تضامنًا مع حق الشعب الفلسطيني |
صُنفت هذه الوحدة على أنها في مرحلة ألفا. تكون الوحدة في هذه المرحلة جاهزة نوعا ما لأن تستخدم من طرف ثالث، أي بمعنى أخر على النطاقات في صفحات التجارب. لكن يجب أن تستخدم في صفحات محددة للغاية وأن لا يوسع إستخدامها ابدا، حتى تنتقل للمرحلة التي بعدها. يجب أن يضاف لهذه الوحدة صفحة توثيق تشرح مدخلاتها وطريقة استخدامها. يجب أن تراقب هذه الوحدة جيدا وملاحظة أي أخطاء قد تحدث والعمل على عزلها وإصلاحها. |
This module is inspired by the templates {{m}} and {{l}} and their associated modules on Wiktionary. It has a Wiktionary link function that links to the correct section of the Wiktionary entry, and applies correct language formatting and italics. The language formatting function does most of what {{رمز لغة}} does, as well as applying appropriate italicization.
It should eventually be able to generate the text in numerous templates, such as {{فرن}}. (Or even more ambitious, it could generate automatic transliteration and IPA for some languages, to be used in templates like {{lang-rus}}.)
* {{#invoke:language|wikt|en|language}} * {{#invoke:language|wikt|en|language|languages}} * {{#invoke:Language|wikt|fr|bourguignon}} * {{#invoke:Language|wikt|la|homō}} * {{#invoke:Language|wikt|grc|δημοκρατίᾱ}} * {{#invoke:Language|wikt|ru|язы́к}} * {{#invoke:Language|lang|ru|язы́к}} * {{#invoke:Language|wikt|ar|العَرَبِيَّة}} * {{#invoke:Language|wikt|fa|فارسی}}
Invalid codes
* {{#invoke:language|wikt|EN|language}} * {{#invoke:language|wikt|En|language|languages}} * {{#invoke:Language|wikt|La|homō}} * {{#invoke:Language|wikt|Grc|δημοκρατίᾱ}} * {{#invoke:Language|wikt|Ru|язы́к}} * {{#invoke:Language|lang|Ru|язы́к}} * {{#invoke:Language|wikt|Ar|العَرَبِيَّة}} * {{#invoke:Language|wikt|Fa|فارسی}}
* {{#invoke:Language|wikt|en-Latin|language}}
- language [
is not a valid script code.]
Pages with the prefix 'Language' in the 'Module' and 'Module talk' namespaces:
Language |
- Language/data
- Language/data/ISO 639-1
- Language/data/ISO 639-2
- Language/data/ISO 639-2B
- Language/data/ISO 639-3
- Language/data/ISO 639-3 (dep)
- Language/data/ISO 639-5
- Language/data/ISO 639 deprecated
- Language/data/ISO 639 name to code
- Language/data/ISO 639 override
- Language/data/iana languages
- Language/data/iana regions
- Language/data/iana scripts
- Language/data/iso 15924
- Language/data/iso 3166-1
- Language/data/names
- Language/data/un m.49
- Language/data/wp languages
- Language/external links
- Language/external links/شرح
- Language/name
- Language/name/data
- Language/name/data/شرح
- Language/name/شرح
- Language/scripts
- Language/scripts/data
- Language/scripts/شرح
- Language/text
- Language/text/شرح
- Language/شرح
require('Module:No globals')
local p = {}
local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub
local find = mw.ustring.find
local match = mw.ustring.match
local lower = mw.ustring.lower
local upper = mw.ustring.upper
local U = mw.ustring.char
--[[ Name is the "canonical name" used on Wiktionary. Article is the Wikipedia article. Script is the ISO 15924 code. ]]
local languages = {
["ang"] = {
["name"] = "Old English",
["article"] = {"Old English"},
["scripts"] = {"Latn"},
-- Remove macrons, acutes, and overdots
["replacements"] = {
["[ĀÁ]"] = "A",
["[āá]"] = "a",
["[ǢǼ]"] = "Æ",
["[ǣǽ]"] = "æ",
["Ċ"] = "C",
["ċ"] = "c",
["[ĒÉ]"] = "E",
["[ēé]"] = "e",
["Ġ"] = "G",
["ġ"] = "g",
["[ĪÍ]"] = "I",
["[īí]"] = "i",
["[ŌÓ]"] = "O",
["[ōó]"] = "o",
["[ŪÚ]"] = "U",
["[ūú]"] = "u",
["[ȲÝ]"] = "Y",
["[ȳý]"] = "y",
["ar"] = {
["name"] = "Arabic",
["article"] = "Arabic language",
["scripts"] = { "Arab" },
--[[ ālif with wasla is replaced by ālif;
taṭwīl, fatḥatan, ḍammatan, kasratan,
fatḥa, ḍamma, kasra,
shadda, sukūn, and superscript (dagger) ālif are removed. ]]
["direction"] = "rtl", -- Should be in the script data module.
