then
local rank
for _, v in pairs(m.qualifiers['P1352']) do -- for property 'rank'
rank = tonumber(v.datavalue.value.amount) break
h.rider[1] = rank
local riderID = 'Q'.. m.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id']
if s.team_classification == false then
h.rider[2] = WPlink(riderID, 'pure')
h.rider[6] = national_team(riderID, startOfSeason, entity, s.property, l)
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( riderID ), 'P21', 1)
if a == true then
if b == 6581097 then h.rider[3] = 'm' end -- men
if b == 6581072 then h.rider[3] = 'f' end -- female
else h.rider[3] = 'n' -- for teams
pcall(function() -- for property 'points' P1358
for _, v in pairs(m.qualifiers['P1358']) do h.value[1] = tonumber(v.datavalue.value.amount) end
pcall(function() -- for property 'race time' P2781
for _, v in pairs(m.qualifiers['P2781']) do h.value[2] = tonumber(v.datavalue.value.amount) end
pcall(function() -- for property 'time gap' P2911
for _, v in pairs(m.qualifiers['P2911']) do h.value[3] = tonumber(v.datavalue.value.amount) end
plus = '+ '
pcall(function() -- for property 'speed' P2052
for _, v in pairs(m.qualifiers['P2052']) do h.value[4] = tonumber(v.datavalue.value.amount) end
pcall(function() -- for property 'distinctive jersey'
h.jersey= {''}
nr_jersey = 1
for _, v in pairs(m.qualifiers['P2912']) do
h.jersey[nr_jersey] = 'Q'..v.datavalue.value['numeric-id']
nr_jersey = nr_jersey + 1
if s.team_classification == true then
h.rider[6] = transform(riderID, 't', startOfSeason)
if s.team_classification == false then
local a, b = timeStartEnd(riderID, "P27", 'numeric-id', startOfSeason)
if a == true then
h.rider[5] = flag('Q'..b, startOfSeason)
if available_list == true and country == true then
if type( translations.list ) == "function" then h.rider[4] = translations.list('Q'..b) end
if h.rider[4] == '' then
local country = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b )
h.rider[4] = country:getLabel('ar') or country:getLabel('en') .. ' (en)'
if s.team_classification == true then
local a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( riderID ), 'P17', 1)
if a == true then
a, b = timeStartEnd(riderID, "P17", 'numeric-id', startOfSeason)
if a == true then
h.rider[5] = flag('Q'..b, startOfSeason)
if available_list == true and country == true then
if type( translations.list ) == "function" then h.rider[4] = translations.list('Q'..b) end
if h.rider[4] == '' then
local country = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b )
h.rider[4] = country:getLabel('ar') or country:getLabel('en') .. ' (en)'
-- ##############################
--local tBody = '|-'
local tBody = '{{نتيجة سباق ركوب الدراجات'
-- find the right background color if a rider has more then one jersey
-- see Wikidata:WikiProject Cycling/Kit to translate/Jerseys
if h.jersey[1] ~= '' then
local num = 1 -- loop for more then one jersey per rider
while h.jersey[num] ~= nil and h.jersey[num] ~= '' do
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24257871" then bg_color="#FFFF99" break end -- Jersey yellow.svg (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24257763" then bg_color="#FFC0CB" -- Jersey pink.svg
if wiki == "ca" then bg_color="lightpink" end
break end
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24257872" then bg_color="#FF8666" break end -- Jersey red.svg (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24687408" then bg_color="#99CBFF" break end -- Jersey blue.svg (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24258056" then bg_color="#FFD030" break end -- Jersey orange.svg (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q26696171" then bg_color="#FFFFFF" break end -- Jersey white.svg (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24258125" then bg_color="#BFFF80" break end -- Jersey green 2.svg (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24257991" then bg_color="#FFD030" break end -- Jersey gold.svg (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24645208" then bg_color="#90EE90" break end -- Jersey green.svg (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q26945271" then bg_color="#90EE90" break end -- MaillotVolta.png (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q26945272" then bg_color="#BF80FF" break end -- Jersey violet.svg (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q29982321" then bg_color="#FFFF99" break end -- Jersey combined.svg (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q29594434" then bg_color="#87CEEB" break end -- MaillotCyan.PNG (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q30132459" then bg_color="#FFFF99" break end -- Jersey yellow-bluebar.svg (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24645209" then bg_color="#90EE90" break end -- Jersey green.svg (Points)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q25831179" then bg_color="#FFFFFF" break end -- Jersey white.svg (Points)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q26919974" then bg_color="#FF8666" break end -- Jersey red.svg (Points)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24687409" then bg_color="#99CBFF" break end -- Jersey blue.svg (Points)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q25265938" then bg_color="#BF80FF" break end -- Jersey violet.svg (Points)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q27114205" then bg_color="#C0C0C0" break end -- Jersey black.svg (Points)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q28546656" then bg_color="#FFFF99" break end -- Jersey yellow.svg (Points)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q28820618" then bg_color="#87CEEB" break end -- MaillotCyan.PNG (Points)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q29982764" then bg_color="#FFD030" break end -- Jersey orange.svg (Points)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q43276992" then bg_color="#FFC0CB" break end -- Jersey pink.svg (Points)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q47945989" then bg_color="#6495ED" break end -- Jersey dark blue.svg (Points)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q25265958" then bg_color="#FFC0CB" break end -- Jersey polkadot.