أرابيكا:مبادرة العطاء الرقمي/المقالات المقترحة/علم الحاسوب

من أرابيكا، الموسوعة الحرة
اذهب إلى التنقل اذهب إلى البحث

Computer Science

  1. SHA-2
  2. Speculative execution
  3. Year 2038 problem
  4. Directed acyclic graph
  5. Cluster analysis
  6. SHA-1
  7. Bitwise operation
  8. ECMAScript
  9. Breadth-first search
  10. 3-D Secure
  11. Usage share of operating systems
  12. Polymorphism
  13. Block cipher mode of operation
  14. Salt
  15. Exclusive or
  16. Hash-based message authentication code
  17. Extract
  18. Singleton pattern
  19. Cryptanalysis of the Enigma
  20. Trie
  21. Heapsort
  22. Rainbow table
  23. Tree traversal
  24. Behavior-driven development
  25. TypeScript
  26. Levenshtein distance
  27. Activation function
  28. Code talker
  29. Abstract data type
  30. Artificial general intelligence
  31. Database schema
  32. Prim's algorithm
  33. Join
  34. Factory method pattern
  35. Minimum spanning tree
  36. Hierarchical clustering
  37. Topological sorting
  38. Cypherpunk
  39. Cosine similarity
  40. Priority queue
  41. Relational model
  42. List of academic databases and search engines
  43. Zero-knowledge proof
  44. Magic number
  45. Monad
  46. Branch predictor
  47. Hamming distance
  48. Boolean satisfiability problem
  49. Radix sort
  50. Business Process Model and Notation
  51. Context-free grammar
  52. Foobar
  53. Shortest path problem
  54. Idempotence
  55. Applications of artificial intelligence
  56. Third normal form
  57. One-time password
  58. Memory hierarchy
  59. Best
  60. Check digit
  61. Binary heap
  62. Real-time computing
  63. Letter frequency
  64. Integer
  65. Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
  66. Jaccard index
  67. Relational algebra
  68. Event-driven programming
  69. Bombe
  70. Windows-1252
  71. Canny edge detector
  72. Message authentication code
  73. B+ tree
  74. Colossus computer
  75. Command pattern
  76. Associative array
  77. Beale ciphers
  78. Actor model
  79. Star schema
  80. Call stack
  81. Birthday attack
  82. Object-oriented analysis and design
  83. Context switch
  84. Forward secrecy
  85. Column-oriented DBMS
  86. Shamir's Secret Sharing
  87. Blowfish
  88. Second normal form
  89. Role-based access control
  90. Microkernel
  91. RC4
  92. Signed number representations
  93. David Gelernter
  94. Block cipher
  95. Anomaly detection
  96. Comparison of relational database management systems
  97. Chomsky hierarchy
  98. Data mart
  99. Exception handling
  100. Open Database Connectivity
  101. Database design
  102. Linker
  103. Linear congruential generator
  104. Teradata
  105. Cut
  106. Closure
  107. Isolation
  108. Digital Signature Algorithm
  109. Digest access authentication
  110. Self-balancing binary search tree
  111. Currying
  112. Abstract factory pattern
  113. Coroutine
  114. Dining philosophers problem
  115. Generic programming
  116. Apriori algorithm
  117. Connected component
  118. Two-phase commit protocol
  119. Illegal prime
  120. Multiple inheritance
  121. Skip list
  122. Fibonacci heap
  123. Circular buffer
  124. Delimiter
  125. Vertex cover
  126. Quantum programming
  127. Alice and Bob
  128. Hill climbing
  129. Agent-based model
  130. Cell
  131. Architectural pattern
  132. Preemption
  133. Data structure alignment
  134. Doubly linked list
  135. Division algorithm
  136. List of NP-complete problems
  137. Master theorem
  138. Two-phase locking
  139. Bucket sort
  140. Fragmentation
  141. Maximum flow problem
  142. Shellsort
  143. Discrete logarithm
  144. Xerox Alto
  145. Database transaction
  146. R-tree
  147. Multiplication algorithm
  148. Flat file database
  149. Tree structure
  150. Asynchronous I/O
  151. Common Lisp
  152. Grover's algorithm
  153. Adjacency list
  154. No free lunch theorem
