تضامنًا مع حق الشعب الفلسطيني |
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اذهب إلى البحث
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
With this tool you can add the template {{commonscat}} to categories.
The tool works by following the interwiki links. If the template is present on
another language page, the bot will use it.
You could probably use it at articles as well, but this isn't tested.
This bot uses pagegenerators to get a list of pages. The following options are
-always Don't prompt you for each replacement. Warning message
has not to be confirmed. ATTENTION: Use this with care!
-summary:XYZ Set the action summary message for the edit to XYZ,
otherwise it uses messages from add_text.py as default.
-checkcurrent Work on all category pages that use the primary commonscat
For example to go through all categories:
python pwb.py commonscat -start:Category:!
# Commonscat bot:
# Take a page. Follow the interwiki's and look for the commonscat template
# *Found zero templates. Done.
# *Found one template. Add this template
# *Found more templates. Ask the user <- still have to implement this
# *Update interwiki's at commons
# *Collect all possibilities also if local wiki already has link.
# *Better support for other templates (translations) / redundant templates.
# *Check mode, only check pages which already have the template
# *More efficient like interwiki.py
# *Possibility to update other languages in the same run
# Porting notes:
# *Ported from compat to core
# *Replaced now-deprecated Page methods
# *Fixed way of finding interlanguage links in findCommonscatLink()
# *Removed unused and now possibly broken updateInterwiki() method
# Ported by Allen Guo <[email protected]>
# November 2013
# (C) Multichill, 2008-2009
# (C) Xqt, 2009-2018
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2008-2018
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import re
import pywikibot
from pywikibot import i18n, pagegenerators, Bot
from scripts.add_text import add_text
docuReplacements = {
'¶ms;': pagegenerators.parameterHelp
# Primary template, list of alternatives
# No entry needed if it is like _default
commonscatTemplates = {
'_default': (u'Commonscat', []),
'af': (u'CommonsKategorie', [u'commonscat']),
'an': (u'Commonscat', [u'Commons cat']),
'ar': (u'تصنيف كومنز',
[u'Commonscat', u'تصنيف كومونز', u'Commons cat', u'CommonsCat']),
'arz': (u'Commons cat', [u'Commoncat']),
'az': (u'CommonsKat', [u'Commonscat']),
'bn': (u'কমন্সক্যাট', [u'Commonscat']),
'ca': (u'Commonscat', [u'Commons cat', u'Commons category']),
'ckb': ('پۆلی کۆمنز', ['Commonscat', 'Commons cat', 'Commons category']),
'crh': (u'CommonsKat', [u'Commonscat']),
'cs': (u'Commonscat', [u'Commons cat']),
'da': (u'Commonscat',
[u'Commons cat', u'Commons category', u'Commonscat left',
'en': (u'Commons category',
[u'Commoncat', u'Commonscat', u'Commons cat', u'Commons+cat',
u'Commonscategory', u'Commons and category', u'Commonscat-inline',
u'Commons category-inline', u'Commons2', u'Commons category multi',
u'Cms-catlist-up', u'Catlst commons', u'Commonscat show2',
u'Sister project links']),
'es': (u'Commonscat',
[u'Ccat', u'Commons cat', u'Categoría Commons',
'et': (u'Commonsi kategooria',
[u'Commonscat', u'Commonskat', u'Commons cat', u'Commons category']),