["replacements"] = {
[U(0x0671)] = U(0x0627),
..U(0x0651)..U(0x0652)..U(0x0670).."]"] = "",
["bn"] = {
["name"] = "Bengali",
["article"] = "Bengali language",
["scripts"] = { "Beng" },
["de"] = {
["name"] = "German",
["article"] = "German language",
["scripts"] = { "Latn" },
["replacements"] = {
["ae"] = "ä",
["oe"] = "ö",
["ue"] = "ü",
["A[Ee]"] = "Ä",
["O[Ee]"] = "Ö",
["U[Ee]"] = "Ü",
["en"] = {
["name"] = "English",
["article"] = "English language",
["scripts"] = { "Latn" },
["es"] = {
["name"] = "Spanish",
["article"] = "Spanish language",
["scripts"] = { "Latn" },
["fr"] = {
["name"] = "French",
["article"] = "French language",
["scripts"] = { "Latn" },
["frm"] = {
["name"] = "Middle French",
["article"] = "Middle French",
["scripts"] = { "Latn" },
["grc"] = {
["name"] = "Ancient Greek",
["article"] = "Ancient Greek",
["scripts"] = { "Grek" },
["replacements"] = {
-- Vowels with macrons or breves are replaced with plain letters.
["[ᾱᾰ]"] = "α",
["[ᾹᾸ]"] = "Α",
["[ῑῐ]"] = "ι",
["[ῙῘ]"] = "Ι",
["[ῡῠ]"] = "υ",
["[ῩῨ]"] = "Υ",
["ϐ"] = "β",
["ϵ"] = "ε",
["ϑ"] = "θ",
["ϰ"] = "κ",
["ϱ"] = "ρ",
["ϲ"] = "σ",
["ϕ"] = "φ",
["hi"] = {
["name"] = "Hindi",
["article"] = "Hindi",
["scripts"] = { "Deva" },
["ja"] = {
["name"] = "Japanese",
["article"] = "Japanese language",
["scripts"] = { "Jpan" },
["la"] = {
["name"] = "Latin",
["article"] = "Latin",
["scripts"] = { "Latn" },
["replacements"] = {
-- Vowels with macrons, breves, or diaereses are replaced with plain letters.
["[ĀĂ]"] = "A",
["[āă]"] = "a",
["[ĒĔ]"] = "E",
["[ēĕë]"] = "e",
["[ĪĬÏ]"] = "I",
["[īĭï]"] = "i",
["[ŌŎ]"] = "O",
["[ōŏ]"] = "o",
["[ŪŬÜ]"] = "U",
["[ūŭü]"] = "u",
["Ȳ"] = "Y",
["ȳ"] = "y"
["mul"] = {
["name"] = "Translingual",
["article"] = "",
["script"] = { "" },
["pt"] = {
["name"] = "Portuguese",
["article"] = "Portuguese language",
["scripts"] = { "Latn" },
["pa"] = {
["name"] = "Punjabi",
["article"] = "Punjabi language",
["scripts"] = { "Guru", "Arab", }
["ru"] = {
["name"] = "Russian",
["article"] = "Russian language",
["scripts"] = { "Cyrl" },
-- Combining acute accent is removed.
["replacements"] = { [U(0x0301)] = "", }
["ur"] = {
["name"] = "Urdu",
["article"] = "Urdu",
["scripts"] = { "Arab" },
["zh"] = {
["name"] = "Chinese",
["article"] = "Chinese language",
["scripts"] = { "Hani" },
[""] = {
["name"] = "",
["article"] = "",
["script"] = { "" },
[""] = {
["name"] = "",
["article"] = "",
["script"] = { "" },
["replacements"] = {
local function ifNotEmpty(value)
if value == "" then
return nil
return value
local function checkForString(variable)
return variable ~= "" and variable ~= nil
local function makeLinkedName(languageCode)
local data = languages[languageCode]
local article = data["article"]
local name = data["name"]
return "[[" .. article .. "|" .. name .. "]]: "
local function makeEntryName(word, languageCode)
local data = languages[languageCode]
word = tostring(word)
if word == nil then
error("The function makeEntryName requires a string argument")
elseif word == "" then
return ""
-- Remove bold and italics, so that words that contain bolding or emphasis can be linked without piping.