  155. In-memory database
  156. Tail call
  157. Key size
  158. Universal Turing machine
  159. Higher-order function
  160. JD Edwards
  161. Time series database
  162. Memory segmentation
  163. Code page 437
  164. String searching algorithm
  165. Atomicity
  166. ALGOL 60
  167. Splay tree
  168. Hamiltonian path problem
  169. Functional dependency
  170. Independent set
  171. Initialization vector
  172. Row- and column-major order
  173. Edit distance
  174. Secret sharing
  175. Branch
  176. Short-circuit evaluation
  177. Counting sort
  178. Mersenne Twister
  179. Max-flow min-cut theorem
  180. Kolmogorov complexity
  181. Combinatorial optimization
  182. S-expression
  183. C99
  184. Type conversion
  185. Computer chess
  186. Futures and promises
  187. History of cryptography
  188. Graph
  189. Message passing
  190. Set cover problem
  191. Abstraction layer
  192. Static program analysis
  193. Snowflake schema
  194. Dynamic programming language
  195. Computational complexity of mathematical operations
  196. Timeline of quantum computing
  197. PKCS
  198. Concurrency control
  199. System programming
  200. Radix tree
  201. Serializability
  202. List
  203. Inverted index
  204. Loose coupling
  205. Cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator
  206. Amortized analysis
  207. Outline of computer science
  208. Executive information system
  209. Approximate string matching
  210. Nonlinear programming
  211. First-class function
  212. DBase
  213. Relational operator
  214. Pattern matching
  215. Communicating sequential processes
  216. Suffix tree
  217. Codd's 12 rules
  218. Authenticated encryption
  219. VC dimension
  220. Double-ended queue
  221. Outline of artificial intelligence
  222. Denormalization
  223. Formal verification
  224. User error
  225. Cycle detection
  226. Standard ML
  227. Consistency model
  228. Static single assignment form
  229. Randomized algorithm
  230. Strassen algorithm
  231. Profiling
  232. Decision problem
  233. Comparison of database tools
  234. Compare-and-swap
  235. Blob detection
  236. Constraint satisfaction problem
  237. Quantum information
  238. Algorithmic efficiency
  239. Operational data store
  240. Interval tree
  241. Side effect
  242. Coq
  243. Quickselect
  244. Kent Beck
  245. CORDIC
  246. Parsing expression grammar
  247. Blind signature
  248. Approximation algorithm
  249. Cursor
  250. Non-deterministic Turing machine
  251. Multiversion concurrency control
  252. Spatial database
  253. Programming language theory
  254. Statement
  255. Object code
  256. Candidate key
  257. Array programming
  258. Control flow graph
  259. Fixed-point combinator
  260. Citation index
  261. Fold
  262. X86 memory segmentation
  263. Trapdoor function
  264. Public key fingerprint
  265. Feature detection
  266. Pumping lemma for regular languages
  267. Where
  268. Longest common substring problem
  269. Web of trust
  270. Null
  271. Handwriting recognition
  272. Object file
  273. Duff's device
  274. IEEE 754-1985
  275. Reentrancy
  276. Clipping
  277. Affine cipher
  278. Cyc
  279. Algebraic data type
  280. Literate programming
  281. Topological data analysis
  282. Web engineering
  283. Job shop scheduling
  284. Dual EC DRBG
  285. Anonymous P2P
  286. Delegation pattern
  287. Pre-shared key
  288. Reversible computing
  289. Clipper chip
  290. Oracle machine
  291. Fourth normal form
  292. Iterator
  293. Signed zero
  294. Continuation-passing style
  295. Demand paging
  296. Context-free language
  297. Haxe
  298. Avalanche effect
  299. Don Norman
  300. Salsa20
  301. Trusted Computing
  302. Collision attack
  303. Peterson's algorithm
  304. Optimizing compiler
  305. Cold boot attack
  306. Local search
  307. Void type
