قالب:شريط مركب/شرح

من أرابيكا، الموسوعة الحرة

هذه هي النسخة الحالية من هذه الصفحة، وقام بتعديلها عبود السكاف (نقاش | مساهمات) في 10:06، 14 سبتمبر 2023 (بوت: تعريب V2.1). العنوان الحالي (URL) هو وصلة دائمة لهذه النسخة.

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{{شريط مركب
| name = {{subst:PAGENAME}}
| state = {{{state|}}}
| titlestyle = 
| title = 
| image = 
| listclass = hlist
| selected = {{{selected|{{{1|}}}}}}

| abbr1 = 
| group1 = 
| list1 = 

| abbr2 = 
| group2 = 
| list2 = 

<!--[etc, to:]-->

| abbr20 = 
| group20 = 
| list20 = 


This template shares many common parameters with its sister templates {{شريط}} and {{شريط بأعمدة}}. The common parameters are marked with a cross. Please refer to the documentation of {{شريط}} for more in depth descriptions and examples of those parameters.

Setup parameters

The name of the template. The name of this template, for example, is "Navbox with collapsible groups".
state [uncollapsed, collapsed, plain, off]
The initial state of the show/hide feature for the main title. See {{شريط}} for more information. Does not affect display or hiding of group items, see staten, below.
Possible values are plain, off, and the default value of blank. See {{شريط}} for more information.
Possible values are child, none, and the default value of blank. Set to child if you wish to use the navbox inside of another navbox; with this option, the child navbox is borderless and fits snuggly inside of its parent navbox. The parent navbox may be the list area of {{شريط}}, the columns of a {{شريط بأعمدة}}, or a list area of {{شريط مركب}}. See {{شريط}} for more information and examples.

Basic data parameters

The title of the template, displayed centered in the titlebar at the top of the template.
Text or other elements to appear above groups/lists.
Image to the right of all of the groups/lists.
Image to the left of all of the groups/lists.
Text or other elements to appear below the groups/lists.

Group/list parameters

The title of each section.
The content/wikilinks that will be shown in the group. Use dots or bullets as separators (see the See also section). A {{شريط}} or {{شريط بأعمدة}} can optionally be used here with its border = child parameter set. If this is done, leave the corresponding groupn blank, as the child navbox will already provide the collapsible feature.
This is the abbreviation of the group. See selected parameter immediately below to see how to use this parameter. This parameter is optional, but recommended.
If the value of selected equals the value of abbrn, then listn is uncollapsed and all other lists are collapsed. If selected is left blank, or if it does not match any abbrn, then all groups are collapsed. Usually this parameter should be set to {{{1|}}}. Since this template is a base template for others, there has to be a way to pass the group parameter from the article, to the secondary template to this one.
The collapsed/uncollapsed options can be listed on the template's page by using the {{Collapsible sections option}} template in the <noinclude> part of the page.
staten [uncollapsed, collapsed, plain, off]
The initial collapsible state of listn. Set to collapsed by default. Overridden to uncollapsed if selected equals abbrn.
An image to appear in the listn content area on the right side.
An image to appear in the listn content area on the left side.

Style parameters

CSS style/s to apply to the entire template
CSS style/s to apply to titlebar; usually background:color. The color of wikilink text must be manually changed using span tags. For example use title = [[كشافة|<span style="color:ivory;">Scouting</span>]] to change the color of the link to ivory. The [show]/[hide] button and the vde link button use the color set in the titlestyle parameter. Here is an example of setting the titlestyle:
titlestyle = background:darkgreen;color:ivory;
CSS style/s to apply to the above and below parameters, respectively.
CSS style/s to apply to the title, above, below, and groupn parameters, all at the same time.
CSS style/s to apply to the image parameter. Does not get applied to the imagen parameters.
CSS style/s to apply to the imageleft parameter. Does not get applied to the imageleftn parameters.
CSS style/s to apply to all group heading parameters. Visit this website to get a lighter color similar to the title background color. Example:
groupstyle = background:lightgreen;
CSS style/s to apply to a specific group heading; overrides any CSS styles set in groupstyle.
CSS style/s to apply to all list content parameters.
CSS style/s to apply to specific list content parameters; overrides any CSS styles set in liststyle.
Padding to have in each list cell; defaults to 0.25em on the left/right and 0em on the top/bottom.

