
من أرابيكا، الموسوعة الحرة
اذهب إلى التنقل اذهب إلى البحث

This template can extract information from a date, or can format a date. Time units can be added to a date.


  • خطأ: Need valid date

The following options are available:

  • add=periods to add • Add/subtract time units.
  • fix=on • Adjust invalid time units.
  • partial=on • Accept a year only, or a year and month only.
  • show=what to display • Specifies what should be extracted (such as dayname), or how to format the date (such as mdy).
  • sortable=on • A hidden sort key is inserted before the date (for use in مساعدة:ترتيب القوائم).

The date can be entered as the first parameter, or separate parameters can be used for the year/month/day/hour/minute/second components of a date.

By default, the date is displayed in dmy format, for example:

  • {{extract|2015-11-12}} → 12 نوفمبر 2015


A valid date must be specified. Dates are توقيت عالمي منسق—local times and time zones are not supported.

Dates from 9999 BCE to 9999 CE are accepted. The التقويم الغريغوري ‏ is used by default. Entering the parameter julian with a date uses the تقويم يولياني بروليبتي.

A date can include an era or a time, and a variety of formats are accepted.

Examples of valid dates follow. Each row shows two equivalent methods of entering a date.

A date as a single parameter Components of a date in separate parameters
{{extract|1900-02-01}} {{extract|1900|02|01}}
{{extract|1900-2-1 14:45}} {{extract|1900|2|1|14|45}}
{{extract|1 FEB 1900}} {{extract|1900|FEB|1}}
{{extract|February 1, 1900}} {{extract|1900|February|1}}
{{extract|Feb 1 1900 14:45}} {{extract|1900|Feb|1|14|45}}
{{extract|2:45 pm February 1 1900}} {{extract|1900|February|1|14|45}}
{{extract|1 February 1900 2:45 p.m.}} {{extract|1900|February|1|14|45}}
{{extract|BC 1 Feb 120}} {{extract|-119|2|1}}

The last example above uses the rule:

n BC is year 1 − n

Year 0 refers to 1 BC, and year −1 is 2 BC, etc.

Dates can also be entered with the following special names which are not case sensitive.

  • {{extract|juliandate|2451545}} → 1 يناير 2000 (التاريخ اليولياني 2451545 is noon 1 January 2000 UTC in the Gregorian calendar)
  • {{extract|juliandate|julian|2451545}} → 19 ديسمبر 1999 (which is 19 December 1999 in the Julian calendar)
  • {{extract|currentdate}} → 7 أكتوبر 2024 (the date shown is when this documentation page was last أرابيكا:تحديث)
  • {{extract|currentdatetime}} → 14:15 7 أكتوبر 2024

The following confirms that 16 February 2000 in the تقويم يولياني was 29 February 2000 in the تقويم ميلادي.

  • {{extract|julian|Feb 16, 2000|show=juliandate}} → 2451604 (Julian calendar was specified)
  • {{extract|juliandate|2451604}} → 29 فبراير 2000 (Gregorian calendar by default)

16 February 2000 in the Julian calendar can be converted to the Gregorian calendar in one line:

  • {{extract|juliandate|{{extract|julian|16 Feb 2000|show=juliandate}}}} → 29 فبراير 2000


These time units can be added to a date:

  • y years
  • m months
  • d days
  • h hours
  • min minutes
  • s seconds

Multiple periods can be given, separated by spaces. There must be no space between a value and the code for the time unit.

A hyphen can be used for a negative value. Periods are added in the order given.


  • {{extract|2004-04-03|add=28d}} → 1 مايو 2004
  • {{extract|2004-04-03|add=3m 28d}} → 31 يوليو 2004
  • {{extract|2004-04-03|add=28d 3m}} → 1 أغسطس 2004 (the order in which units are added changes the result)
  • {{extract|2004-04-03|add=-3d}} → 31 مارس 2004
  • {{extract|2004-04-03|add=-912345d}} → 5 مايو 495 BC
  • {{extract|2004-04-03|add=250h}} → 10:00 13 أبريل 2004
  • {{extract|2004-04-03|add=-2.5h}} → 21:30 2 أبريل 2004
  • {{extract|2004-04-30|add=-2m}} → 29 فبراير 2004
  • {{extract|2004-04-03|add=2y 3m 4d}} → 7 يوليو 2006
  • {{extract|2004-04-03|add=5.75d}} → 18:00 8 أبريل 2004 (years and months are integer only)


By default, the date entered must be valid. If fix=on is used, units which are too large are "fixed". For example, 26 hours would be regarded as 1 day and 2 hours.