  308. Microsoft Jet Database Engine
  309. Self-modifying code
  310. Cuckoo hashing
  311. Differential cryptanalysis
  312. CYK algorithm
  313. Ring signature
  314. Forward chaining
  315. Adversary
  316. CiteSeerX
  317. Set
  318. Evaluation strategy
  319. Data architecture
  320. Mean shift
  321. Bibliographic database
  322. MINIX 3
  323. Starvation
  324. Dependent type
  325. Hidden surface determination
  326. Glossary of graph theory terms
  327. Graph drawing
  328. Entry point
  329. Classical cipher
  330. Backward chaining
  331. Calling convention
  332. Hoare logic
  333. Commitment scheme
  334. Tree rotation
  335. Consistency
  336. Arthur Samuel
  337. Continuation
  338. Comparison sort
  339. Union type
  340. Factory
  341. Quadratic probing
  342. Ambiguous grammar
  343. Pseudorandom binary sequence
  344. Entropy encoding
  345. TorChat
  346. Cocktail shaker sort
  347. Model checking
  348. De Bruijn sequence
  349. Application virtualization
  350. Business performance management
  351. AI-complete
  352. Minimum-cost flow problem
  353. List of important publications in computer science
  354. List of online databases
  355. K-ary tree
  356. S-box
  357. OLE DB
  358. Comparison of parser generators
  359. Schnorr signature
  361. Affective computing
  362. Information visualization
  363. List of computer science conferences
  364. Binary decision diagram
  365. CCM mode
  366. Treemapping
  367. Lamport signature
  368. Communications security
  369. Embedded database
  370. Software transactional memory
  371. David Cheriton
  372. SQL Server Compact
  373. 2-satisfiability
  374. Game tree
  375. System F
  376. Meet-in-the-middle attack
  377. Malleability
  378. Dynamic loading
  379. A New Kind of Science
  380. Code
  381. No free lunch in search and optimization
  382. Subtyping
  383. Pipeline
  384. Parametric polymorphism
  385. Computer programming in the punched card era
  386. Map
  387. Collision resistance
  388. Communications Security Establishment
  389. Dominating set
  390. Christos Papadimitriou
  391. BQP
  392. Bitmap index
  393. DPLL algorithm
  394. Left recursion
  395. Graph isomorphism problem
  396. Disassembler
  397. Declaration
  398. Las Vegas algorithm
  399. Suffix array
  400. CPLEX
  401. Computational intelligence
  402. ALGOL 68
  403. Register allocation
  404. Terminal and nonterminal symbols
  405. Model-driven architecture
  406. Unification
  407. Treap
  408. CBC-MAC
  409. Denotational semantics
  410. End-user development
  411. Universal hashing
  412. Delete
  413. Temporal Key Integrity Protocol
  414. DFA minimization
  415. Fifth normal form
  416. Key server
  417. RSA problem
  418. SQL-92
  419. Aravind Joshi
  420. Cooperative multitasking
  421. Polynomial-time reduction
  422. Answer set programming
  423. Squeak
  424. Access Control Matrix
  425. Exact cover
  426. H.263
  427. Network Security Services
  428. Technology strategy
  429. Rope
  430. Blum Blum Shub
  431. Autokey cipher
  432. Tracing garbage collection
  433. Pseudo-polynomial time
  434. Single event upset
  435. Subgraph isomorphism problem
  436. Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science
  437. Optimal asymmetric encryption padding
  438. Algorithmic information theory
  439. Operator-precedence parser
  440. Armstrong's axioms
  441. Dutch national flag problem
  442. Linear programming relaxation
  443. Tree sort
  444. 74181
  445. Graph partition
  446. Confusion and diffusion
  447. Opportunistic TLS
  448. Glasgow Haskell Compiler
  449. Sorting network
  450. Call graph
  451. IBM Informix
  452. Gerald Jay Sussman
  453. PowerPC G4
  454. Block size
  455. EFF DES cracker
  456. Lamport's bakery algorithm
  457. Autonomic computing
  458. Advanced Encryption Standard process
  459. Artificial bee colony algorithm
