local generic = require( 'وحدة:بطاقة/أدوات' )
local xmath = require("Module:Math")

local function convert_deg2HMS(D)
	local H= math.floor(D / 15)
	local M = math.floor( ((D/15 - H) % 14 )*60) 
	local S= xmath.round({precision = 3, value = (((D/15-H)*60) - M)*60 })

	return string.format("%02d:%02d:%05.3d",H,M,S)
    FROM: module:Coordinates 
   Helper function, convert decimal to degrees, minutes, and seconds 
local function convert_dec2dms_dms(coordinate)
	coordinate = xmath._round( coordinate * 60 * 60, 0 );
	local s = coordinate % 60
	coordinate = math.floor( (coordinate - s) / 60 );
	local m = coordinate % 60
	coordinate = math.floor( (coordinate - m) / 60 );
	local d = coordinate % 360 .."°"

	return d .. string.format( "%02d′", m ) .. string.format( "%02d″", s )

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