أرابيكا:برنامج ويكيميديا للتعليم/مؤتمرات/الأردن/1

  • العربيّة
  • English


بالرغم من أن الوضع السياسي غير مستقر في مصر في الوقت الحالي، أقام فريق برنامج التعليم في مصر مؤتمراً صغيراً في كلية الآداب بجامعة القاهرة يوم 27 فبراير 2013، للإحتفال بالنتائج التي حققها الطلاب في النسخة الثانية من برنامجد التعليم في مصر، والإعلان -رسمياً- عن بدء المشروع في دول أخرى هي الأردن والجزائر والسعودية.

افتتح المؤتمر "د. عبير عبد الحافظ" من قسم اللغة الإسبانية، وتكلمت عن روح البرنامج وأهميته في حياة الطلاب والمدرسون من حيث تنمية المهارات واكتساب خبرات جديدة.

تحدث بعد ذلك "فارس الجويلي" مستشار برنامج التعليم في الوطن العربي عن النتائج التي حققها برنامج التعليم في مصر على مدى عام 2012، وأن متوسط ما يكتبه الطالب المصري على أرابيكا العربية هو 9 مقالات، والطالب الأمريكي 5.5 مقالة، والطالب الكندي 2.8 مقالة. أي أن الطلاب المصريين حققوا أعلى معدلات على مدى نسختين من البرنامج. بجانب أن البرنامج المصري هو أسرع البرامج نمواً في العالم، في النسخة الأولى شارك 53 طالب، والنسخة الثانية أكثر من 160 طالب، منهم 87% من المشاركين من الإناث! بمعنى النمو بأكثر من 3 أضعاف المعدل العادي.

عرض "فارس" أيضاً خطة العمل الجديدة، وأعلن عن قادة البرنامج الجدد، وهم:

  • ولاء عبد المنعم، قائدة كلية الآداب، جامعة القاهرة
  • دعاء سيف الدين، قائدة كلية الألسن، جامعة عين شمس
  • هيلانة رأفت ومينا صابر، قادة كلية الآداب، جامعة عين شمس
  • سمير الشرباتي، قائد كلية التربية، جامعة دمنهور

ثم تحدث الأساتذة والقادة عن تجربتهم على مدار عام كامل البرنامج، في المشكلات والنجاحات.

بعد ذلك تمّ دعوة الطلاب للتحدث عن تجربتهم في البرنامج، وما هي التحديات التي واجهوها وما هي الخبرات الجديدة التي اكتسبوها من خلال مشاركتهم في تحرير أرابيكا.

في نهاية المؤتمر تم تكريم عدد 15 طالب متفوق في البرنامج و5 سفراء أكفاء، وذلك بمنحهم شهادة تقدير من مؤسسة ويكيميديا وقسيمة بمبلغ 100 جنيه مصري لشراء كتب من دار المعارف بالقاهرة. أيضاً كرمت مؤسسة ويكيميديا 60 طالب آخر بمنحهم شهادات تقديرية و7 سفراء آخرين. بجانب تكريم 12 أستاذ جامعي شارك في البرنامج.

صورة جماعية لبعض الحاضرين في المؤتمر

شاهد مزيداً من الصور على ويكيميديا كومنز من خلال هذا الرابط


August, 14: Isra University hosted a meeting for the Arab World Education Program. The group of six Egyptians was joined by representatives from Isra University as well as the Jordanian Ministry of Education and local university professors from other institutions. The President of Isra University, Dr. Naiman Al-Khatib, presented LiAnna with a plaque in honor of the visit. After visiting the President's office, the meeting started with a recap of the Arab World Education Program by LiAnna. She presented the numbers from the first three terms, showing increased growth each term. With Jordan's program just starting, it was encouraging to show the impressive results mainly driven by Egypt. The rest of the conference proved to be a good opportunity for the Egyptian professors and student Faculty Leaders to share their experiences and exchange ideas with the Jordanians. Most of the day was an open discussion with different general topics: challenges of the program, roles and responsibilities. Technical concerns were raised multiple times. Faris and others mentioned that the visual editor may help overcome some of these challenges in the future, while the student Faculty Leaders emphasized the ease with which a majority of students become comfortable editing articles with the right training and support. Tighe tried to emphasize the different roles of the participants, saying that neither the students nor the teachers need to be technically adept at editing a wiki, but the Ambassadors (both Campus and Online) and the Faculty Leaders are the ones who should help with these types of issues. Faris and Tighe described the structure of the Egyptian program to date, and noted that this was one of many models that could be followed. With the small number of active Jordanian Wikipedians, having a carbon copy of the structure is not necessarily possible. It is more likely that students will have to be recruited and trained to be ambassadors in the program. Towards the end of the meeting, LiAnna, Tighe and Faris had the large group break into smaller groups: one for Ain Shams, one for Cairo University and one for the Jordanian teachers. Each group was asked to come up with a workplan for the upcoming semester.

Conference Day August, 15: Isra University's Celebration conference was on Thursday morning. Dr. Nidal Yousef welcomed the group, which included students from Isra University as well as a teacher and a student from Al Bayan Academy, a secondary school in Amman. The group of visiting Egyptians was present as well as two local Jordanian Wikipedians who had gotten in touch with the group via Facebook. The student from Al Bayan Academy gave a speech about the importance of the Internet and Wikipedia, especially in the context of the "global village" that the world has become. Dr. Aish from Isra University also gave a speech about the importance of Arabic in particular. Dr. Abeer from Cairo University gave a speech on behalf of the Egyptian group, supporting the work of the program and telling how the students find great pride in work their work that is published online for the world to see. Tighe addressed the group in Arabic, thanking Isra University for their hospitality and commending the group for their work. LiAnna gave a summary of the Arab World Education Program's numbers. Faris and Dr. Nidal distributed certificates to students with significant contributions as well to the professors who participated. Other students who participated were also recognized without certificates. After the formal part of the celbration ceremony, there was a good opportunity for professors and students to exchange more of their thoughts and ideas informally in small groups. One of the most encouraging parts of the morning was having the Egyptian and Jordanian students gather in one corner of the room and talk about strategies for growing the program at their own schools and at other institutions. Many of the Egyptian student Faculty Leaders were able to give insights from their participation in the last three semesters about what has works (and what hasn't), and the two Jordanian Wikipedians were able to add particular insight from the Arabic community's perspective. At the conclusion of these two days there was much excitement and momentum, which will hopefully continue on online discussion on-wiki and on Facebook, a preferred means of communication for the Arabic Wikipedia community.

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