  460. Van Emde Boas tree
  461. Computational creativity
  462. Rewriting
  463. Radiosity
  464. Operational semantics
  465. Deep Thought
  466. Maximal independent set
  467. Data domain
  468. Transactional memory
  469. Poly1305
  470. Instrumentation
  471. Jakob Nielsen
  472. Paillier cryptosystem
  473. Structural type system
  474. ElGamal signature scheme
  475. Graph cuts in computer vision
  476. Variable-length code
  477. CODASYL
  478. Microsoft Data Access Components
  479. Anonymous remailer
  480. Chosen-ciphertext attack
  481. Atomic commit
  482. Correctness
  483. Relational calculus
  484. Color quantization
  485. Aspect-oriented software development
  486. Empty string
  487. Tacit programming
  488. NSAKEY
  489. Chromatic polynomial
  490. Karger's algorithm
  491. Parameterized complexity
  492. Abstract interpretation
  493. Frame
  494. W. T. Tutte
  495. French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation
  496. ID-based encryption
  497. SQL Anywhere
  498. Data aggregation
  499. Dead code elimination
  500. NetLogo
  501. Camellia
  502. Hadamard code
  503. Data element
  504. Cigarette smokers problem
  505. Presburger arithmetic
  506. Ralph Kimball
  507. AA tree
  508. Asymptotic computational complexity
  509. Unique games conjecture
  510. Durability
  511. Proof assistant
  512. Canonical LR parser
  513. Deterministic pushdown automaton
  514. Earley parser
  515. Expander graph
  516. Loop optimization
  517. Channel I/O
  518. Computation tree logic
  519. Semantic security
  520. Constant folding
  521. Ciphertext indistinguishability
  522. Ad hoc polymorphism
  523. Name binding
  524. Destructor
  525. Function composition
  526. Jonathan Zittrain
  527. McEliece cryptosystem
  528. XOR linked list
  529. Skipjack
  530. DBLP
  531. Accuracy paradox
  532. Schedule
  533. Concatenative programming language
  534. Modula-3
  535. Lagrangian relaxation
  536. Interactive proof system
  537. Parallel random-access machine
  538. MAINWAY
  539. Nominal type system
  540. NTRUEncrypt
  541. Montgomery modular multiplication
  542. Distributed algorithm
  543. Trusted Computing Group
  544. Bees algorithm
  545. Turing degree
  546. Compiler-compiler
  547. NSA encryption systems
  548. Crypt
  549. Isabelle
  550. Arts and Humanities Citation Index
  551. Terry Sejnowski
  552. Collection
  553. Yarrow algorithm
  554. Merge
  555. Hybrid cryptosystem
  556. Powerset construction
  557. Sharp-P-complete
  558. Keystroke-level model
  559. Database theory
  560. Commit
  561. Secure voice
  562. Naked objects
  563. PowerPC 7xx
  564. Rule 184
  565. Inline assembler
  566. Unit type
  567. Structural induction
  568. Executable UML
  569. Arlington Hall
  570. Automatic parallelization
  571. B*
  572. Acoustic cryptanalysis
  573. GLR parser
  574. Polynomial-time approximation scheme
  575. Filesystem-level encryption
  576. Rubberhose
  577. Grille
  578. Mutual recursion
  579. Dominator
  580. Gpg4win
  581. Deterministic context-free language
  582. Leftist tree
  583. Catamorphism
  584. Back-end database
  585. Call-with-current-continuation
  586. Average-case complexity
  587. Agent-based computational economics
  588. Fortuna
  589. Turing reduction
  590. PCP theorem
  591. Partial evaluation
  592. Bill Inmon
  593. Corecursion
  594. SQL:2003
  595. Rabin cryptosystem
  596. Greibach normal form
  597. Comparison of object-relational database management systems
  598. Cryptographic Service Provider
  599. Pairing-based cryptography
  600. Generic function
  601. Zentralblatt MATH
  602. Crypto phone
  603. Multimap
  604. Function type
  605. GOST
  606. CAST-128
  607. Generalized algebraic data type
  608. Edmonds' algorithm
  609. KeeLoq
  610. SQL/PSM
  611. Circuit complexity
  612. Tree decomposition