word = gsub(word, "\'\'\'", "")
word = gsub(word, "\'\'", "")
if data == nil then
return word
local replacements = data and data["replacements"]
if replacements == nil then
return word
for regex, replacement in pairs(replacements) do
word = gsub(word, regex, replacement)
return word
local function getCodes(codes, text)
local languageCode, scriptCode
local errorText = ""
if find(codes, "^%s*%a%a%a?%s*$") or find(codes, "^%s*%a%a%a?-%a%a%a%a%s*$") then
-- A three- or two-letter lowercase sequence at beginning of first parameter
languageCode = find(codes, "^%s*%a%a%a?") and (match(codes, "^%s*(%l%l%l?)") or gsub(match(codes, "^%s*(%a%a%a?)"), "(%a%a%a?)", function(a) return lower(a) end, 1) )
-- One uppercase and three lowercase letters at the end of the first parameter
scriptCode = find(codes, "%a%a%a%a%s*$") and (match(codes, "(%u%l%l%l)%s*$") or gsub(match(codes, "(%a%a%a%a)%s*$"), "(%a)(%a%a%a)", function(a, b) return upper(a) .. lower(b) end, 1) ) or require("Module:Language/scripts").isLatn(text) and "Latn" or "unknown"
elseif find(codes, "^%s*%a%a%a?") then
languageCode = gsub(match(codes, "%a%a%a?"), "(%a%a%a?)", function(a) return lower(a) end, 1)
local invalidCode = gsub(codes, "^%s*%a%a%a?%-?", "")
errorText = ' <span style="font-size: smaller">[<code>'..invalidCode..'</code> is not a valid script code.]</span>'
elseif find(codes, "%-?%a%a%a%a%s*$") then
scriptCode = gsub(match(codes, "%a%a%a%a"), "%a%a%a%a", function(a) return lower(a) end, 1)
local invalidCode = gsub(codes, "%s*%a%a%a%a%-?$", "")
errorText = ' <span style="font-size: smaller">[<code>'..invalidCode..'</code> is not a valid language code.]</span>'
elseif codes == nil or codes == "" then
errorText = ' <span style="font-size: smaller">[no language or script code provided]</span>'
errorText = ' <span style="font-size: smaller">[<code>'..codes..'</code> is not a valid language or script code.]</span>'
return languageCode, scriptCode, errorText
local function tag(text, languageCode, script, italics)
local data = languages[languageCode]
local italicize = script == "Latn" and italics
if not text then text = "[text?]" end
local textDirectionMarkers = data and data["direction"] == "rtl" and { ' dir="rtl"', '‎' } or { "", "" }
local out = italicize and "<i lang=\"" .. languageCode .. "\" xml:lang=\"" .. languageCode .. "\"" .. textDirectionMarkers[1] .. ">" .. text .. "</i>" or "<span lang=\"" .. languageCode .. "\" xml:lang=\"" .. languageCode .. "\"" .. textDirectionMarkers[1] .. ">" .. text .. "</span>" .. textDirectionMarkers[2]
return out
function p.lang(frame)
local parent = frame:getParent()
local args = parent.args[1] and parent.args or frame.args
local codes = args[1]
local text = args[2] or error("Provide text in the second parameter")
local languageCode, scriptCode, errorText = getCodes(codes, text)
local italics = args.italics or args.i
italics = not (italics == "n" or italics == "-")
return tag(text, languageCode, scriptCode, italics) .. errorText
local function linkToWiktionary(entry, linkText, languageCode)
local data = languages[languageCode]
local name
if languageCode then
name = data and data.name or mw.language.fetchLanguageName(languageCode, 'en') -- On other languages' wikis, use mw.getContentLanguage():getCode(), or replace with that wiki's language code.
if entry and linkText then
return "[[wikt:" .. entry .. "#" .. name .. "|" .. linkText .. "]]"
error("linkToWiktionary needs a Wiktionary entry or link text, or both")
return "[[wikt:" .. entry .. "|" .. linkText .. "]]"
function p.wiktlang(frame)
local parent = frame:getParent()
local args = parent.args[1] and parent.args or frame.args
local codes = args[1] and mw.text.trim(args[1])
local word1 = ifNotEmpty(args[2])
local word2 = ifNotEmpty(args[3])
if not args[2] then
error("Parameter 2 is required")
local languageCode, scriptCode, errorText = getCodes(codes, word2 or word1)
local italics = args.italics or args.i or args.italic
italics = not (italics == "n" or italics == "-" or italics == "no")
local entry, linkText
if word2 and word1 then
entry = makeEntryName(word1, languageCode)
linkText = word2
elseif word1 then
entry = makeEntryName(word1, languageCode)
linkText = word1
local out
if languageCode and entry and linkText then
out = tag(linkToWiktionary(entry, linkText, languageCode), languageCode, scriptCode, italics)
elseif entry and linkText then
out = linkToWiktionary(entry, linkText)
out = '<span style="font-size: smaller;">[text?]</span>'
if out and errorText then
return out .. errorText
return errorText or error("The function wiktlang generated nothing")
function p.wikt(frame)
local parent = frame:getParent()
local args = parent.args[1] and parent.args or frame.args
local codes = args[1] or nil
local word1 = args[2] or nil
local word2 = args[3] or nil
local languageCode, scriptCode, errorText = getCodes(codes, word1)
local errorMessage = errorText
local italics = args.italics or args.i
italics = not (italics == "n" or italics == "-")
local entry, linkText
if checkForString(word2) and checkForString(word1) then
entry = makeEntryName(word1, languageCode)
linkText = word2
elseif checkForString(word1) then
entry = makeEntryName(word1, languageCode)
linkText = word1
local out = (languageCode and entry and linkText and tag(linkToWiktionary(entry, linkText, languageCode), languageCode, scriptCode, italics) ) or entry and linkText and linkToWiktionary(entry, linkText) or '<span style="font-size: smaller;">[text?]</span>'
return out and out .. errorMessage or errorMessage or error("The function wikt generated nothing")
return p