Entering a day as zero is regarded as the previous day (the last day of the previous month). The day before the previous day would be indicated with -1.

Similarly, entering a month as zero goes back one month, and entering -1 goes back two months.


  • {{extract|2001|5|31|fix=on}} → 31 مايو 2001 (no fix is required)
  • {{extract|2001|5|0|fix=on}} → 30 أبريل 2001
  • {{extract|2001|5|-1|fix=on}} → 29 أبريل 2001
  • {{extract|2001|125|-1000|fix=on}} → 3 أغسطس 2008
  • {{extract|2001|0|12|fix=on}} → 12 ديسمبر 2000
  • {{extract|2016|3|0|fix=on}} → 29 فبراير 2016

The following shows how to get the date for a given year and day-of-year. For example, June 30, 2001 is day 181 in the year 2001, as can be seen by adding 181 days to the date just before January 1, 2001.

  • {{extract|June 30, 2001|show=dayofyear}} → 181 (date to day-of-year)
  • {{extract|2001|1|0|fix=on|add=181d|show=mdy}} → يونيو 30, 2001 (day-of-year to date)


If partial=on is used, the date may consist of a year only, or a year and month only. Addition is not supported for a partial date.

  • {{extract|2001|5|partial=on}} → مايو 2001
  • {{extract|2016|partial=on|show=isleapyear}} → 1


The following table lists most of the show parameters that can be used. Some of these work properly only with a full date.

Parameter Description
show=hide display nothing; may be useful with sortable=on
show=year year
show=month month (1 to 12)
show=day day of month (1 to 31)
show=hour hour (0 to 23)
show=minute minute (0 to 59)
show=second second (0 to 59)
show=dayabbr abbreviated name of day of week
show=dayname full name of day of week
show=dayofweek day-of-week (0=Sunday to 6=Saturday)
show=dayofweekiso day-of-week (1=Monday to 7=Sunday)
show=dayofyear day-of-year (1 to 366)
show=era an era code such as BC or BCE
show=format code for the detected format of the input date (dmy, mdy, ymd)
show=gsd Gregorian serial date
show=juliandate Julian day
show=isleapyear 1 if the date is in a leap year; 0 otherwise
show=monthabbr abbreviated name of month
show=monthdays number of days in the month of the date
show=monthname full name of month
show=dmy show date as "day month year" (default)
show=mdy show date as "month day, year"
show=ymd show date as "year-month-day"


  • {{extract|1 Feb 2001}} → 1 فبراير 2001
  • {{extract|FEB 1 2001}} → 1 فبراير 2001
  • {{extract|2001-2-1}} → 1 فبراير 2001
  • {{extract|1 Feb 2001|show=format}} → dmy
  • {{extract|FEB 1 2001|show=format}} → mdy
  • {{extract|2001-2-1|show=format}} → ymd
  • {{extract|1 Feb 2001|show=mdy}} → فبراير 1, 2001
  • {{extract|1 Feb 2001|show=ymd}} → 2001-02-01
  • {{extract|June 30, 2001|show=dayname}} → الجمعة
  • {{extract|June 30, 2001|show=dayofyear}} → 181
  • {{extract|2001-2-1|show=monthname}} → فبراير
  • {{extract|2001-2-1|show=a %{dayname} in %{monthname} }} → a الأربعاء in فبراير

Some show options will not produce a useful result with a partial date, for example:

  • {{extract|2001|partial=on|show=juliandate}} → juliandate
  • {{extract|2001|partial=on|show=monthname}} → monthname


The sort options are:

Parameter Description
sortable=off No sort key (default).
sortable=on Output a hidden sort key for use in مساعدة:ترتيب القوائم.
sortable=debug Same as sortable=on but the sort key is displayed for testing.

The sort key is calculated from the juliandate value. For a partial date such as May 2016, the first day in the range is used (1 May 2016).

If wanted, show=hide can be used so the date is not displayed.


  • {{extract|1 Jan 2001|sortable=on}}1 يناير 2001
  • {{extract|1 Jan 2001|sortable=on|show=hide}}
  • {{extract|2300 BCE|partial=on|sortable=debug}}7005881367500000000♠2300 BCE
  • {{extract|1 Jan 2001|sortable=debug}}7006245191050000000♠1 يناير 2001
  • {{extract|1 Jan 2001|sortable=debug|show=hide}}7006245191050000000♠
  • {{extract|00:12 1 Jan 2001|sortable=debug|show=hide}}7006245191050833333♠