المعلومات عن «ملف:Prof. Haddara at a dinner held by the UNESCO's Director-General Rene Maheu (on his right) in Beirut. 01-02-1960 — in Beirut, Beyrouth..jpg»

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المعلومات الأساسية

عرض العنوانملف:Prof. Haddara at a dinner held by the UNESCO's Director-General Rene Maheu (on his right) in Beirut. 01-02-1960 — in Beirut, Beyrouth..jpg
تحويلة إلىملف:Prof. Haddara at a dinner held by the UNESCO's Director-General Rene Maheu (on his right) in Beirut. 01-02-1960 — in Beirut, Beyrouth..jpg (معلومات)
مفتاح الترتيب الافتراضيProf. Haddara at a dinner held by the UNESCO's Director-General Rene Maheu (on his right) in Beirut. 01-02-1960 — in Beirut, Beyrouth..jpg
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معرف النطاق6
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لغة محتوى الصفحةar - العربية
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قيمة الهاش06ba226bc8ecf7d0b1cd3dd143d7efbb6867be73
صورة الصفحةProf. Haddara at a dinner held by the UNESCO's Director-General Rene Maheu (on his right) in Beirut. 01-02-1960 — in Beirut, Beyrouth..jpg

حماية الصفحة

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