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وحدة:Transclude random subpage
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صُنفت هذه الوحدة على أنها في مرحلة ألفا. تكون الوحدة في هذه المرحلة جاهزة نوعا ما لأن تستخدم من طرف ثالث، أي بمعنى أخر على النطاقات في صفحات التجارب. لكن يجب أن تستخدم في صفحات محددة للغاية وأن لا يوسع إستخدامها ابدا، حتى تنتقل للمرحلة التي بعدها. يجب أن يضاف لهذه الوحدة صفحة توثيق تشرح مدخلاتها وطريقة استخدامها. يجب أن تراقب هذه الوحدة جيدا وملاحظة أي أخطاء قد تحدث والعمل على عزلها وإصلاحها. |
This module implements {{Transclude random subpage}}. Please see the template page for documentation.
-- [From en.wiki : This module implements [[Template:Transclude random subpage]]. It is alpha software.
local p = {}
local mRandom = require('Module:Random')
local currentTitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
-- tracking function added by BHG 29/04/2019
-- called as subPageTrackingCategories(pages, args.max)
local function subPageTrackingCategories(pages, max)
local retval = "";
local availableSubPageCount = 0;
local i;
local thispagetitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
-- don't track DYK etc, only selected/featured articles, biogs etc
if ((string.find(pages.subpage, "/[sS]elected") == -1) and (string.find(pages.subpage, "/[fF]eatured") == -1)) then
return retval
-- no tracking unless we are in Portal namespace
if (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText ~= "Portal") then
return ""
-- no tracking if this is a subpage
if ((mw.ustring.match(thispagetitle, "/") ~= nil) and (thispagetitle ~= "AC/DC")) then
return retval
if (max == nil) then
return "[[Category:Random portal component with no value for max]]"
-- limit checking to prevent Lua overload
local myMaxCheck = 60
if tonumber(max) < myMaxCheck then
myMaxCheck = tonumber(max)
for i=1,myMaxCheck do
local aSubPage = mw.title.new(pages.subpage .. '/' .. i)
if (aSubPage.exists) then
availableSubPageCount = availableSubPageCount + 1;
if myMaxCheck >= tonumber(max) then
if (availableSubPageCount < tonumber(max)) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Random portal component with fewer available subpages than specified max]]"
elseif (availableSubPageCount > tonumber(max)) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Random portal component with more available subpages than specified max]]"
-- before categorising, check what type of subpage we are categorising, and if detected, categorise images separately
local subpageType = "subpages" -- generic type
local subpageName = pages.subpage
subpageName = mw.ustring.gsub(subpageName, "^[^/]*/", "")
subpageName = mw.ustring.lower(subpageName)
if ((mw.ustring.find(subpageName, "picture", 1, true) ~= nil) or
(mw.ustring.find(subpageName, "image", 1, true) ~= nil) or
(mw.ustring.find(subpageName, "panorama", 1, true) ~= nil)) then
subpageType = "image subpages"
if (availableSubPageCount < 2) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Random portal component with less than 2 available " .. subpageType .. "]]"
elseif (availableSubPageCount <= 5) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Random portal component with 2–5 available " .. subpageType .. "]]"
elseif (availableSubPageCount <= 10) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Random portal component with 6–10 available " .. subpageType .. "]]"
elseif (availableSubPageCount <= 15) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Random portal component with 11–15 available " .. subpageType .. "]]"
elseif (availableSubPageCount <= 20) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Random portal component with 16–20 available " .. subpageType .. "]]"
elseif (availableSubPageCount <= 25) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Random portal component with 21–25 available " .. subpageType .. "]]"
elseif (availableSubPageCount <= 30) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Random portal component with 26–30 available " .. subpageType .. "]]"
elseif (availableSubPageCount <= 40) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Random portal component with 31–40 available " .. subpageType .. "]]"
elseif (availableSubPageCount <= 50) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Random portal component with 41–50 available " .. subpageType .. "]]"
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Random portal component with over 50 available " .. subpageType .. "]]"
return retval;
local function getRandomNumber(max)
-- gets a random integer between 1 and max; max defaults to 1
return mRandom.number{max or 1}
local function expandArg(args, key)
-- Emulate how unspecified template parameters appear in wikitext. If the
-- specified argument exists, its value is returned, and if not the argument
-- name is returned inside triple curly braces.
local val = args[key]
if val then
return val
return string.format('{{{%s}}}', key)
local function getPages(args)
local pages = {}
pages.root = args.rootpage or currentTitle.prefixedText
pages.subpage = pages.root .. '/' .. expandArg(args, 'subpage')
return pages
local function tryExpandTemplate(frame, title, args)
local success, result = pcall(frame.expandTemplate, frame, {title = title, args = args})
if success then
return result
local msg = string.format(
'<strong class="error">The page "[[%s]]" does not exist.</strong>',
if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 100 then -- is in the portal namespace
msg = msg .. '[[Category:Portals needing attention]]'
return msg
local function getNumberedSubpageContent(frame, pages, num)
return tryExpandTemplate(
pages.subpage .. '/' .. num
function p._main(args, frame)
frame = frame or mw.getCurrentFrame()
local pages = getPages(args)
local prefix = args.prefix or ''
local max = args.max or 1
local ret = {}
local r = getRandomNumber(max)
for i = 1, (args.several or 1) do
local num = ((r + i - 1) % max) + 1
ret[#ret + 1] = prefix .. getNumberedSubpageContent(frame, pages, num)
if args.more then
ret[#ret + 1] = string.format('<div class="noprint" style="float: right;"><b>[[%s|%s]]</b></div>', pages.subpage, args.more)
if args.leftfooter then
ret[#ret + 1] = string.format('<div class="noprint" style="float: left;">%s</div>', args.leftfooter)
if args.rightfooter then
ret[#ret + 1] = string.format('<div class="noprint" style="float: right;">%s</div>', args.rightfooter)
return table.concat(ret, '\n') .. subPageTrackingCategories(pages, max, args.header)
local function makeInvokeFunction(func)
return function (frame)
local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame, {
trim = false,
removeBlanks = false,
wrappers = {
'Template:Transclude random subpage',
'Template:Transclude random subpage/BHG-test',
return func(args, frame)
p.main = makeInvokeFunction(p._main)
return p