'eu': (u'Commonskat', [u'Commonscat']),
'fa': (u'ویکیانبار-رده',
[u'Commonscat', u'Commons cat', u'انبار رده', u'Commons category',
u'انبار-رده', u'جعبه پیوند به پروژههای خواهر',
u'در پروژههای خواهر', u'پروژههای خواهر']),
'fr': (u'Commonscat', [u'CommonsCat', u'Commons cat', u'Commons category']),
'frp': (u'Commonscat', [u'CommonsCat']),
'ga': (u'Catcómhaoin', [u'Commonscat']),
'he': (u'ויקישיתוף בשורה', []),
'hi': (u'Commonscat', [u'Commons2', u'Commons cat', u'Commons category']),
'hu': (u'Commonskat', [u'Közvagyonkat']),
'hy': (u'Վիքիպահեստ կատեգորիա',
[u'Commonscat', u'Commons cat', u'Commons category']),
'id': (u'Commonscat',
[u'Commons cat', u'Commons2', u'CommonsCat', u'Commons category']),
'is': (u'CommonsCat', [u'Commonscat']),
'ja': (u'Commonscat', [u'Commons cat', u'Commons category']),
'jv': (u'Commonscat', [u'Commons cat']),
'kaa': (u'Commons cat', [u'Commonscat']),
'kk': (u'Commonscat', [u'Commons2']),
'ko': (u'Commonscat', [u'Commons cat', u'공용분류']),
'la': (u'CommuniaCat', []),
'mk': (u'Ризница-врска',
[u'Commonscat', u'Commons cat', u'CommonsCat', u'Commons2',
u'Commons category']),
'ml': (u'Commonscat', [u'Commons cat', u'Commons2']),
'ms': (u'Kategori Commons', [u'Commonscat', u'Commons category']),
'ne': ('कमन्सश्रेणी', ['Commonscat']),
'nn': (u'Commonscat', [u'Commons cat']),
'os': (u'Commonscat', [u'Commons cat']),
'pt': (u'Commonscat', [u'Commons cat']),
'ro': (u'Commonscat', [u'Commons cat']),
'sco': ('Commons category', ['Commonscat', 'Commons cat']),
'ru': (u'Commonscat', [u'Викисклад-кат', u'Commons category']),
'simple': (u'Commonscat',
['Commons cat', 'Commons cat multi', 'Commons category',
u'Commons category multi', u'CommonsCompact',
'sh': (u'Commonscat', [u'Commons cat']),
'sl': (u'Kategorija v Zbirki',
[u'Commonscat', u'Kategorija v zbirki', u'Commons cat',
'sq': (u'Commonscat', [u'Commonskat', u'Commonsart', u'CommonsCat']),
'sv': (u'Commonscat',
[u'Commonscat-rad', u'Commonskat', u'Commons cat', u'Commonscatbox',
'sw': (u'Commonscat', [u'Commons2', u'Commons cat']),
'te': (u'Commonscat', [u'Commons cat']),
'tr': (u'Commons kategori',
[u'CommonsKat', u'Commonscat', u'Commons cat']),
'uk': (u'Commonscat', [u'Commons cat', u'Category', u'Commonscat-inline']),
'vi': (u'Commonscat',
[u'Commons2', u'Commons cat', u'Commons category', u'Commons+cat']),
'yi': (u'קאמאנסקאט', [u'Commonscat']),
'zh': (u'Commonscat', [u'Commons cat', u'Commons category']),
'zh-classical': (u'共享類', [u'Commonscat']),
'zh-yue': (u'同享類',
[u'Commonscat', u'共享類 ', u'Commons cat', u'Commons category']),
ignoreTemplates = {
'af': [u'commons'],
'ar': [u'تحويلة تصنيف', u'كومنز', u'كومونز', u'Commons'],
'be-tarask': [u'Commons', u'Commons category'],
'cs': [u'Commons', u'Sestřičky', u'Sisterlinks'],
'da': [u'Commons', u'Commons left', u'Commons2', u'Commonsbilleder',
u'Commonskat', u'Commonscat2', u'GalleriCommons', u'Søsterlinks'],
'de': [u'Commons', u'ZhSZV', u'Bauwerk-stil-kategorien',
u'Bauwerk-funktion-kategorien', u'KsPuB',
u'Kategoriesystem Augsburg-Infoleiste',
u'Kategorie Ge', u'Kategorie v. Chr. Ge',
u'Kategorie Geboren nach Jh. v. Chr.', u'Kategorie Geboren nach Jh.',
u'!Kategorie Gestorben nach Jh. v. Chr.',
u'!Kategorie Gestorben nach Jh.',
u'Kategorie Jahr', u'Kategorie Jahr v. Chr.',
u'Kategorie Jahrzehnt', u'Kategorie Jahrzehnt v. Chr.',
