قالب:Citation Style documentation/language/doc

من أرابيكا، الموسوعة الحرة

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cs1|2 templates validate the content of |language= against language codes and names supported by MediaWiki. This page lists the language codes and names that MediaWiki supports. Language name and code pairs marked with a super-scripted dagger () are codes / names that are overridden by codes / names defined in وحدة:Citation/CS1/Configuration. See §Overridden codes / names. Use of language codes / names not found in these lists will cause وحدة:Citation/CS1 to place the article in تصنيف:CS1 maint: unrecognized language‎.

2-character codes

خطأ لوا في وحدة:Cs1_documentation_support على السطر 137: attempt to index local 'override_list' (a nil value).

3-character codes

خطأ لوا في وحدة:Cs1_documentation_support على السطر 137: attempt to index local 'override_list' (a nil value).

IETF language tags

This list contains legitimate IETF language tags, tags that look like IETF tags but are not or are malformed, and 'codes' that are not codes. cs1|2 templates support most of these IETF-like tags.

IETF language tags (ISO 639-1)

These language tags have the form xx-yy... where xx is an ISO 639-1 language tag and yy... is a two-or-more-character subtag that specify country, script, or other information; be-x-old is an exception. خطأ لوا في وحدة:Cs1_documentation_support على السطر 137: attempt to index local 'override_list' (a nil value).

IETF language tags (ISO 639-2, -3)

These language tags have the form xxx-yy... where xx is an ISO 639-2, -3 language tag and yy... is a two-or-more-character subtag that specify country, script, or other information. خطأ لوا في وحدة:Cs1_documentation_support على السطر 137: attempt to index local 'override_list' (a nil value).

Language names

This list contains legitimate IETF language tags, tags that look like IETF tags but are not or are malformed, and 'codes' that are not codes. For these reasons, cs1|2 templates do not support IETF-like tags and associated names. When these names are used in |language=, cs1|2 will attempt to validate them but such attempts are not likely to succeed.

خطأ لوا في وحدة:Cs1_documentation_support على السطر 137: attempt to index local 'override_list' (a nil value).

Overridden codes / names

Codes and names marked with a super-scripted dagger () are overridden by cs1|2:

  • Alemannisch – not an ISO 639 language name; when encountered, cs1|2 treats this as gsw ألمانية سويسرية
  • als – MediaWiki returns Alemannisch (als is the subdomain for the Alemannisch Wikipedia: als.wikipedia.org); cs1|2 uses the ISO 639-3 definition: توسك ألبانية
  • bh – MediaWiki returns भोजपुरी (bh is the subdomain for the Bhojpuri Wikipedia: bh.wikipedia.org); cs1|2 uses a modified form of the ISO 639-1 definition: بهارية
  • Bhojpuri – ISO 639 language code for this language is bho; MediaWiki returns the Bihari languages code: bh; cs1|2 uses the correct code bho
  • Blackfoot – not an ISO 639 language name; when encountered, cs1|2 treats this as bla خطأ: لا توجد وحدة بهذا الاسم "lang".
  • bn – MediaWiki returns বাংলা which is the language endonym; cs1|2 uses the ISO 639-3 definition (the exonym form): بنغالية
  • crh – MediaWiki returns qırımtatarca; cs1|2 uses the ISO 639-3 definition: تتارية قرمية
  • ilo – MediaWiki returns Ilokano; cs1|2 uses the English Wikipedia's preferred definition: خطأ: لا توجد وحدة بهذا الاسم "lang".
  • ksh – MediaWiki returns Ripoarisch; cs1|2 uses the ISO 639-3 definition: كولشية
  • ksh-x-cologخطأ: لا توجد وحدة بهذا الاسم "lang".; there is no ISO 639 code for this language
  • mis-x-ripuarخطأ: لا توجد وحدة بهذا الاسم "lang".; there is no ISO 639 code for this language
  • nan-twخطأ: لا توجد وحدة بهذا الاسم "lang".; to distinguish from nan (Bân-lâm-gú)
  • Valencian – not an ISO 639 language name; cs1|2 uses an IETF language tag ca-valencia, the Valencian variant of Catalan: خطأ: لا توجد وحدة بهذا الاسم "lang".