تضامنًا مع حق الشعب الفلسطيني |
قالب:الجدول الزمني من الانتفاضتين
<timeline> ImageSize = width:700 height:120 PlotArea = width:620 height:25 left:40 bottom:60 DateFormat = dd/mm/yyyy Period = from:01/01/1986 till:01/11/2006 TimeAxis = orientation:horizontal ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:1 start:01/01/1986 ScaleMinor = unit:month increment:2 start:01/01/1986
Define $hx = 25 # shift text to right side of bar
bar:Leaders color:blue width:20 mark:(line,yellow) align:right fontsize:s from:20/10/1986 till:13/03/1992 shift:(25,$hx) text:Yitzhak~Shamir from:13/03/1992 till:04/11/1995 shift:(20,$hx) text:Yitzhak~Rabin from:04/11/1995 till:18/06/1996 shift:(13,$hx) text:Shimon~Peres from:18/06/1996 till:06/07/1999 shift:(20,$hx) text: Benjamin~Netanyahu from:06/07/1999 till:07/03/2001 shift:(13,$hx) text:Ehud~Barak from:07/03/2001 till:14/04/2006 shift:(25,$hx) text:Ariel~Sharon from:14/04/2006 till:end shift:(25,$hx) text:Ehud~Olmert
LineData =
layer:front # all lines in front of bars unless stated otherwise from:09/12/1987 till:17/01/1991 atpos:65 color:red width:2 from:28/09/2000 till:08/02/2005 atpos:65 color:yellow width:2
Legend = columns:4 left:125 top:25 columnwidth:150 Colors =
id:IntiphadaI value:red legend:First_Intifada id:IntiphadaII value:yellow legend:Second_Intifada