u'Kategorie Jahrhundert', u'Kategorie Jahrhundert v. Chr.',
u'Kategorie Jahrtausend', u'Kategorie Jahrtausend v. Chr.'],
'en': [u'Category redirect', u'Commons', u'Commonscat1A', u'Commoncats',
u'Sisterlinks', u'Sisterlinkswp', u'Sister project links',
u'Tracking category', u'Template category', u'Wikipedia category'],
'eo': [u'Commons',
(u'Projekto/box', 'commons='),
(u'Projekto', 'commons='),
(u'Projektoj', 'commons='),
(u'Projektoj', 'commonscat=')],
'es': [u'Commons', u'IprCommonscat'],
'eu': [u'Commons'],
'fa': [u'Commons', u'ویکیانبار', u'Category redirect', u'رده بهتر',
u'جعبه پیوند به پروژههای خواهر', u'در پروژههای خواهر',
u'پروژههای خواهر'],
'fi': [u'Commonscat-rivi', u'Commons-rivi', u'Commons'],
'fr': [u'Commons', u'Commons-inline', (u'Autres projets', 'commons=')],
'fy': [u'Commons', u'CommonsLyts'],
'he': [u'מיזמים'],
'hr': [u'Commons', (u'WProjekti', 'commonscat=')],
'is': [u'Systurverkefni', u'Commons'],
'it': [(u'Ip', 'commons='), (u'Interprogetto', 'commons=')],
'ja': [u'CommonscatS', u'SisterlinksN', u'Interwikicat'],
'ms': [u'Commons', u'Sisterlinks', u'Commons cat show2'],
'nds-nl': [u'Commons'],
'nl': [u'Commons', u'Commonsklein', u'Commonscatklein', u'Catbeg',
u'Catsjab', u'Catwiki'],
'om': [u'Commons'],
'pt': [u'Correlatos',
u'Commons cat multi',
'simple': [u'Sisterlinks'],
'ru': [u'Навигация', u'Навигация для категорий', u'КПР', u'КБР',
u'Годы в России', u'commonscat-inline'],
'tt': [u'Навигация'],
'zh': [u'Category redirect', u'cr', u'Commons',
u'Sisterlinks', u'Sisterlinkswp',
u'Tracking category', u'Trackingcatu',
u'Template category', u'Wikipedia category'
u'分类重定向', u'追蹤分類', u'共享資源', u'追蹤分類'],
class CommonscatBot(Bot):
"""Commons categorisation bot."""
def __init__(self, generator, **kwargs):
'summary': None,
super(CommonscatBot, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.generator = generator
self.site = pywikibot.Site()
def treat(self, page):
"""Load the given page, do some changes, and save it."""
if not page.exists():
pywikibot.output(u'Page %s does not exist. Skipping.'
% page.title(asLink=True))
elif page.isRedirectPage():
pywikibot.output(u'Page %s is a redirect. Skipping.'
% page.title(asLink=True))
elif page.isCategoryRedirect():
pywikibot.output(u'Page %s is a category redirect. Skipping.'
% page.title(asLink=True))
elif page.isDisambig():
pywikibot.output(u'Page %s is a disambiguation. Skipping.'
% page.title(asLink=True))
def getCommonscatTemplate(cls, code=None):
"""Get the template name of a site. Expects the site code.
Return as tuple containing the primary template and its alternatives.
if code in commonscatTemplates:
return commonscatTemplates[code]
return commonscatTemplates[u'_default']
def skipPage(self, page):
"""Determine if the page should be skipped."""
if page.site.code in ignoreTemplates:
templatesInThePage = page.templates()
templatesWithParams = page.templatesWithParams()
for template in ignoreTemplates[page.site.code]:
if not isinstance(template, tuple):
for pageTemplate in templatesInThePage:
if pageTemplate.title(withNamespace=False) == template:
return True
for (inPageTemplate, param) in templatesWithParams:
if inPageTemplate.title(withNamespace=False) == template[0] \
and template[1] in param[0].replace(' ', ''):
return True
return False
def addCommonscat(self, page):
Add CommonsCat template to page.