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q25265959" then bg_color="#E0FFFF" break end -- Jersey blue dotted.png (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q25265960" then bg_color="#FFC0CB" break end -- Jersey climbing Dauphine.png (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q27670178" then bg_color="#FF8666" break end -- Jersey red.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q27670182" then bg_color="#90EE90" break end -- Jersey green.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q27670174" then bg_color="#FFD030" break end -- Jersey orange.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24790519" then bg_color="#C0C0C0" break end -- Jersey grey.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q27670105" then bg_color="#C0C0C0" break end -- Jersey blackdots.png (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q28604413" then bg_color="#99CBFF" break end -- Jersey blue.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q25266023" then bg_color="#F5DEB3" break end -- Jersey brown.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q27670126" then bg_color="#FF8666" break end -- Jersey granate.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q25831602" then bg_color="#FF69B4" break end -- Jersey rosa.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q29168665" then bg_color="#FFC0CB" break end -- Jersey pink.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q29823248" then bg_color="#FFFFFF" break end -- Jersey white.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q28820591" then bg_color="#F5DEB3" break end -- Jersey red green.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q36859499" then bg_color="#CCFFCC" break end -- Jersey greendots.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q33060977" then bg_color="#C0C0C0" break end -- Jersey black.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q26858731" then bg_color="#FFFFFF" break end -- Jersey white.svg (Combinated)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q28823004" then bg_color="#FFFF99" break end -- Jersey combined.svg (Combinated)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q28604421" then bg_color="#FFD030" break end -- Jersey orange.svg (Combinated)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q43098388" then bg_color="#99CBFF" break end -- Jersey blue.svg (Combinated)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24790627" then bg_color="#FF8666" break end -- Jersey red.svg (Sprints)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q25831754" then bg_color="#99CBFF" break end -- Jersey blue.svg (Sprints)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q26806427" then bg_color="#90EE90" break end -- Jersey green.svg (Sprints)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q27478100" then bg_color="#C0C0C0" break end -- Jersey black.svg (Sprints)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q28060932" then bg_color="#BF80FF" break end -- Jersey violet.svg (Sprints)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q28483869" then bg_color="#FFFF99" break end -- Jersey yellow.svg (Sprints)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q33134180" then bg_color="#FF69B4" break end -- Jersey rosa.svg (Sprints)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q42532690" then bg_color="#E0FFFF" break end -- Jersey light blue.svg (Sprints)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q43278032" then bg_color="#FFC0CB" break end -- Jersey polkadot.svg (Sprints)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q47513277" then bg_color="#FFFFFF" break end -- Jersey white.svg (Sprints)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24645383" then bg_color="#FFFFFF" break end -- Jersey white.svg (Best young)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q26919967" then bg_color="#90EE90" break end -- Jersey green.svg (Best young)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q26209148" then bg_color="#99CBFF" break end -- Jersey blue.svg (Best young)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q26696523" then bg_color="#FFD030" break end -- Jersey orange.svg (Best young)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q29229790" then bg_color="#BF80FF" break end -- Jersey violet.svg (Best young)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q29982765" then bg_color="#FFC0CB" break end -- Jersey pink.svg (Best young)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q33134078" then bg_color="#FF8666" break end -- Jersey red.svg (Best young)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q38929482" then bg_color="#FFFF99" break end -- Jersey yellow.svg (Best young)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q33026698" then bg_color="#FF8666" break end -- Jersey red.svg (Best young)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q26953919" then bg_color="#8FBC8F" break end -- Jersey dark green.svg (Combativity)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q29957114" then bg_color="#87CEEB" break end -- MaillotCyan.PNG (Combativity)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q25265995" then bg_color="#F5DEB3" break end -- Jersey red green.svg (Combativity)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q29594765" then bg_color="#C0C0C0" break end -- Jersey black.svg (Combativity)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q30035039" then bg_color="#FFD030" break end -- Jersey orange.svg (Combativity)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q30035038" then bg_color="#90EE90" break end -- Jersey green.svg (Combativity)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q48691401" then bg_color="#F2BC38" break end -- Jersey Goldenrod.svg (Combativity)
num = num + 1
local tBodystyle = '|style='
if l == 1 and s.background == 'color' then
tBodystyle = tBodystyle ..'font-weight:bold;' -- winner is formated bold
if h.jersey[1] ~= '' and bg_color ~= nil then -- background color of winner depending on jersey
tBodystyle = tBodystyle ..'background-color:'..bg_color..''
