المعلومات عن «ملف:French Foreign Minister, UN Secretary-General Ban, and French President Hollande Raise Their Hands After Representatives of 196 Countries Approved a Sweeping Environmental Agreement at COP21 in Paris (23076185424).jpg»

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المعلومات الأساسية

عرض العنوانملف:French Foreign Minister, UN Secretary-General Ban, and French President Hollande Raise Their Hands After Representatives of 196 Countries Approved a Sweeping Environmental Agreement at COP21 in Paris (23076185424).jpg
تحويلة إلىملف:French Foreign Minister, UN Secretary-General Ban, and French President Hollande Raise Their Hands After Representatives of 196 Countries Approved a Sweeping Environmental Agreement at COP21 in Paris (23076185424).jpg (معلومات)
مفتاح الترتيب الافتراضيFrench Foreign Minister, UN Secretary-General Ban, and French President Hollande Raise Their Hands After Representatives of 196 Countries Approved a Sweeping Environmental Agreement at COP21 in Paris (23076185424).jpg
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معرف النطاق6
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قيمة الهاش418587b30ed5f78e9920b45321d1758dc181685a
صورة الصفحةFrench Foreign Minister, UN Secretary-General Ban, and French President Hollande Raise Their Hands After Representatives of 196 Countries Approved a Sweeping Environmental Agreement at COP21 in Paris (23076185424).jpg

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