  613. David J. Farber
  614. Domain-key normal form
  615. Simple Features
  616. Graph minor
  617. 40-bit encryption
  618. Chan's algorithm
  619. Transaction data
  620. Kleene's recursion theorem
  621. Object type
  622. Operational system
  623. Pairing heap
  624. Jim Bell
  625. Government database
  626. O(1) scheduler
  627. Michael A. Jackson
  628. Guarded Command Language
  629. List of complexity classes
  630. List of terms relating to algorithms and data structures
  631. Linear grammar
  632. Ross J. Anderson
  633. Introduction to Automata Theory
  634. TLS-PSK
  635. Generalized suffix tree
  636. Domain-specific modeling
  637. Astrophysics Data System
  638. Edge cover
  639. W-shingling
  640. Upper ontology
  641. SLD resolution
  642. Btrieve
  643. Charles H. Moore
  644. Station-to-Station protocol
  645. L
  646. Authorization certificate
  647. OCB mode
  648. Distributed concurrency control
  649. String operations
  650. Predicate transformer semantics
  651. Pie menu
  652. Jeffrey Ullman
  653. Search problem
  654. Operator-precedence grammar
  655. Flashsort
  656. Trellis
  657. Brian Reid
  658. EAX mode
  659. Blinding
  660. Hutter Prize
  661. Mizar system
  662. Threshold cryptosystem
  663. Role-oriented programming
  664. Check constraint
  665. Automated proof checking
  666. Esterel
  667. Proxy re-encryption
  668. Knuth Prize
  669. CMAC
  670. Pairing
  671. Total functional programming
  672. Communication complexity
  673. Feedback arc set
  674. Competitive analysis
  675. Quantum walk
  676. NESSIE
  677. Cardan grille
  678. The Third Manifesto
  679. Integrity constraints
  680. Cryptography law
  681. SQL:2008
  682. Interface-based programming
  683. Fair-share scheduling
  684. Database audit
  685. Internet studies
  686. BD+
  687. Snark
  688. Probabilistically checkable proof
  689. Skew heap
  690. Expression-oriented programming language
  691. Dijkstra Prize
  692. Language technology
  693. A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits
  694. Tutte polynomial
  695. 3M computer
  696. KASUMI
  697. Tomaso Poggio
  698. Asymptotically optimal algorithm
  699. Data warehouse appliance
  700. Cyberinfrastructure
  701. Three-pass protocol
  702. D
  703. Anonym.OS
  704. Jack Edmonds
  705. Delimited continuation
  706. IBM Research - Almaden
  707. Community network
  708. P/poly
  709. Lustre
  710. Probabilistic encryption
  711. Adaptive quadrature
  712. Vantage-point tree
  713. Conditional loop
  714. McCarthy 91 function
  715. Fusion tree
  716. Bozo bit
  717. Jack Dongarra
  718. Hasty Pudding cipher
  719. John Gage
  720. Application streaming
  721. MQV
  722. Boomerang attack
  723. Commitment ordering
  724. Key encapsulation
  725. Introselect
  726. Data element definition
  727. Coinduction
  728. OpenBSD security features
  729. CAcert.org
  730. Result set
  731. Link time
  732. Attack model
  733. Quantum finite automata
  734. Michael McRobbie
  735. Arrow
  736. Web of Knowledge
  737. AN/CYZ-10
  738. ISAAC
  739. Fractional cascading
  740. Multivariate cryptography
  741. A5/2
  742. IEEE P1363
  743. Feedback vertex set
  744. Abstraction inversion
  745. Deterministic encryption
  746. Peter J. Denning
  747. Maclisp
  748. YAWL
  749. Enterprise Data Modeling
  750. Anubis
  751. David Eppstein
  752. Andrew Project
  753. ARIA
  754. Catalog Service for the Web
  755. Aozora Bunko
  756. E0
  757. L-attributed grammar
  758. BATON
  759. Lock
  760. Automatic label placement
  761. ZINC database
  762. Parity game
  763. Secure Hash Standard
  764. Combinatorial search
  765. Platform-independent model
  766. Verifiable secret sharing
  767. Broadcast encryption
  768. SPIN model checker
  769. Kernelization
  770. Gadget
  771. V
  772. FEAL
  773. Order by