else tBodystyle = tBodystyle ..'' end
if l == 1 and s.background == 'strong' then
tBodystyle = tBodystyle ..'font-weight:bold;' -- winner is formated bold
tBody =
tBody .. '|'..
number(h.rider[3], h.rider[1], wiki).. '|' --riderGender
if s.team_classification == false then
if h.rider[6]==nil then h.rider[6]='' end
if available_list==false
then tBody =
h.rider[5].. ' '.. --flag ID
h.rider[2].. --rider ID
'|'.. h.rider[6] --team ID
if country == true
--rank, rider ID, riderGender, nationality ID, flag ID, team ID
then tBody =
h.rider[2].. --rider ID
h.rider[5]..' '.. --flag ID
h.rider[4].. '|'.. --nationality ID
h.rider[6] --team ID
else tBody =
h.rider[5].. ' '.. --flag ID
h.rider[2].. --rider ID
'|'.. h.rider[6] --team ID
if available_list==false
then tBody =
h.rider[5].. ' '.. --flag ID
WPlink(riderID, 'team', startOfSeason)..
if country == true
then tBody =
WPlink(riderID, 'team', startOfSeason)..
'|'.. h.rider[5].. ' '.. --flag ID
h.rider[4] --nationality ID
else tBody =
h.rider[5].. ' '.. --flag ID
WPlink(riderID, 'team', startOfSeason)..
tBody = tBody.. '' --.. '\n'
if s.header_2[4]==4 then -- for table stageclassification, generalclassification, adds time and time gap
if l == 1
then -- points, time, time_gap, speed
tBody = tBody.. '|'..
calculate_time(wiki, h.value[2]).. '' --time
tBody = tBody.. '|'..
calculate_time(wiki, h.value[3]).. '' -- time_gap
--showgap = true
if s.header_2[4] == 7 then -- for table pointsclassification, adds points
tBody =
tBody.. '|'..
h.value[1] -- points
--.. '<span style="font-size:80%">'
if type(h.value[1]) == "number" then if h.value[1] > 1 then tBody = tBody..unit(wiki,7) else tBody = tBody..unit(wiki,6) end end
--tBody = tBody.. '</span>' .. ''
if s.header_2[3] == 4 then
if s.property == 'P2417' then -- for table teamtimetrialclassification, adds time
-- showgap = true
tBody = tBody.. '| '..
calculate_time(wiki, h.value[2]) .. '' -- time
if s.property == 'P3497' then -- for table teambytimeclassification, adds time and time gap
if l == 1
tBody = tBody ..'| ' ..
calculate_time(wiki, h.value[2]) -- time
.. ''--'\n'
tBodystyle = tBodystyle .. 'text-align:right;padding:0 0.2em 0 0.2em'
tBody = tBody.. '| '..
calculate_time(wiki, h.value[3]) .. '' -- time_gap
--showgap = true
if tBodystyle ~= '|style=' then
tBody = tBody ..
if s.property == 'P3496' then -- for table teambypointsclassification, adds points
tBody = tBody.. '| '..
h.value[1] -- points
--.. '<span style="font-size:80%">'
if type(h.value[1]) == "number"
then if h.value[1] > 1
then tBody =
else tBody =
--tBody = tBody.. '</span>' .. ''
if s.header_2[4] == 5 then -- for table teamtimetrialclassification, adds time gap
showgap = true
tBody = tBody.. '|'
if l > 1 then tBody = tBody.. plus end
tBody = tBody..
calculate_time(wiki, h.value[3]) .. '' -- time_gap
if s.header_2[5] == 6 then -- for table teamtimetrialclassification, adds speed
tBody = tBody.. '|'
if type(h.value[4]) == "number" then
tBody =
mw.ustring.format('%.3f', h.value[4]).. -- speed
unit(wiki, 5)
--'<span style="font-size:80%">'.. unit(wiki, 5).. '</span>'.. ''
if rank ~= nil then t_Body[rank] = tBody.. '}}\n' end -- sort table row into the right row
for _, m in pairs(t_Body) do tableBody = tableBody..m end
if showgap == true then tableStart = tableStart .. '|showgap=t' end
-- ##############################
local tableEnd = '{{نهاية نتيجة سباق ركوب الدراجات'
if tableNewline ~= ''
tableEnd = tableEnd .. '|clear=' .. tableNewline .. '}}'
tableEnd = tableEnd .. '}}'
--if showgap == true then tableStart = tableStart .. '|showgap=t' end
--return '{| style="'.. tableStyle.. '" \n |\n'..
--tableStart.. tableHeader1.. tableHeader2.. tableBody.. tableEnd.. '\n|}'.. tableNewline
return --'{{بداية نتيجة سباق ركوب الدراجات|style='.. tableStyle.. '}}\n'..
tableStart ..
tableHeader1 ..
--tableHeader2 ..
tableBody ..
tableEnd -- .. '\n'
--.. '{{نهاية نتيجة سباق ركوب الدراجات}}'
--.. tableNewline
return p