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قالب:Cite legislation UK
توثيق القالب[أنشئ] [محو الاختزان][استخدامات]
Cite UK Acts of parliament, and UK statutory instruments
وسيط | وصف | نوع | حالة | |
Type | type | 'act' for Act or 'si' for Statutory Instrument
| غير معروف | مقترح |
Year | Year | The year of the Act or SI
| تاريخ | اختياري |
Chapter | chapter | The chapter number of the act
| رقم | مقترح |
Number | number | The number of the SI
| رقم | مقترح |
Name | act | The full name of the Act
| نص | اختياري |
SI name | si | The full name of the SI
| نص | اختياري |
Section | section | The section number, if you would like to cite a particular section | رقم | اختياري |
Schedule | schedule | The Schedule number, if you would like to cite a specific schedule; for acts with a single schedule, use '0' | رقم | اختياري |
Access Date | accessdate | The date that legislation.gov.uk was accessed | تاريخ | اختياري |
Date | date | The date the act was given Royal Assent or the SI was made
| تاريخ | اختياري |