Take a page. Go to all the interwiki page looking for a commonscat
template. When all the interwiki's links are checked and a proper
category is found add it to the page.
self.current_page = page
# Get the right templates for this page
primaryCommonscat, commonscatAlternatives = self.getCommonscatTemplate(
commonscatLink = self.getCommonscatLink(page)
if commonscatLink:
pywikibot.output(u'Commonscat template is already on %s'
% page.title())
currentCommonscatTarget, LinkText, Note) = commonscatLink
checkedCommonscatTarget = self.checkCommonscatLink(
if (currentCommonscatTarget == checkedCommonscatTarget):
# The current commonscat link is good
pywikibot.output(u'Commonscat link at %s to Category:%s is ok'
% (page.title(), currentCommonscatTarget))
return True
elif checkedCommonscatTarget != u'':
# We have a new Commonscat link, replace the old one
self.changeCommonscat(page, currentCommonscatTemplate,
checkedCommonscatTarget, LinkText, Note)
return True
# Commonscat link is wrong
commonscatLink = self.findCommonscatLink(page)
if (commonscatLink != u''):
self.changeCommonscat(page, currentCommonscatTemplate,
primaryCommonscat, commonscatLink)
# TODO: if the commonsLink == u'', should it be removed?
elif self.skipPage(page):
pywikibot.output("Found a template in the skip list. Skipping %s"
% page.title())
commonscatLink = self.findCommonscatLink(page)
if (commonscatLink != u''):
if commonscatLink == page.title():
textToAdd = u'{{%s}}' % primaryCommonscat
textToAdd = u'{{%s|%s}}' % (primaryCommonscat,
rv = add_text(page, textToAdd,
self.options['always'] = rv[2]
return True
return True
def changeCommonscat(self, page=None, oldtemplate=u'', oldcat=u'',
newtemplate=u'', newcat=u'', linktitle=u'',
description=NotImplemented): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""Change the current commonscat template and target."""
if oldcat == '3=S' or linktitle == '3=S':
return # TODO: handle additional param on de-wiki
if not linktitle and (page.title().lower() in oldcat.lower() or
oldcat.lower() in page.title().lower()):
linktitle = oldcat
if linktitle and newcat != page.title(withNamespace=False):
newtext = re.sub(r'(?i)\{\{%s\|?[^{}]*(?:\{\{.*\}\})?\}\}'
% oldtemplate,
u'{{%s|%s|%s}}' % (newtemplate, newcat, linktitle),
elif newcat == page.title(withNamespace=False):
newtext = re.sub(r'(?i)\{\{%s\|?[^{}]*(?:\{\{.*\}\})?\}\}'
% oldtemplate,
u'{{%s}}' % newtemplate,
elif oldcat.strip() != newcat: # strip trailing white space
newtext = re.sub(r'(?i)\{\{%s\|?[^{}]*(?:\{\{.*\}\})?\}\}'
% oldtemplate,
u'{{%s|%s}}' % (newtemplate, newcat),
else: # nothing left to do
if self.getOption('summary'):
comment = self.getOption('summary')
comment = i18n.twtranslate(page.site,
{'oldcat': oldcat, 'newcat': newcat})
self.userPut(page, page.text, newtext, summary=comment,
def findCommonscatLink(self, page=None):
"""Find CommonsCat template on interwiki pages.
In Pywikibot >=2.0, page.interwiki() now returns Link objects,
not Page objects
@rtype: unicode, name of a valid commons category
for ipageLink in page.langlinks():
ipage = pywikibot.page.Page(ipageLink)
pywikibot.log("Looking for template on %s" % (ipage.title()))
if (not ipage.exists() or ipage.isRedirectPage() or
commonscatLink = self.getCommonscatLink(ipage)
if not commonscatLink:
possibleCommonscat, linkText, Note) = commonscatLink
checkedCommonscat = self.checkCommonscatLink(possibleCommonscat)
if (checkedCommonscat != u''):
u"Found link for %s at [[%s:%s]] to %s."