  774. Calculus of communicating systems
  775. Call Level Interface
  776. One-way quantum computer
  777. Lucid
  778. Computers and Intractability
  779. Brian Randell
  780. Artificial stupidity
  781. Vertex separator
  782. Laguerre's method
  783. POSSE project
  784. Mario Szegedy
  785. Interlock protocol
  786. Peter Landin
  787. Regular tree grammar
  788. Cobham's thesis
  789. Stable model semantics
  790. National DNA database
  791. Recordset
  792. Server-Gated Cryptography
  793. List of academic computer science departments
  794. Jim Highsmith
  795. Quantum digital signature
  796. WATFIV
  797. Alex Biryukov
  798. Merkle's Puzzles
  799. Hugh Darwen
  800. Block cellular automaton
  801. Soft heap
  802. Semi-Thue system
  803. ICE
  804. Oakley protocol
  805. Distinguishing attack
  806. ContactPoint
  807. CAST-256
  808. Proof complexity
  809. Cluster state
  810. Normal number
  811. Scott Ambler
  812. Deniable authentication
  813. The Humane Interface
  814. R
  815. James Clark
  816. KeY
  817. Combined Cipher Machine
  818. A-normal form
  819. Addition-chain exponentiation
  820. St-connectivity
  821. Strong NP-completeness
  822. List decoding
  823. AntiPatterns
  824. Cellular Message Encryption Algorithm
  825. Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing
  826. Star height problem
  827. Higher-order abstract syntax
  828. 3-Way
  829. Raphael Finkel
  830. List of functional programming topics
  831. John Alan Robinson
  832. Anonymous recursion
  833. Hirsch conjecture
  834. Hidden Field Equations
  835. Action at a distance
  836. NSPACE
  837. David E. Goldberg
  838. Graph state
  839. Information-based complexity
  840. Book embedding
  841. Tony Hey
  842. Kuroda normal form
  843. Common Algebraic Specification Language
  844. Ronald Fedkiw
  845. Full Domain Hash
  846. NTRUSign
  847. Hessian form of an elliptic curve
  848. P-Grid
  849. Benaloh cryptosystem
  850. Adaptive grammar
  851. Blom's scheme
  852. Automated Mathematician
  853. Anticipatory scheduling
  854. Global serializability
  855. Lovelace Medal
  856. Schnorr group
  857. Information algebra
  858. Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages
  859. Index locking
  860. Complete
  861. 2-EXPTIME
  862. Strong RSA assumption
  863. Coding by exception
  864. PostBQP
  865. Gio Wiederhold
  866. Fagin's theorem
  867. Paul H. Cress
  868. IDEA NXT
  869. Rabin signature algorithm
  870. Abstract family of languages
  871. Declarative Referential Integrity
  872. Artificial chemistry
  873. Heinz Zemanek
  874. Cryptomeria cipher
  875. Weak NP-completeness
  876. Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis
  877. Charles Goldfarb
  878. Akelarre
  879. COCONUT98
  880. Architecture of Btrieve
  881. Concrete security
  882. Cocks IBE scheme
  883. CMN-GOMS
  884. Mathematical Optimization Society
  885. Advice
  886. GMR
  887. Hierocrypt
  888. Monoculture
  889. ATLA Religion Database
  890. Implicit certificate
  891. Efficient Probabilistic Public-Key Encryption Scheme
  892. Complexity of constraint satisfaction
  894. David S. H. Rosenthal
  895. Muller automaton
  896. International Symposium on Graph Drawing
  898. SafetyLit
  899. Kotok-McCarthy
  900. GGH signature scheme
  901. Disaster informatics
  902. Graph-structured stack
  903. Decision Linear assumption
  904. Helmut Schreyer
  905. Herb Grosch
  906. David McGoveran
  907. Gerhard Weikum
  908. Plaintext-aware encryption
  909. Conjunctive grammar
  910. Constraint satisfaction dual problem
  911. Analytical Sciences Digital Library
  912. Cris Kobryn
  913. John Amsden Starkweather
  914. LR-attributed grammar
  915. Tom Berson
  916. Thomsen Diagrams
  917. Harmony Compiler
  918. Demzilla
  919. ADOdb Lite
  920. Nikos Lorentzos
  921. ECLR-attributed grammar