Microformat parameters

This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the infobox as a whole.
This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the infobox's title caption.
See أرابيكا:WikiProject Microformats for more information on adding microformat information to Wikipedia, and microformat for more information on microformats in general.


مثال أساسي

 {{شريط مركب
 |name = University of Michigan
 |state = uncollapsed
 |title = [[جامعة ميشيغان|<span style="color:#FFD700;">The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor</span>]]
 |titlestyle = background:#00008B;color:#FFD700;
 |listclass = hlist
 |groupstyle = background:#FFD700;color:#00008B;
 |image = 
 |selected = {{{1|}}}
 |group1 = [[جامعة ميشيغان]]
 |abbr1 = أكاديميون
 |list1 =
 * {{Ill-WD2|College of Engineering|id=Q3304503}}
 * [[كلية الآداب والعلوم والفنون في جامعة ميشيغان]]
 * [[Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy]]
 * [[كلية القانون في جامعة ميشيغان]]
 * [[مدرسة طب جامعة ميشيغان]]
 * {{وإو|كلية روس لإدارة الأعمال|Ross School of Business}}
 * {{Ill-WD2|School of Education|id=Q7895771}}
 * {{Ill-WD2|School of Information|id=Q7895773}}
 * {{Ill-WD2|School of Music, Theatre & Dance|id=Q7895775}}
 * {{Ill-WD2|School of Natural Resources and Environment|id=Q7895776}}
 * [[كلية الصحة العامة بجامعة ميشيغان]]
 * [[Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning]]
 |group2 = {{Ill-WD2|<span style="color:#00008B;">Athletics</span>|id=Q3174102}}
 |abbr2 = athletics
 |state2 = uncollapsed
 |list2 =
 * [[ملعب ميشيغان]]
 * [[Crisler Arena]]
 * [[Yost Ice Arena]]
 * [[Michigan Wolverines]]
 * {{وإو|ميشيغان وولفرينز فوتبول|Michigan Wolverines football|نص=Football}}
 * {{Ill-WD2|UM-OSU Rivalry|id=Q6837857}}
 * {{Ill-WD2|Little Brown Jug|id=Q6649347}}
 * [[Paul Bunyan Trophy]]
 * [[Cold War (ice hockey)|Cold War]]
 |group3 = Campus
 |abbr3 = campus
 |list3 =
 * [[مرصد أنجيل هول]]
 * {{Ill-WD2|Burton Tower|id=Q5000884}}
 * [[The Diag]]
 * {{Ill-WD2|Dennison Building|id=Q5236907}}
 * {{وإو|مكتبة جيرارد فورد الرئاسية|Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library}}
 * [[Hill Auditorium]]
 * [[Lurie Tower]]
 * [[Matthaei Botanical Gardens]]
 * [[Michigan Union]]
 * [[Museums at the University of Michigan|Museums]]
 * [[Nichols Arboretum]]
 * [[مدرسة طب جامعة ميشيغان]]
 * {{Ill-WD2|University Library|id=Q7895764}}

Nesting other Navbox forms

This example shows {{شريط}}, {{شريط مركب}} and {{شريط بأعمدة}} all working together. Press the edit button for the section to view the code. Note that each of the child navboxes has the first parameter set to child

Nesting Navboxes to get more groups/lists

You can conveniently nest Navboxes, including {{شريط مركب}}, to get an unlimited number of groups/lists. The following example uses one instance of {{شريط مركب}} to get the first 10 collapsible groups, a nested instance to get the next 10, and another nested instance to get the last 6. See the code to learn how it works. It is fairly simple to extend this to as many groups/lists as you like:

طالع أيضاً

navigation templates comparison
collapsible header color image groups style (body)
{{شريط}} collapsible navbox left/right of body yes yes
{{شريط مركب}} collapsible navbox left/right of body and/or in each list yes yes
{{شريط بأعمدة}} collapsible navbox left/right of columns no yes
collapsible attributes
type css classes javascript collapses when custom
initial state
collapsible tables collapsible defined in common.js 2 or more autocollapse on page yes yes