% (page.title(), ipage.site.code,
ipage.title(), checkedCommonscat))
return checkedCommonscat
except pywikibot.BadTitle:
# The interwiki was incorrect
return u''
return u''
def getCommonscatLink(self, wikipediaPage=None):
"""Find CommonsCat template on page.
@rtype: tuple of (<templatename>, <target>, <linktext>, <note>)
primaryCommonscat, commonscatAlternatives = self.getCommonscatTemplate(
commonscatTemplate = u''
commonscatTarget = u''
commonscatLinktext = u''
commonscatNote = u''
# See if commonscat is present
for template in wikipediaPage.templatesWithParams():
templateTitle = template[0].title(withNamespace=False)
if templateTitle == primaryCommonscat \
or templateTitle in commonscatAlternatives:
commonscatTemplate = templateTitle
if (len(template[1]) > 0):
commonscatTarget = template[1][0]
if len(template[1]) > 1:
commonscatLinktext = template[1][1]
if len(template[1]) > 2:
commonscatNote = template[1][2]
commonscatTarget = wikipediaPage.title(withNamespace=False)
return (commonscatTemplate, commonscatTarget,
commonscatLinktext, commonscatNote)
return None
def checkCommonscatLink(self, name=""):
"""Return the name of a valid commons category.
If the page is a redirect this function tries to follow it.
If the page doesn't exists the function will return an empty string
pywikibot.log("getCommonscat: " + name)
commonsSite = self.site.image_repository()
# This can throw a pywikibot.BadTitle
commonsPage = pywikibot.Page(commonsSite, "Category:" + name)
if not commonsPage.exists():
pywikibot.output(u'Commons category does not exist. Examining deletion log...')
logpages = commonsSite.logevents(logtype='delete', page=commonsPage)
for logitem in logpages:
loguser = logitem.user()
logcomment = logitem.comment()
# Some logic to extract the target page.
regex = (
r'moved to \[\[\:?Category:(?P<newcat1>[^\|\}]+)(\|[^\}]+)?\]\]|'
r'Robot: Changing Category:(.+) to Category:(?P<newcat2>.+)')
m = re.search(regex, logcomment, flags=re.I)
if m:
if m.group('newcat1'):
return self.checkCommonscatLink(m.group('newcat1'))
elif m.group('newcat2'):
return self.checkCommonscatLink(m.group('newcat2'))
u'getCommonscat: %s deleted by %s. Couldn\'t find '
u'move target in "%s"'
% (commonsPage, loguser, logcomment))
return u''
return u''
elif commonsPage.isRedirectPage():
pywikibot.log(u"getCommonscat: The category is a redirect")
return self.checkCommonscatLink(
elif "Category redirect" in commonsPage.templates():
pywikibot.log(u"getCommonscat: The category is a category redirect")
for template in commonsPage.templatesWithParams():
if (template[0].title(withNamespace=False) == "Category redirect" and
len(template[1]) > 0):
return self.checkCommonscatLink(template[1][0])
elif commonsPage.isDisambig():
pywikibot.log(u"getCommonscat: The category is disambiguation")
return u''
return commonsPage.title(withNamespace=False)
except pywikibot.BadTitle:
# Funky title so not correct
return u''
def main(*args):
Process command line arguments and invoke bot.
If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used.
@param args: command line arguments
@type args: list of unicode
options = {}
checkcurrent = False
# Process global args and prepare generator args parser
local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args)
genFactory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory()
for arg in local_args:
if arg.startswith('-summary'):
if len(arg) == 8:
options['summary'] = pywikibot.input(u'What summary do you want to use?')
options['summary'] = arg[9:]
elif arg.startswith('-checkcurrent'):
checkcurrent = True
elif arg == '-always':
options['always'] = True
if checkcurrent:
site = pywikibot.Site()
primaryCommonscat, commonscatAlternatives = \
template_page = pywikibot.Page(site, u'Template:' + primaryCommonscat)
generator = template_page.getReferences(namespaces=14,
generator = genFactory.getCombinedGenerator()
if generator:
if not genFactory.nopreload:
generator = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(generator)
bot = CommonscatBot(generator, **options)
return True
return False
if __name__ == "__main__":